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National Accountability. Year 1966-1967. Modification.

Original Language Title: Rendicion Nacional De Cuentas. Ejercicio 1966 Y 1967. Modificacion.-

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Legislative Power/ Eastern Republic of Uruguay

Law No. 13,737

1966 AND 1967


The Senate and the House of Representatives of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, meeting in General Assembly,




Article 1 °.
Approve the Accountability and Budgetary Execution Balance for the 1966 and 1967 Exercises.

Article 2 °.
Set the deficit to finance the National Treasury at December 31
1967, in the sum of $18.584:021.092.24 (eighteen thousand five hundred and eighty-four thousand, twenty-one thousand and ninety-two pesos). Twenty-four cents).

Article 3 °.
Authorize the Executive Branch to issue an Internal Debt of Consolidation 1968, up to the sum of pesos (eighteen thousand five hundred and eighty-four million, twenty-one thousand ninety-two pesos with (a) nominal value, designed to cancel the National Treasury deficit until 31 December 1967.

Article 4 °.
This debt will be issued and redeemed at par and will not be listed on the Stock Exchange.
The amortization will be made by a fee of 8%. (eight percent) year-on-year, with one year of grace and by lot.
The first year of issuance, this Debt will not be of interest; the second year will be paid 2% (two percent) annually; the third year the 3% (three percent) annual and the successive 4% (four percent) annual.
Interest will be payable
The Executive Branch may make extra-money redemptions when the resources set for this, exceed the required services of the year.

Article 5 °.
The Debt to be issued will be allocated by the Executive Branch to:

1) Cancel up to 70% (seventy per cent) at least, National Treasury debts as at 31 December 1967 with public bodies. For the remaining 30% (thirty percent), the Executive Branch will be able to offer the public creditors the payment through the same procedure.
2) To cancel in whole or in part with private individuals and whenever the creditor provides his/her conformity, debts of the State at 31 December 1967, for supplies.
(3) Cancel the economic deficits before 31 December 1967 of the lateral bodies. In the case of a deficit not included in this law, the Debt may be extended in the amounts necessary for its cancellation, giving the General Assembly account.

Article 6 °.
Without prejudice to the foregoing article, the Executive Branch may at any time offer to public bodies or private creditors for supplies, the partial or full payment of their debts. in Titles of the Internal Debt whose issuance is authorized, whatever the date of the credit, provided that the same is imputed and liquidated and in conditions of immediate payment.

Article 7 °.
The Titles of the Internal Debt of Consolidation 1968 which, according to the provisions of this law are given to individuals, may only be used by them in the cases provided for in this law, which shall be recorded in the relevant representative titles.

In the opportunity of the draw rescue the holders will have to
justify the primitive ajudicatarios of the same or their legal successors.

Article 8 °.
The particular holders of Internal Debt Institutes that are authorized, may only use them in the following cases:

(a) Payment of national taxes payable before 19 January 1968. The value of the Titles used by this concept will be deducted from the write-downs of the year.
(b) payments for supplies of public bodies, with the consent of the public bodies.
For these purposes, they may assign the titles in their possession
in favour of the creditor public body that accepts them.

Article 9 °.
The services of this Debt will be financed with 10% (ten percent) of the collections for detactions and surcharges referred to in Article 80 of the Law N ° 13.241, of 31 January 1964 and Article 2 ° of Law No 13.586 of 13 February 1967. In the event that, by current or future provisions, this resource will be completely or partially eliminated, it will be affected to this end, 10% (ten percent)
of the substitute resources.

Article 10.
The Executive Branch will regulate the issuing of the Internal Debt that is authorized and other details for its strict application.

Article 11.
Cancel outstanding amounts of the Public Debt authorized to cancel the deficit by laws N ° 12.691of 31 December 1959, Article 13; N ° 13,241, of 31 January 1964, Article 1 (B); N ° 13,349, of 29 July 1965, Article 1 °; and N ° 13,420, of 2 December 1965, Article 1 °.





Article 12.
Substitute article 7 ° of law number 12.801, dated November 30, 1960 and amending, by the following:

" Article 7 ° The Professional Technical Escalation of Class A shall have the following degrees and remuneration:

Salary Grade
1.............. $15,550
2 .............. " 16550
3 .............. " 17.500
4 .............. " 18,950
5 .............. " 20550
6 .............. " 21,950
7 .............. " 24.250
8 .............. " 27.250
Extra more than ... " 27.250

The Class "B" Technical-Professional Escalation will have the if-guiding degrees and rewards:

1.................................... $14,700
2.................................... 15550
3.................................... 16550
4.................................... 17.500
5.................................... 18.950
6..................................20.550 7..................................21.950
Extra more than ............. 24,250
Article 13.
Replace Article 12 of Law N ° 12.801 of November 30, 1960, and modify, as follows:

" Article 12. The Escalafon for Administrative and Specialized Personnel will have the following degrees and rewards:

Grade Salary Denomination

1 Auxiliary 4 ° ........................ $11,000 2 Auxiliary 3 ° ...................... 11.350
3 Auxiliary 2 ° ........................ " 11.650
4 Auxiliary 1 ° ........................ "12,000
5 Officer 4" ......................... 12.150
6 Officer 3 ° ......................... 12,600
7 Officer 2 ° ......................... 13,000
8 Officer 1 ° ......................... 13,550
9 SubChief ........................... 14.050
10 Head of 3 ° ........................ 14,900
11 Head of 2 ° ........................ 15550

Grade Salary Denomination

12 Head of 1 ° ........................ $16,350
13 Deputy Director ................. 17,500
14 Director of Department ...... 18,500
15 Director of Division or Deputy Director General
16 Directors ......... 21.350
17 Directors ......... 24.250
Extra more than ... 24,250 "

Article 14.
Substitute Article 18 of Law No. 12.801, dated 30 November 1960 and amending, as follows:

" Article 18. The Secondary and Service Staff Escalafon will have the following degrees and rewards:

Grade Salary Denomination

1 Help of 4th .................... $11-000
2 Help of 3rd .................... 11.350
3 Help of 2nd .................... 11.650
4 Help of 1st .................... 12,000
5 Subconcierge ....................... 12.150
6 Concierge .............. 7 Janitor of 1st ................... 13,000
8 Submayor of 2nd .... 14,400
9 Submayor of 1st 14,400
10 Intendant of 1st ... 15.250
11 Intendant ............ 15,900
Extra of ....... 15.900
Article 15.
Replace Article 21 of Law N ° 12.801, dated 30 November 1960 and amending, as follows:

" Article 21. The Military Personnel Escalafon will be regulated according to the following salary and compensation allocations:

Denomination compensations subject to
Pay Montepio

General, Rear Admiral, Brigadier 45,000 1,300
Colonel, Captain of Navio...........40,100 1,170
Lieutenant Colonel, Captain of Fragata 35,600 1,040
Major, Captain of Corbeta...........31.100 910

Denomination Montepio

Captain, Lieutenant of Navi......26,950 780
Lieutenant 1 °, Naviors...22,050 650
Lieutenant 2 ", Guard Marina.....18.600 520
Alferez.........................16,200 390
Army Senior Officer and Fuer-
za Air, Deputy Officer of Cargo.16,700 520
Sergeant of 19 of the Army and Air Force
and Subofficers of 19 of the Ma-
rina..........................15,850 390
Army Sergeant and Air Force
and Subofficial of the Navy 29 .... 15,050 260
Cape of 11 of the Army, Air Force
and Marina...................13,950
Cape of 29 of the Army, Air Force
and Marina...................13,300
Poitador, Corneta, Tambor and Trompa 12,700
Soldier of 19 of the Army and Air Force
Marine of 1 ° .......... 12,300
Army 2 ° soldier and Air Force
, 2 ° Marinero .......... 11,900
Army, Navy and Air Force Apprentice ............................9.950

Staff of Students of the Schools of Training of Officers
Cadet Military School, Military School of Aeronautics and Aspiring to Naval School, Aspiring to Military School, Military School of Aeronautics ... 8,200

Article 16.
Substitute the article, 22 of the law N ° 12.801 of 30 November 1960 and amending, by the following:

" Article 22. The Escalafon for Police Personnel, as well as that of the General Maritime Prefecture, and the Surveillance Personnel of the General Directorate of Criminal Institutes, will have the following degrees, denomination and remuneration:

Grade Salary Denomination

0 Cadet Teaching Institute ........... 5,500
1 Agent, Coracero, Fireman, Seaman Marine General Prefecture 2 ° ......... 12,400 Agent, Coracero, Fireman, Sailor General Maritime Prefecture of 1 ° ........ 12,500

Grade Salary Denomination

3 Cabo, Cabo de 2ª, General Prefecture Ma-rittima ................................... 12.750

4 Sargento, Cape of 1 ° General Maritime Prefecture, Vigilant Of Penales 13,000

5 Sergeant 1 °, Sergeant General Maritime Prefecture ................................ 13.550

6 Deputy Assistant Officer, Sub-official Maritime General Prefecture, Sub-inspector Criminal Institutes .................................. 14.600

7 Adjutant Officer, Alferez, 3rd Inspector of Criminal Institutes ..................... 15. 500

8 Officer Inspector, Lieutenant 2 °, Lieutenant 2 °

General Maritime Prefecture, Inspector 2 ° of Criminal Institutes ....................... 16.250
9 Deputy Commissioner, Lieutenant, 1st Marine General Prefecture, Inspector of Penals....17.200
10 Commissioner, Captain General Maritime Prefecture, Head of Surveillance for 2 ° of Criminal Institutes 18,200

11 Sub-inspector, Major, Major General Maritime Prefecture,
Head of Surveillance for 1 st Institutes ...............19,500

12 Inspector, Inspector of General Maritime Prefecture ............................... 20.800

13 Inspector of 1 ° Deputy Head of the Interior 22,100 14 Head of Interior Police, Director Sub
Police Chief of Montevideo ............. 28.150
15 Chief of Police of Montevideo .................. 30.400

Article 17.
Replace Article 24 of Law N ° 12.801 of November 30, 1960, and modify the following:

" Article 24. The Foreign Service Staff Escalafon will be regulated according to the following degrees and rewards:

Grade Salary Denomination

1 Secretary of 3rd ......................... 14.050
2 Secretary of 2 ° ......................... 15.900
3 Secretary of 1 ° ......................... 17,850
4 Counsellor ................................ 19.900
5 Minister Counsellor ....................... 22.900
6 Minister ................................ 27.250
7 EmbaJer ............................... 31.600

Article 18.
The basic remuneration in force of contract and day laborers of the State, whose remuneration is paid from global items, benefits or special laws, shall be increased by a 30% (thirty percent).
The officials included in this provision, which currently receive no less than $8,000 (eight thousand pesos) monthly basic salary, will receive at least an increase of $3,000.00 (three thousand pesos). monthly.
To determine the increase in staff salaries
this provision applies to the non-scaled-down budgeted charges included in the Renglon 0.10 (Budgeted Fees) of the respective Programs, to which they are charged. A rise of $3,000 (three thousand pesos).
The monthly amounts determined by the procedure indicated above will be rounded up in the upper fiftieth year.
The same procedure as set out in this article will be followed, to determine the basic salaries of civil servants in the the Extra Category; of the charges referred to in Articles 25, 26 and 27 of Law No 13,640 ofDecember 1967; as well as those of the officials of the bodies referred to in Article 220 of the Constitution of the Republic.

Article 19.
You will not be reached by the general increase referred to in Article 18 of this law to all those officials who are granted increases in their basic salaries, higher than those established in the that article.

Article 20.
Increases in officials ' allowances, granted by this law, will only be collected at a state entity when the holders accumulate more than one remuneration.
Within 30 (30) days after the date of publication of this law, officials who are included in this provision shall make the appropriate option.
The accumulations to be made in the future shall be subject to the same Scheme established before, for the purposes of which the official it shall have a period of 30 (30) days after the date on which the cumulation has occurred, in order to make the relevant option.
shall also be collected only in one of the remuneration where the official receives in the same (a) State entity other remuneration for salary and contract in which case the increase shall be settled on the budget or basic remuneration.
Where the remuneration of the employed person has been determined on the basis of wages basic and compensation of the officials budgeted for the same service, the an increase granted by this law, will be calculated on the basic salary only, not being able to result in a greater increase than is granted to the officials budgeted.
The provisions of the two previous incisals will be prejudice to the faculty of the, Executive Branch for the recruitment of officials.

Article 21.
The supplement referred to in Article 6 of Law No. 13.586of 13 February 1967 shall be settled on the allocations laid down by this Law.



Article 22.
The family allowances referred to in Articles 46 to 51 of Law N ° 12.801of 30 November 1960, their amending and concordant shall be, as from 1 ° of January 1969, and for all civil servants, including those belonging to the bodies mentioned in Article 220 of the Constitution of the Republic, per month and per beneficiary, of $3,000 (three thousand pesos).

Article 23.
Set the constituted household premium referred to in Article 45 of Law No. 12.801 of 30 November 1960, its amending and concordant, for all public officials, including those belonging to the bodies referred to in Article 220 of the Constitution of the Republic and from 1 January 1969, at $6,000 (six thousand pesos) per month.
As from 1 July 1968, the the ceiling referred to in Article 25 of Law No 13,317, of 28 December 1964, with the wording given by Article 12 of Law No 13.586 of 13 February 1967, shall be amended at the time or in the percentage which shall be determined by the Executive Branch in each case as Index of revaluation of passivities, according to the provision of law N ° 12.996, of 28 November 1961, its amendments and concordant.
This benefit will be paid monthly.

Article 24.
Amend article 21 of law number 13,640, dated December 26, 1967, which will be worded as follows:

" Article 21. Public servants, whether they are budgeted, hired or day laborers, may not receive more than one premium per concept of a constituted household or similar scheme, either from state, parastatal or private funds.

more than one premium per household constituted or similar scheme may be collected either by the in-tegrated family core by more than one official dependent on state or private state entities. No person will be able to integrate more than one family core. The options must be made in an express statement in the respective affidavit.

The directors of the offices will have the power to preemptively suspend the payment of the benefit when they presumed that there is a false declaration, in which case they must make the complaint to the police authority for the investigation of the affidavit. If the truth of the case is checked, the payment will be restarted, with the official being paid back.

Otherwise, you will be taken for a crime summary, without prejudice to criminal justice.

Within 120 (one hundred and twenty) days from the date of publication of this law, all officials who are entitled to enjoy the benefit shall make the affidavit that they have made with the prior. Those who do not do so shall be deemed not to be entitled to it unless they duly justify, in the direction of the respective office or agency, the reason for the omission. In the latter case, the benefit shall be payable only from the date of the filing of the affidavit.
In cases where false statements are made, be it concerning the benefit of the home constituted or any other benefit of a social character, the provisions of Article 347 of the Penal Code shall apply.
The same provision of the Penal Code shall apply when the situation that generated the right of social benefit has ceased, the official shall not communicate it within 30 (thirty) days ".

Article 25.
The birth of a child shall only be entitled to the perception of a birth premium or similar benefit and by one parent only.
Marriage shall be entitled to receive a single marriage premium or similar benefit. Violation of these rules will set the scam offense.

Article 26.
Every official of any public distribution, who has the right to request payment of a social benefit, must submit his application within, from the 60 (sixty) days of the date to which it occurred. the fact of origin to your perception.
Past that period will lose all right to make any application, except in the case of remuneration in periodic payment. In the latter case, the benefit will only start to become due from the date of the application.



Article 27.
Set from January 1, 1969, at $10,000.00 (ten thousand pesos) monthly liquids, the departure of expenses of representation of the Minister of State and Secretary of the Presidency of the Republic and, in $5,000.00 (five thousand pesos) monthly liquids, the departure of expenses of representation of the Undersecretaries of State and Prosecto of the Presidency of the Republic.
From the same date, the departure of expenses of representation of the Director-General of the Secretariat of the Ministry of Relations Exteriors will be $2,500.00 (two thousand five hundred pesos) monthly liquids.

Article 28.
Set, as of 1 January 1969, the items of tag expense, not subject to montepio, in the following amounts: $10,000.00 (ten thousand pesos) per month for the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Secretary of the Presidency of the Republic; $5,000.00 (five thousand pesos) a month for the Assistant Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Prosesecretary of the Presidency of the Republic; $4,000.00 (four thousand pesos) per month for the Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
These items will increase the Rubro 2 of the corresponding Programs, and should be deleted from the date of indicated, the items existing in the Rubro 0 of those Programs.

Article 29.
Active Police personnel and those affected by the National Fire Department's sococorro services will receive compensation for the risk of the function, 15% (fifteen percent) of their respective Basic salaries.
The same benefit will be for the staff of the Police Escalation (Bg) of the General Maritime Prefecture and the Directorate General of the Criminal Institutes.

Article 30.
All percentage compensation on wages, or fixed, monthly and permanent settlement, arranged by prior budget laws in favor of Central and Central Administration officials. Institutions whose budgets are governed by Article 220 of the Constitution of the Republic shall be applied only on basic salaries in force at 31 December 1968, not being used for such settlements, increases in salaries to set this law.

The compensation referred to in Article 173 of Law No. 13,420of 2 December 1965, and which would have been achieved by that article, shall not be amended.

The same criterion will be followed by any other remuneration whose freezing would have been provided by law.

The application of this article will not increase or decrease the amounts that, due to the concepts previously stated, are perceived as of June 30, 1968, each public official.

Article 31.
Derogase any extraordinary compensation system whose amount is calculated on the basis of the allowance produced in the cost of living indices.

Officials who, at the date of this law, receive compensation to be determined according to the elevation of the cost of living index, will continue to receive, while continuing to provide services in the same dependency, equal to the cashed in the month of December 1968.

Article 32.
Set up, as of 1 January 1969, 30% (thirty percent) compensation on the basic salary of the trusted positions in accordance with the provisions of this law and the Articles 145 of Law No. 12.802, of 30 November 1960, 36 of Law No. 13,318of 28 December 1964, and 513 of Law No. 13,640of 26 December 1967.
The holders of the above mentioned charges will comply with a timetable Minimum work of 40 (forty) hours per week and remain in order.
Current holders of trusted positions who have been declared total dedication by prior laws or receive similar compensation for similar purposes will lose
For the application of this article will not be increased nor dis-will the amounts that, by the concepts preceedently enunciated to 30 June 1968, each official will not be increased public.

Article 33.
Facultate the Executive Branch to establish a special dedication regime for Class A Professional Technical Escalafon officials, who hold the college professional title, and who are in
regime, which will be optional, will require, in addition to the total fulfillment of the hours of work indicated for the Public Administration, to the collection of less 10 (ten) additional weekly hours as well as the condition of remain at all times the order of the respective service.
This compensation shall be remunerated with up to 30 (thirty percent) of the basic salary of the office, and shall be exclusive of any other benefit directly or indirectly derived from the exclusive, total, special, overtime, or similar system established in previous laws, as well as the provisions of the previous article.

Article 34.
The remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors of the Health Works of the State shall be equal to that of the members of the Directories of the Services of Industrial and Commercial Domain of the State. This equalization will also reach the items for representation expenses and other compensation to be assigned to the members of these Directories.



Article 35.
Elevate to $52:000,000 (fifty-two million pesos) annually, the amount authorized for hiring referred to in the penultimate paragraph of article 539 of the law N ° 13,640, of 26 December 1967.
At the request of the Agency, the Executive Branch may award, of the amount mentioned, a consignment for the National Institute of Economic Housing, for the purpose of the contract technical university technicians.




