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Regulation (2009:956) About Flood Risks

Original Language Title: Förordning (2009:956) om översvämningsrisker

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Introductory provisions

Article 1 the provisions of this regulation aims to reduce

adverse consequences of flooding for human health,

environment, cultural heritage and economic activity.

paragraph 2 of this regulation,

1. River basin: the same as in Chapter 5. the environmental code,

2. Sub basin, coastal area and internationally

River basin districts: the same as in Chapter 1. section 3 of the regulation

(2004:660) on the management of the quality of the aquatic environment,

3. water district: the same as in Chapter 5. the environmental code and 2

Cape. Regulation (2004:660) on the management of the quality of

the aquatic environment,

4. Directive 2000/60/EC: European Parliament and Council directive

2000/60/EC of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for

Community action in the field of water policy, as last

amended by European Parliament and Council directive


5. Directive 2007/60/EC: European Parliament and Council directive

2007/60/EC of 23 October 2007 on the assessment and management

flood risk

6. flood: temporary covering by water of land

normally not under water, including

floods resulting from lakes, streams, rock Rapids

and from the sea in coastal areas, on the other hand, floods from

sewage systems,

7. flood risk "means the combination of the probability of

flooding and possible adverse effects on human

health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activity associated

with a flood,

8. flood with medium likelihood: floods

likely will return with at least 100 year range.

Regulation (2012:587).

section 3 of the work under this regulation should, to the extent

appropriate, be coordinated with the work of the regulation

(2004:660) on the management of the quality of the aquatic environment.

Preliminary flood risk assessments

section 4 of the Swedish civil contingencies Agency, for each

water districts make a preliminary assessment of the

flood risks. Such an assessment shall include

the following:

1. A map of the water district with boundaries

river basins, sub-basins and, if available,

coastal areas. Topography and land use should be

a map.

2. A description of the floods which have occurred in the past

had a serious adverse impact on human health,

environment, cultural heritage and economic activity, and where

the likelihood of similar future floods

is still significant. The statement shall contain a

description of the extent of the flooding, their

diversion routes and an assessment of the adverse impacts

as they had.

3. A history of prior occurred significant

floods in which such consequences as described under 2

not been identified, but who nevertheless has been of such a nature

It can be anticipated that similar future events,

significant adverse consequences.

Are there specific needs assessment should also contain

future flood potential adverse consequences for

human health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic

activities, as far as possible with regard to the aspects

such as the topography, the modes and their general

hydrological and geomorphological characteristics, the effectiveness of

existing infrastructures designed by humans to

prevent floods, population areas, areas

with economic activity and development in the long term,

including the impact of climate change on the occurrence of


In the case of an international river basin district

should the Swedish civil contingencies agency Exchange

relevant information with the authority or authorities that have

the corresponding data in Finland or Norway.

paragraph 5 of the Swedish civil contingencies Agency shall have

complete the preliminary flood risk assessment

According to section 4 by 22 december 2011. The assessment should be seen

over and if necessary updated by 22 december 2018.

Thereafter, review and updating at least every six

year. Such review will likely climate change

the influence on the occurrence of floods shall be taken into account.

section 6 of the Swedish civil contingencies Agency shall, with

based on the preliminary assessment of

flood risks under paragraph 4, for each water district

account in which areas the authority is of the opinion that significant

flood risk exists or might be expected to occur.

If an area referred to in the first subparagraph are adjacent to a

water districts in Finland or Norway shall be the authority for

civil contingencies Agency coordinate its work with the

or the authorities who have the corresponding data in the

the country.

Maps of flood prone areas and over

flood risks

section 7 of the Swedish civil contingencies Agency, for the

areas recognised in accordance with paragraph 6 of the first subparagraph

develop maps of flood prone areas. Maps

shall cover the geographical areas which could be affected


1. floods with a low probability are expected to occur,

or are expected to occur only in extreme situations,

2. flood with medium probability is expected

occur, and, if appropriate,

3. floods that are expected to occur with high probability.

In the case of coastal areas with a sufficient level of protection and areas

where flooding is from groundwater sources, maps

restricted to the geographical areas referred to in

the first subparagraph 1.

The maps shall recognise the supposed flood

sprawl, water depth, water level and, if it is

appropriate, the flow velocity or the relevant water flow.

section 8 provincial offices in norrbotten, Västernorrland,

Västmanland County, Kalmar county and Västra Götaland,

within the water district as the respective County Administrative Board in

as the water authority is responsible for according to section 22

Ordinance (2007:825) with länsstyrelse instruction, preparation

maps of flood risks for the areas set out

in accordance with paragraph 6 of the first paragraph.

