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Regulation (2007:825) With Länsstyrelse Instruction

Original Language Title: Förordning (2007:825) med länsstyrelseinstruktion

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§ 1 in each County there is a County Administrative Board representing the

State administration in the County, to the extent no

other authority has responsibility for specific

management tasks.

section 2 of the provincial Government should work towards the national goal,

reflected in the County while taking into account regional

conditions and circumstances.

The County Board shall, on the basis of a State comprehensive perspective to work

cross-sector and within the Authority's remit

coordinate the various social interests and governmental authorities


The County Administrative Board is to promote the County's development and carefully monitor

State of the County, and inform the Government about the program

is particularly important for the Government to have the knowledge, on the one hand,

events that occurred in the County.

The County Board shall furthermore be responsible for supervisory tasks

the Parliament or the Government has ordered it.

Regulation (2008:1346).

section 3 of the County Administrative Board has inter alia data concerning

1. traffic regulations,

2. food control, animal welfare and the General veterinary


3. regional growth,

4. infrastructure planning,

5. sustainable urban planning and housing,

6. energy and climate,

7. cultural environment,

8. protection against accidents, emergency preparedness and civil defence,

9. nature conservation, and environmental and health protection,

10. Agriculture and rural development,

11. fishing,

12. public health,

13. gender equality, and

14. integration.

Regulation (2010:215).

section 4 of the County Administrative Board's duties also include

1. General elections,

2. oversight of management and operations and by veterinary surgeons

coordination of measures against animal diseases, and

3. enforcement of the real estate holdings are settled according to chapter 18.

section 7 of the inheritance law. Regulation (2008:1346).

Cross-sectoral information

paragraph 5 of the County Board shall

1. gender mainstreaming in its activities

by highlighting, analyse and take into account women's and men's as well as

girls ' and boys ' conditions,

2. continuous analyzing and presenting individual-based

statistics with gender as a cross-cutting basis if it

no special reasons for this,

3. for decisions and other actions that may involve children analyse

the consequences for them, taking particular account of the

child's best,

4. at the consultations, decisions and other measures to promote

accessibility and participation for people with


5. integrating human rights into their activities

by highlighting, analyse and take into account the rights of the

own operations, in particular, protection against discrimination,

6. work to that of the Parliament established the national

public health goal is achieved by public health be taken into account in

the County Administrative Board's work. regional growth,

social planning, crisis management, as well as alcohol and tobacco,

7. in his activities seem to simplify matters for companies, and

8. coordinate efforts at the regional level with the adjustment to

a changing climate. Regulation (2013:815).

5 a of the County Administrative Board to encourage the generation of targets for

environmental performance and the environmental quality objectives which Parliament has

established accessible and shall, where necessary, propose measures for

development of environmental work.

The County Board shall in particular:

1. to coordinate the regional objectives and follow-up work,

2. develop, coordinate and implement regional action programme

with broad support in the County to reach the goal of generation and

environmental quality objectives,

3. support local authorities with a basis in their work with

generation of target and the environmental quality objectives, and

4. promote the generation of the target and the environmental quality objectives,

impact in the local and regional community planning and

contribute to the work of the regional growth is taken into account.

The County Board shall, in respect of their environmental performance report to the

The environmental protection agency and consult with the work of the

reporting as needed. Regulation (2013:815).

Specific tasks and measures for certain county boards

and County

6 §/expires U: 2016-01-12/

Some County boards have specific tasks.

1. The county administrative boards in jämtland, Västerbotten and Norrbotten

County has data concerning reindeer husbandry, etc.

2. The county administrative boards in Dalarna, jämtland, Västerbotten and

Norrbotten County has information regarding mountain management in counties.

3. The county administrative boards in jämtland, Västerbotten and Norrbotten

County is managing and certifying authority for certain

programmes in the European territorial cooperation objective within the

The EU structural funds, pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) no

1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 laying down general provisions on the

European regional development fund, the European

Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing

Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 and according to the regulation

(2007:14) concerning the management of EU structural funds.

4. The county administrative boards in jämtland, Västerbotten and Norrbotten

counties are responsible for the checks referred to in article 16 of

European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006 of the

on 5 July 2006 on the European regional development fund and

repealing Regulation (EC) No 1783/1999 and in accordance with

the regulation on the management of EU structural funds.

5. The county administrative boards in Västerbotten and norrbotten County has

information regarding Barents cooperation.

6. the County Administrative Board of norrbotten has data concerning

elections to the Sami Parliament Sametingen under the Act (1992:1433).