Article 36.
Increase by $600,000 (six hundred thousand pesos) annually each, Program 2 and 2. 01 "Fixing, Coordination and Oversight of Policy, Government", to address the expenses of presidential residences.



Article 37.
Take all the parentheses set out in the Budget Law to the charges corresponding to the AaaB, Ab, Ac and Ad Codes of the 3.06 "-Military Health" Program.

Article 38.
Exempt for a period of 90 (ninety) days from the penalty of this law, the benefits of Article 53 of Law No. 13,640, of December 26, 1967, the civilian staff, hired, day laborers, casual, stable and budgeted, dependent on the Ministry of National Defense who at the date of this law had not made any options.
in the AaA Escalafon, except for those who are in conditions of withdrawal to the date of sanction of this law, they must pass on to it.
For all the purposes of this article is considered as the date of application, the one established in article 53 of the cited law N ° 13,640, and their regulations.

Article 39.
Troop and Baggage Personnel removed from the Armed Forces may be designated by "founded resolution" to provide services in the Ministries of National Defense and Interior and their dependencies. Such staff will be paid as a cumulative supplement to their retirement, which is necessary to complete the assignments that are in their respective positions.

Article 40.
Contractual term tenants and occupants of any title of military, urban and suburban and rural buildings, affected by the Ministry of National Defense, will not be covered by the the provisions of the laws of urban, suburban and rural evictions, applying to obtain the supply of the unoccupied property, the summary procedure laid down in the Code of Civil Procedure, article 1.309 et seq.
(c) the second and second suburban and rural areas again leased.

Article 41.
National Defense Ministry Programs that respond to secret military personnel are exempted from explicit.

Article 42.
The centralization of assets in the inventory that provides for the Financial Accounting and Management Act shall not apply to those goods of a war character.
The attribution of determining this last character corresponds exclusively to the Ministry of National Defense, after consulting the Central Accountancy.

Article 43.
No bail will be required for those offices of the Ministry of National Defense, which by legal or regulatory provisions must be performed by members of the Armed Forces and whose committed to the management or custody of funds or values of logistical responsibility.

Article 44.
Create in Program 3.02 "Army" (Auxiliary Services) the "Escalafon of Military Nurses" for the Nursing Department of the Central Military Hospital of the Armed Forces with the following composition:
1 Lt. 1 ° Nurse Subchief of the Department of Nursing, 1 Lieutenant 2 ° Nurse Subchief of the Department of Nursing, 3 Senior Officers, 3 Sargents 1 °, 4 ° Sargentos, 7 Cabos de 1ª.
The aforementioned staff will be in their entirety graduated from the College of Nursing or the "Doctor Carlos Nery" School.

The Executive Branch will regulate the conditions of entry, promotion and stay in office.

Article 45.
Authorize the Ministry of National Defense to change the following Padrones with the Archbishopric of Montevideo: Nos. 86,338 (part); 86,742 (part); 139,752; 150.849; 160,850; 150.851; (Military School); N ° 25,903 (Military Institute of Higher Studies); N ° 196097; 177,280 (House Avenue Centennial 3057 and 3055); Nos. 70,257; 70,257 bis; 70,257 c; 70,257 d; 70,257 e; (Republican Guard) by the following rolls Nos. 17.924. and 19.214 (Toledo) as part of the delivery for the acquisition of the latter, which is supplement the amount stipulated in Article 246 (3), Program 12, of this law.

Article 46.
Staff who have received Articles 53 and 441 of Law No. 13,640 , dated December 26, 1967, have opted for the move to the availability list and are designated for The role of other Ministries will be filled by the Military Personnel of the Bf Code in the lower grade of Troop Personnel or the Navy's Equipment Corps.
Civil servants of the Ministry of Defense National and its dependencies that have chosen to move to "Availability Plans" Article 53 of Law No. 13,640,26 December 1967, shall be redistributed from the State, within a period not greater than 60 (sixty) days from the Sanction of this Law.

Article 47.
Authorize the Ministry of National Defense to provide General Rentas with the sum of 75,000,000 (seventy-five million pesos) for one time, intended for the purchase of drugs. medical and laboratory products, food and fuel for the Armed Forces Health Service.

Article 48.
As of the validity of this law, the provisions of Article 14 of Law No. 13.586 of 13 February 1967 are extended to Article 24 (2) of Law No. 13,033of 7 December 1961.

Article 49.
Increase the Rubro 2 of the Ministry of National Defense Program 3.01 in the sum of $110,000,000 (one hundred and ten million pesos) annually, with the purpose of equipment expenses for the Armed Forces.

Article 50.
Authorize the Ministry of National Defense to rotate the amount of the expenses of the Uruguayan Military Mission in the United States of America from the Rubro 9 (Global Assignments) (Partidas for payments (viatic), travel expenses, difference by coefficient and foreign exchange losses of the Military Attaché) once the budget of the Rubro 7 "Transfers", of the Program 3.01
, is exhausted
Article 51.
Autoricese to the Ministry of National Defense to assign to the Armed Forces Health Service up to two hundred vacant positions of Soldado, in proportion to those corresponding to the three Arms, as Article 12 of Law No. 13,320 of 28 December 1964 and Articles 46 and 47 of Law No. 13,640 28 December 1967. These places will be incorporated into the Auxiliary Service of the Program 3.02 (Army).
The respective income of male and female staff will be made in response only to the urgent needs of the Service of Health of the Forces Navies.

Article 52.
The National Airports Commission will operate under the control of the Ministry of National Defense, with the task of studying the project and management of the construction, conservation, equipment, and improvement of the country's airports. To this end, the funds raised by Article 334 number 2 of the law number 12.804of 30 November 1960 and its amending Articles 146 and 149 (in respect of air transport). Law N ° 13,637, dated 21 December 1967, shall be referred to as 'Impacted Revenue to Airports'. The total of the proceeds from each airport will be used for the construction, improvement, maintenance, and equipment of the same.

Article 53.
The National Airports Commission shall be empowered to hire the staff to be responsible for the management, comptroller, surveillance and execution of the works covered by Section 3, Sector 06, Program 14, of Law No. 13,640of 26 December 1967; those of Chapter V, Article 64, Chapter 3, Numeral 9, of Law No. 13,608, ofSeptember 1967; and those which are carried out with the Article 334, Number 2 of the Law No. 12.804, of 30 of the November 1960 and amending Articles 146 and 149 (as regards air transport) of Law No 13,637of 21 December 1967.
The services of the said staff shall cease after the end of the execution or study of the works for which it was contracted.
Also, the Commission to pay extra hours to the officials of the same who are in charge of the management, comptroller, surveillance and execution of the works referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article where the circumstances required use outside the usual working hours. The amounts to be earned for this purpose in the Commission shall be addressed to the items assigned by the laws referred to in this Article.

Article 54.
Declare within the rules of Article 208 of Law No. 13,640, of December 26, 1967, the personnel affected by the National Airports Commission. Such compensations shall be subject to montepio and shall be settled by the Rubro Subrubro 07 (Compensations subject to montepio) whose effects the General Accounting Office of the Nation will enable in the indicated Rubro the necessary credits up to the sum
Executive Branch will regulate this article within 60 (sixty) days of this law and will communicate to the General Assembly the respective payroll in all cases in which the make use of the faculty provided by this article.

Article 55.
According to the provisions of Article 5 (A) of the law of the creation of the SCRA (Service Building, Repairs and Armament) (Arsenal of Marina), of 17 July 1916, when they are projected carry out repairs on floating State-owned ships or dams, it is mandatory to consult these Services in advance if they can take care of them.
Article 56.
If such repairs are awarded to the SCRA (Marine Arsenal), they may be made directly, in such cases, from the requirement of public tender or price orders.

Article 57.
The respective Contadurships and/or the Court of Auditors of the Republic, shall not give a course to any file relating to repairs of ships of the State, if it does not consist in them having been requested in advance the referred consultation of the SCRA (Arsenal of Marina).

Article 58.
Except for this regime are those
repairs performed on the State Agency's own workshops to which the vessel or floating dock belongs.

Article 59.
Urgent repairs to be performed on ships outside the Port of Montevideo are also excepted. In these cases, when the ship returns to that port, the repairs made to the SCRA (Marine Arsenal) opinion will be submitted. This dependency shall be made on the urgent nature of the remedies for the purposes, in the latter case, of determining the responsibilities.

Article 60.
In cases that the SCRA (Arsenal of the Navy regardless of the attributions of other comptroller's bodies should control the repairs and/or constructions according to what the paragraph establishes (b) in Article 5 of the Law of 17 July 1916, the costs to be incurred shall be borne by the State Agency which owns the vessel.

Article 61.
Establish that the provisions of Article 63 of Law No. 13,640, of December 26, 1967, increased the Rubro 041 of the 303 Program in the amount necessary to attend The Office of the General Directorate of the Armed Services, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 510 and 511 of that Law No. 13,640.

Article 62.
When the SCRA (Arsenal of the Navy) contracts jobs other than for the Navy, its personnel covered by the Róbro Jornales (041), will spend 8 (eight) hours a day and will receive a supplement to its current day until the remuneration established in the current award or the Collective Agreement of Shipyards, Dams and Vargeries (Group 26) is reached. This provision will only govern during the period that has been planned by the competent Office of the SCRA (Marine Arsenal) as necessary to fulfill the work.



Article 63.
The National Fire Department and the Directorate of the Caminera Police, in accordance with the regulations governing the Executive Branch, may require third-party benefits when they use in a manner that exceed the normal, the services of such repartitions, which must be related to the direct cost of the services provided.
The produced will be used exclusively for the acquisition of material means for the dependencies cited.

Article 64.
Except for the provisions of Articles 443 and 540 of Law No. 13,640of December 26, 1967, regarding the provision of all Active Police charges.

Article 65.
The Police Service for Medical and Social Assistance, referred to in Article 86 of Law No. 13,640of December 26, 1967, will be directly dependent on the Ministry of Health. Interior.

Article 66.
The functions of the Mayor of the prisons under the Interior Police Headquarters will be performed by the official that the chiefs appoint, after authorization from the Ministry of the Interior. Interior.
Derogase article 80 of Law No. 13,640, of December 26, 1967.

Article 67.
Substitute Article 89 of Law No. 11,638, dated February 16, 1951, for the following:

" Article 89 The international transport companies, their agents or representatives in their case, will be punished, in case of infringement of the current provisions on migration, with a fine of up to $100,000 (one hundred thousand pesos), according to the the seriousness of each violation, without prejudice to the obligation to reconduct at its cost outside the national territory, to foreign nationals who are taken on board in illegal or anti-regulatory conditions, to the Republic. The fines may be accumulated if they are several foreigners in violation and will be imposed by the Migration Directory, after obtaining the opinion of the Legal Technical Department. The final resolution shall be enforceable for all purposes. "

Article 68.
The Executive Branch may, according to the needs of the service, provided that it does not amount to an increase in remuneration and with a category and degree equivalent to the remuneration that it will receive under this law, To incorporate the various departments of the Ministry of the Interior to the police officers who are carrying out tasks in committee in them at 31 July 1968. The entries shall be deleted for the respective posts and items in the respective Programmes. The incorporated officials referred to in this article will not have priority for the promotion on which they are currently performing functions in those repartitions. In order for such additions to be verified, the official's express compliance will be required to be incorporated.

Article 69.
They may be interchangeably military in activity or withdrawn, the Military Attachés and Military Helpers listed in the Ministry of Interior's Program 4.01.

Article 70.
The amounts set forth in Articles 5 ° of Law No. 11,638, of 16 February 1951 and 62 of Law No. 12.802, of 30 November 1960, will be increased twenty times. For future exercises this amount may be increased depending on the value of the tickets of international transport companies. This fixation will be made annually by the Executive Branch, with a maximum of up to 50% (fifty percent) of the sum to be modified. The compensation referred to in the final part of Article 62 of Law N ° 12.802of 30 November 1960, as amended by Article 106 of Law No 13,318,28 of December 1 shall be greater than 50% (fifty per cent) of the monthly allowance paid by the official before, the penalty of this law.

Article 71.
Declare that the 73 counts of Sargents 1.os created in Program 4.04 "Maintenance of the internal order: Montevideo", by Article 539 of Law No. 13,640, of December, 1967, the current officials, appointed by the Executive Branch, will have the right to access the current officials, who are appointed by the Executive Branch, Assistant to Investigations, before the law is in force N ° 12.801, dated 30 November 1960. />
Article 72.
Create the following posts of Police Active Police Chief of Montevideo: a position of Director General of Executive Coordination (3 ° Jefatura) (Grade 13); 3 counts of Inspector of Police (Degree 12); Sub-inspector (Grade ll); 8 Commissioners (Grade 10); 1 Deputy Commissioner (Grade 9); 580 Agents of 2 ° Class (Female Police) (Grade l); in Technical Police 1 post of Commissioner, Chemical Chief (Grade 10) and in the Specialised Police 1 Deputy Commissioner, Perito Ballistic (Grade 9). Only 25% (twenty-five percent) of the total can be provided, per quarter, from the positions of Agents of 2nd.

Article 73.
Create in the Police Headquarters the following Active Police charges: five counts of Commissioner, Bg 10; 10 counts of Deputy Commissioner, Bg 9; 18 Assistant Officers, Bg 7 and 350 Agents of 21, Bg 1. These officials will be distributed among the various partitions, by the Ministry of the Interior. 2 ° Agent charges may only be provided, per quarter, 25%. (twenty-five percent) of the total.

Article 74.
Believe in Program 4.07 "Preservation and Fight Against Fire", 50 charges of 2 ° Fire, Bg 1.

Article 75.
The role of Architect Teacher of the National Fire Body (Code AaA Category H, Grade l) will have a teaching character (Be).



Article 76.
Increase the Renglon 082 "Box Quebrantos" of the Ministry of Finance Program 5.05, in the sum of $240,000 (two hundred and forty thousand pesos).

Article 77.
Authorize the Ministry of Finance to extend
to forty hours a week the working day of the
officials of the Directorate General Imposito and the General Accounting Office of the Nation, with a compensation of 30% (30%) of their basic salaries, in the form and conditions and for the charges to be determined in each case, with the amount of the respective credit being extended in the sum necessary, which shall not be counted for the purposes of the calculation of the the percentages referred to in Articles 110 and 112 of Law N 13,640 of 26 March December 1967.
For these purposes, officials who wish to act under this regime will be registered in a register that will carry the above offices.

Article 78.
Transfierense 4 Officers 2.os (For sample extraction, students from the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy) Escalafon Ab, Grade 7 and 1 Sample Chemistry Extractor, Escalafon Ab, Grade 12 of Program 09 of Subsection 5, Ministry of Finance, to the Escalafon AC, with their respective degrees.
This change of denomination will not generate any additional benefits for the holders of these charges.



Article 79.
The provisions contained in Articles 73 of Law No. 13,608of 8 September 2008 shall apply to officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 1967 and 127 of Law No. 13,640 of 26 December 1967.



Article 80.
The Executive Branch may at any time determine the Programs or Subprograms within which all positions belonging to the Professional Technical Escalation (Class A and B) are vacant or remain Future vacancies in Section 7, Ministry of Livestock and Agriculture and whose Provision will not result in promotions, will be abolished.
The respective envelopes will increase the credit of the Renglon 021 of the corresponding Program.

Article 81.
Cometese to the Ministry of Livestock and Agriculture the ordering and supervision of the operations of the sale of haciendas referred to the industrial plants destined for the supply or export, without prejudice to the functions of health comptroller and other related aspects that assign the legal provisions in force.

Article 82.
Refrigerators or industrializing plants must possess, alone or jointly, balances for the weighing of the haciendas that they place on the market, within the period and conditions established by the regulations.
From the moment the balances for the weighing of haciendas are enabled, as determined by the regulations, the fridges or industrializing plants will be obliged to receive directly the haciendas. />
Article 83.
Substitute Article 18 of Decree Law No. 10,200 of 24 July 1942, as follows:
" Article 18. The entry of the National Board of Labor's Labor Exchange records will definitely be closed.
The Ministry of Livestock and Agriculture will regulate the functioning of the Labor Exchange and will ensure labor conditions. equivalent to the members of that, prior to the integration of each balance. "
Article 84.
Deroganse items 3 °, 5 °, 13 °, and 15 ° of decree law N ° 10,200, of July 24, 1942.

Article 85.
Authorize the Executive Branch to dispose of the prediums acquired in accordance with Article 10 et seq. of Decree Law No. 10,200 of July 24 In 1942 and to use its product to finance the purchase or construction of the building of the Ministry of Livestock and Agriculture.

Article 86.
State of national interest the execution of a Farm Promotion Plan, in order to promote the development of the production and export of the various fields of exploitation of the Farm, by means of the provision of technical and financial assistance for rural producers individually considered or grouped in cooperatives or commercial companies. This law is intended to be used for the purposes of this law: industrial milk, fruit-growing, viticulture, horticulture, poultry farming, farming, farming, beekeeping and other minor items to be used by the Honorary Commission.
The methods and general guidelines of the Plan provided for by this article will be regulated by the Executive Branch, on a proposal from the Honorary Commission that is created by the article next.

Article 87.
Create the Honorary Commission of the Farm Promotion Plan that will work within the Ministry of Livestock and Agriculture's orbit. He shall be responsible for the comptroller and management in the implementation of the Plan referred to in the previous article, with the same powers provided for by law N ° 12,394, of 2 July 1957 and supplementary, for the Honorary Commission of the Agricultural Plan.
The Honorary Commission of the Farm Promotion Plan will be composed of eleven members who will last five years in their duties, carrying out partial renewals every two and a half years. All its members may be re-elected. Four of these members and their alternates will be appointed, respectively, by the Ministry of Livestock and Agriculture, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Bank of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, and Office of Planning and Budget. Another seven and their respective alternates will be appointed, three by the Uruguayan Farm Confederation, one by the representative entities of the Northern Farmers (Cultures of Primor).
The Executive Branch will carry out the designations that
President of the Honorary Commission of the Farm Promotion Plan will be appointed by the Executive Branch. the delegates proposed by the various official bodies and rural institutions.
When the vacancy of the office of President occurs, by resignation or by impediment, the substitute shall be designated by the procedure that determines the preceding paragraph.
Every two and a half years and from the installation of the first Commission, the renewal of two delegates of the official bodies and four of the rural institutions will be carried out.
The Honorary Commission shall be integrated and shall commence its duties within forty-five days of the enactment of this law.

Article 88.
For the study of the different productions that the farm comprises, the Honoraria Commission of the Farm Promotion Plan will proceed to integrate specialized subcommittees for each of the categories of exploitation. The designated sub-commission shall be chaired by a delegate of the Honorary Commission, representative of the production in question, not being able to be composed of more than five members of the Honoraria Commission and with suitability in the subject.
subcommittees to be appointed in all cases will be of an advisory nature, and must raise their budgets to the Honorary Commission of the Farm Promotion Plan, who will ultimately resolve the proposed initiatives and plans.

Article 89.
Create a Special Fund for the granting of credits for the purposes laid down by this law, the amount of which will be composed of the following resources:

A) The funds provided by the Bank of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, of its own availabilities, to promote the development of the farm.
B) Funds from loans with international credit institutions, in accordance with agreements, agreements or laws they authorize to contract, for the purposes provided for by this law.
(c) the resources to be used for the Agricultural Development Plans (Article 378 of Law No 13,640,26 December 1967 and Article 239 of this Law) and those which specifically provide for the law, for the same purpose.

