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Competition Regulation (2008:604)

Original Language Title: Konkurrensförordning (2008:604)

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Article 1 this regulation lays down provisions on

-the enforcement rules for the application of the Competition Act (2008:579)

-regulations on the authority in some cases,

-rules on notification of certain decisions, and

-regulations on the County Administrative Board's duties on

the competition field.

section 2 of the notification to the competition authority pursuant to Chapter 4. 6 or 7 §

Competition Act (2008:579) shall be made in writing.

section 3 of the FCA may

1. provide for the information to be provided in a

such a notification referred to in paragraph 2, and

2. establish the forms for the notification.

4 §/expires U: 2016-09-01/

Of Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 of 16 december 2002

If the application of the rules on competition laid down in articles 81 and 82 of the

the Treaty specified in the individual articles of the functions of

a national competition authority. In so far as the corresponding

information according to the provisions of the Competition Act (2008:579)

to FCA, the Stockholm District Court or

The market Court's authority according to the competition authority

applicable item.

In the case of the tasks of a national

competition authority according to individual articles of Council

Regulation, and which have no equivalent in the Competition Act, the

The Swedish competition authority be competition authority.

4 section/entry into force: 2016-09-01/

In Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 of 16 december 2002 on the implementation of the rules on competition laid down in articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty mentioned in individual articles information which a national competition authority. In so far as equivalent data according to the provisions of the Competition Act (2008:579) is given to the Finnish competition authority or court is authority competition authority according to the relevant article.

When it comes to such tasks as a national competition authority has according to individual articles of the regulation, and which have no equivalent in the Competition Act, the competition authority be competition authority.

Regulation (2016:241).

section 5 of the Finnish competition authority is such a competent authority referred to in

Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the

control of concentrations between undertakings.

The competition authority should take the necessary steps to arrive at a

Member State in accordance with articles 4, 9 and 22 of Council regulation.

6 §/expires U: 2016-09-01/

When a General Court or the market court announces a

judgment or a final decision concerning the application of

Article 101 or 102 of the Treaty on European Union

mode of operation, a copy of the judgment or the decision on the same day

be sent to the competition authority. Regulation (2010:646).

6 §/entry into force: 2016-09-01/

When a court gives a judgment or a final decision concerning the application of article 101 or 102 of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union, a copy of the judgment or the decision on the same day sent to the competition authority. The Swedish competition authority shall without delay forward the copy to the European Commission.

Regulation (2016:241).

section 7 of the provincial governments, the County promote the effective

competition in the private and public sectors for the benefit of


Provincial governments should in particular

1. raise awareness of competition issues,

2. the attention of the competition authority in circumstances indicating

infringements of the competition rules,

3. pay attention to regulations that hamper effective competition,

4. proposals and, after consultation with the competition authority,

follow up the liberalisation measures,

5. pay attention to the different types of obstacles to an effective

competition in the public administration and to submit proposals to the

measures to eliminate these, as well as

6. ensure that the competitive aspects of the County Administrative Board

and in regional and local bodies.