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Why The General Education Law Is Issued

Original Language Title: Por la cual se expide la ley general de educación

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115 OF 1994

(February 8)

Official Journal No. 41.214 of 8 February 1994

For which the general law of education is issued





ARTICLE 1o. OBJECT OF THE LAW. Education is a process of permanent, personal, cultural and social formation that is based on an integral conception of the human person, his dignity, his rights and his duties.

This Law sets out the general rules for regulating the Public Service of Education that performs a social function according to the needs and interests of the people, the family and society. It is based on the principles of the Political Constitution on the right to education that everyone has, in the freedoms of teaching, learning, research and professorship and in their public service.

corrected in the terms of Judgment C-458-15> Pursuant to article 67 of the Political Constitution, defines and develops the organization and the provision of formal education at pre-school, basic (primary and secondary) and average, non-formal* and informal, aimed at children and young people of school age, adults, farmers, ethnic groups, exceptional capabilities, and people requiring social rehabilitation.

Higher Education is regulated by special law, except the provisions of this Law.

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ARTICLE 2o. EDUCATIONAL SERVICE. The educational service comprises the set of legal norms, curriculum programs, level and degree education, non-formal education*, informal education, educational establishments, etc. social institutions (state or private) with educational, cultural and recreational functions, human, technological, methodological, material, administrative and financial resources, articulated in processes and structures to reach the objectives of education.

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ARTICLE 3o. PROVISION OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICE. 1 of Law 1650 of 2013. The new text is as follows: > The educational service will be provided in the educational institutions of the State. Individuals may also found educational establishments under the conditions which, for their creation and management, lay down the relevant rules and regulations of the National Government.

In the same way, the educational service can be provided in educational institutions of a community nature, solidarity, cooperative or non-profit.

The prevalent nature of the right to education on the economic rights of educational institutions is recognized.

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ARTICLE 4. QUALITY AND COVERAGE OF THE SERVICE. It is for the State, the society and the family to ensure the quality of education and to promote access to the public educational service, and it is the responsibility of the Nation and the territorial entities, ensure their coverage.

The state must permanently address the factors that favor the quality and improvement of education; especially, it will ensure the qualification and training of educators, teacher promotion, educational resources and methods, innovation and educational research, educational and professional guidance, inspection and evaluation of the educational process.

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ARTICLE 5o. EDUCATION GOALS. In accordance with Article 67 of the Political Constitution, education shall be developed on the following basis:

1. The full development of the personality without more limitations than those that impose the rights of others and the legal order, within a process of integral formation, physical, psychic, intellectual, moral, spiritual, social, affective, ethical, civic and other human values.

2. Training in respect for life and other human rights, for peace, for democratic principles, for coexistence, pluralism, justice, solidarity and equity, as well as for the exercise of tolerance and freedom.

3. The training to facilitate the participation of all in the decisions that affect them in the economic, political, administrative and cultural life of the Nation.

4. Training in respect for legitimate authority and law, national culture, Colombian history and patriotic symbols.

5. The acquisition and generation of the most advanced scientific and technical knowledge, humanistic, historical, social, geographical and aesthetic, through the appropriation of intellectual habits suitable for the development of knowledge.

6. The study and the critical understanding of the national culture and the ethnic and cultural diversity of the country, as the foundation of national unity and its identity.

7. Access to knowledge, science, technology and other values of culture, the promotion of research and encouragement to artistic creation in its different manifestations.

8. The creation and promotion of an awareness of national sovereignty and for the practice of solidarity and integration with the world, especially with Latin America and the Caribbean.

9. The development of critical, reflective and analytical capacity that strengthens national scientific and technological advancement, oriented with priority to cultural improvement and the quality of life of the population, to participation in the search for alternative solutions to the problems and social and economic progress of the country.

10. The acquisition of an awareness for the conservation, protection and improvement of the environment, of the quality of life, of the rational use of natural resources, of the prevention of disasters, within an ecological culture and of the risk and the defense of the nation's cultural heritage.

