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Law (2009:302) If Activities In Animal Health Care

Original Language Title: Lag (2009:302) om verksamhet inom djurens hälso- och sjukvård

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Chapter 1. General provisions

The policy of the law

section 1 of this Act is to a good and safe care of animals

and a good animal health is achieved. The law shall also contribute to

society for animal protection, infectious disease control and

food safety standards are met.

The law's content

section 2 of the Act provides for

– duties and responsibilities for animal health personnel and others. (2


– authorization rules (Chapter 3),

– limitations on the right to take health and medical care

operations on animals (Chapter 4),

– supervision (Chapter 5.)

– disciplinary penalties and revocation of privileges, etc. (6


– Disciplinary Board of animal health services (Chapter 7),


– penalties and appeals, etc. (Chapter 8).


3 § With animals ' health care referred to in this law

measures taken to medical prevention, demonstrate,

alleviate or cure the disease, injury or similar

condition of the animals.

With animal health care on an equal footing while carrying out

surgery on or giving injections to animals in

purposes other than those required by the first paragraph.

Tests on animals referred to in paragraph 1 (c) of the animal welfare Act (1988:534)

not by the concept.

4 §/expires U: 2016-04-15/

With animal health personnel referred to in this law, persons who

exercising activities in animal health care and that

1. have the identification referred to in Chapter 3. section 1,

2. approval as referred to in Chapter 3. 5 or 6 §,

3. in accordance with the regulations issued pursuant to Chapter 3. § 9

provides services in the profession during a temporary visit

in Sweden, or

4. has such a special permit referred to in Chapter 3. 7 a of the

to exercise a profession in animal health care.

Law (2012:465).

4 section/entry into force: 04/15/2016

With animal health personnel referred to in this law, persons carrying out work-activities in animal health care and that

1. have the identification referred to in Chapter 3. section 1 or under the regulations issued by virtue of the said section,

2. approval as referred to in Chapter 3. 5 or 6 §,

3. According to the law (2016:145) on the recognition of professional qualifications and the regulations issued in connection with the law temporarily engaged in the profession in question in Sweden, or

4. has such a special permit referred to in Chapter 3. 7 a of the exercise of a profession in animal health care.

Law (2016:148).

Chapter 2. Duties and responsibilities of health professionals and others.

General obligations

section 1 of The belonging to animal health staff should

1. fulfil their tasks in accordance with

Science and proven experience,

2. observe the accuracy and care for the issue of certificates of

animal health or health care, and

3. journal of animal health and veterinary care.

Liability, etc.

section 2 of The belonging to animal health staff may only perform

tasks that he or she has the skills for, and wearing the self

the responsibility for how he or she fulfils its tasks.

3 § if it complies with the requirement of a good and safe care

get the belonging to animal health staff leave a

the task to someone else that belongs to

animal health staff.

The program assigns a task to someone else

belong to animal health staff is responsible for ensuring that he or she has

prerequisites to perform the task. If it is necessary to

Special instructions provided.

Professional secrecy

section 4 of The who within individual activity is or has

belonged to animal health staff, or is or has been

aide to such personnel should not improperly disclose

or take advantage of what he or she is in their profession has a

know about an individual's business or operating conditions.

That unauthorised disclosure are considered not to have someone fulfill such

obligation imposed by law or regulation.

In the interest of the activity, the provisions of

Secrecy Act (1980:100).


section 5 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide for

1. restrictions on the right to assign work tasks

under paragraph 3, and

2. the additional responsibilities for animal health personnel

needed for a good and safe care.

Chapter 3. Rules on jurisdiction

Proof of identification

1 §/expires U: 2016-04-15/

Identification of the profession shall, on application, be communicated to the

have completed

1. veterinary degree in Sweden (the titles veterinarian),

2. diploma in animal care from tertiary education at

first level in accordance with the provisions adopted on the basis of other

subparagraph (job title animal nursing).

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for identification for those who have completed

Diploma in animal care and for those who have undergone

education abroad.

Proof of identity shall be granted if the conditions are such that

papers should have been revoked in accordance with the provisions of

Chapter 6. If the applicant is a licensed.

