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Radio And Television Law (2010:696)

Original Language Title: Radio- och tv-lag (2010:696)

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Horizontal provisions

Chapter 1. The law's content and scope

The law's content

section 1 of this Act contains provisions on television broadcasting,

on-demand, searchable text and audio radio broadcasts under the

the following.

Horizontal provisions

-The content and scope of the Act (Chapter 1)

-Information and registration (Chapter 2)

-Definitions (Chapter 3.)

Television broadcasts, on-demand, searchable text

-Authorizations (Chapter 4)

-The content of television broadcasts, on-demand and searchable text (5


-Product placement (Chapter 6.)

-Sponsorship (Chapter 7)

Commercials and other ads, etc. (Chapter 8).

-Retransmission of cable network (Chapter 9)

Audio radio broadcasts

-Authorizations (Chapter 10)

-Permission to send other than audio radio community radio and

commercial radio (11 kap.)

-Permission to send community radio (ch. 12)

-Permission to broadcast commercial radio (Chapter 13.)

-The content of sound radio broadcasting (Chapter 14.)

-Advertising, other advertisements, and sponsorship (Chapter 15)

Common provisions

-Review and oversight (Chapter 16)

-Penalty, special fee and penalty payments (chapter 17.)

-Withdrawal of authorization (chapter 18.)

-The handling of the case of withdrawal, a special fee and

VITE etc. (Chapter 19)

-Appeal (20 ch.)

Law (2012:702).

Implementation of the directive

2 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/

The Act implements, in part, the European Parliament and of the Council

Directive 89/552/EEC of 3 October 1989 on the coordination of

certain provisions laid down in the laws of the Member States

and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the provision of audiovisual

Media Services (audiovisual media services directive),

amended by European Parliament and Council directive

2007/65/EC, hereinafter referred to as the directive.

2 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016

The Act implements, in part, the European Parliament and of the Council

Directive 2010/13/EU of 10 March 2010 on the coordination of

certain provisions laid down by the laws of the Member States

and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the provision of audiovisual

Media Services (audiovisual media services directive),

hereinafter referred to as the directive. Law (2015:662).

Television broadcasts and video-on-demand

3 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/

The law applies to television broadcasts and video-on-demand that can

received in any State who are covered by the agreement on the European

economic area (EEA State), where the supplier of

Media service

1. established in Sweden as defined in article 2(3) of the

Of the directive,

2. neither meets the criterion for 1 or established in

any other EEA Member State but use a satellite up-link

located in Sweden,

3. do not meet any of the criteria set out under 1 and 2 but


of a satellite capacity belonging to Sweden, or

4. do not meet any of the criteria set out in 1, 2 and 3 but is

established in Sweden in accordance with articles 49 to 54 of the Treaty on

The functioning of the European Union.

In addition to what is provided for in the first subparagraph shall apply Chapter 2. section 3,

Chapter 4. 1-7 § § § 1, 9-3, 6-9 and 16, as well as paragraphs 11-17 and 16-20

Cape. even the standing of another EEA State's jurisdiction

According to the directive. Law (2012:702).

3 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016

The law applies to television broadcasts and video-on-demand that can

received in any State who are covered by the agreement on the European

economic area (EEA State), where the supplier of

Media service

1. established in Sweden as defined in article 2(3) of the

Of the directive, in the original wording,

2. neither meets the criterion for 1 or established in

any other EEA Member State but use a satellite up-link

located in Sweden,

3. do not meet any of the criteria set out under 1 and 2 but

use a satellite capacity belonging to Sweden,


4. do not meet any of the criteria set out in 1, 2 and 3 but

established in Sweden in accordance with articles 49 to 54 of the Treaty on

The functioning of the European Union.

In addition to that provided for in the first subparagraph shall apply Chapter 2. section 3,

Chapter 4. 1 – 7 sections, section 9 1 – 3, 6 to 9 and 16 and 11-17 sections, Chapter 5. section 13

and 16 to 20. even the standing of another EEA State

j1u1risdiktion according to the directive, in the original

the wording. Law (2015:662).

4 § For broadcasts by wire that reaches 100 or fewer

applies only to Chapter 9. 1-4 sections and in freedom of expression only

Chapter 1. 2 and 3 sections.

Audio radio broadcasts over satellite

section 5 of the Act applies to such transmissions of sound radio over

satellite that can be received in Sweden, if the operator

broadcasting is resident in Sweden or

transmission to the satellite takes place from a transmitter in this country.

Law (2012:702).

Except for certain sounds in broadcast

section 6 of the regulations than Chapter 4. 10 § 1 if conditions on the ban

to send advertising and Chapter 8. section 15 concerning the prohibition on sending

advertising does not apply to audio in a television broadcast, if the sound completely

match an audio radio transmission that takes place with the support of

permit under this Act or the sending allowed

sign up for.

Chapter 2. Information and registration

Information about the broadcaster transmitting tv and suppliers

out of order-tv

section 1 of the broadcasters that broadcast television as well as suppliers of

demand will ensure that recipients of their services are always

and easily have access to

1. the name of the media service provider;

2. the geographic address at which the supplier is established,

3. information concerning the service provider, including the email address and

website, and

4. details of the competent supervisory authority.

For providers of on-demand also applies to section 8 of the Act

(2002:562) on electronic commerce, and other

information society services.


2 §/expires U: 2016-01/01/It engaged in a pursuit as it does not

necessary condition for under this law or as

provides on-demand, should sign up for registration

of Authority for radio and television. The same applies to the one for

someone else engaged in television broadcasting activities over

satellite or leasing satellite capacity

(satellite entrepreneur).

The notification shall be provided

1. name, trade name or equivalent,

2. the Deputy to the legal person,

3. postal address, telephone number, email address and Web site, and

4. indication of the activities.

2 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016-the operator of a broadcasting licence for which is necessary under this law or providing on-demand, should sign up for registration with the Agency for press, radio and television. The same applies to the who on behalf of someone else engaged in broadcasting over satellite or leasing satellite capacity (satellite entrepreneur).

The notification shall specify:

1. name, trade name or equivalent, 2. representative of a legal person, 3. postal address, telephone number, email address and website, and 4. an indication of the activities.

Law (2015:808).


3 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/Authority for radio and television must establish a register

of those who

1. has registered under and whose activity falls within the scope of

This Act, or

2. the authorisation referred to in Chapter 4. section 3, Chapter 11. section 1,

12 Cape. § 1 or chapter 13. § 1.

The registry may be proved by means of automatic data processing.

It may only contain the data referred to in paragraph 2 of the other

paragraph, Chapter 5. section 11, chapter 14. section 7 and 16. 5-9 sections.

3 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Authority for press, radio and television shall establish a register of those who

1. has registered under and whose activities covered by this law, or 2. have the authorisation referred to in Chapter 4. section 3, Chapter 11. section 1, Chapter 12. § 1 or chapter 13. § 1.

The registry may be proved by means of automatic data processing.

It may only contain the data referred to in paragraph 2 of the second paragraph, Chapter 5. section 11, chapter 14. section 7 and 16. 5 to 9 sections.

Law (2015:808).

Chapter 3. Definitions

Article 1 for the purposes of this law

1. advertising: advertising and other messages without being

advertisements sent on behalf of someone else and as a aims

promoting a thing or an idea;

2. split screen advertising: broadcast of an advertisement

at the same time, with another shipment;

3. order-tv: a service where a media service provider in

information, entertainment or educational purposes

provides public television programs with the help of

electronic communications networks

(a)) at the request of the user,

b) at a time that the user selects, and

(c)) from a catalog of applications that the supplier has selected;

4. sales programs: programs where the recipients of the program

available to order goods and services;

5. commercial radio: licensed audio radio broadcasts


(a)) does not require the permission of the Government,

(b)) not only may take place, for a limited period of time under 11

Cape. paragraph 1, second subparagraph, or

(c)) is not community radio;

6. Media service provider: the who

a) has editorial responsibility for the choice of content in a

the sound radio or television broadcast, pay-per-view or searchable text,


b) determines how the content is organized;

7. audio radio transmission: a shipment of ljudradio software with

the use of electronic communications networks

a) a media service provider provides,

b) is addressed to the public, and

(c)) are intended to be received by technical means;

8. community radio: local audio radio broadcasts for the voluntary sector and

registered religious communities;

9. NGOs: an Association of several

licence holders in a broadcast area for common


10. product placement: the presence of an application of a product, a

service or a trade mark, in

marketing purposes and in return for payment or for similar

compensation to the provider of the service, but not when

the product or service is of little value and have

supplied free of charge;

11. "broadcaster" means a media service provider as

provides audio radio broadcasts, television broadcasts or

searchable text;

12. application service: a comprehensive range of sound radio or television

programs or searchable text tv transmitted in a common


13. advertising: any form of communication

a) broadcast whether in return for payment or for similar consideration

or that constitute self-promotion, and

(b)), which aims to market goods in the course of trade,

services, real estate, jobs, or other


14. sponsoring: contribution as someone who does not provide or

produces sound radio, television broadcast, pay-per-view or searchable

Teletext provides for financing these media services or

programmes in order to promote the contributor's name, trademark,

reputation, business, product or interest;

15. transmission that is targeted to the general public: a shipment

at the same time and without special request are available for anyone

any person who wishes to receive it;

16. searchable text-tv: a broadcast via electronic

communications network which mainly consists of text, graphics

or still images, with or without sound,

a) a media service provider provides,

b) is addressed to the general public,

(c)) are intended to be received by technical means, and

d) lets the user choose what part of the content

He or she would enjoy and at what point it should

take place;

17. tv-programs: programs that mainly consists of moving

images with or without sound;

18. television broadcasting: a broadcasting or broadcasting tv programmes with the

the use of electronic communication networks which broadcast

(a)) is provided by a media service provider,

b) is addressed to the public, and

(c)) are intended to be received by technical means;

19. virtual advertising: broadcast of messages on

electronic means be annexed into the tv picture on solid objects, as

normally used for ads, or on the ground where ads can

placed out physically.

Television broadcasts, on-demand, searchable text

Chapter 4. Requirements for authorisation

Shipping space

section 1 the Government decides which shipping space in different

parts of the country may be granted for such tv broadcasts as well as

searchable text that requires a permit under this Act.

When authorisation

2 § to broadcast tv and searchable text using

radio waves, a permit is required under this Act if the broadcast is done

on the frequency 87.5-108 MHz, 174-240 MHz or

470-790 MHz.

Regulations on the authorization to use radio transmitters, see

Act (2003:389) on electronic communications.

Who gives permission

3 §/expires U: 2016-01-01-the Government gives permission to broadcast tv and searchable text

If broadcasting is financed by radio and tv

contribution under the Act (1989:41) on the financing of radio and

Public service broadcasting. Authority for radio and tv

conditions in other cases.

3 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016 the Government gives permission to broadcast tv and searchable text of broadcasting is financed by the radio and tv fee under the Act (1989:41) on the financing of public service broadcasting. Authority for press, radio and tv gives permission in other cases. Law (2015:808).

The meaning of a State

section 4 authorisation to broadcast tv and searchable text right

that in every area at the same time forward the number of program services

that condition concerns during the part of the day as set out in

the authorization.

Who can get the permit

§ 5 permission to broadcast tv and searchable text may only be

to a software company that has the financial and technical

prerequisites to broadcast throughout the licence period and

who is prepared to collaborate with other licence holders in

technical questions.

What should be taken into account for the granting of authorisations

6 § allocation of permits to broadcast tv and searchable

Teletext must particularly be taken into account that shipping space

able to be used

1. for various program services so that the broadcasts will

cater to different interests and tastes,

2. for national as well as local and regional

programs, services, and

3. multiple independent broadcaster.

Licence limited to the retransmission

section 7/expires U: 2016-01-01/a permit granted by the authority for radio and television,

mean the right of a broadcaster to only retransmit

software services that are broadcast at the same time or short time

previously sent by another broadcaster. In such a

licence, the authority may decide to 5-8. should not be

apply to shipments with the support of the State.

Law (2012:702).

section 7/entry into force: 01/01/2016/a permit granted by the authority for press, radio and television shall mean the right of a broadcaster to only retransmit programme services transmitted at the same time or shortly before that been sent by another broadcaster. In such a condition, the authority may decide to 5-8. do not apply on shipments with the support of the State.

Law (2015:808).

Permit conditions

section 8 authorization to broadcast tv or searchable text,

be subject to conditions which means that broadcasting rights should be exercised

impartially and objectively, and taking into account that a vast

freedom of expression and freedom of information will prevail in the tv.

§ 9 a licence to broadcast tv or searchable text,

be subject to conditions if the obligation to

1. send to the whole country or to a particular part of the country,

2. send in a minimum time,

3. at the same time send a certain minimum number of program services in the

each area,

4. send searchable text to a certain extent,

5. send the application whose content is specially adapted for

people with


6. prepare the space for consignments on the basis of a licence of

the Government,

7. use a particular transmission mode,

8. in interact with other licence holders in technical matters for

to promote the availability and competition,

9. use some radio transmitters,

10. take account of the specific impact of television when

the case of the programmes ' topics and formulation and time of

broadcasting of programmes,

11. send rebuttals,

12. in broadcasting to respect the individual's

private life,

13. send a diverse program offerings,

14. regional broadcast and produce programs,

15. free send messages that are of importance to

the public, if a Government requests it,

16. designing the broadcasts in such a way that they do not

can only be received by a limited part of the public in

broadcasting, and

17. draw up an emergency plan for operations during height

preparedness and in peacetime emergencies and plan

to the Government and to the Government

determines. Law (2012:702).

section 10 a licence to broadcast tv or searchable text,

combined with the prohibition and conditions for sending

1. advertising or other ads,

2. sponsored programmes also in cases other than those specified in Chapter 7.

