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Protection Regulation (2010:523)

Original Language Title: Skyddsförordning (2010:523)

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Introductory provision

section 1 of this regulation contains rules that connect to

Protection Act (2010:305).

Decision on protection objects

section 2 of the armed forces may determine in accordance with section 18 of the Act

(2010:305) in matters relating to the object of protection that apply

1. such buildings, other structures and sites listed

in 5 § 1 Protection Act and occupied mainly by

The armed forces, the Swedish defence materiel administration, or Försvarets

Radio establishment,

2. military vessels and aircraft referred to in paragraph 1

Protection Act,

3. areas referred to in paragraph 2 and 3 Act on the decision

are not for longer than three days,

4. areas referred to in paragraph 4 and 5 Protection Act, and

5. the items referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 6 of the Act.

3 § in cases other than those shown in section 2,

the County Administrative Board in the county where the building, plant or

the area is on the object of protection. However, this does not

the parliamentary or Government buildings, facilities or


4 § When buildings, other structures and areas used both

of the authorities engaged in military activities and by

authorities engaged in civilian activities, should be consulted

The Swedish armed forces.

In other cases, a decision on the object of protection is preceded by consultation

with the relevant government authorities for the need of it.

§ 5/expires U: 2016-05-01/

The Authority decided on an object of protection, in

necessary, notify the relevant State and municipal authorities

the decision.

§ 5/comes into force in: 2016-05-01/

The Authority decided on a object of protection shall, where necessary, inform the relevant Government and municipal authorities of the decision.

The County Board shall notify the armed forces if the decision under the second or third subparagraph of paragraph 7 Protection Act (2010:305) skyddsobjektets outside and disclose the information on the object of protection that has been the basis for the decision. Regulation (2016:322).

Approval of protective guard

6 § The designated to security guard shall be approved by

the County Administrative Board in the county where he or she resides.

The one in the armed forces is appointed to guard and protection

However, the Agency's personnel belong to instead be approved

of the armed forces.

section 7 At the county administrative boards and the military trial of a

person's obedience to the law and citizens ' reliability, data

referred to in section 21 of the Act 2 safety (1996:627) be obtained.

At the trial, 19, 24-26 and 28 § § safety protection act

and 29, 31-33 and 43 § § security regulation (1996:633)


The second paragraph does not apply when the provincial Government collects data

from criminal records and suspected the register by

direct access under section 20 of the Regulation (1999:1134) if

load table or section 7 of the Ordinance (1999:1135) if

suspicion registers.

section 8 If a person's obedience to the law and citizens ' trust

already have been tried under the Act (1974:191) if

security companies or safety protection Act (1996:627),

the County Administrative Board or the defence forces upon approval examination

fail to obtain the information set out in section 7, if it is

clear that any further verification is not required.

§ 9 the County Board shall levy a fee for the examination of an application for

approval of protective guard.

In the case of the application fee and procedure when

charges apply 9-14 § § fee Regulation (1992:191),

and fee class 2 shall apply.

Withdrawal of approval as security guard

10 § Withdrawn approval protection guard, proof of

approval immediately handed over to the authority

done this. The same applies if the approval is revoked

pending a final decision.

Other provisions in relation to protection guard

11 § A protective guard shall wear clothing or service characters

makes it clear that the person serving as the

protection guard. A protective guard shall service lead evidence

If approval.

section 12 of a protection guard is obligated to obey a police man's orders in

measures referred to in section 17 of the Act (2010:305).

The identification of water bodies

paragraph 13 of the Waters set out in paragraph 5 of 5 Protection Act (2010:305)

and decided to be the object of protection should be identified on

General maps and charts of appropriate scale.

The defence forces shall ensure that information on such areas,

as necessary, entering even on other maps and

nautical charts.

The defence forces shall notify the national land survey of Sweden and the Finnish maritime administration

When a body of water has been decided to be the object of protection, with the support

of Protection Act.

The right to provide

section 14 of the defence forces may provide for

enforcement of the Act (2010:305)

1. the training and equipping of security guards as well as design

of proof of approval in respect of the armed forces


2. the coverage of protection items as appropriated mainly

of the armed forces, the Swedish defence materiel administration, or Försvarets

Radio establishment, protective items that are military ships and

aircraft as well as the object of protection under section 5 2 – 5 Protection Act,


3. the design of signs.

Before the armed forces Announces regulations referred to in the first

paragraph 3, the Police and the security police.

Regulation (2014:1228).

section 15, the police authority may, after consulting the

The security police, provide for the enforcement of

Protection Act (2010:305)

1. the training and equipping of security guards as well as design

of proof of approval in respect of the security guards who are not

belongs to the armed forces personnel, and

2. coverage of other protective items than those listed in section 14, first subparagraph 2. Regulation (2014:1228).

Transitional provisions


1. This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 July 2010.

2. The regulation repeals Regulation (1990:1334) if

protection of vital installations, etc. the repealed

the regulations in matters of military protection areas

in paragraphs 9 and 16, section 18 and of the annex to the repealed Regulation

However, until 31 december 2011.