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Prison Law (2010:610)

Original Language Title: Fängelselag (2010:610)

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1 Cape. Introductory provisions

Content and scope of the law

section 1 of this Act provides for the enforcement of

imprisonment in correctional. The provisions relating to

-placement (Chapter 2),

-employment and compensation (Chapter 3),

-leisure (4 chapters),

-personal effects (Chapter 5.),

-stay in the community and privacy (Chapter 6),

-visits and other contacts (7 chapters),

-specific control and enforcement action (8 chapters),

-health care (9 kap.),

-permission and another temporary stay outside the institution

(Chapter 10),

-Special utslussnings measures (section 11.),

-warning and deferred parole (12 chapters), and

decisions and appeals, etc. (13-15 chapter).

section 2 of The as is set out in the institution may be granted to reside outside the

institution under 9 Cape. section 1, Chapter 10. 1-4 sections and section 11. 1 §.

That stay outside the institution is not considered to be an inmate, by

The Agency of the Department of corrections and rehabilitation, transported outside a correctional facility with

because a decision under the law to be enforced.

In the case of a stay outside the institution under section 11. paragraph 1(1)

2-4 does not apply 2-10 Cape.

paragraph 3 of the rules for when a custodial sentence may be executed and

the time of execution to be calculated can be found in the law

(1974:202) concerning the calculation of the penalty time etc.

Verkställighetens objectives and design

section 4 of Each inmate should be treated with respect for their

human dignity and with an understanding of the specific difficulties

associated with detention.

section 5 of the enforcement should be designed in such a way that the intagnes

adaptation in society is facilitated and that the negative consequences

of detention be countered.

Enforcement shall, to the extent possible without

that the requirement for civil eftersätts, focus in particular on the

measures designed to prevent recidivism. For

each inmate will be the establishment of an individually designed

implementation plan.

Enforcement must be planned and designed after consultation with

the prisoner and in co-operation with relevant authorities.

section 6 enforcement may not entail other restrictions in

the intagnes freedom than permitted by this Act or which is

necessary to order or security to

be maintained.

A control or coercive measure may only be used if the

commensurate with the purpose of the measure. If a

less severe measure is sufficient to be used.

Special conditions for long term sentenced

section 7 For an inmate who is serving jail time in at least four years to

it, unless it is clearly unnecessary, be made for the

special conditions for safety reasons are necessary when the


1. placement in a correctional facility,

2. stay outside the institution under Cape. 1 and 2 sections, and

3. specific utslussnings measures under Chapter 11. 1 §.

If there are special reasons to conditions referred to in the first subparagraph


for an inmate who has been sentenced to imprisonment for not less than

two years.

§ 8 examination of the specific conditions that apply to

enforcement under the should occur as soon as the execution

begin or else when there is a need for the Conditions.

should be reviewed when there are grounds for it.

A decision on the location, leave, special leave or

Special utslussnings measures shall be granted in breach of the

the specific terms and conditions.

Chapter 2. Placement

Placement in institution

1 § intake must not be placed in such a way that he or she

subject to more intervention and control than that is

necessary to order or security to

be maintained.

When deciding on placement shall, to the extent

possible, taking into account the intagnes need for employment,

nursing and an appropriate release planning.

section 2 of An inmate must not be placed in such a way that he or she is staying

together with inmates of the opposite sex. An inmate may be

permitted to reside with the prisoners of the opposite sex if it is

appropriate and the inmates agree to it.

Placement of young

section 3 of An inmate who is under the age of eighteen must not be placed so that the

He or she is staying along with inmates over the age of eighteen, if

It cannot be considered on his or her best.

Placement on the Security Office

4 § An inmate may be placed in a Department with special high

degree of monitoring and control (Security Office) if

1. There is a permanent risk to the prisoner holds or

the enactment and it can be assumed that he or she is particularly prone

to continue serious criminal activity, or

2. There is special reason to believe that there is a need for

to prevent the prisoner from serious criminal activity

during their stay in the institution.

The decision on placement at a Security Office should be reviewed

so often there is a reason for it, but at least once in


Authorization to have babies at home

5 § An inmate may be granted to have their babies at home, on the

can be considered to be in the best interests of the child.

3 Cape. Employment and compensation

The intagnes the right to employment

section 1 of An inmate shall be given the opportunity to job creation in the form of

work, education, law and missbruksrelaterad

programme activities or other structured activities.