1-3 sections, and

3. application where product placement is a reality.

section 11 of The licence to broadcast tv or searchable text,

be subject to conditions which means that ownership and

the influence of a company receiving the licence must not

changing over to a limited extent.

Validity of the permit

12 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/a licence granted by the Government to send

tv and searchable text will be valid for a period of time as determined by the

the Government.

A permit granted by the authority for radio and

tv to broadcast tv or searchable text is valid for six years. If the

There are special reasons, the authority may decide that a

permit shall be valid for a shorter period of time.

The period of validity of the licence conditions may be less than

the authorisation period.

12 §/entry into force: 01/01/2016/a licence granted by the Government to broadcast tv and searchable text will be valid for a period of time as determined by the Government.

A permit granted by the authority for press, radio and television to broadcast tv or searchable text is valid for six years. If there are special reasons, the authority may decide that the licence shall be valid for a shorter period of time.

The period of validity of the licence conditions may be less than the licensing period. Law (2015:808).

Except for broadcasts with conditions that apply to a

limited time

section 13/expires U: 2016-01-01-the provisions of paragraphs 5 and 6 need not be applied if

the authorization to broadcast tv and searchable text for a

limited period of time not exceeding two weeks.

Authority for radio and television may decide to 5-8. should not be

apply to the consignments referred to in the first subparagraph.

section 13/entry into force: 01/01/2016/the provisions of §§ 5 and 6 need not be applied on condition that the broadcast tv and searchable text is valid for a limited period of not more than two weeks.

Authority for press, radio and television may decide to 5-8.

does not apply to consignments referred to in the first subparagraph.

Law (2015:808).

Opinion on licence conditions

section 14/expires U: 2016-01-01-before a decision on authorisation is made, the applicant shall be given

opportunity to take note of and comment on the conditions

Government or Authority for radio and television will make

with the State. Decision on authorisation shall not contain

application-related conditions than those accepted by the applicant.

section 14/entry into force: 01/01/2016 before a decision on authorisation is made, the applicant shall be given the opportunity to take note of and comment on the conditions under which the Government or the Authority for press, radio and television intends to unite with the condition. Authorisation decision must not contain other application-related conditions than those accepted by the applicant. Law (2015:808).

Transfer of permit

section 15/expires U: 2016-01-01/a licence to broadcast tv and searchable text,

transferred the authority for radio and television of such permits.

consent may only be given if

1. the purchaser meets the conditions in paragraph 5,

2. the transfer does not entail that the concentration of ownership among

those who have permission to broadcast tv and text searchable tv increases in

more than limited extent, and

3. transfer does not result in a significant reduction in

the diversity in the supply of licensed programme services.

A transfer which is not permitted is without effect.

section 15/entry into force: 01/01/2016/a licence to broadcast tv and searchable text may be transferred if the authority for press, radio and television admits it.

Such consent may only be given if

1. the purchaser meets the conditions of § 5, 2. the transfer does not entail that the concentration of ownership among those authorised to broadcast tv and text searchable tv increases in more than a limited degree, and 3. the transfer does not result in a significant reduction of the diversity in the supply of licensed programme services.

A transfer which is not permitted is without effect.

Law (2015:808).

16 §/expires U: 2016-01/01/It acquiring a State assumes the transferor's

rights and obligations under this Act.

If a notice under Chapter 17. sections 11 and 13 has been announced

against the previous holder, the terms of the injunction against

the new holder. Authority for radio and television, in

When it admits the transfer inform the new

the holder accordingly. If the rights holder does not have

notified does not apply to the notice. A penalty that

the injunction has been joined with shall not apply in respect of the new


16 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/the one who acquires a State assumes the transferor's rights and obligations under this Act.

If a notice under Chapter 17. sections 11 and 13 has been issued against the former owner, the injunction against the new holder. Authority for press, radio and television, in connection with the transfer to inform the new permit holder accordingly. If the new holder has not notified does not apply to the notice. A penalty that the injunction has been joined with does not apply to the new owner. Law (2015:808).


section 17/expires U: 2016-01-01/Authority for radio and television may levy a charge on the

as the Agency is applying for permission to broadcast tv and

searchable text or if the consent to the transfer of a

such a condition.

The fee shall be equal to the costs of the authority

the handling of cases.

section 17/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Authority for press, radio and television shall charge a fee of like authority applying for permission to broadcast tv and searchable text, or if the consent to the transfer of such a condition.

The fee shall be equal to the costs of the authority for the handling of cases. Law (2015:808).

Chapter 5. The content of television broadcasts, on-demand and searchable


General requirements

section 1 of a media service provider providing tv

broadcast, pay-per-view or searchable text should ensure that

the programme as a whole is characterized by the Democratic

statsskickets the basic ideas and the principle of the equal

value and the individual human freedom and dignity.

Violence and pornographic images

section 2 of the Program with detailed violence by lifelike

nature or pornographic images that are broadcast on television,

either be preceded by a warning sound or contain a

warning set out running in image throughout their duration.

Such programs may not be transmitted during such time and at such

means that there is a substantial risk that the child may see

programmes, unless for special reasons, nevertheless is justifiable.

paragraph 3 of the Programs provided in pay-per-view and containing

conclusion violence of life-like character or

pornographic images may not be provided in such a

means that there is a substantial risk that the child may see

programmes, unless for special reasons, nevertheless is justifiable.


section 4 of the data that appeared in a program broadcast or

in the searchable text that is not advertising and sent in one

other than by means of wire, to beriktigas when it is warranted.

Even information that has appeared in a program in tv broadcast

and in searchable text that is not advertising and sent by

thread should be beriktigas when it's justified.

Improper commercial advantage

paragraph 5 of the Program that is not advertising must not unduly benefit

commercial interests. This means that the program may not be

1. encourage the purchase or rental of goods or services

or contain other promotional elements, or

2. highlight a product or a service improperly.

In 6 and Chapter 7. There are rules on product placement and



section 6 of the broadcasting for which conditions of impartiality applies,

It does not affect messages sent on behalf of someone

different and aimed at winning the support of political or

religious views or opinions in the interests of

the labour market.

That such communications should be considered as advertisements shown by 3

Cape. § 1.

Programmes of European origin

section 7 of The broadcasting tv other than by wire shall ensure

compliance with the following requirements, unless there are special reasons

against it:

1. More than half of the annual broadcasting time to be occupied by

programmes of European origin.

2. At least ten per cent of the annual broadcasting time or at least

ten per cent of the programme budget shall relate to the application of European

origin produced by independent producers. A

as large a share as possible should consist of programs that have

completed during the previous five years.

As broadcasting time is considered in this section, the time when it is sent

programs with content other than news, sports, events,

advertisements and sales programs. In broadcasting time shall not

either the transmission of text only.

Television broadcasting within the meaning of the first subparagraph shall, unless there are

special reasons against it, to a significant extent contain

programs on the Swedish language, programs with artists working in

Sweden and the works of authors active in Sweden.

§ 8 the provider order tv by means other than

wire shall, as appropriate and where practicable

promote the production of and access to programs by

European origin.

Exclusive rights for tv broadcasting

section 9 of The broadcasting tv and who holds the exclusive right

to a tv broadcast from a Swedish or foreign events

of particular importance for the Swedish society should not, if

the broadcaster is broadcasting the event, take advantage of the right to

such a way that a substantial proportion of the public in Sweden

excluded from the possibility of free television see the event in

live coverage or, if there are objective grounds for it, with

a small time lag. The events referred to are such

occurring no more than once a year and that interest a

general public in Sweden.

If the European Commission through a notice in the European

Official Journal of the European Union has declared that an event is

of major importance for society in another EEA State, those who

broadcasting television and who holds the exclusive right to broadcast

the event to the State, if they broadcast the event,

make use of this right in such a way that a substantial part

by the public of the State excluded from the opportunity to see

the event on free television in a manner specified in the

the notification.

If someone to fulfill the obligation under the first or

the second paragraph provides someone else to broadcast the event on tv

This shall be done on reasonable terms.

Government Announces rules on which events are of

major importance for Swedish society.

Short extracts of events of high interest to the public

section 10 of the 48 a of the Act (1960:729) om upphovsrätt till litterära

and artistic works provided for the right of

broadcasters in an EEA State to include in its General

News broadcasts using excerpts from another software company

all rights reserved send broadcast from an event of large

public interest.

Requirements on the shipping label for tv coverage and searchable text


11 §/expires U: 2016-01/01/It broadcasting tv or searchable text according to this law

to use such a designation for their broadcasts that have

approved by the authority for radio and television.

The designation will be in tv broadcasts set out at least once each

transmission hours or, if this is not possible, between

programmes. In the searchable text to the designation given on an ongoing basis.

11 §/entry into force: 01/01/2016 The broadcasting tv or searchable text according to this law

to use such a designation for their broadcasts that have been approved by the authority for press, radio and television.

The designation will be in tv broadcasts set out at least once each broadcasting hour or, if this is not possible, through the programs. In the searchable text to the designation given on an ongoing basis. Law (2015:808).

Requirements on accessibility for people with disabilities

12 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/a media service provider providing tv

broadcast, pay-per-view or searchable text in any other way

than through the thread to design the service in such a way that the

becomes available for people with disabilities through

subtitling, interpretation, read aloud text or similar technology. This

also applies to a media service provider providing

broadcast or searchable text through the wire.

Provision shall be made to the extent decided by the

the Government, on the operations financed by the radio and television

fee under the Act (1989:41) on the financing of radio and TV

in the public service, and by the authority of

other cases. Such a decision shall be valid for a certain period of time.

In determining how and to what extent the service should

be made accessible to persons with disabilities,

the vendor's financial conditions and the technical

the development of the accessibility services are taken into account.

Law (2012:702).

12 §/entry into force: 01/01/2016/a media service provider providing tv broadcast, pay-per-view or searchable text in any other way than through the thread to design the service in such a way that it is accessible for people with disabilities by subtitling, interpretation, read aloud text or similar technology. This also applies to a media service provider providing tv broadcast or searchable text through the wire. Provision shall be made to the extent determined by the Government, if the activities financed by the radio and tv fee under the Act (1989:41) on the financing of public service broadcasting, and by the authority of press, radio and television, in other cases. Such a decision shall be valid for a certain period of time.

In determining how and to what extent the service should be made available to persons with disabilities to the supplier's financial conditions and the technical development of accessibility services are taken into account.

Law (2015:808).

/Rubriken entry into force: 01/01/2016

Freedom to broadcast television and provide on-demand to


section 13/entry into force: 01/01/2016

A media service provider established in a

other EEA Member State than Sweden shall have the right to provide their

services to Sweden by way of Swedish rules within the

rule the field coordinated by the directive, in the

original wording. This also applies when the

provided by retransmissions on Sweden by a

Media service provider which stands in Swedish

jurisdiction pursuant to Chapter 1. section 3.

In the case of television broadcasting, however, in Chapter 16. provisions on

cooperation between authorities. In the case of tv is

provisions of the law (2002:562) on electronic commerce

and other information society services if a court

or other authority, under certain conditions, with the support of

teams may take a measure restricting the free movement

for such a service. Law (2015:662).

Chapter 6. Product placement

Prohibition to broadcast programs where there is

product placement

section 1 of the program on television or in programs in tv, there must

be product placement, subject to paragraph 2.

section 2 of media service providers shall, under the conditions laid down

in 3 and 4 §§ broadcast movies, tv series, sports programmes and

applications with light entertainment where there is

product placement.

The first paragraph does not apply to software that essentially

Turning to children under twelve years of age, nor programs

where there is product placement of

1. alcoholic beverages and tobacco products;

2. other products coming from companies whose main

activity is to manufacture or sell alcoholic beverages or

tobacco products,

3. prescription drugs and medical treatment

available only on prescription, or

4. infant formulae.

Team (2013:1056).

Requirements for applications where there is product placement

3 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/

Applications where there is product placement may be sent

only if the program does not unduly favors

commercial interests according to Chapter 5. § 5.

3 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016

Applications where there is product placement may be sent

only if the program does not unduly favors

commercial interests according to Chapter 5. § 5.

The content of programmes, and in the case of television broadcasting, their

program orientation, must not be influenced in such a way that it

affect the editorial independence of the supplier of the

Media service. Law (2015:662).

Information on product placement

4 section when there is product placement in a program to

information about this at the beginning and end of

the application and when the program begins again after an interruption

for ads.

The information shall consist only of a neutral explanation of the

the existence of product placement and if the product or service

that has been placed in the program.

Chapter 7. Sponsorship

Programs that don't get sponsored

§ 1 application in television broadcasts, text searchable tv or pay-per-view

that essentially is about news or contains

News comments may not be sponsored.

Who should not sponsor programs

section 2 of the programme in television broadcasts, text searchable tv or pay-per-view

may not be sponsored by someone whose main activity is to

to manufacture or sell alcoholic beverages or tobacco products.

Restrictions for companies that produce or sell

infant formula

2 a section About a company that manufactures or sells

infant formula is sponsoring a program in a television broadcast,

searchable text-tv or pay-per-view, sponsorship does not promote

the use of infant formula, but only the company's

other products and its reputation. Team (2013:1056).

Restrictions for drug companies

3 § If a pharmaceutical company sponsors a program in a tv

broadcast, text searchable tv or pay-per-view, sponsorship

just promote your company name or reputation, but not

prescription drugs and medical treatment

available only on prescription.