11. Training in the practice of work, through technical knowledge and skills, as well as in the assessment of it as the foundation of individual and social development.

12. Training for the promotion and preservation of health and hygiene, comprehensive prevention of socially relevant problems, physical education, recreation, sport and the proper use of free time, and

13. The promotion in the person and in the society of the ability to create, to investigate, to adopt the technology that is required in the processes of development of the country and to allow the educando to enter the productive field.

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ARTICLE 6o. EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY. According to article 68 of the Political Constitution, the educational community will participate in the direction of educational establishments, in the terms of the Law.

The educational community is made up of students or students, educators, parents or students, graduates, teachers and school administrators. All of them, according to their competence, will participate in the design, execution and evaluation of the Institutional Educational Project and in the good march of the respective educational establishment.

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ARTICLE 7o. THE FAMILY. To the family as the fundamental core of society and the first person responsible for the education of children, until the age of the age or even when any other class or form of emancipation occurs, it corresponds to:

a) Matriculate their children in educational institutions that meet their expectations, so that they receive an education according to the goals and objectives set out in the Constitution, the law and the institutional educational project;

b) Participate in parent associations;

c) Report on the academic performance and behavior of your children, and on the progress of the educational institution, and in both cases, participate in the improvement actions;

d) Find and receive guidance on child education;

e) Participate in the Board of Directors, associations or committees to ensure the adequate provision of the educational service;

f) Contribute in solidarity with the educational institution for the training of their children, and

g) Educate your children and provide them with the right environment for their integral development.

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ARTICLE 8o. Society. Society is responsible for education with the family and the state. It shall cooperate with the latter in the monitoring of the provision of educational service and in the performance of its social function. The society will participate in order to:

a) Foster, protect and defend education as the social and cultural heritage of the entire nation;

b) Require the authorities to fulfill their responsibilities with education;

c) Verify the good progress of education, especially with the authorities and institutions responsible for their delivery;

d) Support and contribute to strengthening educational institutions;

e) Encourage institutions to support education, and

f) Effective the constitutional principle that children's rights prevail over the rights of others.

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ARTICLE 9o. THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION. The development of the right to education shall be governed by special law of a statutory nature.







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ARTICLE 10. DEFINITION OF FORMAL EDUCATION. It is understood by formal education that it is taught in approved educational establishments, in a regular sequence of reading cycles, subject to progressive curricular guidelines, and conducive to degrees and titles.

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ARTICLE 11. LEVELS OF FORMAL EDUCATION. The formal education referred to in this Law will be organized in three (3) levels:

(a) Preschool which will comprise a minimum degree of compulsory education;

b) Basic education with a duration of nine (9) degrees to be developed in two cycles: Primary basic education of five (5) degrees and secondary basic education of four (4) degrees, and

c) Average education with a duration of two (2) degrees.

Formal education at its various levels aims to develop knowledge, skills, skills and values through which people can base their development on a permanent basis.

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ARTICLE 12. SERVICE ATTENTION. The public educational service will be attended by sequenced educational levels and degrees, in the same way through non-formal education* and through informal educational actions taking into account the principles of education. integrality and complementation.

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ARTICLE 13. COMMON OBJECTIVES OF ALL LEVELS. It is the primary objective of each and every level of education for the integral development of learners through structured actions aimed at:

a) Forming the personality and the ability to take responsibility and autonomy for their rights and duties;

b) Provide sound ethical and moral training, and promote the practice of respect for human rights;

c) Foster in the educational institution, democratic practices for the learning of the principles and values of citizen participation and organization and to stimulate autonomy and responsibility;

d) Develop a healthy sexuality that promotes self-knowledge and self-esteem, the construction of sexual identity within the respect for the equity of the sexes, affectivity, mutual respect and preparation for a family life harmonica and responsable;

e) Create and foster an awareness of international solidarity;

f) Develop school, professional and occupational guidance actions;

g) Forming an educational awareness for effort and work, and

h) To foster interest and respect for the cultural identity of ethnic groups.