7. The County Administrative Board in Örebro County hears questions about permission to

organizing martial arts match and supervision according to law

(2006:1006) concerning the licensing status of certain martial arts matches.

8. The county administrative boards in Stockholm, Västra Götaland and Skåne

counties are responsible for certain inspections under regulation

(2009:92) on measures against money laundering and the financing of


9. The county administrative boards in Stockholm, Skåne and Västra Götaland,

Norrbotten County examining questions of authorisation and

authorisation and supervision under the Act (2010:1933) about

authorization of the company.

10. the County Administrative Board of norrbotten must be a member of a

such a non-profit organization referred to in paragraph 2 of the Laponiaförordningen


11. The county administrative boards in Norrbotten, Västernorrland and West

Sweden will make investigations on the General

fishing interest requested by other authorities in

application objectives according to Chapter 22. the environmental code.

12. The County Administrative Board of Stockholm's central authority for

international service issues as well as receiving agencies for

some requests for assistance with the service in Sweden on

foreign demand. Regulation (2013:981).

6 §/entry into force: 01/12/2016

Some County boards have specific tasks.

1. The county administrative boards in jämtland, Västerbotten and Norrbotten

County has data concerning reindeer husbandry, etc.

2. The county administrative boards in Dalarna, jämtland, Västerbotten and

Norrbotten County has information regarding mountain management in


3. The county administrative boards in jämtland, Västerbotten and Norrbotten

County is managing and certifying authority for certain

programmes in the European territorial cooperation objective within the

The EU structural funds, the European Parliament and of the Council

Regulation (EU) no of 17 december

the establishment of common rules for the

Regional Development Fund, the European social fund,

The Cohesion Fund, the European agricultural fund for

rural development and the European maritime and fisheries,

laying down general provisions on the European

Regional Development Fund, the European social fund,

The Cohesion Fund and the European maritime and fisheries

and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006.

4. The county administrative boards in jämtland, Västerbotten and Norrbotten

counties are responsible for the checks referred to in article 23(4) of the

European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 1299/2013 of

on 17 december 2013 on special provisions for the support of

The European regional development fund to the European

territorial cooperation.

5. The county administrative boards in Västerbotten and norrbotten County has

information regarding Barents cooperation.

6. the County Administrative Board of norrbotten has data concerning

elections to the Sami Parliament Sametingen under the Act (1992:1433).

7. The County Administrative Board in Örebro County hears questions about permission to

organizing martial arts match and supervision according to law

(2006:1006) concerning the licensing status of certain martial arts matches.

8. The county administrative boards in Stockholm, Västra Götaland and Skåne

counties are responsible for certain inspections under regulation

(2009:92) on measures against money laundering and the financing of


9. The county administrative boards in Stockholm, Skåne and Västra Götaland,

Norrbotten County examining questions of authorisation and

authorisation and supervision under the Act (2010:1933) about

authorization of the company.

10. the County Administrative Board of norrbotten must be a member of a

such a non-profit organization referred to in paragraph 2 of the Laponiaförordningen


11. The county administrative boards in Norrbotten, Västernorrland and West

Sweden will make investigations on the General

fishing interest requested by other authorities in

application objectives according to Chapter 22. the environmental code.

12. The County Administrative Board of Stockholm's central authority for

international service issues as well as receiving agencies for

some requests for assistance with the service in Sweden on

foreign demand. Regulation (2015:935).

Article 7 special provisions exist for certain counties.

1. In law (2002:34) of co-operating units in counties are

provisions relating to collaborative body can be formed in counties with

certain information that otherwise is the County Administrative Board.

2. In law (2010:630) on regional utvecklingsansvar in some

County provides for county councils provided for in the law

assumes responsibility for certain tasks that are otherwise

the county administrative boards.

3. In counties with county councils referred to in the Act on regional

utvecklingsansvar in certain counties or collaborative body to

the County Administrative Board to participate in the implementation of the regional

emerging work in accordance with the Ordinance (2007:713) if

regional growth work. In another county, the County Administrative Board

coordinate the implementation of the regional growth work in

accordance with the regulation.

4. In the Act (1997:1144) if experimentation with widened

coordinated the provincial administration in Gotland County provides for

to the County Government for some time performing tasks that would otherwise

is the National Board of forestry. At the County Administrative Board in Gotland County, it

be experts on forest issues. Before the County Board decides

If such employments shall consult with the County Administrative Board

The Swedish forest Agency. Regulation (2010:1754).

section 8 Has been repealed by Regulation (2008:1346).

