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Law (2009:619) On Animal Welfare Control Register

Original Language Title: Lag (2009:619) om djurskyddskontrollregister

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Introductory provisions

section 1 of the State's agricultural work, in a country of Central

Register (animal welfare control register) to perform automated

the processing of personal data for the purposes set out in section 5.

section 2 of the processing of personal data is permitted under the

This Act may be carried out even if the individual disagrees with the

the treatment.

The relationship to the personal data Act

paragraph 3 of the personal data Act (1998:204) applies to the processing of

personal data in animal welfare control registry unless otherwise

provided for by this law or by regulations that have been issued

pursuant to this Act.

Privacy responsibility

4 § Board of agriculture is personal responsible for

the processing of personal data in

animal welfare control register.

Purpose of the processing

paragraph 5 of the personal data may be processed in

animal health checks the registry to

1. in the business of agriculture plan, coordinate,

manage, track and report on

animal welfare inspections under the animal welfare Act (1988:534), and

According to the EC regulations which are supplemented by the law,

2. provide information on animal welfare inspections as

needed in activities of provincial governments for their planning,

monitoring and control under the animal welfare act and in accordance with

the EC regulations which are supplemented by the Act, and

3. provide information needed in activities of

The Agriculture Department and the provincial governments as a basis for decisions

and control of the direct assistance and support for

rural development measures under the Act (1994:1710) if

EC regulations on agricultural products, as well as according to the law

(1994:1708) on EC regulations on structural funds and the pre-accession

to rural development.

Personal data processed for the purposes referred to in the first

subparagraph may also be treated to fulfil reporting

that is done in accordance with any other law or regulation. In

otherwise § 9, first subparagraph, (d) and the second subparagraph

personal data Act (1998:204).

Personal data may be processed

section 6 of the animal welfare control register may only be treated such

information on the subject of animal health controls according to

the animal welfare Act (1988:534) and the EC regulations that

supplemented by the law, as necessary for the purposes for which

specified in section 5.

Personal data referred to in paragraph 13 of the personal data Act

(1998:204) may not be processed.

The Government announces the details of the

personal data may be processed in

animal welfare control register.

Personal information to be provided to the registry

section 7 of the NFA, the Sami Parliament and provincial governments shall, for

the purposes set out in section 5, provide such information as referred to in

section 6, to the Agriculture Department.

Government announces details of how this

task to be performed. Law (2011:617).

The right to obtain information from the register

8 § personal information from animal welfare control register must be submitted

out of County Government requests for activities referred to in paragraph 5 of the

the first subparagraph of paragraph 2 and 3. The Government may provide,

or in each case decide, if that even another

Authority has the right to obtain information from the register.

The Government may provide for access to

information referred to in the first subparagraph shall be limited.

Direct access

9 § Disclosure by direct access to data

treated in animal welfare control register is allowed only in

the extent specified in this law or in regulation

has been notified pursuant to this Act.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for the requirements on safety measures to be

apply to such direct access.

10 § Agriculture and county administrative boards must have direct access

to the personal data to the extent necessary for the

purposes set out in section 5. Such access should, however, be

reserved for the categories of persons who, because of their

tasks need to have access to the data.

Direct access shall be restricted solely to those

information that authorities have the right to obtain from the register

According to this law or regulation issued pursuant to

of this law.

Rectification and indemnity

section 11 of the provisions of the personal data Act (1998:204) about

rectification and Indemnity apply to the processing of

personal information under this Act or the regulations that have

in connection with this Act.


section 12 of the personal data processed in the

animal welfare control register for screening when they are no longer

necessary for the purposes set out in section 5.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

However, provide, or in the case

decide, if

1. personal data may be kept for historical,

statistical and scientific-scientific purposes, and

2. that the thinning of the personal data shall be made at a specific

point in time.