Employment duty

section 2 of An inmate is required to perform or participate in the

employment as assigned to him or her.

An inmate who receives an old-age pension under the

social security code must not be imposed on any employment.

An inmate granted sick pay or

activity compensation in accordance with the same beam may be required

employment only of the type and the scale can

considered suitable for him or her.

An inmate may not be required to submit to treatment of

medical character.


section 3 of An inmate is entitled to compensation from the prison system if

1. he or she has done or participated in the designated

employment, and

2. compensation for employment is not paid by any

the other one.

section 4 of the Swedish prison and probation service should, for permissions and

parole purposes, retain a tenth of the compensation

referred to in section 3. The prison system may, in special cases, to admit that

the compensation withheld is used for any other purpose.

Compensation withheld shall be paid to the prisoner

most recently, when he or she should no longer be

detention of a person.

In the case of those who are sentenced to deportation are compensated as

withheld as referred to in the first subparagraph to be used for the payment of a

such a trip referred to in chapter 19. section 1 of the Aliens Act (2005:716).

5 § If an inmate has been intentionally damaged property belonging to

or granted to the Swedish prison and probation service, the prison system by

the compensation referred to in paragraph 3 of the charge an amount equal to

the cost to replace or otherwise restore

the property.

section 6 of the financial contribution referred to in section 3 shall not be imposed.

4 Cape. Leisure

Stay outdoors

1 § An inmate should be allowed to live outdoors at least one

hour each day, unless there are extraordinary reasons against it.

Leisure activity

section 2 of An inmate shall be given the opportunity to attend

to physical activity and other leisure activity.

Range of mass media

section 3 of An inmate shall be given the opportunity to follow

What's going on in the outside world.

Religious practice

section 4 of An inmate shall be given the opportunity to exercise

their religion.

Board of Trustees

section 5 of An inmate shall be given the opportunity to properly

meet with other inmates for deliberation on issues

of common interest for the inmates (Board of Trustees).

A District Council should be given the opportunity to properly

discuss with the leadership of the institution.

Chapter 5. Personal belongings

1 § An inmate may receive and hold books, magazines and

newspapers, however, are not those which can

1. endangering the order or security, or

2. assumed to counteract the treatment that he or she is going through.

Otherwise get a inmate receive and possess the personal

belongings that are justified on account of the fact that

the execution will be carried out in an appropriate


section 2 of the Effects that an inmate must not receive and hold

for disposal and stored for the intagnes enumeration.

Belongings which seized shall be disclosed to the

prisoner not later than he or she will no longer be

be deprived of liberty.

An inmate may not without special consent use that

and money seized as referred to in the first subparagraph.

paragraph 3 of the belongings that seized the intagnes

the expense must be sent to the address where he or she is

registered or to any other address as he or she specifies.

4 § Leaves an inmate left belongings in a correctional facility shall

facilities are kept there for three months from the date of the

the detention ceased. If the composition is not available for download

out within this time, the Department of corrections and rehabilitation may be sold through the Agency of the

or, if that is not possible, destroyed.

If the prison system has sold a intagens belongings, he has

or she right to equitable remuneration. Such compensation may

not be paid with a higher amount than that has earned at

the sale.

Chapter 6. Stay in commonality and privacy


1 § intakes will be during the time when he or she is required

to perform or participate in employment is staying together with

other inmates (commonality), unless otherwise indicated in this Act

or follow the specific nature of employment.

section 2 of An inmate should be allowed to in their spare time staying in

commonality, unless otherwise provided in this Act.

Privacy in daily rest

paragraph 3 of the Prisoners may be kept separate from each other in connection

to the daily rest period.

Privacy at his own request

4 § An inmate may, if appropriate, be allowed to

request be held separately from other inmates.

A concession to privacy in accordance with the first paragraph, the

be reviewed as often as there is a reason for it, but at least a

Once a month.

Detachment of police and safety reasons

5 § Inmates may temporarily be kept separate from each other, if

It is necessary to order or security to

be maintained.

section 6 An inmate may temporarily be kept separately from any other

inmates, if necessary due to the fact that the prisoner is

violent or drunk.

