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School Teams (2010:800)

Original Language Title: Skollag (2010:800)

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Chapter 1. Introductory provisions

School system

section 1 of this Act contains provisions on the school system.

Education within the school system organized by the public and by

individual under Chapter 2. 2-6 sections.

The school system includes school forms

– preschool,

– preschool,

– primary school,

– the basic special,

-special school,

-Sami school,

-secondary school,

-secondary special,

– municipal adult education, and

-special education for adults.

The school system also includes holiday homes that complement

education in the pre-school class, elementary school, vocational programs,

special school, Sami school and certain specific

forms of training. Law (2015:482).

Certain specific forms of education and other educational


section 2 of this Act also includes provisions on certain specific

forms of training and other educational activities

instead of education within the school system. For such

activities apply common provisions in this Act only

If it is stated in particular.


section 3, for the purposes of this law

– student: anyone who participates in education under this Act with

except for children in preschool,

– distance education: interactive teaching activities with

information and communication technology, where students and teachers

are separated in space but not in time,

-Leisure: such leisure activities of a

individual and as described in Chapter 2. the second subparagraph of paragraph 7,

-Preschool: pre-school unit in which a single

conducts training in the form of preschool,

– independent school: skolenhet in which an individual engages in

education within the school system in the form of preschool,

primary, basic, secondary, special secondary school special

or such a holiday home as described in Chapter 2. paragraph 7 of the first


– pre-school unit: by the head of the nursery school organised unit

covering activities in one or more förskolebyggnader

that are near to one another and to unit linked business

that is not conducted in any förskolebyggnad,

– skolenhet: the principal of another school than kindergarten

organized unit that includes activities in one or more

school buildings that are close to each other and to the device

related activities which are not conducted in any school building,

-Tuition: those targeting processes which led

by teachers or preschool teacher refers to the development and

learning through the acquisition and development of skills and

values, and

-Education: the activities in which teaching takes place

on the basis of specific objectives. Law (2015:194).

The purpose of education within the school system

section 4 of the training school is aimed at children and

students should acquire and develop the skills and values. It shall

encourage all children's and students ' development and learning, as well as a

lifelong desire to learn. The training shall also communicate and

enshrining respect for human rights and

fundamental democratic values as the Swedish

society rests.

The training must take account of children's and students ' different

needs. Children and pupils should be given support and encouragement so that they

developed as far as possible. An endeavour should be to

compensate for differences in children's and students ' opportunities

to benefit from the course.

The training also aims to, in cooperation with the home

promote children's and students ' all-round personal development to

active, creative, competent and responsible individuals

and citizens.

The design of the training

paragraph 5 of the training shall be drawn up in accordance with

basic democratic values and human

human rights as the sanctity of life, the individual's

freedom and privacy, all of equal value,

equality and solidarity between people.

Anyone who works in education should promote the

human rights and actively discourage all forms of

abusive treatment.

Education should rest on a scientific basis and proven


section 6 of the education at a skolenhet or pre-school unit with

public trust shall be non-denominational.

section 7 of the education at independent schools, independent

for schools and kindergartens shall be non-


Moreover, education at independent schools, independent

for schools and recreation centres may have a denominational

focus. Participation in denominational elements should be


Equal access to education

section 8 everyone should, regardless of geographic location and social and

economic conditions, have equal access to education in

the school system unless otherwise provided by special provisions in

This law.

In the non-discrimination Act (2008:567) contains provisions which have

the objective to combat discrimination and in other ways

promoting equal rights and opportunities in the

education regardless of gender, transgender identity

or expression, ethnicity, religion or other

belief, disability, sexual orientation or

age. Law (2014:960).

Equivalent education

§ 9 the education of the school system shall be equivalent in

every school form and in the leisure home no matter where in the country

It organized.

Particular regard to the best interests of the child

section 10 in all training and other activities under this Act

concerning children, the best interests of the child be the starting point. With children

shall mean any person under 18 years of age.

The child's preference should as far as possible be clarified.

Children should have the opportunity to freely express their views in all

questions concerning him or her. The views of the child should

be accorded importance in relation to the child's age and



section 11 of the form for each school and for leisure-time to apply a

curriculum that is based on the provisions of this law.

The curriculum should provide educational values and mission. The

should also set goals and guidelines for education and training.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on curricula.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

for a specific school type or for leisure-announce

regulations on the education of values and mission, and if

objectives and guidelines for education otherwise than by a


The law's content

section 12 of the Act is divided into 29 chapters.

These are

– introductory provisions (Chapter 1),

-principals and responsibilities (Chapter 2),

– children's and students ' progress against objectives (Chapter 3),

– quality and influence (Chapter 4),

-Security and studiero (Chapter 5.)

-measures against degrading treatment (Chapter 6),

-compulsory education and the right to education (Chapter 7),

– preschool (Chapter 8),

– pre-school class (Chapter 9),

– primary education (chap. 10),

– Basic programs (11 kap.)

-special school (Chapter 12),

– the same school (Chapter 13.)

-holiday home (Chapter 14.)

-secondary school (15-17 a Cape.)

-secondary programs (18 and 19.)

– municipal adult education (Chapter 20),

-special education for adults (Chapter 21),

– construction and collaboration (Chapter 23.)

– specific forms of training (Chapter 24),

-other educational activities (Chapter 25),

– supervision, State quality examination and national

monitoring and evaluation (chapter 26),

– The Board of appeal of the school system and the teachers ' disciplinary board


– appeals (Chapter 28), and

– other provisions (chapter 29).

Law (2015:482).

Chapter 2. Principals and responsibilities

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is provided for

-principals of the school system (2-8 sections),

resource allocation – municipalities (paragraph 8),

-management of training (paragraphs 9-12),

– teachers and pre-school teachers (13-23 sections),

– Student Health (§§ 25-28),

– guidance and counselling (paragraphs 29 and 30),

-records check of personnel (sections 31 to 33),

– skills development (paragraph 34), and

– facilities and equipment and access to the school library (35

and 36 sections). Law (2014:458).

Principals of the school system


section 2 of the Municipalities is the main men for kindergarten, preschool,

primary, basic, secondary, special schools, special

municipal adult education, special education for adults and

recreation centres, subject to the provisions of paragraph 4.

In each municipality there shall be one or more boards to be

comply with the municipality's duties under this Act. About the municipality

tasks performed by multiple boards, each such Committee, in

the extent to which it is requested, supply the information needed

to administer the allocation of places in pre-school and in

the activities referred to in chapter 25. to the other


For such a Committee referred to in the second subparagraph, the

is prescribed on the boards of the local Government Act (1991:900).

Law (2015:482).

County Councils

section 3 of The county councils shall be the principal for the high school,

secondary special, municipal adult education and special

education for adults in the extent specified in this


In a county that is principal of such school forms

specified in the first subparagraph shall be one or more boards

to fulfil the Council's duties under this Act.

For such a Committee referred to in the second subparagraph, the

is prescribed on the boards of the local Government Act (1991:900).


section 4 of the State is the head of special schools and Sami schools and

preschool and daycare at a skolenhet with

special school or Sámi schools.


5 § Individuals may, on application, be recognized as heads of the

kindergarten, preschool, elementary school, vocational, special

school, secondary special and holiday home.

Approval shall be given if the individual has the potential

to comply with the regulations that apply to the education and

education does not mean tangible negative consequences in the long

sight for students, or for the part of the school system that

organized by the General in the municipality where the training should

conducted. If the authorization relates to secondary school or

high school special to the consequences in nearby municipalities for the

some of the schools organized by the public also

be taken into account. Relates to the approval for pre-school, primary or

In addition, because the required special student basis is

enough to the activities to be carried out

in the long term.

Approval shall be given training at a specific

skolenhet or pre-school unit.

5 a of Before a single master to start training in the

preschool, elementary school, vocational school, special,

secondary special or holiday home provided by a

skolenhet with preschool, primary or basic special

should consultations on the forthcoming activities take place between the

individual and the municipality in which the training is to be conducted. The

individual principal is responsible for ensuring that the consultation process be documented.

If the training is to be conducted in the form of school or

secondary special, should the municipality provide nearby municipalities

opportunity to participate in the consultation. Law (2014:903).

section 6, to a company or an association, where a municipality or

a County Council owns shares or otherwise

have a legal influence over the business, should be approved,

as principal under paragraph 5 of the terms in addition to, where


1. the right not to apply only to one or more

municipalities or county councils or legal entities where a

municipality or a County through ownership or otherwise

have a legal control,

2. interaction of a municipality or a County Council and a

individual is necessary for business to come to

position, and

3. There are special reasons with regard to education

content or design.

section 7 of the State's school inspection dealing with matters concerning the authorisation

of the individual as a principal for


-elementary school,

-Basic special,

-upper secondary education,

-secondary special, or

-holiday home provided by a skolenhet with preschool,

elementary school or special basis.

Other matters concerning the authorisation of individual as principal in accordance with

§ 5 are dealt with by the municipality in which the training is to be conducted.

The responsibility for training

section 8 of the principal is responsible for ensuring that the training is conducted in

accordance with the provisions of this law, regulations

issued by virtue of the law and the provisions of

the training can be provided in the regulations.

Local resource allocation

8 a of the Municipalities to allocate resources to education and training in

the school system by the children's and students ' different

conditions and needs. Law (2014:458).

Management of education

The President and goverment

§ 9 the pedagogical work of a skolenhet to lead and

coordinated by a Rector. The educational work of a

pre-school unit should be led and coordinated by a preschool Director.

These shall in particular ensure that the training is being developed.

The head teacher and preschool Director shall be designated in this way. These

names should be reserved for those who have a

the President or goverment.

A representative may be appointed a Vice-Chancellor or a

preschool Director.

section 10 of the head teacher and preschool Director decides on their drive internal

Organization and is responsible for the allocation of resources within

device for children's and students ' different prerequisites and

needs. The head teacher and preschool Director make in the decision

and have the responsibility that follows from the special provisions in

This law or regulations.

The head teacher and preschool Director may instruct an employee or a

contractors at the nursery or at porsön which has

sufficient expertise and experience to fulfill individual

management tasks and decide on issues referred to in the first

subparagraph, unless otherwise stated. Law (2014:458).

Eligibility requirements for President and goverment

section 11 of the principal or nursery Manager may only be employed as

through education and experience, educational insight.

Senior education for directors

section 12 of Each principal shall ensure that the Presidents go a

specific job training or education that can

comparable to this. The training should be started as soon as

possible after the principal has joined

and be completed within four years of the closing date.

The duty of a principal pursuant to the first subparagraph applies

not in the case of head teachers who

-real gone executive education or an older

State Vice-Chancellors ' education programme,

-by other education or professional experience acquired

knowledge of a college which organizes

senior training has officially, with such training,


-15 March 2010 are operate as principals.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for training in accordance with the first paragraph.

Teachers and pre-school teachers

Who can teach in the school system

section 13 only if you have proof of identity as teachers or

preschool teacher and is competent for certain teaching,

carry on teaching.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for what is required to be competent

to conduct specific instruction in the school system.

The Government may also provide for exemptions from the

the requirements for authentication and permissions for such

special educators and special educators who are employed as

teachers in primary, secondary, special school for pupils with learning disabilities programs

or special training for adults. Team (2013:823).

14 § in addition to teachers or preschool teacher referred to in section 13,

it in education in kindergarten and preschool exist

other staff with such training or experience to

students or children's development and learning promoted.

section 15 a licensed teachers or preschool teacher has the responsibility for

the teaching that he or she pursues.

The same applies to a teacher who is exempt from the requirement of

identification in accordance with regulations issued under section 13,

the third paragraph and the teaching cases

referred to in section 17 and section 18, second subparagraph 1 – 3. Team (2013:823).

section 16 of the State's school shall notify the application ID

to a teacher or a preschool teacher who has professional


Proof of identity shall be granted if the conditions are such that

papers would have been revoked in accordance with section 23 of the

candidates had been registered.

Skolverket, after an application referred to in the first subparagraph

or a new application to supplement a teacher's or

preschool teachers ' identification with permission in addition to the jurisdiction

resulting from a degree as specified in the first subparagraph, if he

or she with satisfactory results have been

additional permission Foundation training. This applies to

regardless of when the training is completed. Similarly

to further complement the authentication with the National Agency for education

permission of instructor or preschool teacher on the other basis shall

be deemed to have such jurisdiction.

The teacher's or preschool teacher's permission to conduct

teaching in the school system shall be indicated on the papers.

Law (2014:417).

16 a of the designation certified teachers and certified

preschool teachers in the school system only be used by the

a proof of identity as teachers or preschool teacher.

Law (2011:189).

16 b of Government may provide for the

proof of identification may be announced, even though the requirement in paragraph 16 of the first

the paragraph is not met in the case of a teacher who, through a

Declaration of competence is competent for a specific kind of

employment. Such identification may be supplemented by

jurisdiction under section 16 of the third paragraph.

The Government may provide for fees associated with

application for identification and completion of the identification.

Law (2014:417).

section 17 of the teachers who do not meet the requirements of section 13 may nevertheless


1. other teaching in a foreign language than

language training if they have

(a)) a foreign teacher training equivalent to a Swedish

as a teacher, and

b) skills teaching in the foreign language,

2. teaching in holiday home if they have a Swedish or

foreign tertiary education which are intended for work that the

recreation or equivalent, and

3. teaching in independent schools and recreation centres

with special pedagogical approach.

Preschool teachers who do not meet the requirements of section 13 may nevertheless

teaching in independent schools with special

educational focus.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for the languages referred to in the first

paragraph 1 and the specific educational guidelines

referred to in the first subparagraph of paragraph 3 and the second paragraph. Law (2014:458).

section 18 if there is no available within the principal's

organization that meets the requirements of section 13 or if it

no other specific reasons with respect to students or

Kids, get a different teachers or preschool teachers conduct

teaching. Such teachers or preschool teacher should

1. be suitable to carry out the instruction, and

2. in so far as possible, have a training

corresponds to the education professional.

A person referred to in the first subparagraph may engage in teaching

for a maximum of one year at a time. However, this does not apply if

instruction is

1. mother tongue

2. professional subject in secondary school, a high school special, municipal

adult education at secondary level or special training for

adults at the secondary level, or

3. individual courses or introductory courses in municipal

adult education. Law (2011:189).

Article 19 If a person referred to in section 18 shall be used to

teaching for more than six months, shall

the principal first take a decision on this.

Employment of teachers and pre-school teachers

20 § only those who have proper identification may be employed as a teacher

or preschool teachers in the school system without time limit.

Those who do not have identification as a teacher may be employed

as a teacher in the school system without a time limit if he or

She will teach in their native language or in a vocational subject in

high school, high school programs, municipal adult education

at the secondary level or special training for adults in

secondary level, or individual courses or

introductory courses in municipal adult education. This applies to

only if the

1. There is a lack of applicants who have proper identification,

2. the applicant has sufficient expertise to teach

the current topic or on the current course, and

3. There are specific grounds to believe that the applicant is

suitable to carry on teaching.

Even a teacher who is exempt from the requirement of identification

According to regulations issued pursuant to paragraph 13 of the third

paragraph and the one who should carry out teaching referred to in section 17

may be employed as teachers or preschool teachers in the school system

without a time limit. Law (2014:458).

section 21/expires U: 2016-07-01/

In the case of a time-limit of a post as teacher

or preschool teachers in the school system is in addition to

the provisions of the Act (1982:80) employment protection to the

that will be used to conduct instruction in accordance with section 18,

be appointed for a period not exceeding one year at a time.

section 21/entry into force: 07/01/2016

In the case of a time-limit of an employment as teachers or preschool teachers in the school system, in addition to the provisions of the Act (1982:80) employment protection, to the teaching

1. under section 18 may be employed for a maximum of one year at a time,

2. within the framework of such an experiment referred to in paragraph 22 (b) may be employed for a maximum of two years.

In the case referred to in the first subparagraph 2, the period of employment may be extended up to three years, if there are special reasons.

Law (2016:15).

section 22 of Every principal should strive to for teaching

hiring teachers and pre-school teachers who have graduate training.

The principals will also strive to establish career step

for particularly skilled teachers.

Government Announces rules on State subsidies to principals

in order to encourage that these sets up the career ladder

first teachers and lecturer. Team (2013:530).

Introductory period

22 a of a principal who has hired a teacher or

preschool teacher who has professional qualification shall ensure

to the teacher or preschool teacher immediately adjacent to

commencement of employment implements an introduction period

in teaching that essentially corresponds to the teacher's or

preschool teacher's permission, unless the teacher or

preschool teacher have previously conducted such

induction period.

The first subparagraph shall not apply to teachers and pre-school teachers

are hired with the support of 17 or 18 § or regulations

issued by virtue of the third paragraph of section 13 carry out certain

teaching without being qualified under section 13, first

paragraph. If the teacher or pre-school teacher in the same

employment is transitioning to pursue teaching as he

or she is eligible for, however, the principal shall ensure that the

the teacher or preschool teacher is conducting such

introductory period referred to in the first subparagraph.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for the introductory period and if

Additional derogations from the first subparagraph. Law (2014:417).

/Rubriken entry into force: 07/01/2016


22 b/entry into force: 07/01/2016

The Government or the authority that the Government may, by way of derogation from section 13, provide for an experiment with temporary employment of persons 1. to engage in education as a teacher in the school system in one or more topics where there is a shortage of qualified and competent teachers, 2. have subject knowledge corresponding to the subject knowledge required for a professional teaching certificate in it or the topics that people should engage in teaching, and 3. implements a supplementary education to achieve a professional teaching certificate in it or the topics. Law (2016:15).

Warning and withdrawal of identity card

section 23 of the teachers ' Disciplinary Board shall notify a certified teacher

or preschool teacher a warning, if he or she

1. been inept in their profession,

2. in the course of or in connection with professional misconduct committed

crimes that allows his or her fitness to serve as

teachers or preschool teacher can be put in question, or

3. otherwise proved less suitable to carry out


Teachers ' Disciplinary Board shall revoke an identification card, if the


1. have been grossly inept in their profession,

2. in or outside of the profession has been guilty of

a serious crime that allows his or her fitness

to serve as teachers or preschool teacher can be put in question,

3. due to illness or any similar circumstance does not

can exercise the profession satisfactorily,

4. otherwise is particularly inappropriate to engage in teaching,

5. not followed an order for medical examination in accordance with

27 Cape. section 13, or

6. Requests that the papers should be revoked.

If there are special reasons in the cases referred to in the first subparagraph 2

or second subparagraph 2, the teachers ' disciplinary board to refrain from

announce a warning or recall of the authentication.

If teachers ' Disciplinary Board announces a warning or decide to

revoke an identification card, shall notify the State Board §

school and the licensed employers about this. The same

applies to a general administrative court on appeal

Decides to announce a warning, recall papers or

remove the Board's decision about the warning or revocation.

Law (2011:189).

24 repealed by law (2013:530).

24 §/entry into force: 04/15/2016

If the disciplinary board or a general administrative court decides to revoke an ID, the disciplinary board may decide to inform the competent authorities of other States within the European economic area (EEA) and Switzerland on the decision or judgment. Authorities shall be notified not later than three days after the date of the decision or judgement notification for have been communicated. If this decision or that judgment later expires, the disciplinary board shall, without delay, inform the competent authorities of other States in the EEA and Switzerland.

Notifications as referred to in the first subparagraph shall be done via the internal market information system (IMI).

Law (2016:151).

Student health

Student health scale

section 25 Of the students in the pre-school class, the elementary school,

undergraduate programs, the Sami school, special school, upper secondary school and

high school programs, student health. Student health services should

include medical, psychological, psychosocial and

special education efforts. Student health services should mainly be

Prevention and health promotion. Students ' progress towards

educational goals should be supported.

For medical, psychological and psychosocial interventions should

the availability of school doctors, school nurses, psychologist

and counselor. Furthermore, there should be access to staff with

such skills to students ' need for special needs

efforts can be met.

section 26 of The head of the municipal adult education or special

education for adults, for their students to organise such

student health services referred to in section 25. Law (2015:482).

Health visit

section 27 of every student in primary school, vocational programs and

special school will be offered at least three health visits

includes general health checks. Each student in the same school

must be offered at least two health visit that includes general

health checks. Health visits must be evenly distributed over the

school time. Pupils will also be offered between health visits

investigation of vision and hearing, and other limited

health checks.

The first health visit may be made during the course of

pre-school class instead of during the course of such

school terms referred to in the first subparagraph.

Each pupil in secondary school and upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities,

be offered at least a wellness visit which includes a General

health check.

Simple care interventions

section 28 of the Students referred to in section 27 May, if necessary, engage the student health services

for simple medical interventions.

Guidance and counselling


section 29 Students in all school forms except for school and

pre-school class to have access to staff with such

skills to their needs for guidance ahead of the future

educational and professional activities. Even the

intending to start an education should have access to



section 30 to get recruited without a time limit of study-

and vocational guidance, the applicant shall have a training intended

for such activities.

Anyone who does not comply with the requirement referred to in the first subparagraph,

recruited for study and vocational guidance for up to one year in


Records check of personnel

Obligation to register

section 31 that offered a job in nursery school,

pre-school class, kindergarten, elementary school, vocational programs,

special schools and Sami schools and other educational

activities referred to in chapter 25. going to the offering

employment submit an extract from the register

According to the law (1998:620) on load records. The statement shall

be no more than a year old. The who has not left

the register must not be employed. Government Announces

regulations on the contents of the register extract.

Extract from the register referred to in the first subparagraph shall be provided even by

the who

1. offered or assigned work in such activities as

referred to in the first subparagraph in circumstances similar to those

occurs in an employment relationship within the business,

If it is done by mission, employment with any included

agreement with the operator of the business or employment

in other municipal activities,

2. during training for a teacher or early childhood education degree

According to the higher education Act (1992:1434) or vocational training in

municipal adult education are allocated space for

practical part of the training in such activities

referred to in the first subparagraph, or

3. through participation in an employment program

assigned place of work experience or other program operation

in the activities referred to in the first subparagraph.

Register extract shall, in the cases referred to in the second subparagraph

submitted to it within the business who decides whether to hire

or receive anyone in such a manner referred to therein. The who

have not left such a register may not be hired

or received in the business.

Exemptions from the obligation to submit an extract from the register

32 § It that within a year offered a renewed employment with

the same employer or a renewed opportunity to

such a manner referred to in section 31, second subparagraph, participate in

the business may be employed, engaged or received without

He or she made an extract from the register.

The return of an extract from the register

33 § On request of anyone who has made an extract from the register shall

It must be returned in the original.

Skills development

section 34 the principal shall ensure that staff of early childhood education and

skolenheterna are given opportunities for professional development.

The principal shall ensure that pre-school teachers, teachers and other

staff at the nursery and skolenheterna are necessary

insights into the regulations that apply to the school system.

Premises and equipment and access to the school library

section 35 of the education to the premises and the equipment

be necessary for the purpose of education should be able to

be met.

36 § Pupils in comprehensive schools, vocational programs, special school,

same school, secondary school and upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities should have

access to the school library.

Chapter 3. Children's and students ' progress against objectives

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is provided for

– scope (section 2),

– children's and students ' learning and personal development

(3 §),

– information about children's and student's development (4 and

5 §§),

— support in the form of extra customizations (5 a §),

– special support (paragraphs 6-12),

– receipt and the education of newly arrived students

(12 a-12 (f) sections), and

– General rules on rating (13-21 sections).

Law (2015:246).

Scope of application

section 2 unless otherwise specified, the provisions in this

Chapter all school forms and holiday home.

Children's and students ' learning and personal development

section 3 of all children and students should be given the direction and stimulus

they need in their learning and personal development

to those on its own merits to be able to

developed as far as possible according to training goals.

Students who, by reason of disability has difficulty

meet the knowledge requirements should be given support as

aims to prevent as far as possible

disability impacts. Students who easily reached the

knowledge requirements as a minimum to be achieved should be given guidance and

incentive to be able to reach further into their knowledge development.

Law (2014:458).

Information about children's and student's development

section 4 of the student and the student's parent/guardian and custodian of

a child in preschool to continuously informed of the student's

or the child's development.

5 § the provision in paragraph 4 If the information is valid only in

for your school, pre-school class, elementary school, vocational programs,

special school, Sami school, kindergarten, high school and

upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities. Law (2015:246).

Aid in the form of extra customizations

5 a section About it in the context of teaching or through

the results of a national test, data from teachers,

other school staff, a student or a student's parent/guardian

or otherwise indicate that it can be expected that a

student will not meet the knowledge requirements as a minimum to be achieved,

should the student urgently be given support in the form of extra customizations

within the framework of the regular teaching, unless

subject to section 8. Law (2014:456).

Scope of the provisions on special support

section 6 of the provisions of paragraphs 7 to 12 are only valid in the pre-school class,

primary schools, vocational programs, special school, Sami school,

kindergarten, secondary school and high school programs.

Law (2015:246).

Scope and student group

paragraph 7 of the special assistance may be provided in lieu of the teaching

the student would otherwise have participated in or as a complement to

this. The specific aid shall be given within the student group

the pupil belongs to the subject of this Act or other



section 8 If, in the context of teaching or through

the results of a national test, data from teachers,

other school staff, a student or a student's parent/guardian

or otherwise indicate that it can be expected that a

student will not meet the knowledge requirements as a minimum to be achieved,

Despite the fact that the aid has been given in the form of extra customizations within

the framework of mainstream education, should this be reported

to the head teacher. The same applies if there are special reasons to

assume that such adjustments would not be sufficient.

The principal shall ensure that the pupil's special needs

promptly investigated. The need for special support shall also be investigated

If the student is experiencing other difficulties in their school situation.

Consultation should occur with student health services, unless it is clear


If an investigation shows that a student is in need of special

support, should he or she be given such support.

The provisions in the first to third subparagraphs, and in 9-12 sections should

not apply, if a student's aid requirements are deemed to be

met by a measure to support for new arrivals and other

students whose skills have been assessed in accordance with § 12 c.

Law (2015:246).

Action program

9 § an action programme should be developed for a pupil to be given

special support. The program will need special support and

how it to be met. The programme shall also

indicate when actions should be followed up and evaluated and who

who is responsible for follow-up and evaluation.

The student and the student's parent/guardian shall be given the opportunity to participate

When a programme is drawn up.

The action programme decided by the headmaster. If the decision means

that particular support should be given in another student group or individual

pursuant to section 11 or in the form of custom study time under section 12

gets the principal not assign its right to any


If an investigation under section 8, showing that the student does not need to

special support, the headmaster or headmistress has

transferred the decision-making power to instead decide that a

action programmes should not be developed. Law (2014:456).

The design of the specific aid in certain school forms

section 10 For a student in elementary school, vocational programs, special school

and the Sami school, the special aid to be given in the manner and in

the extent necessary to pupils should have the opportunity to

meet the knowledge requirements as a minimum to be achieved.

Special teaching group or one-on-one tutoring

section 11 if there are special reasons, a decision under section 9

for a student in elementary school, vocational programs, special school

or the Sami school mean that particular support should be given individual

or in another teaching group (Special

teaching group) than the student normally belongs to.

Custom study time

section 12 Of the special aid for a student in elementary school,

undergraduate programs, special school or Sámi school not in reasonable

degree can be adapted to the learner's needs and circumstances,

get a decision under section 7 involve deviations from the

curriculum as well as the topics and objectives that would otherwise apply to

Education (custom study time).

The head teacher is responsible for a student with custom study time may

an education that, as far as possible, equivalent to

other education in the current school form.

The reception and the education of new arrivals and some other


Definition of new arrival

12 section With new arrival referred to in this law, the

1. has been resident abroad,

2. now reside in the country, and

3. have begun their training here later than autumn term

the start of the calendar year in which he reaches seven years.

A student should no longer be considered new arrival after four years

schooling in this country.

As resident abroad is deemed to not be considered resident in the country

According to chapter 29. 2 §. Law (2015:246).

Scope of the provisions relating to new arrivals and

some other students

12 (b) the provisions of § 12 c-12 (f) sections apply only in

primary schools, vocational programs, special schools and Sami schools.

Law (2015:246).

Assessment of a student's knowledge

12 c § A newly arrived student's skills will be assessed if such

assessment is manifestly unnecessary.

If necessary, should such an assessment be made also for a student


1. have lived abroad and who have started their

training here at the latest at the start of the autumn term calendar year

When he or she reaches the age of seven years, or

2. after schooling in Sweden have been living abroad and

Since then, returned to Sweden to resume their

training here.

The principal is responsible for ensuring that assessments are made according to first and

other paragraphs.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for a basis for such assessments.

Law (2015:246).

12 d § c an assessment under section 12 shall be made promptly. For a

new arrival student and one student referred to in paragraph 12 (c)

paragraph 2, the assessment shall be made in such time that decisions on

placement in grades and teaching group may be taken in accordance with

12 e. For a student referred to in paragraph 12 (c) 1,

the assessment shall be made within two months from the time the student

received within the school system in any of the school forms

specified in section 12 (b).

The result of an assessment under section 12 (c) shall be taken into account in the

decision pursuant to paragraph 12 (e) and in the planning of teaching and

in the allocation of instructional time. Law (2015:246).

Placement in grades and teaching group

12 e § A newly arrived student and a student, whose skills have

assessed in 12 c paragraph 2 should be placed in the

grade level that is adequate for the student's age,

prior knowledge and personal relationships in General.

