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Law (2007:1157) Om Professional Driving Skills

Original Language Title: Lag (2007:1157) om yrkesförarkompetens

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Chapter 1. Introductory provisions

section 1 of this Act contains provisions on the basic

qualification and periodic training of drivers that perform transport operations with

certain motor vehicles (professional driving skills). Furthermore, it contains

law provisions concerning the training for such skills.

section 2 of the Basic provisions relating to drive

motor vehicles see license Act (1998:488). Additional

provisions on permission to drive in the professional

traffic is in commercial law (2012:210). Law (2012:224).

section 3 of this law, ' EEA States, the States of the European

Union as well as the other States covered by the agreement on

European economic area (EEA).

paragraph 4 for the purposes of this law

freight transport: runs on road in Sweden with vehicles

require the driving privilege, C1, C1E, C or CE according to Chapter 2.

paragraph 5 of the licence Act (1998:488) and effected with goods,

passenger transport: runs on road in Sweden with vehicles

require the driving privilege, D1, D1E, D or THOSE under Chapter 2.

paragraph 5 of the licence Act and with passengers,

Road: such a road, street, square and other joint or location

generally used for the passage of motor vehicles.

With goods or passenger transport operations referred to in the first subparagraph covered

also runs without cargo or passengers of

the run is part of such shipments. Law (2011:1583).

§ 5, With permanent settlement referred to in this law, the settlement under the

at least 185 days in each calendar year

1. as a result of personal and occupational ties, or

2. If occupational ties missing, as a result of personal

a connection that is characterized by close ties between a person and the

place where he or she lives.

A person who has professional ties to a location other than

the one that he or she has personal ties to and which

Therefore, alternately living at different locations in two or more States

should, however, be deemed to be a permanent resident of the State in which he or

She has personal ties to the subject that he

or she regularly returns there. This condition needs

However, cannot be met if the person lives in a State in order to carry out

a time-limited task.

Studies at University or school causes

not that the permanent settlement changes.

Chapter 2. Scope of application

section 1 of this Act shall apply to drivers who are nationals of a

EEA State and freight or road passenger transport in

Sweden with vehicles that require the driving privilege, C1, C1E, C,

CE, D1, D1E, D or THOSE under Chapter 2. paragraph 5 of the licence law


The law shall also apply to other citizens who perform such

transport operations referred to in the first subparagraph, whether they are employed

or used by an undertaking established in the EEA.

Law (2011:1583).

section 2 Of Chapter 7. follow that Act's provisions concerning the training of

professional drivers also apply to drivers performing road freight-or

road passenger transport in another EEA Member State than Sweden.

3 repealed by law (2011:1583).


section 4 of this Act shall not apply to drivers of vehicles

1. with a maximum authorised speed not exceeding 45

kilometres per hour;

2. used by or under the control of

The Armed Forces, Coast Guard, Customs Service,

The police, the security police or emergency services;

3. being tested or being moved by road in connection with the technical

development, repair or maintenance,

4. who is new or rebuilt and are not yet in operation

in transport,

5. used in emergencies or rescue operations;

6. used for driving instruction in accordance with the provisions of

driver's license or driving training for CPC as referred to in this


7. used for non-commercial carriage of passengers or

carriage of goods for personal use, or

8. that is used to transport material and equipment

which driver to use in their work, provided

to the performance of the vehicle is not the driver's principal

employment. Law (2014:743).

Chapter 3. Driver requirements

section 1 for driving a vehicle with goods or

passengers should a driver under this Act have a

certificate of professional competence for initial qualification and

continuing training. The driver must also meet the age requirements of 3, 4,

4 (a), 5, 6 or 7 §. Law (2011:1583).

1 a of A drivers performing road freight transport and holding a

valid certificate of professional competence for initial qualification for

vehicles that require a driving licence permissions C1, C1E, C

and CE do not need to acquire a new professional competence for

vehicles that require any of the other permissions.

The same applies for a driver that performs the carriage

and who holds a valid certificate of professional competence for

basic skills for vehicles that require any of

licence permissions D1, D1E, D and DE. Law (2011:1583).

Vested rights

section 2 of the drivers who hold or have held a driving licence with

the driving privilege, D1, D1E, D or THOSE issued in a State

within the EEA before 10 september 2008 are exempt from the requirement

to have a CPC certifying the initial qualification for

passenger transport.

Drivers who hold or have held a driving licence with

the driving privilege, C1, C1E, C or CE issued in a State

within the EEA before 10 september 2009 are exempt from the requirement

to have a CPC certifying the initial qualification for

freight transport.

Law (2011:1583).

Freight transport

section 3 a driver who acquired a certificate of professional competence for

basic skills through basic training pursuant to Chapter 4. 1 §

for vehicles that require the driving privilege, C or CE may, from

and with the age of 18 carrying out freight transport with such vehicles.

