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Law (2007:460) If The Tax On Motor Insurance Premium Etc.

Original Language Title: Lag (2007:460) om skatt på trafikförsäkringspremie m.m.

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The scope of the law

section 1 of the tax shall be paid to the State under this Act on premium

for motor insurance relating to a risk situated within the country as well as on

motor insurance charge.


2 for the purposes of this Act, section

motor insurance: insurance under the traffic damage Act


motor insurance charge: such fee as may be imposed under

34 § traffic damage Act,

risk in the country: a risk situated in Sweden according to Chapter 1.

section 17 of the insurance business Act (2010:2043) or Chapter 1. 7 §

Act (1998:293) on foreign insurers and

supplementary pension funds in Sweden. Law (2011:77).

Tax liability

3 § Taxable for tax on premiums for motor insurance is

insurers to notify third party liability under

traffic damage Act (1975:1410).

A foreign insurers that do not conduct their

activities in this country from a secondary establishment in accordance with the

Act (1998:293) on foreign insurers and

supplementary pension funds in Sweden, shall appoint a

tax representative to represent the insurer on

as shown in Chapter 5. paragraph 4 of the law on tax procedure


Tax representative shall be resident in Sweden or be a

Swedish legal entity. Law (2011:1421).

4 § Taxable for tax on motor insurance charge is the

which, according to the traffic damage Act (1975:1410) has the right to withdraw

such a fee.

Taxable amount and chargeable event

§ 5 the basis for taxation of motor insurance premium

consists of the earned premium for motor insurance for a

calendar month.

The chargeable event shall occur at the end of the calendar month

for which premium has been earned.

section 6 With an earned premium is meant in paragraph 5 of the premium income before ceded

reinsurance with addition or deduction of change in

provision for unearned premiums.

The earned premium shall not be affected by the change in

provision for unexpired risks.

The earned premium shall not be adjusted for the transferor's

resolution of the respective acquirer's provision for non-

earned premium resulting from a transfer of a

insurance stocks.

section 7 With premium income before ceded reinsurance refers to the

total gross premium for motor insurance as paid or

can tillgodoföras company for insurance contracts where

insurance period commenced before the calendar month's output. As

premium income also includes premiums for insurance periods

start only after the calendar month's output, if the

Agreement shall be due and payable during a calendar month.

Renewal premiums that are not confirmed by the policyholder

and premiums for new insurance contracts shall be counted

with the amount expected to be received by.

Cancellations shall reduce the premium income as soon as the amount

is known. Additional premiums shall be credited with the amount that they

expected to be received by.

In premium income does not include taxes and other public

fees charged to the insurance premium.

section 8 Of the gross premium is the premium determined for the entire contract

period of insurance after deducting the usual customer discounts.

Gross premium includes therefore also

a) unannounced premiums can be calculated until later,

b) forward premiums paid Semiannually, quarterly or

monthly, and payments from policyholders for expenses

as an insurance company in connection with the

the contract was signed,

c) 's share of the total premium amount at


§ 9 the basis for taxation of motor insurance charge

consists of received on motor insurance charge.

The chargeable event shall occur when the motor insurance fee


The size

section 10 of the tax on motor insurance premium represents 32 percent of

the taxable amount.

Tax on motor insurance fee makes up 22 percent of

the taxable amount.


section 11 of The that is taxable under paragraph 4 shall deduct

tax on motor insurance charge which is refundable.


section 12 of the regulations on the procedure for the withdrawal of the tax see

tax Procedure Act (2011:1244). Law (2011:1421).

Transitional provisions


1. this law shall enter into force on 1 July 2007.

2. The Act on motor insurance premium and

motor insurance charge relating to the period after the entry into force.

3. in the calculation of the taxable amount for tax on

motor insurance premium adjustments shall be disregarded by the

premiums attributable to the period before the entry into force.

4. Notwithstanding what is otherwise provided by law or agreement may

It is taxable according to paragraph 3, from policy holders who

contracted insurance prior to its entry into force, to take

out compensation equivalent to the cost of tax under this Act

at premier relating to time after entry into force.