i) 4 of Law 1503 of 2011. The new text is as follows: > The Ministry of National Education, through a coordinated work with the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and with support from the Road Prevention Fund, will guide and support development of the pedagogical programmes for the implementation of teaching in road education at all levels of basic and secondary education.

j) 1 of Law 1651 of 2013. The new text is as follows: > Develop skills and skills that encourage access in conditions of equality and equity to the supply of higher education and opportunities in the business and labour fields, with particular emphasis on departments with low levels of education coverage.

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ARTICLE 14. COMPULSORY EDUCATION. 1 of Law 1029 of 2006. The new text is as follows: > In all official or private establishments providing formal education, it is compulsory at the levels of pre-school, basic and secondary education to comply with:

a) The study, understanding and practice of the Constitution and civic instruction, in accordance with article 41 of the Political Constitution;

Within the training referred to in this literal, basic notions of peace jurisdiction, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, family law, labor law, and more usual contracts should be taught.

b) The use of free time, the promotion of diverse cultures, the practice of physical education, recreation and training, for which the Government will promote and stimulate its dissemination or development;

c) The teaching of the protection of the environment, ecology and the preservation of natural resources, in accordance with the provisions of Article 67 of the Political Constitution;

d) Education for justice, peace, democracy, solidarity, fellowship, cooperativism and, in general, the formation of human values, and

e) Sex education, taught in each case according to the physical, physical and affective needs of the learners according to their age.

f) 5 of Law 1503 of 2011. The new text is as follows: > The development of safe conduct and habits in the field of road safety and the formation of criteria for the various consequences that for their integral security have the risky situations to which expose as pedestrians, passengers and drivers.

PARAGRAFO 1o. The study of these topics and training in such values, except for literals a) and b), does not require specific subject matter. This information should be incorporated into the curriculum and developed through the curriculum.

PARAGRAFO 2o. The programs referred to in literal (b) of this article shall be submitted by the state establishments to the Education Secretariat of the respective municipality or to the body that makes its times for their financing from the participation of the current income of the Nation destined by the law for such areas of social investment.



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ARTICLE 15. DEFINITION OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION. preschool education corresponds to that offered to the child for their integral development in the biological, cognitive, psychomotor, socio-affective and spiritual aspects, through experiences of socialization pedagogical and recreational.

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ARTICLE 16. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION. These are specific objectives of preschool level:

a) The knowledge of the body itself and its possibilities of action, as well as the acquisition of its identity and autonomy;

b) The harmonious and balanced growth of the child, in such a way that it facilitates the motricity, the learning and the motivation for the literacy and for the solutions of problems involving relationships and mathematical operations;

c) The development of creativity, skills and skills of age, as well as their ability to learn;

d) Space-temporary and memory-exercise location;

e) The development of the capacity to acquire forms of expression, relationship and communication and to establish relations of reciprocity and participation, in accordance with norms of respect, solidarity and coexistence;

f) Participation in leisure activities with other children and adults;

g) The encouragement of curiosity to observe and explore the natural, family and social environment;

h) Recognition of your spiritual dimension to substantiate behavioral criteria;

i) The linking of family and community to the educational process to improve the quality of life of children in their environment, and

j) The formation of eating habits, personal hygiene, grooming and order that generate awareness about the value and the need for health.

k) 6 of Law 1503 of 2011. The new text is the following: > The acquisition of visual, auditory and psychomotor observation habits for the creation of attitudes and behaviors of prevention in the face of traffic, respect for norms and authorities, and attitudes of conscience citizen in terms of use of the path.

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ARTICLE 17. COMPULSORY GRADE. The level of preschool education comprises at least one (1) compulsory grade in state educational establishments for children under six (6) years of age.

