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Law (2006:1209) On Port Security

Original Language Title: Lag (2006:1209) om hamnskydd

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Chapter 1. General provisions

Introductory provision

section 1 of this Act contains provisions on how port security shall

organized and conducted. With port security means measures

shall be taken at ports in order to protect people,

infrastructure and equipment in ports against serious illegal

documents. Measures taken pursuant to this Act shall

coordinated with measures taken pursuant to

European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 725/2004 of the

31 March 2004 on enhancing ship and

port facilities (Regulation (EC) No 725/2004) and the law

(2004:487) on maritime security.

The scope of the law

section 2 of this Act apply to all ports in Sweden where there are at least

such a port facility covered by article 3.1-3.3 in

Regulation (EC)

No 725/2004. With respect to such a port facility shall, however,

the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 725/2004 and law

(2004:487) on maritime security apply instead of this law.

The law does not apply to military installations in ports.


section 3 of the Act used designations with the following meaning.

Indication Significance

Recognised security organisation Organization who have the appropriate

knowledge of matters and that

has been appointed with the support of this


Port a specified country-and

water area that consists of

installations and equipment

facilitates commercial

maritime transport.

Port tenants natural or legal person

exercising the essential

influence over the port's operation.

Port security organ responsible for

port security related issues in a port.

The port security plan documents based on

the port security assessment and

showing, among other things. the port's limits as well as

the procedures to be

applied, which measures

must be taken and what actions

required for each of the

levels of protection.

Port security assessment Document. a port

limits like weaknesses in

protection and possible threats

against various businesses in the port

be identified.

Level of protection level of readiness to be

be taken in order to prevent a

security incident occurs.

Chapter 2. Levels of protection

1 § For each port or part of a port, one of the three

levels of protection always prevail. If any decision pursuant to article 2 of the not

taken is the lowest level of protection (security level 1).

Levels of protection "has the same meaning as under rule 2.1.9 – 2.1.11

in annex II to Regulation (EC) No 725/2004.

section 2 of the police service takes, after hearing the

The Swedish Transport Agency, the decision on what level of protection you want to apply

for a port or part of the port.

In urgent cases, the police authority to make decisions according to

the first paragraph about the change in the level of protection without consulting

The Swedish Transport Agency. Such a decision shall be promptly

reviewed by the Police Department after the Swedish Transport Agency has

been heard. Law (2014:742).

paragraph 3 of the decision pursuant to article 2 of the sheep at containment level 2 and 3

decide that additional measures beyond those specified in the

the port security plan, shall be taken at the port or in part of the harbour.

section 4 of the Security Agency shall for each port or part of a port

for the level of protection is to ensure that regulatory requirements

are met and that the measures provided for in the port security plan or

ordered pursuant to section 3 shall be taken.

Each port security agencies may decide to take further

measures in addition to those specified in the port security plan for a

certain level.

Chapter 3. Protection requirements for ports

Port security bodies

1 § For each port, there must be a port security bodies.

Port owner is port security bodies. More ports may have the same

port security bodies.

Port security assessments and port security plan

section 2 of The port owner, within the harbour area there are at least

a port facility in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 725/2004,

make a port security assessment.

paragraph 3 of the port security agency responsible to a port security plan

be prepared, maintained, updated and implemented for each


4 § in the case of lands owned or managed by the municipality

or by one of the wholly-owned companies, port protection agency

consult with the local authority in the development of the port security plan. When

for other ports, port protection agency shall consult with

the County Administrative Board in the county where the port is located.

paragraph 5 of a port security assessment and a port security plan shall

be approved as permitted by Chapter 6.

section 6, a port security plan shall be kept in such a way that

unauthorized access to it.

The port security plan shall be made and kept in electronic form.

Port security officer

section 7 of the Port security assessment and the port security plan shall include

indication as to the name of the port security officer. If it is appropriate,

several ports have the same port security officer.

