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About State Lotteries In Ukraine

Original Language Title: Про державні лотереї в Україні

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About the state lottery in Ukraine

(Information of the Verkhovna Rada (VR), 2013, No. 31, pp. 369)

{With changes under the Laws
No. 406-VII of 04.07.2013 , BBR, 2014, No. 20-21, pp. 712
No. 1636-VII of 12.08.2014 , VR, 2014, No. 43, pp. 2030
No. 222-VIII of 02.03.2015 , BBR, 2015, No. 23, pp. 158
No. 766-VIII of 10.11.2015 }

This Act establishes the basic principles of state regulation of the lottery sector in Ukraine to create favorable conditions for the development of the lottery market based on the principles of state monopoly on issue and hosting the lottery, ensuring the needs of the state budget, rights and legitimate interests of the citizens.

Article 1. Term Definition

1. In this Act, the terms are used in this way:

(1) The lottery scope is the set of public relations consisting of the lottery process;

(2) The lottery is a mass game, regardless of its name, the terms of which is anticipated to play a prize (winning) fund between its players and winning a random character, the territory of which is extended beyond the same one. building, regardless of how much money is made for participation in such a game.

Depending on the way the prize money is posted in Ukraine, such lotteries are allowed:

(a) An instant lottery, a lottery in which information that allows you to identify the winning lottery tickets (other means which are predicted by the lottery terms that allow the lottery to be involved in the lottery), is laid by a random character in the stages of production, I mean, there's a distribution among the lottery players When an instant lottery is conducted, the player can directly determine whether it is a lottery ticket or another tool that allows you to participate in a game, win or not.

(b) Another lottery that does not fall under the definition of an instant lottery, including a tyrant, combined;

3) the state lottery is a lottery held by the lottery operator in accordance with this Act;

(4) the prize (won)-funds, property, master or non-master rights subject to the payment of the player in the event of a winning state lottery in accordance with the promulgated conditions of its conduct;

(5) The prize fund is a collection of prizes (wins) which are subject to a state lottery to be sent to the public with the public lottery;

(6) The prize fund is a collection of prizes to be dismantled during a separate circulation of the state lottery, in accordance with the promulgated conditions of its conduct;

7) the bet is the player ' s fee for a one-time participation in the state lottery or its individual circulation;

(8) The lottery ticket is a document established by the requirements of the lottery, made in accordance with the requirements of the law, whose presence would be made up of the lottery player and the right to receive the prize in accordance with the terms of the lottery. The state lottery can be conducted both by using lottery tickets and other means that allow the lottery to be involved in the lottery or the size of the win if they are predicted by the terms of the lottery, including through the terminals. Rate of betting;

9) the jackpot is the maximum prize that is formed according to the conditions of the State Tyrant Lottery in each tyranny, in several tyrants or other ways defined in the conditions of the lottery;

(10) The circulation is a period of time that begins with the date of acceptance of the stakes for the prize money of the tyrant lottery and ends on the last day of the payment of prizes set according to the conditions of the state lottery. The circulation includes the exercise of transactions aimed at the adoption of rates, the formation of a prize fund of circulation, the reward of the prize money (won), the payment of prizes at the results of such a variety, as well as other operations related to the circulation of the tyrannus. Lotteries;

(11) The state lottery operator is a legal entity, a subject of entrepreneurial activities that have won the right to conduct state lottery in the order defined by the Act;

(12) the public lottery distributor is a legal or physical person who is responsible for the operator of state lottery operators in aggregate or separately taking rates directly into players, payment of prizes, and other distribution operations. State lottery;

13) the player is a physical person who has reached the age of 18 and is involved in the process of making prizes under the terms of the state lottery;

14) the residual fund of the state lottery is part of the prize (winning) fund, which remains unasked for any reason the winners of the state lottery in the set of terms of the term;

15) conducting public lottery-the economic activity of the state lottery operator, which includes the release of the state lottery, the acceptance of the state lottery, the conduct of the prize money (winning) of the state lottery fund, the payment of prizes and other operations that directly or indirectly provide the holding of the state lottery;

(16) An electronic rating system is a program-technical complex designed to fix and bond rates in a state lottery, fixing the payment of prizes and/or payment of prizes, storage of information on the lottery, and to exercise. Other transactions involving the State Lottery.