The principal shall decide whether such a student's placement in grade so

soon as possible and at the latest within two months from the

the student has been received within the school system in any of the

school forms referred to in paragraph 12 (b). The student shall, within the same time

placed in the teaching group as the pupil should normally

to belong to. Law (2015:246).

Preparation class

12 (f) § the head teacher may decide that a pupil whose skills assessed

According to § 12 c, partly to teach in the preparatory class, if

the student lacks sufficient knowledge of Swedish in order to

benefit from mainstream education.

A student's tuition in the preparatory class in a specific topic

should be discontinued as soon as the student is deemed to have sufficient knowledge

in Swedish to full-time participation in the teaching of

the topic in the teaching group as the students normally hear


A student may not be given instruction in preparatory class anymore

For more than two years. Law (2015:246).

General provisions on the score

School forms where the score is given

paragraph 13 of the elementary school, vocational programs, special school,

same school, secondary school, high school programs, municipal

adult education and special education for adults must score

be in the extent and form as provided for by this law

or other statutes.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for derogations from the first subparagraph of

independent schools with a particular educational specialization.

Law (2015:482).

Dean's responsibility

section 14 of the principal shall ensure that the score will be set in accordance with this

law and regulations.

Information on the criteria for scoring

section 15 of the students should be informed of the grounds for


Decision on the grade

section 16 of the Score shall be decided by the teacher who conducts

teaching at the time when the score to be settled.

If the teacher or teachers are not qualified, the decision

taken together with a teacher who is certified. Can

These do not agree will be the grade determined by the registered

the teacher provided that he or she is competent to

in view of the subject that a rating concern. In other cases, the

the grade is decided by the headmaster.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

announces the details of who decides when

more than one teacher conducts instruction at the time when

score to be settled.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for derogation from the second subparagraph of

teachers who lack proper identification. Team (2013:823).

Information about the reasons for a rating

section 17 of The who has decided a rating shall, on request, inform the

the student and the student's parent/guardian if the reasons for a rating.

The issue of score

section 18 of the Score shall be issued in writing.

Correcting typos and similar oversight

section 19 of A score that contains a manifest irregularity to

as a result of a clerical error or similar oversight may be corrected

of the headmaster. Before correction is made to the head teacher give student and

the student's parents/guardians the opportunity to be heard, if not

is unnecessary. In case of rectification, a new writing score

issued and the incorrect grading document if possible

be destroyed.

Modification of manifest errors of score

20 § Finds it or those who have made a decision about rating

that decision is manifestly inaccurate due to new

circumstances, or for any other reason, he shall

or amend the decision, if it can be done quickly and easily.

Such a change should not mean that the grade is lowered.

Amendment the first subparagraph shall be made by the head teacher if

1. a person who has made the initial decision is no longer

is employed by the principal, or is unable because of

any other similar reasons;

2. the original decision has been taken by several people

and some of them are no longer employed by

the principal, or is prevented due to any other

similar reasons, or

3. the initial decision has been taken by several people

and these cannot come to an agreement.

Review score

section 21 For those who wish to undergo trial for ratings, see

specific provisions in this law.

The Government, in spite of provisions in this law if

fee waivers provide for the obligation of the

want to undergo trial for scores to pay a fee

go to the principal.

Chapter 4. Quality and influence

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is provided for

-systematic quality work (2-8 sections), and

-influence and consultation (paragraphs 9-17).

Systematic quality work

National level

section 2 of chapter 26. There are provisions on supervision, State

national quality review and monitoring of the school system

and other courses.

Main level

section 3 of Each principal of the school system, on the main level

systematic and continuous planning, monitoring and

development of education.

Unit level

paragraph 4 such a planning, monitoring and development of

the training referred to in paragraph 3 shall be implemented even at pre-primary

and skolenhets level.

Quality work at the unit level will be implemented with the involvement

of teachers, preschool teachers, other staff and students. Children in

for the school, their parents/guardians and students ' parents/guardians

should be given the opportunity to participate in the work.

The head teacher and preschool Director responsible for quality work

at the unit are carried out in accordance with the first and second subparagraphs.

The focus on the systematic quality work

5 section Focus on the systematic quality work according to

paragraphs 3 and 4 shall be to the goals of education in the

This law and other regulations (national targets) are met.


section 6 of the systematic quality work in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 shall



Article 7 If, during follow-up, through a complaint or otherwise

way will emerge that there are shortcomings in its activity,

the principal shall ensure that the necessary measures are taken.

Procedures for complaints

section 8 of the principal shall have written procedures for the receipt and

investigating complaints against the programme. Information on procedures

shall be provided in an appropriate manner.

Participation and consultation

General information about children's and students ' influence

§ 9 Children and pupils should be given influence over education. The

should continuously be encouraged to take an active part in the work of

further develop the training and be kept informed of issues

relating to them.

Information and forms for children's and students '

influence should be adapted to their age and maturity.

Students should always have the opportunity to take the initiative in matters

that should be dealt with in the context of their influence over

the training. The students ' work and their associations

with influence matters shall also otherwise be supported and

is facilitated.

In Chapter 6. 17 and 18 of the Swedish work environment Act (1977:1160) are

provisions on student safety agents.

The students ' work on issues of common interest

section 10 Student representatives and the other students will be given the opportunity to

during school time address issues of common interest.

Leave and compensation for student representatives

section 11 Of Chapter 6. section 18 of the Working Environment Act (1977:1160) follows that

a student who has been named the student safety representatives shall receive the

time off from school work needed for the mission. The same

to apply to a pupil who has been designated as Student Council representative

or who have other missions to represent other students in

questions about education.

Student safety agents, Student Council representative, and other

student representatives will be offered compensation for the

teaching that they miss out on because of the mission.

General information about the guardian's influence over the education of

some forms of school and kindergarten

section 12 of the guardians of children in nursery school and for students in

pre-school class, elementary school, vocational programs, special school,

same school and kindergarten will be offered the opportunity to

influence over education.

Forums for consultation

section 13 at each nursery and skolenhet, there shall be a

or several forums for consultation with children, students and the

guardian referred to in section 12. Where should such questions

treated as important for the unit's activities and which can

have significance for children, students and parents.

Within the framework of one or several of such forums referred to in

first paragraph, children, students, and parents

be informed about the proposal for a decision on such matters to be

treated there and be given the opportunity to comment

before a decision is taken.

The head teacher and preschool Director is responsible for ensuring that there is forum

for consultation referred to in the first subparagraph and to information

and consultation obligations referred to in the second subparagraph are fulfilled.

Planning and information

section 14 of the detailed specification of the influence should be specified in the

connection with the planning of the activities provided for in section 4.

Children, students and parents should be informed about what

that applies in terms of influence and consultation. They shall also

be informed about the main features of the rules applicable to

the training. The principal or nursery Manager is responsible for

such information is provided.

Local boards

section 15, a municipality or a County may establish local

boards within the school system that the municipality or

the County Council is the principal in accordance with the provisions of

self-government bodies in Chapter 7. 18-22 of the local Government Act

(1991:900) unless otherwise provided for by this law.

section 16 of the local Board for a pre-school unit or a

skolenhet with primary or basic special representatives should

for children's or students ' guardians and representatives

for the employees to be included as members. In a local Board of Directors for

a skolenhet with special secondary school, high school, municipal

adult education or special training for adults

representatives of students and representatives of the employees

included as members. Representatives of students or

the guardians must not be more than the other members.

Law (2015:482).

section 17 of the principal or nursery Manager may instruct the local

the Board of Directors to decide on issues such as the headteacher or

pre-school manager pursuant to Chapter 2. section 10 may Commission an employee

or a contractor to decide. Headteacher or

nursery Manager may not, however, instruct the local Board

to decide on matters relating to individual children or students.

Chapter 5. Security & studiero

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is provided for

-field of application (2),

-working environment (sections 3 and 4),

-Regulations (section 5),

-disciplinary and other specific measures (sections 6-23), and

documentation (section 24).

Scope of application

section 2 unless otherwise specified in the respective paragraph applies

the provisions of this chapter, all school forms except

for the school. The provisions of 1-6 and 22-24 sections also apply to

holiday home.

Working environment

section 3 of the training shall be designed in such a way that all

pupils receive a school environment of security and


paragraph 4 of the Working Environment Act (1977:1160) contains provisions on

requirements of a good working environment.

On some issues concerning the working environment, there are also provisions in the

This law.

Code of conduct

paragraph 5 of the code of conduct should exist for each skolenhet. They shall

be prepared with the participation of students and followed up on each


The Rector decides on rules and regulations.

This clause does not apply to municipal adult education or

special education for adults. Law (2015:482).

Disciplinary and other specific measures

General powers of the President and faculty

paragraph 6 of the Principal or a teacher may take the immediate and

temporary measures are justified in order to ensure

the students safety and studiero or to address

with a student's ordningsstörande demeanor.

Under the conditions imposed by §§ 7-23, the

decided on deportation, detention, temporary relocation,

temporary placement at another skolenhet, shutdown and

disposal of objects.

An action under the first or second subparagraph, may be taken only

If the commensurate with their purpose and the other


Expulsion from the training room

section 7 of the elementary school, vocational programs, special school, Sami school,

secondary school and upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities get a teacher view out a

student from the training room for a period not exceeding the remainder of a

teaching that, if

1. student disrupts teaching or otherwise behaves

inappropriate, and

2. the student has not changed his behavior after request

from the teacher.


section 8 Under the same conditions as in section 7, a teacher or

the principal of the elementary school, vocational programs, special school,

same school, upper secondary school or upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities decide

that a student should remain in school under the watchful eye of not more than one

hour of the school day instruction has been terminated or

arrive at school no more than an hour before the teaching



section 9 If a student in the pre-school class, the elementary school,

undergraduate programs, special school, Sami school, upper secondary school

or high school programs repeatedly disrupted

policy or behaved inappropriately or if the student has been

guilty of a more serious offence, the headteacher to ensure

the matter is being investigated. Consultation shall take place with the student's parent/guardian.

If the conditions for a description of specific support under

Chapter 3. section 8 are met, even such an investigation should be launched.

section 10 on the basis of what has transpired at a

investigation under section 9, first paragraph, the headteacher to ensure that

measures are implemented to get the student to change their behaviour.

Written warning

section 11 after an investigation under section 9, the first paragraph, the headmaster

decide to award the student a written warning. Such

warning shall contain information on the measures that can

be taken if the student does not change its behavior.

The student's parents/guardians shall be informed of the Dean's decision.

Temporary relocation

section 12 of the pre-school class, elementary school, vocational programs,

special school, Sami school, upper secondary school and

high school programs, the principal may decide that a student should follow

teaching in another teaching group than the student

otherwise, belong to or be at another location within the same

skolenhet on actions undertaken after such an investigation

referred to in paragraph 9 was not sufficient or

If it is necessary to ensure the other

students the security and studiero.

The student's parents/guardians shall be informed of the Dean's decision.

Only if there are serious reasons, a measure which the headteacher

taken pursuant to the first subparagraph shall apply for a period longer than

two weeks. The measure, however, may not apply for a longer time than

four weeks.

Temporary placement at a different skolenhet

section 13 If the action under section 12 is not sufficiently restrictive

or because of other circumstances, it is not possible to

implement, headmaster that a student may decide to temporarily

follow the teaching at another skolenhet.

The decision on such temporary placement is made in common

with the principal at the reception at porsön. The student's

parents/guardians will be informed of the decision before the placement

are carried out.

Only if there are serious reasons, a measure which the headteacher

taken pursuant to the first subparagraph shall apply for a period longer than

two weeks. The measure, however, may not apply for a longer time than

four weeks.

Suspension of certain mandatory school forms

section 14 of the comprehensive schools, special schools and Sami schools, principal

decide to shut down a student in whole or in part if

1. it is necessary to other students ' security

and studiero,

2. the purpose of the action under 7, 8 and 11 paragraphs not achieved

or there are other special reasons with respect to the student's

behavior, and

3. the student will be offered compensation for the teaching that he

or she will lose because of the shutdown.

The headmaster may not instruct anyone else to make decisions

under the first subparagraph.

A decision on suspension effective immediately unless otherwise

be decided.

Switch-off time in some required school forms

section 15 a decision under section 14 may mean shutting down only

during the time needed for an expedited investigation of which

other measures that may be needed.

A student may not be suspended for a longer period of time than a

week nor more than two times per

calendar half-year.

Collection of opinion and information to interested

section 16 Before the headmaster decides about suspension under section 14 of will

the student and the student's parent/guardian shall be given the opportunity to comment


The principal shall inform the operator when he or she has

taken a decision on suspension. If the student is under 18 years of age

the social welfare Board shall also be informed of the decision.

Shutdown in the voluntary school forms

section 17 of the secondary school, high school programs, municipal

adult education and special education for adults,

the principal may decide to fully or partially suspend a pupil


1. the pupil with illegal means, or otherwise

try to mislead when determining the student's attainment

and knowledge,

2. the student conduct interfere with or hinder the education,

3. student exposing another student or training

interested person to degrading treatment, or

4. the learner's behavior otherwise adversely affect

other students ' safety and studiero.

The principal may decide that a decision on suspension should

apply immediately.

If it can be assumed that any of the conditions for

shutdown under the first subparagraph 2-4 are fulfilled and

the decision is necessary in the interest of the students ' sense of security and

studiero, the headmaster to decide on immediate suspension.

The headmaster may not instruct anyone else to make decisions

According to the third paragraph. Law (2015:482).

Switch-off time in the voluntary school forms

section 18 of the decision under section 17 shall not relate to termination during the

longer than two weeks in a calendar year unless

subject to the second subparagraph.

The suspension may be extended if the purpose of a shorter

the shut-off time has not been reached, or if for no other

reason is deemed necessary with respect to the student's

conduct. A suspension under section 17 may, however,

not longer than the remainder of the ongoing six-month

and three additional calendar half-year.

Dean's decision on immediate suspension under section 17 of the third

the paragraph applies to its principal has reviewed the matter and,

no longer than a week. If the principal's decision not

tance with respect to other persons, receive

the decision may be extended by another week.

Suspension from some training with practical hints

section 19 of the principal may decide to fully or partially shut down

a student from a particular training in secondary education,

high school programs, municipal adult education or special

education for adults, if

1. in the training included an internship or parts of

the training is workplace, and

2. it is clearly inappropriate that the student participates in the

practical traineeship.

The principal may decide that a decision on suspension should

apply immediately.

If it can be assumed that the conditions for suspension under

the first subparagraph is complied with and it is necessary because of the

urgent circumstances, the headteacher to decide on immediate


The headmaster may not instruct anyone else to make decisions

According to the third paragraph. Law (2015:482).

The shut-off time from some training with practical hints

section 20 a decision on suspension under section 19 shall relate to the specific amount of time

or be valid without a time limit.

Dean's decision on immediate suspension according to section 19 of the third

the paragraph applies until the principal has reviewed the matter and

may not be for longer than a week. If the principal's decision

can't wait for with regard to other persons,

gets order for immediate suspension may be extended for

another week.

The commissioning of an opinion

section 21 Before the principal or head teacher decides on shutdown

under section 17 or 19, the student and the student's parents/guardians

the opportunity to be heard.

Before the principal decides, if the student is under 18

years, consultations also take place with the social welfare board.

The principal shall inform the operator when he or she has

taken a decision as referred to in the third subparagraph of paragraph 17, and

section 19 of the third paragraph. If the student is under 18 years of age shall also

social welfare will be informed of the decision.

Disposal of objects

section 22 of the principal or a teacher, from a student of foster care

items used in a way that is disruptive to

education, or that may constitute a danger to the security of


The headmaster may not instruct anyone else to make decisions

under the first subparagraph.

This clause does not apply to municipal adult education or

special education for adults. Law (2015:482).

section 23 of an item seized under section 22 shall

be returned to the student at the latest at the time the school day is

end of the pupil. If the student repeatedly taken with

items covered by section 22 or if, having regard to

the nature of the object, there is a special reason not to

return it, need not, however, the object is returned

until the student's parent/guardian has been advised of the

the disposal. A disposal shall not be longer

Yet until the fourth day after the execution of

the disposal.

If an item seized under section 22 may be adopted

be forfeited pursuant to chapter 36. section 3 of the Penal Code, section 6

narkotikastrafflagen (1968:64), paragraph 5 of the Act (1988:254) om

prohibition concerning knives and other dangerous objects, paragraph 5 of the

Act (1991:1969) prohibiting certain doping substances, Chapter 9.

paragraph 5 of the arms Act (1996:67) or section 5 of the Act (1999:42) banning

against certain health dangerous goods, the principal or his

the headmaster has decided to promptly notify care

The police authority. Disposal may in these cases be

until the question of the object to be confiscated has been tried.

Law (2014:775).


section 24 if a measure is taken under 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,

17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 or 23, it should be documented

written by the person who performed the action. If the action concerns

disposal of objects under section 22, applies this

obligation only if the item is not returned after

the lesson's end.

Chapter 6. Action against abusive treatment

Purpose and scope

section 1 of This chapter is intended to counter offensive

treatment of children and pupils.

The provisions apply to training and other activities

According to this law.


section 2 provisions on the ban, etc. against discrimination in

with activities under this Act can be found in the non-discrimination Act



section 3 of this chapter,

-student: in addition to what is stated in Chapter 1. section 3 of those looking for other

education than for the school in accordance with this Act,

-children: those who participate in or are looking for space in the nursery school or

other educational activities according to 25 chapters,

-employees: employees and contractors in the activities referred to in

This law, and

-abusive behaviour: behaviour without being

discrimination under the discrimination Act (2008:567) violates

a child's or student's dignity.

Mandatory provisions

section 4 of the terms and conditions which restrict the rights or

obligations under this chapter is void.

Responsibility for staff

section 5 of the principal is responsible for ensuring that personnel comply with the

obligations set out in this chapter, when it is in

the service or within the framework of the mission.

Active measures

Targeted work

paragraph 6 of the principal shall ensure that, within the framework of each

special operations are conducted a targeted effort to

combat degrading treatment of children and pupils. Closer

regulations see sections 7 and 8.

Obligation to prevent and prohibit abusive treatment

section 7 of the principal shall ensure that the measures

to forestall and prevent that children and students are exposed to

abusive treatment.

Plan against abusive treatment

section 8 of the principal shall ensure that each year draws up a

plan with an overview of the necessary steps to

prevent and prohibit abusive treatment of children and

pupils. The plan shall contain a description of which of the

These measures are intended to commence or be implemented during

in the coming year. An explanation of how the planned

measures have been implemented should be included in subsequent years


The prohibition of degrading treatment

section 9 of the principal or staff may not expose a child

or a student of abusive treatment.

Duty to report, investigate and take action against

abusive treatment

10 § teachers, preschool teacher or other personnel who may

knowledge that a child or a student claims to have been

exposed to degrading treatment in the course of operation is

obliged to notify the preschool Director or principal.

A nursery Manager or principal who becomes aware that a child

or a student claims to have been the victim of abusive

treatment in the course of operation is required to notify

this to the principal. The principal is obliged to promptly

investigate the circumstances of the reported violations and in

where appropriate, such measures as reasonably may be required

to prevent abusive treatment in the future.

First subparagraph, first and second sentences should apply to

Likewise if a child or a student claims to have

been a victim of harassment or sexual harassment at

meaning of the discrimination Act (2008:567).

For the activities referred to in chapter 25. and for holiday homes

are not integrated with a skolenhet or pre-school unit

apply the first and second paragraphs of personnel

the principal appoints.

Prohibition against reprisals

section 11 of the principal or staff may not expose a child

or a student of reprisals due to the child or

the student has participated in an investigation under this chapter, or

reported or complained that someone acted in contravention of the

the provisions of this chapter.


section 12 if the principal or staff neglects

obligations under 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11, principal

Second, pay damages to the child or student for the

violation which this implies, on the one hand, replace other damage that has

caused by the breach. Damages for violation of other

cases than in retaliation is left, however, does not, if the violation is


If there are special reasons, damages for infringement

be reduced or completely fall away.

The trial

section 13 Cases for damages pursuant to this chapter shall be handled

in accordance with the provisions of the code of judicial procedure concerning trial in

civil case when the conciliation on the matter is permitted.

In such cases, however, it decreed that each party

bear its own costs, if the party who has lost

the goal had reasonable cause to get the dispute.

The burden of proof

section 14 if a child or a student who believe they have been exposed

for abusive treatment under section 9 or reprisals, in accordance with

section 11, showing the circumstances from which it may be presumed that he

or she has been the victim of such treatment, it is

the principal of the business to prove that defamatory

treatment or reprisals has not occurred.

The right to bring an action

15 § in proceedings for compensation under this chapter shall

State school inspection as a party to bring an action for a child or

a student who admits the School supervisory authority for such actions

the authority may in the same trial also bring other actions for

the child or student if he or she admits. For children

under 16 years old you need guardian's consent.

The provisions of the code of judicial procedure concerning party shall apply the

for the School Inspectorate of proceedings under this chapter

When it comes to conflict of interest relationship, lawsuit pending, personal

appearance and interrogation under oath and other

issues related to the evidence.

When a child or a student for an action under this chapter shall

School Inspectorate does not institute proceedings for the child or student about

the same thing.

paragraph 16 of the decision of the Court in a case where the State's school inspection

on behalf of a child or student may be appealed by the child

or the student, if it may be appealed by the administration.

When the decision of the Court in a case referred to in the first subparagraph

a final decision, the matter may not be re-examined on an action

of either the child or student or school inspection.

Chapter 7. Compulsory education and the right to education

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is provided for

-which are subject to compulsory full-time schooling (section 2),

-the right to education (paragraph 3),

-how the compulsory education requirement is fulfilled (4-9 sections),

-When entering compulsory education requirement (section 10);

-earlier school start (section 11),

-When the minimum school leaving age, and the right to then complete

school time (12-16 sections),

-participation in education and training (paragraphs 17-19), and

-responsibility for compulsory education requirement is fulfilled (§§ 20-23).

Who is subject to compulsory full-time schooling

section 2 of the Children residing in Sweden have compulsory education according to

the provisions of this chapter.

Compulsory education does not apply to children who are habitually resident

abroad or whose circumstances are such that it

obviously can not be claimed child to go to school.

Compulsory education does not apply to children referred to in chapter 29. section 2 of the

second paragraph. However, these children have the same right to education

as below school age children.

The right to education

According to paragraph 3 of Chapter 2. first paragraph of section 18 of the Constitution, all

children who are covered by the general compulsory education are entitled to

free basic education in public school.

The third subparagraph of paragraph 2 and paragraphs 11 and 15 also follows a certain

right to education beyond compulsory schooling. Law (2012:109).

How the compulsory education requirement is fulfilled

Elementary school

section 4 compulsory education shall be fulfilled in primary schools unless

the conditions are those referred to in section 5 or 6 or

the compulsory education requirement is fulfilled in the same school under section 7 or otherwise

in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 24.

Undergraduate programs

paragraph 5 of the children who are judged not to be able to reach up to primary school

knowledge requirements because they have a learning disability,

received in undergraduate programs.

The issue of the receipt of the Basic programs are heard by the child's

home municipality. A decision on the acceptance of the basic allowance up to

be preceded by an investigation that includes an educational,

psychological, medical and social assessment. Consultation with the

the child's parent/guardian shall be made when the investigation is carried out.

If the child's parent/guardian does not provide consent to

the child is received in basic programs, the child shall carry out their

compulsory education according to what applies in General under this Act.

A child may, however, be received in undergraduate programs without their

guardian's consent, if there are serious reasons with

the best interests of the child.

5 a of The working of the school system shall inform the student's

the principal if he or she pays attention to or has knowledge of

as a student in basic programs do not belong to

because the specially designed audience.

A principal who receives such information shall notify the

pupils ' home municipality. The municipality shall promptly investigate the matter.

Law (2012:109).

5 b of the municipality shall decide that the student does not belong to

because the specially designed audience if an investigation referred to in paragraph 5 (a) shows

this. The municipality shall then receive of the pupil in elementary school or see

to the student in any other way, the prescribed training.

The municipality of residence shall take the necessary measures for the student's

transition from basic allowance up to another school form.

Law (2012:109).

Special school

section 6 of the Children who, because of their disability or other

special reasons cannot go in elementary school or undergraduate programs

to be received in the special school of the

1. are deaf-blind or otherwise visually impaired and have

additional disabilities,

2. in other cases than those referred to in paragraph 1 are deaf or hard of hearing,


3. have a severe language disorders.

The question of reception of the special school are examined by

Special needs education. A decision on the host

in the special school will be preceded by an investigation involving a

Educational, psychological, medical and social assessment.

Consultation with the child's parent/guardian shall be made when the investigation

are carried out.

Same school

section 7 of the children of Sami may fulfil their compulsory education in the same school in

rather than in grades 1-6 elementary school. Other children may

fulfill that part of their compulsory education in the same school, if it

There are special reasons.

The question of whether a child should receive discharge their compulsory education in the same school

examined by the Sami school board.

Receiving on a trial

section 8 of The who is a student in elementary school, vocational programs or

special school, on a trial basis for a maximum period of six months is received

as a student in another of these school forms, if the principals who

concerned are in agreement on this, and the student's parent/guardian acknowledges


Integrated students

§ 9 A pupil in elementary school can receive their training in

undergraduate programs (integrated student), if the principals concerned

agree on this and the student's parent/guardian admits.

student in basic programs, under the same conditions receive their

education in the elementary school or the Sami school.

A student thus receives her education in a

other school type applies to the provisions relating to the

original school form. The principal of the skolenhet where the student

receive their education may, however, decide on the exemptions from

These provisions in the light of teaching

the organizing.

When the minimum school ensues

§ 10 minimum school enters the autumn semester of the calendar year in which

the child reaches seven years.

If there are special reasons, the child begin to fulfil their

compulsory education first fall semester the calendar year in which the child reaches

eight years.

The issue of deferred compulsory education be considered by the municipality after

request of the child's legal guardians.

Earlier school start

section 11 if a child's parents/guardians so request in the municipality,

should your child already fall semester the calendar year in which the child reaches

six years equated with children below school age as regards the right to

start school.

When the minimum school leaving age, and the right to then complete


Skolpliktens termination

12 § subject to 13 or 14 § compulsory education ends

at the end of the spring term of the ninth year or, if the student

today in a special school, the tenth year after the student

started to meet the compulsory education requirement.

Later cessation

section 13 For the student who has not passed the highest annual rate when

compulsory education would otherwise have been terminated pursuant to section 12 of the ends

the compulsory education requirement rather than a year later, at the latest, however, when the student

reaches the age of 18.

The question of skolpliktens extension as referred to in the first subparagraph

examined by municipality. For a student attending special school

However, the question must be examined by special education and schools.

Earlier termination

section 14 Of the pupil before the time shown by the 12 or 13 §

meet the knowledge requirements as a minimum to be achieved for the school type

where the student fulfilling their compulsory education, compulsory education ends.

The issue of the termination of the skolpliktens referred to in the first subparagraph

examined by municipality. For a student attending special school

examine the issue of special needs education.

The right to complete schooling

section 15 a student in elementary school, vocational programs or

special school has the right to complete the highest annual rate,

Although the minimum school leaving age.

A student in elementary school, vocational programs or special school

also after the termination of the skolpliktens complete

the programme for a further two years, if the student has not

reached up to the knowledge requirements as a minimum to be achieved for

respective school type. A student of the basic allowance up to have during this

time right to at least 800 hours of instruction in addition to the one in

11 kap. paragraph 7(1) guaranteed teaching time, if

the pupil not previously attained knowledge requirements.

A student received in special schools in accordance with section 6 of the first

paragraph 1 and which, because of their disabilities

can't get satisfactory conditions in

high school upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities, or after the

compulsory schooling has ended and if seats are subjected to

further education in special school even

the spring semester of the calendar year in which the pupil reaches the age of 21 years, if the student

not considered to have the ability to pursue education according to

second paragraph.

section 16 of the question of the right to complete schooling under section 15

examined by municipality. For a student attending special school

However, the question must be examined by special education and schools.

Participation in education and training


section 17, a student in elementary school, vocational programs, special school and

same school will participate in the activities organized to provide

the intended training, if the pupil does not have valid reasons to

may not appear.

The compulsory activities may comprise not more than 190 days

per academic year and eight hours or, in the two lowest grades,

six hours per day. Such activities must not be located in

Saturdays, Sundays or other holidays.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for derogations from the second subparagraph of

students in undergraduate programs and special school.

If a student in elementary school, vocational programs, special school or

same school without valid reasons are absent from the compulsory

its activity, the headteacher to ensure that the student's parents/guardians

on the same day informed that the learner has been absent. If

There are specific reasons need the student's parents/guardians do not

be informed on the same day.


18 § A pupil in a school form referred to in section 17 may be granted

shorter leave for individual concerns. If there is

serious reasons must no longer leave is granted.

The Rector decides on leave. The headmaster may not instruct

someone else to make a decision on leave relates to longer

than ten days.


section 19 of A pupil in a school form referred to in section 17 may, on the application of

the student's parents/guardians should be exempted from the obligation to participate in

mandatory elements in education where there are serious

reasons. Such a decision may only refer to individual cases

during one academic year.

The Rector decides on the exemption. The headmaster may not instruct

someone else to make such decisions.

Responsibility for compulsory education requirement is fulfilled

Guardian's responsibility

section 20 of the person who has custody of a skolpliktigt children to see

to fulfil their compulsory education.