The port security manager is a contact for port security related issues.

Port security exercises

section 8 port security agencies shall ensure that port security exercises

are held in each port.

Chapter 4. Investigation and control, etc.

Examination and verification of identity

1 § to prevent crimes that pose danger to the security of

the port, the bags that someone carries with him, other luggage and

goods within the port shall be examined. For the same purpose, identity

checks of persons who reside within the port


Those who refuse to let their property be investigated or whose

identity cannot be checked, may be rejected or removed

from the port.

section 2 of the Survey and the identity check shall be carried out in the

extent specified in the port security plan.

Port security agency is responsible for the investigations and

identity checks are made, to the extent permitted by

the port security plan. Surveys and identity checks

shall be borne by the Security Agency.

3 §/expires U: 2016-05-01/

Examination may be carried out by a police officer, an official

When the coast guard or a specially appointed person

designated by the Police Department. If the property is examined by someone

designated person, should the work be carried out in a

Police man's direction. Identity checks may be carried out by a

police officer, an official at the coast guard or the

port security agency assigning the task. If it is necessary to

port security agency assist law enforcement or

The coast guard in the practical examination and

control work.

Control of goods under customs supervision within the meaning of

Article 37 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12

October 1992 establishing the Community customs code

should be made in consultation with the customs service. Law (2014:742).

3 section/entry into force: 2016-05-01/

Examination may be carried out by a police officer, an official at the coast guard or a specially designated person designated by police. If the property is examined by a specially appointed person, should the work be carried out during a police man's direction. Identity checks may be carried out by a police officer, an official at the coast guard or the port security agency assigning the task. If necessary, the port security agency assist the Police or Coast Guard in the practical investigation and control work.

Control of goods under customs supervision within the meaning of article 134 of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no 952/2013 of 9 October 2013, laying down the community Union shall be done in consultation with the customs service.

Law (2016:281).

section 4 If, upon examination, found objects that may be

to use in crimes that pose a serious risk to

safety within the port shall, if the object cannot be seized

in accordance with the provisions of the code of judicial procedure, the subject matter

found in are asked to keep the object in such a way

It can't be used for crime. Anyone who does not follow a

such a request may be rejected or removed from the port.

paragraph 5 of the decision referred to in paragraph 1 or paragraph 4 is taken by a

police officer, an official at the coast guard or the person

as paragraph 3 of the designated to carry out the investigation.

paragraph 6 of the Protocol shall be conducted and evidence is issued if made

investigation if the property examined requests for

Ordinance or if items are seized.


section 7 without the permission of the port security agency may not have any

Enter a portion of the Harbor, where fences or signs

or in any other similar way clearly shows that the public does not

have access to it.

A police officer, an official at the coast guard or the

According to paragraph 3 of the designated to carry out the survey, from the port

area or sub-area reject or remove the

1. unauthorized reside there,

2. disturb order there, or

3. endangering the port's protection.

Chapter 5. Supervision, etc.

Regulatory Ordinances

section 1 Supervision according to this law shall, if possible, be coordinated with the

supervision of port facilities which are made pursuant to Regulation

(EC) No 725/2004 and the provisions adopted pursuant to the Act

(2004:487) on maritime security.

section 2 of The supervising or assisting in such are entitled

to gain access to the port and to make the surveys where

needed, as well as to take note of the documents and the other

the information contained therein. By Ordinance, the if

be avoided to the port's activity is obstructed or to any

Another inconvenience incurred.

paragraph 3 of the port security agency is responsible for ensuring that the harbour is kept available

for a person who performs supervision and that he otherwise

assisted in supervision.

Port security and port security agency head shall submit the

supervision the representation they need and leave the

information which the supervisory authority requests for oversight.

Injunctive relief

section 4 of the port not available under or Assistant

not disclosed pursuant to paragraph 3, the supervising under this

teams submit to port protection agency to ensure that the harbour is kept

available for supervision or assistance provided by

port security agency or the port security manager.