Consultation, etc.

section 9 Before a government agency announces a decision of

essential for a County, the authority shall consult with

the County Administrative Board.

section 10 of the County Board shall consult with other government agencies in

and outside the County in such matters within the county administrative boards

field of action that affect or are of importance for the

the Authority's activities.

section 11 of the County Administrative Board should, to the extent not contrary to the

What is prescribed in a statute or any other statutes,

inform the corresponding authorities in the Nordic countries in such

questions about urban planning and operations for regional growth

in the CAB's sector of activity that can be assumed to have

significance to the foreign agency.


section 12 of the County Administrative Board is led by a head of Government.

13 § At the County Administrative Board, there shall be an Advisory Council consisting

of no more than eight members.


section 14 of the Governor may, if there are serious reasons for it,

transfer to an official to determine matters relating to the

regulations that are not in principle or otherwise, of the

greater weight.

Special bodies

section 15 For such environmental delegation referred to in section 16,

water authority referred to in paragraphs 22 to 30, martial arts delegation

referred to in paragraphs 38 to 40 and wildlife delegation referred to in

40 a of, the activities of the Organization and be a

Special rules of procedure or a specific decision.

Regulation (2011:1238).

The environmental delegations

section 16 Within provincial governments in Stockholm, Uppsala,

Östergötland, Kalmar, Skåne, Halland, Västra Götaland,

Örebro, Dalarna, Västmanland, Västerbotten, and

Norrbotten County, there will be an environmental mission

which follows from the Regulation (2011:1237) if

the environmental delegations. Regulation (2011:1238).

section 17 was repealed by Regulation (2011:1238).

section 18 is repealed by Regulation (2011:1238).

§ 19 is repealed by Regulation (2011:1238).

section 20 is repealed by Regulation (2011:1238).

section 21 was repealed by Regulation (2011:1238).

Water missions, etc.

section 22 Of Chapter 5. 10 of the Swedish environmental code, it can be shown that for

management of the quality of the aquatic environment, Swedish

lands and coastal waters are divided into five

water districts.

The State Provincial Office which, in accordance with Chapter 5. section 11, first subparagraph

Environment Act shall be water authority responsible for

management of the quality of the aquatic environment in the district is

1. the County Administrative Board of norrbotten for bothnian Bay

water districts,

2. The County Administrative Board of Västernorrland for bothnian sea

water districts,

3. the County Administrative Board of the Northern Baltic Sea

water districts,

4. The County Administrative Board of Kalmar county of Southern Baltic

water districts, and

5. The County Administrative Board of Västra Götaland for Västerhavets

water districts.

section 23 of the Regulations on the management of the quality of

the aquatic environment is in Regulation (2004:660) on the management of

the quality of the aquatic environment.

section 24 for each water authority, there shall be a special

water delegation whose task is to decide within

the water authority's area of responsibility.

Water delegation may leave it to the provincial government to develop

proposal for environmental quality standards, action programmes,

management plans and environmental monitoring programs, and implement

action plans and environmental monitoring, responsible for coordinating

in some areas, and make decisions in matters concerning the management of

the quality of the aquatic environment in General. Water delegation

not, however, leave it to the County Administrative Board to decide whether

environmental quality standards, action plans and management plans.

In administrative matters and other matters that do not concern the

management of the quality of the aquatic environment, taking

the County Administrative Board decision.

section 25 of the Water Advisory Board shall consist of not more than eleven members

appointed by the Government for certain time.

The delegation will consist of the Special Representative of the

County boards and other experts.

The Governor at the State Provincial Office which represents water authority

shall act as Chairman. During the Governor's absence

should the Governor's Deputy Chair


section 26 of the Water Authority shall appropriately share in the district

in some areas. Before such a subdivision is made to

the water authority shall consult the other county boards that


The water authority may transfer such data provided in 24

section for other county councils in the district.

The water authority may, however, not leave it to provincial governments to

make decisions on environmental quality standards, action programmes and

management plans.

section 27 Other county councils within the district shall assist the

the water authority. Within every county administrative board, there shall be a

Planning Secretariat to assist in the coordination of the work

with the management of the quality of the aquatic environment.

Water authorities and other county boards, when it is

appropriate form reference groups with various stakeholders to

create the synergies described in Chapter 2. section 4 of the regulation

(2004:660) on the management of the quality of the aquatic environment.

section 28 of the delegation at meetings with water has a

representative from a County Administrative Board that is not represented

in the delegation's presence and voice in issues that concern

the County is treated.