In the municipalities where the coverage of the preschool education level is not total, the degree of preschool will be generalized in all state educational institutions that have the first grade of basic education, within five (5) years of from the validity of this Law, without prejudice to existing degrees in educational institutions that offer more than one degree of preschool.

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ARTICLE 18. ENLARGEMENT OF THE ATTENTION. The level of preschool education of three degrees will be generated in educational institutions of the State or institutions that establish programs for the provision of this service, according to the programming that the entities will determine. territorial in their respective development plans.

For this purpose, it will be taken into account that the extension of preschool education should be gradual from the 80% (80%) coverage of the compulsory pre-school grade established by the Constitution and at least eighty percent. (80%) of basic education for the population between six (6) and 15 (15) years.



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ARTICLE 19. DEFINITION AND DURATION. Mandatory basic education corresponds to the one identified in article 356 of the Political Constitution as primary and secondary education; it comprises nine (9) degrees and will be structured in a common curriculum, made up of the fundamental areas of human knowledge and activity.

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ARTICLE 20. GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF BASIC EDUCATION. These are general objectives of basic education:

a) To foster a general formation through access, in a critical and creative way, to scientific, technological, artistic and humanistic knowledge and its relations with social life and nature, so as to prepare the education for the higher levels of the educational process and for its linkage with society and work;

b) Develop communicative skills to read, understand, write, listen, speak and express correctly;

c) Expand and deepen the logical and analytical reasoning for the interpretation and solution of the problems of science, technology and everyday life;

d) To foster knowledge and understanding of the national reality to consolidate the values of Colombian nationality such as solidarity, tolerance, democracy, justice, social coexistence, cooperation and aid mutual;

e) Encourage the interest and development of attitudes towards research practice, and

f) To promote social, ethical, moral and other values of human development.

g) 2 of Law 1651 of 2013. The new text is as follows: > Develop communicative skills to read, understand, write, listen, speak and express correctly in a foreign language.

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ARTICLE 21. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF BASIC EDUCATION IN THE PRIMARY CYCLE. The five (5) first grades of basic education that constitute the primary cycle, will have as specific objectives the following:

a) The formation of fundamental values for coexistence in a democratic, participatory and pluralistic society;

b) The promotion of the desire to know, of personal initiative in the face of knowledge and in the face of social reality, as well as of the critical spirit;

c) The development of basic communicative skills to read, understand, write, listen, speak and express correctly in the Spanish language and also in the mother tongue, in the case of ethnic groups with linguistic tradition itself, as well as promoting the hobby for reading;

d) The development of the ability to appreciate and use the language as a means of aesthetic expression;

e) The development of the mathematical knowledge necessary to manage and use simple calculation operations and elementary logical procedures in different situations, as well as the ability to solve problems involving these knowledge;

f) The basic understanding of the physical, social and cultural environment at the local, national and universal level, in accordance with age-related intellectual development;

g) The assimilation of scientific concepts in the areas of knowledge that are the object of study, according to intellectual development and age;

h) The assessment of the hygiene and health of the body itself and training for the protection of nature and the environment;

i) The knowledge and exercise of the body itself, through the practice of physical education, recreation and sports appropriate to its age and conducive to physical and harmonious development;

j) Training for children's participation and organisation and the appropriate use of leisure time;

k) The development of civil, ethical and moral values, of social organization and of human coexistence;

l) Artistic training through body expression, representation, music, plastic and literature;

m) 2 of Law 1651 of 2013. The new text is as follows: > The development of conversation, reading and writing skills at least in a foreign language.

n) Initiation in the knowledge of the Political Constitution, and

n) The acquisition of skills to perform with autonomy in society.