The reference funds will be used by the Bank of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay to grant loans for amounts and conditions to be set by producer organisations or producers individually, following a report from the Commission Honorary as set out in Article 87, intended to promote the production, industrialization, marketing and export of farm products.

Article 90.
The operating expenses, purchase of equipment, and hiring of technical and administrative personnel of the Honorary Commission of the Farm Promotion Plan will be carried out in accordance with the current rules for the Honorary Commission of the Agricultural Plan and will be in charge of the resources of the Agrarian Development (Article 239 of the present law)

Article 91.
In all cases not specifically provided for by the preceding articles, the rules laid down by law N ° 12,394of 2 July 1957, which are consider the Farm Promotion Plan to be extensible.

Article 92.
The commitments imposed by the Office of Comptroller of the Ministry of Livestock and Agriculture, as a result of complaints made as of the validity of this law, will be awarded to the (a) a person who is a person who is a person who is a person who is a resident of the country of ; In the event of a particular complaint, 50% (50%) and 50% (fifty per cent) of current officials will be responsible for this.

Article 93.
Transfer Subprogram No. 5 "Chemical, Physical, and Biological Analysis" of Subprogram 05 " Agricultural Services of Section 7-Ministry of Livestock and Agriculture-to Program 02 "Research and Experimentation of Agricultural and Agricultural" corresponding Subsection. The Executive Branch will modify the distribution of the items of expenditure made by Decree No 258/68 of 18 April 1968 and the allocation of officials prepared by resolution N ° 341/968 of the Ministry of Livestock and Agriculture. dated February 29, 1968.



Article 94.
Public utility declares the expropriation and immediate occupation of the property located at the 3rd Judicial Section of the Department of Montevideo, Calle Rincon No. 719, /23, indicated with the Padron No. 4778, ownership of the succession of Don Agustín Zabaleta, which will be used for the installation of the Secretariat and other dependencies of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

Article 95.
Amend Articles 21, 43, 54, and 55 of Decree Law No. 10,327of 28 January 1943, which shall be worded as follows:

" Article 21. The licence shall be made in writing before the General Inspectorate of Mines, which shall, in each case, determine the deposit in guarantee that the request shall be made effective, a deposit which may not be withdrawn pending the settlement of the claims for damages that may eventually be filed by the owners of the premises affected by the research work.

In your application, the license petitioner must specify the area of the country that is proposed to investigate by accompanying a sketch at a scale of 1:100,000 of the same, and a plan of unlinde produced by a surveyor, for which it will have a deadline of Sixty days from the date of the application; the General Inspection of Mines will intimidate the owners to exhibit the title of the property and allow the actuary to perform the measurements of the pregod that this Consider necessary. The owner will not be able to hinder the task of the agrisensor, under penalty of fine whose amount will be fixed by the regulation that will dictate the Executive Branch.

The petitioner must also declare which mineral substances are to be the subject of their investigation.

The petitioner will pay for license fees, the amount of $2,000 (two thousand pesos). The Executive Branch may update when the amount of the respective rights corresponds.

Article 43. From the moment a request for a provisional concession is submitted, the person concerned must satisfy the surface charge, at the rate of $200 (two hundred pesos) per hectare or, payable in advance half-yearly quotas. The Executive Branch may update when the amount of this fee corresponds. In cases of disputes about the best right to a concession, each of those who litigate is obliged to pay the fee without the right to claim or return.

Article 54. The violation or non-compliance with the mining laws will determine the application of fines, the scale of which will be determined by the Executive Branch. In cases of recidivism the amount of the fines will be doubled.
The pecuniary penalties will be applied by the General Inspection of Mines according to the procedure that will fix the respective regulatory decree.

" Article 55. The sums to be collected by the General Inspectorate of Mines for the concept of surface canons or the production of licence fees, the provision of services, in the course of services, fines etc., shall be carried out in the Office of the General Inspectorate of Mines, not being able to be used for the payment of personal remuneration. "

Article 96.
Add to Article 23 (B) of Law No. 10.793, 25 September 1946, the following paragraph:

"For the purposes of the application of this paragraph are also considered as improvements to drilling for groundwater, for account or with permission of the owner of the property".

Article 97.
Amend paragraph 1 of Article 164 of Law No. 13,640 of December 26, 1967, which will be worded as follows:

" The Laboratory of Analysis and Testing is a person of non-state public law and will be administered by an integrated Honoraria Commission in the following form: a delegate from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce who will preside over it, a delegate of the Bank of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay and a delegate of the Chamber of Industries. "

Article 98.
The Analysis and Testing Laboratory will communicate with the Executive Branch through the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

Article 99.
Modify in Program 05 "Administration and elaboration of the Industrial Property Registry" of paragraph 8 Ministry of Industry and Commerce the name of the position of Director (when the Director is vacant) Lawyer AaA Extra), the one who Pasa to name: Director (when he vacates Technical Technical Director AaA Extra Code).

Article 100.
Amend Article 176 of Law No. 13,640, dated December 26, 1967, which will be worded as follows:

" Article 176. The scientific technical positions (Geologist, Paleontologist, Petrograph) listed in Program 07 of paragraph 8, are considered to be included within the Professional Technical Escalation of Class B, and can be performed by qualified technicians by titles issued, revalidated or recognized by the University of the Republic, or which demonstrate their training by means of merit or merit and opposition. "

Article 101.
Modifies in the 8.07 Program "Geological Investigations" of the 8 Ministry of Industry and Commerce the name of the position of Geologist Head of Museum, the one that happens to be called "Geologist".

Article 102.
Traspasase in the Programs 07 "Geological Investigations" and 08 "Underground Water and Miscellaneous Studies", from the 8 Ministry of Industry and Commerce the allocations contained in the Renglon 041 "Jornales Corrientes" al Renglon 021 "Staff hired".



Article 103.
The budgeted charges for paragraph 9, Ministry of Transport, Communications and Tourism, shall have the names set out in Articles 13 and 14 of this Law for general escalations replacing the current denominations by which they correspond according to the Code and the degree they hold.

Article 104.
Enter the Schedule of the 9.09 "National Tourism Address" Schedule 9.01: 6 Promotion Agents; 3 Promotion Agents (Interpreters-Translators) ) 1 Director of Information Centers.
The charges stemming from the former Item 9.02 incorporated into the Program 9.01 by law N ° 13,640 of December 26, 2001, will also be incorporated into the Schedule of the Program 9.09. 1967.
The holders of the charges referred to above will continue to perceive the compensations subject to montepio that to the date of validity of this law they were assigned, transforming themselves into compensations to the official.

Article 105.
The replacement staff of the National Directorate of Posts and Directorate General of Telecommunications will be appointed by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Tourism on the basis of the
The appointments to be made in the Postal Agency shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Law No 11.474of 11 August 1950, with the amendments introduced by Article 198 of Law No 13,640 of December 26, 1967 and will have a maximum duration of 30 (thirty) days.

Article 106.
Add to Article 197 (1) of Law No. 13,640 of 26, 1967, the following paragraph:
" L) The periodic press edited inside the Republic and to be delivered to the Mail to be distributed within the country and whenever it is referred by the editors themselves ".

Article 107.
Amend Article 196 of Law No. 13,640 of December 26, 1967, which will be worded as follows:

" Article 196. The sums to be collected by the National Post Office for the sale of formulas to the users of the Service for the sale of postal effects on lap, and for the leasing of mail boxes, may be applied directly but The Agency for the Improvement of Postal Services, excluding the payment of personal remuneration. "

Article 108.
Create a Job Exchange for the replacement contracted out of program 041 of Program 9.08 "Postcard Services".
This Stock Exchange will be composed of the replacements that have worked in the case of paid tasks under the name of the Renglon in the period from 1 January 1965 to 30 June 1968, by the children or widows of the deceased officials and by the officials appointed in February 1967 that they would have taken possession of their posts.
From the date of The term of this law the replacement hiring provided for in Article 198 of Law No. 13,640 of 26 December 1967 may only be carried out among the staff belonging to the Labour Exchange, in the form and with the limitations to be determined by the regulations.

They will not be able to integrate such a stock exchange replacement that has suffered serious sanctions or who have been proven ineptitude, omission or crime, according to the regulations that the Executive Branch will dictate. Also excluded from the Stock Exchange are day laborers who, within the period previously established, have not worked for more than twenty continuous working days.

The job vacancies that occur on the Work Exchange will be provided with the applicants who enter it, after proof of sufficiency. The Executive Branch shall regulate this provision and establish the formalities to be completed in the replacement designation.

Article 109.
Create a Job Exchange for Replacement Messengers contracted out of the Renglon 021 of the 9.07 Program "General Telecommunications Directorate".
This Stock Exchange will be integrated by the (a) replacement of workers who have worked in paid work under the Renglon-ex Item 3.28-in the period from 1 January 1966 to 30 June 1968 and their emoluments shall be paid from the availability of headings existing in the same or originating from the date of enactment of the present law.

Article 110.
The National Post Office will be hierarchically dependent on the National Communications Directorate.

Article 111.
Declare of public utility, the expropriation of the building where the company currently has its headquarters.
" Industrial Francisco Piria S.A., as well as the furniture, supplies and machines of that office company, located all of them in the 3rd Judicial Section of the Department of Montevideo, Sarandi Street and Thirty-Three, which will be used for the installation of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Tourism and its dependencies.

Article 112.
Include the Directorate General of Telecommunications, Directorate General of Metrology and the Directorate General of Civil Aviation in Article 541 of the law N ° 13,640, dated December 26, 1967.

Article 113.
Amend Article 204 of Law N ° 13,640, dated December 26, 1967, which will be worded as follows:

" Article 204. The charges of National Communications Director and Deputy Director General of Telecommunications, may be filled by staff of the AaA, Ab, or Ac escalations according to the corresponding regulations determined ".

Article 114.
Officials of the Directorate General of Telecommunications (Program 9.07) who are promoted to positions of the National Directorate of Communications (Program 9.06) will continue to receive identical compensation to which they were assigned. These compensations belong to the official and not to the post.
The compensations currently perceived by the officials of the Directorate General of Telecommunications will be made in compensation to the official and not to the office.

Article 115.
Modifies in the National Communications Directorate (Program 9.06) Charge Schedule, the reference set for the two Directors ' charges, Escalafon Ac, Grade 17, monthly salary $18,650 (eighteen thousand six hundred and fifty pesos), which is written in the following form:
" 1 Director Technical Advice; by vacating AaA Engineer Grade 7 or AaB Grade 8 (Radiological or Electrotechnical), and 1 Director Plans and Study Ac Degree 17 ".

Article 116.
Transfer from Program 9.02 to 9.05, the charge of Air Transport Director, Cod. Ab, Grade 17, with the name of Subdirector General.

Article 117.
The produced of the resources established by Articles 29 of Law No. 13,319, of 28 December 1964 and 169 of Law No. 13,420 of 2 December 1965, will be collected by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation of Uruguay.

Authorize the aforementioned Directorate to use 50% (fifty percent) of the production of those resources that are currently being made to General Rentas to attend, until their extinction, the obligations incurred until the validity of this law with external financing agencies to improve the services to be carried out. Once the obligations have been extinguished, this percentage will be returned to General Rentas.

Article 118.
Affect to the National Transportation Directorate 50% (fifty percent) of the tax produced by Article 16 of Law 12.950, of 23 November 1961, as amended by Article 159 of Law No. 13,637of 21 December 1967.-
Interdepartmental omnibus and tourism companies will deposit the tax directly on the Bank of the Republic, which will transfer 50% (50%) of its produced to the account "Investments of the Ministry of Public Works" and the remaining 50% (fifty percent) to the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Tourism.

Article 119.
Create the Censal Registration Rate of cargo and passenger transport vehicles, authorizing their attachment to the Executive Branch in the opportunity to dispose of the vehicles.
The Court of Appeal held that, in the light of the Court's ruling, the Court of Appeal held that the Court of Appeal was not in a position to take the view of the Court of Appeal. interdepartmental and international cargo, will be administered by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Tourism and destined to improve the Services of Comptroller of the National Directorate of Transport, excluding the payment of personal rewards.

Article 120.
Incorporate the 9.09 National Tourism Directorate Program "9.10" Tourism Administration Program " that will disappear as such.

Article 121.
Public utility declares the expropriation of facilities, furniture, and supplies for non-municipal Casinos that have been or are currently in operation in the country.
The amounts resulting from the application of this Article shall be met with 5% (5%) of the liquid profits obtained on the holding of said Casinos, which will be taxed equally to the beneficiaries of the same. />
Article 122.
Amend Article 71 of Law No. 13.318, dated December 28, 1964, which will be worded as follows:

" Article 71. In the Casinos exploited by the State will be charged an entry whose amount will amount to twice the value of the minimum bet per person and for time.
May be augmented by the Executive Branch on a proposal from the National Director of Tourism. The use of the password is prohibited.
The National Directorate of Tourism will be responsible for the collection. The amount of the proceeds shall be discharged into account No 30,013 of the Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay or in those that take place.
For the costs of issuing the entry and the perception of its produced may be allocated up to 3% (3%) of this.
Of the liquid produced from the entrances, the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Tourism, 50% (fifty percent) of the Uruguayan Olympic Committee, administrator of the Olympic Fund for the purposes provided by law N ° 12,762, of 23 August 1960. The Uruguayan Olympic Committee, in agreement with the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Tourism will be able to control the expedition and use of the tickets.
In all cases where the National Treasury has advanced or forward funds to the Committee Olympic Uruguayan, the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Tourism will deposit directly in Rentas Generales 50% (fifty percent) referred to in the previous paragraph, until completing the advance sum.
40% (forty per cent). One hundred) will be handed over to the Ministry of Culture for the following purposes:
A) To collaborate through agreements with Associations of Promotion, the Commissions or Associations of Parents, in the repair, extension or construction of buildings of teaching and functioning of houses of culture.-
B) Increase the Ministry of Culture's heading for the operation of Student Homes.
The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Tourism will have 10% (ten percent) remaining for the purposes indicated by Article 3 C) of Law No. 13,453of 2 December 1965 ".

Article 123.
The percentage of the liquid utilities that are obtained in the holding of Casinos corresponding to the Municipal Intrends, according to the article 3 ° literal B of the law N ° 13.453, dated 2 December 1965, will be paid by the Executive Branch prior to the certification of the acquired work or materials.

Article 124.
The National Tourism Commission will have the advice of the National Tourism Board. The Executive Branch will be able to expand its powers by granting functions of comptroller, inspection and coordination of tourism activities and services or related to tourism.

Article 125.
Modify in Program 9.01 "Ministry of Transportation, Communications, and Tourism" the name of the positions of Director General Administrative and Deputy Director General Administrative for the Director General of the Secretariat and Director of Sessions, respectively.

Article 126.
Substitute in Article 203 of Law No. 13,640, of December 26, 1967, where it says: ... " in the nature of total and exclusive dedication and must comply with the provided by Article 158 of Law No. 12.803 of 30 November 1960 ".. by ..." in character of special dedication ".

Article 127.
The provisions of Article 6 of Law No. 12.801, of 30 November 1960, concerning promotions in the Professional Technical Codification AaaB shall not be The officials of the Directorate-General for Telecommunications (Program 9.07) belonging to that Escalafon.
The officials mentioned in the previous paragraph who do not have official certificates certifying their suitability must render proficiency test to access Address charges.



Article 128.
Trust the positions of Director of the National Library (Program 11.11) and Director of the General Archive of the Nation.

Article 129.
Declare that the item of $18:099,300 (eighteen million ninety-nine thousand three hundred pesos) corresponding to the Renglon 079/01 of Program 07-paragraph 11, which was approved by law N ° 13,640, of December 26, 1967, was intended to pay attention to the compensation of 30% (thirty percent) for the staff of the prison guard and the budgeted and contracted surveillance corps of the General Directorate of Criminal Institutes.

Article 130.
Modify the distribution of Subrubro 71 of the Program 11.13 "Artigas File", which is worded as follows: " Fees for researchers, copists, etc., and expenses for publications. "

Article 131.
Create the $20,000,000 "Amateurs International Championships Fund" (20 million pesos) to contribute to the financing of the competencies to be elucidated in the national territory.
The sum referred to will be attended by General Rentas and the affections that will be made will be arranged by the Ministry of Culture with the agreement of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Tourism.

Article 132.
Create the "National Championships Fund" of $15,000,000 (fifteen million pesos) to contribute to the realization of amateur sports competitions.
General Income and the affections of the same will be arranged by the Ministry of Culture, after hearing the National Commission of Physical Education.

Article 133.
The National Physical Education Commission will be able to dispose of all of the projects coming from the production of its workshops for the purpose of developing industrialization and marketing, Once the needs of the services in charge have been met. The balances of the projects which, at the end of the annual financial year, have not been applied shall be automatically carried over to the following financial year. Personal remuneration will not be paid for with this collection.

Article 134.
The use of substances or media intended to artificially increase or decrease, at the time of competition, the physical capacity and therefore the performance of an individual, is understood by doping. athlete.

Article 135.
It is in the public interest to eradicate the practice of doping, with the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Culture and the National Commission for Physical Education being committed to doing so. of educational campaigns for that purpose.

Article 136.
Cometate the National Commission of Physical Education the comptroller on doping in all sports competition, national or international, that takes place in the Republic, between fans or (i) the application of the penalties imposed by the rules on the offenders. To these ends, I authorized the National Commission of Physical Education to invest, with the authorization of the Ministry of Culture up to the sum of $6,000,000 (six million pesos) to eradicate the use of stimulants prohibited in the activities of sports character.

Article 137.
For the purposes of the comptroller established in the previous article, the National Commission for Physical Education-directly or through other official bodies-may carry out the examinations and the obtaining and analysing the samples necessary to carry out the doping investigation.
The athlete's refusal to undergo the tests mentioned, will show his disqualification in the individual competitions or those of his team, in the collective.

Article 138.
The athlete who incurs doping, sports leader, technicians and sports assistants who advise athletes to ingest doping substances, are provided or supply your order or your will, they will be punished with penalties that include from temporary suspension to permanent disqualification.

Article 139.
The National Physical Education Commission shall provide all necessary measures for the effective compliance of the comptroller who is committed to it, as well as in all matters relating to the investigations necessary to (i) to see To this effect, it may, with the consent of the said Ministry, require the collaboration of public or private bodies or enter into agreements or agreements with them to ensure the equipment and operation of an anti-doping laboratory in their dependencies and to finance the execution of the related controls in the Departments of the Interior.

Article 140.
The National Physical Education Commission to be used with the authorization of the Ministry of Culture, up to 2% (two percent) of the total amount provided for in Article 271 of this Law, to equipment and operating expenses of your Medical Department.
With this item no personal remuneration may be paid.

Article 141.
Substitute Article 263 of Law No. 13,640, of December 26, 1967, by the following:
" Article 263. Each of the members of the Official Radio Broadcasting Service (SODRE) and the National Physical Education Commission will receive a $20,000.00 (twenty thousand) monthly departure for the representation expenses. "

Article 142.
Destination up to the sum of $15:000,000.00 (fifteen million pesos) for attention by the Uruguayan Amateur Volibol Federation (FUVA) of the expenses that the organization and realization of the organization demands. World Extra Volibol Championship to be held in Uruguay in the course of the year 1969.
The FUVA will give documented account to the Ministry of Culture of the expenses that it carries out with this item.
The concept that the Federation will perceive for the realization of the said contest, will be In the first term, they were affected to cover the full refund of the amounts advanced from the item authorized by this article.
The Executive Branch will regulate this provision.