The electronic acceptance rate system consists of a central electronic system and terminals of an electronic acceptance rate system associated with an electronic or other connection. The use of an electronic acceptance rate system is not required for instant lottery tickets;

17) Terminal electronic acceptance rate system is a software and technical complex that is designed to register by a distributor or player (self-service terminal) in public lottery operations, payback checks A lottery ticket or other means to be involved in the game, payouts and transfer of information carried out to the central electronic system. The terminal rate system should not contain devices and/or programs that independently determine the outcome of the lottery or the player's wins, and cannot be connected to such devices and/or applications (except Connection with the central electronic system lottery system);

18) the conditions for the holding of the state lottery are a local act of the operator of the state lottery operator, which defines the rules of the game and the order of holding the state lottery, is approved by a state lottery operator according to the legislation;

(19) The distribution point of the state lottery is a specially equipped and decorated place to distribute state lotteries to the distribution of requirements for the distribution or location of a terminal or other decision-making means in the state lottery;

20) The lottery fund is a process that is held by the lottery operator following the distribution of lottery tickets (other means that allow the lottery to be involved if they are predicted by the lottery terms), the adoption of the lottery. the game and which aims to determine the winner (winners) of the lottery.

In a tyrannical lottery, the lottery fund is done by generating a random character of a winning game combination, which a player to identify his win must be compared to a game-based combination determined by the player for the game. I think it's going to happen.

In an instant lottery, the prize lottery is revealed to be a player of the hidden game combination laid down in a lottery ticket (the other being the anticipated lottery conditions) at the stage of its fabrication;

21) The winning game combination is the predicted lottery terms (written, numbers, signs, drawings) that allows you to determine the winner (winners) of the lottery.

Article 2. Lottery legislation

1. The Law of the Lottery consists of this Act, which is a special (basic) law in the regulation of the lottery scope, other regulations.

Licensing activities from the release and conduct of the lottery is carried out in order provided Law of Ukraine "On licensing of certain types of economic activities" .

2. Consumer rights legislation is extended to the relationship related to the conduct of the state lottery, the lottery-sphere in the part, relating to the process of winning the lottery and payment of prizes (won).

3. If an international treaty, ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, defined the rules of others than stipulated by this Act, the rules of the international treaty apply.

Article 3. Guidelines for the Lottery

1. The principle of the state monopoly on the introduction of the lottery is to ban the introduction and conduct of any lottery by Ukraine except the state that are held by the operators of the lottery operators who have received the right to conduct them, in order to determine whether or not to This is the Law.

2. The principle of goodwill involves the autonomy and goodwill of the player to participate in the State Lottery. Forced participation in the state lottery is prohibited. Coercive also refers to games, participation in which is a prerequisite for gaining material or intangible goods or rights that are not prizes.

3. The principle of publicity involves the prior provision of compulsory public lottery and information related to the prizes (prize money (winning)), the presence of independent public monitoring of prizes during the period of time. To conduct a contest, as well as the compulsory publication of the results of the looting of tyrants.

4. The principle of equality of participation in the state lottery implies the equality of chances to win a state lottery in players who have made the same rates; mandatory application of the mechanism for the process of loading prizes at random, regardless of the will. the operator of state lottery players, players or other persons.

5. The principle of information protection provides mandatory technological and physical protection of the heating devices and means of withdrawal, storage, input and output of the movement of funds and lottery tickets, from unauthorized access to third parties. the organization of periodic monitoring of their capacity.

6. The principle of pre-payment for the bet is a complete and such that precedes the play, the distribution of the state lottery. The sale of lottery tickets is not allowed either on loan (with a payment of payment) or with the following payment, in addition to the payment of credit or debit cards, or by the use of cheque books in the presence of payment authorization.