Home local authority's responsibility

section 21 of the municipality shall ensure that compulsory schooling children who do not

today in its primary or basic special in some other way

receive the prescribed training.

Principal's liability

section 22 of the municipality shall ensure that students in its elementary school and

because special comply with their schooling. The principal for the

special school and the principal of the same school will ensure that

students in training for their managers to fulfil their schooling.

When a mandatory school pupil begins or ends at a stand-alone

school or without valid reason, is absent in significant

extent of the compulsory elements, the principal

promptly communicate this to the municipality of residence.

Injunction and liquidated damages

section 23 If a mandatory school pupil does not fulfill his schooling and

This is due to the student's parents/guardians do not have done what

He is obligated to do for this to happen, the municipality

submit to the student's parent/guardian to meet its

obligations. For a student in special schools or in the same school

It is, instead, the principal of each school type that may

submit to the student's parent/guardian to meet its


An injunction under the first paragraph may be subject to a penalty.

A decision on the injunction effective immediately unless otherwise

be decided.

Chapter 8. For school

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is

-General provisions (§§ 2-11),

-provisions relating to public school principal (12-17 sections),


-provisions for self-contained preschool (§§ 18-24).

General provisions

The purpose of education

2 § the preschool shall stimulate the child's development and learning and

offer kids a safe care. Activities shall be based on a

overall view of the child and the child's needs and designed to

care, development and learning form a whole.

For the school should promote comprehensive contacts and social community

and prepare the children for continued education.

Offer of preschool

section 3 of the Children residing in Sweden and who have not started in

pre-school class or in any training for performance of

compulsory education must be offered for school as specified in 4-7

§§. Preschool may not be offered in the evenings,

nights, weekends or major holidays.

section 4 of the child from the autumn term of the year the child turns

three years offered preschool for at least 525 hours a year, about

subject to the provisions of §§ 5-7.

paragraph 5 of the children from one year of age offered for school in

the extent to which it is necessary to take account of the parents '

gainful employment or studies or if the child has its own

needs because of the family's situation in General.

section 6 of the Children, whose parents are unemployed or on parental leave

According to the parental leave Act (1995:584) for the care of other

children, from the age of one year are to be offered for school during the

at least three hours per day or 15 hours a week.

section 7 of the Child is also in cases other than those referred to in paragraphs 5 and 6

be offered for school, if they are of the physical, mental or other

reasons need special support in their development in the form of

for the school.

Children's groups and the environment

section 8 of the principal shall ensure that children have an appropriate

composition and size and that the children also in other

offered a good environment.

Special support

section 9 of the child by physical, mental or other reasons need to

special support in their development should be given the support that their

special needs require.

Where information from the school's staff, a child

or a child's legal guardian or otherwise comes to light

that a child is in need of special support, pre-school manager

make sure that the child is given such support. The child's parents/guardians

should be given the opportunity to participate in the formulation of the specific

aid efforts.

Mother tongue

section 10 Of the school will help to children with different mother tongues

than Swedish have the opportunity to develop both the Swedish

language and their mother tongue.

Continuous calls performance reviews

section 11 of the personnel shall maintain continuous conversations with the child's

guardians of the child's development. At least once each year

In addition to the child's guardian staff and implement

a conversation about child development and learning

(performance appraisal). Preschool teacher has overall

the responsibility of the development dialogue.

For public school principal

Home local authority's responsibility

section 12 of the home municipality is responsible for education in preschool

comes about for all children in the municipality to be offered

for school and whose parents/guardians so wish.

The municipality may fulfil its obligations by offering

the child equivalent training in independent pre-schools.

If there are special reasons, the municipality agree

with another municipality to this in their preschool will receive

children whose education the home municipality is responsible for.

Reception in another municipality

section 13, a child has the right to be received in kindergarten with

public trust in another municipality than the home municipality, if

the child in the light of their personal circumstances,

specific reasons to go to the municipal nursery school. Before

the municipality of deciding whether to receive such children to the

obtain the opinion of the child's home community.

According to the wishes of the child's legal guardian, a municipality also in

other cases in their kindergarten receive a child from another


Offer of place

14 § when the guardian has notified requests for school

public key to the municipality to offer the child to school within the

four months.

Children who, for physical, mental or other reasons, need

special support in their development in the form of nursery schools shall

promptly offered for school.

Placement at a pre-school unit

section 15 a child should be offered a place at a pre-school unit as close to the

the child's own home as possible. Due regard should be given to

the child's guardian's wishes.


16 § a municipality may levy a fee for place in the nursery as the

organizes. The fees should be reasonable.

From the autumn term of the year the child turns three years old are

rates refer to just the part of the business that exceeds

525 hours a year.

For children offered for school fee under section 7 may refer to

only the part of the business that exceed 15 minutes in


Municipal compensation

section 17 a municipality that in their preschool child from another

municipality shall recover its costs for the child's education

of the child's home municipality, if reception is based on section 13

the first paragraph.

Even in the cases referred to in paragraph 13 of the second subparagraph, the home municipality

pay compensation to the host municipality. If the municipalities

in such a case do not agree otherwise, shall

the compensation shall be determined with respect to the municipality's commitment and

the child's needs after the same grounds as the municipality applies

in the allocation of resources to their own school. Have a

children with special needs a comprehensive, need

the municipality did not make contributions for the specific aid, if

significant organisational or financial difficulty

occurs for the municipality.

Independent nursery school


section 18 each independent of the school should be open to all children

to be offered for school, unless the municipality where

förskoleenheten is located allows for exceptions with regard to the

the specific character.

The principal does not need to receive or provide continuing education

to a child, if the municipality has decided not to leave

contributions for the child pursuant to section 23 of the second paragraph.


19 § If there is no space for all applicants to a

pre-school unit, the selection is made on the grounds that the municipality

where förskoleenheten is located.


20 § Fees as principal for a stand-alone nursery school takes

out may not be excessive.

From the autumn term of the year the child turns three years old are

rates refer to just the part of the business that exceeds

525 hours a year.

For children to be offered for the school under section 7, the fee

concern only the part of the business that exceed 15 minutes in


Contribution from the municipality of residence

section 21 of the municipality shall make contributions to the principal for each

children at förskoleenheten.

The contribution consists of a basic amount under section 22 and, in some

cases an additional amount under section 23.

section 22 of the basic amount shall be reimbursed for

1. caring and educational activities,

2. educational materials and equipment,

3. meals,

4. administration,

5. value added tax, and

6. local costs.

The basic amount will be determined on the same basis as the municipality

apply in the allocation of resources to their own school.

Article 23 of the supplementary amount shall be provided for children who have a

extensive special needs.

The municipality is not obliged to pay additional amounts for one

children in need of special support, if significant organizational

or economic difficulties arise for the municipality.

section 24 of the grant requirement of section 21 applies only in the

extent to which the child is to be offered for the school in accordance with §§ 4-7.

Chapter 9. Pre-school class

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is

-General provisions (§§ 2-11),

-provisions for preschool with public trust

(12-16 sections), and

-provisions for self-contained preschool (paragraphs 17-22).

General provisions

The purpose of education

section 2 of the pre-school class to encourage the development and

learning and prepare them for further education.

Training should be based on a holistic view of the student and

the student's needs.

Pre-school class to promote comprehensive relations and social


Academic year and semester

section 3 of the education in the pre-school class to be conducted during a

academic year, which consists of a fall semester and spring semester.

Offer and information about training

4 § pre-school class is designed for children who have not yet

starting any training for the completion of compulsory schooling.

The municipality shall inform parents of pre-school class

and the purpose of this, and work to ensure that the children are participating in it.

paragraph 5 of the Children residing in Sweden to offer preschool

from the autumn term of the year they turn six years old. Children may

received earlier.

Tests and samples

section 6 of the Tests and the test may not constitute conditions of admission

or basis for selection to or within a skolenhet.

Tests and samples may not constitute a condition for continued

education at a skolenhet or in the student group that the student

belongs to. Law (2014:1013).

6 a of the application by a principal, Government, despite

as specified in section 6, first paragraph, may decide that

skill test in music may be the conditions for admission and

basis for selection to training at or within a skolenhet.

Such a decision may only be taken if the skill test used

at admission or selection to training before the end of

June 2011 and there are special reasons. The decision shall be for a

particular the settlor, as well as a certain skolenhet or student group.

When the skill test is used as the basis for the selection of a particular

skolenhet, no other selection criteria apply.

Law (2014:1013).


section 7 of the pre-school class should cover at least 525 hours during a

academic year.


section 8 Education shall be free of charge.

Students should be free to have access to books and other

Learn the tools needed for a modern education.

Charges in connection with the application for the site must not be taken out.

§ 9 Despite section 8, there may be occasional hints that can

result in an insignificant cost for students.

In the context of school trips and similar activities,

Despite the other provisions of this law, in individual cases under

one academic year occur costs reimbursed by the guardian

on a voluntary basis. Such activities shall be open to all

pupils. The compensation may not exceed the principal's

the cost price of the student participating in the activity.

Mother tongue

section 10 pre-school class to assist students with different

mother tongue than Swedish have the opportunity to develop both the

Swedish language and their mother tongue.

Performance reviews

11 § at least once each school year, the teacher, the learner and

the student's parents/guardians have a performance review of the student's

development and learning.

Preschool class with public trust

Home local authority's responsibility

section 12 of the home municipality is responsible for education in preschool

comes about for all children in the municipality that are such

training. Of Chapter 2. paragraph 4 States that the State is responsible for the

preschool at a skolenhet with a special school or

Sami school.

The obligation referred to in the first subparagraph shall be fulfilled by

the municipality is organizing the preschool to the extent necessary

to prepare the training for all within the municipality is


If there are special reasons, the municipality agree

with another municipality to this in his preschool class shall take

against children whose education the home municipality is responsible for.

Reception in another municipality

section 13, a child has the right to be received in preschool with

public trust in another municipality than the one responsible for

child's education if the child with respect to their personal

conditions have specific reasons to go to the municipal

preschool. Before the municipality decides that for certain

school year receive such child, shall seek the opinion of the

child's home municipality.

According to the wishes of the child's legal guardian, a municipality also in

other cases in his preschool class receive a child from another


14 § a student received in a municipal preschool

a given school year has the right to go left over the entire school year, even if they

conditions on which the receipt is changed during the

in the academic year.

At a skolenhet

section 15 a student will be placed on it by the municipal school units

where the student's parents/guardians are the student should go. If the

requested placement would lead to another student's

legitimate requirements for placement in a skolenhet close to home

However, the municipality should place the student at a different


The municipality may otherwise deviate from the wishes of the pupil's legal guardian

only if the requested location would lead to

significant organisational or financial difficulty

occurs for the municipality.

Municipal compensation

section 16 of a municipality who in his preschool class has a student from a

other municipality shall recover its costs for the student's

training of student's home municipality, if the student's schooling is based

on paragraph 13 of the first paragraph.

Even in the cases referred to in paragraph 13 of the second subparagraph, the home municipality

pay compensation to the host municipality. If the municipalities

in such a case do not agree otherwise, shall

the compensation shall be determined with respect to the municipality's commitment and

the learner's needs after the same grounds as the municipality applies

in the allocation of resources to their own preschool. Has

a student with special needs a comprehensive, need

the municipality did not make contributions for the specific aid, if

significant organisational or financial difficulty

occurs for the municipality.

Self-contained preschool


section 17 of Each self-contained preschool should be open to all

students who will be offered training in pre-school class.

The training, however, may be limited to students who are in

special needs for its development.

The principal does not need to receive or provide continuing education

for a student, if the municipality has decided not to make contributions

for the student under 21 section.


section 18 unless there is place for all applicants for a

skolenhet with preschool, the selection be made on the basis

as the State school inspection approves, subject to the

a decision taken pursuant to paragraph 6 (a). Law (2014:1013).

Contribution from the municipality of residence

section 19 of the municipality shall make contributions to the principal for each

a student at at porsön.

The contribution consists of a basic amount under section 20, and in some

cases an additional amount under section 21.

section 20 of the basic amount shall be reimbursed for

1. teaching,

2. learning tools,

3. student health,

4. meals,

5. administration,

6. value added tax, and

7. local costs.

The basic amount will be determined on the same basis as the municipality

apply in the allocation of resources to their own


paragraph 21 of the additional amount to be provided for students who have an

extensive special needs.

The municipality is not obliged to pay additional amounts for one

student's special needs, if significant organizational

or economic difficulties arise for the municipality.


section 22 of the municipality in which the school is located has the right

to the transparency of the operations so that the municipality to carry out

their obligations under this law and meet the

the public's need for transparency. Law (2014:903).

10 Cape. Elementary school

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is

-General provisions (§§ 2-13),

-provisions on the score (14-23 sections),

-provisions for public primary school principal (24-

34 sections), and

-provisions for independent elementary school (35-41 sections).

General provisions

The purpose of education

section 2 of the primary school will provide students with the skills and values and

develop the students ' ability to acquire these.

The training shall be designed so that it contributes to personal

development and prepares pupils for active life choices and

is the basis for continued education.

Education should promote comprehensive contacts and social

community and provide a good basis for active participation in

the life of the community.

Annual courses, academic year and semester

3 § primary school will have nine grades. Education in each

grade will be conducted during the school year, which consists of a

fall semester and spring semester.

The Government may provide for the length and if

When the school year should start and stop.


4 § teaching should cover the following topics:



-Home Economics,

-physical education and health,



-Science: biology, physics and chemistry,

-social studies: geography, history,

religion and social studies,


-Swedish or Swedish as a second language, and


In addition to what substances be language and, for students

to offer mother tongue, native language.

Furthermore, student choice, and school choice.

The teaching of student choice shall aim to deepen and

broadening the student's proficiency in one or more subjects. School choice

may include a local option, if the State's school has

approved a plan for teaching.

Teaching time

paragraph 5 of the total teaching time for each student in

primary school should be at least 6 785 hours.

For a newly arrived student and one student referred to in Chapter 3. 12 c §

second paragraph 2, the total teaching time after a

decisions on placement in grade in accordance with Chapter 3. 12 e § correspond to

at least the time remaining for the other students in the annual course

during the remaining school years.

Provisions on the allocation of instructional time (schedule)

see annex 1. Law (2015:246).


section 6 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide for

1. teaching time beyond what follows from § 5,

2. derogations from paragraph 4 and from tim plan for standalone

schools with a particular educational specialization and for special

training courses,

3. other restricted derogations from paragraph 4 and from tim plan

In addition to the provisions of Chapter 3. section 12 (custom study time)

or Chapter 7. 9 paragraph (integrated teaching), if

There are special reasons, and

4. exemption from the obligation to apply the hourly plan.

6 a of the Government may provide for special

training in the form of a preparatory educated as in

the elementary school.

Regulations on such training, as the Government announces in

Regulation may derogate from the provisions of this law.

Law (2010:1997).

Mother tongue education

section 7 a pupil who has a guardian with a different mother tongue

than Swedish mother tongue tuition should be offered in this language


1. language is the student's everyday language of access in the home, and

2. the student has a basic knowledge of the language.

A pupil who belongs to any of the national minorities,

offered in the student's mother tongue education national

minority languages.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for mother tongue education. Such

regulations may imply that mother tongue education should

offered in one language only if a certain number of students are

such teaching in that language. Law (2014:458).

Course syllabi

section 8 for each topic, a syllabus may apply.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on curricula.

Tests and samples

§ 9 Tests and exams may not constitute conditions of admission

or basis for selection to or within a skolenhet.

Tests and samples may not constitute a condition for continued

education at a skolenhet or in the student group that the student

belongs to.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

announce legislation providing for derogations from the first and

other pieces of education from year 7 and, if

There are special reasons, including for education from

grade 4. Such rules may mean that the provision

in paragraph 30 of another student's justified demands on

placement at a skolenhet close to home.

Law (2014:1013).

9 a of the application by a principal, Government, despite

as indicated in paragraph 9, decide to

skill test in music may be the conditions for admission and

basis for selection to training in grade 1, 2 or 3 at the

or within a skolenhet. Such a decision may only be taken if

skill test used for admission or selection to

education in the year to which it relates by the end

by June 2011 and there are special reasons. The decision shall be

a particular principal, as well as a certain skolenhet or student group.

When the skill test is used as the basis for the selection of a particular

skolenhet, no other selection criteria apply.

If the principal has received a student in pre-school class after

skill test in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9. 6 a section

skill tests not be used as criteria for the student to

continue their education in grade 1 at the same skolenhet

or within the same student group. Law (2014:1013).


section 10 of the programme shall be subject to payment of a fee.

Students should be free to have access to books and other

Learn the tools needed for a modern education and

offered nutritious school meals.

Charges in connection with the application for the site must not be taken out.

11 § Despite section 10, there may be occasional hints that can

result in an insignificant cost for students.

In the context of school trips and similar activities,

Despite the other provisions of this law, in individual cases under

one academic year occur costs reimbursed by the guardian

on a voluntary basis. Such activities shall be open to all

pupils. The compensation may not exceed the principal's

the cost price of the student participating in the activity.

Progress meetings and individual development plan

12 section at least once every semester, the teacher, the learner and

the student's parents/guardians have a performance appraisal on how

the learner's knowledge development and social development can best be

be supported and the efforts necessary to pupils should

reach the knowledge requirements and otherwise developed as far as possible

within the framework of the curriculum. The information at

the discussion will be based on an evaluation of

the pupil's development in relation to the curriculum and

the knowledge requirements of the subjects that the student receives instruction in.

Performance appraisal will in some cases result in such

action programmes referred to in Chapter 3. § 9. Team (2013:796).

section 13 in grades 1-5 will be the teacher once per academic year, at one of

the performance appraisals, in a written individual

development plan

1. give reviews of the learner's knowledge development in relation

to the knowledge requirements of the subjects that the student receives instruction in,


2. summarize the efforts necessary to pupils should

reach the knowledge requirements and otherwise developed as far as possible

within the framework of the curriculum.

The individual development plan may also include reviews

If the pupil's development in General within the framework of the curriculum, if

the headmaster decides it. Agreements between the teacher, the student

and the student's parent/guardian at the discussion should always

documented in the development plan. The Rector decides on

the design of such written information provided in

the development plan.

Written information about the student's schooling may be given even at

other times than at an appraisal meeting.

If a programme is drawn up does not need the written

individual development plan include a summary of the

the measures in the form of special assistance that the student need

meet the knowledge requirements. Law (2014:456).


Applicable provisions

section 14 of the General provisions on grades and grading is

in Chapter 3. 13-21 sections.


section 15 of the Score should be primary topics.

On the teaching of natural sciences and

Civics in essence been multidisciplinary

until the end of grade 6, the head teacher, however, decide

a summary score should be set for these respective

subjects in grade 6. Law (2010:2022).

section 16 of the Score should be

1. at the end of each semester from year 6 to

with the fall semester of 9th grade in all subjects, except language, which

the student has been trained in during the semester and who do not

has been completed,

2. at the end of each semester from year 7 up to and

with the fall semester in grade 9 in the language selection, if the student has a

teaching on the subject during the semester and there has

been completed, and

3. when a topic has been completed.

Law (2014:458).

paragraph 17 of That score to any of the letters A, B, C, D, E

or (F) be used. Scores of approved results are denoted with

A, B, C, D or E. Highest score is denoted by A and minimum

score with e. rating for non-passing grade is denoted by F.

section 18 where there is no basis for the assessment of a student's knowledge

in a substance due to the student's absence, will score not be put in

topic. The same is true when it should be a summary

score for the science and social science

the substances. Law (2010:2022).

Score before a topic has ended

19 § when the score is put before a topic has been completed,

scoring based on an assessment of skills

the student received on the subject until the current semester.

In the assessment, the student's knowledge

1. in grade 6 be put in relation to the skills a student should

have achieved by grading the moment in relation to

knowledge requirements in grade 6, and

2. after grade 6 be put in relation to the knowledge a student

to have achieved at the moment of the examination in relation to

knowledge requirements in grade 9. Law (2010:2022).

When a topic has been completed

section 20 When score is put after a topic is completed,

a rating determined by using specific knowledge requirements.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on skill requirements.

section 21 if there are special reasons, that by scoring

pursuant to §§ 19 and 20 shall be excluded from the single parts of the

knowledge requirements that pupils should have attained at the end of year 6

or 9. With special reasons referred to disability or

other similar personal circumstances that are not of

a temporary nature and that is a direct obstacle to the

pupils should be able to reach a specific knowledge requirements. Law (2011:876).

section 22 in cases where a non-passing grade is put into a closed

subject to a written assessment of the student's knowledge development

the topic is given. The assessment must also support measures that have

taken be indicated. The evaluation should be signed by the teacher.

If under section 18 is not can be put in a closed topic,

they may support action taken be indicated in the decision.


section 23 of The who want ratings from elementary school have the right to

undergo the ordeal for the score. This may refer to the entire training

in elementary school, or one or more substances included in

the training. This also applies to those who have previously received

score in a closed topic or final grade from grade school.

The provisions on grading in this chapter and in Chapter 3.

shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of the examination.

Elementary school with public trust

Home local authority's responsibility

section 24 of the home municipality is responsible for education in primary school

comes about for all those under this Act has the right to

go to primary school and who do not fulfill their schooling at different


The obligation referred to in the first subparagraph shall be fulfilled by

the municipality organizes primary school to the extent necessary

to prepare the training for all within the municipality concerned.

If there are special reasons, the municipality agree

with another municipality to this in their primary schools will receive the

students whose primary education the home municipality is responsible for.

Reception in another municipality

section 25 of a student has the right to be received in an elementary school program

organized by another municipality than the one responsible for the student's

education, if the student with regard to their personal

conditions have specific reasons to go to the municipal

elementary school. Before the municipality decides that for a given

school year receive such a student shall seek the opinion of the

pupils ' home municipality.

A student who is staying in such a home for care or property which

referred to in Chapter 6. section 1 of the Social Service Act (2001:453) and which are

located in another municipality than the one responsible for the student's

education has the right to be received in an elementary school in the

municipality in which the pupil resides. Law (2015:176).

section 26 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide that municipalities may organize special

education in their primary school. Regulations may imply that

students from all over the country in availability to receive

the training.

section 27 a municipality may in other cases than those referred to in section 24

the third paragraph of section 25 or 26 to receive a student from another

municipality in their primary school after the wishes of the pupil's


section 28 a student received in a municipal elementary school a

specific school year have the right to go left over the entire school year, even if they

conditions on which the receipt is changed during the

in the academic year.

If the student leaves only one grade level, student

also have the right to go left last year.

Municipal organization of their elementary school

section 29 of Every municipality is obliged to in the design of their

elementary school, take into account the limits of what is appropriate from

communication point of view for students.

Each municipality should organize their elementary school so that no student

because of schooling need to stay outside their own homes.

Departure from here, however, may be made if the conditions are so

Special that it seems unreasonable that the municipality must

organising schooling in such a way that the student can stay in

the home during school time. In making that assessment, particular

weight attached to pupils ' age.

A student in elementary school with public trust as a result of

their education must live outside their own homes has the right to

satisfactory conditions. The municipality shall be responsible for

this without additional costs for the student. Home Municipal

obligation does not cover students on the basis of §§ 25-27

yesterday in another municipality's elementary school or students who choose to

go to another skolenhet in the municipality than the one in which they would otherwise

would have been placed.

At a skolenhet

30 of a student will be placed on it by the municipal school units

where the student's parents/guardians are the student should go. If the

requested placement would lead to another student's

legitimate requirements for placement in a skolenhet close to home

However, the municipality should place the student at a different

skolenhet in their elementary school.

The municipality may otherwise deviate from the wishes of the pupil's legal guardian

only if the

1. the requested position would entail significant

organisational or financial difficulties of the municipality,


2. it is necessary to other students ' security

and studiero.

Decision under the second subparagraph 2 shall apply immediately, if not

otherwise decided.

section 31 of The that have been placed at a certain skolenhet has

the right to go left where subject to section 30 of the other

paragraph. The same shall apply to anyone who has received

pre-school class and to continue their education in

elementary school at the same skolenhet.

The right referred to in the first subparagraph to go left at a skolenhet

does not apply to a student who, with the support of Chapter 3. 12 e §,

placed in a grade level that is not organised at at porsön.

Law (2015:246).

Transport to schools in the municipality of residence

section 32 Pupils in public primary school principal has the right to

free school transport from a location adjacent to the

the student's home to the place where the training is being conducted, and

back, if such a ride is needed with respect to travel the road

length, traffic conditions, the student's disability or

any other special circumstance.

This right does not apply to students who choose to go in a

skolenhet other than that in which the municipality might otherwise have placed

them or in another municipality's elementary school with the support of

25-27 sections. In cases where it can be done without organizational or

financial difficulties, the municipality also arrange transport to schools in

these cases.

Pupils ' home municipality shall ensure that transportation is arranged.

School bus in a different municipality than the home municipality

33 § A student under section 25 goes in another municipality

elementary school and that because of schooling must stay in

the municipality has the right to travel between the temporary

the residence and the place where the training is carried out under the same

conditions that apply to students who are residents of

the municipality.

The municipality which organises the training should ensure that

transport to schools organized under the first subparagraph. The municipality's

the cost of this will be replaced by the student's home municipality.

Municipal compensation

§ 34 a municipality that in their elementary school has a pupil from another

municipality shall recover its costs for the student's education

of the student's home municipality, if the student's schooling in the municipality is based

on section 25, 26 or 28 section.

Even in the cases referred to in section 27 shall pay the municipality

reimbursement to the host municipality. The municipalities in a

such cases do not agree otherwise, the remuneration

determined by reference to the municipality's commitment and the student's

needs for the same grounds as the municipality applies at

allocation of resources to their own primary schools. Have a

student a comprehensive special needs, need

the municipality did not make contributions for the specific aid, if

significant organisational or financial difficulty

occurs for the municipality. Law (2014:458).

Standalone primary school


35 § each stand-alone primary school is open to all

students who have a right to education in primary school.

Education, however, must be limited to

1. some grades,

2. students who are in need of special support, and

3. some students that education is especially suited for.

The principal does not need to receive or provide continuing education

for a pupil if the municipality has decided not to make contributions

for the pupil pursuant to section 39.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for such specially adapted

programmes referred to in the first subparagraph 3.


36 § If there is no space for all applicants, the selection

be made on the grounds that the State's school inspection approves, if

subject to the provisions of

1. the regulations issued on the basis of § 9 third


2. other regulations relating to independent schools with

Special educational focus or specific training courses,


3. a decision taken pursuant to article 9.

Law (2014:1013).

Contribution from the municipality of residence

37 § municipality shall make contributions to the principal for each

a student at at porsön.

The contribution consists of a basic amount under section 38 and, in some

cases an additional amount under section 39.

The first subparagraph shall not apply if the State funding is provided for a student's

training due to eleven is overseas.

Law (2015:73).

38 § the basic amount shall be reimbursed for

1. teaching,

2. learning tools,

3. student health,

4. meals,

5. administration,

6. value added tax, and

7. local costs.

The basic amount will be determined on the same basis as

the municipality of residence applies in the allocation of resources to the

private elementary school.

§ 39 additional amount should be provided for students who have an

extensive special needs or to be offered

mother tongue education.

The municipality is not obliged to pay additional amounts for one

student's special needs, if significant organizational

or economic difficulties arise for the municipality.

School bus

section 40 of the municipality shall arrange transportation for students enrolled in

a stand-alone elementary school in the municipality during the same

conditions under section 32, second subparagraph, second sentence,

applies to students who have chosen a different skolenhet than that

the municipality would have placed them.


41 § the municipality in which the school is located has the right

to the transparency of the operations so that the municipality to carry out

their obligations under this law and meet the

the public's need for transparency. Law (2014:903).

11 kap. Undergraduate programs

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is

– General provisions (§§ 2-17),

— provisions on score (18-23 (a) sections),

– Special rules on the basis of public trust

(paragraphs 24-33), and

– Special rules on the independent basis (paragraphs 34-40).

Law (2011:876).

General provisions

The purpose of education

section 2 of the Basic allowance up to provide students with an intellectual disability a for

them customized training that provides skills and values and

develop the students ' ability to acquire these.

The training shall be designed so that it contributes to personal

development, prepares students for active life choices and is

the basis of continued education.

Education should promote comprehensive contacts and social

community and provide a good basis for active participation in

the life of the community.

Of the 29 Cape. section 8, it follows that the provisions of this law on pupils

with learning disabilities also apply to certain other children,

young people and adults. Law (2012:109).

Training school

section 3 in basic programs, there is a special focus as

is referred to as a training school. The training school is designed for students

that cannot absorb all or part of the

education in the subjects.

Annual courses, academic year and semester

paragraph 4 of the Basic allowance up to have nine grades. Education in each

grade will be conducted during the school year, which consists of a

fall semester and spring semester.

The Government may provide for the length and if

When the school year should start and stop.

Topics and subject areas

paragraph 5 of the Basic programs include training in substance or in

subject areas, or a combination of these. Education and training in

subject areas are designed for students who cannot benefit from

all or part of the training in topics. Training

can also include topics such as the primary school curricula.

section 6 of the teaching should cover the following subjects or

subject areas.




-Home Economics,

-physical education and health,



-natural sciences,

-social studies,


-Swedish or Swedish as a second language, and


Subject areas:

-artistic activities,


-motor skills,

-daily activities, and

-perception of reality.