/Rubriken entry into force: 01/01/2016

Requirements for programs sponsored

3 a section/entry into force: 01/01/2016

The contents of the program sponsored and, in the case of

television broadcasting, their scheduling shall not be influenced in

such a way as to affect the editorial independence

with the provider of the service. Law (2015:662).

/Rubriken expires U: 2016-01-01/

When sponsorship messages shall be provided

paragraph 4 where a media service provider provides a

sponsored programs in a tv broadcast or on-demand,

provider to specify who has contributed to the funding.

Such notice shall be provided at the beginning and end of

the program or at one of these occasions.

In the searchable text, such a message is left running.

If only a clearly defined part of a programme is sponsored,

sponsorship message left at the beginning or at the end of the

part. Such a statement requires that the

Privacy and rights-holders value or not

is violated.

/Rubriken expires U: 2016-01-01/

When sponsorship messages may be

§ 5 in the broadcast may, in addition to the provisions of paragraph 4,

sponsorship messages left

1. at the beginning and end of a program, if a message has

submitted pursuant to paragraph 4, third subparagraph,

2. in sports programs with longer breaks and in programs that reflect

performances or events, in the pauses for the audience,

3. in connection with the shipment passes from a software service

to another,

4. in case of fluctuations between studio broadcasts and other events,


5. in connection with the ad breaks.

The first paragraph is only valid if the sponsorship message can

be provided in such a way that the integrity and value of the programme

or the rights holders are not violated.

section 6 of the order-tv may, in addition to the provisions of paragraph 4,

sponsorship messages be left if it can be done without

the program's integrity and value or holders

rights are violated.

/Rubriken expires U: 2016-01-01/

How a sponsorship message shall be designed

section 7 A sponsorship message in tv broadcasts, searchable text

or demand should include sponsor's name, logo, or

other characteristics of the sponsor. The message must not contain

promotional element.

Sponsorship message with split screen

section 8 A sponsorship message may be provided with split screen in the

cases provided for in §§ 4 to 6, if it can be done without the program's

integrity and value or rightholders ' rights

is violated.

Chapter 8. Commercials and other ads, etc.

Advertising time for television broadcasting

section 1 of the ads may be televised for a maximum of twelve minutes per

clock hour.

Notwithstanding the first subparagraph, program services

are intended exclusively for sales programs televised,

provided that their duration is at least fifteen


section 2 of the total ad time in a tv broadcast, at a

given time shall not be less than one minute ago transmission time

for annonssignaturen under section 5 has been removed.

The first subparagraph shall not apply to television broadcasts of live

sporting events. Law (2012:702).

Applications that must not be interrupted by advertising

section 3 of the tv broadcast, the program that includes religious services

or programs that are mainly addressed to children under

twelve years not be interrupted by advertising.

In tv, the program essentially addressed to

children under 12 years of age will not be interrupted by advertising.

When programmes may be interrupted by advertising

section 4 other programs in television broadcasts, other than those referred to in paragraph 3 of the

the first subparagraph may be interrupted by advertising only if

the interruption, taking into account natural breaks in the programme and

the program's length and character, does not affect the application

integrity and value, or violates the rights holders


Transmission of news programs, cinematographic works and films

made for television, but television shows and documentaries, may

provided that the requirements of the first subparagraph are fulfilled

be interrupted by advertising once each scheduled period of at

at least thirty minutes.


§ 5/expires U: 2016-01-01-before and after each advertising in television broadcasts and in

pay-per-view, there may be a particular signature that clearly

distinguish the ads from the rest of the content. The signature should

consist of both sound and picture. In the searchable text,

the sales program and split-screen advertising shall

the signature will always be visible. It need only be specified in


In the case of television broadcasts, as the Government leaves the State to

the Government may grant derogations from the obligation laid down in

the first subparagraph in the shortest time and the requirement pursuant to article 2 of the ad.

Such derogations may also be granted by the Agency for radio

and television in relation to broadcasts that authority authorising


Rules on advertising identification see section 9

the Marketing Act (2008:486. Law (2012:702).

§ 5/entry into force: 01/01/2016/before and after each advertising in television broadcasts and pay-per-view to be a particular signature that clearly distinguish the ads from the rest of the content. The signature should consist of both sound and picture. In text searchable tv, sales programs and advertising in split-screen, signature always be visible. It needs only be specified in the image.

In the case of tv broadcasts, which the Government is leaving the State to get the Government to grant a derogation from the obligation referred to in the first subparagraph and the requirement of minimum ad time according to section 2.

Such derogations may also be granted by the Agency for press, radio and television broadcasting authority in respect of that leave.

Rules on advertising identification, see § 9 Marketing Act (2008:486). Law (2015:808).

Indication of whose interest an advertisement provided

section 6 Of an ad that is not advertising and appearing in tv

broadcast, text searchable tv or pay-per-view, it should be stated in the

whose interest in this place.

Advertising and children

section 7 Advertising in television broadcasts, searchable text tv and pay-per-view,

not designed to attract the attention of children under 12


In television broadcasts and video-on-demand, advertising does not occur

immediately before or after a programme or part of a

programs that mainly caters to children under twelve years of age.

section 8 of the advertising in television broadcasts, searchable text tv and pay-per-view

There shall be individuals or characters that play a

prominent role in programs that mainly caters to

children under 12 years of age.

People who are not allowed to appear in ads

§ 9 in ads in tv broadcasts, searchable text tv and pay-per-view

There shall be persons who play a prominent

role in the program, which mainly deals with news and

News comments.

Split-screen advertising

section 10 of split-screen Advertising may appear in tv broadcast

consisting of live events that are going on without interruption.

Advertising in the form of self-promotion with split screen may appear

even in other television broadcasts.

Split screen advertising must be in demand.

Split screen advertising must not occur if it violates

the program's integrity and value or holders


The first paragraph also applies to the retransmission of a broadcast

program intact.

Virtual advertising

11 § Virtual advertising may be allowed in sports events on tv

broadcasting and tv if the advertisement does not

1. is more prominent than the advertising that is normally

appearing on the site or in any other way affect

disruptive opportunities to perceive the program, or

2. means that the integrity and value of the programme or

rightholders ' rights are violated.

Before and after each program that includes virtual

advertising shall appropriately

State that such advertisement occurs. The information shall

consist only of a neutral statement that it occurs

virtual advertising in the program.

The provisions of paragraphs 7 to 9 shall apply to the virtual


Electronic business signs

section 12 of the sports and game shows in television broadcasting and on-demand

tv gets the name or logo of the company

provided the necessary equipment or services that are

necessary to produce information about the results,

match position or the like be annexed into the tv picture electronically

If the following conditions are met:

1. Your company name or logo will be shown in connection with

the delivery of the information that the company in question


2. Program the company or vendor of on-demand may not

any replacement for the tour.

3. Your company name or logo are United not with sound and

only takes up a small part of the picture.

4. Your company name or logo appears reasonable.

Advertising for alcohol and tobacco

paragraph 13 of the Rules prohibiting advertising of alcoholic beverages and

tobacco products is available in Chapter 7. paragraph 3 of the law on alcohol (2010:1622), and in

section 14 of the tobacco Act (1993:581). Law (2010:1635).

Advertising for infant formula

13 a of the provisions concerning the ban on advertising for

infant formula Act (2013:1054) if

marketing of breast-milk substitutes and

follow-on formulae. Team (2013:1056).

Advertising for medicines and medical treatment

section 14/expires U: 2016-01-01/

Advertising for such medical treatment that is available

only on prescription must not occur in television broadcasting,

searchable text tv and pay-per-view.

The sales program for drugs or for medical

treatment must not occur in television broadcasts, searchable text

and pay-per-view.

Provisions concerning the prohibition of certain types of marketing

medicine is in the medicines Act (1992:859). By

the medicines Act, it follows that the provisions be monitored by

The medical products agency.

section 14/entry into force: 01/01/2016

Advertising for such medical treatment that is available

only on prescription must not occur in television broadcasting,

searchable text tv and pay-per-view.

The sales program for drugs or for medical

treatment must not occur in television broadcasts, searchable text

and pay-per-view.

Provisions concerning the prohibition of certain types of marketing

medicine is in the medicines Act (2015:315). By

the medicines Act, it follows that the provisions be monitored by

The medical products agency. Law (2015:326).

Advertising bans for local cable endings organizations

15 § a local cable ends of the Organization shall not broadcast advertising.

Except for self-promotional

the provisions of section 16 of the 1, 2, 5, 7 to 9 and 15 sections do not apply to

such advertising as a media service provider allows for their

programme activities.

Chapter 9. Retransmission of cable networks

Obligation to retransmit programme services

§ 1 the owner or otherwise have a

electronic communications network which is used for the transmission of

television broadcasts to the public by wire, if a

significant number of households connected to the Internet using

it as their primary means of receiving tv broadcasts,

ensure that the residents in the connected households can receive the tv

shipments are carried out with the permission of the Government and that can

received in the area without conditions if the special payment.

The obligation applies only to television broadcasting for which

broadcasting licence has been United with the requirement of impartiality and

objectivity and a condition for a versatile programme provision where

It will include news. Such obligations apply only if

conditions for cable retransmission pursuant to lagen (1960:729)

on copyright in literary and artistic works are


Television broadcasting within the meaning of the first subparagraph shall be received on a

satisfactory manner and at no cost to themselves


' Must carry ' obligations under the first subparagraph also applies to tv

broadcasts that a licensee carries out in order to meet the

the obligation to broadcast to the whole country, or to the parts of

country, but which way to send does not require Government


The number of programme services which are the subject of ' must carry ' obligations

section 2 of the Broadcasting obligation according to § 1 does not include more than four

programme services transmitted simultaneously by a holder

whose activities are financed by the radio and tv fee under

Act (1989:41) on the financing of public broadcasting


Technology to be used in the retransmission

section 3 of the network where the tv is broadcast in both analog and digital technology to

retransmissions occur with analog technology by at least two

program services referred to in paragraph 2, if they are sent or has been sent

out with analog technology. Otherwise, retransmission take place with

digital technology.

Exceptions to ' must carry ' obligations

section 4 of the Broadcasting obligation according to article 1, first and second subparagraphs

does not include shipments take place on the basis of an authorization to

cable retransmission pursuant to Chapter 4. 7 §.

Broadcasting tv programs from local

cable endings organizations

§ 5/expires U: 2016-01/01/It owns or otherwise has a

electronic communications network which is used for the transmission of

television broadcasts to the public by wire and that at least 100 of the

the households connected to the network using that its

primary means of receiving tv broadcasts must, in each

municipality in which he or she is in possession of such a network,

provide free of charge a special certain space

transmission of television programmes from one or more local

the cable ends of the organizations designated by the authority

for radio and tv.

In networks where tv is broadcast with the analog and digital technology to space

for broadcasts by a local cable ends of the Organization

be provided with both analog and digital broadcast technology.

§ 5/entry into force: 01/01/2016/whoever owns or otherwise disposes of an electronic communications network which is used for the transmission of television broadcasts to the public by wire and that at least 100 of the households connected to the Internet use as their primary means of receiving tv broadcasts must, in every municipality in which he or she is in possession of such a network , provide free of charge a special certain space for the transmission of television programmes from one or more local cable endings organizations designated by the Agency for press, radio and television.

In networks where tv is broadcast with the analog and digital technology to space for broadcasts by a local cable ends of the Organization must be provided with both analog and digital broadcast technology. Law (2015:808).

Requirements on local cable endings organizations

6 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/a local cable ends of the Organization should be such

legal entity formed to conduct local

cable broadcasting and which are likely to have different interests and

schools of thought be heard in their activities.

A local cable ends of the Organization, in its broadcasting activities

strive for the widest possible freedom of expression and

freedom of information.

Authority for radio and television's appointment of local

cable endings organizations apply for up to three years.

6 §/entry into force: 01/01/2016/a local cable ends of the Organization shall be a legal person which has been formed to carry out local cable broadcasts and likely to have different interests and schools of thought to be heard in their activities.

A local cable ends of the Organization, in its broadcasting activities aim for the widest possible freedom of expression and freedom of information.

Authority for press, radio and television's appointment of local cable endings organizations apply for up to three years.

Law (2015:808).

Possible exception

section 7/expires U: 2016-01-01/Authority for radio and television may decide in individual cases

derogating from the obligations pursuant to 1-3 and 5 sections, if there

There is a particular reason for it.

section 7/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Authority for press, radio and television, in individual cases, decide on derogations from the obligations under 1-3 and 5 sections, if there are special reasons for this. team (2015:808).

Audio radio broadcasts

10 Cape. Requirements for authorisation

When authorisation

1 § to send sound signals with the use of radio waves is required

permit under this Act if

1. the consignment is effected at such frequencies below 30 MHz as

According to binding international agreements for Sweden

intended for broadcast, or

2. the consignment is carried out on the frequency 87.5-108 MHz, 174-240

MHz or 470-790 MHz. Law (2012:702).

section 2 of the permit in accordance with paragraph 1 is not required for shipments

specially adapted for visually impaired people and which takes place

for a maximum of four hours a day from radio transmitters

used for consignments on the basis of a licence under this Act.

section 3 of the regulations on the authorization to use radio transmitters, see

Act (2003:389) on electronic communications.

11 kap. Permission to broadcast different sound signals than community radio and

commercial radio

Who gives permission

1 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/permission to send sound signals will be announced by the Government on

broadcasting is financed by the radio and tv fee

under the Act (1989:41) on the financing of radio and TV in

public service broadcasting.

Government reports also state that send sound signals to the

the rest of the world.

The Government may decide that 14 and 15. do not apply

on shipments to the rest of the world that takes place with the support of the State.

