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Armed Forces. Organic Laws. Modifications-

Original Language Title: Fuerzas Armadas. Leyes Organicas. Modificaciones.-

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Legislative Power/ Eastern Republic of Uruguay

Law No. 13,145



The Senate and the House of Representatives of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, meeting in General Assembly,


Article 1 °.
Amend article 45 of the Organic Military Act No. 10.757, which will be worded as follows:

" Article 45. The General Staff of the Army understands:

A) The Chief of General Staff of the Army.
B) The 1st. Sub-Chief of General Staff of the Army.
C) 2nd. Sub-Chief of General Staff of the Army.
D) The General Staff Coordinator and Special Staff will be organized according to the regulations established by the Executive Branch. "

Article 2 °.
Defeat Chapter V of Title II and Chapter III of Title V of Military Organic Law No. 10,757, concerning the Organization of the Military Regions and the Services.
The Executive Branch will regulate the organizations according to the new needs of the Army and the tactical and technical regulations governing the matter.

Article 3 °.
The regulations referred to in Articles 1 ° and 2 ° shall also be established in the classification of charges not provided for in Article 214 of Law No 10,757.

Article 4 °.
Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 214 of Law No. 10,757, in the geographical departments of the Republic where there is no place to designate a higher authority than By application of the said provision, an Officer may be appointed to the extent of Colonel.

Article 5 °.
Modify Articles 9 ° and 10 of Marine Organic Law No. 10.808, which. will be written in the following form:

" Article 9 ° The Naval Staff is constituted by the Chief of the Naval Staff and five divisions: N-1 Administration, N-2 Intelligence, N-3 operations and Plans, N-4 Logistics and N-5 Communications.
of the five divisions shall be exercised by Senior Officers or Heads of the General Staff Diplomatic Corps. "

" Article 10. The Services are responsible for the use of the forces of the Navy and are organized under an Directorate in the form established by this law and its regulations.

Such Services will be:

l) Naval Recruitment and Mobilization Service.
2) Service of Constructions, Repairs and Armament.
3 )Sourcing Service.
Fia Hydrography Service.
5) Lighting And Beacon Service.
6) Aeronautical Service
7) Electronic Service.
8) Armament Service ".

Article 6 °.
Amend article 261 of Law No. 10,757, as to the time-of-age computable for the ascent of Lieutenant 2 ° that will be reduced to two years.
modification does not reach the Auxiliary Services that will continue to be governed by the provisions of Article 19 of Law No. 12,185.

Article 7 °.
Modify Article 282 of Law N ° 10.757, which will be worded as follows:

" Article 282. The vacancies to be filled annually shall be those which occur in accordance with Chapters I and IV of this Title and other relevant provisions, from 1 March of the preceding year to the last day of February of the year in question. /> Without prejudice to the above, when the vacancies to be provided each year, they will not reach the third part of the number of Officers, which by counting the minimum time required for the ascent have been qualified in the grades from Alferez to Lieutenant Colonel, of each weapon, shall be promoted as a minimum, in each of those degrees and weapons, up to that amount, in addition to those specified in Article 276.
For the determination of the third, when the number of officers is not exactly divisible, it shall be computed as one more unit, the decimal fraction results ".

Article 8 °.
Derogase the final paragraph of Article 57 of Law No. 10.808 and modify Article 83 of the Act, reformed by law N ° 12,990, which will be worded as follows:

" Article 83. The vacancies to be filled annually shall be those which occur in accordance with Title IV, Chapter I and other relevant provisions from 1 March of the previous year to the last day of February of the year in question.
prejudice to the foregoing, when the vacancies to be provided each year, do not reach the third part of the number of officers in conditions of promotions in the degrees of Marine Guard to Captain of Fragata, including, of the General Body and of their Body equivalents > of Machines and Electricity Engineers and in the grades of Marine Guard to Captain of Corbeta in the Supply and Management Body, shall be promoted as a minimum, in each of these grades and Bodies, up to that amount, in addition to those included in Article 79.
third of the vacancies to be provided, when the number of them is not exactly divisible, will be computed with one unit plus the decimal fraction that is obtained.
There are no normal vacancies, will proceed to move to a situation of withdrawal to the Older Rear Admiral to ensure a minimum of one vacancy every two years. The same system will apply every three years to the oldest Navior Captain, provided that I compute 30 years of services, at least, from the Corps of Machines and Electricity Engineers and every four years to the oldest Fragment Captain of the Body of Provisioning 37 Administration ".

Article 9 °.
Rule 12 of Law No. 12.070reformed by law N ° 12.275, the final paragraph that reads: " To the degree of Colonel, by application No more than two Colonels per year may be promoted. "

Article 10.
Derogase article 333 of Law No. 10,757 and fix the cash of General's grade by fourteen.

