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Protection Law (2010:305)

Original Language Title: Skyddslag (2010:305)

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Law & order and protection purposes

paragraph 1 of this law provides for certain measures to

enhanced protection for buildings, other structures, areas and

other objects to

1. sabotage,

2. terrorist offences within the meaning of section 2 of the Act (SFS 2003:148) of punishment for

terrorist offences,

3. spying and disclosure in other cases of secret data

relating to the overall defense, and

4. aggravated robbery.

section 2 of the Act also contains provisions on the protection of

the public against damage which may arise as a result of military


Object of protection

section 3 in order to satisfy the need for protection under section 1 or 2,

It is decided that something should be the object of protection.

4 § the following buildings, other structures and areas,

decided to be the object of protection

1. the head of State and the Crown Prince residence and housing, as well as

the Prime Minister's housing,

2. buildings, other structures and areas that the State has

ownership or access rights to and appropriated by the

the Parliament or member of the management,

3. buildings and other facilities which the State, a municipality

or a County has ownership or access rights to

and used or intended to lead or control

State or municipal operations,

4. buildings, other structures and areas used or

intended for the management of emergency services or

Swedish Defence civilian elements in general or of peacetime

crisis management, energy supply, water supply,

electronic communications, transport or

defence industrial purposes, and

5. buildings, other structures and areas used or

are intended for activities that involve the maintenance of

public order and security, activities within the prison system

or Sweden's supply of banknotes and coins.

5 § the following buildings, other structures and areas or

objects can also be decided be the object of protection

1. buildings, other structures and areas that the State has

ownership or access rights to and appropriated by the

The armed forces, the Swedish defence materiel administration, or Försvarets

Radio establishment, as well as military ships and aircraft,

2. areas where the armed forces, the Swedish defence materiel administration, or

National defence radio establishment temporarily engaged in exercises, sample

or try or unforeseen consequences of such activities

can occur,

3. areas where the armed forces have been deployed to prevent a

violation of Sweden's territory or to meet a

armed aggression against the country,

4. areas in which a foreign State's military strength in the framework

for international co-operation temporarily engaged in exercises

in this country in connection with education for peace-support

activities or for other military purposes, and

5. areas of particular importance for the military

the defense.

section 6 of the Other buildings, facilities and areas other than those

mentioned in 4 and 5 sections can be decided be the object of protection, whether they are of

importance of total defense and Sweden are at war

or war danger or there are other extraordinary

conditions relating to the war.

Under the same circumstances, locomotives and railway wagons adopted

be the object of protection.

The meaning of a decision on protection objects

paragraph 7 of the decision on protection objects means that unauthorized persons do not have

access to skyddsobjektet.

By special resolution, refusal of access combined with a

prohibition of making images, descriptions or

measurements of or within skyddsobjektet.

If that's enough to meet the need for protection, can

refusal of access may be replaced by an image ban or by

a ban on swimming, diving, anchoring or fishing.

section 8 If a prohibition referred to in section 7 covers an area

specified in section 5 of 2 or 3, the prohibition applies also to a single

person who owns or otherwise has the use of the area.

Coverage of the object of protection

9 section For coverage of a protective item, police officers, military

staff or other dedicated personnel be hired.

The covering an object of protection and non-police officer

referred to as the security guard.

10 § whoever wants access to a security object or

staying close to the object of protection is required to

request of the covering skyddsobjektet

1. give your name, date of birth and place of residence,

2. submit to physical examination, other than those relating to survey

by letter or any other single act, and

3. put up with examination of vehicles, ships and aircraft

that has carried to the site.

section 11 of the watches a security object may decide

physical examination and testing of vehicles, vessels and

aircraft, if necessary to guard the task to

performance or to search for items that can be

seizure under this Act.

section 12 of The covering a protection object if it is needed

to watch the task to be fulfilled reject, remove

or, if such a measure is not sufficient, temporary

dispose of a person within or adjacent to the skyddsobjektet, if

the person

1. violates any prohibition that applies by virtue of decision

under this Act,

2. refuse to, on request, provide an indication of the name, date of birth

or domicile or leaves the indication to that effect, as may reasonably be

is assumed to be false,

3. refuse to submit to physical examination, or

4. refuses to acquiesce in the examination of vehicles, vessels or


section 13 A security guard in the skyddsobjektet and in its vicinity

the same powers as a police officer to arrest that there is

reasons for request for espionage, sabotage, terrorist offences, aggravated

robbery or preparation of such crimes and to take in

fittings subject that person brings with it. This is also true if

the suspect is on the run from skyddsobjektet.

section 14 of The covering an object of protection may include items seized,

that may reasonably be expected to be relevant to the investigation of crimes against

This law or be forfeited.

15 § strip search may be more detailed than what

the purpose of the operation requires.

Strip search, which is of more substantial coverage, properly if

possible be carried out indoors in a secluded room and in a witness


Physical examination of an individual may not, without special circumstances

carried out or witnessed by persons other than persons of

same sex to be frisked, physician or licensed

nurses. A cursory physical examination as deemed necessary

for security reasons and for searching for weapons

or other dangerous objects may be carried out by other means.

16 § Over body searches, temporary detentions,

arrests and seizures should be kept protocols give reasons

of the action and what occurred when the measure was taken.

section 17 of the temporary custody, arrest or seizure

made by a protective guard shall immediately be notified to the

police officer. Confiscated property will be handed over to the policeman.