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ARTICLE 22. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF BASIC EDUCATION IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL CYCLE. The four (4) subsequent grades of basic education that constitute the secondary school cycle, will have as specific objectives the following:

(a) The development of the ability to understand texts and correctly express complex, oral and written messages in the Spanish language, as well as to understand, through a systematic study, the different constituent elements of language;

b) The assessment and use of the Spanish language as a means of literary expression and the study of literary creation in the country and in the world;

c) The development of capabilities for logical reasoning, by the domain of numerical, geometric, metric, logical, analytical, operating and relationship systems, as well as for their use in interpretation and solving the problems of science, technology and everyday life;

d) The advancement of scientific knowledge of physical, chemical and biological phenomena, through the understanding of laws, the problem approach and experimental observation;

e) The development of attitudes favorable to the knowledge, assessment and conservation of nature and the environment;

f) Understanding the practical dimension of theoretical knowledge, as well as the theoretical dimension of practical knowledge and the ability to use it in problem solving;

g) Getting started in the most advanced fields of modern technology and training in disciplines, processes and techniques that enable you to exercise a socially useful function;

h) The scientific study of national and global history aimed at understanding the development of society, and the study of social sciences, with a view to the analysis of current conditions of social reality;

i) The scientific study of the universe, of the earth, of its physical structure, of its division and political organization, of the economic development of the countries and of the various cultural manifestations of the peoples;

j) Training in the exercise of duties and rights, knowledge of the Political Constitution and international relations;

k) Artistic appreciation, aesthetic understanding creativity, familiarization with different means of artistic expression and knowledge, valorization and respect for artistic and cultural goods;

l) 4 of Law 1651 of 2013. The new text is as follows: > The development of conversation, reading and writing skills at least in a foreign language.

m) The recovery of health and habits related to it;

n) Use with a critical sense of the different content and forms of information and the search for new knowledge with your own effort, and

n) Physical education and the practice of recreation and sports, youth participation and organization, and the proper use of leisure time.

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ARTICLE 23. MANDATORY AND FUNDAMENTAL AREAS. For the achievement of the objectives of basic education, mandatory and fundamental areas of knowledge and training are established which will necessarily have to be offered in accordance with the curriculum and the Institutional Educational Project.

The core and mandatory area groups that will comprise a minimum of 80% of the curriculum are as follows:

1. Natural sciences and environmental education.

2. Social sciences, history, geography, political constitution and democracy.

3. 65 of Law 397 of 1997. The new text is as follows: > Artistic and cultural education.

4. Ethical education and human values.

5. Physical education, recreation and sports.

6. Religious education.

7. Humanities, Spanish language and foreign languages.

8. Mathematics.

9. Technology and IT.

PARAGRAFO. Religious education will be offered in all educational establishments, observing the constitutional guarantee according to which, in the establishments of the State no person may be obliged to receive it.

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ARTICLE 24. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. The right to receive religious education is guaranteed; educational establishments will establish it without prejudice to the constitutional guarantees of freedom of conscience, freedom of worship and the right of parents to choose the type of education for their minor children, as well as the constitutional precept according to which no person can be required to receive religious education in state establishments.

In any case, religious education will be provided in accordance with the statutory law that develops the right of religious and religious freedom.

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ARTICLE 25. ETHICAL AND MORAL TRAINING. The ethical and moral training will be promoted in the educational establishment through the curriculum, the relevant academic contents, the environment, the honest behavior of managers, educators, and staff. administrative, correct and fair application of the institution's rules, and other mechanisms that provide for the Institutional Educational Project.

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ARTICLE 26. SPECIAL SERVICE OF EDUCATION. The student who has completed or validated all grades of basic education, may access the special service of education provided by educational institutions or institutions of job training, where you can obtain the title in the art or craft or the corresponding occupational fitness certificate.

El Nacional] The National Government will regulate the organization and operation of this service, which will be provided by the state and private individuals.

PARAGRAFO. The Ministry of National Education in coordination with the Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education, Icfes, the National Learning Service, SENA and the productive sector, will establish a Professional and Occupational Information and Guidance System that contributes to the rationalization in the formation of human resources, according to the requirements of national and regional development.