If a separation as referred to in the first subparagraph cannot be executed

in prison, the prisoner is placed in custody for up to 48 hours.

section 7 An inmate may be held separately from other inmates if it is


1. with respect to national security,

2. in view of the fact that there is a risk of the intagnes

or someone else's safety to life or health or the

serious damage to property belonging to or have

granted to the prison system,

3. in view of the fact that there is a risk that the prisoner

hold or be released and it can be assumed that he or she is

particularly inclined to pursue serious criminal activity,

4. in order to prevent that the prisoner will affect any other inmate

to seriously disrupt order in the institution,

5. to prevent the prisoner to any

other inmate access to alcohol, drugs, something

other intoxicants, such funds as referred to in 1

§ Act (1991:1969) prohibiting certain doping substances or

any such be covered by the law (1999:42) on the prohibition of the

certain health dangerous goods, or

6. in order to prevent the prisoner seriously harasses someone

another inmate.

A decision on privacy referred to in the first subparagraph shall be reviewed as

often there is a reason for it, but at least every tenth day.

Privacy in the investigation of misskötsamhet

section 8 during the investigation of matters under Chapter 12. section 1 of this Act

or in accordance with chapter 26. 6 and 7 of the Criminal Code have a intake

temporarily be kept separately from any other inmates in the

extent that it is strictly necessary for the purpose of

the investigation should not be compromised. The prisoner cannot be held

separated for more than four days.

An inmate who kept separately from other inmates under the first

subparagraph may be refused contact with other people through visits,

electronic communications or mailings, if it is

absolutely necessary to the purpose of the investigation is not to be


If a separation as referred to in the first subparagraph cannot be executed

in prison, the prisoner is placed in custody.

Privacy at body inspection

section 9, An inmate may be held separately from other inmates if it is

necessary to carry out a physical inspection.

Medical examination

section 10 of An inmate being held separately from other inmates because

He or she behaves violently or is dangerous for

their own safety to life or health shall be examined by the

doctor as soon as possible. An inmate who otherwise

kept separately from other inmates is to be examined by a doctor if

It is necessary to take into account the intagnes of health, however,

at least once a month.

Chapter 7. Visits and other contacts


1 § An inmate may receive visits as far as

preferably can be done. A visit may be refused if the

1. can compromise security in a way that cannot be remedied

by control under section 2 or 3,

2. can counter the intagnes adaptation in society, or

3. can otherwise be detrimental to the prisoner or

someone else.

2 § a visit may, if it is necessary in the interest of safety,

checked by

1. staff are monitoring the visit, or

2. the visit takes place in a room that is designed so that the

makes it impossible to subject to be handed over.

A visit from a lawyer assisting the prisoner in a legal

matter may be checked only if the lawyer or the

prisoner requests it.

3 § a visit may, if it is necessary in the interest of safety,

conditioned by the visitor to submit to physical examination

or superficial person.

Electronic communications

4 § intakes may be linked with another person by

electronic communications, to the extent appropriate,

take place. Such communications may be refused if the

1. can compromise security in a way that cannot be remedied

by interception under section 5,

2. can counter the intagnes adaptation in society, or

3. can otherwise be detrimental to the prisoner or

someone else.

5 § electronic communications between an inmate and another

person may be intercepted if it is necessary for security reasons. The

to communicate with each other should be informed in advance


Electronic communications between an inmate and a lawyer who

assist the prisoner in a legal matter may not



section 6, A shipment between an inmate and a lawyer, a Swedish

authority or an international body of Sweden

recognized the competence to receive complaints from individuals to

forwarded without examination. If there is reason to

assume that the sender of such shipment to

an inmate is incorrect, the shipment may be examined with a view to

investigate who the sender is.

7 § in cases other than those referred to in section 6 shall a shipment to

or from an inmate in the correctional facility to be examined, if necessary

with respect to the policy or public security. The purpose of the

the review will be to examine whether the shipment

1. contain any illegal items, or

2. is part of an on-going or planned criminal

activities, an adverse or any other similar


section 8 A shipment which has been reviewed shall, unless special

reasons speak against it, be disclosed to the prisoner as soon as

possible and no later than when he or she should no longer be

detention of a person.

section 9 provisions of §§ 6-8 also apply to a shipment to

or from a group of inmates.

Common rules

section 10 if necessary in order to assess whether or

electronic communications may be permitted pursuant to § 1 or 4

or should be verified in accordance with section 2 or 5, shall in advance

be investigated whether the contact is to take place with is tried or

suspected of crimes or to carry out criminal activities.