In addition to the topics and subject areas referred to in the first subparagraph

should it be the mother tongue as a subject for the students who will be

offered to mother tongue education.

Furthermore, student choice, and school choice.

The teaching of student choice shall aim to deepen and

broadening the student's proficiency in one or more subjects or

subject areas.

Teaching time

section 7 of the total teaching time for each student in

undergraduate programs should be at least 6 785 hours. For a student in

orientation training school, the total teaching time

be at least 6 665 hours.

For a newly arrived student and one student referred to in Chapter 3. 12 c §

second paragraph 2, the total teaching time after a

decisions on placement in grade in accordance with Chapter 3. 12 e § correspond to

at least the time remaining for the other students in the annual course

during the remaining school years.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for the allocation of instructional time

(curriculum). Law (2015:246).

section 8 of the principal of education determines whether a student who is

receive in basic programs mainly to read the topics or

subject areas. The headmaster may decide that a student will read a

combination of topics and subject areas and topics under

the primary school curricula, if the student has the potential for


Consultation with the student's parent/guardian shall take place before a decision

is taken.


§ 9 the Government or authority the Government determines

may provide for

1. teaching time beyond what follows from section 7,

2. derogations from section 6 and from tim plan beyond what

to the provisions of Chapter 3. section 12 (custom study time) or Chapter 7. § 9

second paragraph (integrated teaching), if necessary with

account of pupils ' ability, and

3. other restricted derogations from section 6 and from HR plan.

Mother tongue education

section 10 A student who has a carer with another

mother tongue than Swedish must be offered instruction in the mother tongue

This language if

1. language is the student's everyday language of access in the home, and

2. the student has a basic knowledge of the language.

A pupil who belongs to any of the national minorities,

offered in the student's mother tongue education national

minority languages.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for mother tongue education. Such

regulations may imply that mother tongue education should

offered in one language only if a certain number of students are

such teaching in that language. Law (2014:458).

Course syllabi

section 11 For every topic and subject area to apply a syllabus.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on curricula.

Tests and samples

section 12 Tests and exams may not constitute conditions of admission

or selection to or within a skolenhet. Testing and examination may

not constitute a condition for continued education at a

skolenhet or in the student group that the student belongs to.


paragraph 13 of the education will be provided free of charge.

Students should be free to have access to books and other

Learn the tools needed for a modern education and

offered nutritious school meals.

Charges in connection with the application for the site must not be taken out.

section 14 Despite section 13, the single elements that can

result in an insignificant cost for students.

In the context of school trips and similar activities,

Despite the other provisions of this law, in individual cases under

one academic year occur costs reimbursed by the guardian

on a voluntary basis. Such activities shall be open to all

pupils. The compensation may not exceed the principal's

the cost price of the student participating in the activity.

Progress meetings and individual development plan

15 section at least once every semester, the teacher, the learner and

the student's parents/guardians have a performance appraisal on how

the learner's knowledge development and social development can best be

be supported and the efforts necessary to pupils should

reach the knowledge requirements and otherwise developed as far as possible

within the framework of the curriculum. The information at

the discussion will be based on an evaluation of

the pupil's development in relation to the curriculum and

the knowledge requirements of the subjects or subject areas that the student may

teaching in.

Performance appraisal will in some cases result in such

action programmes referred to in Chapter 3. § 9. Team (2013:796).

section 16 of the grades 1-5 will be the teacher once per academic year, at one of

the performance appraisals, in a written individual

development plan

1. give reviews of the learner's knowledge development in relation

to the knowledge requirements of the subjects or subject areas that the student

receive instruction in, and

2. summarize the efforts necessary to pupils should

reach the knowledge requirements and otherwise developed as far as possible

within the framework of the curriculum.

The individual development plan may also include reviews

If the pupil's development in General within the framework of the curriculum, if

the headmaster decides it. Agreements between the teacher, the student

and the student's parent/guardian at the discussion should always

documented in the development plan. The Rector decides on

the design of such written information provided in

the development plan.

Written information about the student's schooling may be given even at

other times than at an appraisal meeting.

If a programme is drawn up does not need the written

individual development plan include a summary of the

the measures in the form of special assistance that the student need

meet the knowledge requirements. Law (2014:456).

16 a of in grades 6-9, teacher, student, teaching

in a topic or a subject that the student or

the custodian does not request score in, once per academic year at a

of the performance appraisals, in a written individual

development plan

1. give reviews of the learner's knowledge development in relation

to the knowledge requirements in the subject area or topic, and

2. summarize the efforts necessary to pupils should

reach the knowledge requirements and otherwise developed as far as possible

within the framework of the curriculum in the subject area or topic.

The Rector decides on the design of such written

information given in the development plan.

Written information about the student's schooling may be furnished also in

cases other than what follows from the first paragraph and also at

other times than at an appraisal meeting.

If a programme is drawn up does not need the written

individual development plan include a summary of the

the measures in the form of special assistance that the student need

meet the knowledge requirements. Law (2014:456).

Certificates and student assessment

section 17 of the students after completion of basic special get certificate of

the training they went through.

If a student or the student's parents/guardians so request, shall

the certificate shall be supplemented by a general student assessment.

Studieomdömet shall relate to the student's ability to pursue studies.

The certificate shall be signed by the teacher.


Applicable provisions

section 18 of the General rules about grades and grading is

in Chapter 3. 13-21 sections.


Article 19 if a student or the student's parents/guardians so request, shall

score put in because the specially designed subjects.

Score should be

1. at the end of each semester from year 6 to

with the fall semester in grade 9 in the subjects that the student has a

teaching during the semester and have not been completed,


2. when a topic has been completed.

Law (2014:458).

section 20 of That score to any of the letters A, B, C, D or E

be used. The highest rating is denoted by A and the lowest score with


For the student who does not meet the requirements for grade E, score

not be put in the subject.

section 21 if a student in basic allowance up to read a topic under

the primary school curriculum and the student or the student's

guardian requests that the score should be in the topic, the

provisions that apply to grades in elementary school


Score before a topic has ended

section 22 When score is put before a topic has been completed,

scoring based on an assessment of skills

the student received on the subject until the current semester.

In the assessment, the student's knowledge

1. in grade 6 be put in relation to the skills a student should

have achieved by grading the moment in relation to

knowledge requirements in grade 6, and

2. after grade 6 be put in relation to the knowledge a student

to have achieved at the moment of the examination in relation to

knowledge requirements in grade 9. Law (2010:2022).

When a topic has been completed

section 23 When score is put after a topic is completed,

a rating determined by using specific knowledge requirements.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on skill requirements.

23 a of if there are special reasons, at

graded according to §§ 22 and 23 shall be excluded from the single

parts of the knowledge requirements that pupils should have attained at the end of

grade 6 or 9. With special reasons referred to

disabilities, but the student's learning disability, or

other similar personal circumstances that are not of

a temporary nature and that is a direct obstacle to the

pupils should be able to reach a specific knowledge requirements.

Utvecklingsstörningen may, however, be taken into account if there are serious

reasons. Law (2011:876).

Because special with public trust

Home local authority's responsibility

section 24 of the home municipality is responsible for education in undergraduate programs

comes about for all those under this Act has the right to

go into the Basic programs and does not fulfill his schooling at different


The obligation referred to in the first subparagraph shall be fulfilled by

home municipality

1. organizes the basic special to the extent necessary to

prepare training for all within the municipality concerned, or

2. agree with another municipality that, in their

because special to receive the home municipality is responsible


Reception in another municipality

section 25 of a student has the right to be received in a special base that

organized by another municipality than the one responsible for the student's

education, if the student with regard to their personal

conditions have specific reasons to go to the municipal

because special. Before the municipality decides that for a

specific school year receive one such pupil, it shall obtain the opinion

from the student's home municipality.

A student who is staying in such a home for care or property which

referred to in Chapter 6. section 1 of the Social Service Act (2001:453) and which are

located in another municipality than the one responsible for the student's

education has the right to be received on the basis of a special

municipality in which the pupil resides. Law (2015:176).

paragraph 26 of a commune, even in cases other than those referred to in section 24

the second subparagraph 2 or section 25 receive a pupil from another

municipality in its basis of the student's special on request


27 § a student received in a municipality's basis special

a given school year has the right to go left over the entire school year, even if they

conditions on which the receipt is changed during the

in the academic year.

If the student leaves only one grade also has eleven

the right to go left last year.

Municipal organization of its Foundation special

section 28 of Every municipality is obliged to in the design of their

because special consider what is appropriate from

communication point of view for students.

Each municipality shall, as far as possible, organise their

because special so that no student because of schooling

need to stay outside their own homes.

In the Act (1993:387) concerning support and service for certain

disabled guests, there are rules about support and service

in the form of property in the family home or dwelling with particular

service for children and young people who need to stay outside

the parental home.

At a skolenhet

section 29 a student will be placed on it by the municipal school units

where the student's parents/guardians are the student should go. If the

requested placement would lead to another student's

legitimate requirements for placement in a skolenhet close to home

However, the municipality should place the student at a different

skolenhet special within its grounds.

The municipality may otherwise deviate from the wishes of the pupil's legal guardian

only if the

1. the requested position would entail significant

organisational or financial difficulties of the municipality,


2. it is necessary to other students ' security

and studiero.

Decision under the second subparagraph 2 shall apply immediately, if not

otherwise decided.

section 30 of The that have been placed at a certain skolenhet has

the right to go left where subject to section 29, second

paragraph. The same shall apply to anyone who has been accepted at a

skolenhet with preschool and to continue their

education in undergraduate programs at the same skolenhet.

The right referred to in the first subparagraph to go left at a skolenhet

does not apply to a student who, with the support of Chapter 3. 12 e §,

placed in a grade level that is not organised at at porsön.

Law (2015:246).

Transport to schools in the municipality of residence

section 31 Students in the undergraduate special public trust has the right

free school transport from a location adjacent to the

the student's home to the place where the training is being conducted, and

back, if such a ride is needed with respect to travel the road

length, traffic conditions, the student's disability or

any other special circumstance.

This right does not apply to students who choose to go in a

skolenhet other than that in which the municipality might otherwise have placed

them or in another municipality's basis special with support

of 25 or 26 sections. In cases where it can be done without

organisational or economic difficulties to the municipality

also arrange school transport in these cases.

Pupils ' home municipality shall ensure that transportation is arranged.

School bus in a different municipality than the home municipality

32 § A student who by virtue of section 25 goes in another municipality

because special and because of schooling must stay

in the municipality is entitled to school transport between the

temporary residence and the place where the training is conducted

under the same conditions that apply to students who are

residents of the municipality.

The municipality which organises the training should ensure that

transport to schools organized under the first subparagraph. The municipality's

the cost of this will be replaced by the student's home municipality.

Municipal compensation

33 § a municipality which has an undergraduate student from a special

other municipality shall recover its costs for the student's

training of student's home municipality, if the student's schooling in

the municipality is based on section 25 or section 27, second paragraph.

Even in the cases referred to in section 26, the home municipality of pay

reimbursement to the host municipality. The municipalities in a

such cases do not agree otherwise, the remuneration

determined by reference to the municipality's commitment and the student's

needs for the same grounds as the municipality applies at

allocation of resources to its own basic särskolorna. Have a

student a comprehensive special needs, need

the municipality did not make contributions for the specific aid, if

significant organisational or financial difficulty

occurs for the municipality. Law (2014:458).

Stand-alone basis special


34 § each stand-alone because special is open to all

students who have a right to education in undergraduate programs.

Education, however, must be limited to

1. some grades,

2. students who are in need of special support, and

3. some students that education is especially suited for.

The principal does not need to receive or provide continuing education

for a student, if the municipality has decided not to make contributions

for the pupil under paragraph 38.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for such specially adapted

programmes referred to in the first subparagraph 3.


35 section If there is no space for all applicants, the selection

be made on the grounds that the State's school inspection approves.

Contribution from the municipality of residence

36 § municipality shall make contributions to the principal for each

a student at at porsön.

The contribution consists of a basic amount according to § 37, and in some

cases an additional amount under section 38.

The first subparagraph shall not apply if the State funding is provided for a student's

training due to eleven is overseas.

Law (2015:73).

37 § the basic amount shall be reimbursed for

1. teaching,

2. learning tools,

3. student health,

4. meals,

5. administration,

6. value added tax, and

7. local costs.

The basic amount will be determined on the same basis as

the municipality of residence applies in the allocation of resources to the

own basic programs.

38 § supplementary amount shall be provided for students who have an

extensive special needs or to be offered

mother tongue education.

The municipality is not obliged to pay additional amounts for one

student's special needs, if significant organizational

or economic difficulties arise for the municipality.

School bus

39 § municipality shall arrange transportation for students enrolled in

a special stand-alone basis within the municipality during the same

conditions referred to in section 31, second subparagraph, second sentence

applies to students who have chosen a different skolenhet than that

the municipality would have placed them.


section 40 of the municipality in which the school is located has the right

to the transparency of the operations so that the municipality to carry out

their obligations under this law and meet the

the public's need for transparency. Law (2014:903).

12 Cape. Special school

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is

– General provisions (§§ 2-13A)

— provisions on score (14-23 sections), and

– provisions on the principal's obligations in specific cases

(paragraphs 24-26). Team (2013:796).

General provisions

The purpose of education

section 2 of the Special school will give children and adolescents referred to in 7

Cape. section 6, an education that is tailored to each student's

conditions and that, as far as possible, correspond to the

education provided in elementary school. The training shall be to

basis for continued education.

Annual courses, academic year and semester

section 3 of the Special school will have ten grades. Education in each

grade will be conducted during the school year, which consists of a

fall semester and spring semester.


4 § teaching should cover the following topics:

– image,

– English,

-Home Economics,

– physical education and health,

– Mathematics,

-Science: biology, physics and chemistry,

– operating and drama or music,

– social studies: geography, history,

religion and social studies,

– crafts,

– Swedish or Swedish as a second language,

– sign language, and

– technology.

Of hearing students in the subject of music replaces the topic

movement and drama. For students who received pursuant to Chapter 7.

section 6, first paragraph, 1 and 3 apply to the subject of Swedish replaces

the topic of sign languages, if these students do not have need of

sign language.

In addition to what substances be language and, for the students

to offer mother tongue, native language.

Furthermore, student choice, and school choice.

The teaching of student choice shall aim to deepen and

broadening the student's proficiency in one or more subjects.

Law (2011:876).

Teaching time

paragraph 5 of the total teaching time for each student in

special school should be at least 7 965 hours.

For a newly arrived student and one student referred to in Chapter 3. 12 c §

the third paragraph, the total teaching time after a

decisions on placement in grade in accordance with Chapter 3. 12 e § correspond to

at least the time remaining for the other students in the annual course

during the remaining school years.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on the allocation of instructional time

(curriculum). Law (2015:246).


section 6 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide for

1. teaching time beyond what follows from § 5,

2. limited derogations from paragraph 4 in addition to what follows from

Chapter 3. section 12 (custom study time), if there are special

reasons, and

3. derogations for students with mental retardation from the

research subjects set out in section 4.

Mother tongue education

section 7 a pupil who has a guardian with a different mother tongue

than Swedish mother tongue tuition should be offered in this language


1. language is the student's everyday language of access in the home, and

2. the student has a basic knowledge of the language.

A pupil who belongs to any of the national minorities,

offered in the student's mother tongue education national

minority languages.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

notifies the regulations on mother-tongue teaching. Such

regulations may imply that mother tongue education should

offered in one language only if a certain number of students are

such teaching in that language. Law (2014:458).

Course syllabi

section 8 For each substance to target a syllabus.

For students with learning disabilities, because the specially

curricula apply if the student's parent/guardian gives its

consent. If the student's parent/guardian does not provide consent

should the student read under special school curricula.

Because the specially designed curricula, however, must apply for a student

without the student's guardian's consent if there are serious

reasons with respect to the student's best. To the extent that

because the specially designed curricula cannot be used, specific

course plans.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on curricula.

Tests and samples

§ 9 Tests and exams may not constitute conditions of admission

or selection to or within a skolenhet. Testing and examination may

not constitute a condition for continued education at a

skolenhet or in the student group that the student belongs to.


section 10 of the programme shall be subject to payment of a fee.

Students should be free to have access to books and other

Learn the tools needed for a modern education and

offered nutritious school meals.

Charges in connection with the application for the site must not be taken out.

11 § Despite section 10, there may be occasional hints that can

result in an insignificant cost for students.

In the context of school trips and similar activities,

Despite the other provisions of this law, in individual cases under

one academic year occur costs reimbursed by the guardian

on a voluntary basis. Such activities shall be open to all

pupils. The compensation may not exceed the principal's

the cost price of the student participating in the activity.

Progress meetings and individual development plan

12 section at least once every semester, the teacher, the learner and

the student's parents/guardians have a performance appraisal on how

the learner's knowledge development and social development can best be

be supported and the efforts necessary to pupils should

reach the knowledge requirements and otherwise developed as far as possible

within the framework of the curriculum. The information at

the discussion will be based on an evaluation of

the pupil's development in relation to the curriculum and

the knowledge requirements of the subjects or subject areas that the student may

teaching in.

Performance appraisal will in some cases result in such

action programmes referred to in Chapter 3. § 9. Team (2013:796).

section 13 in grades 1-6 will be the teacher once per academic year, at one of

the performance appraisals, in a written individual

development plan

1. give reviews of the learner's knowledge development in relation

to the knowledge requirements of the subjects or subject areas that the student

receive instruction in, and

2. summarize the efforts necessary to pupils should

reach the knowledge requirements and otherwise developed as far as possible

within the framework of the curriculum.

The individual development plan may also include reviews

If the pupil's development in General within the framework of the curriculum, if

the headmaster decides it. Agreements between the teacher, the student

and the student's parent/guardian at the discussion should always

documented in the development plan. The Rector decides on

the design of such written information provided in

the development plan.

Written information about the student's schooling may be given even at

other times than at an appraisal meeting.

If a programme is drawn up does not need the written

individual development plan include a summary of the

the measures in the form of special assistance that the student need

meet the knowledge requirements. Law (2014:456).

13 a section in grade 7 to 10 shall, if because the specially designed curricula

applied and the student receives instruction in a subject area or

a subject that the student or guardian does not request score in,

the teacher once per academic year at one of the performance appraisals in a

written individual development plan

1. give reviews of the learner's knowledge development in relation

to the knowledge requirements in the subject area or topic, and

2. summarize the efforts necessary to pupils should

reach the knowledge requirements and otherwise developed as far as possible

within the framework of the curriculum in the subject area or topic.

The Rector decides on the design of such written

information given in the development plan.

Written information about the student's schooling may be furnished also in

cases other than what follows from the first paragraph and also at

other times than at an appraisal meeting.

If a programme is drawn up does not need the written

individual development plan include a summary of the

the measures in the form of special assistance that the student need

meet the knowledge requirements. Law (2014:456).


Applicable provisions

section 14 of the General provisions on grades and grading is

in Chapter 3. 13-21 sections.

For students who read according to the special school's curricular terms

In addition to Chapter 3. the provisions on grading for 15-22 sections.

For students who read the specially designed according to the basic curricular terms

In addition to Chapter 3. provisions concerning certificates, student assessment and rating

in Chapter 11. 17-23 sections. Score before a substance is completed

However, to be put at the times set out in section 16 of the 1.


section 15 of the Score should be put in special school subjects.

On the teaching of natural sciences and

Civics in essence been multidisciplinary

until the end of 7th grade, the principal, however, decide

a summary score should be set for these respective

topics in 7th grade. Law (2010:2022).

section 16 of the Score should be

1. at the end of each semester from year 7 up to and

with the fall semester of 10th grade in all subjects, except the language selection,

that the student has been trained in during the semester and who

has not been completed,

2. at the end of each semester from year 8 to

with the fall semester in grade 10 in language selection, if the student has a

teaching on the subject during the semester and there has

been completed, and

3. when a topic has been completed.

Law (2014:458).

paragraph 17 of That score to any of the letters A, B, C, D, E

or (F) be used. Scores of approved results are denoted with

A, B, C, D or E. Highest score is denoted by A and minimum

score with e. rating for non-passing grade is denoted by F.

section 18 where there is no basis for the assessment of a student's knowledge

in a substance due to the student's absence, will score not be put in

topic. The same is true when it should be a summary

score for the science and social science

the substances. Law (2010:2022).

Score before a topic has ended

19 § when the score is put before a topic has been completed,

scoring based on an assessment of skills

the student received on the subject until the current semester.

In the assessment, the student's knowledge

1. in grade 7 be put in relation to the skills a student should

have achieved by grading the moment in relation to

knowledge requirements in grade 7, and

2. after grade 7 be put in relation to the knowledge a student

to have achieved at the moment of the examination in relation to

knowledge requirements in grade 10. Law (2010:2022).

When a topic has been completed

section 20 When score is put after a topic is completed,

a rating determined by using specific knowledge requirements.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on skill requirements.

section 21 if there are special reasons, that by scoring

pursuant to §§ 19 and 20 shall be excluded from the single parts of the knowledge requirements

that pupils should have attained at the end of grade 7 or 10. With

specific reasons referred to disability, in addition to deafness, or

hearing loss, or other similar personal circumstances

is not of a temporary nature and that is a direct obstacle

for the pupils should be able to reach a specific knowledge requirements.

Law (2011:876).

section 22 in cases where a non-passing grade is put into a closed

subject to a written assessment of the student's knowledge development

the topic is given. The assessment must also support measures that have

taken be indicated. The evaluation should be signed by the teacher.

If under section 18 is not can be put in a closed topic,

they may support action taken be indicated in the decision.


section 23 of The who want ratings from special school has the right to

undergo the ordeal for the score. This may refer to the entire training

in a special school or one or more substances included in

the training. This also applies to those who have previously received

score in a closed topic or secondary special school.

The provisions on grading in this chapter and in Chapter 3.

shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of the examination.

Principal's obligations in specific cases

Compensation from the student's home municipality

section 24 of the municipality shall pay the compensation to the State for certain

costs for the student in special schools or in

preschool or daycare at a skolenhet in

special school.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for remuneration.

The first subparagraph shall not apply to international Swedish students in grades

7-10. Law (2015:73).

Travel and accommodation

section 25 of a student in the special school are entitled to the traveling required

for the training. The State shall bear the costs.

A student in the special school due to school must live

outside their own homes are entitled to adequate

conditions. The State should respond to this without extra costs

for the pupil.

School units

section 26 of the education in special school, organized by

Special needs education and conducted at several

school units.

Chapter 13. Same school

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is

– General provisions (§§ 2-14),

— provisions on score (15-21 (a) sections), and

– provisions on the principal's obligations in specific cases

(paragraphs 22 to 24). Law (2011:878).

General provisions

The purpose of education

paragraph 2 of the Same school will provide an education with a Sami specialisation as

in general corresponds to the education in grades 1-6 in

the elementary school.

Annual courses, academic year and semester

paragraph 3 of the Same school will have six grades. Education in each

grade will be conducted during the school year, which consists of a

fall semester and spring semester.


4 § teaching should cover the following topics:



-Home Economics,

-physical education and health,



-Science: biology, physics and chemistry,

-social studies: geography, history,

religion and social studies,



-Swedish or Swedish as a second language, and


In addition to what substances be language and, for students

to offer mother tongue, native language.

Furthermore, student choice, and school choice.

The teaching of student choice shall aim to deepen and

broadening the student's proficiency in one or more subjects.

Teaching time

paragraph 5 of the total teaching time for each student in the same school

should be at least 4 320 hours.

For a newly arrived student and one student referred to in Chapter 3. 12 c §

second paragraph 2, the total teaching time after a

decisions on placement in grade in accordance with Chapter 3. 12 e § correspond to

at least the time remaining for the other students in the annual course

during the remaining school years.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on the allocation of instructional time

(curriculum). Law (2015:246).

section 6 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide for

1. teaching time beyond what follows from § 5, and

2. limited derogations from paragraph 4 and from tim plan in addition to

the provisions of Chapter 3. section 11 (custom study path), if the

There are special reasons.

Mother tongue education

section 7 a pupil who has a guardian with a different mother tongue

than Swedish mother tongue tuition should be offered in this language


1. language is the student's everyday language of access in the home, and

2. the student has a basic knowledge of the language.

A pupil who belongs to any of the national minorities,

offered in the student's mother tongue education national

minority languages.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

notifies the regulations on mother-tongue teaching. Such

regulations may imply that mother tongue education should

offered in one language only if a certain number of students are

such teaching in that language. Law (2014:458).

Course syllabi

section 8 for each topic, a syllabus may apply.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on curricula.

Tests and samples

§ 9 Tests and exams may not constitute conditions of admission

or selection to or within a skolenhet. Testing and examination may

not constitute a condition for continued education at a

skolenhet or in the student group that the student belongs to.


section 10 of the programme shall be subject to payment of a fee.

Students should be free to have access to books and other

Learn the tools needed for a modern education and

offered nutritious school meals.

Charges in connection with the application for the site must not be taken out.

11 § Despite section 10, there may be occasional hints that can

result in an insignificant cost for students.

In the context of school trips and similar activities,

Despite the other provisions of this law, in individual cases under

one academic year occur costs reimbursed by the guardian

on a voluntary basis. Such activities shall be open to all

pupils. The compensation may not exceed the principal's

the cost price of the student participating in the activity.

Progress meetings and individual development plan

12 section at least once every semester, the teacher, the learner and

the student's parents/guardians have a performance appraisal on how

the learner's knowledge development and social development can best be

be supported and the efforts necessary to pupils should

reach the knowledge requirements and otherwise developed as far as possible

within the framework of the curriculum. The information at

the discussion will be based on an evaluation of

the pupil's development in relation to the curriculum and

the knowledge requirements of the subjects that the student receives instruction in.

Performance appraisal will in some cases result in such

action programmes referred to in Chapter 3. § 9. Team (2013:796).

section 13 in grades 1-5 will be the teacher once per academic year, at one of

the performance appraisals, in a written individual

development plan

1. give reviews of the learner's knowledge development in relation

to the knowledge requirements of the subjects that the student receives instruction in,


2. summarize the efforts necessary to pupils should

reach the knowledge requirements and otherwise developed as far as possible

within the framework of the curriculum.

The individual development plan may also include reviews

If the pupil's development in General within the framework of the curriculum, if

the headmaster decides it. Agreements between the teacher, the student

and the student's parent/guardian at the discussion should always

documented in the development plan. The Rector decides on

the design of such written information provided in

the development plan.

Written information about the student's schooling may be given even at

other times than at an appraisal meeting.

If a programme is drawn up does not need the written

individual development plan include a summary of the

the measures in the form of special assistance that the student need

meet the knowledge requirements. Law (2014:456).

Certificate on departure

section 14 when a student leaves from a Sami school, certificate of

the retirement issue.

The certificate shall state the

1. the grade from the eleven resigned,

2. time of departure,

3. the subjects the student been taught in, and

4. the number of hours of instruction that the student offered.

The certificate shall be signed by the principal.


Applicable provisions

section 15 General provisions about grades and grading, see

Chapter 3. 13-21 sections. Law (2010:2022).


section 16 of the Score should be Lapp school subjects except the language selection.

On the teaching of natural sciences and

Civics in essence been multidisciplinary

until the end of grade 6, the head teacher, however, decide

a summary score should be set for these respective

topics. Law (2010:2022).

section 17 of the Score to be settled at the end of each semester in grade 6

the subjects the student a teaching during the semester.

Law (2014:458).

section 18 of That score to any of the letters A, B, C, D, E or F

be used. Rating for approved profit is denoted by A, B, C, D

or e. the highest rating is denoted by A and the lowest score with E.

Rating for non-passing grade is denoted by F.

Law (2010:2022).

19 § in the absence of a basis for the assessment of a student's knowledge

in a substance due to the student's absence, will score not be put in

topic. The same is true when it should be a summary

score for the science and social science

the substances. Law (2010:2022).

Score before a topic has ended

section 20 of the scoring to the fall semester in grade 6 build on

an assessment of the skills the student has obtained in the topic

even the current semester. In the assessment, the student's

knowledge be put in relation to the skills a student should have

achieved at the moment of the examination in relation to knowledge requirements in

grade 6. Law (2010:2022).

When a topic has been completed

section 21 When score is put after a topic is completed,

a rating determined by using specific knowledge requirements.

The Government or the authority, as the Government Announces

regulations on knowledge requirements. Law (2010:2022).

section 21A if there are special reasons, at

graded according to §§ 20 and 21 shall be excluded from the single

parts of the knowledge requirements that pupils should have attained at the end of

grade 6. With special reasons referred to disability or

other similar personal circumstances that are not of

a temporary nature and that is a direct obstacle to the

pupils should be able to reach a specific knowledge requirements. Law (2011:876).

Principal's obligations in specific cases

Compensation from the student's home municipality

section 22 of the municipality shall pay the compensation to the State for certain

costs for the student in the same school or in the

preschool or daycare at a skolenhet in

the Sami school.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for remuneration.

Law (2010:2022).

Travel and accommodation

section 23 of a student in the same school are entitled to the traveling required

for the training. The State shall bear the costs.

A student in the same school as due to schooling must live

outside their own homes are entitled to adequate

conditions. The State should respond to this without extra costs

for the pupil. Law (2010:2022).

section 24 of the Education in the same school, organized by

The Sami school board and conducted at several school units.

Law (2010:2022).

Chapter 14. Leisure Home

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is

-General provisions (§§ 2-10),

-provisions for recreation centers with public trust (11-14

§ §), and

-provisions for recreational home with a single principal (15-19 section).

