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Regulation (2008:81) On Aid For The Construction Of Ducts

Original Language Title: Förordning (2008:81) om stöd till anläggning av kanalisation

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Purpose of the aid

§ 1 to promote the development of infrastructure for

information technology (IT), support may be provided to a municipality or

an individual project builds ducting for IT

infrastructure. The same time adopts ducting for

other IT infrastructure than the present cannot be supported

According to this regulation in respect of both kanalisationerna.

In the competition between several projects which are deemed to be equivalent

get priority shall be submitted to the project at the same time

is considered to be the most policy-motivated.

Regulation (2010:389).

section 2 of the Support may only be provided for projects where an expansion of IT-

infrastructure are not deemed to be made on market

bases within three years of the application came in to

the County Administrative Board. The County Board decides on funding under the

This regulation. Regulation (2009:1066).

General provisions

3 § With ducting refers to the pipe or the like that is

intended for IT infrastructure construction. Regulation (2010:389).

section 4 of the assistance under this regulation is submitted in support of the less

importance pursuant to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1998/2006 of

on 15 december 2006 on the application of articles 87 and 88 of the

Treaty to de minimis aid and may only be left with

the limits imposed by regulation and by articles 18-20

the Ordinance (1988:764) on State aid to industry.

section 5 of the County with a County Council referred to in the Act (2010:630) about

regional utvecklingsansvar in some counties, it is said in 2,

8, 9, 12, 14 to 16 and 18 sections on provincial government instead apply it

the relevant County Council. In Sweden, it is said in 2, 8, 9,

12, 14 to 16 and 18 sections on provincial government instead apply

samverkansorganet. Regulation (2010:1761).

Basis for support and aid

clause 6 of the eligible basis may include costs

for the design, material, labor, equipment hire, documentation

and similar costs necessary to simultaneously

build kanalisationen. The costs of exploiting the land,

not, however, be included in eligible basis.

Support may be provided with not more than fifty percent of the

eligible basis.

Aid under this Regulation may only be given to projects

to be completed and reported within two years from

the aid was granted. Regulation (2009:1066).

section 7 of the County Administrative Board in Örebro County shall be responsible for the distribution of

the amount of aid between counties. For the preparation of such matters shall

The County Administrative Board in Örebro County, assisted by a working group

composed of representatives from three county councils, county councils, which

referred to in the Act (2010:630) on regional utvecklingsansvar in some

County or collaborative body. Government appoints these

representatives. Regulation (2010:1761).

Application and decision

section 8 an application for aid shall be submitted to the County Board in the County

where the project is mainly scheduled to be carried out. The application should

include a description of the project and the costs of the

action is sought. The County Board decides on aid and

the amount of aid.

§ 9 the aid granted is paid after the project

implemented and reported to the provincial government. The County Board shall

before payment is allowed to verify that the aid is intended

purposes and that the applicant has carried out the work in accordance with

prescribed conditions. If the County Board finds that there are

deficiencies, the provincial government set aside an earlier decision or

change it and reduce the amount of the aid.

Requirements for kanalisationen etc.

10 § Eligible ducting must be designed in such a

way that it can be used simultaneously by two or more

holders of IT infrastructure.

section 11 of the holder kanalisationen to maintain and

manage the documentation of it. The holder shall keep relevant

County administrative boards informed about where the documentation is

available and the holders of IT infrastructure that

have used kanalisationen. Documentation of the holder

shall be publicly available for at least five years from the date

When the project was completed.

12 § Holder of IT data infrastructure company to have access

to kanalisationen in a non-discriminatory manner. This requirement

on a non-discriminatory treatment is valid for a period of

in five years, to be counted from the date of the project

was completed. The requirement should apply to the entire period while

change in ownership, subject to other

provisions. In the provision of ducting where

State aid has been provided, to the price, if the provision

is made within five years from the County Administrative Board's final decision, be

with regard to the State aid. The price should be

on the basis of cost price with reasonable profit mark-ups dropped by

granted State aid.


section 13 a beneficiary is obliged to refund if

1. the recipient of the aid through incorrect or incomplete

data has led to the aid was granted,

2. the recipient of the aid was otherwise caused to aid

granted for high amounts, or

3. the aid was used for anything other than the one intended.

section 14 of the County Board shall decide to fully or partially require

back support that have been paid out if the repayment obligation

According to paragraph 13 of the present. The aid must not, however, be required back when

five years have passed since the facility's size has been determined definitively.

Supervision and follow up

section 15, the County Board shall for a period of five years following

the project's concluding exercise supervision over the pricing

the beneficiary applies for rental of space in the IT

infrastructure built with the help of the aid.

section 16 of the County Board shall before courts and other authorities

monitor State's right in relation to a beneficiary. The County Administrative Board

may then waive the State's law.

section 17 of the 22 a of the Administrative Procedure Act (1986:223) contains provisions

If an appeal to the administrative court. Decisions other than

decision under section 9 shall not, however, be appealed.

section 18 of the provincial Government shall keep statistics on the number of

applications received. It must be shown by the statistics which

amount applied for and the amount of the aid granted.

Regulation (2010:389).

Transitional provisions


This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 april 2008. Regulation

may, however, apply to all projects that are planned to begin in the

in 2008.


This Regulation shall enter into force on december 15, 2009. The new

the provisions shall, however, apply to applications that have

submitted to the County Board from 1 January 2009.