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Circular 22/2013/tt-Byt: Guide The Continuous Training For Medical Officers

Original Language Title: Thông tư 22/2013/TT-BYT: Hướng dẫn việc đào tạo liên tục cho cán Bộ Y tế

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Number: 22 /2013/TT-BYT
Hanoi, August 9, 2013


Guidelines for continuous training for the Health Ministry


The School of Law Examine, healing November 23, 2009 and Protocol No. 87 /2011/NĐ-CP September 27, 2011 of the Government regulates the details and guidelines for the implementation of several provisions of the Law of the Disease, the treatment of the disease;

Education Law Base June 14, 2005; Decree. 75 /2006/NĐ-CP August 2, 2006 the Government rules out the direction of the implementation of some of the provisions of the Education Law and the Digital Decree. 31 /2011/NĐ-CP November 11, 2011 of the Government amended to add some of the provisions of the Digital Protocol 75 /2006/NĐ-CP;

The base of the decree. 63 /2012/NĐ-CP August 31, 2012 of the Government stipulated the function, mandate, jurisdiction and organizational structure of the Ministry of Health;

Th e o ' s recommendation by the Director of the Department of Technology and Training Science;

B The Ministry of Health, the Minister of Health, provides a continuous training for the medical staff.

- I


Fuck! i One. Adjustment range

This information instructs:

1. Responsibility, time, form, program, document, faculty training continuously for medical staff.

2. Organization, continuous training management for medical staff.

Fuck! i 2. Subject applies

1. This information applies to:

a) The healer, the medical staff (then abbreviated as the medical officer) is working at medical facilities throughout the country; he said.

b) Training facilities continuously for medical staff.

2. This information does not apply to training courses in order to receive a degree in the national education system and the type of specialty training of the medical profession: department I, specialologist II, doctor of the boarding school.

Fuck! i Three. Explain the word

In this Information, the words below are understood as follows:

1 Training constantly. are short-term training courses, including: training for knowledge fostering, skills, a career; updating continuous medical education (CME); continuous career development (Continuing Professional Development-CPD); conversion training; and training. Engineering; training on the mission of directing the line and other professional training courses for medical staff without a national education system.

2 The training facility is continuous. is hospitals, hospital beds; research institutes; professional educational institutions/medical education; other educational institutions have a degree in coding in the department of health sciences; the centers have medical workforce training.

3 The medical officer. is the official, the official, who is working as a professional in medical facilities.

4 The base codes for continuous training. is the sign system for classification and management of training facilities that are constantly recognized by the Ministry of Health.

- Of course


Fuck! i Four. Responsibility in continuous training

1. The medical officer working in medical facilities must be obliged to participate in continuous training courses in response to a required professional career requirement.

2. The implementation of the continuous training obligation is one of the criteria for the unit chief to evaluate the level of mission completion and the career development process of the medical staff.

3. The medical officer is the person who practiced the disease, curing the disease not to perform enough training for two consecutive years, as prescribed by the law, and has been revoked in accordance with the law of the law of the disease, healing.

4. Health officers are engaged in long-term training courses in and out of the country in regard to business expertise that are assuming not to carry out continuous training obligations under this Smart.

5. The head of the medical facility has the responsibility to facilitate the medical staff to be engaged in continuous training courses.

Fuck! i Five. Continuous training time

1. The medical officer has been issued a certificate of practice and is in the practice of a medical examination, a treatment that is obligated to participate in a minimum continuous training of 48 studies for two consecutive years.

2. The medical officer is not in the prescribed case at Clause 1 This is obligated to participate in a minimum continuous training of 120 saves for five consecutive years, of which every year minimum 12 saves.

3. The medical officer engaged in different forms of continuous training that are gathered to calculate continuous training times.

Fuck! i Six. Continuous forms of training and principle of regulation.

1. Training, training, technical transfer, short-term professional fostering in and out of the country in a form of focus or online (E-learning) issued certificate, certification, validation: continuous training participation time is calculated according to the study. It ' s actually a reality program.

