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Law (2009:47) If Certain Municipal Powers

Original Language Title: Lag (2009:47) om vissa kommunala befogenheter

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Chapter 1. Introductory provisions


section 1 of this Act contains provisions which provide municipalities and

County Councils increased powers in relation to the

under the local Government Act (1991:900).

Exemption from the requirement of local connection

section 2 of The requirements for the connection to the municipal or County Council

area or its members as described in Chapter 2. 1 §

Local Government Act (1991:900) does not apply for the purposes of

the following provisions of this Act:

– Chapter 2. section 3 of part-financing of certain projects,

– Chapter 2. section 4 concerning the provision of assistance to foreign students,

– Chapter 2. section 10 on compensation to individuals in

social services,

– Chapter 3. section 2 If the transport of the sick,

– Chapter 3. paragraph 3, on public transport,

– Chapter 3. section 7 about social studies,

— Chapter 4. 1 section on tourism, and

– Chapter 5. on service exports and international assistance.

For the purposes of Chapter 2. § 1 if contributions to the construction of

State by rail and road, and to the construction of state route

specific reasons for the exemption from the requirement of

affiliation. Team (2013:820).

Standards of professionalism

Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 3 of Chapter 2. section 7 and Chapter 8. 3 c §

Local Government Act (1991:900) to the activities conducted at

commercial considerations in the application of the following

provisions in this law:

-Chapter 3. section 2 If the transport of the sick,

-Chapter 3. paragraph 3, on public transport,

-Chapter 3. section 6, if the premises,

-Chapter 3. section 7 social orientation, and

-Chapter 5. 1 and 2 sections of service exports.

Law (2012:417).

Obligations under the social service act

section 4 as set out in Chapter 2. 6-8 and 10 § § shall not affect the

obligations that it has under the social service act


The Councils referred to in Chapter 2. paragraph 4(1)

the social service act shall have the care of the activities referred to in Chapter 2. 7, 8

and 10 sections. Law (2010:428).

Chapter 2. The right to provide various forms of support, assistance and support

Contribution to the construction of State Road and rail and

the construction of state route

section 1 of the municipalities and counties are allowed to make contributions to the construction of

Road and rail that the State is responsible. Grants may also

be given to the construction of a public waterway that the State is responsible


What is meant by the construction of road and rail can be seen from the

Traffic Act (1971:948) and Act (1995:1649) of construction

by rail. With the construction of the ship referred to in this law to

build a new waterway and in the fairway make physical interventions

which constitutes improvements of the original plant.

Team (2013:820).

Contribution to the higher education activities

section 2 of the local governments may submit contributions to education

and research conducted at State universities and

high schools or by an individual training providers with

authority to issue certain degrees.

Local governments must also contribute to the establishment

and operation of the research infrastructure at such a consortium

referred to in Council Regulation (EC) No 723/2009 of 25 June

2009 on the community legal framework for a

European research infrastructure consortium (Eric).

Law (2014:569).

Co-financing of projects in the framework of EC structural funds

and programs

paragraph 3 of the municipalities and counties may co-finance projects under

of EC structural funds and programs.

The right to assist foreign students

section 4 of the local government may assist foreign students

with the support of Swedish development assistance allowed in the municipality or

the County Council for studies or other training. Assistance may be provided

through measures designed to facilitate the stay and

to promote the welfare and well-being of the students.

Support for youth organisations

paragraph 5 of the local government may provide financial assistance to

youth organisations. Such aid may also cover

political activity.

Support for property

section 6 of the Municipalities may submit individual households financial support in order

to reduce their costs in order to obtain or hold a

a primary residence.

Municipalities may also provide security to a contract for the hire of

a dwelling completed in order that individual households should receive

a primary residence with tenancy which is connected with the right to

extension, if the individual household's need for such a

housing cannot be met otherwise.

Services for the elderly

section 7 of the Municipalities may without prior individual needs assessment

providing services for people over the age of 67 years.

With support services "shall mean services that are designed to prevent

injury, accident or illness and do not constitute personal


section 8 For services for older people, municipalities take out

reasonable charges according to the basis as municipalities decide.

The fees shall not exceed the municipalities ' cost prices.

Support for actions in some investment programs

section 9 municipalities received Government grant for actions in local

investment programs that increase ecological sustainability in

society or for climate investment measures, may use

the grant is to provide financial and other assistance to the individual in

accordance with the regulations that apply to the contribution.