Law (2011:1583).

4 section a driver who acquired a certificate of professional competence for

basic skills through an abbreviated basic training

According to Chapter 4. section 2 for vehicles that require driving privileges (C)

or CE, from the age of 21 to carry out cargo transportation

with such vehicles. Law (2011:1583).

4 a of a driver who acquired a certificate of professional competence for

basic skills through basic training for vehicle

requires driving privilege C1 or C1E may 18

years of age performing cargo transportation with such vehicles.

Law (2011:1583).

Passenger transport

§ 5 a driver who acquired a certificate of professional competence for

basic skills through basic training pursuant to Chapter 4. 1 §

for vehicles that require driving privileges (D) or they get from

and with 21 years of age performing passenger transport with such


If the basic education referred to in the first subparagraph in

high school or equivalent education, may

passengers with such vehicles shall be carried out by the driver from

with 20 years of age. Such shipments may, however, be carried out by

the driver, from the age of 18, if the vehicle

-running without passengers, or

-used for the carriage of passengers on regular services where the route covered by the

length does not exceed 50 kilometres. Law (2011:1583).

section 6, a driver who acquired a certificate of professional competence for

basic skills through an abbreviated basic training

According to Chapter 4. section 2 for vehicles that require driving privileges (D)

or they get from 23 years of age performing passenger transport

with such vehicles. Such shipments may, however, be carried out by

the driver, from the age of 21, if the vehicle is used in

regular services and line length does not exceed 50 kilometres.

Law (2011:1583).

section 7 a driver who acquired a certificate of professional competence for

basic skills through basic training for vehicle

requires driving privilege D1 or D1E may from 21

years of age performing passenger transport with these vehicles.

If the basic education referred to in the first subparagraph have been

According to Chapter 4. § 1 and occurred in high school or

the corresponding training, passenger transport vehicles

be performed by the driver from the age of 18. Law (2011:1583).

Chapter 4. Basic skills


§ 1 a driver acquires basic skills by participating

in the basic training of the whom may perform the training under 8


Basic education must be 280 hours and ends with

test results At a approved. CPC as referred to in 6

Cape. paragraph 1 is issued.

section 2 of the a driver can acquire basic skills through to

participate in an abbreviated basic training of the whom may perform the

training in accordance with Chapter 8. (an accelerated basic


Basic training is 140 hours and ends with

test results At a approved. CPC as referred to in 6

Cape. paragraph 1 is issued.

Running training

section 3 of The participating in basic training to acquire

basic skills should körträna with such vehicles as

competency refers to. Running training should take place under the supervision of a

teachers of students engaged in training activities under this


When running training with someone who doesn't have the driving privileges

the vehicle the provisions concerning driving instruction in Chapter 4.

license Act (1998:488). Law (2011:1583).

Enlargement or modification of transport activity

4 of a driver who has acquired a certificate of professional competence for

freight transportation according to § 1 or 2, and which extend or

change its operations to include passenger transport

need only undergo the elements of training for

basic skills that are specific to passenger transport.

The same applies for an extension or change of

activities from passenger transport to freight.

The training should end with test results. in approved

a CPC as referred to in Chapter 6. paragraph 1 is issued.

Chapter 5. Continuing education

(1) a driver who has acquired his basic skills

According to Chapter 4. 1, 2 or 4 sections and a driver with customary law

According to Chapter 3. section 2 shall undergo periodic training of any receiving

conduct educational activities for professional driving skills under 8


Upon completion of the training, a certificate of professional competence

According to Chapter 6. paragraph 1 is issued.


section 2 of a driver who has acquired a certificate of professional competence for

basic skills are going to have their first training

within five years from the date on which the certificate was issued.

section 3 of A driver who has a vested right pursuant to Chapter 3. paragraph 2 shall

undergo their first training within seven years from the date of this

teams are starting to be applied to the driver.

section 4 of The drivers who have completed their initial training under

2 or 3 sections should then undergo periodic training every five years,

by the end of the period of validity of the CPC certifying.

§ 5, a driver who has not undergone the required training

will get back to perform cargo or

passengers undergo training.


6 § drivers performing road freight-or passenger services and as

completed a training for one of the modes of transport is not

required to undergo additional training for the duration of the

professional competence certificate for continuing education are valid.

Chapter 6. Professional competence, etc.

Certificate of professional competence

§ 1 the authority the Government should issue a

CPC to a driver who completed the training

provided for in this Act. In evidence to a Community code


The authority shall issue a new certificate of professional competence when

the driver underwent training.

A certificate of professional competence shall be issued only to the driver if he

or she holds a valid driver's license with the

driving privileges that evidence relates.

A CPC is valid for five years from the date the

was issued. Law (2011:1583).

section 2 of the A driver qualification card issued in another

State within the EEA applies in Sweden according to their content.