General provisions

The purpose of education

2 § leisure-complements the training in

pre-school class, elementary school, vocational programs, special school,

same school and special education as compulsory education can

fulfilled in. Leisure-to stimulate the students ' development

and learning, as well as offering them a meaningful leisure time and

recreation. Training should be based on a holistic approach to

the pupil and the pupil's needs.

Leisure-time to promote comprehensive relations and social


Promotion of education

section 3 of Each municipality shall offer training in recreation centres for

students in the municipality's preschool, elementary and

because special. The State shall provide training in recreation centres for

pupils in special schools and Sami schools.

The municipality shall offer training in recreation centers for students

who goes to an independent school where the principal does not

offer such training.

4 § Training in recreation centres shall be offered as soon as it

that the student has a need for such a place.


5 § a student in any of the school forms referred to in paragraph 3 shall

be offered education in kindergarten to the extent

necessary to take account of the parents ' gainful employment or

If the student studies or have their own needs on account of

the family's situation in General.

section 6 of the Students shall also in cases other than those referred to in paragraph 5 of the offered

education in leisure centres, if the physical, mental or

otherwise need special support in their development in the form of

such training.

section 7 leisure centres will be offered to the spring of the year

When the student reaches the age of 13 years. From the autumn term of the year when

the pupil is celebrating its 10th anniversary, open recreation activities offered in

place of recreation centres, if the student is not due to physical,

mental or other reasons are in need of special support

in their development that can only be offered in recreation centers.

Provisions on open recreation activities, see Chapter 25.

8 § leisure-to offer students that part of the day when

students do not go to any of the school forms referred to in paragraph 3 of the

and during the holidays. Holiday home need not be offered during the

evenings, nights, weekends or major holidays.

Student groups and the environment

§ 9 the principal shall ensure that student groups have the appropriate

composition and size and that students otherwise

offered a good environment.

At a skolenhet

section 10 a student in preschool, elementary school, vocational, special

special school or Sámi schools will be offered training in

holiday home at or as near as possible to the skolenhet where

the student receives training.

Recreation centers with public trust

Home local authority's responsibility

section 11 of the home municipality is responsible for a student to be offered

holiday home in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and is in a

special education form referred to in Chapter 24. offers

holiday home. In such cases, the provisions of §§ 4-10



section 12 of a municipality may levy a fee for education in kindergartens

It organises.

The fees should be reasonable.

Skolenhet fees with special school, Sami school

paragraph 13 of the fees the State charges for education in kindergartens

at a skolenhet with a special school or Sámi schools,

be determined by the same grounds as the municipality where recreational home

is located applies in its leisure centres.

Municipal compensation

section 14 a municipality that in its leisure centres have a pupil from a

other municipality shall recover its costs for the student's

education in leisure-time of pupils ' home municipality, if the student's

schooling in the receiving municipal preschool, elementary school

or because special is based on Chapter 9. paragraph 13 of the first

subparagraph 10 Cape. section 24, 25 or 26 or Chapter 11. section 24 other

paragraph 2 or section 25.

In other cases where a municipality in its leisure centres have a student

from another municipality to municipality pay compensation to

the host municipality. In such a case, if the municipalities do not

agree otherwise, the remuneration shall be determined by

account of the municipality's commitment and the student's needs after the same

grounds that the municipality applies when allocating resources

to their own holiday home. Have a student a comprehensive needs

Sen, need home municipality not make contributions for

the specific aid, if significant organizational or

economic difficulties arise for the municipality.

The compensation referred to in the first or second paragraph, in

where appropriate, be reduced by the amount that the principal charge

in accordance with section 12.

Holiday home with single head

Contribution from the municipality of residence

section 15 of the municipality shall make contributions to the principal for each

a student at at porsön.

The contribution consists of a basic amount under section 16 and in some

cases an additional amount under section 17.

16 § the basic amount shall be reimbursed for

1. caring and educational activities,

2. educational materials and equipment,

3. meals,

4. administration,

5. value added tax, and

6. local costs.

The basic amount will be determined on the same basis as the municipality

apply in the allocation of resources to their own

holiday home.

section 17 of the additional amount to be provided for students who have an

extensive special needs.

The municipality is not obliged to pay additional amounts for one

student's special needs, if significant organizational

or economic difficulties arise for the municipality.


section 18 of the municipality in which an independent school which organizes

holiday home is located has the right to inspect the activities so

that the municipality should be able to fulfil its obligations under

This law and satisfy the public's need for transparency.

Law (2014:903).


section 19 of the fees that an individual responsible for a leisure home takes

out may not be excessive.

15. General provisions on secondary school

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is

-General provisions (§§ 2-20),

-provisions on the score (21-29 sections),

-provisions for secondary school with public trust

(paragraphs 30-32),

-provisions for independent schools (sections 33 and 34),


-provisions for Rh-custom training (paragraphs 35-40).

General provisions

The purpose of education

section 2 of the secondary schools should provide a good basis for professional practice

and further studies as well as for personal development and a

active participation in social life.

The training shall be designed so that it promotes social community

and develops students ' ability to independently and

along with other appropriate, extend and apply


Education in upper secondary school shall primarily be based on the

skills the students had in elementary school, or in the corresponding

training. The training that is provided in the form of a fourth

technical year shall in addition, build on the knowledge students received

on technology or equivalent education.

Law (2014:530).

section 3 of the education in secondary school should serve as a basis for the

national and regional skills provision to

working life and a base for recruitment to the higher education sector.


section 4 of the principal of secondary schools to interact with society

in all other respects.

Target group

paragraph 5 of Secondary School will be open only to young people who

completed their primary education or equivalent

education and starting his secondary education in

the time until the first half of the year in the calendar

turns 20 years or, in the cases referred to in section 36, 21 years. In 17 a

Cape. section 4 special provisions exist for the target group of the

continuing training is provided in the form of a fourth technical year.

In chapter 17. the second and third paragraphs of section 16 provides

If education in secondary school for some students from

undergraduate programs.

The provisions on secondary schools apply only to young people who

is resident in the country. In chapter 29. 2-5 paragraphs, there are additional

rules of settlement and the right to education.

Law (2014:530).

section 6 of the young people who have gone through a training in a

national programme or equivalent education or have

completed the International Baccalaureate (IB) is no longer

competent for the national programmes and induction program in

the upper secondary school. Law (2014:530).

The different training courses

section 7 of the education in secondary schools is made up of national

programs are vocational programs or college preparatory


In secondary school education is also provided in the form of

introduction programmes and further training in the form of a

Fourth technical year.

Detailed rules for the national programmes are available in 16

Chapter, on introduction programmes in chapter 17. and if the

further training in the form of a fourth technical year in 17 a

Cape. Law (2014:530).

section 8, Every municipality shall provide information on the national programmes

and if the opportunities to receive training on

introduction programmes and further training in the form of a

Fourth technical year. Law (2014:530).


8 a of the Government may provide for special

training in the form of a yrkesdansarutbildning in high school.

Regulations on such training, as the Government announces in

Regulation may derogate from the provisions of this law.

Law (2010:1997).

Education designed for students with some


section 9 For adolescents with severe disabilities, the municipalities

as the Government decides to organise specially adapted training

(secondary school with Rh-custom training) in their

upper secondary school. For these courses, special

the provisions of §§ 35-40. The Government may provide additional

regulations on such training.

The Government may provide for education in

upper secondary school for pupils who are deaf, hard of hearing or

deaf-blind, or have a language impairment.

Regulations referred to in the first and second subparagraphs may mean

except as otherwise applicable to education in

the upper secondary school.

Academic year and semester

section 10 of the training is to be conducted during the school year, which includes a

fall semester and spring semester.

The Government may provide for the length and if

When the school year should start and stop.

Organisation of education

section 11 of the education in upper secondary school shall, with the exception of

high school apprenticeship training referred to in Chapter 16. section 11, in

mainly be skolförlagd. Even introduction programmes

programmatic individual choice, vocational introduction and

individual options as well as further training in the form of a

Fourth technical year may be designed so that they are not essentially

skolförlagda. Law (2014:530).


section 12 of the principal is responsible for admissions to the various

training courses organized by the principal.

In paragraph 38, see special rules for admission to the Rh-

custom training.

section 13 the Government Announces rules on selection among the received


section 14 of the adoption organization may be common to

secondary education, upper secondary adult education programs, local on

secondary level and special education for adults on secondary


Admissions organization may be common for upper secondary school

organised by municipalities, county councils and individual principals.

Law (2012:109).

Information to the home municipality

section 15 when a student begins or ends at a secondary school with

another principal than the home municipality, to the principal as soon as

communicate this to the municipality of residence.

The same applies if a student under the age of 20 years without a valid

reasons are absent to a considerable extent. This

obligation does not affect the responsibility to provide support

or special support to pupils. Law (2014:1002).

Pupils ' attendance and absence information

16 § A pupil in secondary schools will participate in the activities

organized to provide the intended training, if the student is not

have valid reasons to be withheld.

If a student in secondary school without valid reason does not appear at the

the activities organized in order to provide the intended

the training, the headteacher to ensure that the student's parents/guardians

on the same day informed that the learner has been absent. If

There are specific reasons need the student's parents/guardians do not

be informed on the same day.


paragraph 17 of Training in secondary schools should be free of charge.

Students should be free to have access to books and other

Learn the tools needed for a modern education.

The principal may, however, decide that the students will stay with

single private means.

Charges in connection with the application for the site must not be taken out.

section 18 Notwithstanding section 17, it must contain occasional hints that can

result in an insignificant cost for students.

In the context of school trips and similar activities,

Despite the other provisions of this law, in individual cases under

one academic year occur costs reimbursed by the student or

his guardians, on a voluntary basis. Such activities

shall be open to all students. The compensation shall not

exceed the cost price of the principal that the student participates in


Mother tongue education

section 19 of a pupil who has a carer with another

mother tongue than Swedish must be offered instruction in the mother tongue

This language if

1. language is the student's everyday language of access in the home, and

2. the student has a good knowledge of the language.

A pupil who belongs to any of the national minorities,

offered in the student's mother tongue education national

minority language if the student has a good knowledge of the language.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for mother tongue education. Such

regulations may imply that mother tongue education should

offered in one language only if a certain number of students are

such teaching in that language. Law (2014:458).

Performance reviews

20 § at least once each semester to the headteacher to ensure that

the student is given an overall information about the student's

knowledge development and study situation (performance appraisal).

A student's parent/guardian shall make the information referred to in

the first paragraph.


Applicable provisions

section 21 of general rules about grades and grading is

in Chapter 3. 13-21 sections.


section 22 of the Score should be

– on each completed course,

– After completion of high school work and thesis, and

– in primary school subjects in the case teaching of these may

occur in secondary school.

The Government may provide for how scoring

should go to. Regulations may imply a derogation from

the provision in Chapter 3. 16 § about who decides on the score.

Law (2014:530).

section 23 of the Score for qualifying result is denoted by A, B, C, D

or e. the highest rating is denoted by A and the lowest score with E.

Rating for non-passing grade is denoted by F.

section 24 That score on a course to any of the letters A, B,

C, D, E or F shall be used. Score will be determined by the

knowledge requirements that have been prescribed for a course.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on skill requirements.

paragraph 25 of That score in high school work and thesis work

one of the letters E or F may be used. Grade E,

be used if a student has reached the qualitative targets for high school work

or thesis. Otherwise, a grade of F may be used.

Law (2014:530).

section 26 if there are special reasons, that by scoring

ignored single parts of the knowledge requirements. With special

reasons referred to disability or other similar

personal circumstances that are not of a temporary nature and

that is a direct obstacle to the pupils should be able to reach a

specific knowledge requirements. The knowledge requirements related to security and the

referring to laws, regulations or governmental

regulations, however, must always be complied with.

section 27 if there is no basis for the assessment of a student's

knowledge because of the student's absence, the score does not



section 28 of The who want ratings from secondary schools have the right to

undergo an examination.

The Government may provide for redress. Such

regulations may result in restriction of the right to


section 29 Government Announces rules on the possibility for the President

in certain cases, give ratings without examination to a pupil that does not

followed the instruction.

Secondary school with public trust

The municipality's responsibility

30 of Each municipality is responsible for the young people of the municipality

offers secondary education of good quality.

The municipality can offer training which it organizes or

training organized by another municipality or a

County Councils under the cooperation agreement with the municipality or

the County Council. Municipalities that have entered into a cooperation agreement

form a samverkansområde for the training.

What are the courses offered and the number of seats on those

shall, as far as possible, be adapted to take account of

young people's wishes.

Training by County

section 31 A Regional Council may organize training courses on such

national programmes relating to natural resource management and nursing.

In agreement with a municipality, the County organizing

training in other national programmes.

Of chapter 17. 17 and 18 sections follows the education of

introductory programmes organized by a County Council.

Of the 17 a Cape. section 2 follows that a County Council which organises

education on technology also may hold

further training in the form of a fourth technical year.

Law (2014:530).

Support for boarder

32 § municipality shall provide financial support to students in a

secondary school with public trust who need boarder

because of schooling. This obligation shall be without

1. students who have been accepted in the alternative to a national

applications under Chapter 16 of the. 47 §,

2. students who have received pursuant to chapter 17. section 19 of the other


3. students on Rh-custom training, or

4. Swedish pupils abroad study help in the form of

boarding supplement under study support Act (1999:1395).

The obligation applies until the first half of the year calendar

the year the student turns 20 years old.

The aid is directed to property, significantly increased the subsistence and travel to and

from the home. It should be given in cash or otherwise to

indicate the order for support. If the aid is given in cash, it shall

be provided with not less than 1/30 of the price base amount referred to in Chapter 2. 6 and

7 of the social code for each complete calendar month

Eleven lives boarder. The amount may be rounded to the nearest

lower the whole ten pounds. Law (2011:876).

Stand-alone high school


33 § Every head of an independent school should receive

all young people have the right to the education in

the upper secondary school. Receipt of a specific training may be

be limited to

1. students who are in need of special support, and

2. some students that education is especially suited for.

When it comes to programs that are not designed for a group

students and vocational introduction designed for a group of students

There are special rules about when the operator of a stand-alone

the school is required to receive adolescents that meet

eligibility requirements for education in chapter 17. section 29. The remainder is

a head of an independent school not required to receive

young people to such training.

The principal does not need to receive or provide continuing education

for a student, if the municipality has decided not to make contributions

for pupils under 16. 54 section or chapter 17. 34 §

second paragraph.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for such training referred to in the first

the second sentence. Law (2012:120).


section 34 the municipality in which the school is located has the right

to the transparency of the operations so that the municipality to carry out

their obligations under this law and meet the

the public's need for transparency. Law (2014:903).

RH-customized training

Target group

35 section in this chapter, with a severe mobility impairment a

disabilities which alone or in combination with another

disability leads to a youth

1. in order to be able to follow a programme in secondary schools need

access to a school with Rh-custom training, and

2. need habilitation and in some cases of property in

student home and nursing in the property.

The right to education

36 § youth who has a severe mobility impairments have a right to be

education at a secondary school with Rh-customized training on


1. have completed the last year of primary school or


2. can begin training at the latest during the first

calendar semester of the year they turn 21 years old, and

3. meet the other eligibility conditions imposed by

16. 29-34 sections, in the case of national programmes.

The first subparagraph of paragraph 1 shall not apply to education in the form of a

induction program. To be eligible for such training

requires primary school education or equivalent is

been completed.

National recruitment

37 § secondary school with Rh-customized training should receive

applicants from all over the country to the specially adapted

the training.

Decision on admission and the right to education

38 § questions about admission to Rh-custom training at

some high schools and other issues concerning the right of such

training review by a Special Committee.


39 § Fees may not be charged for the actions of nursing in

property or habilitation services provided by the State, a

municipality or a County adjacent to a secondary school

with Rh-custom training.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for fees for room and Board.

Municipal compensation

section 40 of the municipality shall pay the compensation for the costs of

accommodation and care of the property for students in Rh-custom

training. Home county or, as the case

the municipality of residence, shall pay the compensation for the costs of

Habilitation. The benefits payable to the principal

that is under contract with the State responsible for the operation.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for remuneration within the meaning of the first subparagraph.

16. Education on national programmes in secondary school

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is provided for

-form and content of the programmes (2-25 sections),

-upper secondary general level examination (paragraphs 26-28),

-eligibility, application, admission and completion of

Education (29-41 sections),

-national education program at a school with

public trust (42-51 sections), and

-training on national programs on a standalone

secondary school (sections 52-55).

Course structure and content

Vocational programs and college preparatory programs

section 2 Of chapter 15. section 7 States that the national programmes are

vocational programs or college preparatory program.

section 3 of the vocational programmes will form the basis for professional practice and

continuing vocational training.

All students at vocational programme shall, within the framework of their

secondary education are given the opportunity to achieve fundamental

access to higher education that begins at the first level.

4 § The college preparatory programmes will form the basis for

continuing education at university level.

The national programmes

paragraph 5 of Which the national programmes is given in annex 2.

Exam objectives

section 6 Of each national programme, exam objectives

that contains the destination for the application.

National targets and special variants

section 7 Of the national programmes, there are specializations

and special variants, starting the first, second or

third school year.

paragraph 8 of the Guidelines is national.

The Government may provide for the national

directions to appear.

§ 9 the question if a particular variant is to be approved shall be adjudicated by

Statens skolverk.

section 10 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may announce further provisions concerning national

orientations and special variants.

High school apprenticeship

section 11 Within professional programs may be secondary

apprenticeship, starting the first, second or third

in the academic year.

High school apprenticeship shall primarily be performed to

one or more jobs. Law (2011:877).

11 a of a written agreement (training contracts),

established for each student and workplace and signed by

student, school huvudmannen and the legal or natural person

providing the arbetsplatsförlagda part of the

secondary apprentice training. School huvudmannen shall ensure

the training contract should be established.

If the student is under 18 years of age and has not entered into marriage, shall

also, the student's parent/guardian sign the training contract.

The training contract should state

1. what parts of the training to be carried out on

the workplace and the scale of these parts,

2. how the costs of the damage which the pupil can cause under

the arbetsplatsförlagda portion of the training will be allocated

between school huvudmannen and the legal or natural person

referred to in the first subparagraph,

3. contract period and the grounds for agreement to cease

before the term expired, and

4. What is the teacher and tutor at the at porsön

the workplace should be the contact persons for the

arbetsplatsförlagda part of the training. Law (2011:877).

11 b of a student who performs work under a

the training contract should in this context be regarded as

workers. This does not apply if the work is covered by a

agreement about secondary apprentice employment. Provisions on such

Employment Act (2014:421) on secondary

apprenticeship employment. Law (2014:422).

11 c § Government or authority the Government determines

may announce further provisions on secondary

apprenticeship and training contracts. Law (2014:422).

Offer of some training

12 § When a principal offers training on a national

program, the principal also let the offer include

the student later adopted a national approach, a

Special variant or secondary apprenticeship in

the program.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide that such an offer shall be

in some applications.

Deviations from a national program's content

paragraph 13 of the State's school may adopt derogations from

the structure, content and objectives of training

national programmes.

Decision referred to in the first subparagraph which refers to a training

organized by a public key to be taken in the context of the decision

If the national recruitment according to § 45.

Decision referred to in the first subparagraph which refers to a training

organized by a single principal are made after a trial

corresponds to the examination of education trainings

§ 45.

The Government may provide for conditions for decision

According to the third paragraph.

section 14 if there are special reasons, the principal may decide to

a student's education on a national programme to its

content may deviate from the otherwise applicable to

the program.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for such deviations as referred to in the first


Length of the course

section 15 of the national programmes are intended to be followed on three

academic year.

The principal may decide that the training may be broken down into

longer than three academic years.

If the principal has been given permission by the State

alone, he may decide that an education may be broken down into

less than three academic years.

The context of the organisation of the training and learning

section 16 Of chapter 15. section 11 States that the education on national

the program essentially should be skolförlagd subject

the provisions on secondary apprenticeship in section 11.

A vocational programme shall contain the context of learning.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for minimum content of the

arbetsplatsförlagda learning for a vocational programme shall be

organized and on exceptions to the 15 Cape. 11.

The scope of training and guaranteed teaching time

section 17 of the education on national programmes to be conducted that

full-time studies.

section 18 of the students in professional programs are entitled to at least

2 430 hours of instruction on 60 minutes and students at

College Preparatory program is entitled to at least

2 180 teaching hours of 60 minutes (guaranteed

teaching time).

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for deviations from the guaranteed

teaching time.

section 19 of the extent of the studies on national programmes set out in the

high school credits.

section 20 of the scope of training is shown by a points plan in

Annex 3.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

notify additional regulations on the points plan.

Substances, secondary work and courses

section 21 For every topic, there should be a plan.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on the subject plans.

section 22 of the training must cover a high school work.

section 23 of the programme within each topic is given in the form of one or

several courses.

For each course shall state how many high school credits that

the course covers.

section 24 Has a student after completion of the course or implemented

high school work received a grade of E, is the main man

obliged to offer additional training of the same type, if

without prejudice to the provisions adopted with the support of other


The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for what it takes to get begin a

course and to go on a course.

Individual study plan

section 25 for each student must be an individual

study plan.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces regulations for the individual study plan.

High school diploma

section 26 of the education of vocational programme aims at a further qualification

and the training of college preparatory program designed to

a college preparatory exam. Both of these examinations is called

high school diploma.

For students who score an education that includes

at least 2 500 high school credits in a national programme,

high school diploma is issued, if the conditions of section 27 or 28 is


Professional degree

section 27 of the Occupational qualification to be issued if a student referred to in section 26 has

qualifying score on an education that includes at least 2

250 high school credits and that includes

1. one or more courses in Swedish or Swedish as

a second language, English and mathematics of

100 high school credits in each subject, and

2. high school work.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on which courses in the subjects listed in

the first subparagraph of paragraph 1, which shall be approved and if other courses

to be included in the approved grades for each

vocational programmes.

College Preparatory diploma

section 28 of the college preparatory diploma will be issued if a student who

referred to in section 26 have approved score on education covering

at least 2 250 high school credits and that includes one or more

courses in

1. Swedish or Swedish as a second language on a total of

300 high school credits,

2. English for a total of 200 high school credits, and

3. mathematics for a total of 100 high school credits.

High school work shall be included in the approved grades.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on which courses in the subjects listed in

the first paragraph should be approved.

Eligibility, application, admission and completion of



section 29 of the national programmes, in addition to what

provided for in chapter 15. section 5, the additional eligibility requirements in

question about approved certificates from comprehensive school or equivalent

Education deriving from 30-34 sections.

section 30 of the access to a vocational programme requires approved

score in Swedish, English and mathematics, and at least five other


section 31 For permission to a college preparatory program

requires approved grades in Swedish, English, mathematics and in

at least nine other substances.

section 32 an applicant to a national program that has no

a passing grade in English but fulfil the other eligibility requirements

should still be considered to be competent if the applicant

1. on the basis of special personal circumstances has not been

had the opportunity to participate in the teaching of English for a

significant part of their time in elementary school or equivalent

education, and

2. is considered to have the potential to complete studies on the

the program.

§ 33 an applicant other than the primary studies

has acquired equivalent knowledge of a subject should at

the application of the rules on jurisdiction are deemed to have accepted the rating in

topic. In addition, a passing grade in Swedish as a second language

equated with a passing grade in Swedish for the purposes of

the Tor.

34 § Government or authority the Government determines

announces that specific entry requirements should

apply for certain courses.


section 35 apply to a national programme or to a

such national focus, particular variant or secondary

apprenticeships that begin the first academic year shall be submitted to

the applicant's municipality of residence. The application relates to more than one training

the applicant shall indicate the order in which he or she wishes

out of the question.

If the application concerns a training organized by another

principal application shall immediately be forwarded to him.

Decision on jurisdiction and receiving

36 § principal for the sought education decides whether a

applicant is competent and the applicant should be received.

The right to pursue their education

37 § A student who has started an education at a national

program, a national focus or a specific variant

has the right to the principal or, if the principal is

public, in samverkansområdet to pursue their education at

It began the program or current direction

or Variant.

The first paragraph also applies if the conditions on which

because of the receipt is changed during the study period.

38 § What is said in paragraph 37 applies similarly to the student

having begun secondary apprenticeship.

If a suitable workplace training can no longer

organized, to eleven instead offered to complete their

education through skolförlagd education on the current

the program. If this is possible, will offer

refer to completing training at another vocational programmes.

section 39 Of the principal's offer of a national programme

included the student later admitted to a national

focus, a special variant or secondary

apprenticeship under section 12, the student who started the

the program has the right to pursue their education at the national

direction, the special variant and that

high school apprenticeship under sections 37 and 38.

section 40 of the right to pursue education according to §§ 37-39 applies

also after a study break at a maximum of one academic year of study


Any right to pursue the training referred to in the first subparagraph

There is, however, not, if the offer referred to in section 12 of the

was provided United with the explicit proviso that it not

valid at the study break.

section 41 of the 49 § provides additional provisions regarding the right of an

student in a public school principal to pursue their

education when the student moves to another municipality.

Education on national programmes at a high school with

public principal

Obligation to provide training

42 § home municipality is responsible for ensuring that all qualified young people in the

the municipality offers training on national programmes.

The offer will include a comprehensive range of national

programmes and national targets.

Reception in the first place

43 § Of the qualified applicants to a national programme or

to such a national focus, particular variant or

high school apprenticeship program begins the first academic year shall

the main man in the first place to receive those who are resident in

the municipality or within the samverkansområdet of education.

A student who is staying in such a home for care or property which

referred to in Chapter 6. section 1 of the Social Service Act (2001:453), at

decisions receipt referred to in the first subparagraph shall be assimilated to the

who is resident in the municipality or samverkansområdet for

the training. Law (2015:176).

44 § in addition to what follows from § 43 shall have jurisdiction

applicants will be received in the first instance if they sought to

1. the training referred to in paragraph 43 and in the light of their

personal relationships have particular reason to go to the

school to which they have applied,

2. a national programme or to a national focus

starting the first school year and is resident in a municipality

that do not offer the training,

3. secondary apprenticeships that begin the first academic year

and is resident in a municipality that does not offer any

training on the current programme,

4. a national programme and refers to the principal within

the program organizes a national approach

the academic year starts later than the first and that the municipality does not


5. a vocational programs lacking national policies and

refers to the principal organizing program essentially

skolförlagt and that the municipality does not offer, or

6. an education it has been decided

the national recruitment of under section 45.

Education training

45 § State school, for national programmes, decide to

it to a specific training to be received in the first instance

applicants from all over the country (recruitment).

The Government may provide for conditions for a

some training to be able to get education.

46 § decision on national recruitment shall specify during which time

the decision shall apply and how many places the training may


Receiving second hand

47 § Other qualified applicants than those to be received in the first

hand under sections 43 and 44 shall be received in the other hand to

places that remain after all those to be received in the first

care has been adopted for the training.

Opinion of the municipality

48 § Before a municipality or a County receives an applicant

who is not domiciled in the municipality or samverkansområdet

for education to opinion to be obtained from the applicant's

home municipality. Opinion need not be obtained, if it

account of previously delivered opinion or for other reasons is


The right to pursue the education of a student who moves

49 § A student who has started a national programme or an

national focus and then move from the municipality

or samverkansområdet for training, have the right to

complete training on it started the application, or the

began thrust, about the new home the municipality provides such


Offers the new municipality of residence not the current training,

the student has the right to, at its option to pursue their education in

another municipality or a County Council which organises

the training.

A student who, owing to a placement in a home for care

or property pursuant to Chapter 6. section 1 of the Social Service Act (2001:453)

move from the municipality or samverkansområdet for

the training, have the right to pursue education at the

started the program or the thrust of the

municipality where the home for care or property is located, if

the municipality provides such training. If it does not offer the

current training, have the student the right to choice

pursue their education in another municipality or a

County Council which organises the training, if this does not prevent

student from staying in the home for care or property.

Law (2015:176).

49 a of A student who has started a national programme or

a national focus and then placed in a

such a home for care or property referred to in Chapter 6. 1 §

the Social Service Act (2001:453) and in another

municipality than the home municipality or samverkansområdet for

the training has the right, in the municipality of residence complete

training in the program started or started

the orientation when the student returns to after placement

the municipality of residence, if it provides such training. The same

apply to the student who has started a national programme or

a national focus in the municipality where the home care

or property is located.

Offers home municipality is not the current education, have

the student is entitled to after own choice to pursue their education in a

other municipality or a County Council which organises the training.

Law (2015:176).

Municipal compensation

50 § municipality on a nationwide program has adopted a

a student who is not domiciled in the municipality or in

samverkansområdet of the training shall be reimbursed for their

the cost of the student's education of his home municipality

(an allowance).

The first paragraph also applies to a county that is on a

national programme has adopted a student who is not

residents of samverkansområdet of education.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for an allowance.

section 51 unless the Organization principal and the student's home municipality

otherwise agree, and another nor follows from

the second and third paragraphs, to the municipal

the compensation shall be equal to the webpage of the cost price.

When the student has been accepted in the alternative, pursuant to section 47,

compensation not exceeding amount to the cost of the home municipality

itself for the corresponding training. Is the webpage of cost

lower, should the municipality instead replace the lower cost.

In the case of education or training

Special variants within the national programmes,

the municipality to pay the amount determined in each

particular case of the State's school.