Authority for radio and television may authorise, during a

limited period of time not exceeding two weeks send sound signals that are not

community radio and commercial radio. Authority may decide to

14 and 15. does not apply to shipments that occur with

the support of the State.

If there are special reasons, the Government must give permission to

send sound signals in local broadcasts that do not meet the requirements

for community radio and commercial radio. Law (2012:702).

1 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/permission to send sound signals will be notified by the Government about broadcasting funded by the radio and tv fee under the Act (1989:41) on the financing of public service broadcasting. Government reports also state that send sound signals to the rest of the world.

The Government may decide that 14 and 15. do not apply on shipments to the rest of the world that takes place with the support of the State.

Authority for press, radio and television may authorise for a limited period of not more than two weeks to send sound signals that are not community radio and commercial radio. Authority may decide that 14 and 15. does not apply to broadcasts that are carried out with the support of the State.

If there are special reasons, the Government must give permission to transmit sound radio in local broadcasts that do not qualify for community radio and commercial radio. Law (2015:808).

The meaning of the permission of the Government

section 2 a condition to send sound signals right to in each

area at the same time forward the number of program services

the State intends during that part of a day that is specified in the

the authorization. Law (2012:702).

Permit conditions

paragraph 3, an authorisation to broadcast different sound signals than community radio and

commercial radio may be subject to conditions set out in Chapter 4.

8, 10 and 11 sections.

An authorisation may also be subject to conditions on the obligation


1. send to the whole country or to a particular part of the country,

2. send in a minimum time,

3. at the same time send a certain minimum number of program services in the

each area,

4. prepare the space for broadcasts that are specially adapted for

visually impaired according to 10. 2 § and designing the broadcasts on a

such a way that they are accessible to people with


5. prepare the space for consignments on the basis of a licence of

the Government,

6. use a particular transmission mode,

7. collaborate with other licence holders in technical matters for

to promote the availability and competition,

8. use some radio transmitters,

9. take account of sound radio's special impact when

the case of the programmes ' topics and design as well as the time for

broadcasting of programmes,

10. observe the provision on rectification in Chapter 5. section 4 first


11. send rebuttals,

12. in broadcasting to respect the individual's

private life,

13. send a diverse program offerings,

14. regional broadcast and produce programs,

15. free send messages that are of importance to

the public, if a Government requests it,

16. designing the broadcasts in such a way that they not only

can be received by a limited part of the public in

broadcasting, and

17. draw up an emergency plan for operations during height

preparedness and in peacetime emergencies and plan

to the Government and to the Government

determines. Law (2012:702).

Validity of the permit

paragraph 4 A permit granted by the Government to send

sound signals shall be valid for a period of time as determined by the Government.

Law (2012:702).

Opinion on licence conditions

§ 5/expires U: 2016-01-01-before a decision on authorisation is made, the applicant shall be given

opportunity to take note of and comment on the conditions

Government or Authority for radio and television will make

with the State.

Authorisation decision must not contain other application-related

conditions than those accepted by the applicant.

§ 5/entry into force: 01/01/2016 before a decision on authorisation is made, the applicant shall be given the opportunity to take note of and comment on the conditions under which the Government or the Authority for press, radio and television intends to unite with the condition.

Authorisation decision must not contain other application-related conditions than those accepted by the applicant. Law (2015:808).

12 Cape. Permission to broadcast community radio

Who gives permission

1 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/Authority for radio and tv gives permission to send

community radio.

1 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Authority for press, radio and tv gives permission to broadcast community radio. Law (2015:808).

Community radio broadcast capabilities

section 2 If an association that may be authorized under section 4 of the so

are and it is technically possible, there shall be a

the ability to send community radio in a municipality.

If there are special reasons, must be submitted at the same time more than

a närradioprogram in the municipality. Law (2012:702).


3 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/A broadcast area for community radio should include no more than one

municipality. In doing so, it should be pursued outside the metropolitan areas

the broadcasts can be received in the whole municipality.

Authority for radio and television may impose greater

sändningsområden than a municipality, if there are special reasons.

3 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/A broadcast area for community radio should include no more than one municipality. In doing so, it should be pursued outside the metropolitan areas that broadcasts can be received in the whole municipality.

Authority for press, radio and television may impose greater sändningsområden than a municipality, if there are special reasons.

Law (2015:808).

The associations may be admitted

section 4 authorisation to broadcast community radio can only be used in

the following legal persons, namely:

1. non-profit associations related to


2. registered religious communities and registered organizational

parts of the registered religious communities which are related to

broadcasting, or

3. närradioföreningar.

In determining whether a nonprofit organization linked to the

Special consideration shall be given to the broadcasting area was

1. the Association's studio and other premises for the business is


2. Publisher and Board members are

resident, and

3. the general meeting and the Board meetings are held.

Requirements for publishers

§ 5 Permission to broadcast community radio may be given only after the

the Association has notified who has been appointed Publisher

According to the freedom of expression.

Obstacles for State

section 6 a licence to broadcast community radio should not be given to any

who has permission to broadcast commercial radio.

Broadcasting licence for community radio does not apply if

the licensee is authorized to broadcast commercial radio.

The authorization to send community radio ceases from the date

consignments may be carried out with the support of the State to send

commercial radio.

Broadcast times

section 7/expires U: 2016-01-01/If licensees fail to reach agreement on the distribution of

broadcasting time, determines the Authority for radio and television

broadcasting times. The same applies if an authorization request

that authority shall establish sändningsschemat in its entirety.

The licence holders who are judged to have the greatest interest in

send at a certain time should be given priority.

Authority for radio and television's decision to broadcast time comes

until a new decision is made by the authority or to

a licensee or NGOs in writing

inform the authority that the licensees have agreed on a

other broadcast time.

section 7/entry into force: 01/01/2016 If licensees fail to reach agreement on the allocation of broadcasting time, determines the Authority for press, radio and tv broadcast times. The same applies if the holder requests that the authority shall establish sändningsschemat in its entirety.

The licence holders who are judged to have the greatest incentive to broadcast at a specific time should be given priority.

Authority for press, radio and television's decision to broadcast time is valid until a new decision is made by the authority or the licensee, in writing, that the NGOs or notifies the authority that the licensees have agreed on another time slot. Law (2015:808).

section 8/expires U: 2016-01-01/Authority for radio and television may decide that a

broadcasting time shall not be used by anyone else during a time of

a maximum of three months if the holder of a licence to broadcast

community radio, which has received an injunction under penalty according to this

the law, waive airtime or renounce their

the sending State.

A transmitter for community radio may not be used for other events

that authorisation under this law.

section 8/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Authority for press, radio and television may decide that a broadcasting time shall not be used by someone else for a period of up to three months if the holder of a licence to broadcast community radio, which has received an order for a penalty under this Act, waive airtime or renounce their licences.

A transmitter for community radio may not be used for other events such as the required permits for under this Act.

Law (2015:808).

Validity of the permit

section 9 Permits to broadcast community radio concerns for some time.

Chapter 13. Permission to broadcast commercial radio

Who gives permission

1 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/Permission to broadcast commercial radio is provided by the Authority

for radio and tv.

1 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Permission to broadcast commercial radio is provided by the Authority for press, radio and television. Law (2015:808).

Analogue commercial radio


2 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/Authority for radio and television must decide

sändningsområdenas scope of analogue commercial radio with

account of

1. What is technically possible to reach from transmitters with

convenient location,

2. how the possibilities to receive broadcasts are affected in other

areas, and

3. What is the natural local areas of interest.

Sändningsområdena shall be designed so that a large number of

permission can be given. Multiple conditions can be given for the same

broadcast area.

2 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Authority for press, radio and tv to determine sändningsområdenas coverage for analogue commercial radio with regard to

1. What is technically possible to reach from the transmitter with the appropriate mode, 2. how the possibilities to receive broadcasts in other affected areas, and 3. What is natural to local areas of interest.

Sändningsområdena shall be designed so that a large number of permission can be given. Multiple conditions can be given for the same zone. Law (2015:808).

paragraph 3, an authorisation to broadcast analogue commercial radio does

the right to pursue such broadcasts that can be received with good

audibility in the broadcasting area as set out in the authorization.

Who can get the permit

section 4 Authorisation to broadcast analogue commercial radio may only

given to a natural or legal person who has financial

and technical conditions to broadcast throughout the

the authorisation period.

State, counties or municipalities may not hold permits to

send analogue commercial radio, either directly or indirectly


1. a company in which one or more such entities have a

part of them together represent at least twenty percent of the

all of the shares or units or by agreement has a

controlling interest, or

2. an undertaking referred to in Chapter 1. section 4 of the Swedish annual accounts Act

(1995:1554) is a subsidiary of a company referred to in


§ 5, no one may have more than one permission to send analog

commercial radio in a broadcast area, unless there are

special reasons for it.


6 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/Authority for radio and television to announce when a space

to broadcast analogue commercial radio becomes available. Authority

to specify the last day to apply for the permit, first day

When the consignments may be carried out with the support of the State and

sändningsområdets scope.

In an application for a permit to broadcast analogue commercial radio

the amount indicated by the applicant is willing to pay in

shipping fee. The shipping fee will be stated as a

lump sum for the entire licensing period.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on the application process and what a

the application should contain.

6 §/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Authority for press, radio and television to announce when a space to broadcast analogue commercial radio becomes available.

The authority shall specify the last day to apply for the permit, the first date on which consignments may be carried out with the support of the State and sändningsområdets scope.

In an application for a permit to broadcast analogue commercial radio, the sum indicated that the candidate is willing to pay the shipping fee. Shipping fee to be listed as a lump sum for the entire licensing period.

The Government or the authority, as the Government Announces rules regarding the application process and what an application should contain. Law (2015:808).

Parties ' right to obtain information

section 7 in a case referred to in paragraph 6, the provisions of section 17

administrative law (1986:223) on the right of parties to participate in the

information does not apply to information that is only related to any

other applicants.

Who shall be authorised

section 8 a licence to broadcast analogue commercial radio should be given

for most of the applicants who meet the requirements of section 4 and that has

set the maximum shipping fee.

Two candidates have entered the same amount, the question of who should

given State be decided by drawing lots.

Terms and conditions

§ 9/expires U: 2016-01-01/a licence to broadcast analogue commercial radio,

be subject to conditions relating to the obligation to

1. send in a specific part of the broadcast range or to a

certain part of the population in the area is reached,

2. send in a minimum time,

3. use a certain technology and to cooperate with other

licence holders in technical matters, and

4. use a particular technology for such recording referred to in 16

Cape. 11.

Before a decision on authorisation is made, the applicant shall be given the opportunity

to take note of and comment on the conditions under which the authority

for radio and television intends to unite with the condition.

Law (2012:702).

§ 9/entry into force: 01/01/2016/a licence to broadcast analogue commercial radio may be subject to conditions relating to the obligation to

1. send in a specific part of the broadcast range or to a certain part of the population in the area is reached,

2. send in a minimum time,

3. use a certain technology and to collaborate with other licence holders in technical issues, and 4. use a particular technology for such recording referred to in Chapter 16. 11.

Before a decision on authorisation is made, the applicant shall be given the opportunity to take note of and comment on the conditions that the authority for press, radio and television intends to unite with the condition. Law (2015:808).

Payment of shipping fee

section 10 of The authorized to transmit analogue commercial

radio must pay the shipping fee as specified in the application.

11 § the obligation to pay the shipping fee shall arise on the date

When the broadcasts with the support of the State may commence.

Interest rate

section 12 of the Interest payable on the shipping fee from the date

specified in section 11. Interest is calculated in the manner set out in section 6 of the

interest Act (1975:635).

When payment shall be considered to have been fulfilled

section 13/expires U: 2016-01-01/Shipping fee and interest rate paid by the deposit of an

special account Authority for radio and tv direct.

Payment shall be deemed to have been completed on the day the amount has

been posted to the account.

section 13/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Shipping fee and interest paid by deposit in a separate account that Authority for press, radio and tv direct. Payment shall be deemed to have been completed on the day the amount has been posted to the account. Law (2015:808).


paragraph 14 of the decision on shipping fee and interest may be enforced if

fee or interest is unpaid and due.

Liability and recovery

section 15/expires U: 2016-01-01/For such fee and interest referred to in section 14 shall apply 59

Cape. 13, 16, 17, 21, 26 and 27 §§ and 70 Cape. 1-4 sections

tax Procedure Act (2011:1244).

For the purposes of applying the first subparagraph, the provisions of

tax procedure act if the tax agency instead apply

Authority for radio and television. Law (2011:1436).

section 15/entry into force: 01/01/2016 For such fee and interest referred to in section 14 shall apply Chapter 59. 13, 16, 17, 21, 26 and 27 §§ and 70 Cape. 1-4 of the tax Procedure Act (2011:1244).

For the purposes of applying the first subparagraph, as stated in the tax procedure act if the tax agency instead apply to the authority for press, radio and television. Law (2015:808).

A partner in a partnership

16 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/radio and tv authority decides on the responsibility

applicable shipping fee for part-owner of the trading company under 2

Cape. section 20 of the Act (1980:1102) about partnerships and easy company.

If the decision referred to in the first subparagraph has been made, should what

provide for licence holders apply responsible partner and what

provided for if the shipping charge apply to amounts

some owners are liable for.

16 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Authority for press, radio and television will decide on responsibility for shipping fee for part-owner of the trading company under Chapter 2. section 20 of the Act (1980:1102) about partnerships and easy company.

If the decision referred to in the first subparagraph has been made, the provisions on licence holders apply responsible partner and what is provided on the shipping charge apply to amounts that a partner is liable for. Law (2015:808).