Compensation to the individual in social services

section 10 a municipality may provide compensation to a person

-When he or she has not received assistance pursuant to Chapter 4. 1 or

section 2 of the Social Services Act (2001:453) within a reasonable time, or in the

accordance with a decision of the social welfare committee or a decision

by a court, or

-When the social welfare Board has not fulfilled the guarantee provided

to the person that within a certain period of time or in a certain way

provide assistance pursuant to Chapter 4. 1 or 2 sections

the Social Service Act. Law (2010:428).

Chapter 3. The right to engage in certain types of business activities

Employment for people with disabilities

section 1 of the Municipalities may engage in business activities in order to provide

people with disabilities employment if they are not in

sufficient extent within the municipality can receive appropriate

appointments otherwise and provided that

1. the business is so arranged that it is particularly suited to

employment of people with disabilities, and

2. employment in the business is done after the instruction of

The public employment service, or, after the employment service's consent,

of the boards referred to in Chapter 2. paragraph 4(1)

the Social Service Act (2001:453).

Medical transport

section 2 of the local government may enter into agreements with Governments to carry out such

transport operations referred to in section 6 of the health care Act

(1982:763). Municipalities may also enter into agreements with Governments to

carry out health and medical services in anticipation of such shipments.

Public transport

paragraph 3 of the Municipal joint-stock company may enter into agreements with regional

public transportation agencies to conduct local and regional

regular services by bus as well as the corresponding traffic by rail,

Metro or tram.

With the regional public transportation authority "means the same as in

Act (2010:1065) on public transport. The concept of regular service has

the same meaning as in Chapter 1. 5 § 1 commercial law (2012:210).

Law (2012:225).

Assessment of professionalism

4 section as a basis for an assessment of the mission

professionalism in accordance with Chapter 1. § 3 the company shall establish a

economic bidding calculus and continuous follow-up of

calculus. Calculation and follow-up should include all

relevant direct and indirect costs and revenues.

Discrepancies between calculation and follow-up should be reported and

be explained to the company's Board of Directors.

Accounting separation

section 5 of the company's annual report, revenue, costs

and the outcome of the commissions referred to in section 3 are recognised

in particular. This accounting separation shall indicate

1. sales and operating profit/loss after net financial items for the

contract activity,

2. guarantees and other contingent liabilities which

municipalities or counties has entered into for the company and for the

contract activity as well as the costs of communications,

3. the capital and municipalities or county councils contributed

contract activity, and

4. the capital employed in the contract activity.

For the company's annual report in general terms what is

prescribed in the annual accounts Act (1995:1554).


section 6 of the Municipalities must meet small business needs of premises in

the municipality provided that activities focus on

entrepreneurial community in General.

If there are special reasons, the municipalities meet the individual

business needs of premises within the municipality.

Social studies

section 7 a municipality may enter into an agreement with another municipality if that

information that the municipality has under paragraph 5 of the Act (2010:197) if

provisioning efforts for some newly arrived immigrants or

Act (2013:156) of social studies for some new arrivals

migrants should be carried out by the other municipality.

Team (2013:157).

Chapter 4. Tourism

Measures for the construction and operation of tourism facilities

section 1 of the Municipalities may take measures for the construction and operation of the

tourist facilities to the extent necessary to promote

tourist services in the municipality.

Chapter 5. Service exports and international assistance

Service exports


section 1 of the municipalities and counties may provide such knowledge and

experience in the municipal (municipal

Service) for export (export).


2 § as part of a service export, local governments in

limited export goods constitutes a necessary

addition to or have a natural connection with the

provision of municipal services.

Terms and conditions

section 3 of The product risks, commercial risks, political risks,

financial risks and monetary risks as exports of services can

mean to be taken into account in any export business and is limited by

to guarantee or through separate warranties or

insurance policies.

International assistance

The forms of assistance

section 4 of the local governments may provide assistance in the form of

equipment, advice, training, or otherwise to a

countries receiving Swedish State aid. Assistance in the form of

financial support may be granted only to conduct training

and advice.