Article 143.
The Institute of Biological Sciences Research may hire personnel of recognized technical solvency, specializing in research sciences.

Article 144.
Increase in the sum of $1:000,000.00 (one million pesos) the envelope corresponding to the Renglon 0.21 "Contracted Staff" of Program 11.09 to the departmental Conservatories.

Article 145.
Create an annual item of $3:000,000.00 (three million pesos), which will be used to pay attention to the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the National Committee of Oceanography of the International Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO.

Article 146.
Set for members of the Official Radio Broadcasting Service (OSSODRE) Symphony Orchestra a compensation equivalent to 30% (thirty percent) of their basic salaries that are will be charged regardless of anything that may correspond to them. To this effect, increase the item that serves the respective item, in the sum necessary.

Article 147.
Add to Article 248 of Law N ° 13,640, of December 26, 1967, the following incites:

" The above mentioned procedure can only be adopted when the Institute of the Book is not in a position to distribute or sell by itself or, when the Ministry, understands that it is appropriate to adopt it, after hearing the
In those cases where the sale or distribution of any publication is available in the manner provided for in the initial part of this article, the Institute of the Book may require the retention and direct delivery of the volumes indispensable for their internal needs and for enrichment of the the libraries you are attending. "

Article 148.
Declare that the position of Director of the National Printing Office is transformed into a position of Director General, including under the regime provided for in Article 145 of the Law N ° 12.802, dated November 30, 1960.

Article 149.
The position of Chief General of Workshops corresponding to the specialized scale Código Ac of the National Printing Press, will be provided on the basis of merit contest and opposition among the officials of the Grado 11 Even in the future, the same escalation, subject to the bases that the Executive Branch will establish. The National Printing Press should facilitate the training of potential applicants.

Article 150.
Amend Article 245 of Law No. 13,640, of December 26, 1967, which will be read as follows:

" Article 245. Authorize the Management and Administration of "Official Journal" to dispose of all of its provents to attend to the development of its activities, modifying, in the relevant, the provisions of the article 3 ° of the law N ° 12.079, dated 11 December 1953.
With these resources, only the payment of the already authorized hires and their corresponding revalidations may be considered.
personnel, shall not result in the designation of substitutes. "

Article 151.
Create, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 264 of Law No. 13,640, of December 26, 1967, a fund of $50:000,000.00 (fifty million pesos), for to facilitate or subsidise the attendance of pupils to the schools of the interior of the country and/or to provide the vehicles for their transport.
This item will be affected by the Ministry of Culture, which is empowered to create in each Department of the Interior, Special Commissions, in which they will have representation of Municipal Trends, for the purposes of the student service that is established.

Article 152.
In those Fiscalas dependent on the Ministry of Culture in which officials are to date under the conditions laid down in Article 495 of the law number 13,640, of December 26, 1967, the charges that they perform in the positions of Technical Helpers are transformed.
Delete the reference to the Ac Code and paragraph 2 of that article. The new charges will have an equivalent amount to the office of Chief of the Office of the Prosecutor's Office to which they belong.

Article 153.
Add to Article 257 of Law N ° 13,640, of December 26, 1967, the following paragraph:
" In cases where the Deputy Actuary does not possess a Write-down title, may be designated to carry out the address of the Registry in any of the circumstances provided for in the preceding paragraph, to the professionals whom it has been possessing 3 (3) years old, are located in the Department and hold a public office. "

Article 154.
The Registry of Civil State, currently in charge of the Justices of Peace of the Republic, will pass from the date the Executive Branch establishes to the effect, by regulating this provision, to operate with the Civil State officers of the Directorate General of the Registry and other current staff of this Agency and will upload with officials of the Central Administration in conditions of being passed in committee, investing them from the faculties necessary under the dependence and with the contralors provided for in Article 231 of the Law N ° 13,640, of 26 December 1967.-

Article 155.
Cometate the Ministry of Culture, jointly with the other State Department  , the creation of Civic Centers in the Departments of the Interior, aimed at bringing together in one building the different Offices of their dependencies, to solve the problem that create the leases of their respective premises. The Executive Branch shall regulate this provision.

Article 156.
Please agree to an annual item of $150,000.00 (one hundred and fifty thousand pesos) to be taken from General Rentas, with the purpose of meeting the operating expenses of the National Rehabilitation Commission.

Article 157.
The Ministry of Culture should be empowered to adopt all integration and exchange measures between the various industrial workshops of the Ministry's agencies.
to carry out, with the Autonomous Teaching Bodies, what is considered suitable for the integration of purposes and the unification of methods with the workshops, laboratories and various teaching services.

Article 158.
Create a Director of Culture role in the 11.01 "General Administration" Program. This charge shall be remunerated with a monthly allowance equivalent to that of the current Directors of Administration and Justice of the said Program and shall belong to the Ac Code. The Executive Branch shall establish the conditions of suitability to be met by the person to be appointed.

Article 159.
Establish that for the provision of professional technical charges for entry into the Records included in Program 03 of paragraph 11, Ministry of Culture, which shall henceforth be priority is given to officials engaged in competition between law and notarized students for the Capital Registers, who have obtained the Enabling Title, without prejudice to the provisions of the rules in force in respect of promotions or appointments.

Article 160.
The inspection charges for Program 01, paragraph 11, Ministry of Culture, are immovable and integrate the respective scale of the Agency.

Article 161.
Declare that the equivalent charge, regulated by Articles 73 to 78 of Law N ° 13,320, of 28 December 1964, is in respect of remuneration for the performance of the position, to which by the concepts that make up the final salaries, they receive the headlines of the charges corresponding to the judicial branch (article 72 of the law).
Article 162.
Substitute Article 225 of Law No. 13,640, December 26, 1967, as follows:
" Article 225. The vacant posts of Director and Deputy Director of Establishment and the Administrative Director of the Prison Hospital, of the Directorate General of Criminal Institutes, will be provided by means of merit contest among the officials of the Category Ab and immediate lower grade, taking particular account, the time spent in the performance of the titular function, or the time spent performing a higher function in an interim character ".



Article 163.
Transform to " Preventive Center for Care of the Stones " in the Auxiliary Center of Public Health Las Piedras

Article 164.
Create in Program 12.02 "General Services" of the Ministry of Public Health the Department of Maternal and Child Hygiene that will be endowed with charges stemming from the redistribution and the
The professional technical endowment of this Department will be constituted by three counts of the following specialties: Medical Doctor, Medical Doctor and Medical Doctor Obstetrician

Article 165.
Create the Central Nursing Department in Program 12.02 "General Services" of the Ministry of Public Health, which will be endowed with the units currently assigned to it and those assigned to it by redistributing or transforming vacant posts.

Article 166.
Remove from the budget payroll of the Ministry of Public Health the references that determine the deletion of professional and specialized technical charges, which shall be governed by the provisions of Article 293 of Law No 13,640 ofDecember 1967.

Article 167.
Create for the Department of Montevideo, the "Department of Public Health of Montevideo" with the same competencies of the other Department Centers and providing it with a position of Director (Medical) (Total dedication) (Scale AaA, Extra Grade), which is created, with an endowment of $30,000.00 (thirty thousand pesos) per month.

Article 168.
Create for the health care services of the Ministry of Public Health, the following charges: 50 Nurses (Escalafon AaB, Grade 2); 30 Dietitians (Escalafon Aab, Grade 2); 12 Medical Doctors Room and Polyclinic (Scalafon AaA, Grade 5); Pediatric Doctors (Newborn Specialists) (Scalafon AaA, Grade 5).

Article 169.
Set up: a $10:000,000 (ten million pesos) item exclusively for supplemental remuneration, from 50%. (fifty percent) to 100% (one hundred percent) of basic salary to Doctors based in the rural areas that serve polyclinics of the Ministry of Public Health.

Article 170.
Create within the Program 12.04 "Healing and Rehabilitation Medical Care", from the Ministry of Public Health, the Nuclear Medicine Service.
recruitment of the following technical staff: 1 Chief Medical Officer with a salary equivalent to Grade 6 of the Technical Professional Escalation; 4 Radioisotope doctors with salary equivalent to Grade 5; 3 Technical auxiliaries with salary equivalent to Grade 10 of the Specialised Scale and 2 Auxiliary Laboratory with salaries equivalent to Grade 6 of said Escalafon: $2:045,000 (two million forty-five thousand pesos).

For operating expenses and equipment excluding personal remuneration: $10,000,000 (ten million pesos).

Article 171.
Transformer into the Program 12.04 "Healing and Rehabilitation Medical Care" to the "Center for the Recovery of Crippled Children" in the "Pediatric Recovery Unit".

Article 172.
Incorporate the Directorate General of Health, created by Article 269 of Law No. 13,640 of 26 December 1967, the posts of Directors (Medical) of the Divisions Assistance and Hygiene, which are currently included in the 12.02 "General Services" Programme. The positions of Directors Adjunto, professional technicians, currently included in the Directorate General of Health, may be the subject of transformation and redistribution within the same Escalafon, under the provisions of Article 293 of the Law N ° 13,640, of 26 December 1967.

Article 173.
Create in Program 12.02 "General Services" (Assistance Division) the Mental Health Assistance and Preservation Service that will be composed of a Director General, Medical Psychiatrist, a Deputy Director, Psychiatric Physician and a Deputy Chief Medical Officer Psychiatric Mental Hygiene Specialist. The charges shall be awarded in accordance with the mechanism established by Article 293 of Law No. 13,640,December 26, 1967.

Article 174.
Create in Program 12.02 "General Services" (Assistance Division) the Central Department of Dietetics that will be endowed with charges from the creations of Dietists contained in the article 168 of this law and those awarded to it by application of Article 293 of Law No. 13,640of 26 December 1967.

Article 175.
Create in the Program 12.02 "General Services" (Hygiene Division) the Family Planning Consultant that will be constituted by the Consulting and the Research Laboratory on Reproduction Human beings currently operating in the premises of former Room 4 of the Obstetric Clinic "A" (Pereyra Rossell Hospital), incorporating for their operation the budget charges that are currently assigned to them and those awarded to them by application of Article 293 of the law N ° 13,640 of December 26, 1967.

Article 176.
Charges for Pharmacy, Laboratory, X-rays, Hemotherapy, and other Escalafon Ac specializations, which are currently performed on an interim basis, will be provided with the officials. which corresponds and which are in a position of ownership in accordance with the legal procedures in force for the respective promotions. The vacancies that will result after the promotions that correspond in the Escalafon will be provided in effectiveness with the current interim ones that have one year or more in such positions, after proof of sufficiency or presentation of the corresponding enabling certificate, as determined by current regulatory standards.

Article 177.
Facultess to the Ministry of Public Health to propose the incorporation of the Total Geographical Dedication (DTG) regime for the staff of those services which by the highly specialized nature of their benefits and the care activity, which they develop, are considered to be of particular interest to the Agency. Understand by the geographical Total Dedication regime the one by which the technical personnel voluntarily conform to the following regulatory principles:

(a) The DTG Technician shall perform the total of his/her activity within the service of which he/she is a titular official, with up to 20% (twenty per cent) of the total time available for the care and assistance of individual patients.

(b) The assistance of such patients shall in no case exceed 10% (10%) of the total of the assistance provided by the service in which it acts and the quality of the service shall be equal for all patients who are present.

(c) The DTG technician may not, in his professional practice, depart from the specialty indicated by the budget charge that he is a holder in the service in which he acts.

D) All clinical, radiographic and scientific material relating to the patients cared for will belong to the service in which it acts.

E) The fees to which the assistance of individual patients will be paid will be proposed by the current and authorized technician or modified by the Ministry of Public Health, making its recovery effective through the administration of the Service will allocate 60% (sixty percent) of the same for the professional and 40% (forty percent) for the service.

The Executive Branch shall regulate the allocation of the system established by this paragraph, on the basis of the optionality thereof, its subjection to the revalidation by time not greater than 2 (two) years and the substantiation of the reasons for the to be granted.

Article 178.
Optional to the Executive Branch to modify the amount of fines and duties that the Ministry of Public Health applies to the Ministry of Public Health through its competent agencies, regulating them according to the variation in costs.

Article 179.
As of the date of penalty of this law, vacancies occurring in places occupied by the permanent staff of the Honorary Commission of the Comptroller of the Drug or the new places that will be incorporated in the future, must be provided with the officials who perform tasks in that Agency, for which the same system of promotions will be applied for the budgeted officials of the Ministry Public Health.
Once the promotions are carried out, the Commission The Honoraria of the Comptroller of Medicines may choose to maintain or to delete the places that will be free at the end of the ladder.

Article 180.
Teachers declare the following budget charges in Section 12, Ministry of Public Health Program 12.04 "Healing and Rehabilitation Medical Care": Medical Doctor (Code AaA Grade 5 Partida 2 Implementing Unit 19 Order Number 2); Pathological Anatomy Adjunct (code Ac Grade 15 Item 94 Implementing Unit 10 N ° of Order 264) Programme 12.05 Prevention, Surveillance, and Health Improvement: Veterinary Physicians (AaA Grade 5 Code) Item 82 Implementing Unit 07 N ° of Order 181 and 182)

Article 181.
Public Health Ministry personnel, who at the time of this law's sanction will be in the performance of tasks that correspond to specific functions of charges grouped in the Escalafon Ac, with a certified age not less than one year, may choose to transform his position in that of the corresponding discipline, after proof of sufficiency. The changes to be made by the application of this provision shall be made at the level of the salary corresponding to the degree of the position of origin. The denunciation of such situations must be carried out within a period of 60 (sixty days) from the date of publication of this law.
The Executive Branch, once the corresponding sufficiency tests have been carried out, will confirm to the officials who would have approved them, adapting the denominations and codes to the situations provided for by this article.
These transformations will not mean an increase in remuneration for any concept.

Article 182.
Staff who by the date of sanction of this law will find themselves on an interim basis within the Escalafon Ad with an age of one year or more and with possession of the certificate Corresponding enabling will be incorporated into the respective charges.



Article 183.
In any judicial management sponsored by the Center for Legal Advice and Assistance to the Worker, in which the defendant will be sentenced to costs in charge of the defendant, the amount shall correspond to his or her as a whole to the interested parties, with the ceiling laid down in Article 433 of Law No 13,640 ofDecember 1967.

Article 184.
The objectives of training included in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (Ministry of Labour and Social Security) Programme 07 (Coordination of Social Assistance and Various Capacities) should be achieved. as the tasks that in the matter the laws in force attribute to the Institute of the Social Service (former School of Social Service).

Delete, likewise, the tasks assigned to the Program 07,
Ministry of Labor and Social Security, which will be referred to as the
Coordination of Social Assistance ".

Article 185.
The provisions of Article 378 of Law No. 12.804of 30 November 1960, as amended by Article 61 of the Law N ° 13.032, of 7 December 1961, for the collection of the fines imposed for infringement of the provisions of the Code of the Child and its amendments and for the recovery of the provents and other resources it collects.

The arrears in the payments in favor of the Ente will be produced in full right for the only expiration of the deadlines set and will be sanctioned with the surcharge established annually by the Executive Branch in accordance with article 375, of the law N ° href=" /leyes/ley12804.htm"> 12.804, 30 November 1960 and 79 of Law No. 13,596, dated 26 July 1967.

Article 186.
Please modify the name of the position of Head of Practical Social Welfare Work (Scalafon AaaB, Grade 4) of the Social Service Institute (program 07) of the
Ministry of Labour and Social security, to be referred to as the Director of Coordination, while maintaining the same characteristics.

Article 187.
Please refer to the Child's Council, for the direct benefit of the children under your care, excluding the payment of personal rewards, the funds that are collected, in compliance with the following laws:

a) Fines fixed by the Code of the Child and modified in their amounts by Article 325 of Law No. 13,640of December 26, 1967.

b) Article 8 °, points B and C of Law No. 10.853, of 23 October 1946.

(c) Article 65 of Law No 9,539of 31 December 1935 and
d) Articles 13 and 17 of Law No. 9,910of 5 January 1940.

(c) Article 3 (b) of Law No. 10,436, of 31 of
July 1943, as amended by Article 1 (B) of Law No. 10.997of 22 December 1947.

Article 188.
The officials of the Specialized Escalafon (Ac) of the National Food Institute (Program 06) of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, which at the date of the sanction of this law have more than four years in the permanent performance of administrative tasks, may request their incorporation within a period of sixty days to charges of equal degree of the Administrative Escalafon (Ab) of the distribution, the charges of Scale to what they belonged to.

Article 189.
Add to Article 323 of Law No. 13,640, of December 26, 1967, the following paragraph:

" Notice a period of 90 (ninety) days from the date of the inauguration of the positions of Division Directors and Director of the Secretariat subject to the total dedication regime, for the purpose of giving up this regime, in which case it does not receive additional compensation. "

Article 190.
Declare that for the officials covered by Articles 145 of Law N ° 12.802, 30 November 1960, and 36 of the law N ° 13.318, of 28 December 1964, its amendments and concordants, which have ceased after 30 November 1960 or cease in the future, do not govern the limitation laid down in the final paragraph of Article 26 of Law No. 9,940, of 2 July 1940, in the wording given by the article 11 of Law No. 12.381, dated February 12, 1957.




Article 191.
The basic salaries in force of the officials of the Judicial Branch (Section 16 of the National Budget for Salaries, Expenditure and Investments Programs 1 to 6 Annex II Wages and Expenses) The budget of the budget will be increased from 1 January 1969 in the percentage of 100% (one hundred percent), with a maximum ceiling of $15,000 (fifteen thousand pesos) per month. position.

The benefit of Article 174 of the law number 13,320of 28 December 1964 shall be accumulated from 1 January 1969 to the basic salaries resulting from the application of the preceding subparagraph (Rubro 0 Subrubro 01 Renglon 010), since that date, the items concerned in the current budget (Rubro 0 Subrubro 07 Rengon 079) are to be lowered to serve that benefit.

The new basic salary will be adjusted to the top ten.

Article 192.
Except for the following positions, for which the following monthly basic wages of Planilla are set from 1 January 1969, the following monthly basic salaries are set out below: replacement of those, which would result from the percentage increase and cumulation referred to in the previous Article:


2 Legal Secretaries c/u ........................... 46,560

1 Deputy Judge Judge ............................... 43.310
1 Inspector General of Notary Records (Escribano) .................................. 40,000
1 Take Action Desk ...................... 40,000
1 Subinspector Notarial Records General
(Escribano) ............................... 38,950

1 Take Action Attachment, Records 38,950

1 Director of Sections ........................ 38.950
3 Inspectors of the Peace Court (1 Letting, when vacating Letrados) 2 when vacating Letrados c/u 38,950
2 Inspectors of Actuariesof Learned Courts
(Lawyers or Writers) c/u .................... 38.950

2 Notarial Records (Writes) and/or ........................................... 36.650 1 Accountant ... ................................. 36.650



18 Ministers C/u ................................ 53,990
6 Legal Secretaries C/u .................... 40,000

38 Judges c/u 46,560
1 Head of the Central Office of Notifications
(Lawyer or Write) 38,950

1 Deputy Head of the Central Office of Notifications
(Lawyer or Staff Writer) 36.650
38 Secretaries of Judges (1) c/u 36.650
2 Inspectors Subchiefs c/u 32.780
14 Inspectors c/u 29.230




28 Judges c/u 43.310
26 Marshals c/u 32.780




24 Judges c/u 39.130
24 Marshals c/u 32.780




4 Advocates for the Office of Minors c/u 40,000
7 Advocates for Office in the Criminal c/u 40,000
6 Lawyers for Office of the Office of the Civil c/u 40,000
2 Lawyers for Office of the Office of the Working Party c/u 40,000
2 Secretaries (when vacating Letrado) c/u 36.650

Article 193.
Create the Second Shift Customs Counsel (Section 16-Program 03) with the same jurisdiction and jurisdiction as assigned to the current Law Enforcement Counsel N ° 13.318, dated December 28, 1964, article 257.
The current Customs Court will be renamed the First Turno Customs Court.
The Supreme Court of Justice will regulate the distribution of Proceedings between the two Offices.
This Court will be in operation at 60 (sixty) days of promulgated this law.