Article 4. State monopoly on raffle organization

1. In Ukraine, it is prohibited:

Organization, advertising, distribution of lotteries that do not have state status;

Distribution of lotteries organized outside of Ukraine, including their advertising, as well as participation;

Organizing and hosting games participating in the outside of the building where the game is held, if such a game does not have a state lottery status;

Organizing and conducting games with an accumulation (joint) main prize if the reception places for participation in the game are located outside of the same premises and such a game does not have the status of a state lottery.

2. The conduct of the lottery is required, the terms of which are held against this Act or are held by individuals other than state lottery operators.

Article 5. Government lottery requirements

1. Requirements for release and conduct of state lotteries are determined by the central body of the executive branch, which ensures the formation of state financial policy, policy in issue and holding the lottery in accordance with licensing legislation.

2. The state lottery operator is required to ensure the formation of a prize (winning) lottery fund of at least 50 percent of the amount of income received from the acceptance rates.

3. Lotheray acquires state status from the moment of publication approved by the state lottery operator of the same lottery.

Behind the statement of the state lottery operator, which is served for fifteen days after the publication date, the state lottery is subject to the mandatory establishment by the central body, implementing state financial policy, policy in the field. The issue of the lottery and the holding of the lottery, the Single Register of State Lotteries introduced in Ukraine. Establishment of a lottery by the central executive body implementing state financial policy, policy in issue and holding lottery, to the Single Register of State Lotteries introduced in Ukraine, is carried out within ten days from date. The representation of a state lottery operator.

The central executive body, implementing state financial policy, policy in issue and holding the lottery, leads the Single Register of State Lotteries introduced in Ukraine. List of information displayed in the Single Register of State Lotteries introduced in Ukraine , approved by the central body of the executive branch, which provides the formation of state financial policy, policy in issue and conduct of lottery. The only registry of state lotteries introduced in Ukraine is in electronic form and is open to free public access to it.

4. The use of the word "lottery" and the phrase "state lottery", "national lottery", "Ukrainian lottery" in any differences and contexts in advertising of individual business activities (goods, works, services) or in names of legal entities, if such persons do not have the status of a state lottery operator or the distributor of the state lottery according to this Act.

5. The operators of the state lottery are not allowed to hold state lottery with other individuals other than other state lottery operators.

6. The number and types of public lotteries that can be conducted by state lottery operators are not limited.

7. The distribution of state lottery is carried out throughout Ukraine and does not need special permits.

The central executive body, which ensures the formation of state financial policies, policies in the area of issuance and the holding of the lottery, may decide on the proliferation of state lottery outside Ukraine.

The territory of the distribution of state lottery, held entirely or partly over the Internet, is not limited. The distribution rules and conduct of the lottery via the Internet are determined by licensing conditions.

It is forbidden to establish any restrictions on the implementation of state lottery activities, including the installation of state lottery distribution options, in addition to cases where the distribution of state lottery breaks public order, and is a danger to citizens ' lives or health.

8. State lotteries are adopted indefinitely and without limit the maximum number of copies. The term of the state lottery ' s actions may be limited by the operator of the state lottery.

9. The Office of State Lotteries may not contain provisions whereby the costs of its organization, as well as payment of prizes (won), are carried out by the State Budget of Ukraine, local budgets, targeted public funds, or The government of the United States of America is responsible for the maintenance of public administration or established institutions, organizations and enterprises.

Article 6. State lottery operators

1. The operators of state lotteries can be legal persons registered in the territory of Ukraine that meet the requirements of this Act.

2. The state lottery operator provides activities aimed at holding state lottery tickets throughout Ukraine. The state lottery operator must have permanently divisional units in each populated area of Ukraine with a population of more than 500,000 people, as well as the distribution of state lottery in each populated area with a population of more than 5,000 people. But not less than 5,000 items of distribution.

The electronic bidding system of the state lottery operator should include at least 5 thousand operating terminals of electronic bidding system belonging to the state lottery operator on the right of property.

The distribution network of the state lottery operator is supposed to be at least 5 thousand options for distribution of state lottery.