1 section/entry into force: 04/15/2016

Identification of the profession shall, on application, be notified to the who have completed

1. veterinary degree in Sweden (the titles veterinarian),

2. diploma in animal care from tertiary education at the undergraduate level in accordance with the provisions adopted pursuant to the second paragraph (job title animal nursing).

The Government or the authority that the Government may provide for identification for those who have completed the diploma in animal care and for those who have undergone training abroad. As regards the matters referred to in paragraph 1 (a) to notify the Government or the authority that Government regulations issued in section 21 of the Act (2016:145) on the recognition of professional qualifications.

Proof of identity shall be granted if the conditions are such that the papers would have been revoked in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 6. If the applicant is a licensed. Law (2016:148).

1 a section/entry into force: 04/15/2016

Provisions on temporary mobility and recognition of qualifications acquired or recognised in a State other than Sweden in the European economic area (EEA) or Switzerland, which includes professional services veterinarian and animal nursing, see law (2016:145) on the recognition of professional qualifications and in the regulations issued in connection with the Act. Law (2016:148).

section 2 of the designation certified, in the activity of animal

health care used only by the person who has a

identification according to § 1.

The right to pursue the veterinary profession

3 §/expires U: 2016-04-15/

Authorized to exercise the profession of veterinary surgeons are only


1. identification of the profession under section,

2. the right to such professional activities according to regulations

announced pursuant to § 9, or

3. such special permit referred to in paragraph 7 (a)

subparagraph pursuing the veterinary profession. Law (2012:465).

3 section/entry into force: 04/15/2016

Authorized to exercise the profession of veterinary surgeons are only

1. identification of the profession under section or according to the regulations issued by virtue of the said section,

2. temporarily engaged in the profession in question in Sweden under the Act (2016:145) on the recognition of professional qualifications and the regulations issued in connection with the Act, or

3. has such a special permit referred to in paragraph 7 (a) pursuing the veterinary profession. Law (2016:148).

Protected professional title

4 §/expires U: 2016-04-15/

A job title according to section 1 (protected professional title) may be used

in activities in animal health care only of the

1. in accordance with the said paragraph has ID for the profession,

2. in accordance with the provisions adopted by virtue of section 9 has the right to

exercise of the veterinary profession, or

3. has such a special permit referred to in paragraph 7 (a)

subparagraph exercising profession as a veterinarian or animal nurse.

Anyone who does not have permissions to use a protected professional title may

not use a title which can be confused with such.

Law (2012:465).

4 section/entry into force: 04/15/2016

A job title according to section 1 (protected professional title) may be used in activities in animal health care only of the

1. in accordance with that section, or in accordance with the regulations issued by virtue of the said section, the identification of the profession,

2. temporarily engaged in the veterinary profession in Sweden under the Act (2016:145) on the recognition of professional qualifications and the regulations issued in connection with the Act, or

3. has such a special permit referred to in paragraph 7 (a) to exercise the profession as a veterinarian or animal nurse.

Anyone who does not have permissions to use a protected professional title may not use a title which can be confused with such. Law (2016:148).

Approval as a farrier and for activities in animal

health and medical care

§ 5/expires U: 2016-04-15/

Approval as a farrier must be notified after application.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for any training or practical

experience required for such approval.

The designation certified farrier, in activities in animal

health care used only by the receiving

approval as referred to in the first subparagraph.

§ 5/entry into force: 04/15/2016

Approval as a farrier must be notified after application.

The Government or the authority that the Government may provide for any training or practical experience required for such approval. As regards the matters referred to in paragraph 5 (a) notify the Government or the authority that the Government rules with the support of

authorization in section 21 of the Act (2016:145) on the recognition of professional qualifications.

The designation certified farrier, in activities in animal health care used only by the person who received the approval referred to in the first subparagraph. Law (2016:148).

5 a section/entry into force: 04/15/2016

Provisions on temporary mobility and recognition of qualifications acquired or recognised in a State other than Sweden in the EEA or in Switzerland and includes approved Farriers are in law (2016:145) on the recognition of professional qualifications and in the regulations issued in connection with the Act. Law (2016:148).

6 §/expires U: 2016-04-15/

The patient safety act that has ID as

(2010:659) shall on application be approved for the operations in

animal health care.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for

1. What are the occupations that are eligible for approval under

first subparagraph, and

2. What training or practical experience required for

such approval.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

also provide for approval of activities within

animal health care for those who have undergone

education abroad or have permission to practice the profession in

another country.