Deferment to pay shipping fee and interest

section 17/expires U: 2016-01-01/if there are special reasons, the Authority for radio

and television announce payment of shipping charges and

interest rate.

section 17/entry into force: 01/01/2016 if there are special reasons, the authority may for the press, radio and television announce payment of shipping charges and interest. Law (2015:808).

Transfer of permit

section 18/expires U: 2016-01-01/a licence to broadcast analogue commercial radio,

transferred the authority for radio and television of such permits.

consent may only be given if the acquirer meets

the criteria set out in paragraph 4 of the second paragraph.

If the transferee already has a State in the same zone

as the condition which the transfer relates, directly or

indirectly, by the company, the acquirer has part in representing

at least twenty per cent of all the shares or participations or

by contract alone has a controlling interest in,

transfers are allowed only if there are special reasons.

A transfer which is not permitted is without effect.

section 18/entry into force: 01/01/2016/a licence to broadcast analogue commercial radio may be transferred if the authority for press, radio and television admits it.

Such consent may only be given if the acquirer meets the criteria set out in paragraph 4 of the second paragraph.

If the transferee already has a State in the same zone as the condition in which the assignment relates, directly or indirectly, by the company, the acquirer has part in representing at least twenty per cent of all the shares or units or by agreement alone has a controlling interest in, transfers are allowed only if there are special reasons.

A transfer which is not permitted is without effect.

Law (2015:808).

§ 19/expires U: 2016-01/01/It acquiring a State assumes the transferor's

rights and obligations under this Act for the period after

the decision on consent.

If a notice under Chapter 17. 11 § 3 or 8 has

given in the previous holder, the terms of the injunction

even against the new owner. Authority for radio and television,

in connection with the transfer to inform the new admits

the holder accordingly. If the owner is not notified case

do not order. A penalty which the injunction is United with

does not apply to the new owner.

the entry into force of section 19 of/in: 2016-01/01/It acquiring a State assumes the transferor's rights and obligations under this Act to the time when the decision to consent.

If a notice under Chapter 17. 11 § 3 or 8 has been issued against the former owner, the injunction against the new holder. Authority for press, radio and television, in connection with the transfer to inform the new permit holder accordingly. If the owner is not notified does not apply to the notice. A penalty that injunction joined with does not apply to the new owner. Law (2015:808).

If the shipping fee has been paid and the State ceases to


20 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/A licence holders transferring their condition has not

the right to recover any part of the shipping fee

paid. The same applies if a State

1. revoked at the request of the licensee pursuant to section 31,

2. cease to apply under section 32 as a result of

the licensee declares bankruptcy, goes into liquidation

or dies, or

3. revocation of Authority for radio and television according to chapter 18.

§ 5.

20 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/A holder who leaves his State does not have the right to recover any part of the transmission fee which has been paid. The same applies if a condition 1. be withdrawn at the request of the licensee pursuant to section 31, 2. ceases to have effect under section 32 as a result of the authorization is declared bankrupt, being wound up or dies, or

3. revocation of Authority for press, radio and television according to chapter 18. § 5. Law (2015:808).

section 21 of the provisions in the tax Procedure Act (2011:1244) if

payment assurance shall apply to shipping charges

This law. Law (2011:1436).

Digital commercial radio

Shipping space

section 22 of the Government decides which shipping space in different

parts of the country may be granted for digital commercial radio.

Who can get the permit

section 23 of the permission to transmit digital commercial radio may only

given to a natural or legal person who

1. has the financial and technical conditions to send

throughout the licence term, and

2. is prepared to collaborate with other licence holders in

technical questions.

Authorization shall not be granted to those referred to in paragraph 4 of the second



24 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/Authority for radio and television to announce when a

shipping space to transmit digital commercial radio is

time off. The authority shall specify the last day to apply for

the State, the first date of the shipments may take place with the support of

the condition and extent of shipping space.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on the application process and what a

the application should contain.

24 §/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Authority for press, radio and television to announce when a broadcasting space to transmit digital commercial radio becomes available. The authority shall specify the last day to apply for the permit, the first date of the shipments may take place with the support of the State and sending space scope.

The Government or the authority, as the Government Announces rules regarding the application process and what an application should contain. Law (2015:808).


section 25/expires U: 2016-01-01/Authority for radio and television may levy a charge on the

as the Agency is applying for permission to transmit digital

commercial radio or consent to the transfer of a

such a condition.

The fee shall be equal to the costs of the authority

the handling of cases.

section 25/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Authority for press, radio and television shall charge a fee of like authority applying for permission to send

Digital commercial radio or consent to the transfer of such a condition.

The fee shall be equal to the costs of the authority for the handling of cases. Law (2015:808).

What should be taken into account for the granting of authorisations

section 26/expires U: 2016-01-01/Authority for radio and television, the allocation of

permits for digital commercial radio noted that the space

for such broadcasts to be used

1. for various program services so that the broadcasts will

cater to different interests and tastes,

2. for national as well as local and regional

programs, services, and

3. multiple independent broadcaster.

26 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Authority for press, radio and television, in the allocation of permits for digital commercial radio noted that the scope for such broadcasts should be able to be used.

1. for various program services so that the broadcasts will cater to different interests and tastes, 2. for national as well as local and regional program services, and 3. of several independent software companies.

Law (2015:808).

Permit conditions

section 27/expires U: 2016-01-01/in addition to the conditions set out in section 9, a condition that

send digital commercial radio be subject to conditions relating to

obligation to

1. send a diverse program offerings,

2. Design the broadcasts in such a way that they become

accessible to people with disabilities, and

3. do not change the ownership structure and the influence of the

companies that hold state more than to a limited extent.

Before a decision on authorisation is made, the applicant shall be given the opportunity

to take note of and comment on the conditions under which the authority

for radio and television intends to unite with the condition. A decision

If condition cannot contain other application-related

conditions than those accepted by the applicant.

section 27/entry into force: 01/01/2016/in addition to the conditions set out in section 9 will receive an authorization to broadcast digital commercial radio be subject to conditions relating to the obligation to 1. send a diverse programming, 2. designing the broadcasts in such a way that they are accessible to persons with disabilities, and 3. do not change the ownership structure and influence in the company that holds the licence more than to a limited extent.

Before a decision on authorisation is made, the applicant shall be given the opportunity to take note of and comment on the conditions that the authority for press, radio and television intends to unite with the condition. An authorisation decision must not contain other application-related conditions than those accepted by the applicant.

Law (2015:808).

Transfer of permit

section 28/expires U: 2016-01-01/a State to transmit digital commercial radio,

transferred the authority for radio and television permits.

such consent may only be given if

1. the purchaser meets the conditions set out in section 23,

2. the transfer does not entail that the concentration of ownership among

those who have permission to send digital commercial radio increases

For more than a limited extent, and

3. transfer does not result in a significant reduction in

the diversity in the supply of licensed programme services.

A transfer which is not permitted is without effect.

Law (2012:702).

28 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/a State to transmit digital commercial radio may be transferred if the authority for press, radio and television admits it.

Such consent may only be given if

1. the purchaser meets the conditions set out in section 23, 2. the transfer does not entail that the concentration of ownership among those authorised to transmit digital commercial radio is gaining more than a limited degree, and 3. the transfer does not result in a significant reduction of the diversity in the supply of licensed programme services.

A transfer which is not permitted is without effect.

Law (2015:808).

section 29/expires U: 2016-01/01/It acquiring a State assumes the transferor's

rights and obligations under this Act for the period after

the decision on consent.

If a notice under Chapter 17. 11 § 3 or 8 has

given in the previous holder, the terms of the injunction

even against the new owner. Authority for radio and television,

in connection with the transfer to inform the new admits

the holder accordingly. If the new owner is not notified

does not apply to the notice. A penalty that injunction, United

with shall not apply in respect of the new owner.

section 29/entry into force: 01/01/2016/the one who acquires a State assumes the transferor's rights and obligations under this Act to the time when the decision to consent.

If a notice under Chapter 17. 11 § 3 or 8 has been issued against the former owner, the injunction against the new holder. Authority for press, radio and television, in connection with the transfer to inform the new permit holder accordingly. If the new owner is not notified does not apply to the notice. A penalty that injunction joined with does not apply to the new owner. Law (2015:808).

Common provisions

Validity of the permit

section 30/expires U: 2016-01-01/

A licence to broadcast commercial radio comes in eight


If there are special reasons, the Authority for radio and television

decide that a permit shall be valid for a shorter period of time.

section 30/entry into force: 01/01/2016

A licence to broadcast commercial radio comes in eight


If there are special reasons, the authority may for the press, radio

and tv decide that a permit shall be valid for a shorter period of time.

The period of validity of the licence conditions may be less than

the authorisation period. Law (2015:809).

Request for revocation of the permit

section 31/expires U: 2016-01-01/If a holder requests that the permit shall

revoked, the authorisation shall be deemed to have expired on the date

such a request is received by the Authority for radio and television

or such later date that the licensee entered in their


31 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016 If the holder requests that the authorization be revoked, the authorisation shall be deemed to have expired on the date of such a request to the Agency for press, radio and television licensee or such later date as specified in the request. Law (2015:808).

Licence termination in bankruptcy, liquidation and death

32 §/expires U: 2016-01/01/it goes a licence holders in bankruptcy or enters this

in liquidation ceases to have effect three months after the State

the decision on bankruptcy and liquidation. The death of a

holders of an authorisation ceases to be valid three months

After the death.

Have a request for consent to the transfer of the authorization

submitted to the Authority for radio and television before the State

expired pursuant to the first paragraph, the request must be examined.

32 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016 going to a licensee in licensee enters into bankruptcy or in liquidation ceases the authorization to apply three months after the decision on bankruptcy and liquidation.

The death of a holder terminates the authorization to apply three months after the death.

Have a request for consent to the transfer of the authorisation submitted to the Agency for press, radio and television before the permit expired in accordance with the first paragraph, the request must be examined. Law (2015:808).

Chapter 14. The contents of audio radio broadcasts

General requirements

section 1 of The broadcasting sound radio with the permission of the Government is to

ensure that the programme as a whole is characterized by the

Democratic statsskickets the basic ideas and principle of all

human equality and the individual's freedom and

dignity. Law (2012:702).

Improper commercial advantage

section 2 of the Ljudradio software that is not advertising must not unduly

promote commercial interests. This means that the program is not


1. encourage the purchase or rental of goods or services

or contain other promotional elements, or

2. highlight a product or a service improperly.


section 3 of the broadcasting for which conditions of impartiality applies,

It does not affect messages sent on behalf of someone

different and aimed at winning the support of political or

religious views or opinions in the interests of

the labour market.

That such messages are considered advertisements shown in Chapter 3.

§ 1.

Programmes in NGOs

4 § närradioförenings programming may contain only:

1. coverage of the events of common interest for the


2. information, to a limited extent, on municipal


3. details of programs and program times and other

information on närradioverksamheten in the locality, and

4. test broadcasts of programs produced by the legal

persons qualified to receive permission to broadcast community radio,

in each case for a maximum period of three months.

Warning messages in commercial radio

paragraph 5 of the warning messages that are of importance to the public and which

protecting people, property or the environment, if an authority

requests, sent free of charge in commercial radio.

Requirements of the Swedish program in broadcasting, as is done with the support of

the permission of the Government

6 § Audio radio broadcasts that are carried out with the support of the State of

the Government shall, unless there are special reasons against it, in

significant activities include programs on the Swedish language,

programs with artists active in Sweden and works of

authors active in Sweden.

Requirements for sending letter

section 7/expires U: 2016-01/01/It that transmit sound signals under this law shall use a

such a designation for their broadcasts that have been approved by

Authority for radio and television. The designation shall be given at least one

each broadcast hour or, if this is not possible,

between the programs. Law (2012:702).

section 7/entry into force: 01/01/2016/broadcasting audio radio under this law shall use such a designation for their broadcasts that have been approved by the authority for press, radio and television. The designation must be specified at least once each broadcasting hour or, if this is not possible, through the programs. Law (2015:808).

15. Advertising, other ads and sponsorships


Article 1, before and after each sound radio broadcasting of advertisements to the

be sent a specific signature that clearly distinguishes the ads

from other transmissions.

The Government may grant a derogation from this obligation in respect of

broadcasts that the Government leaves.

Rules on advertising identification see section 9

the Marketing Act (2008:486).

Ad time for audio radio transmissions

section 2 of the Ads in an audio radio broadcast may be sent up to 12

of minutes per clock hour. If the transmission time

does not include a clock hour, getting ads

be sent for a maximum of fifteen per cent of broadcasting time.

Indication of whose interest an ad airs

section 3 Of an ad that is not advertising and which appear in the

Audio radio broadcasts, it should be made clear in whose interest this is happening.

People who are not allowed to appear in ads

4 § in ads in the audio radio broadcasts there shall be

people who play a prominent role in the program that

mainly is about news or news comments.

Advertising for alcohol and tobacco

paragraph 5 of the Provisions prohibiting the advertising of alcoholic drinks and

tobacco products is available in Chapter 7. paragraph 3 of the law on alcohol (2010:1622), and in

section 14 of the tobacco Act (1993:581). Law (2010:1635).

Advertising for infant formula

5 a of the provisions concerning the ban on advertising for

infant formula Act (2013:1054) if

marketing of breast-milk substitutes and

follow-on formulae. Team (2013:1056).

Advertising of medicinal products

6 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/

Provisions concerning the prohibition of certain types of marketing

medicine is in the medicines Act (1992:859). By

the medicines Act, it follows that the provisions be monitored by

The medical products agency.