Article 194.
Believe in the Wages Plans corresponding to the Programs in Section 16-Judicial Power, which will be expressed, the following charges:



1 Head of Dispatch ........................... 29.230
1 Secretariat Officer ........................ 27.330
1 Officer First ............................. 25.040
1 Officer Second ............................. 23.690
2 Third-party Officers c/u ................................. 22.340
2 Officers Quarters c/u ............................... 21.290
3 Quintos c/u .............................. 20.250

PEACE Projected

12 Quintos c/u ......................... 20.250

Article 195.
Add to the charges listed in Article 331 (1) of Law No. 13,640,December 26, 1967, the following counts of the Judiciary: Inspector Notarial Records General, Acting Staff Writer, Office of the Office, Deputy Inspector General of Notary Records, Deputy Director of Records, Director of Sections, Inspectors of the Courts of Peace, Inspectors of Actuaria de Paz, Judges, Head and Deputy Head of the Central Bureau of Notifications, Director and Deputy Director of Public and General Registry of Commerce, Inspectors Chiefs of the Courts of Minors and Defendants of the Civil Registry and Sheriffs of the Courts of Appeals and Courts of Appeals. Make extensive compensation for the total dedication granted by this article, the settlement regime on basic salaries in force at December 31, 1968, established by Article 30 of this Law.

Article 196.
Modify the Wages Plans for the Programs in Section 16-Judicial Power, which will be expressed in the following form:


Item 22.

Where it says: 6 Loaded (2 are deleted when the vacation), you must say: 6 Loaded.


Item 5.

Where he says: 29 Judges from the cities of Saint Lucia, Las Piedras, La Paz, Pando, San Ramon, Tala, Rio Branco, Rosario, Carmelo, Nueva Palmira, Nueva Helvecia, Juan Lacaze, Sarandi Grande, Sarandi del Yi, San, Carlos, Aigua, Paysandu (12th Section), Young (4th and 5th Sections of the Department of Black River), Lascano, Castles, Salto (2nd Section), Libertad, Dolores, Cardona, Paso de los Toros, Pan de Azúcar, Guichon and Bella Union.
Must say: 31 Judges of the cities of Saint Lucia, Las Piedras, La Paz, Pando, San Ramón, Tala, Rio Branco, Rosario, Carmelo, Nueva Palmira, Nueva Helvecia, Juan Lacaze, Sarandi Grande, Sarandi del Yi, San Carlos, Aigua, Paysandu (12th Section), Young (4th and 5th Sections of the Department of Rio Negro), Lascano Castles, Salto (2nd Section), Libertad, Dolores, Cardona, Paso de los Toros, Pan de Sugar, Guichon, Bella Union, Atlantis and José Pedro Varela.

Item 8.

Where he says: 96 Rural Peace Judges.
He must say: 92 Rural Peace Judges.

Article 197.
Increase in the Programs to be expressed in Section 16-Judicial Power, the following expenditure items:


Rubro 1 ....................... 981.288
Rubro 2 ....................... 896.220
Rubro 9 ....................... 459,996



Rubro 1 ................................... 486,996
Rubro 2 ................................... 476.124

Annual Monto
Rubro 1 ............................... 2:606.160
Rubro 2 ............................... 1:945,536
Rubro 3 ............................... 96,000

Rubro 1 .......................... 2:413.008
Rubro 2 .......................... 1:290.240

Annual Monto

Rubro 1 ................................... 9:009.600
Rubro 2 .................................... 228,000

Annual Monto

Rubro 1 ............................................... 450.096
Rubro 2 ............................................... 225.852

Item 198.
Fix for the Judiciary
for only the following Parties:
Program 03 $

For installation of the Customs Trial of Customs 500,000
2 ° Turno ..........................................
Program 05 $

For the installation of the Peace Courts of the
17 ° and 18 ° Sections of Canelons (Progress 500,000
and Atlantis) at the rate of $250. 000 c/u ......

Article 199.
In the event that the Executive Branch, as provided for in Article 89 of the Code of Civil Procedure, will create a new Judicial Section, the General Accounting Office of the Nation will proceed to To enable the Office of General Rentas and up to the penalty of the next Budget Law to provide the necessary appropriations for the salary of a position of Peace Judge of the appropriate category, and for expenses of installation and operation up to the sum of $500,000 (five hundred thousand pesos) in order to fulfill the demand of the Article 248 of the Constitution.


Article 200.
Please approve the following payroll and expenditure sheets for the Court of Auditors ' Budget, Section 17, Schedule 17.01, in detail in the accounts.


1 th Annual January
monthly by

N ° Denomination per charge Item

7 Ministers (1) ................................... 58,000 4:872,000
1 Director General (Accountant) ..................... 39,000 468,000
1 Director General of Secretaria..................39,000 468,000
1 Director General Legal Services (Advocate) ......................................... 39,000 468,000
11 Directors of Departy.....................39,000 4:752,000
1 Director Secretary.............................36,000 432,000
33 Accountants Auditors...........................33,000 13:068,000
1 Accountant ........................................33,000 396,000
3 Advisory Lawyers ............................... 33,000 1:188,000
3 Directors Dispats..........................31,500 1:134,000
1 Treasurer ........................................................31,500 378,000
1 Prosectary....31,500 378,000
1 Protesor.....................................26,800 321,000
11 Chiefs of Fire ..............................27.500 3:630,000
1 Head of Press and Relations
Publics..........................................26,800 321,600
13 Inspectors of 1 ° .............................. 25.800 4:024,800
1 Library................................................................ 24,500 294,000

20 Inspectors of 2 ° .............................. 24,500 5:880,000
12 Inspectors of 3 ° .............................. 23.200 3:340,800
20 Informants of 1 ° ............................... 22,000 5:280,000
20 Informants de 2 ° .............................. 21,500 5:160,000
11 Informants of 3 ° .............................. 20.500 2:706,000
13 Officials......................................19.900 3:104,400
8 Auxiliary 1 ° ................................ 19.200 1:843,200
11 Auxiliary 3 ° ............................... 18,500 1:776,000
1 Head of Conserjes...............................25,800 309,600
2 Conserjes of 1 ° ................................. 24,500 588,000
2 Conserjes of 2 ° ................................. 23,200 556,800
6 Ordinance of 1 ° ................................ 22,000 1:584,000
3 Ordinance of 2 ° ................................ 20.500 738,000
1 Encharged of Cleareza............................20.500 246,000
4 Cleaners .................................... 19.200 921.600
3 Clean Sereens .............................17,000 612,000

(1) The salaries set for the members of the Court of Auditors are liquid.



Heading In Force Project. Total
1 Services not
persons..............1:300,000 500,000 1:800,000
2 Materials and articles ..
of consumer................480,000 380,000 860,000
3 Machinery, equipment and
mobility................600,000 400,000 1:000.000
4 Acquisition of real estate
and equipos.................200,000 200,000 400,000
5 Constructions, additions
improvements and repairs ex
traordinary (1) ........ -- -- -- 2:500,000 2:500,000
-------- ------------------
2:580,000 3:980,000 6:560,000
---- _ _ _ _
Article 201.
The social benefits granted to civil servants in this law apply in full to the Court of Auditors.


Article 202.
Please approve the following sheets for the Electoral Court Budget-Paragraph 18.

N ° Annual Monthly Name
1 President..............58.824 (2) 705.888 (2)
8 Ministers of Corte......58.824 (2) 5:647.104 (2)
2 Letrades....47,800 1:147,200
1 Accountant-37,500 450,000
(1) Rubro 5-Subrubro 54-Renglon 543, left for one time, intended for the acquisition of a telephone exchange.
(2) The salaries that are established for the President and the Ministers of the Court are liquid.


N ° Annual Monthly Name
1 Subcounter titled ..............36,200 434,400
2 Lawyers ................................. 30,000 720,000
1 Escribe .........................30,000 360,000
1 Medical............................27,700 332,400
1 Dactyloscopes 2do..................27,700 332,400
2 Department of Departments....40,200 964,800
2 General Inspectors .............40,200 964,800
2 Sub-directors of Department.....37,500 900,000
1 Treasuries ..........................37,500 450,000
1 Subtreasurer .......................36,200 434,400
11 Chiefs of 1 ° ....................... 34,900 4:606,800
9 Chiefs of 2 ° ...................... 30,000 3:240,000
5 Chiefs of 3 ° ....................... 28.800 1:728,000
9 Subjefes..........................27,700 2:991,600
11 Officers 1ros...................26,400 3:484,800
20 Officers 2dos...24,400 5:856,000
23 Officers 3ros...................22.600 6:237.600
10 Officers 4tos...................20,700 2:484,000
1 Charged from 1ra..................26,400 316,800
12 Serv Officers from 1ra...........22.600 3:254,400
10 Serv Officers from 2da...........20,700 2:484,000
4 Officers esp. From 1ra............20,700 993,600
13 Serv Officers from 3ra...........19,000 2:964,000
3 Servations17,000 612,000
--- TOTAL.................55:096,992



N ° Annual Monthly Name

1 Director of Departments............40,200 482,400
1 Deputy Director One.....................37,500 450,000
1 Head Oed of 1ra.....................36,200 434,400
1 Secretary of One...................36,200 434,400
2 Technical Inspectors ................36,200 868,800
1 Head Oed of 2da.....................34,900 418,800
1 Secretary Oed of 1ra...............34,900 418,800
10 Heads of 1ra........................34,900 4:188,000
1 Head of Archives Electors...........32,450 389,400
1 Chief Administrative Officer .................32.450 389,400
1 Secretary Oed of 2da...............32.450 6:619,800
17 Heads Oed of 3ra....................32.450 4:680,000
18 Chiefs of 3ra........................28.800 5:875,200
2 Heads of Record of Oed............28,250 678,000
20 Subjefes............................27,700 6:648,000
17 Heads of Election Archives
of Oed..............................27.050 5:518.200
51 Officers 1ros......................26.400 16:156,800
54 Officers 2dos......................24.400 15:811.200
71 Officers 3ros......................22.600 19:255.200
73 Officers 4to......................20.700 18:133,200
17 Officers 5tos......................19,000 3:876,000
1 Dactyloscopes Chief 1ro............... 36,200 434,400
1 Head Dactyloscopes 2do...............34,900 418,800
8 Dactyloscopes 3ra..........32.450 3:115.200
16 Dactyloscopes Subjefes..............30,000 5:760,000
18 Dactyloscopes 1ros..................28.800 6 :220,800
21 Dactyloscopes 2dos..................27,700 6:980,400
20 Dactyloscopes Oed...................26,400 6:336,000
1 Technician Photographer 1ro...............28,800 345,600
1 Technician Photographer 2do...............27,700 6:980,400
20 Dactyloscopes Oed...................26,400 6:336,000
1 Technical Photographer 1ro...............28,800 345,600
1 Technical Photographer 2do...............27,700 332,400
2 Photographs ..........................24,400 585,600
20 Photographers Oed......................24,400 5:856,000
1 Boss 1ro (typographer) ................ 34,900 418,800
1 Boss 1ro. (printing Technician) ......... 34,900 418,800
1 Chief 2do. (typographer) ............... 30,000 360,000
1 Chief 2do. (Printing Technician) ........ 30,000 360,000
5 Typographers 2dos.....................27,700 1:662,000
1 Charged for 2da....................24,400 292,800
27 Serv Officers. of 1ra...........22.600 7:322,400
1 Serv Officer. 2da.............20,700 248,400
9 Serv Officers of 3a............19,000 2:052,000
--- TOTAL.........................167:856.600

Article 203.
The increase in contract officials will be proportionally equal to that of the administrative or lower hierarchy service officer as appropriate.

Article 204.
As of 1 January 1969, the compensation set by law N ° 13,349, dated July 29, 1965, is repealed.

Article 205.
Duplicate, as of January 1, 1969,
the budget items of expenditure (Items 1 to 9) are established by law Nº 13,640 of December 26, 1967, for the Electoral Court (Subsection 18).


Article 206.
The basic salaries in force of the officials of the Court of the Administrative-Administrative Court (Section 19 of the National Budget for salaries, expenses and investments-Program 01-Schedule of salaries (i) and (b) Annex II) to be paid under the heading 0-Sub-Rubro 01 -Renglon 010-Budgeted Charges-shall be increased from 1 January 1969 in the percentage of 100% (100%), with a maximum ceiling of $15,000 (15%) thousand pesos) monthly increase by charge.

The benefit granted by Articles 81 of Law No. 13,032, of December 7, 1961, and 174 and 192 of Law No. 13,320, of December 28, 1964, will be accumulated á from 1 January 1969 to basic salaries resulting from the application of the previous subparagraph (Rubro 0-Sub-Rubro 01-Renglon 010), and the items concerned in the current budget (Rubro 0- Sub-Rubro 07-Renglon 079) to serve such benefit.

The new basic salary will be adjusted to the top rye.

Article 207.
The following charges are excepted from the foregoing, for which the following monthly basic payroll salaries are set from 1 January 1969. substitution of what would result from the application of the percentage increase and cumulation referred to in the previous article.



Program 01: Jurisdiction on the definitive
administrative acts and jurisdiction over competing
contests and differences between the
State and its various organs and between them.

Annual Monthly by
per charge

A¹ Legal Secretaries (with prohi-
for the exercise of advocacy
in administrative and contentious administrative matters) ....... ............................................ 45.720 1:097.280

1 Director of Sections .......... 38.950 467,400

Article 208.
Add to the charges listed in Article 331 (1) of Law No. 13,640, of December 26, 1967, the following charges:

Director of Sections and Intendant.

Article 209.
Believe in the Salary Schedules for the Programs in Section 19-Court of the Contentious-Administrative, which will be expressed, the following charges:

Program 01: Jurisdiction on the final administrative acts and jurisdiction over contests of jurisdiction and differences between the State and its various organs and between them.

Annual Monthly by
per charge item

1 Head of 1ra ................................ 33,700 404,400
2 Officers 1ros ........................... 27.400 657,600

Article 210.
Incorporate to paragraph 19 Program 01-" Jurisdiction on the definitive administrative acts and jurisdiction on contests of jurisdiction and differences between the State and their various organs and between them ", the following items:

Annual amount
Rubro Subrubro Renglon $0 08. 082 Box 120,000

Article 211.
The allocations for the Renges of the Rubro 0-Personal Services Tax-and Rubro 7-Transfers of the National Budget for Wages, Expenses and Investments are maintained in force. of the Court of Administrative-Administrative-Section 19, which will not be amended in this law.

Renglon Denomination annual amount
021 Staff contracted ................. 800,000
031 Progressive salaries per category ... 36,000
081 Representation expenses ............ 150,000
082 Box ............. 120,000
089 Other add-ons .................. 250,000

Program 19.01. Annulment of the final administrative act and jurisdiction over contests of jurisdiction and differences between the State's various bodies and between them.

Heading Annual Amount
per item

1 Non-Personal Services ................. 781,000
2 Materials and consumer items (1) ... 944,000
3 Machinery, equipment and furniture ......... 500,000
9 Global allocations .................... 250,000

TOTAL: 2:475,000


Article 212.
Reforce the budgets of the Docent Bodies from 1 January 1969, in the quantities indicated in the following items:
Rubro 0 Rubro 6

National Council of
Primary Teaching
and Normal ......... 1.294:000.000 616:076,000 815:000.000
National Council of
Secondary Education-
ria ................ 540:000.000 251:366,000 250:000,000
University of the Tra-
under the Uruguay 264:600,000 163:949,000 400:000,000 University of the Re-
public ............ 400:800,000 228:874,000 725:000,000

(1) Fund for the Library of the Court of the Contentious-Administrative, $195,000 (one hundred and ninety-five thousand pesos) annually; for the acquisition of publications in legal matters by the Ministers and Legal Secretaries, at $7,800 (seven One thousand eight hundred pesos each year.

The items for the Services of Per-National Services and Family Salary will be applied in strict compliance with the provisions of this law. For the purposes set out above, basic salaries, progressives, categories or the like, compensation and any other accrued remuneration shall not be considered as a supplementary or aggregate allowance on the basis of higher schedules or seniority.

For the purposes of this article the basic salary concept-
which is perceived by the officials of the National Primary and Normal Teaching Council is integrated: a) with the budget allocation of the charge; and b) with the compensation for equalization (law N ° 13,420of 2 December 1965, Article 134).

Article 213.
Also increase the items set by the previous article of the Teaching Bodies that are mentioned in the following quantities:

Rubro 0 Rubro 6,
National Council of Ensenan-
za Primary & Normal ................. 198:000,000 33:000,000

National Council of Ensenan-
High School ...................... 128,000,000 28:000,000

University of the Republic ........... 121:400,000 20:000,000

University of Work of the
Uruguay ............................... 90:000,000 -------------------

For the year 1969 the amounts set in this article will be reduced to the following sums:

Rubro 0 Rubro 6

National Council of Teachings-
za Primary & Normal ................ 148:500,000 24:900,000

National Council of Ensenan-
High School ........................ 96:000.000 21:000,000

University of the Republic ...... 96:000.000 20:000,000

University of Work of the
Uruguay ............................... 67:500,000 -------------------
The increases of the Wages 0 Personal Remuneration-
set forth in this article (excluding $20:000,000 for the University of the Republic that will be used for the increase of progressives) will have as unique target the creation of new Teaching Services or the extension of existing Teaching Services.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, the University of the Republic and the University of Labor of Uruguay may assign this item to the payment of the Services referred to in the previous paragraph that would have been placed in the functioning in the year 1968 through the use of budget economies.

Article 214.
It shall not apply to the Inspectors of the National Primary and Normal Teaching Council, the limitation established by Article 30 of this Law for the purposes of calculating compensation for total dedication. Increase to these effects the corresponding item in $8,000,000 (eight million pesos).

Article 215.
The Master and Master Teachers who perform their functions as effective in rural schools and the National Primary and Normal Teaching Council determine how poorly located, will receive a compensation for the basic budgetary allocation of the position, in place of what is currently perceived by the same concept. Increase to these effects the corresponding item in $40:000,000 (forty million pesos).

Article 216.
The amounts allocated by the previous articles in the Rubro 6 will be considered as the maximum obligation of General Rentas to attend to the improvements and creations arranged by this law and will be decreased in the amount that exceeds the amount needed for your attention.

Article 217.
Establish that the economies that occur in the implementation of the Budget of the Teaching Bodies may only be intended for the reinforcement of expenditure items, but in no case may they be used for the payment of personal services. Except for this prohibition, the economies that are permanent in nature are intended for the attention of new teaching services or the extension of existing teaching services.