The maps shall show the potential adverse consequences associated

with such floods are reported in accordance with paragraph 7 of the first

paragraph 1 – 3. Of the maps will indicate

1. how many residents at risk,

2. What are the different economic activities carried out within the

area at risk,

3. the activities referred to in the annex to the regulation

(2004:989) on the review of certain hazardous activities and

which might cause accidental pollution in flood and

those areas designated for protection under the

provisions of paragraph 1 of the Foundation, iii and v of annex IV

to Directive 2000/60/EC and that are susceptible, and

4. any other information that is useful.

section 9 If a map according to § 7 or 8 touches upon an area that is shared

with Finland or Norway, the authority draws up

a map to exchange information on the work of the

authorities who have the corresponding task in that country.

section 10 of the maps referred to in paragraphs 7 and 8 shall be completed no later than

22 december 2013. The maps will be reviewed and, if necessary,

updated by 22 december 2019. Thereafter, review

and updating at least every six years.

section 11 of the maps referred to in paragraphs 7 and 8, and subsequent revisions

of these according to section 10 shall be prepared so that the information

they contain is consistent with relevant information according to

Chapter 3. section 1 of the Regulation (2004:660) on the management of

the quality of the aquatic environment. They should also be coordinated with the

revisions made under that provision.

Risk management plans

section 12 of Each County Board shall, on the basis of the maps

drawn up in accordance with paragraphs 7 and 8, develop a plan for handling

of flood risks (risk management plan). In the plan,

include objectives for the management of flood risks for the

areas recognised in accordance with paragraph 6 of the first paragraph. At

the setting of objectives, the provincial Government take particular account of the

the ability to reduce the possible adverse consequences of

flooding for human health, the environment, cultural heritage and

economic activity.

The plan must address all aspects of the management of

flood risks. Special attention to

prevention, protection and preparedness, including

flood forecasting and early warning systems. The different

basin or sub-basin area features shall

be taken into account.

Plan may not include measures which, by their extent

or their consequences significantly increases the risk of flooding

upstream or downstream in Finland or Norway in the same

River basin or sub-basin, unless the

countries concerned have coordinated these measures and agreed on a


paragraph 13 of the provincial governments will coordinate the risk management plans,

that includes water district which is located at

Swedish territory, the water district level.

For the risk management plans relating to an international

River basin districts, the relevant provincial Governments ensure

that coordination takes place with the corresponding risk management plans in

Norway or Finland.

Flood risk management plans referred to in the second subparagraph shall, when

provincial governments and the authorities having equivalent

data in Norway or Finland considers it appropriate,

supplemented by more detailed plans coordinated at

the level of the international river basin district.

section 14 of the flood risk management plans should be completed and

published by 22 december 2015. The plans are to be seen

over and if necessary updated by 22 december 2021.

Thereafter, review and updating at least every six

year. Upon such review shall likely climate change

the influence on the occurrence of floods shall be taken into account.

section 15 of the flood risk management plans and their subsequent reviews

of these according to section 14 shall be drawn up in coordination with the

reviews of the management plans in accordance with Chapter 5. 1 §

Regulation (2004:660) on the management of the quality of

the aquatic environment.

Other provisions

section 16 in the preparation of assessments, reports, maps

and flood risk management plans referred to in 4, 6, 7, 8 and 12 sections, the

responsible authorities consult with other authorities

affected by the work.

The competent authorities shall prepare the relevant municipalities and

others who are particularly interested the opportunity to submit

evidence and make representations.

Provincial governments, through the publication of the draft

risk management plans provide government agencies, municipalities,

organisations, operators, the public and others

concerned the opportunity to submit comments for at least two months

on the plans. This also applies to the review and updating of

flood risk management plans.

section 17 of the preliminary flood risk assessment

under paragraph 4, maps of flood prone areas and

flood risk in accordance with §§ 7 and 8 and

flood risk management plans referred to in section 12 shall, as soon as possible after

completion shall be published by the authority responsible

for preparation.

section 18 of the Swedish civil contingencies Agency, notify

detailed rules on the information to the County Board shall

provide authority to carry out its

tasks under paragraph 2 and 3, as well as what maps

According to § 8 shall contain and how they should be designed.

The Swedish civil contingencies Agency, notify

rules about what the flood risk management plans referred to in section 12 shall

contain and how they should be designed.

§ 19 Of the Swedish civil contingencies agency finds

to an issue that has implications for the management of the risk of

flooding also affects Finland or Norway within the meaning

in article 8(5) of Directive 2007/60/EC, it shall

notify the Government about this. The authority shall at the same time

leave suggestions on how the issue should be resolved.

A County Administrative Board which draws attention to a matter referred to in the first

subparagraph shall inform the Swedish civil

preparedness for this.