6 §/entry into force: 01/01/2016

Provisions concerning the prohibition of certain types of marketing

of medicine is in the medicines Act (2015:315). By

the medicines Act, it follows that the provisions be monitored by

The medical products agency. Law (2015:326).

Except for self-promotional

Article 7 the provisions of this chapter do not apply to such

advertising as the sending does for its programme activities.

Programs that don't get sponsored

section 8 Programs in audio radio broadcast that mainly deals with the

News or contains news comments may not be sponsored.

Who should not sponsor programs

§ 9 Software in audio radio transmission may not be sponsored by any

whose principal activity is to manufacture or sell

alcoholic beverages or tobacco products.

Sponsorship of infant formula

9 a § If a company that manufactures or sells

infant formula is sponsoring a program in a

Audio radio broadcast, sponsorship does not promote the use of

infant formula but only the company's other products

and its reputation. Team (2013:1056).

When sponsorship messages shall be provided

section 10 of The broadcasting a sponsored program in sound signals shall indicate

who has contributed to the funding. Such a

notice shall be given in an appropriate manner at the beginning and the end

of the program or at one of these occasions.

Sponsorship message must not contain promotional elements.

Common provisions

16. Review and oversight

Attorney General's review

section 1 of the Chancellor of Justice supervises through examination in hindsight if

program that has been broadcast on tv or provided in order-tv

contains graphic violence or pornography in violation

with Chapter 5. 2 or 3 sections.

Review Board for radio and tv's review

2 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/

Review Board for radio and tv monitoring by

review in retrospect about programs that have aired on television or

sound signals or provided in tv stand in

compliance with this Act and the application-related

terms and conditions that may apply for the services. The Board also monitors

compliance with the rules on accessibility in Chapter 5.

section 12 of the decision given by the Government.

Shipments are made on the basis of an authorization for retransmission

According to Chapter 4. section 7 shall not be examined by the Review Board for the

radio and tv.

Find the Review Board for radio and television to broadcast

or contains graphic violence or

pornographic images in violation of Chapter 5. 2 or 3 sections,

the Board make a complaint about this to the Attorney General.

2 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016

Review Board for radio and tv monitoring by

review in retrospect about programs that have been broadcast on tv, searchable

text or sound signals or provided in order-tv

in conformity with this law and the

application-related terms and conditions that may apply for the services.

The Board also monitors compliance with the rules on

availability in Chapter 5. section 12 of the decision has been issued by the

the Government.

Shipments are made on the basis of an authorization for retransmission

According to Chapter 4. section 7 shall not be examined by the Review Board for the

radio and tv.

Find the Review Board for radio and television to broadcast

or contains graphic violence or

pornographic images in violation of Chapter 5. 2 or 3 sections,

the Board make a complaint about this to the Attorney General.

Law (2015:662).

/Rubriken expires U: 2016-01-01/Authority for radio and television's supervision

/Rubriken entry into force: 01/01/2016/Authority for press, radio and television's supervision

3 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/Authority for radio and television monitors that

software companies follow such terms which have been agreed with

support of Chapter 4. 9 § 1-4, 6-9, 16 and 17, Chapter 11. paragraph 3 of the other

paragraph 1-3, 5-8, 16 and 17, and chapter 13. section 9 and paragraph 27 of the first

subparagraph 3.

Authority for radio and television also monitors compliance with

provisions concerning exclusive rights in Chapter 5. § 9 and if

availability in Chapter 5. section 12 of the decision about accessibility features

issued by the authority.

3 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Authority for press, radio and tv monitors that broadcasters comply with such conditions as ordered pursuant to Chapter 4. 9 § 1 to 4, 6 to 9, 16 and 17, Chapter 11. 3 section 1-3, 5-8, 16 and 17, and chapter 13. § 9 paragraph 3, and 27.

Authority for press, radio and television also monitors compliance with the rules on exclusive rights in Chapter 5. § 9 and about accessibility in Chapter 5. section 12 of the decision regarding availability given by the authority. Law (2015:808).

Consumer Ombudsman oversight

section 4 of the provisions on advertising in Chapter 8. paragraph 7, 8

and 9 sections, first and second paragraphs of section 14 and 15. 4 §

overseen by the Consumer Ombudsman.

Report concerning the European works

§ 5/expires U: 2016-01/01/It broadcasting tv other than by thread

every two years, starting in 2011, to the authority for radio and

tv account for the proportion of operations that consisted of

such programmes as referred to in Chapter 5. paragraph 7 of the first paragraph.

§ 5/entry into force: 01/01/2016 The broadcasting tv other than by wire to every two years, starting in 2011, to the Agency for press, radio and television present the percentage of operations that consisted of the programmes referred to in Chapter 5. paragraph 7 of the first paragraph. Law (2015:808).

6 §/expires U: 2016-01/01/It providing pay-per-view by means other than

thread, every four years, starting in 2011, to the Agency for

radio and television report what has been done to promote

the production of and access to European works

According to Chapter 5. section 8.

6 §/entry into force: 01/01/2016 the demand other than by wire to every four years, starting in 2011, to the Agency for press, radio and television to account for what has been done to promote the production of and access to European works within the meaning of Chapter 5. section 8. Law (2015:808).

Information obligations of the broadcasting tv over satellite

section 7/expires U: 2016-01-01/at the request of the Authority for radio and television, the

broadcast tv over satellite to provide information about who owns the

the company and how the business is financed. Law (2012:702).

section 7/entry into force: 01/01/2016/at the request of the Authority for press, radio and television, the broadcasting tv over satellite to provide information about who owns the company and how the business is financed.

Law (2015:808).

Information obligations for satellite contractors

section 8/expires U: 2016-01-01/at the request of the administration of radio and tv to a

satellite contractor provide information about who is

clients, his address, program service name

as well as on how the broadcast over satellite takes place.

section 8/entry into force: 01/01/2016/at the request of the Authority for press, radio and television, a satellite contractor provide information about who is

clients, his address, program service name, as well as on how the broadcast over satellite takes place. Law (2015:808).

Disclosure for students engaged in licensable


§ 9/expires U: 2016-01-01/at the request of the Authority for radio and television, or

The Consumer Ombudsman will be the operator of the activity

licensed under this Act provide authorities the

information and documents required for verification of compliance

the activities are carried out in accordance with the Act and the terms and

regulations issued under the law.

§ 9/entry into force: 01/01/2016/at the request of the Authority for press, radio and television or the Consumer Ombudsman for the person who carries on business that is licensed under this Act provide authorities the information and documents necessary for the verification of the activities are carried out in accordance with the law and the conditions and regulations issued by virtue of law.

Law (2015:808).

The information obligations in General

section 10/expires U: 2016-01-01/at the request of the Authority for radio and television, the

operate under this law make the disclosures

necessary for the Agency's review board for radio and tv

to assess the size of the special levy under 17

Cape. section 6.

section 10/entry into force: 01/01/2016/at the request of the Authority for press, radio and television, the doing business under this Act provide the information necessary for the Agency's review board for radio and tv should be able to assess the size of the special levy referred to in chapter 17. section 6. Law (2015:808).

Obligation to provide recorded programmes

11 §/expires U: 2016-01/01/It that, in accordance with Chapter 5. section 3 of the Act (1991:1559)

regulations on tryckfrihetsförordningens and

Constitution freedom of areas have recorded a program,

shall, at the request of the authority for radio and television, or

The Consumer Ombudsman without charge to leave such a recording

to the authority.

11 §/entry into force: 01/01/2016/whoever in accordance with Chapter 5. section 3 of the Act (1991:1559) with notes on the tryckfrihetsförordningens and the freedom Constitution areas have recorded a program, shall upon request by the authority for press, radio and television or the Consumer Ombudsman without charge to leave such a recording to the authority. Law (2015:808).

Accountability for those who have permission to send

commercial radio

12 §/expires U: 2016-01/01/It authorized to transmit digital commercial radio

shall submit annually to the authority for radio and tv account for how the

obligations referred to in chapter 13. 27(1), 1 and 2

have been met.

12 §/entry into force: 01/01/2016/The authorized to transmit digital commercial broadcasting shall submit annually to the authority for press, radio and tv account of how the obligations referred to in chapter 13. 27(1), 1 and 2 have been met. Law (2015:808).

Notification for those who acquired an exclusive right

section 13/expires U: 2016-01/01/It who has acquired the exclusive right to

such an event as specified in Chapter 5. section 9 shall immediately

inform the authority for radio and television.

section 13/entry into force: 01/01/2016/whoever has acquired the exclusive rights to such events as set out in Chapter 5. section 9 shall immediately inform the Authority for press, radio and television.

Law (2015:808).

If the Review Board for radio and tv

section 14 of the Review Board for radio and television consists of a

Chairman and six other members. For members can be found

replacement of the Government. At least one of the

members or deputies shall be vice President.

The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be or have been

ordinary judges.

Review Board for radio and tv is a quorum with

the Chairman or a Vice-Chairman and three additional

members. Cases which are clearly shown not to be of greater importance or

principle may, however, be decided by the President or a

Vice President.

If, during a discussion of the Review Board for radio and

tv comes out dissenting opinions, the applicable regulations

in Chapter 16 of the. the code of judicial procedure.

Cooperation between authorities

section 15 if the one against Sweden wholly or mainly directed television

broadcast from a broadcaster established in another EEA State

contrary to Chapter 6. 2 paragraph 1 or 2 for

product placement of alcoholic beverages or Chapter 7. section 2 of the

applies to software may not be sponsored by someone whose main

activity is to manufacture alcoholic beverages, a competent

authority in Sweden please contact a competent authority of the other

EEA State to urge the broadcaster to comply with the

the provision.

The same applies if a broadcast referred to in the first subparagraph

contrary to Chapter 8. 7 or 8 section, or Chapter 7. paragraph 3 of the law on alcohol


If the broadcaster does not comply with the invitation in the first paragraph,

the Agency may take action against the broadcaster under 16

Cape. section 10, chapter 17. 5 and 6 §§ 48 and 29 and § §

the Marketing Act (2008:486) if the broadcaster in question has

established in the country in order to circumvent the stricter

provisions that would have applied if it were established in the

country whose authority intervenes. The authority may not take

measures until it has alerted the European Commission

and the Member State concerned and the Commission

that they are compatible with EU law. Law (2010:1635).

16 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/

A competent authority of Sweden shall, if requested by a competent

authority of another EEA State has made a reasoned request,

ask a broadcaster under Swedish jurisdiction to follow

the other EEA State's provisions on

1. software company provides a television broadcast which is wholly

or mainly directed towards the other EEA State, and

2. in the case of infringement of a provision of

general interest, that go beyond the directive's


Provisions on freedom and announces acquisition and non-

against censorship, see Chapter 1. 2 and 3 of

freedom of expression.

16 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016

A competent authority of Sweden shall, if requested by a competent

authority of another EEA State has made a reasoned

request, ask a broadcaster under Swedish jurisdiction

to follow the other EEA State's provisions on

1. software company provides a television broadcast which is wholly

or mainly directed towards the other EEA State, and

2. in the case of infringement of a provision of

general interest, that go beyond

By-the provisions of the directive, in the original wording.

Provisions on freedom and announces acquisition and non-

against censorship, see Chapter 1. 2 and 3 of

freedom of expression. Law (2015:662).

section 17 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

notifies the methods of cooperation between authorities

According to sections 15 and 16.

Chapter 17. Punitive, special fee and penalty

Broadcast without permission

section 1 of The who, intentionally or negligently: broadcasting programs

without authorization, where such is required under this Act shall be liable to a

fines or imprisonment of up to six months.

Broadcasting from the high seas

section 2 of The who, either intentionally or negligently, broadcasting from a

Radio on the high seas or in airspace over the

or that establishes or holds such a plant, is sentenced

to a fine or imprisonment not exceeding six months if

1. the consignment is intended to be received or to be received in

any country that is party to the European

the agreement for the prevention of radio broadcasts from

stations outside national territories, or

2. broadcast causes the radio in one of these

countries become harmful influence.

The abroad committed such a crime is sentenced, if he or

She is here, after this law and by a Swedish court, although

Chapter 2. 2 or 3 of the criminal code is not applicable and no matter

What is provided in Chapter 2. 5 a of the first and second subparagraphs

the Penal Code.

Criminal charges may be brought only after the decision of the Government or the

authority the Government against

1. Swedish nationals for offences relating to consignments which are not

intended to be received or to be received in Sweden and not

either causes the radioanvändningar become harmful impact on

Here, or

2. Aliens also in cases other than those referred to in Chapter 2. paragraph 5 of the

the Penal Code.

Violation of notification obligation

section 3 of The who willfully or negligently fails to fulfil their

notification under Chapter 2. section 2 shall be liable to a fine.


section 4 of the Property used in crime under paragraph 2 shall be explained

forfeit, unless it is manifestly unfair. Instead of

the property its value can be declared forfeited. Even the exchange of

such an offence shall be declared forfeited, if it is not

manifestly unreasonable.

An object that has been used as a tool for crime under

This law or the value may be declared forfeited, if

It is necessary to prevent crime or there is

other special reasons for it.

The obligation to pay a special fee

§ 5/expires U: 2016-01-01/

Anyone who does not comply with the terms and conditions laid down

in this section, may be required to pay a special fee.