2. The workshop, conference, scientific and external scientific co-ordinates on the field of the presiding medical expertise of the host organization based on the program of the seminar, conference, coordinates: the training time being charged for the host or having the article. The maximum presentation of 8 saves and the maximum attendance of four in each conference/conference/conference.

3. Implemenology of scientific research; thesis guidelines, treatises; writing scientific papers were published under the regulation: a maximum of 12 degrees for the thesis guide, chair/secretary of state or ministerial or ministerial level; 8 in reference direction. The office or chair/secretary for the basis of the basis (calculated at the time the thesis was successfully protected or the subject of an acquired solution).

4. The editor of the specialized curriculum is not more than eight times more than one document reviewed by the head of the unit (calculated at the time of publication); the medical staff is not a faculty member of the educational institution involved in the teaching of expertise. A career that counts as a real time.

5. The continuous training form stipulated at Clause 1 This must have programs and training materials issued with the jurisdiction of the appraisal, regulatory approval at this Article 8.

Fuck! i Seven. Program and Continuous Training Documentation

1. The program and the ongoing training facility due to the construction facility must be appointed, issued by regulation at Article 8 of this Notice before the deployment of the training.

2. The program content and continuous training materials must be continuously updated to secure the scientific calculation, in accordance with the practical needs.

3. The continuous training program has the following items:

a) The name of the course and the general introduction to the course;

b) Key objectives (in terms of knowledge, attitude, skills);

c) Subject, request input to students;

d) The detailed program (specifically to the name, secre););

The name of the document taught-the official and the reference material;

e) Method of teaching-learning;

g) Standards of faculty and teaching;

h) Equipment, learning for course (including clinical practice);

i) The organization's Guide to the Program;

l) Review and grant continuous training.


a) Base in the approved training program, the building training facility (or choice) of teaching-learning materials for the right;

b) The teaching materials-learning to be structured in each piece. In each article there are sections: goals, content, price. The exercises need to clarify the technique, the procedure required and required to be achieved;

c) The documentation for faculty training courses: in addition to the documents to the cadre, encourage more faculty documentation;

d) When using the published documentation of prestigious training facilities in and out of the country, the Head of the Training Office continually needs to review and decide.

5. The training facility continually builds the training program in the following direction:

a) The continuous training programs have time from three months or more and the intensive content should be designed to be in contact with graduate training programs such as specialization I, specialist II;

b) Build an online training program (E-learning) for appropriate training content.

Fuck! i Eight. Appraisal and issuing program, continuous training material

Programs and ongoing training materials must be granted a competent authority, issued prior to the organization's training, in particular the following:

1. Director of the provincial Department of Health, the Central City of the Central Committee decided to establish the Provincial Board of Appraisal and Continuous Training documentation; specify the Chair of the Council; the university principal, college and medical center of the province is vice president, the constant training charge of the Department of Health is the secretary.

The Director of the Department of Health approve the program and the teaching materials of the continuous training facilities under the jurisdiction over the proposed basis of the Board of Appraisal of the program and the document. The duration of the appraisal is not more than 30 days since the application is valid.

2. The head of professional education institutions/teaching medical profession; other educational institutions that have field code training in the department of health sciences and hospitals, hospital beds, research institutes have a training center or are tasked with training and training facilities in the area. after the university approx the program and the continuous training document corresponding to the training code was delivered on the basis of the appraisal of the Council due to the establishment of the unit.

3. Ministry of Health Interacts Science Science and Training approx program, documents of continuous training facilities not part of Clause 1 and Clause 2 This, national target programs; medical projects in, out of the country; professional associations and in accordance with the proposal. The unit of the unit on the basis of the appraisal of the Board of Experts or may devolve to the organizational unit of appraisal, approval in the case of necessity. The completion time of the appraisal is no more than 30 days, since the valid case is received.

Fuck! i Nine. Continuous Training Instructor

1. The continuous training courses have to be able to provide enough faculty members, qualified for the qualifications, experience, expertise in the direction of the Ministry of Health to ensure the quality of training.

