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Student Financial Aid Data (2009:287)

Original Language Title: Studiestödsdatalag (2009:287)

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The scope of the law

section 1 of this Act apply to the processing of personal data in

Central Board of student aid financial aid operations.

The law applies only if the treatment is completely or partially

automated or if the information included in or is intended

be part of a structured set of personal data which are

available for searching or compilation under

specific criteria.

The relationship to the personal data Act and the Act on the

official statistics

paragraph 2 in so far as personal data Act (1998:204) contains

provisions concerning the processing of personal data that are missing

counterpart of this Act, the Privacy Act applies

the processing of personal data in the Centre

financial aid financial aid board business.

At the Centre of the student financial aid Committee's treatment of

personal information to produce statistics shall act

(2001:99) if the official statistics and connecting

statutes shall apply instead of this law.

Privacy responsibility

paragraph 3 of the CSN is responsible for

the processing of personal data by the Agency.


section 4 of the personal data may be processed in the Centre

student financial aid financial aid operations of the Board only if needed

in order to

1. deal with matters in the activities,

2. administer the proceedings

3. prepare the processing,

4. inform studiestödsberättigade about student aid benefits

and social benefits,

5. develop and deploy proof of financial aid for studies

to the student, or

6. notify irregularities in financial operations to

a public body which has to investigate or prosecute

the irregularities.

Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the first subparagraph may also

treated by disclosed to the data subject himself,

Parliament and the Government, as well as, to the extent that the obligation

for CSN to submit information follows by

law or regulation, to the other. Personal data

treated in accordance with the first paragraph and not directly pointing out

the data subject may also be treated to provide access to

guiding decisions.

The Government may provide for limitations to the

the purposes of the first subparagraph and in which cases treatment may

be made on the basis of the first subparagraph 3. Government Announces

regulations on the restriction of the personal data

may be processed for a specific purpose.

paragraph 5 of the processing of personal data in accordance with this Act is

permitted without the data subject's consent may be carried out even if the

the data subject opposes treatment.

Restrictions on the right to process personal data

section 6 of the Special restrictions apply to the processing of

personal data

1. revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions,

religious or philosophical beliefs or membership in

Trade Union,

2. relating to offences involving crime, judgments in

criminal cases, pre-trial or administrative

detention, or

3. concerning health or sex life.

Information referred to in the first subparagraph may be processed only for

purposes referred to in paragraph 4(1) 1, if the information has

supplied in a case of financial activities or needed

to deal with such a case, or for the purpose

referred to in paragraph 4(1) 6 and the second paragraph.

The consent of the data subject

section 7 Notwithstanding paragraph 4(1), personal data may be processed in

Central Board of student aid student aid activities with the

data subject's consent. Information referred to in paragraph 6,

be processed for purposes other than as set out in the said section only

with the data subject's explicit consent.

Data processed with the consent referred to in the first subparagraph

may also be dealt with under paragraph 4, second subparagraph.

In cases where the processing of personal data in the Centre

Board of student aid student aid operations is permissible only

When the data subject has given his consent, have the

registered right to withdraw a left

consent. Additional personal data of the data subject may

then not treated.

Search terms

section 8 as search terms must not be used

1. data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political

opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or

Trade Union membership,

2. data relating to offences involving criminal offences;

judgments in criminal cases, pre-trial supervision measures, or

administrative detention,

3. data concerning health, sexual life, income, wealth

or reason for discontinuation, or

4. a statement that the public all or a substantial

some paid for a person's livelihood.

When you search in a particular case if the financial aid, in a certain

Act or in such a secluded collection of personal data

referred to in paragraph 4 of the second sentence of the second paragraph may, however,

search terms referred to in the first subparagraph may be used. As

search terms may also be used data relating to

1. health to provide qualified staff electronic access

to cases in which the disease is significant, and

2. income and wealth to provide qualified personnel

electronic access to case files in order to be able to carry out

checks on the information which has formed the basis for a

decision in a case.

Internal electronic access to personal information

§ 9 the Government or authority the Government determines

Announces rules on terms of electronic access

to the personal data of those who work in Central

financial aid financial aid board business. Such access shall

be limited to what is needed in order that he or she should be able to

carry out their tasks within the financial aid operations.

CSN shall ensure that the electronic

access to personal data is documented. The authority shall

also systematic and periodic check if any

unauthorized access to data.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces additional regulations on documentation and

control in accordance with the second subparagraph.

Direct access and other electronic disclosure of

personal data

direct access to section 10 and other electronic disclosure

without the consent of personal data

treated in the Centre of the student financial aid Committee

student support activities, are allowable only to the extent

as set out in law or regulation, and provided that the

4 and 6-8 sections are followed.

section 11 of the insurance fund and the unemployment insurance funds may, in the

so far as CSN has

obligation by law or regulation, have

direct access to personal data processed in the Centre

financial aid financial aid board business. Government

Announces rules about which personal data may

covered by such direct access.

section 12 of the data subject may have direct access to

personal data processed in the Central Board of student aid

student financial aid operations, if the data

1. refers to him or herself,

2. available in a case on which the data subject is

party or where the data subject has the right to receive the payment

of financial aid for someone else, or

3. refer to the documentation of the electronic access which has

been to his or her personal information, however, does not

such information reveals the individual officer who

had access to the data.

13 § When personal information may be disclosed to anyone by

direct access, personal data may also be on something else

manner disclosed electronically to the recipient. Single

personal data may in other cases be left out on the medium for

automated processing or via electronic communication

in individual cases.

section 14 of The request pursuant to section 6 of the Act (2002:1022) on the revision of

State activities, personal data may be disclosed to

The National Audit Office on medium for automated processing.

Rectification and indemnity

section 15, the provisions of §§ 28 and 48 of the Swedish personal data Act

(1998:204) for rectification and Indemnity apply for treatment

of personal data in accordance with this Act or the regulations that

in connection with this Act.


section 16 if the refund or recovery of financial aid is not

at issue in a case about student financial aid, personal data in

the matter expires at the latest three years after the end of the

calendar year in which the aid was granted in the case, or at the latest

applications for financial aid were refused. In other cases, the

the personal data in the case expires at the latest two years after the

the end of the calendar year in which the full payment was made, or

payment obligation otherwise ended. Such

personal data in the case that may have relevance in a new

case of financial aid or that may have bearing on recovery

of financial aid in the form of grants, but not screened

until they can no longer have such significance.

Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the first subparagraph of paragraph 4 of 3

shall, in so far as they are not added to a case if the

student financial aid, expires later than one year after the data

was registered.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide that personal data may be kept for

historical, statistical or scientific purposes or for

accounting purposes, even if the requirements will differ

from the first paragraph. CSN also receives,

Despite the first paragraph, in isolated cases, decide to

the personal data in the case of aid to be retained in the

paper or other medium that is not electronic.

Transitional provisions


1. This law shall enter into force on January 1, 2010.

2. the provisions of paragraphs 9 and 16 shall not apply

until January 1, 2011.