This applies to

1. conditions for ads, sponsored programs, and product placement

decided on the basis of Chapter 4. section 10,

2. the provisions concerning undue favoritism to commercial

interest according to Chapter 5. section 5 and chapter 14. section 2,

3. the provisions, in the case of other ads than advertising, in

Chapter 5. section 6, Chapter 8. 6 and 9 sections, chapter 14. section 3 and 15. 3 and

4 §§,

4. the provisions on exclusive rights in Chapter 5. section 9,

5. the rules on product placement in Chapter 6,

6. the provisions concerning sponsorship in Chapter 7. as well as 15 Cape. 8-10 sections,

7. the provisions on ads in Chapter 8. 1-5 paragraphs, paragraph 7 of the other

subparagraph and paragraph 10 and 15. 1 and 2 sections,

8. the provisions concerning virtual advertising and electronic

business signs in Chapter 8. sections 11 and 12, or

9. the provisions on advertising in Chapter 8. section 15.

When assessing the question of fee to be charged, or accrued, to the right

in particular, take into account the nature, duration and


The fee to the State.

§ 5/entry into force: 01/01/2016

Anyone who does not comply with the terms and conditions laid down

in this section, may be required to pay a special fee.

This applies to

1. conditions for ads, sponsored programs, and

product placement has been decided on the basis of Chapter 4. section 10,

2. the provisions concerning undue favoritism to commercial

interest according to Chapter 5. section 5 and chapter 14. section 2,

3. the provisions, in the case of other ads than advertising, in

Chapter 5. section 6, Chapter 8. 6 and 9 sections, chapter 14. section 3 and 15. 3 and

4 §§,

4. the provisions on exclusive rights in Chapter 5. section 9,

5. the rules on product placement in Chapter 6. paragraphs 1 and 2, paragraph 3 of the

first subparagraph, and paragraph 4,

6. the provisions concerning sponsorship in Chapter 7. 1-3 and 4-8 sections and

15. 8 – 10 sections,

7. the provisions on ads in Chapter 8. 1 to 5 sections, section 7 of the other

subparagraph and paragraph 10 and 15. 1 and 2 sections,

8. the provisions concerning virtual advertising and electronic

business signs in Chapter 8. sections 11 and 12, or

9. the provisions on advertising in Chapter 8. section 15.

When assessing the question of fee to be charged, or accrued, to the right

in particular, take into account the nature, duration and


The fee to the State. Law (2015:662).

The special fee

section 6 of the special levy is fixed at not less than five thousand

kroons and not more than five million. The charge, however, should not

exceed 10% of the annual turnover as the supplier of

Media Services had during the previous fiscal year.

When the amount of the fee is determined to be particularly taken into account the

the facts on the basis of the examination of the question of

fee shall be levied and the revenue that the provider can

is estimated to have received in respect of the infringement.

When and to whom the special levy shall be paid

section 7/expires U: 2016-01-01-the special levy shall be payable to the Agency for

radio and television within thirty days after the decision

become final.

section 7/entry into force: 01/01/2016/the special levy shall be payable to the Agency for press, radio and television within thirty days after the decision has become final. Law (2015:808).

Recovery of unpaid fees

section 8/expires U: 2016-01-01-on the special fee is not paid within the time

specified in section 7, the public authority for radio and television leave claim on

the unpaid fee for collection. Recovery should occur

According to the provisions of the Act (1993:891) for the recovery of

Government receivables, etc.

section 8/entry into force: 01/01/2016 If the special fee is not paid within the period specified in section 7, the Authority for press, radio and television provide claim on the unpaid fee for collection. Recovery shall be effected in accordance with the provisions of the Act (1993:891) for the recovery of the State Law claims, etc. (2015:808).

Documents shall be regarded as unfair within the meaning of

the Marketing Act (2008:486)

section 9 of An act contrary to Chapter 8. paragraph 7, 8

and 9 sections, first and second paragraphs of section 14 and 15. paragraph 4 should

for the purposes of 5, 23 and 26 of the Marketing Act

(2008:486) is considered to be unfair marketing


Such an act could cause a market disturbance fee

According to the provisions of §§ 29-36 Marketing Act.

Publication of the Review Board for radio and television


section 10 of the Review Board for radio and television may decide to

the media service provider, in an appropriate manner,

publish the decision of the Board, if the Board found that someone

has violated the conditions agreed with the application-related

support of Chapter 4. sections 8 and 9, Chapter 11. paragraph 3, or the provision of

rectification in Chapter 5. paragraph 4, first subparagraph. Such a decision

must not, however, mean that the disclosure must be made in

the vendor's software.

It shall include an injunction under penalty.

Order to comply with the provisions

11 §/expires U: 2016-01/01/It that do not comply with the provisions set out in this

section or the decisions issued on the basis of

the provisions, shall be communicated to the injunctions as necessary in

individual cases to the provisions to be complied with. A

injunction may be subject to a penalty. This applies to provisions


1. warning (Chapter 5, section 2),

2. licence conditions according to Chapter 4. 9 § 1-4, 6-9 and 16 and 11

Cape. 3 section 1-3, 5-8 and 16,

3. indications (Chapter 5. section 11 and 14.7),

4. obligation to design television, pay-per-view or

searchable text in such a way that the services will be

accessible to persons with disabilities pursuant to 5

Cape. section 12 and the decisions that have been issued with the support of the

the provision,

5. shipping duty or obligation to provide channel

for local cable ends organisations (Chapter 9, 1-3 and 5 sections),

6. närradiosändningars content (Chapter 14, section 4),

7. the obligation to provide certain information to the authority

for radio and television (16.5-8 sections),

8. the obligation to provide information under Chapter 16 of the. section 9,

9. the obligation to provide information to the Agency for

radio and television according to Chapter 16. section 10,

10. the obligation to provide recording according to Chapter 16. section 11, or

11. obligation to annually report to the Agency for radio

and tv under Chapter 16 of the. section 12.

Injunction under the first paragraph 1, 3, 4, 6, 8 or 9,

decided by the Review Board for radio and tv. Injunction

under the first subparagraph 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 or 11 shall be decided

of Authority for radio and television.

Injunction under the first paragraph 8 or 10 may also

decided by the Consumer Ombudsman. Law (2012:702).

11 §/entry into force: 01/01/2016/anyone who does not comply with the provisions set out in this clause or the decisions issued on the basis of the provisions, may be communicated to the injunctions as necessary in individual cases in order to comply with the rules. An injunction may be subject to a penalty. This applies to provisions of 1. warning (5.2), 2. permit conditions according to Chapter 4. 9 § 1 to 4, 6 to 9 and 16 and Chapter 11. 3 section 1-3, 5-8 and 16, 3. indications (Chapter 5. section 11 and 14.7), 4. obligation to design television, pay-per-view or searchable text in such a way that the services are available for persons with disabilities in accordance with Chapter 5. section 12 and decision given pursuant to this provision, 5. shipping duty or obligation to provide channel for local cable ends organisations (Chapter 9, 1-3 and 5 sections),

6. närradiosändningars content (Chapter 14, section 4),

7. the obligation to provide certain information to the Agency for press, radio and television (16.5-8 sections),

8. the obligation to provide information under Chapter 16 of the. section 9,

9. the obligation to provide information to the Agency for press, radio and television according to Chapter 16. section 10,

10. the obligation to provide recording according to Chapter 16. section 11, or

11. obligation to annually report to the Agency for press, radio and television according to Chapter 16. section 12.

Injunction under the first paragraph 1, 3, 4, 6, 8 or 9 may be decided by the Review Board for radio and tv. Injunction under the first paragraph 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 or 11 shall be decided by the Authority for press, radio and television.

Injunction under the first paragraph 8 or 10 may also be determined by the Consumer Ombudsman. Law (2015:808).

Injunction prohibiting the authorised to transmit

community radio

12 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/Authority for radio and television, in an order

prohibit licensees that contravene decision on broadcasting time

in local radio taken by authority or to let

anyone else use the licensee's broadcasting rights.

The order may be subject to a penalty.

12 §/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Authority for press, radio and television, in an injunction banning license holders to contravene decision on airtime in local radio which has been taken by the authority, or to allow someone else to use the licensee's broadcasting rights. The order may be subject to a penalty.

Law (2015:808).

Injunction for the broadcasting of violence or

pornographic images

section 13 if someone repeatedly broadcast images of violence

or pornographic images on tv at times and, as referred to in

Chapter 5. section 2, the Attorney General shall submit to the latter not on

new broadcast such programs at times and in such a way that it

There is a substantial risk that the child can see the applications.

The same applies if someone repeatedly

provides on-demand in the manner referred to in Chapter 5. section 3.

The order may be subject to a penalty.

Injunction for satellite contractors

section 14 Of the broadcasting over satellite is not established in

Sweden according to Chapter 1. section 3(1) 1 or 4, may

Review Board for radio and television announce the injunctions

necessary in individual cases for the terms and conditions

referred to in paragraph 5 shall be complied with. The order may be subject to

liquidated damages.

Injunctions under section 11 or 13 may be directed against

satellite contractor, if the broadcasting over satellite is not

established in Sweden according to Chapter 1. 3 paragraph 1 or


Displays the satellite contractor to the broadcasting over satellite

access to transmission possibility through the grant of a

the satellite operator's clients without

satellite contractor approved it, receives a notice under

the first or second paragraph instead directed to

the principal.

Chapter 18. Revocation of authorization

When a permit is revoked

section 1 authorisation to broadcast tv, searchable text or sound radio

to be revoked at the request of the licensee. A State

may also be revoked according to 2-5 and 7 sections or amended as 2

and 7 sections. Law (2012:702).

Revocation and amendment of permits to broadcast tv, searchable

Teletext or permission granted by the Government to send

sound radio

2 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/

A licence to broadcast tv or searchable text or

a permission given by the Government to send sound signals

may be withdrawn if the

1. the licensee shall substantially violated Chapter 5. 1, 2, 4-6

to 12 sections, Chapter 6. 1, section 2 of the first subparagraph and second subparagraph

1-3, paragraphs 3 and 4, Chapter 7. 1, 2 and 3 – 8 sections, Chapter 8. 1-13 and

14 section, chapter 14. 1-3 of 15. 1 to 5, 6 to 9 and 10 section, or

2. a condition which come together with the State on the basis of 4

Cape. 8-11 section or Chapter 11. paragraph 3 has been infringed on a


A licence to broadcast tv or searchable text or a

permission given by the Government to send sound signals,

be amended to refer to other broadcasting space, if

1. changes in radio technology or changes in the

radioanvändningen due to international

agreements which Sweden has acceded or

provisions adopted pursuant to the Treaty on European

functioning leads to a new State, with

the same conditions should not be permitted, or

2. it is necessary to provide space for additional

broadcasts. Team (2013:1056).

2 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016

A licence to broadcast tv or searchable text or a

permission given by the Government to send sound signals,

be revoked if

1. the licensee shall substantially violated Chapter 5. 1, 2, 4-6

to 12 sections, Chapter 6. section 1, paragraph 2 of the first subparagraph and second subparagraph

1-3, section 3(1) and section 4, Chapter 7. 1, 2, 3 and 4 – 8 sections, 8

Cape. 1 to 13 and 14 sections, chapter 14. 1-3 of 15. 1 – 5, 6 – 9

and 10 sections, or

2. a condition which come together with the State on the basis of 4

Cape. 8-11 section or Chapter 11. paragraph 3 has been infringed on a


A licence to broadcast tv or searchable text or a

permission given by the Government to send sound signals,

be amended to refer to other broadcasting space, if

1. changes in radio technology or changes in the

radioanvändningen due to international

agreements which Sweden has acceded or

provisions adopted pursuant to the Treaty on European

functioning leads to a new State, with

the same conditions should not be permitted, or

2. it is necessary to provide space for additional

broadcasts. Law (2015:662).

Revocation of authorization to broadcast community radio

paragraph 3, an authorisation to broadcast community radio may be withdrawn if the

the licensee

1. no longer complies with the requirements of Chapter 12. paragraph 4, or

2. not exercised the right to broadcast community radio in three

consecutive months.

Permission to broadcast community radio may also be withdrawn if the Court

found that a program included a yttrandefrihetsbrott that

is a serious abuse of freedom of expression. It's

the Court made the decision on yttrandefrihetsbrott as

decide on the revocation of the authorization in these cases.

paragraph 4 of the decision on revocation of an authorisation to broadcast

community radio, it determined a maximum period of one year within which the

the licensee will not receive a new permit.

In the case referred to in paragraph 3 of the second paragraph, the Court may decide

that the licensee should not get a new State within a

maximum period of one year or, where there are serious reasons, not more than

five years. This applies even if the permit when

yttrandefrihetsbrottet was committed do not have permission to send

community radio at the time of judgment.

The Court may decide that the decision shall also apply to the time

before the ruling becomes final.

Withdrawal of permission to broadcast commercial radio

§ 5/expires U: 2016-01-01/Permission to broadcast commercial radio may be withdrawn if the

1. the licensee shall not started broadcasting in

six months after the beginning of the attestation,

2. the licensee has not made use of the right to broadcast or

sent only to a negligible extent during a continuous period

at least four weeks,

3. the licensee materially violated any of Chapter 14. 2

§ 15 Cape. 1-4 and 8-10 sections, or

4. the Court has found that a program included a

yttrandefrihetsbrott that is a serious abuse of

the freedom of expression.

Have a physical or legal person, without permission from the

Authority for radio and television, over more than one permit for

analogue commercial radio in a broadcast area, directly or

indirectly through companies in which the acquirer has a part that

represent at least twenty per cent of all the shares or participations

or by agreement alone has a controlling interest in,

the permit is revoked, provided after the

first permit.

Have Authority for radio and television, acknowledged the transfer despite the fact that

the licensee already has permission to send analog

commercial radio in the same broadcast area, directly or

indirectly, by the company in which the licensee has a part

representing at least twenty per cent of all the shares or

units or by agreement alone has a controlling

influence, the authorization is revoked only if the decision on the

the transfer was based on incorrect or incomplete

information from the licensee. The recall will cover

the State transferred.