At meetings with the delegation of the bothnian Bay water

the water district has a representative from the

authorities in Finland that have corresponding entries in the

international river basins covered by District

attendance and right to speak.

At meetings with the delegation of the bothnian Bay water,

The bothnian sea and Västerhavets water districts have a

representative from the authorities in Norway that has

the corresponding entries in international river basins

covered by the district attendance and opinion right.

Presence-and freedom of speech does not imply any right to engage in

water delegation's decision.

section 29 Water delegation is a quorum when the Chairperson and at least

half of the other members are present.

If the delegation did not agree on a decision to vote to take place.

At the vote shall be the subject of more than

half of the members ' votes. In the event of a tie, has

the President a casting vote.

section 30 of the Water Authority or, in the case of such delegation as

referred to in paragraph 26, the County Administrative Board's decision pursuant to

Regulation (2004:660) on the management of the quality of

the aquatic environment may not be appealed.

The reindeer husbandry delegations

section 31, a delegation of the reindeer husbandry issues are to be found within each

one of the counties of jämtland, Västerbotten and

Norrbotten County.

The reindeer husbandry delegations decide issues within the County Government

defined areas of responsibility.

32 § Husbandry delegation shall consist of seven members. For

the members, there shall be an equal number of alternates. The County Administrative Board

shall appoint the members and alternates of the delegation. Three members

and their alternates shall be appointed after the reindeer husbandry and practitioners

consultation with the Sami Parliament.

The County Governor or the Governor appoints

the County Administrative Board, is Chairman of the delegation.

33 section Members and deputies are appointed for four years. They shall be

residents of the county or, in the case of

the reindeer husbandry practitioners, to be members of a Sami village which is

registered with the Sami Parliament.

If a member or alternate resigns, appointed a new Member, or

replacement for the remainder of the mission.

34 § husbandry delegation is a quorum when the Chairman and

at least half of the other members are present.

At least one of those in attendance will be the reindeer husbandry.

35 § The who on an issue that the reindeer husbandry delegation to determine

want to report adverse opinion pursuant to section 19 of the first or second

subparagraph, the Administrative Procedure Act (1986:223) should do so before

meeting with delegation ends.

At meetings with the reindeer husbandry delegation, representatives of the

same Fund's Board be present and be heard, but not participate in the


Mountain mission

36 § a joint delegation for mountain issues, Arctic mission,

should exist for counties of Dalarna, jämtland,

Västerbotten and norrbotten County.

Mountain Advisory Board is a body for cooperation in matters

specifically concerning the mountain region. The work area should be scale questions

with emphasis on the sustainable development of the country's

mountain areas.

37 § Mountain Advisory Board shall consist of the Governors from the

County set out in section 36.

Each of the counties is responsible for two years for

the Chair of the delegation. The Governor of the County

responding to the Presidency is the President of the delegation.

Martial arts delegation

38 section To the County Board in Örebro County hears questions about permits

organizing martial arts match as well as the supervision according to the law

(2006:1006) concerning the licensing status of certain martial arts matches

evidenced by Regulation (2006:1068) where the licence for

some martial arts matches. For the examination of questions about permits

organizing martial arts match and revocation of authorisation shall

a delegation of martial arts, martial arts delegation, be

within the provincial government.

Protocol shall be kept of meetings where

martial arts delegation takes decisions under the first subparagraph.

39 § martial arts delegation shall consist of one Chairman, one

medical expert and an expert in sports with knowledge of

fight sports regulations. For each of them, there should be a


The President of the martial arts delegation must be lawyers with

judgments of experience. This requirement also applies to the President's

replacement. The Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson are appointed by

Government for a fixed period of time.

The medical expert shall have experience in the field

Clinical neuroscience. This requirement also applies to the

medical expert's replacement. The medical expert and

the Deputy will be appointed by the Administrative Board in Örebro County proposal

from the National Board of health and welfare. The expert in sport with knowledge of

fight sports regulations and the Deputy will be appointed by the Administrative Board in

Örebro County, after a proposal from Sweden's Riksidrottsförbund.

40 of the cases to the martial arts delegation is made up of employees of the

the County Administrative Board, in consultation with the Chairman.

The President may take preparatory actions alone and notify

decision on depreciation. Decisions on other questions, taken by

the Chairman and the experts jointly.

Other than the President or the experts do not have the right to

participate in martial arts delegation's decision.