The designation approved for activities in animal health

health care, in activities in animal health care

used only by the person who received the approval referred to in the first

paragraph. Law (2010:678).

6 §/entry into force: 04/15/2016

Those who have proper identification according to the patient safety Act (2010:659) shall on application be approved for activities in animal health care.

The Government or the authority that the Government may provide for

1. What are the occupations that are eligible for approval as referred to in the first subparagraph, and

2. What training or practical experience required for such approval.

The Government or the authority that the Government may also provide for the approval for activities in animal health care for those who have undergone training abroad or have permission to practice the profession in another country. As regards the matters referred to in paragraph 6 (a) notify the Government or the authority that Government regulations issued in section 21 of the Act (2016:145) on the recognition of professional qualifications.

The designation approved for activities in animal health care, in the activities in the field of animal health shall be used only by the person who received the approval referred to in the first subparagraph. Law (2016:148).

6 a section/entry into force: 04/15/2016

Provisions on temporary mobility and recognition of qualifications acquired or recognised in a State other than Sweden in the EEA or in Switzerland, including the professions referred to in section 6 of the Act (2016:145) on the recognition of professional qualifications and in the regulations issued in connection with the Act. Law (2016:148).

7 § Approval as farrier or the students for professional activities within

animal health care may not be notified of

the conditions are such that the approval would have

revoked under the provisions of Chapter 6. If the applicant had

been approved.

Authorized by special permit

7 a of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide for a special permit to the

extent specified in each particular case exercise the profession as

veterinary, animal nurse or Farriers in the absence

conditions for identification referred to in article 1, first paragraph

or approval under paragraph 5 of the first paragraph.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

Furthermore provide for the identification

According to the patient safety Act (2010:659) should be able to get a

special permit to the extent specified in each

in particular cases the activity in animal health

health care in the absence of the conditions for approval

According to section 6. Law (2012:465).

Specialist skills

section 8, a veterinarian may, upon application, be authorised as a specialist.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for the continuing training necessary

such approval.

Only the veterinarian who is certified as a specialist in certain

branch of the veterinary profession, the activities in the field of animal health

care to specify that he or she is a specialist in the

branch referred to with the specialty (protected

specialist designation).

/Rubriken expires U: 2016-04-15/

Temporary exercise of the services

§ 9/expire U:2016-04-15 by law (2016:148)./

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may, in the case of professions covered by this chapter Info

regulations on the temporary provision of services,

but Swedish ID or Swedish approval of profession,

for professionals who are established in another country in the

European economic area (EEA) or in Switzerland.

Provisions on the procedure

section 10 applications for authentication, authorisation to

exercise a profession, approval and specialist skills are tested by

The State's agricultural work.

section 11 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide for fees for the processing of

proceedings under this chapter.

Chapter 4. Restrictions on the right to take health

the provision of measures on animal

section 1 of The program without belonging to animal health staff

Professional exercising activities in animal health

health care must not

1. treating animals as there is reason to suspect has

infected with the disease on the law (1999:657) or

zoonosis Act (1999:658) applies,

2. perform surgery on or give injections to animals

or perform other treatment that may cause suffering

is not insignificant, or

3. treating animals under general anesthesia or under local

anesthesia by injection.

as stated in paragraph 2 of article 1, 2 and 3 shall not apply to emergency

measures taken in order to save the animal's life or to

relieve its suffering.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for further exemptions from paragraph 1.

Chapter 5. Supervision


section 1 of The belonging to animal health staff in the exercise of

activities under this Act under the supervision of the Agriculture Department

and the County Administrative Board (regulators). Government Announces

detailed rules on the Division of responsibilities between

the supervisory authorities.

section 2 of A supervisory authority shall, through advice, information

and otherwise facilitate for those who belong to

animal health staff to fulfil their obligations under

Act and the regulations and decisions have been issued with

the support of the law.

The powers of the supervisory authority

section 3 of the supervisory authority is to the extent necessary for the

supervision has the right to

1. on request, information of which belong to the

animal health staff,

2. receive or temporary foster care for documents;

samples and other materials relating to the business, and

3. get access to areas, facilities, buildings, and

other areas used in the business and where inspections

animals, carry out investigations and take samples.