Article 11.
The increase in the level of General provided by the previous article shall be effective from 1 February 1964.
In order to ensure the promotions of the minimum promotions of two Generals per year, The Executive Branch shall proceed to the situation of withdrawal, if there are no vacancies, to the two oldest Generals. The order of award of all vacancies will be done half by Contest and half by Selection.

Article 12.
Modify Article 9 ° of Law No. 12.070, setting, as of 1 February 1964, three cash from the grade of Brigadier.

The order of award of all vacancies, will be done half by the system of Contest and half by Selection.
The increase, in the cash of the degree of Brigadier, provided by this article, will be filled in the year 1964. Without prejudice to the above established and in order to fill the ascents of the normal sky determined in Article 11 of Law No. 12.275, the Executive Branch shall proceed to withdraw, every two years, in case of not to exist, to the oldest Brigadier.

Article 13.
Substitute Article 7 ° of Law N ° 12.185 by the following:

" Article 7 ° For the purposes of the application of Articles 1 °, 3 ° and 5 ° precedents, when two years old as a Lieutenant 2 ° and together with the other general conditions for the ascent required by, Article 9 ° of this Law, shall be admitted to the Technical Corps as Lieutenant 1 °, provided that it has approved at least the full years of the Preparatory of Civil Engineering or Architecture, or Industrial Engineering or Industrial Chemistry, according to the specialization respective ".

Article 14.
Please refer to paragraph XII paragraph C) of the Provisions concerning the training of the Technical Corps of Armaments and Explosives Officers referred to in the final paragraph of Article 7 of the Decree law N ° 10.131.

Article 15.
Derogase Article 11 paragraph C), Law N ° 10.568.

Article 16.
Modify the paragraphs (B) of Articles 14 and 16 of Law No. 10.568, establishing that the requirement for the acquisition of the university degree in property shall be the enter the third year of seniority as Major.

Article 17.
The amendments provided for by this law do not cover the situations set out in Articles 390, 391, 393 and 395 of Law No 13,032.



To the current Officers in Activity at February 1, 1963 of the Army and Air Force Technical Corps and Air Force Escalafons "A" and "B", law 12.070, will be counted two years in the degrees of Alferez, Lieutenant 2 ° and Lieutenant 1 ° respectively.


To the current Officers in Activity at the 1st February 1963 of the General Corps, Corps of Machines and Electricity Engineers, Supply and Administration Corps of the Navy that have not been included in the article 3 ° of the Law N ° 12,990, will be computed three years in the degrees of Marine Guard and of the Alferez of Navior respectively.


To the current Officers in Activity on February 19, 19-63 of the Army and Air Force Combat Weapons and Technical Corps (Escalafones "AII and" B ' I, Law 12.070), in the degrees of Alferez to Lieutenant Colonel including and their counterparts in the Navy-not covered by Article 3 of Law No. 12,990, who have computed more than the times set out in the preceding transitional provisions will roll back the promotion dates in their current grade according to the excess of past years in the hierarchy, not being able to exceed that retroactivity at two years.


The retroactivations referred to in the preceding transitional provisions shall be made up of the promotions corresponding to the various grades on the basis of the minimum periods of age to be used for each degree to the Officers who meet the other conditions for promotion may be granted more than two years of promotion or retroactivity in the new grade.


The officers included in the preceding transitional provisions, produced the back-dates of promotions and promotions granted by this law, shall be located in the respective Escalafons, precedence.


The promotions to be conferred by application of the preceding provisions shall be made "Without a Census System", which shall be included, those exceeding the effective ones, in the final part of Article 251 of the Law N ° 10.757 and in the provisions of Article 57 of Law No. 10.808.


The officers who must be promoted by application of the preceding provisions and have not completed the corresponding courses provided by the respective Organic laws, shall comply with that requirement within the following six months the promulgation of the same, and must be promoted, after approval of those, on the dates that correspond.


The rating agencies shall formulate the respective promotion lists by reconsidering the grade ratings arising from the modifications expressed in this law.


Promotions and rollbacks that produce this law do not entitle you to reparations for accruals, differences in wages, compensation, or for any other concept, prior to February 19, 1963.


The Executive Branch will present within 90 days of this law a bill for the General Law of the Armed Forces.

Article 18.
Commune, etc.

Chamber of Sessions of the Chamber of Senators, in Montevideo, on July 4, 1963.

Jose Pastor Salvanach,


Montevideo, July 9, 1963.

Comply, acknowledge receipt, communicate, post and insert into the National Register of Laws and Decrees.

By the Council:

Luis M. de Posadas Montero,

línea del pie de página
Montevideo, April 1998. Legislative Power.