To the extent necessary information gathered may also

If his or her personal circumstances otherwise.

section 11 of the Government may in the case of a specific inmate decide whether

derogations from the provisions of this chapter, if necessary

with respect to national security or the risk to the

prisoner during the execution of the institution involved to

terrorist offences within the meaning of section 2 of the Act (SFS 2003:148) of punishment for

terrorist offences.

section 12 of the Regulations that an inmate may be refused contact with

other people through visits, electronic communications and

items can also be found in Chapter 6. paragraph 8 of the second paragraph.

Chapter 8. Specific control and repression


1 § in order to facilitate the identification of an inmate may

photograph taken by him or her.

Control of residential rooms

section 2 of The intagens residential area and his or her

belongings may be checked to the extent

necessary to order or security to

be maintained.

The first paragraph also applies to other closed storage sites

the prisoner has at its disposal.

Strip search and body inspection

section 3 of The to be included into a correctional facility will be strip-searched or

kroppsbesiktigas for eftersökande of unauthorized objects when he

or she's going to prison, if it is not clear


4 § inmate gets strip-searched or kroppsbesiktigas for

eftersökande of unauthorized items on

1. There is reason to believe that such a subject will

be reached on him or her,

2. he or she will return after a stay outside of the institution,

3. he or she must have or have had a visit without such

scrutiny referred to in Chapter 7. section 2, or

4. There is in a sample, or connected to a

major study which, for safety reasons, are made of a space

within the institution, and the prisoner has or has had special

relating to the space.

5 § intakes may also in cases other than those referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4

strip-searched for eftersökande of weapons and other dangerous

the subject, if it is necessary for security reasons.

section 6 An inmate is, unless otherwise justified by the medical or

for similar reasons, is obliged, upon request, provide urine, breath-

, salivary, sweat-, blood or hair samples to check that he

or she is not under the influence of alcohol, drugs, anything else

intoxicants, such funds as referred to in paragraph 1 of the law

(1991:1969) prohibiting certain doping substances or any

such be covered by the law (1999:42) prohibiting certain

hazardous goods.

section 7 of the strip search or body inspection shall not be performed

or witnessed by someone of the opposite sex who is not a doctor

or registered nurse. However, this does not

1. a physical examination referred to in section 5,

2. a physical examination which only means that object as a

person carries are examined,

3. a physical examination with a metal detector or similar

technical device, or

4. an inspection body which only means that the second sample than

urine sample taken pursuant to section 6.

If necessary, a strip search or a

physical inspection of a man performed or witnessed by an

woman also in cases other than those referred to in the first subparagraph.

Disposal of unauthorized items

section 8 alcohol, drugs and other intoxicants, such funds

referred to in paragraph 1 of the Act (1991:1969) prohibiting certain

doping substances or products covered by the law

(1999:42) banning certain health dangerous goods may

disposed of and destroyed

1. If they are carried by someone who should be included in a correctional facility,

2. If they are found of an inmate,

3. If they are sent to an inmate, or

4. If the otherwise is encountered within an institution and it does not

no known owner of them.

The first paragraph also applies to syringes, needles and

other objects that are especially designed to be used in the

drug addiction or other position with drugs.

9 § an object found in a correctional facility may, in cases other than

referred to in section 8 and Chapter 5. 2 § disposed, if it can be assumed

that object will be confiscated. Treatment should

soon as possible be notified to the who may decide on seizures.


10 § intakes may be subject to lockup

1. the movement within the institution and in the transport or other

stay outside the prison, if necessary by

security reasons, or

2. If he or she behaves violently and it is absolutely

in relation to the intagnes own or any

else's safety to life or health.

A doctor will examine as soon as possible an inmate who

subject to lockup under the first subparagraph 2.

General checkpoint registration with

11 § if necessary for safety shall be

maintained by an institution may decide that the prison system

all persons entering the institution to be strip-searched

(General checkpoint registration with). The purpose of the General

checkpoint registration with should be to search for unauthorized

objects. Written communications may not be reviewed.

A decision on General checkpoint registration with shall be up to

three months.

The prison system may, in individual cases, grant derogations from the General

checkpoint registration with, if there are special reasons.

Vehicle control

12 § if necessary for safety shall be

maintained at a correctional facility, get a vehicle in connection with the

It passes into or out of the social insurance institution of Finland scanned for

unauthorized items or persons without permission are trying to

getting into or out of the prison. Written notices may

not audited.