Obligations for animal health staff

section 4 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide that the copyrighted

animal health staff are required to provide contact information

to the supervisory authority.

§ 5 The subject to prudential supervision shall provide the

help needed for supervision to be carried out.

The help of the police authority

section 6 of the law enforcement agency shall provide the supervisory authority the help

needed for supervision.

The assistance referred to in the first subparagraph may be requested only if

1. the particular circumstances give reason to suspect that

the operation cannot be carried out without a police man's special

powers under section 10 of the law on police (1984:387)

used, or

2. There are serious reasons.

Law (2014:709).

Measures on animal health staff

section 7 of the regulatory authority may inform the injunctions

needed to act and the regulations have been communicated to the

with the aid of the law should be followed.

Orders may be subject to a penalty. If the supervisory authority

has reason to suspect that someone has committed an offence

that may give rise to penalties, it may not, however, under penalty

submit to the suspect to take part in the investigation.

section 8 If the Agriculture Department believes there are reasons for decision

probation, revocation of ID or other privileges

or limitation of prescribing the right under Chapter 6.,

the work report of the disciplinary board of animal health

medical care.

If the provincial Government believes there are reasons for

disciplinary sanction in accordance with Chapter 6. paragraph 1 shall notify the Administrative Board

the disciplinary board for animal health care.

section 9 If a regulator finds that someone who belongs to

animal health staff are reasonably suspected of being in their

occupation to have committed an offence in respect of which it is

mandating prison, the authority shall, subject to

of Chapter 7. section 15, notify the prosecution.

Chapter 6. Discipline penalties and revocation of permissions, etc.

Disciplinary sanction

§ 1 if someone belonging to animal health staff intentionally

or negligently infringes his obligations at the

activities in the field of animal health,

disciplinary sanction may be imposed. If the error with regard to all

event call or if it is excusable

disciplinary sanction may be omitted.

Disciplinary sanction is a reminder or warning.

Disciplinary sanction shall not be communicated to anyone because he or

She has breached its obligations under the first subparagraph

as a result of participation in a strike or another equivalent

industrial action.

2 § If anyone belonging to animal health personnel have been notified to the

criminal charges, disciplinary proceedings under paragraph 1 cannot be initiated

or are continued in respect of the offence referred to in

operation. Notification of notification under Chapter 7. § 9 may, however,

take place.

If an act has been tried in criminal procedure, a

proceedings referred to in paragraph 1 of the disciplinary sanction shall be initiated or

be continued only if the Act, for any other reason than

lack of evidence, have not been considered to be a crime.

section 3 Disciplinary penalty shall not be imposed on someone if he or she

within two years after the offence has been


Disciplinary penalty shall not be imposed later than ten years after

the offense.

section 4 of The who have violated an imposition of fines issued

on the basis of Chapter 5. section 7 must not be imposed disciplinary sanction for

an offence covered by the injunction.


5 § a probationary period of three years may be granted for the

identification or other rights to exercise the profession as

This law,

1. If he or she has been inept at the exercise of their profession

or otherwise found to be unsuitable to exercise the profession

and the warning does not appear a sufficient intervention

action, or

2. If it can be expected that he or she is on grounds of illness

or any similar circumstance will not be able to exercise

their profession satisfactorily.

Withdrawal of identification and other privileges

section 6 of the proof of identity or other privileges to practise a profession

According to this law shall be revoked if the legitimacy or the

as a privilege

1. been grossly inept in the practice of his profession in

animal health care or otherwise proved to

be manifestly unfit to exercise the profession,

2. due to illness or any similar circumstance does not

can exercise the profession satisfactorily,

3. calls for papers or privilege is revoked,


4. the announced decisions on probation pursuant to section 5 (1) and in

the probation period on new been inept in the exercise of their profession

or otherwise found to be unsuitable to exercise the profession.

If there are special reasons, withdrawal be omitted in

cases referred to in the first subparagraph 4, whereby decisions on probation

can be granted once more.

Have someone who has a proof of identity or other privileges in

Sweden on the basis of authorisation in another country lost

This authorization, authentication, or privilege


section 7 If there is reasonable cause to believe that a

Professional identification card or other jurisdiction should

withdrawn under section 6, first paragraph, 2, get professional

be required to be examined by the doctor as directed

him or her.

