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Amendment To Paragraph 1 Of Section Xi Of The "Final Provisions" Of The Law Of Ukraine "On Safety And Quality Of Food Products" On The Implementation On Agricultural Markets Products Of Household Production And

Original Language Title: Про внесення зміни до пункту 1 розділу XI "Прикінцеві положення" Закону України "Про безпечність та якість харчових продуктів" щодо реалізації на агропродовольчих ринках продукції домашнього виробництва та подвірного забою

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For changes to paragraph 1
Section XI "Final Provisions"
Law of Ukraine " On safety and quality of food
of products " on the implementation of agrofood
Markets of household products
and false slaughter
(Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VR), 2010, N 4, pp. 23)

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Oh, I am. :
I. In paragraph 1 of section XI "Final provisions" of the Act
Ukraine "On Safety and Quality of Food"
( 771 /97-VR ) (Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2005, N 50,
Oh, 533) figures "2010" to replace the numbers "2015".
II. Final Position
1. This Act will take effect from the day of its publication.
2. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine:
in a three-month term to develop and approve state
the formation and discovery program of the procurement of milk and boyen
(slaughterhouse) animals held in the United States
annually in the drafting of the draft state budget for
the appropriate year to predict funding for the measures of the State
formation and discovery programs of the procurement of milk and boyen
(slaughterhouse) animals held in the United States
The population.

President of Ukraine
Um ... Kiev, 22 October 2009
N 1665-VI