3. Excludes the activities of the operators of the state lottery operators:

The development and approval of the holding conditions of the state lottery (issue of state lottery);

Creating proper conditions for players in the state lottery;

Create a network of reception facilities and issuing prizes;

Entry into the customs territory of Ukraine of lottery tickets, their forms without the permission of permits (licenses);

State lottery;

Identify the winners of the state lottery winners in accordance with the terms of the state lottery;

Developing and implementing new state lottery technologies;

Advertising public lottery;

To carry out other functions needed to carry out a state lottery.

Holding the state lottery is the exclusive form of the state lottery operator. The specified restriction does not apply to state-owned banks.

4. Public lottery operators provide the conduct and presentation of statistical and accounting reporting on the holding of state lottery, the movement of lottery tickets and the order in the order established by the legislature.

The state lottery operator provides the central authority of the executive to implement state financial policy, policy in issue and conduct of lottery, information regarding the state lottery for its established form and quarterly report. provides a balance and report on financial results under established forms.

5. The power capital of the state lottery operator cannot be the smaller of its statutory capital.

The statutory capital of the state lottery operator cannot be less than the size of the statutory capital set by the National Bank of Ukraine for banks. It is forbidden to use state lottery operators from unconfirmed sources.

6. The state lottery operator is required to suffer the risk of non-payment of prizes to players in the event of his insolvency and/or bankruptcy on the amount of prize money paid by the state lottery operator during the previous calendar year. Yeah.

The lottery operator must have the experience of releasing and holding state lotteries in Ukraine's lottery market for at least 10 years. The specified restriction does not apply to state-owned banks.

The operator of the state lottery provides for the cost of financial and financial, technological, and organizational regulations established by licensing conditions.

The applicant at the time of an appeal with a statement about obtaining a license must reaffirm its compliance with the requirements provided by this Act to the operators of the lottery, as well as the retention of other regulations established by licensing conditions.

7. The leader of the state lottery operator, individuals who serve as head of the state lottery operator in the event of his absence, as well as officials responsible for making the technological process conducted by the state lottery, must Meet the requirements for education, work of employment and business reputation, determined by licensing conditions.

The chief of the state lottery operator, individuals who perform the leadership of the state lottery operator in the event of his absence, as well as officials responsible for carrying a technological process in carrying out state lottery numbers may be. Barred from executing officials on the basis of orders from the executive branch of the executive branch, implementing state financial policy, policy in issue and holding the lottery accepted in the case of systematic (more than three times) (a year) violations by such data of the lottery legislation at the time of the an investigation, but no more than two months.

8. The State Lottery operator is responsible for all the proper mayors on obligations that arise before the state or third parties due to the execution of its functions.

9. The local government bodies and the local executive authorities are obliged to promote the development and spread of the state lottery in the respective territories. The distribution activities of the state lottery operator and the distributors of the state lottery are not subject to licensing, quotas or restrictions.

Article 7. State Lottery Organization

1. Organization of the state lottery central executive body implementing state financial policy, policy in issuance and conduct of lottery, is carried out by issuing licenses to issue and conduct the lottery in order determined by the License legislation.

The size of the fee for issuing licenses establishes the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

{Paragraph second of first Article 7 in the edition of the Law No. 222-VIII of 02.03.2015 }

Article 8. Incarceration of the state lottery operator

1. The state lottery operator may be deprived of the status of a state lottery operator in cases if:

(1) The lottery operator does not hold more than three consecutive copies of the line defined in the terms of the state lottery, except if the delay in such a challenge is caused by the circumstances of the unstoppable force (force majeure);

(2) The state lottery operator systematically (more than three times a year) violates the lines of counting up to the State Budget of Ukraine in the amount of tax rate determined by Tax Code of Ukraine ;

(3) The lottery operator will be built without any objective grounds for more than six months the terms paid prizes to the winners in the lottery;

4) the lottery operator does not meet the requirements set up Law of Ukraine "On the creation of a free economic zone" Crimea "and about the peculiarities of economic activity in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine".

{Part 1 of Article 8 is supplemented by paragraph 4 under the Law No. 1636-VII of 12.08.2014 }

The deprivation of the status of the state lottery operator is carried out by annulment of the license in the order stipulated by the licensing legislation.