Powers against unauthorised persons

section 13 staff members within the prison system may reject or

remove the unauthorized attempts to access or refuse

leaving an institution.

The one to be removed may in connection with the intervention

1. in accordance with paragraph 5 of strip-searched, or

2. be subject to lockup under paragraph 2.

An intervention within the meaning of the first or second subparagraph, the


9 Cape. Health care

1 § inmate in need of health care should be treated

According to the instructions given by the doctor. If the prisoner does not

can be examined or treated in an appropriate manner in

institution, the public health care system may be used. If necessary,

the prisoner will be transferred to hospital.

A permit to stay outside the institution referred to in the first

the paragraph should be combined with the conditions as necessary. If it is

necessary in the interest of safety, to the prisoner to stand for


section 2 of the regulations on psychiatric compulsory care for those who are

intakes are in the Act (1991:1129) on forensic psychiatric care.

The provisions of §§ 18-24 Act (1991:1128) on psychiatric

involuntary treatment, as well as the provisions of paragraph 8 of the second and third

pieces Act on psychiatric care if the power for

Swedish prison and probation service and the Government to provide for specific

restrictions for a particular inmate and in section 8 shall apply

on an inmate who for voluntary psychiatric care has been

over to such a hospital facility referred to in section 6, first

subparagraph, the law on psychiatric care. Law (2014:524).

3 § If a transport likely to harm the health, intagnes

physician's consent to transport collected.

10 Cape. Permission and another temporary stay outside

correctional facility


1 § An inmate may, in order to facilitate his or her

adaptation in society, be granted permission to reside outside the

for some short period of time (furlough) if

1. at least one quarter of their sentence, with a minimum of two months,

have been served, and

2. There is a real risk that the prisoner will

to commit crimes, escape penalty in performance or on

otherwise mismanage themselves.

For an inmate who is serving a life sentence to the time

referred to in the first subparagraph 1 shall be determined as if the sentence is 18


If there are special reasons, permission granted in spite of the fact that

the period referred to in the first subparagraph 1 does not lapse.

Special permission

section 2 of An inmate may, if there are special compassionate grounds,

granted permission to reside outside the correctional facility for certain cards

time (special permission) if

1. his or her need for stay outside the institution not

can be met by permission according to § 1, and

2. the stay outside the correctional facility may be granted with respect to the

risk of the prisoner will commit crimes,

evade the penalty in performance or otherwise

mismanage themselves.

Appearance before a court or other authority

3 § intakes may be temporarily staying outside of the establishment of a

authority requests that he or she will appear at the

authority. Such an appearance should always be done if there is a

Court or a supervisory board which requests that an inmate

should be suspended.

A description of the recurrence risk

section 4 of An inmate to be subjected to an investigation into the risk of

relapse into crime in accordance with section 10 of the Act (2006:45) if

conversion of imprisonment for life, may be present outside the institution

to the extent that the authority responsible for

the investigation considers necessary for the investigation to

be carried out.


5 § a permit to stay outside the institution under 1-4 sections

to unite with the conditions as necessary. If it is necessary by

security reasons, should the prisoner under guard.

In the case of a stay outside the institution under 1 and 2 sections may

electronic means shall be used to verify announced


Placement in custody

6 § in connection to stay outside the institution under 2-4 sections

and 9 Cape. section 1 of this Act, and Chapter 4. 29 and 31 of the Act

(2000:562) on international legal assistance in criminal matters will receive a

inmate temporarily placed in custody, if necessary by

security reasons, or for reasons connected with the transport conditions.

section 11. Special utslussnings measures

Forms of special utslussnings measures

1 § An inmate may, in order to reduce the risk that he or

She relapse into crime or to otherwise facilitate the

his or her adjustment in society, be granted permission

to stay out of prison by the following

utslussnings actions:

1. clearance according to section 2,

2. care stay in accordance with section 3,

3. stay in halfway house according to article 4, and

4. enhanced clearance according to section 5 of.

Stay outside the institution as referred to in the first subparagraph 2-4,

be designed so that it can last until the time of

conditional release.


2 § Clearance means that an inmate during the day outside

correctional facility performs work, receiving treatment or taking part in training

or specially organized activities.

