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Regulation (2007:1071) With Instruction For Csn

Original Language Title: Förordning (2007:1071) med instruktion för Centrala studiestödsnämnden

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1 § Centrala studiestödsnämnden (CSN) is responsible for

study social issues that should not be handled by any other


CSN fulfils the tasks under

1. study support Act (1999:1395),

2. the financial aid regulation (2000:655),

3. the Regulation (1995:667) if contributions to certain

disabled students in secondary school,

4. the Ordinance (1997:1158) if State aid for

teckenspråksutbildning for some parents, and

5. Regulation (2013:1121) for cost reimbursement to students

in-school apprenticeship. Regulation (2013:1122).

2 § in addition to what follows from § 1 shall fulfil the tasks of the CSN

According to

1. Regulation (1996:1100) if activity support,

2. Regulation (1990:1361) on loan to home equipment

refugees and other foreigners, and

3. the Regulation (2001:100) if the official statistics.

paragraph 3 of the CSN must take into account women's and men's conditions in their

evaluation and analysis work. Individual-based statistics should

consistently presented and analysed by gender as cross-cutting

basis, unless there are special reasons for this.


section 4 of the CSN is lead by a head of Government.

§ 5 At CSN, there shall be an Advisory Council consisting of not more than

11 members.


section 6, At CSN, there shall be a Department that deals with all

cases for review by the Agency's decision under

1. Regulation (1995:667) if contributions to certain

disabled pupils in secondary schools, and

2. Regulation (1997:1158) if State aid for

teckenspråksutbildning for some parents.

7 § except as set forth in this Regulation determines the CSN over

his own organization.

Positions and assignments

section 8, the Director General is the head of the CSN.

Staff disciplinary board

section 9 By CSN, there shall be a staff disciplinary board.

Applicability of certain regulations

section 10 of the CSN should apply

1. the staff representatives Ordinance (1987:1101), and

2. internal audit regulation (2006:1228).