2. The state lottery operator is stripped of its status in the case of filing him in the deprivation of his status as a state lottery operator to the central authority of the executive branch that implements state financial policy, policy in issue and The lottery, as well as in the case of its elimination, as a result of the public lottery statement.

A statement on the deprivation of the state lottery operator should be filed with the executive branch of the executive branch implementing state financial policy, policy in issue and holding the lottery, not later than six months before the date. The termination of the lottery, but not later than until July 1, predates the year on which the state lottery operator activities will be terminated.

3. The issue of ending the holding of state lottery operators by state lottery operators is determined by the central body of executive power, which ensures the formation of state financial policy, policy in issue and holding the lottery, according to Licensing legislation.

Article 9. Distribution of state lottery

1. The State Lottery Regenerator performs the following functions:

makes a bet from the players and passes them to the state lottery operator;

(paying) prizes to the winners of state lottery winners in cases stipulated by the holding of the state lottery;

Conducts accounting and provides a state lottery operator reporting on the movement of lottery tickets and viruses;

provides free access to citizens before the purchase of lottery tickets and receiving prizes;

Conduct the popularization of the state lottery and clarifies the rules of participation in it;

Performs other functions defined in the agreement between the distributor and the operator of the state lottery distribution.

2. With the distributors of the state lottery-legal or physical persons the operator of the state lottery makes written treaties.

3. Legal or physical persons have the right to exercise the distribution of a state lottery for the presence of a petition issued by a state lottery operator whose form is determined by the central executive body providing the formation of a state lottery. financial policy, policy issues and the holding of the lottery.

4. The State Lottery is not authorized without the consent of the state lottery operator to be granted granted by the State Lottery Distribution Agreement with the distribution of lottery powers to third parties.

Distributors cannot change the setting of the state lottery operator on the lottery and/or the price of a lottery ticket.

5. The distribution of public lottery by physical and legal entities according to a negotiated government lottery operator does not require any permits. The distribution of state lotteries does not require compulsory registration by the subjects of the physical activity of the distributors. The government is contributing to the expansion of the state lottery distribution network.

6. The distribution of state lotteries is carried out anywhere in Ukraine and in any way is not prohibited by legislation. The distributors of state lotteries themselves choose places to do this.

7. The state lottery operator is not responsible for violations of the distribution of state lottery regulations unless otherwise established by the agreement concluded between the distributor and operator of the state lottery.

8. Given the norms of this article, the state lottery operator independently identifies the distributors of the state lottery.

Article 10. Players in the State Lottery

1. The State guarantees the rights of players to the public lottery players defined by the Act.

2. The State Lottery Player can be a physical person who has reached 18 years of age and voluntarily pay the distribution rate of a state lottery.

3. Any physical person who before the end of the term acceptance rate set by the conditions of the lottery, pays the cost of a lottery ticket or makes a bet in another form, acquires the status of the player.

4. The acceptance of the cost of a lottery ticket or the player's interest in another form will make the agreement between the operator of the state lottery and the player. The state lottery operator is required to check the player's right to obtain the order in order to hold the state lottery.

5. The State Lottery operator provides the broadcast of national lottery lottery. The printing of tyrants is conducted in the presence of a tyrannical commission that is formed by the operator. The prize money of the prize money is held no more than once every five minutes.

6. The results of each circulation of the State Lottery are available in the paragraphs of distribution.

7. The participation of the player in the state lottery and the recipient of the prize is not subject to a statement, except in cases set by the law or by the consent of the player.

Article 11. State Lottery Advertisements

1. The state lottery operator provides advertising for the state lottery in the order set by the advertising legislation.

Article 12. Prize Fund of the State Lottery

1. The payment of prizes is carried out by the funds of the prize (winning) fund, accumulated by the operator of the state lottery.

The operator provides for a bank account of funds in the volume of a formed prize (winning) fund on each reporting date.

2. Funds accumulated by the distributors of the state lottery from the acceptance of rates cannot be imposed by any charging imposed under the legislation on these distributors or the banks in which they are served.