5 § aid to a country that does not get the Swedish State aid

may be provided by local governments in the form of equipment

municipalities and county councils no longer need for their


The Government may authorise that aid in the form of

equipment other than as referred to in the first subparagraph, counseling,

education or otherwise provided to a country that does not

get the Swedish State aid. Assistance in the form of financial support

may be granted only to provide training and advice.

section 6 of the local government who furnishes assistance in the form of

equipment shall use reasonable means to

transporting and setting up the equipment so that it can

put into use.

Article 7 Assistance pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs 4 to 6 shall also be provided

an international aid organization to provide assistance

to a country in a current or future emergency or in

Another difficult situation as a result of an emergency situation.

Terms and conditions

section 8 municipalities and counties shall ascertain that the aid

left comes to intended use. However, this does not apply if

assistance refers to equipment that the municipalities and County Councils do not

longer need for their business.

section 9 municipalities and county councils which provide assistance to a country that

get the Swedish State aid should sign the measure and

the scope of assistance to the Board of the international

development cooperation (Sida). The notification shall, however, not be made if

assistance refers to equipment that the municipality or the County does not

longer need for their business.

Chapter 6. Other befogenhetsutvidgande provisions

Municipal participation in the State congestion charges

section 1 Of the municipalities or counties will be charged tax according to

Act (2004:629) on the congestion tax, municipalities and county councils

negotiate contracts with the State to assist with

1. information about the system of congestion charges, and

2. Management and procurement on the occasion of the

congestion charge.

Municipalities or county councils must not, however, with the support of the first

subparagraph perform tasks that involve the exercise of public authority.

Municipal participation in labour market policy measures

section 2 of the local government may, with the agreement of the public employment service,

organize activities for the participants in labour market policy


Government Announces rules on the conditions under which

Employment agency may conclude such agreements and on

the content of the agreements.

Municipal delegation

Employer questions

section 3 a municipality which belongs to an Association of municipalities with

the task of protecting members ' interests such as

employers, may Commission the Association that with binding

effect of the municipality by means of collective agreements or otherwise

Unified regulating the conditions of employment of such workers

in the municipal service, whose conditions should not be determined by any

Government authority.

The municipality may determine that the Mission pursuant to the first subparagraph,

submitted by a Board that deals with questions about employment conditions

for workers in the local service.

The municipality of this clause with comparable counties and other

the local government unit.


4 § Board of a municipality, in a county or in a

local authorities may, by mutual agreement, with a central purchasing body

instruct employees in the purchasing Centre to a procurement

decide on the Board's behalf. This applies as long

the central purchasing body has been hired by the Board to participate

at the tender agent pursuant to

1. Chapter 4. section 22 of the Act (2007:1091) concerning public procurement,


2. Chapter 4. section 4 of the Act (2007:1092) on procurement in the fields

water, energy, transport and postal services.

Missions referred to in the first subparagraph shall not be granted in the cases

referred to in Chapter 6. § 34 local Government Act (1991:900). Law (2012:389).

4 a of A Council of a municipality, in a county or in a

local authorities may, with the agreement of the authority

referred to in paragraph 1, second subparagraph 2 Act (2013:311) if

free market system in terms of services for electronic

the Identification Commission authority to decide on the Board's

behalf in matters under the Act.

Missions referred to in the first subparagraph shall not be granted in the cases

referred to in Chapter 6. § 34 local Government Act (1991:900). Team (2013:313).

section 5 of the regulations in Chapter 6. 33 § Municipal Act (1991:900) if

Mission to decide on behalf of the Board apply to cases

under paragraph 4, first subparagraph, and paragraph 4 (a).

Team (2013:313).

paragraph 6 of Decision that employees in a central purchasing body takes on a

on behalf of the Board shall be notified to those who have left the mission.

The same shall apply to decisions taken by the authority referred to in paragraph 4 (a)

taking on a Committee's behalf. Team (2013:313).

section 7 of the Regulations in Chapter 6. 24-27 of the local Government Act (1991:900)

If conflict of interest is applied to the employees of central purchasing bodies that make

decision on the Committee's behalf. The same shall apply to the person in

the authority that has mandated, in accordance with paragraph 4 (a) to take

decision on the Committee's behalf. Team (2013:313).

Transitional provisions


1. this law shall enter into force on 1 January 2011.

2. The provision in Chapter 2. section 10 may apply even if the

a circumstance which constitutes the basis for to pay compensation has

occurred before the law has entered into force.