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Regulation (2006:1226) About Post-Och Inrikes Tidningar

Original Language Title: Förordning (2006:1226) om Post- och Inrikes Tidningar

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The Government provides.

section 1 of the Gazette shall be produced by the

The Swedish companies registration office in electronic form and made available for each

and one at the General Service website.

section 2 of the Gazette shall be published data

as required by law or regulation shall be promulgated in the postal and

Home Magazines. In post-och Inrikes Tidningar, it also

published data according to the regulations in the articles of Association,

Bylaws or similar Decree shall be published in the postal and

Home Magazines.

paragraph 3 of the Gazette shall be supplemented with the new

data once every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

and Friday, excluding Midsummer's Eve, Christmas Eve or

new year's Eve.

4 § in connection with post-och Inrikes Tidningar is supplemented

with the new data, the companies registration office to make four copies of the

new data. Of the prints, a preserved in

The companies registration office, two sent to Kungl. the library and a broadcast

to the Lund University Library.

If Kungl. library or Lund University Libraries request

It shall also be an electronic version of the new data

be sent to the library.

§ 5 data is published in the Gazette shall

be available on the Company's website for two years. What

as is announced in accordance with Chapter 16. section 1 and section 2 of the inheritance law or law

(1958:52) for an extension of time for limitation of the right to

inheritance or bequest shall be available at the Swedish companies registration

site for six years. When the time has expired, the

the data is removed from the site.

section 6 of the SCRO is personal responsible according to

personal data Act (1998:204) for the treatment of

personal data which performs to produce and keep

available Post-och Inrikes Tidningar.

paragraph 7 of sensitive personal data pursuant to article 13 of the personal data Act

(1998:204) and data relating to offences involving

crime, criminal convictions, pre-trial supervision measures, or

administrative detention under section 21 of the same law,

be published in the Gazette only if it is

necessary to promulgate such information as required by law

or regulation shall be published in the Gazette.

section 8 when searching for data in post-och Inrikes Tidningar

may not be used as a search term

1. sensitive personal data pursuant to article 13 of the personal data Act

(1998:204), or

2. the personal data referred to in paragraph 21 of the same law relating to offences

that includes offenses, criminal convictions, pre-trial

coercive measures or administrative detention.

When searching for information in the Official Gazette as

not be available on the Company's website may only day

for publication and reference number or other designation that has

assigned applications to be used as a search term.

§ 9 the companies registration office shall adopt the technical measures that are

possible and reasonable to prevent other than the fact that

electronically save data in Post och Inrikes Tidningar, which

is available on the Company's website.

section 10 About an announcement in post-och Inrikes Tidningar contains

any irregularity arising from Bolagsverket, Swedish companies Registration Office

as soon as correct the task by announcing the correct

the relationship. The same applies if an irregularity occurs because someone

other than the companies registration office and the who announced the relationship requests

such a measure. The release that contains the error

shall bear a reference to the publication where the correction

have been made.

section 11 the provisions of § 48 personuppgiftslagen (1998:204) about

damages shall apply to the processing of personal data in accordance with

This regulation.

section 12 of the companies registration office may provide for the technical

procedure when the request for release is submitted to the Office


paragraph 13 of The who by law or decree proclaims a certain

relationship in post-och Inrikes Tidningar or according to a

Special Regulation shall bear the cost of such

publication shall pay a fee of

1.30 SEK, if the request for public notice is submitted electronically,


2.70 €, for each started the hundred or so characters in the announcement,

If the request for public notice is given in any other way.

Fee must be paid within the time and in the manner

The companies registration office. Regulation (2013:66).

section 14 of the 22 a of the Administrative Procedure Act (1986:223) contains provisions

If an appeal to the administrative court. Decisions other than

decision on rectification and fee shall not, however, be appealed.

Transitional provisions


1. This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 2007.

2. Previous government decision on fees at the announcement in post-

and home Magazines do not apply in the case of publication which is made

After the end of the year 2006.


1. this Regulation shall enter into force on 1 april 2013.

2. Older regulations applies to a request for a proclamation that

has been received by the Office prior to the entry into force.