Education on national programs on a standalone

upper secondary school

Contribution from the municipality of residence

52 § municipality shall make contributions to the principal for each

student on a national program in which at porsön

the municipality of residence, in accordance with section 42, was required to provide training

on national programmes at the time when the training


The contribution consists of a basic amount according to § 53 and in some

cases an additional amount under section 54.

The first subparagraph shall not apply if the State funding is provided for a student's

training due to eleven is overseas.

Law (2015:73).

53 § the basic amount shall be reimbursed for

1. teaching,

2. learning tools,

3. student health,

4. meals,

5. administration,

6. value added tax, and

7. local costs.

§ 54 additional amount should be provided for students who have an

extensive special needs or to be offered

mother tongue education.

The municipality is not obliged to pay additional amounts for one

student's special needs, if significant organizational

or economic difficulties arise for the municipality.

section 55 of the education at such national programmes and

national targets which the municipality provides, shall

the basic amount shall be determined on the same basis as the municipality

apply in the allocation of resources to the program

or the direction.

For training on specific varieties and for such

training referred to in paragraph 13 of the third paragraph, the municipality

pay the basic amount has been decided in each particular

cases of Government alone.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for the basic amount that the municipality shall

pay, if the pupil, in other cases than those referred to in the second subparagraph,

have been admitted to a course that the municipality does not offer.

Chapter 17. Training on induction programmes in secondary school

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is

-General provisions (§§ 2-15),

-provisions for training on introductory application at a

secondary school with public key (16-27 sections), and

-provisions for training on introductory application at a

independent school (28-36 sections).

General provisions

The various introductory programmes

paragraph 2 of the introduction programmes are


-programmatic individual choice,

-vocational introduction,

-individual options, and

-language introduction.

The purpose of education

3 § in addition to what applies to all secondary education according to the

15. 2 § the purpose of

– preparandutbildning to students who have completed 9th grade in

primary school without having attained to a certain

national programme to achieve such permission,

-programmatic individual choice that students should get a

training that is geared towards a national vocational programme

and as soon as possible to be admitted to the

the program,

– vocational introduction to students to get a vocational

training that will help them to establish themselves in

labour market or that lead to studies on a

vocational programmes,

– individual options that students will go on to

vocational introduction, other continuing education or to

the labour market, and

-language introduction to give newly arrived young people an education

with emphasis in the Swedish language, which enables

them to move on in the upper secondary school, or to other

training. Law (2015:246).

Education design

4 § Programmatic individual choice should be designed for a

Group of students.

Vocational introduction may be designed for a group of students or for

an individual student.

Other introductory programmes should be designed for a single student.

The scope of training

5 § Preparandutbildning shall last no longer than one year.

If the principal of education finds that there are

serious reasons, may preparandutbildningen be extended to two


6 § Training on introductory programmes should be conducted in a

scope corresponding to full-time studies. Education

scope may be reduced, if a student requests it and

the principal is satisfied that it is consistent with the purpose of

the student's education.

Plan of study and individual study plan

section 7 of the education on an introduction programme must follow a

Plan of study as determined by the principal.

For every pupil an individual study plan is established.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces regulations for the individual study plan.


section 8 in addition to the common eligibility criteria for

secondary schools in 15 Cape. 5 and 6 §§ apply 9-12 sections of the

different introduction programmes.

9 § Preparandutbildning is open to young people who lack the

approved score that is required for access to all national

applications under Chapter 16 of the. 30 and 31 of the Act.

10 § Programmatic individual choice is open to young people

that does not have all the approved score required permissions

to a vocational programme according to Chapter 16. section 30, however, from

the elementary school has approved grades in Swedish or Swedish as

a second language and

-in English or mathematics as well as in at least four other substances,


-in English and mathematics as well as in at least three other subjects.

11 § vocational introduction and individual options are open

for young people who do not have the approved score required

access to a vocational programme according to Chapter 16. section 30. They stand

though not open for young people to be offered

language introduction.

If the principal of education finds that there are

serious reasons, young people who meet the eligibility requirements

for a vocational programme is received to vocational introduction or

individual options.

12 § language introduction for newly arrived young people

not have the approved score that is required for access to a

vocational programmes under Chapter 16 of the. section 30 and who need a

education with an emphasis in the Swedish language to go

Moreover, in the upper secondary school or other education. If the

There are special reasons, other students go

language introduction. Law (2015:246).


section 13 an application for programmatic individual choice or

to vocational introduction designed for a group of students

shall be submitted to the applicant's municipality of residence.

If the application concerns a training organized by another

principal application shall immediately be forwarded to him.

Decision on jurisdiction and receiving

section 14 of The principal organiser of education decides whether a

applicants to the programmatic individual choice or to

vocational introduction designed for a group of students is

jurisdiction and whether the applicant should be received.

The right to pursue their education

section 15, A student who has started an introduction programme has

the right to complete the training of the operator under the

plan for education, in accordance with article 7 of the first paragraph, which concerned

When the training began.

If the student has admitted to the plan is amended, the pupil has the right to

pursue education according to the amended plan.

The right to pursue education applies even after a

study break of not more than one year of study abroad.

Training on introductory program at a school with

public principal

Obligation to provide training

section 16 of the home municipality is responsible for ensuring that all qualified young people in the

the municipality of residence are offered preparandutbildning, vocational introduction,

individual options and language introduction.

In addition to that which follows from the first subparagraph, the home municipality is responsible

to students from the undergraduate programs offered vocational introduction

and individual options, if they desire such training.

The municipality of residence need not, however, provide such training if it

taking into account the student's best are serious reasons not to

do it.

The municipality may offer language introduction according to chapter 17. section 12

the specially designed for high school students that belong to the target group.

Law (2012:109).

Provision of programmatic individual choice

section 17, a municipality or a County Council which organises a

vocational programmes, organise programmatic individual choice which

is geared towards the vocational programme.

Training by County

18 § A Regional Council may, in addition to the provisions of section 17, after

agreement with a municipality organize vocational introduction and

individual options.

Admission to courses designed for a group


section 19 of a municipality or a County Council which organises

programmatic individual choice or vocational introduction that

has been designed for a group of students to receive all the

qualified applicants to the training that belongs in the municipality

or samverkansområdet for training.

A student who is staying in the municipality or samverkansområdet for

the training due to placement in such a home for care

or property referred to in Chapter 6. section 1 of the social service act

(2001:453), decisions receipt referred to in the first subparagraph

equated with the resident in the municipality or

samverkansområdet for education.

If there are places of education, since all applicants

to be received under the first and second paragraphs have

adopted, the municipality or County to receive other

qualified applicants to the training. Law (2015:176).

Education training

section 20 of the State's school, for programmatic individually

choice may decide that education will be open to applicants from

the whole country (national recruitment).

Decisions on national recruitment shall specify during which time decision

and how many places the training may cover.

Admission to the training programs that are not designed for a group


section 21 of a municipality which organizes preparandutbildning,

vocational introduction that aren't designed for a group of students,

individual options or may accept language introduction

young people who meet the qualification requirements for each

education even if they do not come from the municipality.

A County Council which organises vocational introduction, not

has been designed for a group of students or individual

options, receive competent young people to education

regardless of the municipality they come from.

21 a of a municipality which organises such training referred to in

paragraph 21 is to receive adolescents that meet

the qualification requirements for the respective training if the due

of placement in such a home for care or property referred to

in Chapter 6. section 1 of the Social Service Act (2001:453) reside in the municipality

or samverkansområdet for training. This also applies to the

for a County Council which organises the training referred to in

21 section. Law (2015:176).

Municipal compensation

section 22 of a commune which at preparandutbildning has received a

a student who is not domiciled in the municipality, shall be reimbursed for

their costs for the student's education of his home municipality

(an allowance).

Unless the organisation municipality and pupils ' home municipality will

agree otherwise, the Intermunicipal compensation amount

to the charge that the municipality itself has for


section 23 of a municipality who on programmatic individual choice has

adopted a student who is not domiciled in the municipality or

samverkansområdet for education, should be compensated for their

the cost of the student's education of his home municipality

(an allowance).

The first paragraph also applies to a county that on

programmatic individual choice adopted a student who is not

residents of samverkansområdet of education.

Unless the Organization principal and the municipality will

agree otherwise, the Intermunicipal compensation

calculated in accordance with paragraphs 24-27.

section 24 of The intermunicipal compensation upon programmatic

individual choice consists of

1. compensation for part of the training which corresponds to the

vocational programmes such as the programme-specific individual choice is

focus on, and

2. compensation for part of the training for the support

that the student needs to achieve eligibility for

the vocational programme. Allowance under this paragraph will be deleted during

a maximum of one year.

section 25 if the municipality does not offer the current

the vocational programme, to remuneration according to section 24 1 correspond to

the webpage of the cost price.

If the municipality provides the current vocational programme, shall

remuneration according to section 24 1 a maximum amount to the cost that

the municipality itself has for the corresponding training. Is

organiser cost lower, should the compensation rather than amount

to the lower cost.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for the compensation referred to in section 24, paragraph 2.

section 26 of the education training under the

section 20, shall pay the amount the municipality has been decided in

each particular case of the State's school.

26 a of a municipality or a County Council which, according to section 19 of the other

subparagraph has received a student on programmatic

individual choice or vocational introduction designed

for a group of students shall be remunerated for the cost of

student's education of the pupils ' home municipality. The same applies to the

municipality or County which, pursuant to section 21A of the received

a student at preparandutbildning, vocational introduction that does not

has been designed for a group of students, individual options

or language introduction.

If the Organization principal and the student's home municipality is not

agree otherwise, the remuneration for the training

correspond to the webpage of the cost price. Law (2015:176).

paragraph 27 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may announce further provisions concerning municipal


Training on introductory software at a stand-alone

upper secondary school

Organisation of training

section 28 a stand-alone high school, who is organizing a national

program may organize preparandutbildning, individually

options and language introduction.

An independent school which organizes a vocational programme shall

hold programmatic individual choice which is focused on

the vocational programme and vocational introduction.


section 29 of the principal for a stand-alone high school is required

to receive a student of vocational introduction, individually

options and language introduction only if the principal and

pupils ' home municipality have agreed that

the municipality shall pay to the principal of the training.

section 30 Of chapter 15. 33 § is shown when the operator of a

independent school which provides programmatic individually

choice is obliged to accept qualified applicants to

the training.

What applies for selection among applicants and received admission

to the training follows the 15 Cape. 12-14 sections.

Contribution from the municipality of preparandutbildning

section 31 of the municipality shall make contributions to the principal for each

student at preparandutbildning at at porsön which had jurisdiction

of education at the time when this began.

The contribution consists of a basic amount referred to in paragraphs 32 and 33 and in

some cases, an additional amount according to § 34.

The first subparagraph shall not apply if the State funding is provided for a student's

training due to eleven is overseas.

Law (2015:73).

32 § the basic amount shall be reimbursed for

1. teaching,

2. learning tools,

3. student health,

4. meals,

5. administration,

6. value added tax, and

7. local costs.

33 § the basic amount shall be determined on the same basis as

the municipality of apply in the allocation of resources to the

preparandutbildning that the municipality provides.

34 § supplementary amount shall be provided for students who have an

extensive special needs or to be offered

mother tongue education.

The municipality is not obliged to pay additional amounts for one

student's special needs, if significant economic or

organizational difficulties for the municipality.

Contribution from the municipality of programmatic individual choice

35 § municipality shall make contributions to the principal for each

student on programmatic individual choice at at porsön as

was competent for training at the time when this


The contribution consists of

1. grants for the part of the training which corresponds to the

vocational programmes such as the programme-specific individual choice is

focus on, and

2. contributions for the part of the programme relating to the support

the student needs to achieve eligibility for vocational programme.

Grants under this paragraph shall be for a maximum of one year.

The first subparagraph shall not apply if the State funding is provided for a student's

training due to eleven is overseas.

Law (2015:73).

36 § Contributions pursuant to paragraph 35 1 shall be calculated on the same

as the grant is calculated for the national programme

According to Chapter 16. 52-55 sections.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for the compensation referred to in section 35

subparagraph 2.

17 a Cape. Further training in the form of a fourth technical in

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is provided for

– requirements for the organisation of the training (section 2),

– purpose and target group (sections 3 and 4),

-form and content of education (5 to 15 sections), and

-authorization, application and receipt (paragraphs 16 to 18).

Law (2014:530).

Requirements for the organisation of training

2 section a principal organiser of education on technology

may organize further training in the form of a fourth technical

year. Law (2014:530).


section 3 further training aims at a secondary engineering degree

and should form the basis for a professional career as a high school engineer.

Law (2014:530).

Target group

section 4 of the Training shall be open only to those who have

completed training on technology or equivalent

skills and starting training

1. semester after he or she has completed

education on technology or equivalent

education, or

2. within the calendar year in which he reaches age 22.

Law (2014:530).

The format and content of education

Exam objectives

5 § there should be goals that include goals for

the training. Law (2014:530).

National profiles

section 6, in education, in particular, profiled

learning paths (national profiles).

The Government may provide for the national

profiles to be found. Government or authority

the Government may announce further provisions concerning

national profiles. Law (2014:530).

The scope of training and guaranteed teaching time

section 7 of the education is designed to learn in a school year.

The training will be conducted as a full-time studies. Law (2014:530).

section 8 Students on the programme are entitled to a minimum of 800

teaching hours of 60 minutes (guaranteed

teaching time). Law (2014:530).

§ 9 the scope of the studies mentioned in high school credits.

Law (2014:530).

section 10 education comprises 900 high school credits, of which 100

high school score relates to a thesis.

Of course, there should be a plan.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for points plan. Law (2014:530).

Subjects and courses

section 11 For every topic, there should be a plan.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on the subject plans. Law (2014:530).

section 12 of the education within each topic is given in the form of one or

several courses.

For each course shall state how many high school credits that

the course covers.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for what it takes to get begin a

course. Law (2014:530).

Individual study plan

section 13 for each student must be an individual

study plan.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces regulations for the individual study plan.

Law (2014:530).

The right to further education

section 14 Has a student after completion of the course or implemented

thesis received a grade of E, is the main man

obliged to offer additional training of the same type, if

without prejudice to the provisions adopted with the support of other


The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for what it takes to go on a

course. Law (2014:530).

High school degree in engineering

15 § Secondary engineering degree to be issued if a student has been

through a complete training with qualifying score.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

notifies the secondary engineering degree.

Law (2014:530).

Eligibility, application and admission


section 16 of the access to education is required, in addition to what

provided for in paragraph 4, high school graduates from technology or

equivalent knowledge.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

notify additional regulations on competence.

Law (2014:530).

Application and application procedure

section 17 of the application to the education shall identify the

providers of education and the national profile application

refers to. The application relates to more than one training, training programs

in descending order of importance.

The application shall be submitted to the applicant's municipality of residence. If the application

refers to a training organized by a different principal than the

applicant's municipality of residence, the application shall immediately be forwarded to

the latter. Law (2014:530).

Decision on jurisdiction and receiving

section 18 of the principal for the sought education decides whether a

applicant is competent and to be received.

Qualified applicants from across the country to be admitted to the

training (recruitment).

Of the 15 Cape. §§ 12 and 13 indicate that the principal shall make a

selection among applicants received, if more applicants have received

to the principal's education than there are places in

the training. Law (2014:530).

Chapter 18. General provisions on secondary school programs

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is

– General provisions (§§ 2-20),

— provisions on score (21-26 sections),

– Special rules on the public high school principal

(27-33 sections, and

— provisions on independent secondary special (34 to 37 sections).

Law (2012:109).

General provisions

The purpose of education

section 2 of the high school programs will provide students with a learning disability

for those customized training that will provide a good basis for

professional career and further studies as well as for personal

development and active participation in community life.

The training shall be designed so that it promotes social community

and develops students ' ability to independently and

along with other appropriate, extend and apply


Education in upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities should essentially be based on the

skills that students have acquired in undergraduate programs, or in the

the corresponding training.

Of the 29 Cape. section 8, it follows that the provisions of this law on youth

with intellectual disabilities should also apply to certain other

young people. Law (2012:109).


section 3 of the principal for the high school programs to interact with

society in General. Law (2012:109).

Target group

section 4 of the education in upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities shall be open to

young people whose compulsory education has ended and who are not considered to be

the potential to reach up to secondary school knowledge requirements

because they have a learning disability.

The young people belonging to the target group of secondary school programs has

the right to be received in high school special on education

commence before the end of the first half of the year in the calendar

turn 20. Law (2012:109).

§ 5 the municipality examines the question whether an applicant belonging to the target group.

The decision shall be preceded by an investigation similar to that under

Chapter 7. § 5 the second subparagraph shall be made before the decision on acceptance in the

undergraduate programs of study are missing or for other reasons

is deemed necessary. Law (2012:109).

paragraph 6 of The working of the school system shall inform the student's

the principal if he or she pays attention to or has knowledge of

as a student in secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities do not belong to

the specially designed high school audience.

A principal who receives such information shall notify the

pupils ' home municipality. The municipality shall promptly investigate the matter.

Law (2012:109).

section 7 of the municipality shall decide that the student does not belong to

the specially designed high school target group if an investigation referred to in section 6 shows

this. The municipality will then offer student training in

secondary schools or adult education under this Act.

The municipality of residence shall take the necessary measures for the student's

transition from high school to upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities or

adult education. Law (2012:109).

The different training courses

section 8 education in upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities consists of national and

individual programs.

Detailed rules for the application, see Chapter 19.

Law (2012:109).

section 9, Every municipality must disseminate information regarding high school the specially different

software. Law (2012:109).

Academic year and semester

section 10 of the training is to be conducted during the school year, which includes a

fall semester and spring semester.

The Government may provide for the length and if

When the school year should start and stop. Law (2012:109).

Organisation of education

section 11 of the education in upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities shall, with the exception of

high school apprenticeship training referred to in 19 Cape. section 10, in

mainly be skolförlagd. Law (2012:109).


section 12 of the principal is responsible for admissions to the various

training courses organized by the principal. Law (2012:109).

section 13 Admissions organisation may be common to

high school programs, secondary schools, special training for

adults at the secondary level and municipal adult education

secondary level.

Admissions organization may be common for high school special

organised by municipalities, county councils and individual principals.

Law (2012:109).

section 14 of chapter 17. section 16 of the second and third paragraphs are

provisions on the promotion of education in secondary school

some students from undergraduate programs. Law (2012:109).

Information to the home municipality

section 15 when a student begins or ends at a high school special

with a different principal than the home municipality, to the principal as soon as

communicate this to the municipality of residence.

The same applies if a student under the age of 20 years without a valid

reasons are absent to a considerable extent. This

obligation does not affect the responsibility to provide support

or special support to pupils. Law (2014:1002).

Student's attendance and absence information

16 § a student in secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities to participate in the activities

organized to provide the intended training, if the student is not

have valid reasons to be withheld.

If a student in secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities without valid reasons are absent from

the activities organized in order to provide the intended

the training, the headteacher to ensure that the student's parents/guardians

on the same day informed that the learner has been absent. If

There are specific reasons need the student's parents/guardians do not

be informed on the same day. Law (2012:109).


section 17 of the education in upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities should be free of charge.

Students should be free to have access to books and other

Learn the tools needed for a modern education.

Charges in connection with the application for the site must not be taken out.

Law (2012:109).

section 18 Notwithstanding section 17, it must contain occasional hints that can

result in an insignificant cost for students.

In the context of school trips and similar activities, that, despite

the other provisions of this law, in individual cases during one academic year

occur costs reimbursed by the pupil or the pupil's

guardians on a voluntary basis. Such activities should be

open to all students. The compensation shall not exceed:

principal's cost to the student is participating in the activity.

Law (2012:109).

Mother tongue education

section 19 of a pupil who has a carer with another

mother tongue than Swedish must be offered instruction in the mother tongue

This language if

1. language is the student's everyday language of access in the home, and

2. the student has a good knowledge of the language.

A pupil who belongs to any of the national minorities,

offered in the student's mother tongue education national

minority language if the student has a good knowledge of the language.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for mother tongue education. Such

regulations may imply that mother tongue education should

offered in one language only if a certain number of students are

such teaching in that language. Law (2014:458).

Performance reviews

20 § at least once each semester to the headteacher to ensure that student

in a performance appraisal is given comprehensive information about their

knowledge development and study situation.

The discussion should be conducted with the student's individual

study plan. A student's parent/guardian shall receive such

information referred to in the first subparagraph. Law (2012:109).


General provisions

section 21 of general rules about grades and grading, see

Chapter 3. 13-21 sections. Law (2012:109).


section 22 Of the national programmes shall be put at each grade

completion of the course and after completion of high school special work.

On subject areas to score not be put. If a student is on a

individual programs have read a course in a subject under Chapter 19.

section 15, shall score put under sections 23 to 26.

If a student has read a course according to the secondary school subject plan

to be, rather than what is provided in paragraphs 23 to 26, the score is settled

in accordance with the provisions of chapter 15. 22 – 27 §§ about grades in

the upper secondary school.

The Government may provide for how scoring will

go to. Regulations may entail derogation from the provision

in Chapter 3. 16 § about who decides on the score. Law (2012:109).

section 23 As scores of approved results on a course to any of

letters A, B, C, D or E shall be used. Highest score

denoted by A and the lowest score with e. Score to settle with

using the knowledge requirements that have been prescribed for a course.

For the student who has not achieved the requirements for grade E,

score is not settled.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on skill requirements. Law (2012:109).

section 24 That score at secondary special work, letter E

be used if the student has reached the goals for high school special work.

For the student who has not achieved the objectives of

high school special work to score not be put.

Law (2012:109).

section 25 if there are special reasons, get it by scoring

ignored single parts of the knowledge requirements. With special

reasons referred to disability or other similar personal

conditions that are not of a temporary nature and constitutes a

direct barriers to pupils should reach a certain knowledge requirements. A

learning disability, however, may only be considered if there are

serious reasons. The knowledge requirements related to security and the like

referring to laws, regulations or governmental

regulations, however, must always be complied with. Law (2012:109).

section 26 if there is no basis for the assessment of a student's knowledge

because of the student's absence, will score not be put.

Law (2012:109).

Special public high school with a principal

The municipality's responsibility

section 27 of Each municipality is responsible for ensuring that all young people in the municipality as

the specially designed audience belongs to upper secondary education are offered

quality in secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities.

The municipality may provide training which it organizes or

training organized by another municipality or County

According to the cooperation agreement with the municipality or County. Municipalities

who has entered into a partnership agreement to form a samverkansområde

for the training.

What are the courses offered and the number of seats on these to

as far as possible, be adapted to take account of young people's

wishes. Law (2012:109).

Municipal organization of high school programs

section 28 of Every municipality shall, in the design of high school programs

consider what is appropriate for students from

communication point of view. Each municipality which organises

Special upper secondary school shall, as far as possible, organize

upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities so that no student because of schooling

need to stay outside their own homes. Law (2012:109).

The training, organized by County

section 29 agreement with a municipality, a County

training in high school programs on national and

individual programs. Law (2012:109).

School bus

section 30 of the students of secondary special public trust has the right

free transport to schools within the municipality of residence from one location in

connection to the student's home to the place where the training

carried out and back, if such a boost is needed with regard to

drive the length of the road, traffic conditions, the student's

disability or some other special circumstance.

For students enrolled in another municipality's secondary special,

municipality organise transport to schools in those cases it can be done without

organisational or financial difficulties.

Pupils ' home municipality or County which organises training

to ensure that school bus will be arranged in accordance with the first paragraph.

Law (2012:109).

section 31 A student who, with the support of 19 Cape. 35 – 37 § § goes in

high school special in a different municipality than their home municipality at

because of schooling must stay in the municipality, has the right

to travel between the temporary residence and the place

where the training is carried out under the same conditions that apply

for students resident in the municipality.

The municipality which organises the training should ensure that

transport to schools organized under the first subparagraph. The municipality's costs

for this shall be replaced by the student's home municipality. Law (2012:109).

Support for boarder

32 § municipality shall provide financial support to students in a

special public high school with a principal who need

boarder because of schooling. This obligation does

until the first half of the year eleven calendar fills

20 years. The obligation does not apply to students who have been

opposed to a national program under Chapter 19.

39 section.

The aid is directed to property, significantly increased the subsistence and travel to and

from the home. It should be given in cash or otherwise to

indicate the order for support. If the aid is given in cash, it shall

be provided with not less than 1/30 of the price base amount referred to in Chapter 2. 6 and

7 of the social code for each complete calendar month

Eleven lives boarder. The amount may be rounded to the nearest

lower the whole ten pounds. Team (2013:530).


33 § Government Announces rules of selection among applicants

received to a special public high school with

principal. Law (2012:109).

Stand-alone high school special


34 § each stand-alone high school special is open to all

young people have a right to education in a high school special with

public trust.

The principal does not need to receive or provide continuing education

for a pupil if the municipality has decided not to make contributions

for the student under 19 Cape. paragraph 47.

For individual programs, the obligation referred to in the first

subparagraph only if the principal and the student's home municipality has arrived

agree that the municipality shall pay to the principal

for the training. Law (2012:109).

School bus

§ 35 Pupils in secondary special with single master you have the right

free transport to schools within the municipality of residence from one location in

connection to the student's home to the place where the training

carried out and back, if such a boost is needed with regard to

drive the length of the road, traffic conditions, the student's

disability or some other special circumstance.

Pupils ' home municipality shall ensure that transportation is arranged according to

the first paragraph. The municipality is not obliged to organise

School of organizational or financial difficulty

occurs for the municipality. Law (2012:109).


36 § If there is no space for all applicants to a

education in an independent school, the selection be made on the basis

as the State school inspection approves. Law (2012:109).


37 § the municipality in which the school is located has the right

to the transparency of the operations so that the municipality to carry out

their obligations under this law and meet the

the public's need for transparency. Law (2014:903).

19. Education on programs in secondary school programs

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is provided for

– the design and content (§§ 2-26),

– documentation of completion of high school särskoleutbildning (section 27),

– application, acceptance and completion of education

(paragraphs 28-33),

– training on the program at a high school with special public

principal (34 to 44, §§), and

– training on software for a stand-alone high school special (45 –

48 § §). Law (2012:109).

Course structure and content

The national programmes

section 2 of The national programmes is given in annex 4.

Law (2012:109).

section 3 of the national programmes, the following substances shall be included:

– Swedish or Swedish as a second language,

– English,

– Mathematics,

– physical education and health,

-artistic activities,


– social studies,

– religious education, and

– Science.

Furthermore, it should include substances that give the program its character.

There will also be individual choice.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

announce further provisions concerning substances and individual choice

in upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities. Law (2012:109).

4 section For the students in national programmes to be offered

mother tongue, native language be as subject.

Law (2012:109).

Program goals

section 5 Of each national programme, there should be software of goals.

Law (2012:109).

National targets and special variants

section 6 Of the national programmes, there are specializations

starting the first, second, third or fourth academic year.

Law (2012:109).

paragraph 7 of the Guidelines is national.

The Government may provide for the national

directions to appear. Law (2012:109).

section 8 Of the national programmes, there may be special

variations that begin the first, second, third or fourth

in the academic year. Statens skolverk hears questions about approval of

such variations. Law (2012:109).

§ 9 the Government or the authority that the Government may

notify additional regulations on national targets and

Special variants. Law (2012:109).

High school apprenticeship in secondary school programs

section 10 Within the national programmes must have secondary

apprenticeships that begin the first, second, third, or

the fourth academic year.

High school apprenticeship in secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities should essentially

be placed to one or several jobs.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

notify additional regulations on secondary

apprenticeship in secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities. Law (2012:109).

Offer of some training

section 11 When a principal offers training on a national

program, the principal also let the offer include

the student later adopted a national approach, a

Special variant or secondary apprenticeship in

the program.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide that such an offer shall be within

Some programs. Law (2012:109).

Deviations from a national program's content

section 12 of the State's school may decide on derogations from the structure,

content and program objectives for the training of national programmes.

Decision referred to in the first subparagraph which refers to a training

organized by a public key to be taken in the context of the decision

If the national recruitment in accordance with section 37.

Decision referred to in the first subparagraph which refers to a training

organized by a single principal are made after a trial

corresponds to the examination of education trainings

37 section.

The Government may provide for conditions for decision

According to the third paragraph. Law (2012:109).

section 13 if there are special reasons, the principal may decide that a

student's education on a national programme to its content

may deviate from what would otherwise apply to the program.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for such deviations. Law (2012:109).

Individual programs

14 § Training on an individual program to offer students

who can not follow the teaching in a national program.

In the individual applications to the following subject areas:

-artistic activities,

-Home Economics,

– physical education and health,

-nature and environment,

– the individual and society, and

-language and communication.

Practice may be allowed if the principal believes that it is useful

for the pupil.

The program, designed to encourage the student to later go

over to a national programme. Law (2012:109).

section 15 of the principal may determine that a student on an individual

the program will read a combination of substances listed in section 3, and

subject areas according to section 14, if the student has the potential for

the. Such a decision must include the student's individual

study plan. Law (2012:109).

section 16 Of the students on individual programs to be offered

mother tongue, native language be as subject.

Law (2012:109).

Length of the course

section 17 of the education in upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities is intended to followed

for four academic years. The principal may, however, decide that the training

may be broken down into a prolonged period of time.