Clearance may be granted an inmate in need of introduction

at work or in other activities that can promote a

stable life after their release, if there is no

significant risk that he or she will commit crimes,

evade the penalty in performance or otherwise

seriously mismanage themselves.

Care stay

3 § Care stay means that an inmate is placed in a

such home referred to in Chapter 6. paragraph 1 of the Social Security Act


Care stay may be granted an inmate in need of care

or treatment for abuse of narcotic

or for any other special relationship which can be assumed to have

connection with his or her crime, unless there are

any significant risk that the prisoner will commit

crime, escape penalty in performance or otherwise

seriously mismanage themselves.

Halfway house

4 § Stay in halfway house means that an inmate is placed

in one of the prison system controlled home adapted for

to give inmates special support and supervision.

Stay in halfway house may be granted an inmate in need

of special support or supervision of

1. at least half of their sentence, with a minimum of three months, have

been served,

2. There is no significant risk that he or

She will commit crimes, escape penalty in performance

or otherwise to seriously mismanage itself, and

3. he or she performs work, receiving treatment or taking part in

training or specially organized activities.

The prisoner are not allowed outside the halfway house other than on

in particular, certain times.

Enhanced clearance

5 § Extended ground clearance means that an inmate under controlled

forms is serving imprisonment in his home.

Enhanced clearance may be granted if

1. at least half of their sentence, with a minimum of three months, have

been served,

2. There is no significant risk to the prisoner

will commit crimes, escape penalty in performance

or otherwise to seriously mismanage itself,

3. he or she has access to housing, and

4. he or she performs work, receiving treatment or taking part in

training or specially organized activities.

Common rules

section 6 of a State to a utslussnings action to unite with

the conditions necessary to the purpose of the measure is to be achieved

or to the prison system should be able to exercise the necessary

control. Electronic means may be used to

check the announced conditions.

Where new facts are reasons for it,

The prison system change, suspend or announce new conditions.

If there are special reasons, the Swedish prison and probation service join a

medical stay according to paragraph 3 of the regulation is required pursuant to chapter with a 26. section 15

3 the first paragraph of the Penal Code that will apply to the period after

conditional release. If it because of new circumstances

There are reasons for it, the Swedish prison and probation service change, set aside or

announce a new regulation.

section 7 of the one who is granted an utslussnings action is required to

on request, urine, breath-, salivary, sweat-and blood-

or hair tests for verifying that he or she is not

under the influence of alcohol, drugs and other intoxicants,

some such funds as referred to in paragraph 1 of the Act (1991:1969) of non-

against certain doping substances or any such be covered by

Act (1999:42) prohibiting certain dangerous goods.

section 8 A a utslussnings operation to be suspended if

1. the conditions for the action, or

2. the prisoner does not comply with the conditions given

or meets the obligations of the

utslussnings operation.

section 9 where an authorization to a stub utslussnings action

is cancelled, the prisoner is immediately taken to a correctional facility for

continued enforcement of the sentence in prison.

section 10 the prison system may employ the services of a company, an association, a

community or a foundation for activities with

halfway house.

section 11 of the operator of a halfway house run according to

section 10 or a home for care stay under Chapter 6. 1 §

Social Services Act (2001:453) to

1. continuously keep the prison system informed of how

the operation is proceeding,

2. consult with the prison system in subjects of major importance, and

3. immediate notification if the prisoner does not comply with the

conditions notified to or fulfils the obligations

for utslussnings operation.

section 12 of The employed by or have an assignment at a

company, an association, a community or a foundation that

carrying out an activity referred to in section 3 or 4 shall not

unauthorized disclose or make use of what he or she is due

their employment or their mission has been told about a

individual's personal circumstances or conditions of

importance for the investigation and prosecution of criminal offences.

12 Cape. Warning and deferred parole


1 § intakes in contravention of the regulations and conditions

apply for enforcement may be assigned to a warning.

Deferred parole

section 2 of the rules relating to the conditional release can

suspended, see 26 Cape. 6 and 7 of the criminal code.

Provisions on the examination

paragraph 3 of the questions about warning according to § 1 or suspension of

parole in accordance with chapter 26. 6 and 7 of the criminal code

shall be settled promptly.

4 § before warning is announced to be hearing be held with

the prisoner.

5 § in cases of deferred parole

According to chapter 26. 6 and 7 of the criminal code to a public

counsel appointed for the prisoner, unless it must be assumed that

the need for assistance is missing. Before a decision on deferred

conditional release is announced to the prisoner be prepared

opportunity to be heard.