2. The continuous training instructor has to be trained on the method of teaching medicine.

3. Clinical teaching instructor must be the practice of the medical examination, healing and training of clinical teaching methods.

- flavor III


Fuck! i Ten. Continuous training base code

1. Code A consists of professional educational institutions/medical vocational education and other educational institutions that have a major field code training in the department of health sciences.

2. Code B consists of hospitals; hospital beds; research institutes at the Central level; professional associations with both water and medical training centers are eligible for continuous training.

3. Code C includes the Department of Health of the Provinces, the Central City of the Central City and the Units of the Department of Health; Ministry of Health, Industry.

Fuck! i Eleven. Continuous Training Base Code

The Ministry of Health considers, the decision to grant continuous training for qualified training facilities, namely as follows:

1. The training facility repeatedly sends a code-level proposal to the Ministry of Health. In no more than 30 days since receiving valid records according to the Ministry of Health, the facility is eligible under the provisions of the Ministry of Health granted the corresponding continuous training code. The case is not qualified to grant, the Ministry of Health must inform in writing and specify the reason.

2. Profiling of continuous training number of training numbers:

a) The Theory of Competence;

b) Training program;

c) The teaching document corresponding to the training program;

d) peer-to-peer quotation lists, structure and qualifications;

The organizational and management methods of continuous training, in which the name of the leader is in charge, the staff of the charge, and the councils;

e) Proposition of facilities, facilities, equipment, and continuous training equipment.

Fuck! i Twelve. Build and approve continuous training plan

1. The continuous training facilities are responsible for the construction of the approved authorship plan.

2. Authority approx of continuous training plans:

a) the Minister of Health approved or authorized approval of the 5-year continuous training plan of the Ministry of Health and of the relevant training facilities directly under the Ministry of Health;

b) The People ' s Committee of the Provinces, the Central City of the Central Committee approx or authorized the Health Department to approve the five-year continuous training plan of the province and the ongoing training facilities directly under the Department of Health;

c) The minister, head of ministries, the approval of the continuous training plan

Five years of continuous training units in the Ministry, Industry;

d) The head of the continuous training facilities for construction, approval of the unit ' s annual continuous training plan on a five-year planning basis has been granted the authority to approve.

Fuck! i Thirteen. Continuous training deployment

1. After the unit ' s annual continuous training plan has been approved, the training facility continually announces public, wide open courses due to the organizational unit for learnmen to choose from, the planning layout.

2. The training facility continually reports authorship planning on organizational planning, the name of the course, expected the number of caders, programs, and training materials.

3. The continuous training courses are only deployed when there are enough programs, approved documents; enough faculty; management staff; teaching equipment-responding to the program's requirements and reporting plans for the competent authority.

Fuck! i Fourteen. Confirm the continued training

1. The confirmation that engaged in continuous training is done in one of the following two forms:

a) A continuous training certificate is issued continuously to the students who meet the requirements of the course, at training facilities that are continuously recognized by the Ministry of Health;

b) The certificate has entered continuous training in accordance with the prescribed forms at the 2, 3, 4 Articles 6 of this.

2. This message is attached to this message (certificate certificate) continuous training. This certificate has the validity of a continuous medical knowledge update as defined by the law of the disease, healing.

3. The Ministry of Health, the Department of Health review recognizes the certificate of certification or certificate of continuous training provided by the foreign base for medical officers under the regulatory authority on the basis of regulation at this Smart.

Fuck! i Fifteen. Responsibility for managing continuous training

1. The unified Ministry of Health manages continuous training for medical staff across the country.

2. The Department of Technology Science and Training is responsible:

a) The organization for approx approval, program storage and training materials of the ongoing training facilities stipulate at paragraph 3 Article 8;

b) The management of the training number, the deployment of quality assurance, construction of the national database of continuous training for medical staff;

c) continuous training management, continuous training certification provided by the Ministry of Health of Health.

