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Turkish Grand National Assembly Warning: You Are Viewing Act, The Parliamentary General Assembly Has Already Adopted. If It Does Not Include The Changes Made Later. Organization And Duties Of The Industry And Commerce Ministry Of Kanu

Original Language Title: TÜRKİYE BÜYÜK MİLLET MECLİSİ Uyarı: Görüntülemekte olduğunuz Kanun, TBMM Genel Kurulunda kabul edildiği halidir. Varsa daha sonra yapılan değişiklikleri içermemektedir. SANAYİ VE TİCARET BAKANLIĞININ TEŞKİLAT VE GÖREVLERİ HAKKINDA KANU

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Warning: The Law you are viewing is considered to be accepted at the General Assembly of the TBMM. It does not contain any later delics if it exists.





Kanun No. 5593


Acceptable Date: 1/3/2007      

TagPreserver,p,0,139MADDE 1- 8/1/1985 and 3143 Industrial and Commerce The First Section (h) of article 10 of the Ministry's Telangalat and Tasks was added to the end of the article and the end of the same clause is added.

" h) The industry in our country, in order to pursue and encourage technological advancements in the field Building and developing programs to help drive technological research and development by doing business with the institutions and foundation universities of the organization's higher education and foundation universities. to support real and legal entities regarding the patent, yacht, and marketing of the technological product emerging as a result of And to prepare regulations with the principles and essentials of implementing these programs, "

" According to the name of the first fund (h) of the ministry's budget, my education is not to be run by the institutions of higher education. and enhancements to the project are monitored in private accounts whose budgets are to be opened to the project, without the income of the corresponding administration. The cost of spending and accounting of the amounts transferred to institutions and foundation universities will be played by the Minister of the Ministry of Finance, according to the Ministry of Finance. is determined in regulation. Expenses covered by this scope are audited on 10/12/2003 and under 5018 are audited under the Public Goods Management and Control Law. The expenses for the officers who take part in the services of the prepared programs and other public servants and services will be made from the Ministry of Education budget. In the supported projects, 15K of the number of indicators that are involved in the project scope with the project duration are used in the technical services office of higher education institutions. The personnel may be paid monthly over the amounts specified in the project promise so that they do not exceed the amount of the 8000 indicator numbers that are applied to the officers for the number of officers they have applied to the service. No officers and other public servants are charged for the sum of the amounts specified in the project promise to the other project staff who are engaged in the project. "

ARTICLE 2- This is the date on the release date of the Law.

TICAD 3- The Council of Ministers executes the provisions of this Law.