The Government may provide for principal's

powers referred to in the first subparagraph. Law (2012:109).

The context of the organisation of the training and learning

section 18 Of chapter 18. section 11 States that education in

high school mainly for pupils with learning disabilities should be skolförlagd unless otherwise

subject to the provisions on secondary apprenticeship in

high school programs in section 10.

A national programme should contain the context


The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for minimum content of the

arbetsplatsförlagda learning and derogating from

the provisions of chapter 18. 11. Law (2012:109).

The scope of training and guaranteed teaching time

section 19 of the education in upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities should be run as

full-time studies. Law (2012:109).

section 20 of the students are entitled to a minimum of 3 600 hours of instruction if

60 minutes (guaranteed teaching time) distributed over four

academic year.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for deviations from the guaranteed

teaching time. Law (2012:109).

section 21 of the extent of the studies on national programmes set out in the

high school special education credits. The scope of training is 2 500 points.

The distribution of scores is shown by a points plan in annex 5.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

notify additional regulations on the points plan.

Law (2012:109).

The subject plans, thematic plans, secondary special work and


section 22 For every topic, there should be a plan. For each

subject matter, there shall be a discipline plan.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on the subject plans and thematic plans.

Law (2012:109).

paragraph 23 of the programme of the national programmes, a

high school special education work. Law (2012:109).

section 24 of the programme within each topic is given in the form of one or more


For each course shall state how many secondary special education credits

the course covers. Law (2012:109).

section 25 Has a student after completion of the course or implemented

high school special work received a grade of E, is the principal

not obliged to offer additional training of the same kind,

unless otherwise provided by the regulations issued pursuant to

the second paragraph.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for what it takes to get begin a

course and to go on a course. Law (2012:109).

Individual study plan

section 26 for each student must be an individual

study plan.

The student's views should be sought and taken into account in the formulation of

the individual study plan.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces regulations for the individual study plan.

Law (2012:109).

Documentation of completion of high school särskoleutbildning

section 27 students who have completed a high school särskoleutbildning,

get a high school special certificate.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for documentation of completion of

high school särskoleutbildning. Law (2012:109).

Application, acceptance and completion of education


section 28 an application for a national or individual programs

or to such national focus, specific variant

or secondary apprenticeship in secondary school programs that

starts first in the academic year shall be submitted to the applicant's municipality of residence.

The application relates to more than one training the applicant shall specify in

any order he or she wishes to be considered.

If the application concerns a training organized by another

principal application shall immediately be forwarded to the

the principal. Law (2012:109).

Decision on host

section 29 of the principal for the sought education examines the issue of

the applicant should be received.

If the municipality pursuant to chapter 18. 5 § has decided that an applicant

does not belong to the target group for high school programs, the municipality

prepare him or her the opportunity to apply for secondary schools

in the municipality of residence as soon as possible.

The municipality shall make an assessment of whether a youth who has sought

to an individual program has the potential to follow

teaching in a national program. If the home municipality

determines that the applicant does not have the conditions to follow

teaching in a national programme, the applicant shall be

opposed to an individual application. If the municipality deems that the

the applicant has the potential to follow the teaching in a

national programme, the municipality prepare him or her

opportunity to apply for national programmes

organized by the municipality of residence. Law (2012:109).

The right to pursue their education

30 of a pupil who has begun an education on a national

program, a national focus or a specific variant has

right, except in the cases referred to in chapter 18. section 7, of the

the principal or in samverkansområdet for four academic years

pursue their education.

The first paragraph also applies if the conditions on which

because of the receipt is changed during the study period. Law (2012:109).

It is stated in section 31 section 30 applies similarly to the student

who has started high school apprenticeship in

upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities.

If a suitable workplace training can no longer

organized, to eleven instead offered to complete their

education through skolförlagd education on the current

the program. If this is possible, will offer

refer to completing training at another national

software. Law (2012:109).

section 32 Of the principal's offer of a national programme

included the student later admitted to a national

focus, a special variant or secondary

apprenticeship under section 11, the student who started the

the program has the right to pursue their education at the national

direction, the special variant and as secondary

apprenticeship in accordance with paragraphs 30 and 31. Law (2012:109).

section 33 of the 42 additional provisions on the right of an

student in a public school principal to pursue their

education when the student moves to another municipality.

Law (2012:109).

Training at a special public high school with a principal

Comprehensive selection

section 34 the municipality shall strive to offer training in

upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities should cover a comprehensive range of national

programmes and national targets. Law (2012:109).

Reception in the first place

section 35 of the applicants to a national programme or to a

national focus, particular variant or secondary

apprenticeships that begin the first school year, principal

in the first instance, to receive those who are resident in the municipality

or in samverkansområdet for the training.

A student who is staying in the municipality or samverkansområdet for

the training due to placement in such a home for care

or property referred to in Chapter 6. section 1 of the social service act

(2001:453), decisions receipt referred to in the first subparagraph

equated with the resident in the municipality or

samverkansområdet for education. Law (2015:176).

36 § in addition to that resulting from paragraph 35 should such seekers

is resident in the municipality or in samverkansområdet for

the education received in the first instance if they have sought to

1. the training referred to in section 35 and in view of their

personal relationships have particular reason to go to the

high school special where they have searched,

2. a national programme or to a national focus

starting the first school year and is resident in a municipality

that do not offer the training,

3. General secondary apprenticeship in secondary school programs that begin

the first academic year and is resident in a municipality that does not

offer any training on the current programme,

4. a national programme and refers to the principal within

the program organizes a national approach

the academic year starts later than the first and that the municipality does not


5. a national programme which has no national guidelines

and refers to the principal organizing program essentially

skolförlagt, municipality of residence does not offer, or

6. an education it has been decided the national recruitment

for under section 37. Law (2012:109).

Education training

37 § State school, for national programmes, decide to

it to a specific training in the first place to receive applicants

from all over the country (recruitment).

The Government may provide for conditions to a certain

training to become an national recruitment. Law (2012:109).

38 § decision on national recruitment shall specify during which time

the decision shall apply and how many places the training may

cover. Law (2012:109).

Receiving second hand

39 § other applicants to the national programs than those that will be

received in the first instance under sections 35 and 36 must be received in other

care to places that remain after all those to be received in

the first place has been adopted for the training. Law (2012:109).

Receipt of individual applications

section 40 of The municipality may accept a pupil from another municipality on an

individual programs in their secondary special subject

the municipality has decided that the student cannot follow

teaching in a national program. A County Council

receive a student on an individual program for the same


It is stated in the first paragraph applies, however, only if the home municipality

and the receiving municipality or County Council agreed on

the remuneration for the training. Law (2012:109).

40 a of a municipality or a county to receive a student at

an individual program of

1. the student is staying in the municipality or samverkansområdet for

the training due to placement in such a home for care

or property referred to in Chapter 6. section 1 of the social service act

(2001:453), and

2. home municipality has assessed that the student cannot follow

teaching in a national program. Law (2015:176).

Opinion of the municipality

41 section Before a municipality receives an applicant who is not

residents of the municipality or samverkansområdet for

education, opinion to be obtained from the applicant's municipality of residence.

The opinion shall include an indication as to whether the pupil belongs to

the specially designed high school audience. The same applies before a

County receives an applicant. In cases where the student has applied for

to an individual application, the opinion shall also include the

information on whether the student can follow a national programme

and if agreement is reached on compensation for training

40 section. Law (2012:109).

The right to pursue the education of a student who moves

42 § A student who has started a national programme or an

national focus and then move from the municipality

or samverkansområdet for training, have the right to

complete training on it started the application, or the

began thrust, about the new home the municipality provides such


Offers the new municipality of residence not the current training,

the student has the right to, at its option to pursue their education in

another municipality or a County Council which organises

the training.

A student who, owing to a placement in a home for care

or property pursuant to Chapter 6. section 1 of the Social Service Act (2001:453)

move from the municipality or samverkansområdet for

the training, have the right to pursue education at the

started the program or the thrust of the

municipality where the home for care or property is located, if

the municipality provides such training. If it does not offer the

current training, have the student the right to choice

pursue their education in another municipality or a

County Council which organises the training, if this does not prevent

student from staying in the home for care or property.

Law (2015:176).

42 a § A student who has started a national programme or

a national focus and then placed in a

such a home for care or property referred to in Chapter 6. 1 §

the Social Service Act (2001:453) and in another

municipality than the home municipality or samverkansområdet for

the training has the right, in the municipality of residence complete

training in the program started or started

the orientation when the student returns to after placement

the municipality of residence, if it provides such training. The same

apply to the student who has started a national programme or

a national focus in the municipality where the home care

or property is located.

Offers home municipality is not the current education, have

the student is entitled to after own choice to pursue their education in a

other municipality or a County Council which organises the training.

Law (2015:176).

Municipal compensation ",

43 § municipality, on a national program has adopted a

a student who is not domiciled in the municipality or in

samverkansområdet of the training shall be reimbursed for their

the cost of the student's education of his or her home commune

(an allowance).

The first paragraph also applies to a county that on a national

the program has adopted a student who is not resident in the

samverkansområdet for education.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for an allowance for the

national programmes. Law (2012:109).

44 section unless the Organization principal and the student's home municipality

agree otherwise, and unless otherwise permitted by either

the second and third subparagraphs, the Intermunicipal compensation

According to paragraph 43 should correspond to the webpage of the cost price.

When the student has been accepted in the alternative, pursuant to section 39,

compensation not exceeding amount to the cost that the municipality itself

has equivalent training. Is the webpage of cost lower,

should the municipality instead replace the lower cost.

In the case of education or special education

variations in national programmes, to the State's school

for each training or variant may decide the remuneration

the municipality will pay. Law (2012:109).

44 a of a municipality or a county who has received a

student on an individual program under section 40 is replaced

for its expenses for the student's education of the student's

home municipality.

If the Organization principal and the student's home municipality is not

agree otherwise, the remuneration for the training

correspond to the webpage of the cost price. Law (2015:176).

Education at a stand-alone high school special

Contribution from the municipality of residence

45 § municipality shall make contributions to the principal for each

student on a national program in which at porsön

the municipality of residence pursuant to chapter 18. section 27 was obliged to offer

education in upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities at the time of

the training began.

The contribution consists of a basic amount under section 46 and in some

cases an additional amount according to § 47.

The first subparagraph shall not apply if the State funding is provided for a student's

training due to eleven is overseas.

Law (2015:73).

46 § the basic amount shall be reimbursed for

1. teaching,

2. learning tools,

3. student health,

4. meals,

5. administration,

6. value added tax, and

7. local costs.

Law (2012:109).

47 § supplementary amount shall be provided for students who have an

extensive special needs or to be offered

mother tongue education.

The municipality is not obliged to pay additional amounts for

a student who is in need of special support, if significant

organisational or economic difficulties arise for

the municipality. Law (2012:109).

48 § training on such national programmes and national

specializations or comparable programs as the home municipality

offers to the basic amount be determined by the same basis as

the municipality of apply in the allocation of resources to the

the program, the focus or a comparable program.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for which of the national programmes that

are comparable in the allocation of resources.

In the case of such training referred to in paragraph 12 of the third

subparagraph, or specific variants within the national

programmes, the State's school for each training or

decide the amount of variation because the municipality must pay.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for the basic amount that the municipality shall

pay, if the pupil, in other cases than those referred to in the third subparagraph,

have been admitted to a course that the municipality does not offer.

Law (2012:109).

20 chapter. Municipal adult education

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is

– General provisions (§§ 2-9),

— provisions on municipal adult education on basic

level (10-15 sections),

— provisions on municipal adult education at secondary level

(sections 16-23),

— provisions on municipal adult education in Swedish for

immigrants (24-33 §§)

— provisions on score (34 to 41 sections),

— provisions on validation (paragraphs 42 and 43), and

– provisions concerning certificates (§§ 44 and 45).

Law (2015:482).

General provisions

Overall goals

section 2 of the municipal adult education is for adults

should be supported and encouraged in their learning. They should be given

the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in

to strengthen its position in the working and social life

and to promote their personal development.

The starting point of the education to be the individual's needs

and conditions.

When it comes to municipal adult education on the secondary level,

those who received the least training a priority. Law (2015:482).

Education content

section 3 of the municipalities shall provide the municipal adult education.

Training should be provided at a basic level,

secondary level and as Swedish for immigrants.

Law (2015:482).

The purpose of education

section 4 of the education at the basic level is to provide adults

such skills they need to participate in the social and

working life. It also aims to enable continued


Education at secondary level aims to provide adults

skills at a level equivalent to that training in

secondary schools should provide.

Education in Swedish for immigrants aims to provide adults

immigrants basic knowledge of Swedish language.

The programme also aims to give adult immigrants who

lack basic reading and writing skills, the ability to

acquire such skills. The training may take place on the student's

native language or any other language that the learner has mastered.

Law (2015:482).

Courses and high school credits

paragraph 5 of the training is conducted in the form of courses and on secondary

level even in the form of a secondary work.

At the secondary level is designated course and secondary work

scope with high school credits.

section 6, for each course, there shall be a syllabus in terms

education at the basic level. For each subject there should be

a plan when it comes to training at secondary level.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for curricula, subject fields and

high school credits. Such rules may mean that curricula

or the subject plans do not to be found or that the high school credits not

should be calculated for certain courses. Law (2012:109).


section 7 of the education should be provided free of charge, unless otherwise

provided for by this law or by regulations that have been issued

pursuant to Chapter 3. section 21. It may, however, contain occasional

elements that may cause an insignificant cost for students.

The principal may determine that books and other learning tools, which

each student in education at the elementary or secondary

level, for their own use and may maintain that their property, shall

acquired by the students themselves or offered against fees

no more than the equivalent of the principal's acquisition costs.

Learn the tools that are used in the training, in other

be provided at no cost to the students.

Students in education in Swedish for immigrants, without

cost to have access to books and other learning tools

needed for a modern education. The principal may, however,

decide that the students will stay with the occasional private

learning tools.

Fees may not be charged in connection with the application for the site.

Law (2015:482).

Individual study plans

section 8 home municipality is responsible for the creation of an individual

study plan for each student. the plan shall contain information on the

the individual's learning goals and planned scope of

the studies.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces regulations for the individual study plan.

Law (2015:482).

The right to pursue their education

§ 9 The adopted for a course has the right to pursue

the course.

The principal may, however, decide that the training on the course will

cease, if the student lacks the conditions to benefit from

out training or otherwise not make satisfactory


The education on the basic level has been manufactured according to the

second subparagraph shall again be given such training, if it

There are specific reasons for it; The whose training on

secondary level has ceased in accordance with the second subparagraph may again

be prepared, and if there are special reasons for


The Swedish for immigrants whose education has been discontinued

pursuant to the second subparagraph, or who voluntarily canceled such

education shall again be given such training, if there is

special reasons for it.

The training also may be suspended in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 5.

17 – 20 sections. Law (2015:482).

Municipal adult education at the basic level

The municipality's responsibility

section 10 of the home municipality is responsible for ensuring that those under section 11 has the right

to attend training at the basic level and wish it,

also may participate in such training.

Every municipality must actively work to reach the adults in the municipality

who has the right to participate in education at the basic level and

to motivate them to participate in such training.

Guidance and counselling

10 a of the home municipality is obliged to ensure that the

to begin training at the basic level, offered study-

and vocational guidance. Law (2015:482).

The right to participate in education at the basic level

11 § adult has the right to participate in education at

basic level from the second calendar half of the year

When he or she reaches 20 years of age, if he or she

1. living in the country,

2. without such skills as normally achieved in primary school,


3. has the potential to benefit from the course.

The one who has the right to participate in the education provided for in the first subparagraph

have the right to participate in such training in another municipality

than the home municipality, if training is provided there.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide that the right referred to in the first subparagraph shall

Enter previously laid down.

The first and second subparagraphs shall not apply to inmates in

correctional institution. Of the 24 Cape. section 10 States that

The prison service is responsible for their education.

Education in a language other than Swedish

section 12 if a student in education at the basic level

insufficient skills in Swedish language, education

be provided in the pupil's mother tongue or another language

that the student has mastered. Such training should be supplemented with

teaching or training in Swedish language.

Application and admission

section 13 an application to participate in training on basic

level shall be submitted to the applicant's municipality of residence. An applicant shall

received the training, if the conditions set out in section 11 is


section 14 If an application relating to a training organised by a

other principal, the municipality forthwith send application

In addition to the principal. To request an opinion

be attached where the home municipality is reporting its assessment of whether the

applicant meets the conditions set out in section 11.

The main man who organizes an education decides on the

applicants must be accepted to the training. The other principal

may accept the applicant, even if the municipality has decided that

the applicant does not have the right to participate in the training.

Municipal compensation

section 15 of a municipality, that in their training at basic level

have a student who comes from another municipality, shall be

reimbursement of expenses for the student's education from

pupils ' home municipality. This applies only if the municipality has

assessed or, after the appeal of a decision under section 14

the second decision that the student has the right to

participate in the training.

Municipal adult education at secondary level

Principal's liability

section 16 of Every municipality shall offer education at secondary level.

The municipality of residence is responsible for ensuring that those under § 19 is entitled to

participate in a training and wish to participate in it, also get it.

In addition, the municipalities shall strive to provide training

responding to the demand and needs.

section 17 of Each municipality shall inform about the possibilities of

education at secondary level and actively work to adults in

the municipality has agreed to be part of such training.

section 18 of A County may provide training at secondary

level in the areas of natural resource management and nursing. After

agreement with a municipality, County Council provide

education at secondary level in other areas.

The right to participate in education at secondary level

section 19 of an adult who is competent to take part in training on

secondary level under section 20 and who have a degree from a

vocational programmes in secondary schools according to Chapter 16. section 27 but not

achieved basic eligibility to higher education have

the right to participate in education at secondary level in order to

achieve such a power.

The one who has the right to participate in education at secondary level

under the first subparagraph shall have the right to participate in such training in

another municipality than their home municipality or County of

the education is there and is not offered by the municipality. In a

such a case is the home municipality is liable to compensate the host

the municipality's costs. The provisions of chapter 15. section 32 shall

apply to young people up to and including the first

calendar semester of the year they turn 20.

Access to training at secondary level

section 20 of the adult have jurisdiction to take part in training at secondary

level from the second calendar half of the year he or she

turns 20 years old, if he or she

1. living in the country,

2. without such skills training is designed to


3. has the potential to benefit from the course, and

4. in all other respects meets the prescribed conditions.

Jurisdiction is also the one who is younger than indicated in the first

paragraph, but has completed training at a national

programs in secondary school or equivalent education and

meets the other eligibility conditions.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces additional regulations on competence.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

also provide for the jurisdiction referred to in the first

subparagraph shall enter the previously laid down.

The first and second subparagraphs shall not apply to inmates in

correctional institution. Of the 24 Cape. section 10 States that

The prison service is responsible for their education.


section 21 an application to participate in the training at secondary level

shall be submitted to the applicant's municipality of residence.

If the application concerns a training organized by another

head to the home municipality promptly send the application on to the

the main man. The application shall be accompanied by an opinion of the

which it appears if the municipality undertakes to answer for

the cost of the applicant's education. An opinion needed

not if it is unnecessary in the light of a previous


Commitment to account for costs should be on the

applicants with respect to their personal circumstances,

specific reasons to participate in training at another

principal. The commitment also applies where the applicant thereafter

change home municipality.


section 22 of The principal organiser of education at secondary level

decide on the candidates to be admitted to the training.

The municipality will receive an applicant of the competence

as specified in section 20 are met.

A municipality will receive a qualified applicant from another municipality

and county councils will receive a competent applicant if

the municipality has undertaken or, on appeal, in accordance with

28 Cape. section 12, shall undertake to bear the costs related to

applicant's education.


section 23 of The principal organiser of education at secondary level

decide if an applicant should be admitted to the training. This

does not apply to an applicant referred to in section 19.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on selection among applicants received.

Municipal adult education in Swedish for immigrants

The scope of training

24 § Education in Swedish for immigrants, on average,

during a four-week period at least 15 hours of

teaching a week. However, the scope of teaching

be reduced if the student requests it and the principal concludes that it is

consistent with the purpose of education.

The principal shall ensure that the teaching offered at times

that are tailored to the student's needs. Law (2015:482).

Collaboration with working life

section 25 of the principal shall, in cooperation with the employment service

ensure that the student is given opportunities to practice the Swedish

language in the workplace and to education in Swedish for

immigrants can be combined with other activities

-working life orientation,

— validation,

– work experience, or

-other education.

The principal shall also promote education in Swedish for

immigrants may be carried out during the time when the student receives compensation

According to the social security code because of illness, injury

or parental leave and to training can

combined with the activities offered within the health and

the health care system. Law (2015:482).

section 26 of the programme can be combined with gainful employment.

Law (2015:482).

section 27 of the principal shall consult with an interested employer and

the local workers ' organization that the employer is

bound by collective agreement on workers '

participation in education and training camp.

Law (2015:482).

The municipality's responsibility

section 28 of the home municipality is obliged to ensure that training in

Swedish for immigrants offered them that according to section 31 of the first

the paragraph has the right to participate in the training.

With regard to the second paragraph which, in section 31 shall have the right to

participate in education in Swedish for immigrants, it is the municipality

which he or she habitually works that are required to see

the training is offered to him or her.

Law (2015:482).

section 29 of Every municipality must actively work to achieve them in

the municipality has the right to education and to motivate

them to participate in the training.

The training will be available as soon as possible

After a right to education in Swedish for

immigrants entered. Unless there are special reasons shall

the training to be able to start within three months.

Every municipality must actively promote a new arrival that

subject to the Act (2010:197) about start-up efforts for some

new immigrants may begin training within a month

from the time the participant signed up for training in

Swedish for immigrants in the municipality. Law (2015:482).

Guidance and counselling

section 30 of the home municipality is obliged to ensure that anyone who intends to

begin education in Swedish for immigrants offered study-

and vocational guidance. Law (2015:482).

The right to participate

section 31, a person has the right to participate in education in Swedish for

immigrants from the second calendar half of the year he

or she is 16 years old, if he or she

1. living in the country, and

2. lacking such basic knowledge of Swedish language

as this training aims to provide.

A Finnish citizen who permanently work in Swedish

municipality, but is a resident of Finland, near the border with Sweden and

lacking such basic knowledge of Swedish language

This training aims to provide, from the second

calendar semester of the year he or she turns 16 years of age are also entitled

to participate in education in Swedish for immigrants.

Law (2015:482).

32 § anyone who has such command of the Danish or Norwegian

language education in Swedish for immigrants can't

is deemed necessary are not entitled to participate in the training.

Law (2015:482).


33 § principal decides if a person to be admitted to the

education in Swedish for immigrants. Law (2015:482).


Applicable provisions

34 section general rules about grades and grading is

in Chapter 3. 13-21 sections. Law (2015:482).


35 § Score should be set on each completed course and after

completed high school work.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

notify additional regulations on grading and if

high school work in General. Such regulations may involve

that score should not be put on certain courses. Law (2015:482).

36 § score to any of the letters A, B, C, D, E

or (F) be used. Scores of approved results are denoted with

A, B, C, D, and E. Highest score is denoted by A and minimum

score with e. rating for non-passing grade is denoted by F.

Law (2015:482).

37 § ratings on courses in education at the basic level and in

Swedish for immigrants should be based on an assessment of the student's

knowledge in relation to the knowledge requirements set out in

course syllabi. Score of courses in education at secondary level

shall be based on an assessment of the student's knowledge of

relative to established knowledge requirements in the subject plans.

Knowledge requirements should be provided for each course in which the score is to be placed.

The Government or the authority that the Government can

with the support of Chapter 8. section 7 of the Constitution provide

If the knowledge requirements. Law (2015:482).

section 38 if there are special reasons, get it by scoring

ignored single knowledge requirements or from isolated parts of

such requirements. With special reasons referred to disability

or other similar personal circumstances that are not of

a temporary nature and that is a direct obstacle to the pupil

to reach a specific knowledge requirements. The knowledge requirements relating

Security and referring to laws, regulations or

official regulations, however, must always be complied with.

Law (2015:482).

39 section if there is no basis for the assessment of a student's

knowledge in a course due to student's lack of participation,

to score not be put on the course. Law (2015:482).


section 40 of The residing in the country and would have a score of municipal

adult education should have the opportunity to undergo the examination in all

courses as it is put ratings on and in secondary work. This

also applies to those who have previously received grades on the course or

high school work. Anyone who is a student in secondary school should not, however,

undergo examination in a course or a secondary work, if the student

have received at least a grade E in the course or high school work.

Trial may be made only in a principal organiser of the

current course or, in the case of high school work,

education in the field of knowledge that secondary work relates.

With the trial in a course means an assessment of skills in

relative to established knowledge requirements in the curriculum or

the subject plans.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces additional regulations on the trial.

Law (2015:482).

41 § trial shall be made by one or more teachers. If

the trial is conducted by two or more teachers, and these do not

may agree on a score, the score is settled by the headmaster.

Law (2015:482).


42 § a student in municipal adult education can get their knowledge

and their skills validated. With validation, a process

that means a structured assessment, evaluation and

documentation and recognition of skills and competences

that a person possesses regardless of how they were acquired.

The principal shall ensure that the validation is performed in accordance with

law and regulations. Law (2015:482).

43 § whoever gets their knowledge and their skills evaluated at

a validation will be able to get these documented

writing. What is said in Chapter 3. 19 and 20 sections for rectification

and modification of the rating also applies a complete validation.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces additional regulations regarding validation.

Law (2015:482).


44 § anyone who completed a course in municipal adult education and

want to get their knowledge documented by means other than

score will get a certificate.

The principal is responsible for ensuring that students are informed of

the ability to receive a certificate.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide that the certificate should always be issued after

certain courses or training. Law (2015:482).

section 45 the Rector issues the certificate.

What is said in Chapter 3. 19 and 20 sections of correction and amendment of

score also applies for the certificate.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces additional regulations on the certificate. Law (2015:482).

21. Special education for adults

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is

– General provisions (§§ 2-9),

— provisions on special education for adults on

basic level (10-12 sections),

— provisions on special education for adults on secondary

level (paragraphs 13 to 16),

— provisions on score (17 – 20 (b) sections),

— provisions on validation (paragraphs 21 and 22), and

– provisions concerning certificates (sections 23 and 24). Law (2012:109).

General provisions

Overall goals

section 2 of the special education for adults is to

adults with intellectual disabilities should be supported and encouraged in the

their learning. They should be given the opportunity to develop their

knowledge and skills in order to strengthen its position

in working and social life and to promote their personal


The starting point of the education to be the individual's needs

and conditions.

Those who received the least training should be a priority.

Of the 29 Cape. It follows that paragraph 8 of the present law about

people with intellectual disabilities should also apply to certain

other adults.

Education levels

section 3 of the municipalities shall provide special training for


The training shall be provided at basic level and

secondary level.

The purpose of education

section 4 of the education at the basic level is to provide adults

skills at a level equivalent to that training in

the basic allowance up to give.

Education at secondary level aims to provide adults

skills at a level equivalent to that training on

national or specially designed programme in upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities

to give.

Courses and high school special education credits

paragraph 5 of the training is conducted in the form of courses and receive at secondary

level, will be carried out in the form of a high school special education work.

At the secondary level is designated course and

high school special the scope of work with secondary special education credits.

Law (2012:109).

5 a § for each course, there shall be a syllabus in terms

education at the basic level. For each subject there should be

a plan when it comes to training at secondary level.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for curricula, subject fields and

high school special education credits. Such rules may mean that

curricula or topic plans do not to be found or to

high school special education credits should not be calculated for some courses.

Law (2012:109).


section 6 of the education will be provided free of charge. It may, however, be

individual elements can result in an insignificant cost for

the pupils.

The principal may determine that books and other learning tools, which

each student has for their own use and may maintain that their property,

should be acquired by the students themselves or offered against fees

up to the principal's acquisition costs.

Learn the tools that are used in the training, in other

be provided at no cost to the students.

Fees may not be charged in connection with the application for the site.

Application, admission and admission

section 7 of the application for participation in training shall be submitted to the

applicant's municipality of residence.

If the application concerns a training organized by another

principal, the municipality forthwith send the application on to the

the main man. The application shall be accompanied by an opinion of the

which it appears if the municipality undertakes to answer for

the cost of the applicant's education. Such an opinion

not needed if it is unnecessary with respect to the previous


The main man who organizes an education decides on the

applicants must be accepted to the training. A principal is

obliged to to their training receive applicants

from other municipalities, if home municipalities have committed to

responsible for the costs of their education.

The main man who organizes an education at secondary level

decide if an applicant should be admitted to the training.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces regulations if selection among applicants received to

education at secondary level.

Individual study plans

section 8 home municipality is responsible for the creation of an individual

study plan for each student. the plan shall contain information on the

the individual's learning goals and planned scope of

the studies.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces regulations for the individual study plan.

Law (2015:482).

The right to pursue their education

§ 9 The adopted for a course has the right to pursue

the course.

The principal may, however, decide that the training on the course will

stop if the student lacks the conditions to benefit from the

training or otherwise not making satisfactory


The education on the basic level has been manufactured according to the

second subparagraph shall again be given such training, if it

There are specific reasons for it; The whose training on

secondary level has ceased in accordance with the second subparagraph may again

be prepared, and if there are special reasons for


The training also may be suspended in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 5.

17-20 sections.