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ARTICLE 27. DURATION AND PURPOSE. The average education constitutes the culmination, consolidation and advancement in the attainment of the previous levels and comprises two degrees, the tenth (10th) and the eleventh (11th). It aims at the understanding of universal ideas and values and the preparation for the entry of education into higher education and work.

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ARTICLE 28. CHARACTER OF MIDDLE EDUCATION. Middle education will have the character of academic or technical. Her term is earned the bachelor's degree that she enables by educating her to enter higher education at any of her levels and careers.

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ARTICLE 29. ACADEMIC MIDDLE EDUCATION. The academic average education will allow the student, according to their interests and abilities, to delve into a specific field of sciences, arts or humanities and access higher education.

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ARTICLE 30. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF ACADEMIC MIDDLE EDUCATION. These are specific objectives of academic media education:

a) Deepening in a field of knowledge or in a specific activity according to the interests and capabilities of the educating;

b) Deepening in advanced knowledge of the natural sciences;

c) The incorporation of research into the cognitive process, both in the laboratory and in the national reality, in its natural, economic, political and social aspects;

d) The development of the capacity to deepen in a field of knowledge, according to the potentialities and interests;

e) Blinking to development programs and social and community organization, aimed at solving the social problems of their environment;

f) Promoting the awareness and participation responsible for educating in civic and social service actions;

g) The reflexive and critical capacity on the multiple aspects of reality and understanding of ethical, moral, religious and coexistence values in society, and

h) 5 of Law 1651 of 2013. The new text is as follows: > The fulfilment of the basic education objectives contained in the literals (b) of Article 20, (c) of Article 21 and (c), (e), (h), (i), (k), (1), (n) of Article 22 of this law.

i) 7 of Law 1503 of 2011. The new text is as follows: > Road safety training.

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ARTICLE 31. FUNDAMENTAL AREAS OF ACADEMIC MIDDLE EDUCATION. For the achievement of the objectives of academic media education, the same areas of basic education will be mandatory and fundamental at a more advanced level, in addition to the sciences. economic, political and philosophy.

PARAGRAFO. Although all areas of academic media education are mandatory and fundamental, educational institutions will organize programming in such a way that students can intensify, among others, in natural sciences, science and science. social, humanities, art, or foreign languages, according to their vocation and interests, as career guidance to choose in higher education.

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ARTICLE 32. TECHNICAL MIDDLE EDUCATION. Technical average education prepares students for job performance in one of the sectors of production and services, and for the continuation in higher education.

It will be directed to qualified training in specialties such as: agriculture, commerce, finance, administration, ecology, environment, industry, information technology, mining, health, recreation, tourism, sport and others that require the sector production and services. It must incorporate, in its theoretical and practical training, the most advanced of science and technique, so that the student is able to adapt to new technologies and to the advancement of science.

The specialties offered by the different educational establishments must correspond to the regional needs.

PARAGRAFO. For the creation of institutions of technical education or for the incorporation of others and for the supply of programs, it will have to have an adequate infrastructure, the specialized teaching staff and to establish a coordination with the National Learning Service, SENA or other institutions of job training or the productive sector.

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ARTICLE 33. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF TECHNICAL MIDDLE EDUCATION. Are specific objectives of technical middle education:

a) Initial basic training for the job;

b) The preparation for linking to the productive sector and the training possibilities offered by it, and

c) Training appropriate to the objectives of academic media education, which allows for the education of higher education.

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ARTICLE 34. ESTABLISHMENTS FOR MIDDLE EDUCATION. In accordance with the provisions of Article 138 of this Law, the average education may be offered in the same establishments that provide basic education or establishments specifically approved for that purpose, according to rules established by the Ministry of National Education.

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ARTICLE 35. ARTICULATION WITH HIGHER EDUCATION. At the level of secondary education, the level of higher education is followed, which is regulated by Law 30 of 1992 and the rules that modify it, add or replace it. This last level is classified as:

a) Professional technical institutions;

b) University institutions or technology schools, and

c) Universities.