3. At the expense of the prize fund or funds that are subject to overcounting the state and counting on the bill of the state lottery operator, no charge is imposed according to the legislation on the state lottery operator or on the bill. service bank, which accounts for such funds.

4. The payment of money prizes to state lotteries is made exclusively in the national currency of Ukraine.

The appeal of prizes expressed in foreign currency or in international settlement units is prohibited. This rule does not apply to the state lottery, whose distribution is entirely outside the territory of Ukraine.

5. The payment of public lottery prizes is carried out in the line and in the order that are determined by the terms of the state lottery.

6. The payment of prizes is made through the caseys of the state lottery operators (their separated units or authorized persons), and in cases stipulated by the conditions of the state lottery, through the distributors of the state lottery in cash. -The form of the winner, or the winner's request, as a result-of-cash, on his account of the prize.

7. The requirement for a player to pay a prize can be charged with the terms defined by the terms of the state lottery. In case of a state lottery ticket (or the other means that the right to receive a prize) is not charged for payment, the sum of the prize money is directed to the residual value of the lottery ticket. The lottery fund. The order and areas of use of the residual lottery fund are determined by licensing conditions.

8. The payment of a state lottery is carried out on the basis of a charged lottery ticket or other means that, under the terms of the state lottery, the player will have the right to receive a prize. The premise of issuing a prize is to conduct a state lottery operator or an authorized person for the examination of a lottery ticket or other means that, under the terms of the state lottery, the player will have the right to receive a prize that confirms Or disprove his reality.

Requirements for the provision of documents to be sent to the person, or to sign the winner of the financial or other documents, are allowed in cases established by the law and the terms of the lottery. If the winner wishes to confirm the source of his received income, his voluntary request is given a reference in which the passport data is indicated by the winner, the sum of the prize, as well as the date of receipt of the tax, as well as the amount of the tax deducted.

Article 13. State care (control) in the field of lottery activities

1. The Executive Body of the State Supervision (control) for the implementation of the lottery in Ukraine is the central executive body, implementing state financial policy, policy in issue and lottery.

2. The Central Executive Body, which implements state financial policy, policy in issue and conduct of lottery, oversees (control) in the form of conducting scheduled and off-planned lottery operators.

3. Plan checks of state lottery operators are conducted at least once every 24 months.

4. Post-plan inspections of state lottery operators are conducted solely from the following basis:

The operator of the state lottery is not submitted to the established reporting lines to the executive branch of the executive branch, which implements state financial policy, policy in issue and conduct of the lottery if its submission is provided by the Act;

The identification of the data contained in the reporting provided by the operator of the state lottery, if the operator of the state lottery operator provides no explanation and their documentation for the mandatory written request of the central executive body, what implements state financial policy, policy in issuance and conduct lottery, for thirty working days from the day of receipt of the request;

the state lottery operator filed in the established licensing terms of the complaint of legislation by officials of the central executive authority, which implements state financial policy, policy in issue and conduct. The lottery, while conducting a scheduled or unscheduled inspection, in which requires a complete or partial abolition of the results of the relevant inspection;

in case of the need for validation of information obtained from the player if the state lottery operator is not providing an explanation and their documentary confirmation on the mandatory written request of the central executive authority implementing the state lottery. financial policy, policy in release and holding the lottery, for thirty working days from the day of receipt of the request.

5. The state oversight (control) of the lottery is carried out by the central executive body implementing state financial policy, policy in issue and holding the lottery, according to the report. Law of Ukraine "On the basic principles of public oversight (control) in the sphere of economic activity" with respect to the features defined by this Act and Law of Ukraine "On the creation of a free economic zone" Crimea "and about the peculiarities of economic activity in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine."

{Part of Article 13 of the changes made under the Act No. 1636-VII of 12.08.2014 }

Article 14. Responsibility

1. For incomplete or untimely deductions to the State Budget of Ukraine of funds received from conducting state lottery, in the amount of deductions determined Tax Code of Ukraine , a guilty person is responsible for the level of responsibility for untimely or incomplete payment of taxes, fees established by law.