If supervision is found that in any material

respect, gaps in port security that makes the prescribed

requirements or the requirements of the port security plan are not met, the

supervision according to this law shall submit to the Agency for port security to

remedy the deficiency or meet the requirements within the specified time.

Decision on the injunction under the first and second paragraphs may

combined with a penalty.


section 5 of the State's costs for port security shall be covered by contributions.

These charges shall be levied for the ports which are subject to

supervision of port security.


paragraph 6 of the Security Agency is responsible for ensuring that the harbour is kept available

for the European Commission and that the Commission otherwise

assisted in monitoring within the port area.

Port security and port security officer shall submit

the Commission the assistance it needs in the monitoring and

provide the information requested by the Commission in the monitoring.

Chapter 6. Appropriations


section 1 of the Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for

1. supervision,

2. charges payable to the State for port security,

3. security levels,

4. port security assessments,

5. port security plans,

6. port security exercises,

7. port security officers,

8. recognised security organisations,

9. consultations pursuant to Chapter 3. paragraph 4, and

10. fees for application for appointment pursuant to Chapter 4. paragraph 3 and

the associated training.

Regulations referred to in the first subparagraph 4, mean that a

limited port security assessments may be made.


section 2 of the Government determines the authority approves

port security assessments and port security plans and the exercise of other

supervision of port security in accordance with this Act and regulations

announced with the support of the law.

It allows a port security plan shall provide for specific

condition of the port security plan shall apply.

Recognised security organisation

section 3 of the Government or the authority that the Government may

1. decision to acknowledge a security organisation, and

2. entrust a recognised security organisation to do

port security assessments and developing plans.

Chapter 7. Liability provisions


1 § To fines or imprisonment of up to six months is sentenced

port port security holders or bodies who willfully engaged in

activities in a port without having an approved port facility security plan

in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3. 3 to 5 sections.

2 § to fine convicted

1. port security bodies who willfully fails to implement a

investigation or inspection as provided in Chapter 4. section 2 of the

or as ordered pursuant to Chapter 2. section 3,

2. port security bodies who willfully or negligently violates

against an injunction granted under Chapter 5. paragraph 4,

as well as the

3. port security bodies that intentionally keep the port security plan in

contrary to Chapter 3. section 6.

If an order referred to in the first subparagraph is subject to

penalty, the offender shall not be responsible.

Law (2006:1212).

paragraph 3 of the Provisions on liability for anyone who violates the provisions

of professional secrecy in Chapter 8. section 3, see Chapter 20. section 3 of the Penal Code.

4 § To responsibility under this law shall not be convicted of the offence

is subject to stricter penalties in the Penal Code.

Chapter 8. Other provisions

Immediate validity

§ 1 a decision under this Act shall be effective immediately, if not

otherwise decided.


paragraph 2 of the Decision under this Act may be appealed to the General

Administrative Court.

Leave to appeal is required for an appeal to the administrative court.

Professional secrecy

section 3 of the position of supervision according to this law

or designated to security officer for a port may not

improperly disclose or make use of what he or she is in

the mission, or in their service have been told about

1. the protection of the Harbour,

2. professional secrets or working procedures,

3. individuals ' financial or personal circumstances, or

4. conditions of importance for national security.

Anyone who has carried out the survey under this Act shall not

improperly disclose or make use of what he or she is in

the mission, or in their service have been told about individuals '

financial or personal relationships.

In the public activities should apply the provisions of

public access to information and secrecy (2009:400) instead of

the first and second subparagraphs. Law (2009:518).

Transitional provisions


This law shall enter into force on 1 January 2009. For the purposes of

7 a of the administrative judicial procedure Act (1971:291) shall

The Swedish Transport Agency instead of the maritime administration shall be the

individual counterparty, if the Board of directors after the entry into force is

jurisdiction to deal with the kind of question that is the subject of