Article 218.
Declarations included in the total dedication regime are the Directors of Licees and Institutes, the Inspectors and the Secretary of the National Teaching Council.
0, in the amount of 22:700,000 (twenty-two hundred thousand pesos).
Article 219.
Declare that the items of wages assigned by law N ° 13,640, of 26 December 1967, to the Public Teaching Entes referred to in Article 342 of the Law were established in a limited way for the financial year 1968, by means of a percentage increase to the relevant monthly remuneration in force on 31 August 1967.

Article 220.
Authorize the National Secondary Education Council to affect the amount of up to $112:000,000 (one hundred and twelve million pesos) of the items 9 of your budget to the Institute of Teachers "Artigas."


Article 221.
Extend the credit set forth in Sub-program 4.01 of item 28, Social Security Bank, "Administration and General Services", in the sum of $8:501,240 (eight million five hundred one thousand Two hundred and forty pesos) per year for the Renglon 021. This extension will be used for the recruitment of those at 1 March 1967 in the Service of Surveillance of the Industry and Commerce Pension and Pensions Fund.

Article 222.
Extend the credit established in Subprograms 4.01, 4.02, and 4.03 "Administration and General Services" in, the sum of $5:400,000 (five million four hundred thousand pesos), $1,800,000 (one million Eight hundred thousand pesos); and $5:400,000 (five million four hundred thousand pesos) annually, for the Renglon 082.

Article 223.
Extend the credit established in Subprograms 4.01, 4.02, and 4.03 "Administration and General Services" in the sum of $4:400,000 (four million four hundred thousand pesos), $1:200,000 (one million Two hundred thousand pesos) and $, 3:000,000 (three million) annually, respectively, for the Renglon 182.

Article 224.
State by way of interpretation that the benefits laid down in Article 355 of Law No. 13,640of 26 December 1967, comprises officials who are providing services in the central offices of the Ministry of Culture; to those of paragraph 13 providing functions in Programs 01 to 07 inclusive, of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and to designated or contracted officials by the Executive Branch of Program 08 of that paragraph 13.
In addition to these benefits, the Teaching Staff will be treated in the budget in their salaries and compensations to the various Teaching Bodies.
This benefit will be received from 1 January 1969 and will not generate any retroactivity.
a) the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the of any class added to the salary subject to montepio, shall only have the right to perceive the difference between the same and the amount of the benefit set out in Article 355.
All the officials of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security shall be creditors to the same only the officials of the Council of the Child which were in activity at the date specified in the Act of November 1967-provided that in both cases they effectively provide services in the premises referred to in the first paragraph of this Article.


Article 225.
The owners of the buildings by whose front the Administration of the State Sanitary Works (OSE) install water or sewerage networks, will pay the cost of these works proportionally to the front of his property, according to the regulations established by the Executive Branch, which will take into account, for the purposes of reducing or exonerating the economic capacity of the aforementioned owners, also allowing the Ente to grant facilities for the payment by instalments of the relevant accounts.

Article 226.
Create the position of Director of Public Relations (Program 03-annual endowment $294,600) to be provided under the exception regime provided for in Article 15 of the Law No. href=" /leyes/ley11907.htm"> 11,907, dated December 19, 1952 (Ose Organic Law) for the above charges.

Article 227.
Replace Article 339 of Law N ° 13.318, of December 28, 1964, by the following:

" Article 339. The "Health Insurance" constitution fund, which is created by Article 337, will be integrated with the following resources:

(a) 1 1/2% (one and a half per cent) of the assets which the official receives on a remuneration basis, which shall be deducted from the opportunity to make them effective, by means of the Fund;

b) With an Ose charge of 3% (3%) of what he pays his officials for the concepts set out in the preceding paragraph, which will pour the Fund into the same opportunities there;

(c) Other contributions received for the purposes of inheritances, legacies, donations or special contributions. "

Article 228.
The State Sanitary Works Administration may dispose of its property in public auction in duly substantiated cases, requiring the unanimity of the votes of the Members of its Board of Directors and approval of the Executive Branch. The sale price may not be lower than the price previously set for each case by the General Directorate of the Catastro and Administration of National Furniture.

Article 229.
Replace the text in Article 11 (e) of Law N ° 11,907, dated December 19, 1952, by the following:

"e) To project the budget of the Institute, which will be elevated to the Executive Branch and the Court of Auditors of the Republic for the purposes laid down by Article 221 of the Constitution of the Republic."

Article 230.
Authorize the Retired and Military Pensioners to reinforce the item of expenses up to the amount of $300,000 (three hundred thousand pesos) per month with their own resources.



Article 231.
Set at 6% (six percent) the percentage referred to in Article 482 of Law No. 13,640, of December 26, 1967.
Article 232.
Set the fee for the Social Security Bank-Social Security Bank and the Civil and School Pensions-for the year 1969, in the sum corresponding to the Exercise 1968, plus $1,000:000,000 (billion pesos).

Article 233.
Set at $24:000,000 (twenty-four million pesos) annually, the grant that in Program 20.06 "Grants" 7 "Transfers", has been assigned the Uruguayan League against Tuberculosis.

Article 234.
Set at $5:000,000 (five million pesos) annually, the item that in Program 20.06 "Grants" 7 "Transfers" is assigned to the Uruguayan Cancer Association.
Article 235.
Create, for one time in charge of the Program 20.06 "Grants" 7 "Transfers", of the National Budget of Wages and Expenses, a departure of $6:000,0000 (six million pesos) in favor of the Cooperative of the Armed Forces.

Article 236.
U at $15:000,000 (fifteen million pesos) the contribution for the year 1969, established by Article 167 of Law No. 13,420,December 2, 1965, in favor of the Retirement Fund of University Professionals to the Fund for the Regularization of the Passive Service.
Article 237.
The contribution to the Vacancy Compensation Fund at the Barracas de Lanas, Cueros, and Aends under the production of the Tax of Seals is fixed, for the year 1969, in the amount corresponds to the year 1968, in accordance with the provisions of Article 457 of Law No. 13,640of 26 December 1967, increased by 50% (fifty percent).



Article 238.
U for Exercise 1969, in pesos 800:000,000 (eight hundred million pesos) the item referred to in Article 378 (E) of Law No. 13,640, December 1967, to subsidize fertilizers.

Article 239.
U for Exercise 1969, at $500:000,000 (five hundred million pesos) the permanent item set for Agricultural Development in Article 378 (I) of Law No. href=" /leyes/ley13640.htm"> 13,640, dated December 26, 1967.

Article 240.
The contribution to finance the budget imbalance of the Municipalities of the Interior for the second half of 1968, is set at the sum of $300:000,000 (three hundred million pesos).
The distribution by the Department will be carried out by the Ministry of Finance in agreement with the municipalities.
For the purposes set out in this article, increase the National Fund for Exercise Subsidies 1968 in the indicated.

Article 241.
The contribution of the National Treasury to fund increases in salaries and social benefits of the Municipalities of the Interior, for the first half of 1969, is set at the sum of up to 1 billion pesos ($1,000:000,000), which will be distributed by the Ministry of Finance in accordance with the respective salary and social benefits payment plans of municipal officials corresponding to the month of June 1968, after the approval of the Court of Auditors.
For the same purpose, For the year 1969, in favor of the Municipality of Montevideo, they will allocate up to $800:000,000 (eight hundred million pesos) for the financial year 1969.
These charges will be charged to the National Fund for Subsidies.

Article 242.
The subsidies provided for in this law in favor of Autonomous Authorities, Decentralized Services, Municipalities and other Public Bodies, will expire in the event that these Institutes agree to increases in the assignments of your staff by any concept, at levels higher than those provided for by this law, for the Central Administration.

Article 243.
Set up, under the National Allowance Fund, a contribution to the Canelons Municipality of $5:500,000 (five million five hundred thousand pesos) per month during the financial year 1969, to meet the Budget imbalance caused by the slaughter and slaughter regime.

Article 244.
Set up for the year 1969, the following contributions from the National Subsidies Fund to contribute to the financing of the salaries and expenses of the Agencies indicated:
A) For Afe a departure of hasta................1.900:000.000
B) For Pluna, a consignment of up to ............. 240:000,000
C) For the Soyp, a departure of up to ........... 180,000,000
D) For Ose, a consignment of up to ............... 360:000,000
E) For Inve, a departure of up to .............. 300:000,000
F) For the National Institute of Colonization,
a departure from up to ............................ 120:000.000
The greatest discharges for General Rentas originated or originated by the redistribution of officials of any of the Organizations mentioned in this article, will produce the reduction, in the same amount, of the maximum ceilings of subsidies established before.

Article 245.
The subsidies that are established for the benefit of Industrial and Commercial Autonomous Authorities, will be awarded by the Ministry of Finance, and its application in the Entes will be supervised through the Corresponding Ministry, which will submit a quarterly report on the management of the Ente to the Executive Branch.



Article 246.
Incorporate to paragraph 3-Ministry of National Defense, the following items:

PROGRAM 11 1969 1970/72

1 Agricultural machinery, fertilizing-
teas and semovents to increase
agricultural production of the military

2 For repairs at the
Barracks of Maldonado Barracks 3:500,000


1 Acquisition and facilities for
Military School. 124:000.000


1 Works for Military Hospital 15:000,000

Article 247.
Incorporate to paragraph 4-Home Office, the following items:

1969 1970/72

1 Contribution to the building of
the new Paysandu Jail. 5:000,000
2 Institute of Professional Teaching
(Montevideo) 40:000,000
3 Building for the Repu Guard-
blicana (Own and Arrieta)
(Montevideo) 20:000,000
4 Black River Jail (Canitas) 2:000,000
5 Colonia Jail (Chacra Police) 2:000,000
6 Commissioner of the 19th Section
(Belvedere) (Montevideo) 5:000,000
7 Commissioner of the 9th Section
(Stadium Centennial) (Montevideo) 5:000,000
8 Commissioner 10 ° Section (José
Pedro Varela) 1:000,000
9 Commissioner Pueblo Cebollati
(Rocha) 1,000,000
10 Commissioner 1 ° Fray
Section Bents (Black River) 1,000,000
11 Guichon Commissioner (Paysandu) 500,000
12 San Police Chief Jose
Adaptation of the 1 ° Sec-
tion 1,000,000
13 Jefatura y Carcel de Trinidad
(Flores). Police stations of the 5th and 7th
Sections of Flowers 2:000.000

Article 248.
Incorporate to Section 5-Ministry of Finance, Program 19, "Works and Investments in various Services of the Hacendaria Administration" (works by the Ministry of Architecture of the Ministry of Public works), a departure of $10,000,000 (ten million pesos) for the financial year 1969 and $200:000 (two hundred million pesos) for the period 1969/72, for the construction of the building for the Ministry of Finance and Directorate General Tax.

Article 249.
Authorize the Ministry of Livestock and Agriculture to have up to the amount of pesos 50,000,000 (fifty million pesos) of the funds provided for in the number 24, Program 7.10 " Investments In order to finance the purchase of the land for the joint installation of the "Dr. Miguel C. Rubino" Veterinary Research Center, of the Center for Agricultural Research, for the period 1969/72. Research on Fruit, Horticulture and Viviculture, the Animal Research Center of Granja, of the Center for Animal Research of Granja, of the Center for Plant Health, of the Directorate of Laboratory of Analysis, and to attend expenses associated with this operation.
Also authorize the Ministry of Livestock and Agriculture to have up to the amount and $38:000,000 (thirty-eight million pesos) from the planned departure for the period 1969/72, to finance the purchase of land for the joint installation of the Veterinary Research Centre "Dr Miguel C. Rubino", from the Centre for Research in Fruit, Horticulture and Viviculture, from the Centre for Animal Research in Granja, from the Centre for Plant Health, Analysis Laboratory address, and address expenses associated with such an operation.
Also authorize the Ministry of Livestock and Agriculture to have up to the amount of $38:000,000 (thirty-eight million pesos) from the planned departure for the period 1969/72 in the number 38 of the said Program 7.10, in order to The Bank of the Republic's loan repayment for the financing of the country's aerofotographic coating in compliance with resolution N ° 1.112/65, of 18 November 1965.
Program 7.10 "Balanced ration-making plant") is set at $100,000,000 (100 million pesos).

Article 250.
Elevate to $60:000,000 (sixty million pesos) for the year 1969, the item set forth in paragraph 7-Ministry of Livestock and Agriculture, Program 04 bis, " Regional Development of the Laguna Merin ".

Article 251.
Incorporate to paragraph 8, Program 20, "Acquisition, conditioning, and installation of the headquarters for the Ministry of Industry and Commerce", with a budget of $30:000,000 (thirty million pesos) for Period 1969/72, under the National Investment Fund, Account "State Investments of the Ministry of Finance".

Article 252.
Incorporate to paragraph 9, Program 14, "Acquisition of a building for the seat of the Ministry of Transportation, Communications and Tourism", with an allocation of $45:000,000 (forty-five million pesos) for the period 1969/72, under the National Investment Fund, "State Investments of the Ministry of Finance".

Article 253.
As amended in paragraph 9-Ministry of Transport, Communications and Tourism, Program 13, "Works of Support for Tourism Promotion", number 2, which will be worded as follows:

1969 1970/72

2 For the construction of
tourist terminals that can be executed
by conventions with the Go-
departmental biernos .... 4:000.000

Also incorporate the following works:

10 Construction of a
tourism hotel in Dolores (Soriano),
in accordance with
in article 408, of law
N ° 13,640, of December 26, 18:000.000

11 Construction of motels in the
Termas del Arapey, work by convention
with the Intendence
Municipal of Salto .......... 4:000,000
12 Works in the Termas of Guaviyu.
Convention with the Inten-
dency Municipal of Paysandu 2:000,000

1969 1970/72

13 Colony-Remodeling of the
Hotel Casino de Carmelo and
conditioning the espa-
cios exteriors ....... 15:000.000 15,000,000
14 Cologne, for expropriations
in areas of tourist interest
in Carmelo ................. 20:000,000 30:000,000

Article 254.
Set at $500:000,000 (five hundred million pesos) the departure that the State Railways Administration has awarded for the year 1969, for the acquisition of rolling stock, tracks and Sleepers, in the National Investment Fund.

Article 255.
Incorporate to paragraph 10-Ministry of Public Works, Program 08, "Construction, Improvement and Maintenance of the Road Network", the following items for the period 1969/72:

1 Cologne. Route 50. Tarariras section-
Manantiales ............................ 8:000,000
2 Paysandu. Route 4. Guichon
stretch to Route 20 (53 kms). For the beginning of
execution of Guichon to the South ............ 30:000,000
3 Black River. Route 4 junction and Route
25 Way of Menafra to Step of the Twins
with bridge in Paso de la Cruz del Arroyo Don
Esteban. In agreement with the Municipality of Rio
Black ....................................... 6:000,000
4 Florida. Route 5 access branch to the
People of the Cross .......................... 1:275,000
5 Flowers. Route 23. Bituminous treatment
of the stretch, Trinidad-Ismael Cortinas ....... 4:500,000
6 Flowers. Railway Bridge over stream
Porongos. Contribution to the agreement with Afe and Inten
Municipal de Flores .................... 5:500,000
7 Tacuarembo. Construction of the " Puente Bridge
of the Thieves, Caraguata Creek. Input
for agreement with the Municipal Intrend
of Tacuarembo ................................ 5:500,000
8 Tacuarembo. Agreement with
for the redevelopment of the Public Park of
Paso de los Toros on Route 5 and access to the
resort in Rio Negro ....................... 3:500,000
9 Florida. Route 5 access to Sarandi
Grande ....................................... 2:000,000
10 Rivera. Route 30. Tranche Rubio Chico-
Masoller .................................... 10:000,000
11 Artigas. Runway at Artigas. 10:000,000
Lyceum of Artigas (Enlargement) ........... 6:000,000
Hotel Artigas (Termination) .......... 10:000,000
Bella Union. Extension of Liceo ....... 6:000,000
Market of Bella Union .................. 6:000,000
Hotel of Bella Union (Termination) ...... 7:000,000
Baltasar Brum. Formation of Ejidal Zone 13:000,000
Gomensoro. Market ...................... 2:000,000

The Executive Branch shall communicate to the corresponding Organisms the existence of the availabilities established in the numeral 11.

Article 256.
Increase by $50:000,000 (fifty million pesos) the item that within the 10-Ministry of Public Works, Program 08, is assigned for the period 1969/72 the numeral 88 " For execution and/or maintenance of penetration paths in rural areas. "
(To be regulated by the Executive Branch).
Article 257.
Incorporate the 10-Ministry of Public Works, Program 09, "Construction of New Works, Improvement and Maintenance of Waterways and Use of Water Resources," following works:

1969 1970/72

1) Rocha. Drainage and drainage works
in the bathing area .............. 100,000,000
2) Soriano. Defense works on the left
margin of the Black River, in front of the
"El Ayui" and "Remeros" Clubs of Mercedes ........ 2:500,000
3) Soriano. Defense works on the left
margin of the Black River, in front of Villa de
Soriano and complementary tasks (dredging and
Varadero) ................................. 3:275,000
4) Tacuarembo. Arroyo Sandu Chico. Regulation
of course and defense works against the floods-
5) Tacuarembo. San Gregorio. Berth for
minor vessels ........................ 2:000.000
6) Cologne. Drainage for the removal of waters
in the Northern District of Carmelo .................. 5:000,000
7) Cologne. Construction of a coastal wall
in New Palmyra ............................... 4:775,000
8) Black River. Coat Spigon in the Remeros
Club of Fray Bentos .................................. 1:000.000
9) Cologne. Completion of defense and urba works-
nization of Juan Lacaze's Mala Island Neighborhood ...... 5:000,000
10) Cologne. Dredging of the Arroyo Artimen ....... 3:000.000
11) Cologne. Dredging Darsena from the Higueritas stream
in New Palmyra .................................. 3:000.000

Article 258.
Enter into point 7-Ministry of Livestock and Agriculture,-Program 10 "Works and Investments" the following works:

1969 1970/72

1) Lavalleja. Repres
development and driving of water
in the irrigation system "Solis
de Mataeye" ................ 20:000.000 200:000,000
2) To constitute by conve-
nio tajamares in pregod pu-
blicos and/or private for the
which are available other
contributions ............ 30:000,000 30:000,000
3) For expropriation of the
Lussich Park (Law N ° 13.181,
of 24 October 1963). 100:000,000
4) Maldonado. Works of reçu-
peration of land on the lower
course of the stream
Maldonado ................. 10:000,000 20:000,000
Article 259.
Incorporate to paragraph 10-Ministry of Public Works-Program 11, "Obligations and various works" the following items as State contribution to initiation, termination and improvement of works:

1969 1970/72

Nursing homes ... 1:000.000 14:000.000
Works of a social character and of-
portivo ........... 3:000,000 50:850,000
These items shall be applied by means of the system of agreements with public or private entities, which shall provide at least a contribution equivalent to that of the State.
In the works of a social character and The participation of the beneficiary entities in relation to the development of the community to which they belong shall be taken into account for the purpose of determining
. beneficiaries, the value of the real estate and its improvements shall be taken as part of it; They belong to them. These values may not be used as compensatory measures in new grant applications.

Article 260.
Waters that satisfy, or are likely to satisfy, collective needs are in the public domain.
The Entes responsible for those Programs in which the resource is used water for the achievement of its specific tasks, with the exception of those provided for in law number 13,667of 18 June 1968, shall be submitted to the prior opinion of an integrated Commission with representatives of the bodies responsible for the matter, in accordance with the rules which establish the Executive Branch. The Commission may, where appropriate, issue directives or additional rules for the implementation thereof.

