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Regulation (2008:348) On Urban Development

Original Language Title: Förordning (2008:348) om urbant utvecklingsarbete

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Introductory provisions

section 1 of this regulation provides for

1. local development agreements,

2. local partnerships,

3. strategic city plans, and

4. the role and responsibilities of governmental authorities.

paragraph 2 of this regulation,

urban development: knowledge-based and cross-sectoral

coordinated development interventions in districts with a widespread

alienation in order to reach the Government's target for urban

development policy,

local development agreements: an agreement between the State and

a municipality which aims to clarify the conditions for

that at the local level conduct a joint urban

development work,

local partnership: cooperation between different stakeholders to

implement urban development efforts in order to achieve

the effective use of resources to reduce the

exclusion in neighbourhoods, and

strategic municipal plans: local partnerships

governing documents for the development work in the districts.

Local development agreements

section 3 of the local development agreements set out both the

neighborhoods covered by urban development, on the one hand,

State and municipal action on

1. local partnerships,

2. strategic municipal plans,

3. collaborative agreements;

4. follow-up of the development process, and

5. evaluation and dissemination of knowledge.

Local partnerships

4 section in a local partnership should, in addition to the municipality, include

State authorities in accordance with the provisions of section 10. In the local

partnerships should also include other actors can have an active

role in or affected by the development process, such as counties,

businesses, property owners, housing associations and other


section 5 of The local partnerships will coordinate its work with the

regional growth work according to Ordinance (2007:713) if

regional growth work and will conduct it in consultation with the

actors at the regional level. Local partnerships should strive for

the effective use of resources from the European

the structural funds in the field of urban development.

Strategic municipal plans

6 § the strategic municipal plans shall be based on the needs and

conditions that the districts and their inhabitants have and will

be developed in consultation with stadsdelarnas inhabitants.

7 § the strategic municipal plans shall be drawn up with

regard to the local government comprehensive planning, regional

development programmes, structural funds programmes, and other relevant


8 § a strategic municipal plan shall include

1. a site description, based on the physical, social and economic


2. an analysis of the district's conditions and

development opportunities,

3. direct follow-up only goals for the district's development in

question about work, education, security and growth,

4. a strategy for urban development,

5. a list of the actions envisaged to lead to

goal achievement,

6. a description of the planned follow-up activities,

7. a description of the planned evaluation efforts, and

8. a description of the planned measures to disseminate

experience and knowledge and return them to


§ 9 the strategic municipal plans shall be revised annually

based on the experience and knowledge of the urban

the development work in order to continuously improve the quality of

the work.

The role and responsibilities of governmental authorities

section 10 State agencies engaged in activities relevant

for the development of the districts covered by the local

development agreements and of their inhabitants,

1. included in the local partnerships, or

2. otherwise support local partnerships.

section 11 of the Government agencies that are part of the local partnership,

within their businesses

1. meet the collaboration agreements with municipalities

local development agreements,

2. implement actions to meet the needs of the districts

and of their inhabitants, and

3. create the necessary conditions for the coordinated participation of the

local partnerships.

Partnership agreements should be based on the strategic

municipal plans and revised if necessary.

section 12 of the Government agencies that support the local partnerships

to design assistance in consultation with the parties in the local

the partnerships.

paragraph 13 of the Government agencies that are part of the local partnership,

not later than 1 October each year to government offices provide a

account of how the collaboration within the partnerships work, which

efforts undertaken and how experience and knowledge has

been looked after.

Government agencies that actively supports the local partnerships

no later than 1 October each year to government offices provide

an accounting of how this work has been carried out.