If the State, counties or municipalities hold a permit to

broadcast commercial radio as described in chapter 13. 4 §

the second paragraph, the radio and television authority revoke the

the authorization.

§ 5/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Permission to broadcast commercial radio may be withdrawn if the 1. the licensee has not begun broadcasting within six months after the beginning of the attestation, 2. the licensee has not made use of the right to broadcast or sent only to a negligible extent during a continuous period of at least four weeks, 3. the licensee materially violated any of Chapter 14.

section 2 and 15. 1-4 and 8 – 10 sections, or 4. the Court has found that a program included a yttrandefrihetsbrott, which is a serious abuse of freedom of expression.

Have a physical or legal person, without permission from the authority for press, radio and television, over more than one permit for analogue commercial radio in a broadcast area, directly or indirectly, by the undertaking in which the acquirer has the part which corresponds to at least twenty per cent of all the shares or units or by agreement alone has a controlling interest in the licence may be revoked provided after the first permit.

Have Authority for press, radio and television licensee acknowledges, despite the fact that the transfer has already been authorized to broadcast analogue commercial radio in the same broadcast area, directly or indirectly, by the company in which the licensee has a portion representing at least twenty per cent of all the shares or units or by agreement alone has a controlling interest, the State revoked only if the decision about the transfer was based on incorrect or incomplete information from the licensee. The recall will cover the State transferred.

If the State, counties or municipalities holding a licences to broadcast commercial radio as described in chapter 13. paragraph 4 of the second paragraph, the Authority for press, radio and television to revoke the permit. Law (2015:808).

Revocation of appointment as local cable ends of the Organization

section 6, an order that local cable ends of the Organization,

be revoked if any broadcasters been or

If such activity occurred only to a negligible extent

for a continuous period of at least three months.

What should be taken into account when the authorisation is withdrawn or amended

paragraph 7 of the decision on the withdrawal of authorisation pursuant to §§ 2-5 may

be made only if, in view of the reasons for the measure does not

seems too restrictive.

Decision amending the authorisation required under paragraph 2(2) of 2 may

be taken only if the licensee's rights under Chapter 4. 4 section can

are protected.

19. The handling of the case of withdrawal, a special fee

and vite etc.

Who hears cases of withdrawal and amendment of permits

1 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/Goal for the withdrawal of authorisations for violation

of conditions issued pursuant to Chapter 4. section 8, section 9, 10-12, 11

Cape. section 3(1) or second paragraph 9-12 and if

breach of Chapter 5. 1, 2 and 4 of section or Chapter 14. section 1 shall, on

the action of the Attorney General are heard by the ordinary courts.

In other cases examined cases of withdrawal of authorisations of

Authority for radio and television.

Matters concerning the amendment of the licence to broadcast tv or searchable

Teletext or permission granted by the Government to send

Audio radio is tested by the notified State.

Law (2012:702).

1 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016 Goal for the withdrawal of authorisations for violation of conditions issued pursuant to Chapter 4. section 8, section 9, 10-12, 11. section 3(1) or second paragraph 9 – 12 and violation of Chapter 5. 1, 2 and 4 of section or Chapter 14. section 1, on the action of the Attorney General are heard by the ordinary courts.

In other cases examined cases of withdrawal of authorisation by the authority for press, radio and television.

Matters concerning the amendment of the licence to broadcast tv or searchable text or permission granted by the Government to send sound signals are heard by the who announced the authorization.

Law (2015:808).

When a question about the recall may be collected

2 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/Has the condition given by the Government, receive a question about

the revocation must be examined only after notification of the Government, if not

the licensee himself requested the permit shall be revoked.

Has the authorization given by the authority for radio and television, a

question of withdrawal is addressed

1. at the request of the licensee,

2. on its own initiative of the competent to rule on the question,


3. following notification of the Review Board for radio and tv

violation of a provision of this Act or of

conditions of authorisation shall be reviewed by the Board under 16

Cape. 2 §.

A question about modification of the permit may, in addition, at the request of

the licensee shall, on its own initiative, taken up by the

jurisdiction to rule on the issue.

Before radio and television authority makes a decision in a case

If the recall due to violation of the provision of

This law or of the conditions of authorisation shall be examined by the

Review Board for radio and television according to Chapter 16. section 2, shall

authority may request an opinion from the Board. The authorisation may

be revoked only if the Board is satisfied that the infringement is


2 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016 Has the authorization given by the Government, receive a question of withdrawal be examined only after notification of the Government, unless the licensee himself requested the permit shall be revoked.

Has the authorization given by the authority for press, radio and television, the question of withdrawal is addressed

1. at the request of the licensee, 2. on the own initiative of the competent to rule, or 3. After notification of the Review Board for radio and tv for violation of the provision of this Act or of a condition of licence to be audited by the Board pursuant to Chapter 16. 2 §.

A question about modification of the permit may, in addition, at the request of the licensee, be taken up ex officio by the competent to rule on the issue.

Before the Agency for press, radio and television makes a decision in a case of withdrawal on grounds of infringement of a provision of this Act or of a condition of licence that will be reviewed by the Review Board for radio and television according to Chapter 16. paragraph 2, the authority shall request an opinion from the Board.

The permit may be withdrawn only if the Board is satisfied that the infringement is substantial. Law (2015:808).

Provisions on trial

trial in case of paragraph 3 of article 1 of the first subparagraph shall apply

the provisions for freedom of speech cases. What is in these

provisions relating to the accused shall apply for the

action of withdrawal targets. Jury trial shall refer to

the issue of the permit shall be revoked.

The Court may decide that the decision shall also apply to the time before

it becomes final.

Who hears questions about the payment of a special fee, etc.

section 4 of the questions about the imposition of special levy assessed by

Administrative Court in Stockholm on the application of

Review Board for radio and tv.

The question of the imposition of special fee falls, if the

the action is directed against the non-service applications within five years from the

that infringement came to an end. A decision to charge ceases to

apply if the decision is not executed within five years from the

the judgment became final.

Who hears questions about imposition of liquidated damages

paragraph 5 of the questions about the imposition of a penalty imposed by

The Attorney General referred to in chapter 17. paragraph 13 of the review by the Court

on the action of the Attorney General. For the trial, in a case such

apply the provisions of the freedom of speech cases. What is in

These provisions concern the accused shall apply for the

as an action if imposition of liquidated damages. Jury trial

shall relate to the issue of the penalty payment should be tried out.

Questions about imposing liquidated damages in other cases are heard in accordance with

that generally is prescribed for penalty payments.

20 chapter. Appeal

Decision on tv broadcasts, searchable text tv and community radio

1 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/Decision under this Act by the authority for radio and television

may be appealed to the Administrative Court, if the case

1. authorization to broadcast tv, searchable text, or community radio,

2. the allocation of broadcasting time in local radio,

3. modification or cancellation of a licence, or

4. refusal to allow the transfer of the licence to broadcast tv

or searchable text.

Decision referred to in the first subparagraph shall be effective immediately, if not

anything else is determined.

1 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016 Decision under this Act by the authority for press, radio and television may be appealed to the Administrative Court, if the case

1. authorization to broadcast tv, searchable text, or community radio, 2. allocation of broadcasting time in local radio, 3. the modification or cancellation of an authorization, or 4. decision not to allow the transfer of the licence to broadcast tv or searchable text.

Decision referred to in the first subparagraph shall be effective immediately, unless otherwise provided. Law (2015:808).

Decisions about commercial radio

2 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/decision of the Agency for radio and tv commercial

Radio may be appealed to the Administrative Court, if the

concerning the decision to

1. reject an application for a permit,

2. do not allow the transfer of a licence,

3. withdraw a licence, and

4. a partner in a partnership shall be deemed to be liable

under Chapter 13. section 16.

On appeal of the decision referred to in the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 and

3 should be dealt with promptly.

Decision referred to in the first paragraph 2 and 3 shall be effective immediately,

unless otherwise provided.

2 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/decision of the Agency for press, radio and television about commercial radio may be appealed to the Administrative Court, if it comes to the decision to

1. reject an application for a permit, 2. do not allow the transfer of a licence, 3. revoke an authorization, and 4. a partner in a partnership shall be deemed to be liable under Chapter 13. section 16.

On appeal of the decision referred to in the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 and 3 shall be dealt with promptly.

Decision referred to in the first paragraph 2 and 3 shall be effective immediately, unless otherwise provided. Law (2015:808).

Other decisions which may be appealed

3 §/expires U: 2016-01-01-the following decisions of the authority for radio and television,

be appealed to the Administrative Court:

1. decision on designation in accordance with Chapter 5. § 11 and 14. section 7,

2. decisions under Chapter 5. 12 section on accessibility for people

with disabilities,

3. the appointment of a local cable ends organisations under 9

Cape. section 5,

4. decision concerning the withdrawal of a writ under Chapter 18. 6

§, and

5. decisions under Chapter 9. Article 7 on derogations from obligations

and the obligation to provide broadcast space for local

the cable ends of the organizations.

Decision referred to in the first paragraph 2 and 3 shall be effective immediately,

unless otherwise provided.

3 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016 Following decision of the Agency for press, radio and television may be appealed to the Administrative Court:

1. decision on designation in accordance with Chapter 5. § 11 and 14. 7 §,

2. decision under Chapter 5. 12 section on accessibility for persons with disabilities, 3. the appointment of a local cable ends organisations under Chapter 9. 5 §,

4. decision concerning the withdrawal of a writ under Chapter 18.

section 6, and 5. decision under Chapter 9. Article 7 on derogations from obligations and duty to provide broadcast space for local cable endings organizations.

Decision referred to in the first paragraph 2 and 3 shall be effective immediately, unless otherwise provided. Law (2015:808).


4 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/decision of Authority for radio and television, the Review Board

for radio and tv, or consumer ombudsman if injunctive relief

who have come together with penalties pursuant to chapter 17. section 10, section 11 of the first

the paragraph and section 12 may be appealed to the General

Administrative Court.

Injunctive relief under Chapter 17. section 10, section 11, first paragraph, 2, 3, 6

and 8 and section 12 applies immediately, unless otherwise

is determined.

4 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/decision of the Agency for press, radio and television, the Review Board for radio and tv, or consumer ombudsman if the injunctions that have come together with penalties pursuant to chapter 17. section 10, section 11 and section 12 of the first paragraph may be appealed to the administrative court.

Injunctive relief under Chapter 17. section 10, section 11, first paragraph, 2, 3, 6 and 8 and section 12 applies immediately, unless otherwise provided. Law (2015:808).

Leave to appeal to the Administrative Court of

section 5 leave to appeal is required for an appeal to the Administrative Court of

by decisions of a general administrative court

According to §§ 1-4.

Decisions may not be appealed

6 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/other decisions by the authority for radio and television and

Review Board for radio and television other than those referred to in paragraphs 1-4

may not be appealed.

6 §/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Other decision of the Agency for press, radio and television and the Review Board for radio and television other than those referred to in paragraphs 1 to 4 shall not be subject to appeal. Law (2015:808).

Transitional provisions


1. this law shall enter into force on 1 August 2010.

2. By the act ceases Broadcasting Act (1996:844) and the law

(1992:72) of concession fee on television and radio

area to apply.

3. authorization to broadcast television and sound radio communicated with support

of the Broadcasting Act (1996:844) shall apply also to the


4. a person who has been authorised to broadcast tv programs with the support of

radio and Television Act (1996:844) may also send searchable

Teletext in reasonable scope for the remainder of the

the authorisation period.

5. the provisions of Chapter 6. apply to the provision of

programs produced after August 1, 2010.

6. The program on August 1, 2010 have a broadcasting permit

has been extended with the support of the law (2008:418) with temporary

provisions on permission to broadcast local radio has the right to

without special application continue to carry shipments within the

the broadcast area to which the permit relates to 1 August

2018. For such permission only applies to conditions under 13

Cape. § 9 the first paragraph.

7./expires U: 2016-01/01/It broadcasting commercial radio and covered by point

6 to pay fee

a) according to paragraphs 15-17 of the repealed local radio law

(1993:120), about the State originally established prior to

July 1, 2001, or

(b) paragraph 4 (b)) under the Act (1992:72) of concession fee of

television and radio's area, on the State originally

It was announced after 1 July 2001.

When radio and television authority applies the section 17 of the other

the paragraph in the repealed local radio Act in respect of the fee

referred to in the first subparagraph, point (a), the authority shall, for each

licence holders make a proportionate reduction of fees

so that the total contributions per year for all

authorisation shall be reduced by a total of 12 million.

Law (2011:1558).

7./entry into force: 01/01/2016 The broadcasting commercial radio and covered by point 6 shall pay a fee) under paragraphs 15 to 17 of the repealed local radio Act (1993:120), about the State originally given before 1 July 2001 or b) under 4 b of the Act (1992:72) of concession fee on television and the radio's area, on the State originally announced after 1 July 2001.

When Authority for press, radio and television are implementing the second paragraph of section 17 of the repealed local radio teams in question if the fee referred to in the first subparagraph (a), the authority shall, for each authorised holders make a proportional reduction of the charge so that the total contributions per year for all permits shall be reduced by a total of 12 million.

Law (2015:808).


1. this law shall enter into force on 1 January 2012.

2. Older provisions still apply for conditions

relating to the period prior to the entry into force.


1. this law shall enter into force on 1 January 2012.

2. the authority for radio and television shall by 31 January

2012, shall lay down the amount to be paid in 2012.