Those who received the notification shall immediately examine whether the action to


A temporary disposal shall cease as soon as the purpose

with operation has lost its importance, but not later than six

hours after treatment.

A police officer who takes positions with temporary

detentions made pursuant to this Act shall apply

the provisions of §§ 15-17

Police Act (1984:387).

Decision on protection objects

section 18 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may decide on matters of protection items.

Such a decision may not be made more intervention or

comprehensive than what is needed to meet the need for protection.

As far as possible, ensuring that a decision will not

to cause damage or other inconvenience to other General

or individual interests.

section 19 of the Buildings, other structures and areas referred to in paragraph 4 of the

2 object of protection may be decided with the consent of

Speaker of the Parliament.

Buildings, other structures, areas or items listed

in paragraph 4 of the 4 or 5 or referred to in section 6 shall not be decided to be

object of protection, but with-rewarding by the owner, if any

other than the State. What if the owner also applies to the

who use the building, plant, area or object.

In other cases, a decision on protection objects if possible

be preceded by a consultation with the owner of or has the use of the building,

facility or area.

section 20 a decision on protective items should be valid indefinitely or

during a specified period of time.

A decision on the object of protection under section 4 or 5 shall, however, apply to

for a certain period of time, at five years. If it is clear that the

conditions that provide the basis for the decision on protection objects

will persist for longer periods of time, can the decision be given longer

or appointed to apply until further notice.

section 21 of a decision on the object of protection, it must be ordered

the decision should be valid even if it has not acquired the authority of a final decision.

section 22 of The owning or use a protection object is responsible for

the object guarded and to disclosure of the decision

object of protection afforded by clear signage or other


In a decision on protective items should indicate who

responsibility for the obligations as set out in the first subparagraph.

section 23 of the decision on protection objects may be repealed or amended if

the conditions of the order have changed.

section 24 of The owning or use a protection object

notify the authority that decided on the skyddsobjektet,

If the conditions of the order have changed significantly.

24 (a) of the Act (2014:514) if responsibility for some security issues

at the Prime Minister's official residences, there are provisions

apply in place of those mentioned in section 18, first paragraph if

decision on protective items and in section 22 if responsibility for monitoring

object of protection and disclosure of decisions on protection objects.

Law (2014:516).

Protective guards

section 25 it can be protective guard, which after examination is approved with

account of obedience to the law, civic reliability,

suitability for the rest of the task as security guard.

Questions concerning the approval of protective guard must be examined by the authority

as the Government determines.

section 26 an approval protection guard should be valid for a certain

time, at five years, and should relate to employment or assignment at

certain job or clients or service at some

object of protection.

27 § approval protection guard should be withdrawn if

1. a security guard no longer meets the conditions for

the approval referred to in section 25, or

2. the otherwise there is any particular reason for withdrawal.

The authority has announced acceptance decides on


A decision on the withdrawal of a marketing authorisation shall be valid until

further, pending a final ruling, if it can be assumed

final approval will be revoked.

section 28 a withdrawal decision shall be effective immediately, unless

other appointment.

Professional secrecy

section 29 that is or has been a security guard shall not unduly

disclose or make use of what he or she as a result of a mission

According to this law had to know about an individual's personal

conditions or conditions relevant to

total defense or otherwise for Sweden's security.

In the public activities apply publicity and

secrecy (2009:400).


section 30 of The who willfully or negligently violates a

the prohibition referred to in section 7 shall be liable to a fine or imprisonment of up to

one year, if the Act is not subject to punishment in the criminal code.

section 31 of the false or misleading information for the

to get the-threaded into an object of protection shall be liable to a fine or

imprisonment not exceeding six months, if the offence is not subject to

punishment in the criminal code.


32 § Images, descriptions and measurement data

come to by crimes under this Act is to be explained


The same applies to objects used as means for crime

against the-na law, unless it is manifestly unreasonable.


33 § management decisions on a building, a

facility, an area or an object to be

object of protection, or if the approval or withdrawal of

approval as a protection officer may be appealed to the General

Administrative Court. A decision on the object of protection may only

appeal of which is wholly or partly own or use

the object.

Leave to appeal is required in the case of appeal to the administrative court.

Transitional provisions


1. This law shall enter into force on 1 July 2010, when the law

(1990:217) for the protection of vital infrastructure facilities, etc. to

cease to have effect. The old law's provisions of §§ 23-32

and § 36 and § 37 in respect of criminal liability for the

incorrect or misleading information in order to gain access

to a military restricted area or State of residence

within such an area, apply until 31

December 2011.

2. Anyone who has served as a protective perimeter guard before

entry into force may continue to not unduly reveal

or take advantage of what he or she as a result of the mission according to the

the law found out about an individual's personal circumstances

or conditions relevant for total defense or

otherwise for Sweden's security.

3. buildings, other structures and areas, as well as military

ships and aircraft that have been declared as object of protection before

date of entry into force shall continue to be considered

object of protection until the end of 2014. The old

the law applies to the protection object.

4. Appeals relating to decisions handed down prior to

entry into force, but not yet settled are pending under the old

the law.

5. That under the old law has been approved as security guard

deemed approved even under the new law.