If a medical examination has determined,

papers or privilege revoked for the time to

its the question of withdrawal have been tried.

Have the professional did not comply with an order to

medical examination within one year from the time he or she got

part of this, the papers or permission


Limitation of prescribing the right

section 8 If a veterinarian is abusing its power to prescribe

narcotic or alcoholic product or technical

spirits, this permission is withdrawn or restricted.

Permission may also be suspended or restricted if the vet

itself requests it.

section 9 If there is probable cause for suspecting such a

abuse referred to in section 8, the permission shall be withdrawn or

be limited to the question of suspension or

the restriction has been tried.

A decision as referred to in the first subparagraph applies for a maximum of six months.

If there are special reasons, the validity of that

be extended for a further six months.

New permission

section 10 Has an ID or other privileges revoked,

or has the power to prescribe narcotic or

alcoholic drug or denaturation revoked or

limited, a new authentication and permissions

be notified after application when the conditions permit it.

Chapter 7. Disciplinary Board of animal health

Composition and quorum, etc.

section 1 of the policy, on disciplinary punishment in accordance with this law and issues

referred to in Chapter 6. 5-10 sections be reviewed by the disciplinary board for

animal health care.

Article 2 of the Disciplinary Board consists of a Chairman and seven other


The Chairperson shall be or have been regular judges. Two

Members shall be veterinarians. Other Board members appointed from among

people who have experience in animal health care

and among people who have insight into animal husbandry as well as among

people who may be considered to represent the interests of the public.

The Government appoints the Chairperson, the other members and, in the

extent necessary, replace them. For replacement

to what is being said about the members.

3 §/expires U: 2016-04-15/

Disciplinary Board is quorate with the President and at least five

other members.

The President may alone decide

1. that means that a case is decided on the merits, if it is

obvious that the case may not lead to any sanction, and if

the case is also not related to application for regaining identification

or other privileges, or

2. that do not include a final decision on the merits, however,

No decision on injunction to undergo a medical examination

According to Chapter 6. paragraph 7 of the first paragraph, or if the temporary

suspension or limitation in accordance with Chapter 6. § 9, or if

imposition of penalties pursuant to paragraph 11 of this chapter.

Cases that have been decided by the President alone shall be notified by the

the next meeting of the Board.

3 section/entry into force: 04/15/2016

Disciplinary Board is quorate with the President and at least five other members.

The President may alone decide

1. that means that a case is decided on the merits, it is clear that the case may not lead to any sanction, and if the case is neither related to application for regaining identification or other privileges,

2. that do not include a final decision on the merits, but not decision on injunction to undergo a medical examination in accordance with Chapter 6. paragraph 7 of the first paragraph, or if the suspension or restriction imposed under Chapter 6. section 9 or the imposition of penalties pursuant to paragraph 11 of this chapter, or

3. If the information referred to in section 16 of this chapter.

Cases that have been decided by the President alone must be reported at the next meeting of the Board. Law (2016:148).

4 § in the case of conflict of interest against a member of the disciplinary board shall

the provisions of Chapter 4. the code of judicial procedure on disqualification against judges


§ 5 If dissenting at a consultation in

Disciplinary Board, the provisions of chapter 29. the code of judicial procedure

If the vote in court with only-in-training members

applied. The President says his opinion first.

Processing of the disciplinary board

section 6 of the Cases concerning disciplinary punishment shall be entered on the notification of a

supervisory authority or by the owner or another that has the

the animal concerned in their care. Have both

The Agriculture Department and the provincial government signed a case, for

work in the interest of the proceedings before the disciplinary board.

Questions referred to in Chapter 6. 5-10 sections should be included in the notification of

The Agriculture Department or at the request of the person concerned.

Provisions on the right of the parliamentary ombudsmen and of

The Attorney General making the notification in such cases referred to

in the first and second subparagraphs and if the handling of such

cases can be found in section 6 of the Act (1986:765) with instruction for

The parliamentary ombudsmen and in section 6 of the Act (1975:1339) om

Attorney General's supervision.

section 7 of the application or notification shall be made in writing.

section 8 is a notification so incomplete that it cannot be

the basis for a substance, the disciplinary board

submit to the claimant to remedy the deficiency within a time. If

the notifier does not comply with the injunction, the complaint is rejected. What

as stated on the notification also applies in respect of the application.

