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Law (2007:1150) On The Supervision Of Dogs And Cats

Original Language Title: Lag (2007:1150) om tillsyn över hundar och katter

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Introductory provision

section 1 of the dogs and cats shall be kept under such supervision and

managed in such a way as to take account of their nature and

other circumstances are needed to prevent the causes

damage or considerable nuisances.

Special provisions regarding the supervision of dogs, see

the reindeer husbandry Act (1971:437).

Marking and registration of dogs

2 § A dog owner shall cause notice her dog so that it can

be identified. The marking must be permanent.

section 3 of the State's agricultural work shall keep a central country

Directory of dog owner (dog registry). The dog owner should allow the

register its ownership in the register.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for

1. obligation for the dog owner to pay a

registration and equipment to read the labelling,

2. the calculation of the fee.

section 4 of the provisions in paragraphs 2 and 3 apply to dogs that are permanently

available in Sweden.

5 § Dog registry may be used to determine

own a dog.

The Customs and Excise Department, Agriculture Department, county administrative boards, the police authority

and the Municipal Councils performing data in the environment

and health protection zone shall have direct access to the registry.

Law (2014:707).

section 6 of the Board of agriculture is personal responsible according to

personal data Act (1998:204) for dog registry. Government

or, after the Government's authorization, the Agriculture Department may

decide to entrust the operation of the registry to another

authority or to an organization.

section 7 Of the processing of personal data, in addition to what

stated in paragraphs 5 and 6, the personal data Act (1998:204).

The provisions of the Privacy Act for rectification and indemnity

also applies to the processing of personal data carried out according to the

This law.

Injunctions and prohibitions

§ 8 On any weaknesses in the supervision of or management of a

dog, the Police inform the injunctions and prohibitions

necessary to prevent injury or considerable inconvenience.

Both injunctions that ban may be subject to a penalty.

Law (2014:707).

§ 9 the police authorities may communicate the orders as needed

to the provisions relating to the marking and registration of a dog

in this law shall be followed.

Injunctive relief as referred to in the first subparagraph may be subject to a penalty.

section 10 of The under fifteen years of age shall be granted injunctive relief

or prohibition under section 8 or 9.

Disposal of dogs etc.

section 11 to prevent a dog causes damage or significant

nuisance, the police authority, if not other, less

intervention measures are considered sufficient, decide that it shall

disposed. Law (2014:707).

section 12 of a dog seized under section 11,

the owner or holder does not have at its disposal the dog without

the permission of the police. The police may, after

investigation, decide that the dog will be sold, given away, or,

If the dog is a danger to people or animals, or if the

otherwise, there are special reasons, are killed. Law (2014:707).

section 13, If there are no more reasons for disposal,

The police decide that this must stop immediately.

Law (2014:707).

paragraph 14 of the Present a dog loose in the area where farm animals are,

sheep dog, if it is not caught, and if it is

necessary to prevent harm to farm animals, killed by

Whoever owns or cares for farm animals.

The one who killed a dog is obliged to notify as soon as possible

this to the police. Law (2014:707).

Dog ban

section 15 of the police authority must notify prohibition to have care of dog

(dog ban) for the seriously flawed or have

failure in the supervision of a dog.

In determining whether a dog ban should be communicated to

especially if the party against whom the prohibition referred to apply to have

committed a crime which he or she has used the dog as a weapon or

has repeatedly been the subject of injunction

or prohibition under section 8 or has had the care of the dog that has

seized under section 11.

Dog bans shall be granted if it is clear that the

circumstances giving rise to a dog ban under consideration

will not be repeated.

Dog ban may relate to certain time or until further notice.

Anyone who is under the age of 15 may not be communicated to the dog ban.

Supervision and care of dogs in land where the

There are wild

section 16 of the March 1-20 August, the dogs be kept

under such supervision to be prevented from running loose in

chips where there are wild. During the other times of the year,

Dogs must be kept under such supervision that they are prevented from driving

or stalking game, when they are not being used for hunting.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for derogation from the first paragraph. If the

needed for the protection of wildlife, these codes mean

that a dog must be kept on a leash.

section 17, if a dog running loose in an area where there are wild,

sheep hunting right holder or someone representing him or

her take care of the dog. When this has been done to the dog's

owners or holders shall be informed as soon as possible. If he or she

is not known, the police authorities shall be notified. If

hunting the right holder or the person representing him or her

don't want to take care of the dog, the police authority to detain

the dog.