Wildlife and delegations

40 section Within each County Administrative Board, there shall be a

Wildlife and delegation, whose details are shown by

Regulation (2009:1474) about wildlife and delegations.

Regulation (2009:1475).

Positions and assignments

the County Governor is the head of Government, section 41.

42 § at the county administrative boards in Stockholm, Skåne and Västra

Götaland is a senior executive who is the provincial Director General.

At other county boards are a Chief Administrative Officer is

Deputy Governor.

Chief stjänstemannen is the Deputy to the Governor.

43 § positions as provincial Deputy Director General or Deputy Governor decided

by the Government following the notification of the Governor.

44 section At the County Administrative Board, there shall be a special expert for

questions about equality. Regulation (2008:1346).

section 45 the State Provincial Office may, with the agreement of another

the County Administrative Board for consideration, ask any of their employees to

the other county administrative boards available for that, as rapporteur,

or in any other way, participate in the preparation of a specific

case, or a specific subject group or decide a case

the later County employees are unable to determine

because of conflict of interest or other special circumstances apply.

Regulation (2008:1346).

section 46 there are special rules on the obligation of

employees at Swedish national region, the employment service and

National Board of forestry, as rapporteur, on request, or in any

otherwise, take part in some cases.

Regulation (2010:158).

Staff disciplinary board

47 § At the County Administrative Board, there shall be a staff disciplinary board.

Applicability of certain regulations

48 § länsstyrelsen should apply the staff representatives Ordinance


The county administrative boards in Stockholms län, Skåne, Västra Götaland

County, jämtland, Västerbotten and norrbotten County,

apply internal audit regulation (2006:1228).

The Governor's official residence

section 49 the Governor is obliged to live in the official residence that

assigned to him or her.

section 50 of the parts of the Governor's official residence which is intended

for representation shall be equipped with furniture and other

Interior design according to inventory set by the

The national property Board.

section 51 A County Governor shall submit company apartment when he or

she resigns from employment, unless the Government decides something

other things.

If the Governor dies, the estate leave the company apartment

within three months thereafter, unless the Government decides something

other things.

Emergency management and preparedness

52 §/expires U: 2016-04-01/

The County Administrative Board is geographically area authority

According to the Regulation (2006:942) on crisis preparedness and height

preparedness and the highest civilian totalförsvarsmyndigheten in

the County.

Through its activities, the provincial Government reduce vulnerability in

society, monitor risk and contingency take account in

community planning and develop an ability to manage

its tasks during peacetime emergencies and height


52 section/entry into force: 04/01/2016

The County Administrative Board is the geographical area under the Regulation (2015:1052) concerning emergency preparedness and surveillance measures by the authorities responsible at the preparedness and the highest civilian totalförsvarsmyndigheten within the County.

Through its activities, the County Administrative Board reduce the vulnerability of society, monitor risk and contingency take into account in planning and developing an ability to manage their tasks during peacetime emergencies and preparedness. Regulation (2015:1060).

53 § länsstyrelsen shall have an officer on standby with task

to initiate and coordinate the initial work to

detect, verify, alert and inform in case of serious crises

affecting the County.

The County Administrative Board should have the ability to in the event of a serious crisis, as

affect County or causes the need for co-operation with municipalities or

other actors, to urgently establish a management function for

among other things, coordination and information.

54 § länsstyrelsen, regarding emergency preparedness be

cohesive in their geographic area and before, during and

After a crisis, promote coordination and joint targeting of

the measures to be taken.

The County Board shall in particular:

1. be responsible for an overall regional situation picture is compiled

in crisis situations,

2. support the actors responsible for crisis preparedness in the

the County relating to planning, risk and vulnerability analyses, and

education and training,

3. have a Regional Council for protection against accidents and

emergency management, in which representatives of the County Administrative Board and the

actors involved in crisis management system should be included, in order to

create the necessary coordination,

4. establish regional risk and vulnerability analyses to be

able to be used as a basis for your own and other actors

emergency preparedness measures,

5. follow up the municipalities ' application of the Act (2006:544) if

municipalities and County Council actions before and during the extraordinary

events in peacetime and preparedness,

6. annually to the Swedish civil contingencies Agency

report the contingency preparations as municipalities and

County taken and at the same time present an assessment of the

effect of the preparation, as well as

7. work to ensure that the activities of stakeholders engaged in

within the County regarding emergency preparedness contributes to a

basic capacity for civil defense is achieved.

Regulation (2008:1346).

