On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine
"On the general public pension system"
Insurance "insurance" insurance
(b) By mining companies
(Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VR), 2007, N 2, pp. 16)
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Oh, I am. :
Chapter XV "Final provisions of the Law of Ukraine" On
the universal state pension insurance " (
1058-15 )
(Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2003, NN 49-51, st. 376;
2004, N 49, pp. 528; 2005, N 6, pp. 137, NN 17-19, pp. 267,
N 25, st. 339, N 29. 382; 2006, N 1, pp. 18, N 4, st. 52,
N 37, st. 318, N 39, st. 331) after paragraph 13 complement new
the meaning of this content:
" 14. Establish that in 2007 the mining companies
are required to pay the insurance fees provided for the appropriate
basic reporting period, not later as in 28 calendar days with
the end of this period. "
In this regard, items 14 and 15 are considered under paragraph 15.
and 16.
II. Final Position
1. This Act will take effect from the day of its publication.
2. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for a three-month term
publish this Act to ensure the adhement of the ministries
and other central executive bodies
Regulations in compliance with the Act.
President of Ukraine
Um ... Kiev, 16 November 2006
N 364-V