Can not the dog is taken care of, the Police kill

the dog, if it is important from the point of view of wildlife care and

justifiable, even in the circumstances.

Law (2014:707).

section 18 has not the owner or holder, after the expenses

paid under section 20, reclaimed the dog within five days after the

that he or she was informed of the disposal or, if

the owner or owner is not known, within ten days after the

the Police were informed, the hunting right holder

keep the dog or Police, after investigation, decide

to sell, give away or, if the dog is a danger to

people or animals or if there are special reasons,

kill the dog. Law (2014:707).

Compensation for damage caused by dogs

section 19 of an injury caused by a dog is replaced by its

owner or holder, even if he or she has not caused material injury to the

the damage. What the owner or tenant has paid in damages

He or she is entitled to get back out of it that caused the

the damage.

The first paragraph does not apply to damage caused by a

a service dog when a policeman or a guard or another person

as in the armed forces serving for surveillance or to

maintain order using the dog in the service, if the

injured parties have behaved in such a way that it has

been justified to intervene against him or her.

Costs for the care of dogs

section 20 of the owner or the owner of a dog that has

seized with the support of 11 or section 17 shall pay the

disposal costs entailed. Costs may

be advanced by public funds.

If there are special reasons, the police in individual

case, grant a derogation from the obligation to pay the costs.

In such cases, the costs are definitively borne by

The police authority.

If the police have decided that a dog

seized is to be sold, the Police take out

reimbursement of the purchase price for the cost of

management and sales. If, after the

The Police Department has a coverage of costs

remaining money from the purchase price goes to these

the owner. Law (2014:707).

Abandoned or stray cats

section 21 of a cat with reasons can be assumed to be abandoned or

undomesticated, may be killed by hunting the right holder or of any that

representing that client. In urban areas, however, requires a permit

of the police authority. Law (2014:707).

Criminal responsibility

section 22 of the offender is convicted of a violation of the prohibition of dog

dog ban to a fine or imprisonment of up to one year.

section 23 of the fined person who, intentionally or negligently:

1. does not comply with an order or violate a prohibition

has been notified under section 8, first subparagraph,

2. do not sign-up according to section 14, second subparagraph, or

3. breach of section 21, second sentence.

Anyone who intentionally do not provide notification under section 17

the first subparagraph shall be liable to a monetary fine.

Those who have violated a penalty payment mechanism or a

injunction shall not be responsible under this Act for the

the Act covered by the injunction or prohibition.

section 24, a fine person who willfully or through gross

negligence in breach of section 16 the first subparagraph or of a rule

given pursuant to section 16 of the second paragraph.

Appeal, etc.

paragraph 25 of the decision pursuant to sections 8 and 15 shall be served on the party against whom

the decision means apply. The service may not be in accordance with 34 to 38 and

47 – 51 sections method law (2010:1932). Law (2010:1978).

section 26 of the Police decision under this Act and a decision on

the registration of dogs as announced by the Agriculture Department, or by

the person responsible for the operation of the register may be appealed to the

General administrative courts.

The provisions of 22-28 and 30 of the Administrative Procedure Act (1986:223)

shall apply, if the decision under appeal has been issued by the

an organization.

The Swedish Board of agriculture for the benefit of the Community action in

Administrative Court, if the contested decision has been notified to the

of an organization.

Leave to appeal is required for an appeal to the administrative court.

paragraph 27 of Decision under this Act shall be effective immediately, if not something

otherwise decided.

Transitional provisions


1. this law shall enter into force on 1 January 2008, when the Act

(1943:459) on the supervision of dogs and cats and the law

(2000:537) for labelling and registration of dogs shall cease

to apply.

2. The labelling provisions do not apply to dogs born before 1

January 1993.

3. Injunctions, decisions on the disposal of dogs and other

decision on obligations for individuals who have communicated with the support

of older regulations shall be deemed to be decided in accordance with this law.

4. a decision has been issued before 1 January 2008

be appealed under older rules.


1. this law shall enter into force on 1 april 2011.

2. Older provisions apply where a document has been sent or

submitted by 1 april 2011.