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ARTICLE 36. DEFINITION OF NON-FORMAL EDUCATION*. Non-formal education* is the one offered for the purpose of supplementing, updating, supplying knowledge and training, in academic or industrial aspects without subjection to the system of levels and degrees established in Article 11 of this Law.

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ARTICLE 37. PURPOSE. Non-formal education* is governed by the general principles and purposes of education established in this law. Promotes the improvement of the human person, the knowledge and the reaffirmation of national values, the training for the artisanal, artistic, recreational, occupational and technical performance, the protection and exploitation of the resources natural and citizen and community participation.

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ARTICLE 38. OFFER OF NON-FORMAL EDUCATION*. In the institutions of non-formal education* work training programmes in the arts and crafts, academic training and in subjects conducive to the validation of levels and degrees may be offered. of formal education, as defined in this Law.

For the validation of levels and degrees of formal education, the National Government will issue the respective regulations.

6 of Law 1651 of 2013. The new text is as follows: > Institutions of education for human labour and development who decide to offer language programmes must obtain certification in quality management, from the institution and from the programme to be offered, without prejudice compliance with the other requirements laid down in the existing legal rules for the development of programmes at this level of training.

6 of Law 1651 of 2013. The new text is as follows: > All entities of the State, whatever their legal or territorial nature, will only be able to contract the language teaching with organizations that have the quality certificates provided for in the Present article

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ARTICLE 39. NON-FORMAL EDUCATION* AS FAMILY ALLOWANCE. Studies to be carried out in the institutions of non-formal education* which, according to the regulations of the National Government, merit it, will be recognized for the purposes of payment of the subsidy. family, in accordance with the rules in force.

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ARTICLE 40. NON-FORMAL EDUCATION* PROGRAMS TO MICROENTERPRISES. The National Plan for the Development of Micro Enterprise will be responsible for approving training and advisory programs for micro-enterprises, as well as support programs. microenterprise.

The enabling institutions approved to advance these programs will have a character of institutions of non-formal education*.

The Ministry of National Education will be part of the plan's directives.

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ARTICLE 41. Fomenting NON-FORMAL EDUCATION*. The State, will support and promote non-formal education*, provide opportunities to join it and will exercise permanent control to provide quality programs.

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ARTICLE 42. REGULATION. The creation, organization and operation of programs and establishments of non-formal education* and the issuance of certificates of occupational fitness, will be governed by the regulations that for the effect the National Government will issue.

PARAGRAFO. The service time provided by teachers in the Adult Education Centers is valid for promotion in the National Teaching Escalafon, as long as it meets the requirements of Decree-Law 2277 of 1979.



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ARTICLE 43. DEFINITION OF INFORMAL EDUCATION. It is considered informal education all knowledge freely and spontaneously acquired, coming from people, entities, mass media, print media, traditions, customs, behaviors social and other unstructured.

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ARTICLE 44. MISSION OF THE SOCIAL MEDIA. The National Government will encourage the participation of the media and information in the processes of permanent education and dissemination of culture, in accordance with the principles and objectives of the education defined in this Law, without prejudice to the freedom of the press and freedom of expression and information.

Likewise, it will adopt mechanisms and stimuli that allow the adequate and effective use of mass media as a contribution to the improvement of the education of Colombians.

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ARTICLE 45. NATIONAL MASS EDUCATION SYSTEM. Create the National Mass Education System in order to meet the demand for continuing education, validation for formal education and artistic and cultural dissemination. The programme shall be implemented with the use of electronic means of communication or data transmission, such as broadcasting, television, telematics or any other using the electromagnetic spectrum.

The system includes direct or indirect actions implemented through contracts or agreements, leading to the design, production, issuance and receipt of educational programs, as well as the other complementary and related necessary for the good compliance with the purposes of education.

Without prejudice to the provisions of the Law that develops constitutional mandates on State plans and programs in the television service, authorize the National Government to participate in the constitution of an economic society. mixed, which is responsible for administering the System.

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