3. The Health Department is responsible:

a) The functional defense is responsible for the management of the local continuous training due to the leadership of the charge and with the staff of charge or/or duty;

b) Program management and ongoing training materials due to the medical department of appraisal and approval; the curriculum of the teaching-training facilities of the continuous continuous training facilities;

c) Management number of certificates issued by the medical department for training facilities;

d) Build, update the province ' s continuous training database and integrate with the national database of continuous training of the medical industry; and for the first time.

Manage the course and grant certificates for training courses held by the health department.

4. The Training Facility is continually responsible:

a) Bachelor of staff as organizational work and continuous training management of the unit led by the Leader of the Unit and the staff;

b) The organization of continuous training pursues to regulation at this Smart;

c) Manage and store the program and document the continuous training courses of the unit;

d) Management of course records (including the list of practitioners, faculty members);

The management of the embryo and the level of certificate of continuous training is in accordance with the provisions of this message.

Fuck! i Sixteen. Manage the quality of continuous training

1. The Director of the Health Department performs the provisions of the law on quality assurance and is responsible for the quality of continuous training of the health department and the units of subordination.

2. The Head of Continuous Training Facilities implement the implementation of the implementation of the law on quality assurance and is responsible for the quality of continuous training provided by the facility.

3. Ministry of Health Department of the Department of Technology Science and Training organizes the quality of continuous training facility for medical staff.

Fuck! i Seventeen. For the national target program, projects in and outside of health care.

1. Training activities continually stipulated at Clause 1 Article 6 of the national target programs, the project of the health industry to be deployed under the plan has been granted authority to approve and implement under the provisions of this Information.

2. The training courses are continually applied to 2-city-cities that have become required to report the Ministry of Health for approval of the program, document prior to the organization.

3. National target programs and projects managed by the central agency reported to the Ministry of Health, the Central/Municipal Committee of the Central Committee for reporting with the health department of the ongoing training plan to coordinate the implementation.

Fuck! i Eighteen. Funding for continuous training

1. The funding for continuous training is taken from the following sources:

a) The contribution of the learman;

b) The state budget;

c) Other legal sources.

2. The training fee is calculated based on the actual costs of the course in the principle of sufficient income, not for profit and by the provisions of the law.

The training facility must make the funding of the course prior to the deployment to the learer.

Fuck! i Nineteen. Report mode

1. Each year, the training base continually periodically reports twice: the first 6 months of the year (before July 15) and all year (before 15 January the following year).

2. The continuous training facility in the department of health care reports to synthese the report of the Provincial People ' s Committee, the Central City of Central and the Ministry of Health.

3. The Ministry of Health, Industry, Agency of the Health Ministry reports the Ministry of Health.

4. Content Report: The results of the course, the number of students, the number of certificates issued, the organizational work, management, maintenance of the quality of continuous training.

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Fuck! i Twenty. Performance Performance

1. This message came into effect on October 1, 2013.

2. Repeal Digital 07 /2008/TT-BYT May 28, 2008, of the Ministry of Health guidelines for continuous training of medical staff since this date is effective.

Fuck! i Twenty-one Organization implemented

1. The Ministry of Health entrusted the Department of Technology Science and Training, guidelines, inspection, supervision, and the implementation of this information. Cases, Department Office, Inspector, Department, Directorate General of the Ministry of Health are responsible for coordinating continuous training in the field of charge.

2. The Provincial Committee of the Provincial People, the Central Committee of the Central Committee, the ministries, and the direction of the medical authorities directly implementing the ongoing training for medical staff to improve the quality of medical resources.

3. Director of the Department of Health, Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health, the industry responsible for organizing the deployment of this information in charge.

4. The head of health facilities responsible for building planning, layout, facilitation of the cadres that are engaged in continuous training pursues to the provisions of this Smart.

In the course of the course of the process, if there is a difficulty in the question of the agency, the organization, the individual report to the Ministry of Health to review the solution.



Nguyen Thi Kim