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Government Regulation (2007:515)

Original Language Title: Myndighetsförordning (2007:515)

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The scope of the

section 1 of this Regulation shall apply to administrative authorities under

the Government.

If a law or a regulation includes a provision which

depart from this regulation, the terms of that provision.

The Agency's management

section 2 of an authority led by

1. an official Director (single-Council-authority),

2. a Board of Directors (Board), or

3. a Board (nämndmyndighet).

The Authority's management form specified in the Authority's instruction

or in any other enactment.

Management's responsibilities

section 3 of the Agency's management is responsible to the Government for

activities and shall ensure that it is carried out efficiently and

subject to applicable law and the obligations arising from the

Sweden's membership in the European Union, it is reported on the

a reliable and fair manner and that the authority

do well with State funds.

section 4 of the Agency's management shall

1. decide the rules of procedure,

2. of the rules of procedure, shall adopt the detailed rules needed

If the Agency's organization, the Division of labour between

the Board of Directors and head of Government, the devolution of decision-making powers

within the Agency, the handling of cases and the forms of

otherwise for the activities,

3. adopt a business plan to the authority;

4. ensure that the authority is an internal control

and control that works in a satisfactory manner, and

5. determine other matters have principled character or

more important, or relating to the regulations, if the cases do not

shall be determined by the staff Disciplinary Board under section 25.


section 5 Other cases than those referred to in paragraph 4,

1. the Board shall be determined by the head of government authorities or, if

not the Board decided otherwise, of which the head of


2. in enrådighetsmyndigheter and nämndmyndigheter shall be determined by the

that management determines.


General information

6 § the museums shall continuously develop the business.

The authority shall encourage cooperation with authorities

and others take advantage of the benefits that can be gained for individual

and for the State as a whole.

The authority shall provide information on the Agency's

activities and comply with such conditions outside the Agency

that are relevant for the business.

Participation in the work of the EU and other international cooperation

7 § the museums shall provide Government support in Swedish

participation in the activities of the European Union and in other

international cooperation, ask the staff at your disposal

for participation which the Government requests and continuously keep

the Government informed about the circumstances of importance for the


The Agency's employer policy

8 § the museums shall

1. in collaboration with other government agencies to develop and coordinate the

State employer policy,

2. ensure that the employees are familiar with the objectives of the


3. create good working conditions and to make and develop

the employees ' skills and experience.

Special provisions for enrådighetsmyndigheter

Advisory Council

section 9 If the Government has decided that there should be a

Advisory Council of the authority, the Council shall exercise the transparency of

the head of the business and give advice.

The Advisory Council consists of the number of members that the Government


Government Commissioner shall be the Chairman of the Advisory Council and keep

the Council informed about the business.

Special provisions for Board authorities

The composition of the Board

section 10 of the Board of Directors consists of the number of members that the Government

determines. One of the members to be Chairman of the Board

and one shall be the Vice-President.

The head of the Board of Directors shall be included in, but not its

Chairman or vice Chairman.


section 11 of the Board is a quorum when the Chairperson and at least half

of the other members are present.

section 12 If a case is so urgent that the Board does not

meet to deal with it, the matter may be settled by

contacts between the Chairman and the other members.

If neither this hinns with or appropriate, may

the President alone decide the matter. Such a decision shall

be reported at the next meeting of the Board of Directors.

Official Manager's liability to the Board of Directors

section 13 Regulatory Manager is responsible to the Board and shall perform

operating activities in accordance with the directives and guidelines

the Board decides.

Government Commissioner shall keep the Board informed of

activities, provide the Board with a basis for decisions and

the execution of the Board's decision.

The head of the Board of Directors of the authority shall be responsible for

employers ' policies under section 8, and represent the Agency as


Special provisions for nämndmyndigheter

Composition of the Board of

section 14 of the Board consists of the number of members that the Government

determines. One of the members to be Chairman of the Board

and one shall be the Vice-President.


section 15 of the Board is a quorum when at least half of the Chairman and

the other members are present.

section 16 If a case is so urgent that the Committee did not have time to

meet to deal with it, the matter may be settled by

contacts between the Chairman and the other members.

If neither this hinns with or appropriate, may

the President alone decide the matter. Such a decision shall

be reported at the next meeting of the Board.


section 17 if the Government has decided that the authority should have a

registry, it shall be headed by a Chief who shall comply with the directives

and guidelines that the Board decides.

section 18 if the Government has determined that a public authority shall grant

premises and manage the administrative or supervisory duties

for a nämndmyndighet, is the responsibility of the former authority

to the Government for the information which it must operate.

The two authorities to further regulate the leasing of

premises and the distribution of tasks in an agreement.

Caseload management

Cost implications

19 § the museums shall ensure that the cost

the consequences are limited when the request for information or



section 20 of the cases to be decided after presentation.

Of the rules of procedure or in the specific decision, the authority may

determine that the cases are determined by a person other than the

the Agency's head does not have to be preferred.

The head of sheep without presentation decisions that do not

can be postponed until the matter had preferred.

The Authority's decision

section 21 For every decision in a case, it shall establish a

document showing

1. the date of the decision,

2. the content of the decision,

3. who has made the decision,

4. who has been rapporteur, and

5. who has been involved in the final processing without

to participate in the decision.

Positions and assignments

section 22 members of boards, committees and Advisory Council are appointed by the

Government for a fixed period of time.

The Government appoints the Chairman of the boards and councils.

section 23 of the Authority the Manager hired by the Government. The same applies to

a Government Deputy Director General.

Other personnel employed by the Agency.

section 24 of the Government Commissioner shall have a Deputy who

serving in the boss's place when he or she is not in service.

If the Agency has a Director General, is the General Director

official Manager's deputies.

He also replaces the head of Government in the otherwise

so far as Government Chief decides.

Staff disciplinary board

section 25 if the Government has decided that there should be a

staff Disciplinary Board at the Agency, the Board shall examine the

questions about

1. separation from employment due to personal

conditions, where the employment relationship is not a probationary,

2. disciplinary liability,

3. notification of charges,

4. shutdown.

Government Commissioner shall be Chairman of the

the staff disciplinary board. The Board shall otherwise consist of

the staff representatives and the members of the authority shall appoint.

section 26 of the staff disciplinary board is quorate when the Chairman and

at least half of the other members are present.

The Authority's right to represent the State in the courts

section 27 authority, represents the State in court in its

field of activity.

Of the Regulation (1995:1301) on the processing of

liability claims against the State and in the Regulation (1976:1021) if

State collective agreements, etc., there are special provisions on

who is the State's action.

Measures in response to the National Audit audit report

section 28 Of the national audit report audit of the Authority's

annual report contain any objection, the authority

report to the Government, what measures the authority has taken

or intends to take in response to the objection.

Report must be submitted within one month of

the audit report submitted.

Case list

29 § the museums shall, not later than 1 March each year to

The Attorney General provide a list of the cases that had

come in before 1 July of the previous year, but that had not been

settled at the end of the year.

The Attorney General may, in the individual case, provide for an exception

from the first paragraph.

Appeal of decisions on the regulations

section 30 of the Authority's decisions on the grant of

regulations referred to in Chapter 8. the Constitution must not

subject to appeal.