2. Prior to entities that organize or conduct games of Ukraine games corresponding to the definition of lottery other than cases, if such a game is carried out by the status of the state lottery operator, financial sanctions are applied. A fine of sixteen thousand minimum wage payments with the confiscation of the field equipment, and profit (income) from the holding of such a game is subject to the State Budget of Ukraine.

The application of sanctions marked in the first part of the second part of this article is carried out by a court decision made by the National Police and/or income and assembly bodies.

{Paragraph 2 of the second part of the second article 14 of the changes in accordance with the Laws No. 406-VII of 04.07.2013 , No. 766-VIII of 10.11.2015 }

3. For using the word "lottery" in any differences and contexts in the conduct of individual business activities or in their names by legal entities who do not have operator status or the distributor of state lottery, noted persons will cease by the decision of the court according to the law.

Article 15. Final and Transitional Provisions

1. This Act will take effect from the day, next in the day of its publication, apart from Article 15, paragraph 4, paragraph 4 , which takes effect from 1 January 2013.

2. The operators of the lottery, which have been through the release and holding of the state lottery until the Act of the Act on the basis of the Act issued under license, based on these licenses prior to the expiration of the term.

In the absence of normative acts necessary to obtain new licenses, the lottery operators have failed to deal with the release and conduct of the state lottery until the law has taken effect by the Law on the basis of issued licenses. its activities prior to obtaining new licenses, but not more than three months since the exercise of the force of law-based acts.

3. Organizers of any games held at the time of effect by this Act, the rules (conditions) of which correspond to the signs of the lottery are required to stop their conduct within one calendar month from the day of entry into force. By law. In doing so, all agreements concluded between the players in games and their organizers due to the final fee for participation in games (rates, etc.) are considered to be indifferent.

4. To recognize that which is lost Law of Ukraine "On the introduction of a moratorium on issuing licenses for the failure of economic activity from issuance and conduct of the lottery" (Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2005, No. 26, p. 357; 2011, No. 11, pp. 69).

5. To make changes to the following legislative acts of Ukraine:

(1) Chapter 35 Economic Code of Ukraine (Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2003, No. 18-22, art. 144) complement paragraph 5 of this content:

" Paragraph 5. Lottery Activity

Article 365 - 1 . Lottery activities in Ukraine

Ukraine has a monopoly on organizing and holding the lottery.

2. Prowaging in Ukraine any other lotteries other than government is prohibited.

Relations in the area of lottery activities are regulated by this Code and the Law of Ukraine "On State Lotteries in Ukraine";

(2) Part of the first Article 7 Law of Ukraine "On insurance" (Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2002, No. 7, pp. 50 with the following changes) to complement paragraph 46 of this content:

"46) The risk insurance of non-payment to players in the event of insolvency and/or bankruptcy of the state lottery operator";

(3) In paragraph 1 of section II, "Final provisions" Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the Restriction of State Regulation of Business Activities" (Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2011, No. 11, art. 69) words " and paragraph 30 of the ninth paragraph 4 of paragraph 11 of section I of this Act (regarding the licensing of issuance and conduct of the lottery), which takes effect from the day of the abolition of the moratorium on issuing licenses for the failure of the host system. "Review of the World of the People's Republic of America".

(4) Paragraph 15 of the second article 29 Budget Code of Ukraine (Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2010, No. 50-51, p. 572) to exclude.

6. Prior to the introduction to compliance with the Law of Ukraine, other regulatory and legal acts act in part that does not contradict the Law.

7. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for a three-month term from the day of entry into force:

Adopt the legal and legal acts defined by this Act;

To bring their legal and legal acts into compliance with the Act;

Provide a revision and revocation of the State Executive authorities of their normative acts contrary to the Act.

8. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine stipulates in the projects of Ukraine's laws on the State budget of Ukraine for the appropriate year identification of funds received from holding state lotteries in Ukraine, one of the sources of the formation of a special fund The State Budget of Ukraine and the conjugation of these funds in the financing of the public facilities of Olympic training, the treatment of children with oncological and oncohematological diseases, in the financing of culture and sports.

President of Ukraine

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Um ... Kyoto
September 6, 2012
No. 5204-VI