Provisions for preparedness

section 55 Is Sweden in war, sections 56 to 61 shall apply. Then 1-51 sections

apply only to the extent that they are compatible with what

as stated in paragraphs 56-61.

Sweden is not at war, 56-61 sections apply only in the

extent to which the Government decides in particular.

56 § länsstyrelsen, that highest civilian totalförsvarsmyndighet

within the County promote the greatest possible defence effect is achieved.

The County Board shall in particular:

1. to coordinate the civil defence measures,

2. ensure that the activities of civilian authorities and

other civilian agencies that are relevant to the

defence efforts are carried out with a single focus,

3. in consultation with the armed forces act to civil and

military defense coordinated, and

4. promote the County's assets are distributed and used as

that the defense efforts are promoted.

57 § A County Board may provide for the business

in other regional or local civil authorities

governmental administrative functions within the county if it deems it

necessary for the coordination of defence efforts.

Such provisions shall not, however, be notified of the


58 § länsstyrelsen should by all means try to maintain

relations with the Government, the central authorities,

the county administrative boards in adjacent counties.

59 § Rules of the County Administrative Board's powers in some cases

When the connection has been interrupted with Government Act

(1988:97) concerning the procedure of the municipalities,

the administrative authorities and the courts in time of war or

war danger, etc. and in the Ordinance (1988:1215) on the procedure

of municipalities, administrative authorities and the courts in

war or war danger, etc.

In such cases, the provincial government independently produce the

measures needed for the civil defence activities and

in support of military defence.

60 § länsstyrelsen, leave it to a municipal authority, in

a particular case or in certain categories of cases on its own

responsibility to inform decisions or implement measures that would otherwise

would be the County Board's task, if provisions in the law did not

prevents it.

61 section If the County Board consider it necessary to decide whether a

action as there is a lack of resources for and about the Government's decision not to

tance, the provincial government itself provide the means

as needed.

Such payment shall be reported to the Government as soon as


Reception of some new immigrants, etc.

62 § länsstyrelsen will promote preparedness

and the capacity of municipalities to receive people who

the scope of the Regulation (2010:408) on receipt of the

settlement of some new immigrants, as well as in the

context promoting regional collaboration.

The provincial government will also promote regional collaboration

between municipalities, government authorities and other relevant

actors in the planning, organization and implementation of

interventions for persons referred to in the first subparagraph.

Regulation (2010:1165).

63 § länsstyrelsen, at regional and municipal level follow

up the Organization and implementation of measures for persons

covered by the Regulation (2010:408) on receipt of the

settlement of some new immigrants.

Regulation (2010:1165).

Coverage of basic payment services

64 § provincial governments should ensure that there are basic

payment services that correspond to the needs of society. If it is in the County

There are bodies tasked with responding to questions about regional

growth, the guard take place in co-operation with these bodies.

In the coverage of the basic payment services corresponds to

the needs of society are included to assess the accessibility of

services for older people and people with

disabilities. It also includes assessing if the asset

to the services of a town or rural areas diminished in such

extent to the needs of society are no longer met.

Regulation (2008:284).

65 § länsstyrelsen Dalarna County has a Nordic responsibility for

coverage of the basic payment services corresponds to

the needs of society. Regulation (2008:1262).


§ 66 Charges income may be appropriated by the provincial government when it

terms of income under

1. Animal Welfare Act (1988:534) and the animal welfare Ordinance


2. the Act (2006:805) on feed and animal by-products and

Regulation (2006:814) on feed and animal by-products

concerning animal by-products,

3. Ordinance (1998:940) if the fees for the examination and

supervision under the environmental code for supervision of dam safety, and

4. section 22 of the procedural regulation (2011:154).

Regulation (2014:1086).

section 67 Limitations in paragraph 4(2) the fee regulation

(1992:191) shall not apply to the authority in relation to

such fees for public purchase and resource coordination

the County Government takes out of State agencies, municipalities and

counties within a County. The same applies when a County Administrative Board

charge such fees by the county administrative boards in other provinces.

Regulation (2011:1497).

68 § counties of norrbotten, Västernorrland and West

Götaland may charge fees for the investigations of the

General fishing interest requested by other authorities in accordance with

6 § 11.

Provincial governments may determine the fees and

disposal fee revenues. Regulation (2011:1497).

Transitional provisions


1. this Regulation shall enter into force on 1 december 2010.

2. Older rules still apply in the case of

protection status and other foreigners covered by

Regulation (1990:927) for State compensation for

refugees, etc. and that by the end of november

2010 for the first time have been received in a municipality.