§ 9 notification under section 6 and the associated to the document must

as soon as handed over to the one in question. The receiver should

be required to respond within a certain period of time.

The notification referred to in the first subparagraph is not needed if it is

clear that the notification cannot be accepted, or that

the notice is unnecessary.

section 10 of the procedure of the disciplinary board is written. Oral

hearing may, however, occur when it can be assumed to

advantage for the investigation.

section 11 of the disciplinary board shall ensure that each case will be

sufficient common ground. Redundant investigation inadmissible.

Disciplinary Board may submit to the journals and

other documents required for the investigation to submit these.

The order may be subject to a penalty.

section 12 If an issue requires specific expertise,

Disciplinary Board may engage other experts than authorities in

the question.

In respect of such special applied 40 Cape. 2 – 7 to 12 sections

the code of judicial procedure. Experts entitled to a refund of

public funds for their mission. Disciplinary Board may grant

advance payment of such compensation.

section 13 to the hearing, the Parties shall be called. An individual

may be called to appear in person at the penalty to the

does not preclude subsequent events and

crucial if he or she fails to materialize.

A single party, which has set itself to the oral

negotiation, of the disciplinary board are granted fair compensation

of public funds for travel and subsistence expenses.

The Board may grant an advance on the compensation. Closer

provisions on compensation and advances made by

the Government.

section 14 of the provisions of §§ 20 and 21 of the administrative procedure act

(1986:223) shall also apply to decisions under Chapter 6. 7 §

the first and second subparagraphs and paragraph 9.

section 15 if the disciplinary board in a case deems it

conditions for registration for the prosecution as indicated in Chapter 5. section 9,

the Board shall make such notification.

16 section/entry into force: 04/15/2016

If the disciplinary board or a general administrative court decides on withdrawal of identification or other privileges that pertain to a veterinarian in accordance with Chapter 6. section 6, or restriction of prescribing the right under Chapter 6. § 8, the disciplinary board may decide to inform the competent authorities of other States in the EEA and Switzerland about the decision or judgment. Authorities shall be notified not later than three days after the date of the decision or judgment. If this decision or that judgment later expires, the disciplinary board shall, without delay, inform the competent authorities of other States in the EEA and Switzerland.

Notifications as referred to in the first subparagraph shall be done via the internal market information system (IMI).

Law (2016:148).

Chapter 8. Penalties and appeals, etc.

Penalty provisions

§ 1 if anyone whose identification as a veterinarian has been revoked

or whose access to the veterinary profession by other

reason has ceased, improperly and against compensation exercises

the veterinary profession, he or she shall be liable for the unauthorized practice of

the veterinary profession to a fine or imprisonment of up to one year.

The same is true of a veterinarian with restricted permission that

violate the terms and conditions that apply to that jurisdiction.

section 2 of a veterinarian that violate Chapter 3. the third subparagraph of paragraph 8

shall be liable to a fine.

paragraph 3, anyone who violates the provisions of Chapter 3. 2 or 4 sections,

the third paragraph of section 5 or section 6, fourth paragraph, shall be liable to a fine.

section 4 to a fine or imprisonment not exceeding one year are judged on that

without belonging to the staff of the health professional

activities in animal health care, either intentionally or

of negligence

1. breach of Chapter 4. paragraph 1, or

2. Add an animal suffering or injury, which is not insignificant,

or develop danger to such effect, regardless of whether the suffering,

the damage or danger caused by inappropriate treatment, or

by interruption of or delay in veterinary care.

The fact that someone because of lack of education

and experience have not been able to realise the nature or

predict the suffering, injury or danger releases him or

her from liability.

Liability shall not be sentenced under this section if the Act

is subject to a penalty under section.

§ 5 liability under paragraphs 1 to 4 shall not be imposed if the Act is

faced with stricter penalties in other teams.

Appeal against the decision of the Board of responsibility

paragraph 6 of the decision of the Board of Responsibility under this Act may be appealed

in general administrative court.