Obligation to provide evidence

section 3 a driver covered by the requirement to have proof of

professional competence, in the performance of the goods or

passengers have with you:

1. a valid certificate of professional competence, or

2. other evidence of professional competence under Chapter 13. 1 § 4 and

document confirming the driver's identity.

At the request of a bilinspektör or a police officer shall

documents submitted for checking. Law (2014:743).

Chapter 7. Educational destination

(1) a driver who is a Swedish citizen or a national of a

other States in the EEA to obtain basic skills in

Sweden if he or she is a permanent resident in Sweden.

section 2 of a driver who is not a national of a State within the EEA,

acquire basic skills in Sweden, if he or

She is employed or engaged by an undertaking established in

Sweden. The same applies for permanent residence or

work permits are issued to the driver in this country.

section 3 a driver referred to in paragraph 1 or 2 shall undergo periodic training

in Sweden if he is permanently resident in Sweden or work

here in the country.

Chapter 8. Training for professional driving skills

1 § training activities under this Act shall be conducted

by the State.

section 2 of the permit may be granted, taking account of their

economic conditions and the circumstances in General is deemed to have

conditions to carry on educational activities in such

way to the requirement of good education. The authorisation may

be subject to conditions.

Authorization by the authority that the Government determines.

paragraph 3 of the schools or municipal adult education, where the student

yesterday a national course that has been the subject of consultation

between the authorities as the Government determines are not

required to be licensed. Law (2010:872).

Chapter 9. Supervision

§ 1 the authority the Government supervises

training activities under this Act and pursuant to the provisions

announced with the support of the law.

2 § where a supervisory authority so requests, the authorized

to conduct educational activities provide access to

establishment and related premises and provide

documents relating to the operations and assist in monitoring.

section 3 of The authorised to conduct education activities should

notify to the regulatory authority any planned changes in the business.

10 Cape. Withdrawal, etc.


§ 1 the authority that the Government may withdraw the

permit to conduct training for professional driving skills on

1. anyone who engages in education do not meet the requirements of Chapter 8. 2

§, does not comply with the regulations issued pursuant to the Act

or otherwise engaged in training activities on a

unsatisfactory way,

2. education is not carried out in the last 12 months, or

3. the training request.


section 2 of the authority that the Government, instead of

to revoke a permission to conduct training for

professional driver competence inform the warning if it can be assumed that the error

or deficiency to be corrected.

11 kap. Liability provisions

section 1 of The freight or passengers without being

entitled to it under this Act shall be liable to a fine.

To the same penalty as in its transport operations

intentionally or negligently hiring a driver who is not

eligible to perform cargo or passengers under this


section 2 of the one who intentionally or negligently violate Chapter 6. 3

paragraph shall be liable to a monetary fine.

The driver should not be sentenced to a penalty where a notification has been made

before the trip that the evidence has been destroyed or lost.

12 Cape. Appeal

§ 1 the following decisions may be appealed to the General

Administrative Court:

1. refusal to grant authorisation in accordance with Chapter 8. section 2,

2. the decision to withdraw an authorisation pursuant to Chapter 10. paragraph 1, and

3. the decision to announce the warning referred to in Chapter 10. 2 §.

Other decision of an administrative authority under this Act may

not subject to appeal.

Leave to appeal is required for an appeal to the administrative court.

section 2 of a decision under this Act shall be effective immediately unless

others may be appointed.

Chapter 13. Appropriations

section 1 of the Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for

1. basic skills related to

-the content of basic education according to Chapter 4. 1, 2 and 4 sections,

-running training according to Chapter 4. section 3,

-the duration according to Chapter 4. paragraph 4,

-the organisation of examinations pursuant to Chapter 4. 1, 2 and 4 sections,

-the test scope and the design,

2. the content of the training and the duration as 5

Cape. section 1,

3. professional competence and Community code according to Chapter 6. section 1,

4. approval of other evidence of professional competence than those specified

in Chapter 6. 1 and 2 sections and held by drivers who are not

citizens of a country in the EEA but who is employed or engaged

by an undertaking established in the EEA,

5. application for and conditions of permission to conduct

training in accordance with Chapter 8. section 2,

6. changes in the training activities to be notified to the

the supervisory authority pursuant to Chapter 9. section 3, and

7. supervision.

section 2 of the Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for fees for supervision and

case management under this law and in accordance with the provisions

has been issued with the support of the law. Law (2010:1575).

Transitional provisions


1. this law shall enter into force on 1 January 2008.

2. this law shall apply for the first time on september 10, 2008 at

drivers who carry out passenger transport with vehicles that require

categories D and DE.

3. This Act shall apply for the first time on september 10, 2009 on

drivers performing road freight transport with vehicles that require

categories C and CE.