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Regulation (2007:713) On Regional Growth Work

Original Language Title: Förordning (2007:713) om regionalt tillväxtarbete

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section 1 of this regulation provides for

1. regional growth work,

2. regional development programmes, and

3. the governmental authorities in the regional

growth work.

Rules for project activities within the

regional growth policy are found in Regulation (2003:596)

about grants for project activities within the regional

growth policy.

Rules on the management of EU structural funds to

implementation of structural fund programmes for regional competitiveness

and employment and structural fund programmes for

territorial cooperation can be found in the Ordinance (2007:14) if

management of the EU structural funds. Regulation (2010:493).

section 2 of the regional growth of work referred to in this regulation

efforts to create sustainable growth and


The regional growth work includes that

regional development programmes are drawn up and implemented. Within

the framework for growth work, regional growth programmes

be prepared.

The regional growth work was previously regional

development work.

section 3 of the regional growth work is carried out in order to meet the

the regional growth policy objectives and to promote sustainable

regional growth.

The national strategy for regional competitiveness,

entrepreneurship and employment 2007-2013 is indicative of

the regional growth work.

section 4 of the regional growth should be designed and conducted in

cross-sectoral cooperation between stakeholders at local and

national level. The work can also be designed and conducted in

collaboration with stakeholders at the European level. Coordination with

regional plans within the framework of the national

the structural funds programme, local government comprehensive planning,

the rural development programme, programme for the agricultural sector, local

development agreements, and the County plans for regional

transport infrastructure, in particular, sought in the work.

Furthermore, coordination with the work of the energy transition


The responsibility for the regional growth work

5 § The regions referred to in the Act (2010:630) on regional

utvecklingsansvar in some counties have the responsibility for the regional

growth in these counties.

In the law (2002:34) of co-operating units of the counties indicates which

tasks in the field regional growth work

samverkansorganen has in the county where such has been established.

In another county, the County Administrative Board responsible for regional

growth work. Regulation (2010:1759).

section 6 of the responsibility for the regional work includes growth

obligation to

1. prepare a regional development programme and coordinate

the implementation of the programme,

2. continuously follow the development in the County and the functional

analysis of County regions in relation to regional and

national targets, and

3. follow up, let evaluate and to the Government annually

present the results of the regional growth work.

With functional analysis region means a region where people can

live and work without having to do too time consuming travel

between home and work. The Division of the country into functional

analysis regions made by Agency for growth policy

evaluation and analysis on the basis of the scope

by commuting across municipal borders.

Regulation (2009:160).

Regional development programmes

section 7 of the regional development programme will provide a comprehensive

strategy for one or several County regional growth work.

Development program linking planning processes with

importance for a sustainable regional development and facilitates

interaction between counties.

The regional development program is the basis for

regional structural fund programmes, territorial application,

regional growth programmes, and other relevant regional

programs and efforts.

section 8 of the regional development programme shall be established based on

an analysis of the special development conditions in the counties.

section 9 of the regional development programme, objectives, directions

and priorities in the work specified. The program shall include a

plan for monitoring and evaluation.

section 10 of the regional development programme will be developed in consultation

with municipalities and county councils. Consultations should also take place with industry

and organizations. The program will provide the basis for

cooperation between municipalities, county councils, government agencies,

businesses and organizations.

section 11 of the regional development programme has been established

the County Administrative Board or the body responsible for

the program coordinate efforts for implementation. Coordination

shall be carried out in collaboration with local governments. Coordination should

also take place with industry, organizations, and governmental


section 12 of The County Administrative Board or the body responsible for the

regional growth efforts to continuously follow up the regional

development programme and ensure that it will be evaluated on a


13 § When a regional development programs have been established or

changed to the current application is submitted to the Government.

State authorities ' involvement in the regional growth work

section 14 of the State authorities should, within their fields of activity,

work to ensure that the objective of the regional growth policy is achieved.

Of government business planning should therefore operations

contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the regional

development programmes and to the work of the regional growth

otherwise be taken into account.

15 § public authorities participation in regional

growth should be based on the priorities of the

national strategy for regional competitiveness,

entrepreneurship and employment 2007-2013. The authorities '

participation shall be carried out in collaboration with the County Administrative Board or the

body responsible for regional growth.

section 16 of the public authorities shall

1. give priority to the joint efforts of the regional government

growth process,

2. consider the possibility of decentralising their


3. in good time to consult with the County Administrative Board and any

cases, the body that coordinates the work of the regional growth

the County of questions about future decisions that are essential

for the region's growth,

4. when considering business consult with other reductions

relevant government authorities, municipalities, county councils, industry

and organizations about opportunities through coordination or

Liaison maintain or develop the business, and

5. inform the State Provincial Office or body responsible

for the regional growth work on ongoing or planned

activities relevant to the region's growth.

section 17 of the regional State authorities must inform themselves about

the regional design goals for the County's development

and account for the provincial Board or body responsible

for the regional growth work how authorities in their

business plans are intended to contribute to the objectives of the regional

development programmes.

Especially if the County Board's responsibility

section 18 of the provincial government have in each county responsible for

1. follow up on how the other State authorities apply the

regional development programme,

2. promote and co-ordinate the efforts of other governmental authorities

regional growth in the County, and

3. where appropriate, ongoing inform samverkansorganet

or självstyrelseorganet if other governmental authorities

efforts for regional growth in the County.