Same intervention will be the responsibility of the Commission in
for the rules governing the concessions for the execution of the same. The same intervention will be the responsibility of the Commission as regards the rules governing concessions for the use of these resources by the Private Sector, in those cases not provided for in the legislation in force.

Article 261.
Increase by $260,000,000 (two hundred and sixty million pesos) the allocated item in the period 1969/72 to the number 47 of the Program 09 " Construction of new works improvement and maintenance of the inland waterways and the use of water resources ", in point 10-Ministry of Public Works,-and incorporate the acquisition of a marine dredger under the same conditions as provided for in Article 410 of the Law N ° 13,640, of
December 26, 1967, for acquisitions authorized in that law.

Article 262.
Increase by $200:000,000 (two hundred million pesos) the item assigned to the number 42 of the Program 09, " Construction of new works, improvement and maintenance of the waterways and The use of hydraulic resources " of the 10-Ministry of Public Works,-and incorporate the construction, during the period 1969/72, of the West Coast of the Port of Punta del Este, in a length of 750 (seven hundred and fifty) meters.

Article 263.
Increase by $150:000,000 (one hundred and fifty million pesos) the item assigned for the period 1969/72 to the numeral 1 of the Program 10, " Works of Architecture, of the 10-Ministry of Works Public.

Article 264.
Increase by $80:000,000 (eighty million pesos) the item assigned for the period 1969/72 to Schedule 11, "Obligations and miscellaneous works", of paragraph 10-Ministry of Works Public.

Article 265.
Incorporate the Program 11 "Obligations and miscellaneous works", from the 10-Ministry of Public Works, the following objectives:

Designation Investments

1969 1970/72
Complementation of the Ge-
national level network of national level,
for equipment acquisition and
operation expenses of the briga-
days of field (to be performed by with-
venio with the Service Geographical
Military) ........................... 11:000,000 7:000,000

Article 266.
Incorporate the Program 11, "Obligations and miscellaneous works", of paragraph 10-Ministry of Public Works-the following item:

Designation Investments

1969 1970/72
To address the costs of the research and

analysis of the various proyec-
preinvestment cough .............10:000.000 10:000,000

Article 267.
Increase by $290:000,000 (two hundred and ninety million pesos) the allocated items in the period 1969/72 for paragraphs G, "Studies" of Programs 08, 09, and 10 of point 10-Ministry of Public works-are intended to cover the costs of study, management, comptroller, surveillance and administration of works, according to the following distribution by Program:

PROGRAM 08 ............................. 115:000,000
PROGRAM 09 ............................. 80:000,000
PROGRAM 10 ............................. 95:000,000

Article 268.
The transformation of National Routes N ° 5 and N ° 26, partially financed through loans from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Inter-American Development Bank, respectively, shall be continued in accordance with the appropriations allocated by the laws Nros. 13,150 and 13,151 of 13 August 1963. For this purpose, the items authorised for those referred to in Law No 13,640 ofDecember 1967 on the 'Construction, upgrading and maintenance of the Road Network', paragraph J, are deleted. "Miscellaneous Expenses" of paragraph 10-Ministry of Public Works.

Article 269.
Incorporate to paragraph 10,-Ministry of Public Works-Program 11. "Obligations and various works", a $30:000,000 (thirty million pesos) item for the acquisition of motor-toners for the arrangement and conservation of neighborhood roads to access the populated centers, railway stations and local The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Education. The works will be carried out by the Ministry of Public Works, within a radius of no more than five kilometers. The operating and fuel costs, with the exception of the train drivers ' wages, shall be charged to the entities requesting the improvements. The order of priorities of the works will be set by a Commission, composed of a delegate from the Ministry of Public Works, who will chair it; by a delegate appointed by the University of Labor of Uruguay and another by the National Council of Primary and Normal Teaching.

Article 270.
Target a supplemental item of $10,000,000 (ten million pesos) for the construction of the Normal Melo Institute.

Article 271.
Incorporate to paragraph 11,-Ministry of Culture-Program 20, " Constructions, repairs and extensions in Places and Sports Fields, Children's Corner and other works related to the practice of "sports", the following items for which employment shall be subject to the system of priorities determined by the National Commission for Physical Education in accordance with the Ministry of Culture and without prejudice to Article 292 of the present
MONTEVIDEO 1969 1970/72

1) For the construction and installation
new sports and repair places
of existing......................12:750,000 2:000.000
2) For Infantiles............11:000.000 2:000,000
3) For laboratory and procurement
of equipment for the comptroller
of doping in sports activities ... 6:000,000
4) For repairs and maintenance
of the Holiday Colony of Carrasco.8:000.000
5) For Santiago
Vázquez Sports Square, closed gym and swimming pool ..... 6:000,000
6) "House of Sports", Inmovable
padrón N ° 6.443. Repairs ...........4:000.000 4:000,000

7) For the construction and installation of new sports and repairs places
of existing...8:750,000
8) For Infantiles.............15:000,000
9) For the construction and installation of new sports and repairs places

of existing ones .................. 18:500,000
The items corresponding to works inside, will be destined for equal parts to each of the departments, through works that are exclusive to them or by agreement with the respective Municipalities.

Article 272.
Please incorporate into point 11,-Ministry of Culture-Program 21, "Extension, improvements and equipment of the Official Radio Broadcast Service", which will consist of the following works:
(l) 1) Official Radio ....................................59:750,000
2) Channel 5 (Montevideo) ............................. 48:750,000
3) Channel 6 (Cologne) ................................ 28:000,000
4) Channel 8 (Melo) ................................... 5:000,000
5) Auditorio................................23:250,000
These investments will be met with the National Investment Fund, "State Investments of the Ministry of Finance".

Article 273.
Incorporate to paragraph 11,-Ministry of Culture-Program 21, " Construction of the premises for installation and commissioning of the atomic reactor owned by the National Energy Commission Atomic ", with a departure of $20:000,000 (twenty million pesos) for the year 1969; and incorporate Program 22. "Conservation of historic ruins of the city of Cologne", with a departure of $10:000,000 (ten million pesos) for 1969/72.
These investments will be attended with the National Investment Fund, Account " State Investments of the Ministry
Declaration of public interest the preservation of the Historic District of Cologne and the expropriation of the buildings necessary to fulfill that purpose.

Article 274.
Grant to the National Atomic Energy Commission the sum of $20:000,000 (twenty million pesos) that will be spent on the installation and operation of the laboratories of your atomic reactor. This item shall be addressed to General Rentas.

Article 275.
Incorporate to paragraph 11, Ministry of Culture, Program 17, "Remodeling and termination of prison facilities and complementation of works in execution", a departure of $500,000.00 (five hundred A thousand pesos) to enable classrooms in detention facilities and penitentiaries, for the year 1969.

Article 276.
Incorporate paragraph 11, Ministry of Culture, a $15:000,000 (fifteen million pesos) item, destined for the expropriations, constructions, repairs and installations that are required greater urgency for the proper functioning or creation of the following official bodies:

A) Culture houses and services that are or are linked to them;
B) Scientific or technological, artistic and historical museums;
C) Theatre, cinematography and diverse cultural events;
(d) Establishment and educational institutes of any level
and nature.
The works referred to may be carried out by agreement between the Ministry of Culture and the Public Authorities to which they belong.

Item 277.
Incorporate to Section 11. Ministry of Culture, a departure of $2:000,000 (two million pesos) for 1970/72, destined for the House of Culture "Maria Bua Arnabal de Viera", in Liberty (Department of San José).

Article 278.
Incorporate to Section 12, Ministry of Public Health, Program 11 " Construction, repair and remodeling in hospital buildings, the following items:

1969 1970/72

1 Hospital de Rosario (Cologne) 7:000,000

Article 279.
Incorporate to Section 12, Ministry of Public Health, Program 13, "Essential basic equipment for various services", with a total of $2:000,000 (two million pesos) for 1969 for The purchase of ambulances from the National Investment Fund. Account "State Investments of the Ministry of Finance".

Article 280.
Incorporate to Section 13, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Program 09, "Building and repair of buildings belonging to the Council of the Child", the following items:
1969 1970/72
1 Observation Center (Mon-$$
títla) 50:000,000
2 Women's Psychiatric Pavilion
(Margarita Uriarte de Herrera) 25:000,000

1969 1970172
3 Male Regional Colony $
(Leap) ...................... 31:250,000

4 Regional Women's Cologne
(Maldonado) ................... 31:250,000

5 Cuna Casa de San José. Cons-
building construction ......... 7:000,000

6 House Cuna No. 2 and headquarters of the
Council Delegate of the
Child in Paysandu ....... 2:000.000

Article 281.
lncorporanse to Section 16, Judiciary, the following items:

1969 1970/72

1 Trial of Rivera 6:000,000
2 Tacuarembo Tacuarembo Trial
Reparations ........... 3:500,000

Article 282.
Incorporate to Program 11, "Works and Investments for Primary Teaching Services" in Section 23, National Primary and Normal Teaching Council, the following works:

SCHOOLS: 1969 1970/72

1 N ° 103 Montevideo, Enlargement 2:000,000
2 N ° 6 Urbana, Paysandu. Broad-
tion ........................... 1:000,000
3 Outdoor N ° 42 Paysandu.
Enlargement ..................... 500,000
4 N ° 40 Fray Bentos (Rio Negro) 5:000,000
5 N ° 7 Fray Bentos (Rio Negro) 3:000,000
6 N ° 52 Young (Rio Negro) 2:500,000
7 N ° 82 of the Cerras (Tacuarembo) 2:000,000
8 N ° 8 of Tacuarembo. Extension 7:000,000
9 N ° 7 of Tacuarembo. Extension 7:000,000
10 N ° 9 Cortina (Tacuarembo).
Enlargement ....................... 1:000,000
11 N ° 102 Dolores (Soriano). Broad-
tion ............................ 1:500,000
12 N ° 97 Dolores (Soriano). Extension 1:500,000
13 Barrio Porvenir Lascano (Rocha)
(By convention) ................... 4:000.000
14 N ° 105 Juan Lacaze (Cologne) 5:000,000
15 N ° 86 Zona Pantanoso de Sauce
(Canelones). Enlargement .......... 1:000.000
16 N ° 30 al Aire Libre (Trinidad-
Flores) (Reforms) ............... 1:000.000
17 N ° 26 Villa Pastora (Flores) 1:500,000
18 Urbana N ° 10. Peach. Adquisi-
tion and construction 20:000,000
19 N ° 19 Pereyra-Trinidad (Flores) 1:000,000
20 Ribot-Trinidad (Flores) ..... 2:000,000
21 N ° 68 Al Aire Libre (San Jose) 2:000,000
22 N ° 51 Urbana (San Jose) ....... 2:000,000
23 N ° 87 Rural (San Jose) ....... 2:000.000
24 N ° 62 Rural Puntas of Laurel
(San Jose) ...................... 2:000,000
25 N ° 86 Barrio Maria Julia, Libertad
(San Jose) ...................... 2:000,000
26 Urbana Santa Rosa (Canelones) 5:000,000
27 Psychic Recovery (Canelones) 500,000
28 Psychic Recovery The Stones
(Canelones) ......................... 3:000,000
29 Tricic Recovery Trinidad
(Flores) ........................... 6:000,000
30 Children's Garden (Canelones) 500,000
31 Normal Flowers Institute, Refaction
building ............................ 2:000,000
32 N ° 3 of 2 ° Bella Union (Artigas) 5:000,000

Article 283.
Incorporate to Program 11, "Works and Investments for Primary Teaching Services", in Section 23-National Primary and Normal Teaching Council, Numeral 2 with a starting point for the period 1969/1972 of $50:000,000 (fifty million pesos) for equipment of the Normalos Institutes of the entire country.

Article 284.
Incorporate to Section 24-National Secondary Education Council, Program 05, "Works and Investments for Secondary Education services", the following works:

LICEOS: 1969 1970/72

1 St. Lucia (Canelones). For
building the
Lyceum Building ................................ 10:000,000
2 Villa Soriano (Soriano) .......... 5:000,000
3 Palmitas (Soriano) 5:000,000
4 Rio Branco (Cerro Largo). Am-
pliation .............................. 3:000,000
5 Tarariras (Cologne) 15:000.000
6 San Javier (Black River) " ................ 2:500,000
7 Lascano (Rocha) ...................... 10:000,000
8 Castles (Rocha) ........... 10:000,000
9 Rocha. Enlargement ............... 5:000,000
10 Chuy (Rocha) ......................... 5:000,000
11 Velazquez (Rocha) ............... 5:000,000
12 Juan Lacaze (Cologne) 10:000,000
13 New Palmyra (Cologne) 2:000,000
14 Cologne Valdense (Cologne) 2:000,000
15 Ismael Cortinas (Flores) 6:000,000
16 Barrio Ferrocarril (Tacuarem-
bo) ................................. 10:000,000
17 Tacuarembo. Enlargement ............... 5:000.000
18 Del Carmen (Durazno) .......... 5:000,000
19 For conservation of buildings ... 20:000,000

Article 285.
Increase the allocation of the Program 09 "Works and Investments for the Services of the University of Labor", of the 25th, Universidad del Trabajo del Uruguay, in the following headings:

Montevideo: 1969 1970/72.

1 Columbus 41:000,000

2 Ieme 45:000,000
3 Cerro 10:000,000
4 Union 4 Navales 11:400,000
5 Iec 16:000,000
6 Arroyo Seco 15:000,000
7 Union 32:000,000
Interior 1969 1970/72

8 Cologne ............................. 15:000.000
9 Chuy (Rocha) ....................... 5:000,000
10 Thirty-Three ....................... 20:000,000
11 Trinidad (Flores) .................. 8:800,000
12 Las Piedras (Canelones) ............ 20:000,000
13 Ismael Cortinas (Flores) ........... 2:600,000
14 Maldonado ........................... 16:000,000
15 Sarandi Grande (Florida) ............ 5:000,000
16 Mercedes (Soriano) .................. 16:000,000
17 San Ramon (Canelones) ............... 10:000,000
18 P. de Azúcar (Maldonado) ............. 20:000,000
19 Fray Bentos (Rio Negro) 12:775,000

20 Esc. Fishing Training "The
Paloma" (Rocha) .......................... 5:000,000
21 Artigas, Lapidado Workshop
(Artigas) ......................... 6:000,000
22 Bella Union (Artigas) ............ 6:000,000
23 Baltasar Brum (Artigas) ... 4:000,000


24 Aamió (Florida) ......... 18:000.000

25 Agricultural Mechanics Freedom
(San Jose) .................. 16:000,000
26 Trinidad (Flores) ........... 30:000,000
27 Enology-The Stones (Cane-
lons) ........................ 15:000,000
28 Lecheria. Colony Switzerland (Colo-
nia) ............................... 25:000,000
29 Tacuarembo ........................ 24:000,000
30 La Carolina (Flores) ............. 23:000,000
31 San Ramon (Canelones) ... 30:000,000
32 Forestry (Maldonado) ... 20:000,000
33 San Carlos (Maldonado) ... 22:500,000
34 Melo (Cerro Largo) .............. 18:000.000
35 For repairs and conditioning
on buildings in Uruguay
across the country .............. 50:000,000

Article 286.
Establish that Program 08, "Works and Investments", of Section 26-University of the Republic, is included in the provisions of Article 291 of this Law, for the purposes of covering the largest cost of the works in execution of Section "A" of that Program, for the period 1969/72.

Article 287.
Increase Program 08, "Works and Investments", from Subsection 26-University of the Republic, in the amount of $50:000,000 (fifty million pesos) to attend to the rehabilitation and conservation of the university buildings in Section "B" of that Programme for the period 1969/72.

Article 288.
Incorporate to Section 32-State Health Works, Program 04, "Health Buildings", the works listed below:

1969 1970/72

1 Construction of the Usin of Puri-
water and pumping, pipeline
of adduction and distribution depot,
for Pueblo Ansina, 7 ° Section of the Depar-
Tacuarembo tamento .................... 6:000,000
2 Villa San Gregory, New drilling
and water network extension (Tacuarembo) 2:000,000 1:000,000
Article 289.
Incorporate to Section 33-National Institute of Economic Housing, Program 04, "Building Economic Housing", the following items:

1969 1970/72

1 Housing Construction-
Plan Inve-Bid ................... 824:810,000
2 Housing Construction-Additional Plan
......................... 386:690,000
3 Extension and Rehabilitation of
Housing ......................... 20:000,000
4 Building construction for
office ........................... 30:000,000
5 Acquisition and disposal of
land ........................... 100:000.000 150:000,000
6 Acquisition and disposal of
land for the construction of
twenty homes in each of the following
locations in the Departa-
mento de Paysandu: Quebracho, Guichon
Piedras Coloradas, Lorenzo Geyres and
Drums ............................ 2:500,000
Article 290.
Incorporate the National Investment Fund under the Account "State Investments of the Ministry of Finance", the following items:

For the exercise 1969
1 For the construction of buildings for
lobershops, tannery and Department Cienti-
fico and Technician ................................. 15:000.000
2 Works on the local La Palma del Departa-
de Rocha ................................. 1:500,000
3 Works of the Fishing Terminal .................. 70:000,000

For the period 1969/72

4 Termination of the works of the Pes Terminal-
The location to be assigned to the Fishing Terminal will be set by law.
Article 291.
Amend Article 392 of Law No. 13,640, of December 26, 1967, which shall be worded as follows:
" Article 392. The items assigned by this law to meet the different Programs that are financed by the National Investment Fund are considered to be estimative.
Facultatise to the Executive Branch, to reinforce these items in order to attend to the increases costs, produced prior to the initiation of the projects, works or services that the Power considers necessary to meet the objectives and goals of the Program. The sums due for this purpose shall be met with the resources of the respective secondary accounts of the National Investment Fund. "
Article 292.
The items assigned by law N ° 13,640, of December 26, 1967, for the fulfillment of the Investment Programs during the period 1969/72 and corresponding to works, projects or services which have not been initiated in the year 1968, shall be carried over to the period 1970/72.
The investments to be made in the year 1969 shall first correspond to the planned works which have not been initiated or are (a) Inconclusive, included in the Investment Plan (year 1968) of the law N ° 13,640, dated December 26, 1967.
Article 293.
For the purposes of determining the works to be performed by the National Investment Fund during the year 1969 and without prejudice to the provisions in force and those contained in this law, the Executive Branch must proceed as follows:
1. Determinate the balances of works authorized for 1968, not fully or partially executed during the financial year;
(2) To the amounts authorized by this law for 1969, it shall add the party's share to determine the total authorized for the Programs approved by law number 13,640, of 26 December 1967, for the four-year period 1969/72 and those that in this law are authorized for the same period;
3) The total to be established according to the specifications contained in the numerals 1) and 2) precedents will not exceed in 1969, the $8,7000:000,000 (eight thousand seven hundred million pesos);
4. However, the figure determined in the preceding paragraph shall be increased by the excess of funding which may be provided by the affectation referred to in Article 385 (13) of Law No 13,640of 26 May December 1967.
Article 294.
Destinations the sums of $1:000,000 (one million pesos) in 1969 and $1:000,000 (one million pesos) in 1970/72, for the completion of the reconstruction works of the "House of the Marfetan", in Villa de Soriano. These items shall be administered by the Military Engineering and Architecture Service, in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 (Z) of Law No. 13.084, ofAugust 1962.