13 chapter. Decision

§ 1 a decision under this Act made by the prison system, if

subject to section 3, 4 or 6.

section 2 of a decision under this Act shall be effective immediately, unless

any other appointment.

3 section a question to suspend an authorization to a stub

care stay, a stay in a halfway house or an extended

clearance is tested by a monitoring board after a notification of

Swedish prison and probation service. The Board may also raise the issue of its own motion to


4 § in cases referred to in paragraph 3 of the prison and probation service may immediately

suspend the authorisation pending the Monitoring Board


Department of corrections and rehabilitation decision shall immediately be subject to the

Oversight Board. The Supervisory Board shall not later than the

working day following the day on which the probation decision was announced

consider whether the decision should be, pending the final

the trial. Establishes Board decision not within the said period,

It ceases to be valid. Board should urgently address the issue of

final examination.

5 section a question to suspend a licence for a

utslussnings measure according to

3 and 4 sections examined by the Supervisory Board within the

field of activity the probation office where the prisoner is

inscribed is located. If there are special reasons, a

other supervisory Board consider such an issue.

section 6 of the Government may in the case of a particular inmate may decide to

a case concerning the stay outside the correctional facility shall be forwarded to the

the Government's review, if necessary, in the light of the Kingdom

safety or risk of the prisoner during the

enforcement involved in terrorist offences within the meaning of section 2 of the

law (SFS 2003:148) if the penalties for terrorist offences.

14 Cape. Appeal

paragraph 1 of the prison and probation service decision under this Act may be appealed

to the General Administrative Court, subject to the provisions of section 5 of.

A decision may be appealed to the administrative law within the

judicial district the correctional facility, the detention or probation office is

located where the complainant was enrolled as the first decision

in the case was made.

Leave to appeal is required in the case of appeal to the administrative court.

section 2 of the decision may not be appealed under paragraph 1(1)

before the decision is reviewed by the prison system. Such

a review may be requested by the decision concerns if it has been

him or her against. An appeal against a decision

not been reviewed will be considered as a request for reconsideration.

At the review referred to in the first subparagraph, the decision may not be changed

to the complainant's detriment.

section 3 of the request for reconsideration must be in writing and be

in to the prison system within three weeks from the date on which the

complainant was part of the decision. In the request for review to the

complainant specify which decisions referred to and what change in

the decision that he or she desires.

Probation hearing about the letter of request for review

have been received in due time. If the letter has been received too late

It should be rejected, unless the delay is due to the fact that

the Agency provided the complainant incorrect intelligence about how

It calls for reconsideration.

4 § the Monitoring Committee's decision under Chapter 13. section 3 of may

be appealed to the General Administrative Court.

Supervisory Board shall not be a party to the Court.

Leave to appeal is required in the case of appeal to the administrative court.

paragraph 5 of the decision on stay out of prison for an inmate who

the Government has announced an order for according to Chapter 7. section 11 of the

may be appealed to the Government.

15 Cape. Other provisions


1 § anyone who illegally transmit or attempt to transmit a

weapons or other dangerous objects to an inmate is sentenced to

fine or imprisonment not exceeding one year, if not the deed is

faced with stricter penalties in the criminal code.

section 2 of The as to an inmate leaves alcohol or other

intoxicants or syringe or needle that can

used for drug addiction is sentenced to a fine or imprisonment

for a period not exceeding six months, unless the Act is subject to more stringent

penalty in the other law. The same applies to the otherwise

help an inmate to access such intoxicants

or the subject.

Security firm

paragraph 3 of the Swedish prison and probation service may appoint a guardian in an authorized

security firm that, in the course of his employment in

the company, perform some monitoring mission when an inmate should

staying outside of a correctional facility. If there are special reasons, may

such appointment certain security tasks within a

correctional facility. In the settlement, to the nature and extent of the

specified. The appointment may be revoked.

section 4 of the guardian with an appointment under section 3 shall not

unauthorized disclose or make use of what he or she is due

his mission has been informed of an individual's personal

conditions or circumstances relevant to the Reich

security or to investigate and prosecute crimes.

In the public activities should apply rather than publicity-

and secrecy (2009:400).

Executive acts

paragraph 5 of the Regulations on the enforcement of the law will be notified of

Government or authority the Government determines.