Leave to appeal is required for an appeal to the administrative court.

section 7 Liability the Board's decision may be appealed even by

1. Agriculture, or

2. the County Administrative Board has been the professional counterpart in

the Board, if the decision has gone against the provincial government.

Provisions on the right of the parliamentary ombudsmen and of

The Attorney General to seek amendment of decision

disciplinary sanction, probation or in the permission issue with

reason of misconduct can be found in section 7 of the Act

(1986:765) with instruction for the parliamentary ombudsmen and in section 7 of the

Act (1975:1339) if the Attorney General's oversight. Such

appeal shall be made within three weeks of the decision

It was announced.

paragraph 8 of the Decision of the disciplinary board, which does not mean that a case

determined may be appealed only in connection with the appeal of the

the final decision on the matter.

A decision is not final, however, may be appealed against, in particular,

When the disciplinary board has

1. dismissed an objection of conflict of interest against a member of the Board or

one objection that there are obstacles to examination,

2. rejected an agent or an attorney,

3. ordered the matter pending the completion of the case is decided,

4. submitted someone to undergo a medical examination in accordance with Chapter 6.

paragraph 7 of the first paragraph,

5. submitted someone under penalty according to Chapter 7. section 11, second subparagraph

to submit medical records or other documents;

6. condemned out a penalty, or

7. decreed on compensation for someone's involvement in the case.

§ 9/expires U: 2016-04-15/

Decisions on matters referred to in Chapter 6. 5-10 sections apply

immediately unless otherwise specified in the decision.

Have a court on appeal, decided on the inhibition of

a decision about the trial, but then nevertheless established

the decision, the time during which the order has been inhiberat

deducted from the probationary period.

§ 9/entry into force: 04/15/2016

Decisions on matters referred to in Chapter 6. 5-10 sections and Chapter 7. section 16 shall be effective immediately unless otherwise stated in the order.

Have a court on appeal, decided on the inhibition of a probationary period, but then nevertheless confirmed the decision, the time during which the order has been inhiberat deducted from probation. Law (2016:148).

section 10 of the Notifier is a counterpart to the professionals who have

appealed the Board's responsibility or the final decision of the Court of

According to this law. If an individual has notified the disciplinary case

the Agriculture Department is also the professional counterpart. If

The Agriculture Department has appealed the decision, the public

the action of the piece.

The first subparagraph shall not apply if the Parliament

Ombudsmen or the Attorney General has appealed the

accountability Board or a court order.

Provision of 7 a of the administrative judicial procedure Act (1971:291) if

administrative official party status does not apply in respect of

where the disciplinary board made the decision in accordance with this Act.

Appeal by the Swedish Board of agriculture and County Administrative Board's decision

section 11 of the agriculture agency or County Administrative Board's decision in a

particular cases may be appealed to the Administrative Court,

If the decision concerns

1. identification, special permission to exercise the profession,

approval and specialist competence under Chapter 3., or

2. notice under Chapter 5. 7 §.

Other decisions by the Agriculture Department or the County Administrative Board in accordance with

This law may not be appealed.

Leave to appeal is required for an appeal to the administrative court.

paragraph 12 of Decision as the Agriculture Department, the County Administrative Board or the General

Administrative Court notifies pursuant to this Act applies

immediately unless otherwise determined.

Transitional provisions


1. this law shall enter into force on 1 January 2010, when the Act

(1994:844) on access to the veterinary profession shall cease

to apply.

2. The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may, in the case of applications for identification

animal nursing that are made before the end of 2014, notify

regulations regarding the professional qualifications to be considered

equivalent to such a degree as referred to in Chapter 3. section 1 of the first

paragraph 2 of this law.

3. Decision on the trial period shall be granted solely on the basis of

circumstances relating to the period before the law

date of entry into force.

4. For offences committed before the entry into force of this law

should the rules on the limitation period in section 12 of the Act (1994:844) unless

access to the veterinary profession are applied.

5. in the case of matters that have been notified to the Veterinary

Disciplinary Board before 1 January 2010, 23 and 32 §§

the Act (1994:844) on access to the veterinary profession.

6. In dealing with cases where the decision of the Veterinary

Disciplinary Board has been appealed before 1 January 2010,

35 § lagen (1994:844) on access to the veterinary profession.