Article 295.
Set up a defense belt on the Atlantic Ocean, the R & # of the Silver and the Uruguay River, to avoid modifications, detrimental to its configuration and structure.
It shall be two hundred and fifty metres measured inwards from the line laid down in Article 13 (3) of Law No 10,723of 21 April 1946.
Towards the outside, the girdle shall be extend to the line determined by the level of zero Wharton.
There shall be national routes or open and paved coastal lines, the width of the coastal defence belt shall extend to the limit of those routes or to the roads.

In particular property premises, sand extractions, rock edge and rock from fields located in the defence girds, may only be carried out above the level or upper bound by fifty centimetres at the level reached by the The highest growing known in the location of the premises.
The level or the highest growing level will be determined by the Hydrography Directorate of the Ministry of Public Works
Violation of the provisions will be sanctioned. The executive branch with the prohibition to extract in the mentioned predio by three months. In the event of recidivism, the period of the prohibition shall be one year.

Article 296.
Substitute article 386 of Law No. 13,640, of December 26, 1967, by the following:

" Article 386. With the resources of the National Investment Fund, the set of programs of works by the Ministry of Public Works will be financed as well as the works and investments in charge of the Administration of the Sanitary Works of the State and others. Ministries or Agencies. In 1968, the Fund will be awarded for the fulfillment of the corresponding investment programs, according to the distribution of incisos in the respective chapter of this law. "

Article 297.
Substitute Article 387 of Law No. 13,640, of December 26, 1967, by the following:

" Article 387. The National Investment Fund will be administered by an account at the Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay, opened in four secondary accounts that will be called: "Investments of the Ministry of Public Works", " State Investments of the Ministry of Finance "," Investments of the Administration of the Sanitary Works of the State "and" Investments of the departmental governments for Public Works ". The resources provided for in Article 385 (1) to (12) of this Law shall be assigned to the secondary account "Investments of the Ministry of Public Works". without prejudice to the affectation laid down in paragraph 13 of that Article and 453 of the present law in the proportion necessary to cover the overall amount of the programs in charge of the Ministry of Public Works. In that secondary account, the Bank of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay shall directly verify the production of the aforementioned income, as they are deposited by the Tax Agencies. "

Article 298.
Incorporate the subsection, 4, Ministry of the Interior, the Program 09 "Essential basic equipment of various services" with an allocation of $94:000,000 (ninety-four million pesos), for the Exercise 1969 for the following investments. to be financed from the National Investment Fund, "State Investments of the Ministry of Finance":

Auto-bomb and fire material .......... 60:000.000
Acquisition of cars and spare parts ... 22:000,000
Acquisition of revolvers for Police
Executive .................................. 12:000.000

Article 299.
You may not contract any obligations or make any expenses or payments of a nature from any estimate of the National Budget, if there is not sufficient balance in the budget allocation
The executing units of programs that contain such estimates will request the General Accounting Office of the Nation with due anticipation, or at the dates indicated by the modification of the aforementioned allocations, based on forecasts for the rest of the year.
The General Accounting Office shall process such changes within a period of not more than 15 working days, counted from the receipt of the request.

Article 300.
The bodies that are authorized by legal provisions to have their provents, must send to the General Accounting Office before the beginning of the year, a total annual preventive revenue and expenditure, and in a quarterly form a detailed statement of the proceeds and the provisions as well as the adjustments to the preventive income and expenditure for the rest of the year.
Failure to comply with this obligation will determine the suspension of the authorization to dispose of the respective provents.
Executive with the advice of the General Accounting Office of the Nation, it will regulate the rules to which this information should be subject.

Article 301.
Facultada to the Executive Branch to arrange by decree founded with the respective Minister and with the agreement of the Minister of Finance, the transfers in the budget rolls of each Program that involve a rationalisation, provided that the total erogations are not increased and do not mean injury to functional rights and prior to the report of the National Office of the Civil Service.
Of the transformations referred to in this Article In each case, it will account for the General Assembly.

Article 302.
Scalafons, as well as all other budgetary benefits and modifications set forth in this law, shall enter into effect from 1 January 1969, unless expressly provided in

Article 303.
Authorize the Executive Branch to modify the denominations of the various offices and repartitions is total to adjust them to the distribution of competencies imposed by the current Constitution.



Article 304.
Incorporate to Article 29 (B) of Law No. 13.586, dated February 13, 1967, with the wording given by Article 433 of Law No. href=" /leyes/ley13640.htm"> 13,640, of 26 December 1967, the following paragraphs:
" D) The salaries of officials who expressly, on grounds of cause, the Executive Branch or the hierarchical authority of the service where appropriate, in reasons of general interest related to the purpose of avoiding the loss of special training for the public, parastatal, teaching or scientific specialisation activities in particular authorize.
The Executive Branch or the authority which determines it by reason of its competence shall immediately communicate its decision to the General Assembly and publish it in the "Official Journal".
"E) The salaries of the personnel of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Tourism, who perform functions in the external agencies".
Article 305.
The budgeted or contracted officials, outside their respective bodies, are providing services in commission in offices of the Central Administration other than the offices or bodies of origin may choose to be incorporated in their budget plans in the form and conditions laid down by the regulations according to the following bases:

(a) The incorporation must not imply a change of step of the official to be incorporated;
b) The incorporation will be made by enabling charges in the last degree of the respective escalafon of each office, being deleted in the plans of the distribution of origin, charges that until then occupied. In the case of contract officials, the corresponding items shall be made available, up to the amount of the respective contracts, their equivalent being abolished in the offices of origin. In all cases the conformity of the body to which the official belonged shall be essential;
(c) The officials incorporated must choose to continue to receive the sums which, by way of compensation, premiums or special benefits correspond to them in their office of origin, or which they have in which they are incorporated. In the first case, those amounts shall be fixed in the amounts which he is receiving at the date of his incorporation as compensation to the official and not to the position. For this purpose, the corresponding items shall be provided, their equivalent being abolished in the home offices;
(d) In the case where their basic basic salary is higher than the level at which they are incorporated, the same shall be provided for in the office of destination in the respective field the necessary item for your attention.
Article 306.
Officials, outside their respective repartitions, are effectively providing services in any of the offices or dependencies included in Subparagraph 2 (Programs 2.01-2.02, Establishment, Coordination, Supervision of Government Policy and Communications of the Presidency of the Republic, respectively), may opt for the regime created by Article 305 of this Law, expressing their will in writing before the competent authority. Except for the staff covered by the Incisos 3 and 4 (Ministries of National Defence and Interior respectively).
Article 307.
Hacese extends to all Ministries, the provisions of Article 92 of Law No. 13,640, of26, 1967.


Article 308.
Statements of particular trust are declared and included in the payroll set forth in Article 145 of Law No. 12.802, dated November 30, 1960, to the Prosecretaries Administration of the Presidency of the Republic, Director of Communications of the Presidency of the Republic, Director of Public Credit, Treasurer; General of the Nation, Deputy General of the Nation, Deputy Treasurer General of the Nation, Director General of Executive Coordination of the Police Headquarters of Montevideo, National Directors of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Tourism, and the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Culture's 01 Program.
Hacese extensive to the above mentioned charges, and to the declared persons of particular trust by Article 513 of Law No 13,640 of December, the scheme referred to in Article 17 of Law No 13,586of 13 February 1967.
Article 309.
The budgets of the various parastatals and honorary commissions, in whose sanction the Court of Auditors has intervention, shall be controlled in, their execution by the same Court, in the matters relating to its jurisdiction.
For such purposes, such bodies and honorary commissions shall forward to the Court of Auditors quarterly statements within 30 (thirty) days of each quarter and a state of budgetary execution for the financial year, which will be sent within the
within 30 days of receipt of the annual state of execution, the Court of Auditors shall deliver an opinion, which shall be communicated to the General Assembly, the Executive Branch and the Body concerned.

Article 310.
Treasury Bonds, authorized by Article 178 of Law No. 13,420, of 2 December 1965, with the amendments made to Rule 453 of Law No. href=" /leyes/ley13640.htm"> 13,640 of December 26, 1967, as to the destination of the funds to be issued as well as the maximum interest rate, will have the following specifications for future placements.

Total amount authorized: up to $100: 000,000 (one hundred million dollars) or its equivalent in other foreign currencies.
Maximum interest: up to 12% (twelve percent) annually, payable semi-annually.
Amortization: between 2 (two) and 15 (fifteen) years, by means of equal, half-yearly or annual fees, which may be applied, by purchase on the Stock Exchange, by lot, or on each of the Bonds issued, as set out in the regulations in each case.

The Executive Branch shall also be empowered to issue within the authorized total series which may be placed below par up to a percentage that is in accordance with the maximum authorised annual interest.
In the case of the draw a
Bonds service may be held in Montevideo, or in any other foreign plaza deemed convenient.
Treasury Bonds will enjoy the benefits agreed to all the obligations of the State and are therefore free of the Income Tax, Heritage Tax, Inheritance Replacement and the Heritage.

Article 311.
Fix a period of 90 (ninety) days from the date of this law for affiliation and denunciation, before the Social Security Institutes, of services of any nature covered by the legislation in force. Due to this deadline, the services will not be reported and will lose their retirement effectiveness.

Article 312.
Substitute the final paragraph of Article 443 of Law No. 13,640 of 26 December 1967 and effective at 1 January the following:

" The personnel of the Agricultural Supplies Directorate whose remuneration is served by Proventos and which, in accordance with this article, is declared, surplus, will be transferred by the Executive Branch, to a payroll The General Accounting Office of the Nation will be available to enable the appropriations in the items 0, Renglon 021 (Contreated Personnel) to be made available. These appropriations shall be reduced at every opportunity in which vacancies occur. In this case and in the above mentioned paragraph, it will be true to Rentas Generals the excess that could exist of the Provents, after meeting the normal needs of the Agency, according to the regulations to be dictated by the Power Executive.-



Article 313.
Substitute Article 40 of the law number 13,659, of 2 June 1968, which will be worded as follows:

" Article 40. Where the security is lodged in mortgage securities, in the lease or sub-lease or in the respective collection, the number and series of such contracts shall be entered.
However, where appropriate reintegrating the securities These securities, the Mortgage Bank may, for its exclusive decision, return the same securities mentioned in the implementation of the original contract or its extension or other of the same maturity. "

Article 314.
Except for the provisions of Article 412 of the Rural Code, algae and other vegetables whose property will belong to the State when they are dumped at the coast by the movement of the waters.

Article 315.
Incurrira in the offence of theft which extracts sand, rocks, rocks or other minerals or marine vegetables from existing deposits or banks in the detailed national public goods in points 2 °, 3 ° and 4 ° of Article 478 of the Civil Code, without prior permission of the Executive Branch, granted in accordance with the procedure that establishes the respective regulations.

Article 316.
Replace the text of Article 343 of the Penal Code, as follows:

" Article 343. Article 340 applies to the removal of electrical energy and drinking water, except that it will be operated by intervention in the meters, in which case the provisions on swindling are governed. "

Article 317.
Except for the Honorary Commission for the Anti-Tuberculosis Fight for the payment of employer contributions to the Social Security Bank.

Article 318.
Derogse all legal provisions that establish the payment of civil passivities in charge of the funds of General Rentas.
Social Security Bank, Retirement Fund and Pensions Civil and School, will take over the current service of Civil Pensions and Pensions attended by Rentas
will administer and pay, also, the Civil Graciable Pensions served by General Rentas, as well as the Pensions and pensions of the same kind as those obtained in the calculation serviceable services. The amounts paid by the Social Security Bank for such a concept will be reintegrated monthly by Rentas Generales.
The files, machines, furniture, supplies and documentation of the General Accounting Office of the Nation, affected to the service of This provision will be forwarded to the Social Security Bank. The officials who, as of June 30, 1968, will perform this function will be incorporated into the Social Security Bank, and their posts will be abolished in the General Accounting Office of the Nation.

Article 319.
Those who have reported services included in the Bank of Forecast before June 30, 1968, shall be covered by the provisions of Article 51 of the Law N ° 12.761, dated 23 August 1960. (Presumptive computation).

Article 320.
Substitute the last paragraph of Article 258 of Law No. 13,637, dated 21 December 1967, by the following text: " From 1 January 1970, the Box shall be allocated 50% (50%) of the stamp produced, to form a special fund to be delivered to the associations consisting of the professionals referred to in paragraph "A" of Article 20 of Law No 10,062 of 15 October 1941, with such that they are more than 10 (ten) years old as recognised legal persons and have a number of affiliates not less than 20% (twenty per cent) of registered professionals in the respective registry. '

Article 321.
Facultate the Bank Retirement Fund to establish a rental guarantee service for its active and passive affiliates in the form and conditions to be set out in the regulations that the The Committee shall give its opinion by five votes. The corresponding monthly services shall be deducted from the balance of the beneficiaries and delivered to the Fund for which it is to be paid, in the form and conditions which it shall make known. If it is a pensioner or pensioner, the Box shall directly carry out the retention.

Article 322.
Replace Article 11 of Decree-Law N ° 10.331 of January 29, 1943, by the following:

" Article 11. The management and administration costs of the Bank Retirement Fund may not exceed 10% (10%) of the revenue provided for the budget for the financial
. any nature that corresponds to the buildings of rent owned by the Caja, massive buildings of housing and afforestation ".

Article 323.
Declare that Article 23 (2) of Law No. 12.815, of 20 December 1960, is applicable only to retired affiliates due to physical disability. (Article 15 (b) of Decree Law No 10.331 of January 1943).

Article 324.
State that the compensatory benefits of the activity arranged for the official of the Official State Banking, whatever the concept is satisfied and intended to be pursued by The same applies to Article 3 (c) of Decree-Law No 10,331 of 29 January 1943 for all its effects.

Article 325.
The Retirement and Pensions Notary Box may transfer, without distinction, at the end of each financial year, any surplus that has occurred in the funds "Retirement Fund and Illness Allowance". referred to in points (a) and (b) of Article 111 of Law N@ 12.802 of 30 November 1960 in order to deal with the way in which the services to which those benefits relate more convenient.

Article 326.
Authorize the Executive Branch by giving the General Assembly to arrange with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development a loan for up to $35:000,000 (thirty-five million dollars). ) under the conditions laid down in Article 470 of Law No 13,640,26 December 1967. The proceeds of this loan will be for the fulfillment of the third stage of the Agricultural Plan created by law number 12,394, dated 2 July 1957.

Article 327.
Loans that are granted with the advice of the Honorary Commission of the Agricultural Plan, as agreed under the rule of law N ° 12.394, dated 2 July 1957, Preferably small and medium-sized producers. Such loans may not, under any circumstances, be granted to those who exploit any of the rural land titles which, together, have a higher production capacity than the equivalent of 2,500 (two thousand five hundred) hectares of basic production the average of the country determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 59 of the Law on Resources for the Accountability of 1967.

Article 328.
All loans granted from this law, in accordance with laws N ° 12,394, of 2 July 1957 and N ° 13.377, dated 11 November 1965, may be readjusted irrespective of the origin of the funds under which they are granted. For this purpose, the rules of Articles 466 to 469 of Law No 13,640of 26 December 1967 shall apply as appropriate.

Article 329.
Substitute Article 68 of Law No. 13,637, dated December 21, 1967, as follows:

" Article 68. Authorize the Executive Branch to exempt from this tax the sales of agricultural machinery, its accessories and spare parts, when they have been acquired with the proceeds of credits granted by the Bank of the Republic that are the subject of the adjustment. regulated by Articles 466 and 469 of Law No 13,640 ofDecember 1967 '.

Article 330.
Authorize the Executive Branch to increase the share of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (U$S 17:000,000 ($17 million)).

Article 331.
The integration of the corresponding inputs, as well as the new deliveries that correspond by variation of the value according to the equivalences of the various currencies or species relative to the weight Uruguayan, will be made by the Central Bank of Uruguay with its own resources, for account and order of the State and giving account in each case to the General Assembly.

Article 332.
For the purposes of Articles 10 and 11 of Law No. 13,640 of 8 September 1967 and Article 516 of Law No. 13,640, of 26 December 1967, shall be deemed to be a time limit from 30 June 1968 to 6 (6) months of publication of this law.
For companies that resolve to make use of that time limit, it is understood that they have not governed the full dissolution established in the specified legal norms, which will take place after the agreed new deadline.

Article 333.
Companies for bearer shares, which have initiated or initiated the legal proceedings necessary for the tranformation of their equity capital in nominative, and which have not completed the same within the time limits of the previous Article, as well as those companies which cannot effectively convert their shares within the same time-limits may-subject to the justification of the fact to the competent court-enjoy an additional period of up to 6 (six) months from the previous one, provided that they are agreed by Judicial resolution founded.

Article 334.
The existing companies as of the date of validity of this law, who wish to be covered by the exception regime provided for in Article 12 of the law number 13,608 September 8, 1967, will have a period of 60 (sixty) days, to count from the date of publication of this law to initiate before the Executive Branch the corresponding formalities.
If the management is negatively resolved the society it shall, as from the date of the final decision, have the time limits for establishes Article 332 and, in its case, the time limits of Article 333 to represent its capital entirely by nominative actions, or to disassociate itself from its rural buildings, enjoying in these cases the tax exemptions provided for in that law. Otherwise they shall be deemed to be dissolved in full due to the expiry of the respective time limits.

Article 335.
State that Article 12 of Law No. 13,608, of 8 September 1967, also reaches those cases where the activity or rotation of the company does not include the
declare that the scheme set up by Articles 9 to 13 of Law No 13,608of 8 September 1967, amending and concordant, when referring to holdings The agricultural sector is also covered by those which are carried out in areas other than rural.

Article 336.
The companies within the meaning of Article 12 of Law N ° 13.608, of 8 September 1967, shall obtain the authorization referred to in paragraph 2. the acquisition, possession or possession of rural Infurniture for any title.

Article 337.
Conceese in usufruct the plots of the rural property owned by the State, registered with the No. 1,474 and located in the place called Guazuvira, 1st Judicial Section of the Department of Artigas, to all those persons who, by the date of law N ° 7,913, of 23 October 1925, have effectively occupied such parcels and provided that they are personally operated by them or by the contest of their ascendants or immediate descendants who, in such case, shall be entitled to the product Full of his work.

Article 338.
The right recognized in the previous article shall be transmitted, under the same conditions, to the successors, either universal or particular, of the persons who have contributed to the work. land.

Article 339.
The usufruct constitution shall be automatically granted within one year of the date of enactment of this law, without any erogation for the acquirers, through the He wrote Government and Finance, appearing to grant, representing the State, the Director General of Catastro and Administration of National Furniture.

Article 340.
The General Directorate of the Land Registry and Administration of National Furniture shall, hereinafter, be responsible for the fulfilment of the conditions laid down for the acquisition and maintenance of the right of usufruct, being able to request, for the fulfillment of these tasks the collaboration of other agencies of the State.

Article 341.
Add to Article 69 of Law N ° 13.581, 28 December 1966, the following additive indent:
" Former officials who have provided services in the Body for 3 (three) years or more, have ceased by retirement. "

Article 342.
Commune, etc.

Session of the General Assembly, in Montevideo, on January 3, 1969.

1st. Vice-President.


Montevideo, January 9, 1969.

Comply, acknowledge receipt, communicate, post and insert into the National Register of Laws and Decrees.


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Montevideo, April 1998. Legislative Power.