Special education for adults at basic level

The municipality's responsibility

section 10 of the home municipality is responsible for ensuring that those under section 11 has the right

to attend training at the basic level and wish it,

also may participate in such training.

Every municipality must actively work to reach the adults in the municipality

who has the right to participate in education at the basic level and

to motivate them to participate in such training.

Guidance and counselling

10 a of the home municipality is obliged to ensure that the

to begin training at the basic level, offered study-

and vocational guidance. Law (2015:482).

The right to participate in education at the basic level

section 11 of an adult with intellectual disability have the right to participate in

education at the basic level from the second

calendar semester of the year he or she turns 20 years old, if he

or she

1. living in the country,

2. without such skills training in basic programs

aims to provide, and

3. has the potential to benefit from the course.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide that the right referred to in the first subparagraph shall

Enter previously laid down.

The first subparagraph shall not apply to inmates in the correctional institution. By

24. section 10 States that the prison service is responsible for their

training. Law (2012:109).

Education in a language other than Swedish

section 12 if a student in education at the basic level

insufficient skills in Swedish language, education

be provided in the pupil's mother tongue or another language

that the student has mastered. Such training should be supplemented with

teaching or training in Swedish language.

Special education for adults at the secondary level

Principal's liability

section 13, Every municipality should offer education at secondary level.

The municipalities shall endeavour to provide training that responds

against the demand and needs.

section 14 of Every municipality shall inform about the possibilities of

education at secondary level and actively promote the

adults in the municipality having jurisdiction involved in such training.

section 15 of A County may, by agreement with a municipality

provide education on the secondary level.

Access to training at secondary level

section 16 of an adult with intellectual disability are eligible to participate in

education at secondary level from the second

calendar semester of the year he or she turns 20 years old, if he

or she

1. living in the country,

2. without such skills training aims to provide,

3. has the potential to benefit from the course, and

4. in all other respects meets the prescribed conditions.

Jurisdiction is also the one who is younger than indicated in the first

paragraph, but have completed education in upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities or

equivalent education and meet the other eligibility conditions.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for the jurisdiction referred to in the first subparagraph

to enter previously laid down.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces additional regulations on competence.

The first and second subparagraphs shall not apply to inmates in

correctional institution. Of the 24 Cape. section 10 States that

The prison service is responsible for their education. Law (2012:109).


Applicable provisions

section 17 of general rules about grades and grading is

in Chapter 3. 13-21 sections.


section 18 of the Score should be set at each completion of the course, but not on

courses that correspond to the training school of undergraduate programs. Score

shall also be set after completion of high school special work.

In the part of the special education for adults, which corresponds to

the training school will, instead of score, a certificate stating that

the student has participated in the course are issued upon completion of the course.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

notify additional regulations on grading and if

high school special work in General. Such provisions may

mean score should not be put on certain courses.

Law (2012:109).

section 19 of That score to any of the letters A, B, C, D or E

be used. The highest rating is denoted by A and the lowest score with

E. For the student who does not achieve a grade of E is issued a certificate

If the student has participated in the course.

20 § ratings on courses in education at the basic level

based on an assessment of the student's knowledge in relation to

stated knowledge requirements in the curriculum. Score of courses in

education at secondary level shall be based on an assessment of

the student's knowledge in relation to the knowledge requirements set out in

the subject plans.

Knowledge requirements should be provided for each course in which the score is to be placed.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces rules on skill requirements. Law (2012:109).

20 a of if there are special reasons, get it at

scoring ignored single knowledge requirements or from

individual parts of such requirements. With special reasons referred to

disability or other similar personal

conditions that are not of a temporary nature and constitutes a

direct barriers to pupils should be able to reach a particular

knowledge requirements. A learning disability, however, should only be considered if

There are serious reasons. The knowledge requirements related to security and

those who refer to laws, regulations or governmental

regulations, however, must always be complied with. Law (2012:109).

20 (b) § in the absence of a basis for the assessment of a student's

knowledge in a course due to student's lack of participation,

to score not be put on the course. Law (2012:109).


section 21 of a student in special education for adults can get their

knowledge and competence validated. With validation referred to

a process which involves a structured assessment, evaluation

and documentation and recognition of skills and

skills that a person possesses regardless of how they


The principal shall ensure that the validation is performed in accordance with

law and regulations.

section 22 of the knowledge and skills assessed on the

a validation will be able to get these documented

writing. What is said in Chapter 3. 19 and 20 sections for rectification

and modification of the rating also applies a complete validation.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces additional regulations regarding validation.


section 23 of The undergoing a course in special education for

adults and want to get their knowledge documented otherwise

than by score will receive a certificate. In the second subparagraph of section 18 and 19

§ provides for certificates to be issued in some other


The principal is responsible for ensuring that students are informed of

the ability to receive a certificate.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide that the certificate should always be issued after

some courses.

section 24 of the principal issuing the certificate.

What is said in Chapter 3. 19 and 20 sections of correction and amendment of

score also applies for the certificate.

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces additional regulations on the certificate.

22. Was repealed by law (2015:482).

Chapter 23. Construction and co-operation


section 1 of the municipalities, county councils and individual principals, according to

the provisions of this chapter with retained ownership

conclude a contract with a single natural or legal person, and

in the cases referred to in the third subparagraph of paragraph 4 of the State, that

perform tasks in education or other activities

According to this law (construction).

The provisions for an education or another

activities under this Act shall, except as specified in

This chapter also apply when contracting. Law (2015:194).

2 § In nursery school, pre-school class, kindergarten,

municipal adult education, special education for adults and

such educational activities as referred to in chapter 25. get data

forwarded on construction. Law (2015:482).

section 3 in primary, basic secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities, and

upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities get information not related to

teaching handed on construction.

4 § In secondary schools, elements relating to teaching

in character threads that have a vocational or aesthetic

profile transmitted.

At elementary schools, vocational upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities, and

high school programs, a single master to communicate information

relating to mother tongue education.

At elementary schools, vocational upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities, and

high school programs, data relating to distance education

surrendered to the State. Such data may

not be transmitted to a single natural or legal

person. Law (2015:194).

§ 5 if there are special reasons, Government after application

of a municipality, a County Council or a single principal in other

cases referred to in paragraphs 2 and 4, admit that the municipality,

the County Council or the individual principal may entrust to

someone else to conduct teaching within the school system on


section 6, If a municipality, a County Council or a single principal

handing over the task of teaching,

get the municipality, County Council or the individual principal

surrender the exercise of public authority which belong to a teacher's

the teaching task.

The municipality or County may, in the case of municipal

adult education and special education for adults, submit

even the public authority which belong to Dean's tasks.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for restrictions regarding

the submission of the President's tasks include

the exercise of public authority. Law (2015:482).

section 7 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may announce further provisions concerning contracts under

2 § and if such teaching on contract as referred to in

4 and 5 sections.


section 8, a municipality may enter into agreements with another municipality if that

This should take over responsibility for the municipality's data within the

preschool, kindergarten, municipal adult education, special

education for adults or such educational activities as

referred to in chapter 25.

A municipality may also enter into agreements with Governments to

This should take over responsibility for the municipality's data within the

municipal adult education at elementary or secondary

level or in specific training for adults. Law (2015:482).

§ 9 a municipality may as principal responsibility for such

medical interventions that are given in Chapter 2. §§ 25-28 to a

County Councils, of the municipality and the County Council are in agreement on this.

Similarly, a County transfer responsibility to a


State or an individual, as principal responsibility

for the medical interventions that are given in Chapter 2. §§ 25-28 to

a municipality or County, if the principal and the municipality

or the County Council are in agreement on this.

section 10 State may as principal of the same school, after agreement with the

a municipality, take over responsibility for the municipality's data within the

for the school.

24. Special education forms

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is provided for

– international schools (2 – 7 sections),

– training in the specific youth home (paragraphs 8 and 9),

– training for inmates in correctional institution (section 10);

-education at the folkhögskola which corresponds to the local

adult education in Swedish for immigrants (11 – 15 sections),

– education for children and students who cared for in hospitals or

an institution that is affiliated with a hospital (paragraphs 16 to 19),

– training in the home or at another suitable location

(paragraphs 20 to 22);

– Another way to meet the compulsory education requirement (paragraphs 23-25), and

– appropriations (section 26).

Law (2015:482).

International schools


paragraph 2 of this law with the international school a school

1. where education does not follow such a curriculum referred to in

Chapter 1. section 11, but another country's curriculum or a

international curriculum, and

2. which primarily caters to students who are residents of

Sweden for a limited time. Law (2015:802).

International School of secondary education with single head

paragraph 3, one child may fulfil their compulsory education in an international

school comprehensive school level has a single principal, if

the principal has been approved pursuant to section 3 (a) and

1. the child is resident in Sweden for a limited time,

2. the child has attended school abroad for an extended period of time and

to complete his education in Sweden,

3. There is reasonable cause to believe that the child will

leave Sweden for a longer period of time, or

4. the child has the school's language of instruction daily

language of access with one or both parents and

sufficient knowledge of the language to comply with


The Government may decide that such an international school

referred to in the first subparagraph may receive other children than those

referred to in the first subparagraph in order to fulfil their compulsory education

at the school.

The first paragraph does not apply to children referred to in Chapter 7. 5 and

6 §§. Law (2015:802).

3 a of an individual may on application be approved as head of the

an international school at the primary school level.

For approval to be given requires that it can be assumed that

There will be a sufficient student input to

run a stable business.

State school inspection examines the issues.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for what is required in the field of education

at an international school at primary school level to a

approval shall be given and if education at such a school

whose principal has received an approval. Law (2015:802).

International School of secondary education with the local

the main man

section 4 a child may fulfil their compulsory education in an international

school comprehensive school level has a municipal principal, if

the principal has a consent under section 4 (a) and

1. the child is resident in Sweden for a limited time,

2. the child has attended school abroad for an extended period of time and

to complete his education in Sweden,

3. There is reasonable cause to believe that the child will

leave Sweden for a longer period of time, or

4. the child has the school's language of instruction daily

language of access with one or both parents and

sufficient knowledge of the language to comply with


The first paragraph does not apply to children referred to in Chapter 7. 5 and

6 §§. Law (2015:802).

4 a of the State school inspection may, on application, may order that a

municipality may be the head of an international school on

secondary education, the education follows an international

curriculum and there is a need for education.

The Government or the authority the Government may

provide for training at an international

School of secondary education whose main man has been given a consent

under the first subparagraph. Law (2015:802).

Contribution of a student at an international school in

secondary education

paragraph 5 of the municipality for a student at an international school in

secondary education, whose principal has received an authorisation as referred to in

3 a section or a consent under section 4 (a), shall, unless

municipality and the principal is the same municipality, make contributions

to the principal of the school about

1. the student must complete their compulsory education there, or

2. home municipality receives State grant for the student.

The contribution should be made from the autumn term of the year eleven

Fill six years and determined by reference to the school's commitment

and the student's needs after the same grounds as the home municipality

apply in the allocation of resources to their own

comprehensive schools. If a student has an extensive need of

special support is the home municipality is not required to make contributions

for the specific aid, if significant organizational or

economic difficulties arise for the municipality.

Unless the home municipality and the principal of the school has been

agree otherwise, the grant is calculated for an

Premium years in broadcasting. Each premium years beginning on 1 January.

Law (2015:802).

5 a of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

shall notify the

1. regulations on how home municipality's contribution shall be determined in

rather than that specified in paragraph 5 of the second paragraph, if the home municipality

receives State grant for the student, and

2. additional regulations on the home municipality's contribution according to

§ 5. Law (2015:802).

Contribution of a student at an international school at secondary level

with single head

section 6, a single principal of an international school on

high school level may on application be declared eligible for

grants for students from their home municipalities according to section 6 (a).

For a declaration of entitlement to the premium shall be made required

It can be assumed that there will be a sufficient

student basis to operate a stable business.

State school inspection examines questions concerning the Declaration on the right

to the contribution.

The Government or the authority that the Government can

with the support of Chapter 8. section 7 of the Constitution provide

What is required in terms of education at a

international school at secondary level to a Declaration on

entitlement to the premium shall be provided and if education at such a

school whose principal has received a Declaration on the right to

contribution. Law (2015:802).

6 a of the municipality for a student at an international school in

the high school, whose principal has received a declaration under

paragraph 6, to make contributions to the principal of the school about

1. the student is registered in Sweden or the municipality may

State grant for the student,

2. the student is a resident of Sweden for a limited period of time or have

other special reasons to get his education in a

international school at secondary level, and

3. home municipality was obliged to offer student

secondary education at the time of the training


The contribution referred to in the first subparagraph shall be equal to the

amount that the municipality and the international school will

agree on.

For a student who has an extensive special needs should:

the municipality of residence, in addition to what follows from the second paragraph, leave

an extra contribution. The refund shall be equal to the principal's

the cost of the additional aid provided to

the corresponding costs would have been incurred if the student passed a

secondary education offered by the municipality. The municipality

do not leave extra contributions if significant

organisational or economic difficulties arise for

the municipality.

Unless the municipality and the operator have agreed on

otherwise, the contribution is calculated for a premium years in

broadcasting. Each premium years beginning on 1 January.

Law (2015:802).

6 b of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

shall notify the

1. regulations on the students ' home communes

to pay under paragraph 6 (a) of the municipalities and

the principal of the international school is not going

agreed amount by the same clause second subparagraph,

2. regulations on how home municipality's contribution shall be determined in

instead of that specified in section 6 (a), second and third subparagraphs,

If the municipality receives State grant for the student, and

3. additional regulations on the home municipality's contribution according to

6 a of. Law (2015:802).


section 7 of the municipality in which an international school with individual

the main one is located has the right to transparency in school activities,

so that the municipality should be able to fulfil its obligations under

This law and satisfy the public's need for transparency.

Law (2015:802).

Training on special youth home

Training for green spaces

section 8 during the stay in such a home as referred to in section 12 of the Act

(1990:52), with specific provisions for the care of young

(especially youth) will be below school age children, who do not

preferably to fulfil their compulsory education otherwise, carry out

the by participating in training at home.

The training will be organized through the efforts of the principal for the

the home. It should correspond to the training of primary school or in the

where applicable, the basic allowance up or special school. For

such training to relevant provisions in the Education Act

apply with the necessary deviations resulting from the

the child is staying in such a home. The following rules need

not, however, apply:

— provisions on registries control (Chapter 2, paragraphs 31 to 33), and

— provisions on premises and equipment (Chapter 2, paragraph 35).

Law (2015:176).

Training for non-compulsory schooling

§ 9 The that are no longer mandatory school and staying in a home

referred to in section 8, first subparagraph, and which are not appropriate

carry out education in other ways, through the principal's

the Agency is given the opportunity to participate in training that corresponds to

such training offered in secondary schools or

upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities.

For such training to relevant provisions in the Education Act

apply with the necessary deviations resulting from the

Kids allowed in such a home. The following rules need

not, however, apply:

— provisions on registries control (Chapter 2, paragraphs 31 to 33), and

— provisions on premises and equipment (Chapter 2, paragraph 35).

Law (2015:176).

Training for inmates in correctional

section 10 For inmates in correctional institution, there are

training corresponding to municipal adult education and

special education for adults. For such education is responsible

The prison system. Law (2015:482).

Education at the folkhögskola which corresponds to the local

adult education in Swedish for immigrants

section 11 of the one who has the right to participate in municipal adult education in

Swedish for immigrants have the right to participate in a

folkhögskolas equivalent education, if

1. the school according to such regulations that have been issued

with the support of 29 Cape. section 24 has been given the right to put the score,

organize examination and issue certificates and letters of reference, and

2. the school has declared his intention to receive

the applicants to the training. Law (2015:482).

section 12 of Chapter 20. 2, 4-9, 24 to 27 and 32 § § about

municipal adult education in Swedish for immigrants comes

also a folkhögskolas equivalent, a person

is competent to participate in pursuant to section 14.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for that other provisions of the Act

to apply for such training. Law (2015:482).

paragraph 13 of those who want to participate in a folkhögskolas training

corresponds to the municipal adult education in Swedish for immigrants

in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall notify the

their home municipality. Law (2015:482).

section 14 of the municipality shall, when it adopts a decision

If the receipt according to Chapter 20. 33 § explain student competent to

participate in training in the folk high school as equivalent to local

adult education in Swedish for immigrants if

1. the conditions set out in section 11 are met, and

2. the notification submitted under section 13.

Law (2015:482).

section 15 A folk high school as to their education in Swedish for

immigrants have adopted a pupil who has been declared competent to

participate in training according to section 14, has the right to compensation

for the cost of the student's education from the student's home municipality.

The remuneration shall be determined by reference to the folk high school

commitment to the student's needs and on the same basis as the municipality

apply in the allocation of resources to their own training

in Swedish for immigrants.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for remuneration and under

the compensation may be provided.

The education of children and students who cared for in hospitals or

other equivalent institution

Training corresponding to preschool, preschool and

leisure Home

section 16 Of the children cared for in a hospital or an institution that

is attached to a hospital, the principal of the institution

ensure that the child will have the opportunity to participate in training

as far as possible, equivalent to that offered in kindergarten,

preschool or daycare. Law (2015:176).

Special teaching

section 17 Of such pupils in comprehensive schools, vocational programs,

special school, Sami school, upper secondary school and

upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities who due to illness or similar reasons

can't attend the regular school work and hospitalized

or an institution that is affiliated with a hospital,

special education is arranged at the hospital or

the Department, if it is unnecessary for the student's

acquiring knowledge. Such instruction shall, as far as

is possible to correspond to the teaching that the pupil cannot

participate in.

Only those who have licensed teachers may conduct such

Education referred to in the first subparagraph. Law (2015:176).

section 18 Special education pursuant to section 17 should not be given a student

If the medical practitioner responsible for the student's Health advises against it.

The main man

section 19 of the Special education pursuant to section 17 of the organized by the municipality

where the institution is located. Such teaching should be

open even to those performing the compulsory education outside

school system.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for what that apply instead of

the first paragraph in cases where the Department is located in two

or several municipalities.

Education at home or at another suitable location

Special teaching

section 20 For such students in comprehensive schools, vocational programs,

special school, Sami school, upper secondary school and

upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities who due to illness or similar reasons

can't attend the regular school work for longer but

are not cared for in a hospital or an institution which is attached

to a hospital, special education is organised at home

or at another suitable place. Such teaching should so far

It is possible to correspond to the teaching that the pupil cannot

participate in Team (2015:176).

section 21 Special education under section 20 should not be given a student

If the medical practitioner responsible for the student's Health advises against it.

Special education may be provided in the home only if the student or

the student's parent/guardian consent.

The main man

section 22 Special education under section 20 organized by those who are

the head of the education that the student would otherwise participate in.

Another way to meet the compulsory education requirement

Prerequisites for admission

section 23 of An skolpliktigt child may be granted the right to perform

the compulsory education requirement other than as specified in this law.

Consent must be provided of

1. the business stands out as a good alternative to the

education otherwise available to the child in accordance with the

provisions of this Act,

2. the need for transparency in business can be met, and

3. There are serious reasons.

24 § Consent pursuant to section 23 of may be provided for up to one year in

broadcasting. During its period of validity, it is necessary to examine how

the business process. The consent shall be revoked, if it can

It is assumed that the conditions referred to in section 23 is no longer there.

A decision on withdrawal of consent applies

immediately, unless otherwise decided.

section 25 of the Issues referred to in paragraphs 23 and 24 are heard by the child's home municipality

or, if the child has a disability such as under 7

Cape. section 6 can be the basis for fulfilling the compulsory education requirement in

special school, and schools of special education.


section 26 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide for training referred to in §§ 8 to 25.

Law (2015:802).

25 Cape. Other educational activities

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is provided for

-educational care offered in place of preschool or

leisure centres (2),

-open for school (3),

-Open recreation activities (section 4),

-care during the time when the preschool or daycare is not offered

(5 §),

-overall requirements for operations (§§ 6-9), and

contributions (10-16 sections).

Daycare available instead of school or

leisure Home

section 2 of the municipality shall seek to instead of preschool

or recreation centres offer a child daycare if

the child's parents/guardians so wish. The municipality shall take reasonable

account of the wishes of business form.

Such care referred to in the first subparagraph shall, by means of educational

activities to stimulate children's development and learning.

Children who, for physical, mental or other reasons need to

special support in their development should be given the care that their

special needs require. Activities will be designed to

preparing children for continued learning.

Open for school

section 3 a municipality may organise open preschool to complement

preschool and daycare.

The opening of the school shall offer children an educational activity

in cooperation with the accompanying adult to children at the same time

as the adults are given the opportunity to the social community.

Open recreation activities

4 § according to chapter 14. section 7, a principal at certain

conditions provide open recreation instead of

holiday home.

The open leisure activities shall, by means of educational activities

complete education in primary schools, vocational programs,

special school, Sami school and other special

forms of training in which the requirement can be fulfilled.

The business will offer children the opportunity to develop and

learning, as well as a meaningful leisure and recreation.

Care during the time when the preschool or daycare is not offered

§ 5 the municipality shall strive to offer care for children

during the time when the preschool or daycare is not offered in the

extent necessary, taking into account the parents '

gainful employment and family situation.

Overall demand for business

Starting points

section 6 of the activities referred to in paragraphs 2 to 5 shall be designed with

respect for the rights of the child and in accordance with

basic democratic values and human

human rights as the sanctity of life, the individual's

freedom and privacy, all of equal value,

equality and solidarity between people. It shall

communicate and entrench respect for human rights

and to fundamental democratic values as the Swedish

society rests.

Everyone involved in such activities should promote the

human rights and actively discourage all forms of

abusive treatment. Activities shall be based on a

overall view of the child and the child's needs as well as be designed so that

It promotes comprehensive contacts and social community.

Quality requirements

section 7 of the activities referred to in paragraphs 2 to 5 shall be carried out in

purpose-built premises in groups with an appropriate

composition and size. For the operation of the business

staff shall be provided with such training or experience

that the child's need of care and good educational practice

can be met.

Follow-up and evaluation

section 8 a municipality to systematically monitor and evaluate such

activities referred to in paragraphs 2 to 5.

If, during follow-up, through a complaint or otherwise

arrive that there are shortcomings in such activities as

referred to in paragraphs 2 to 5 shall be the municipality to ensure that the necessary measures


The municipality shall have written procedures for receiving and investigating

complaints against the business. Information on the procedures to be

provided in an appropriate manner.


section 9 for location in such educational care referred to in section 2 and

offered in place of preschool or daycare and

such care referred to in section 5, charges are levied on the way

as indicated in Chapter 8. paragraph 16 and chapter 14. 12



Daycare available instead of school or

leisure Home

section 10 of the municipality in which an individual engages in such educational

care referred to in paragraph 2 shall, on application, may order that the

the principal has the right to the grant of

1. the operator has the potential to follow the rules

applicable to the corresponding public activities,

2. activities not involving tangible negative consequences for

the municipality's corresponding activities,

3. the activities are open to all children as a municipality shall

strive to offer similar activities, with the exception

for children that the municipality has decided not to make contributions

for according to section 13, second subparagraph, and

4. charges are not excessive.

The municipality may decide that a principal has the right to grant

Despite the fact that the condition laid down in the first subparagraph of paragraph 3 is not met, if

There are reasons, taking account of the specific


section 11 of the municipality shall make contributions to a principal who has

the right to the allowance under section 10 for each child received.

The contribution consists of a basic amount under section 12 and, in some

cases an additional amount under section 13.

The municipality is not required to make contributions to more than two

the main men for the same child or to more than one principal for

educational care for a child who also goes in for school. If

the child received two individual activities, or in a

municipal and an individual activity, the municipality not required

to provide a single amount is higher than if the child

received in only one municipality. The municipality shall

determine how the contribution is to be allocated between the principals of


When the child is received in individual educational care in which their

guardians are working, the municipality does not provide refunds for

more children to the custodian than the number of children to other

that have been received.

paragraph 12 of the basic amount shall be reimbursed for

1. caring and educational activities,

2. educational materials and equipment,

3. meals,

4. administration,

5. value added tax, and

6. local costs.

The basic amount will be determined on the same basis as the municipality

apply in the allocation of resources to their own

educational care. If the municipality does not provide

educational care, the contribution shall be determined according to what is

reasonable with respect to the individual business content

and scope.

paragraph 13 of the additional amount to be provided for children who have a

extensive special needs.

The municipality is not obliged to provide the additional amount for a

children in need of special support, if significant organizational

or economic difficulties arise for the municipality.

section 14 of the home municipality is only required to make contributions in the

extent that it is required to offer to school under 8

Cape. each holiday home according to chapter 14.

Open recreation activities

section 15, if an individual who has been approved as head of the

holiday home instead provides open recreation activities to a

student, the contribution given by the municipality, if the municipality where

the business is located has ensured transparency in

the business, the business meets the requirements laid down in

6 and 7 sections and the charges are not excessive.

The contribution shall be determined by reference to the principal's commitment

and the student's needs after the same grounds as the municipality applies

in the allocation of resources to own the corresponding activities.

If a student has an extensive special needs, need

the municipality did not make contributions for the specific aid if

significant organisational or financial difficulty

occurs for the municipality.

Other operations

16 § a municipality may also make contributions to activities that

referred to in sections 3-5 and carried on by the individual principal, if

the municipality has ensured transparency in operations,

operations satisfy the requirements set out in sections 6 and 7 and

the charges are not excessive. Such contributions should be determined

as stated in paragraph 12.

26. Supervision, State quality examination and national

follow-up and evaluation

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is provided for

-oversight (paragraphs 2-9 (a)),

– response to oversight (paragraphs 10-18),

-State quality examination (paragraphs 19 to 23), and

– national follow-up and evaluation (sections 24 to 28).

Law (2014:903).


Definition of supervision

the supervision referred to in paragraph 2 of this law, With an independent review

the purpose of which is to check on the activities

reviewed meets the requirements of the laws and other

regulations. In the supervision are included to make the decisions about

measures which might be taken to the principal who carries out the

the business must correct the errors detected during the examination.

If, during the supervision of the operation of a skolenhet

observed recurring deficiencies that significantly affect

conditions for students to achieve the objectives of education and training;

to lärarresurserna at at porsön analyzed.

Law (2014:903).

Scope of supervision

section 3 of the State's school inspection have oversight over

1. education, special education and other

educational activities under this Act,

2. the training referred to in chapter 29. section 17,

3. how a municipality meet its obligations under Chapter 7.

paragraphs 21 and 22, chapter 24. sections 23 and 24 and 29. section 9, and

4. how a municipality meet its responsibilities under paragraph 4.

The first subparagraph shall not apply where supervision is a special

task for another supervisory authority.

section 4 of The municipality oversees

1. pre-school and recreational home whose principal municipality has approved

According to Chapter 2. the second subparagraph of paragraph 7, and

2. educational care whose principal municipality has declared to have

the right to the allowance under Chapter 25. section 10.

Municipal supervision referred to in the first subparagraph does not include oversight

the fact that the provisions of Chapter 6. are followed.

paragraph 5 of the Inspectorate for supervision of health and long-term care

student accommodation at the Rh-custom training, special school and

specific training for students with intellectual disabilities conducted

under contract with the State. Law (2012:958).

Access to premises and other areas

section 6 a supervisory authority for its oversight of

site review such activity under its supervision.

The supervisory authority has, to the extent necessary for the

the supervision right of access to the buildings, premises

and other areas used in the business.

Obligation to provide data

section 7 of The whose activities are regulated under this Act

at the request of the supervisory authority is required to submit

information and provide documents and other

materials needed for the oversight.

The Government may provide that any other

who can provide information or are in possession of documents and other

materials relating to the audited activities and needed

supervision shall be required to pay on the supervisory

request, provide the information, documents and other materials.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for the information, documents and

other materials that must be submitted.

§ 8 the regulatory authority may submit to the one who is

responsible according to paragraph 7 of the first paragraph or under

regulations issued pursuant to section 7 of the second paragraph to

fulfil his obligation.

Preventive measures

§ 9 the supervisory authority shall, in the exercise of its oversight leave

advice and guidance.

Start-up control

9 a of the State school inspection, under their supervision

carry out a check of the activities of an individual

a principal intends to conduct (provisioning control), if

School Inspectorate approved the individual as a principal under 2

Cape. § 5. Start-up control should be carried out before the

programme commences. Law (2014:903).

Response to supervision


section 10 a supervisory authority may submit to a principal who

According to this law, are under its supervision to meet its

obligations, if the business does not meet the requirements

subject to the regulations that apply to the business or,

in the case of single master man, the conditions applicable to

the authorisation or decision on entitlement to the refund. A decision

If the injunction is effective immediately.

An order shall specify the measures taken by the supervisory authority

considers necessary to remedy the alleged deficiencies. If

an analysis pursuant to paragraph 2(2) provides support for it, can

the measures include changes in lärarresurserna.

Law (2014:903).


section 11 of the supervisory authority may, instead of notifying a

injunction assign a principal under this law stands

under its supervision a note at less serious

violations of the terms of business.

Abstention from intervention

section 12 of a supervisory authority may refrain from intervening if

1. the infringement is minor,

2. on whose activities are audited take the necessary rectification,


3. Moreover, in the circumstances see

specific reasons for the intervention.


section 13, a supervisory authority may revoke an authorisation, a

Agreement, or a decision concerning the right of contribution

the authority has informed according to this law, if

1. a notice under section 10 has not been complied with, and

2. maladministration are serious.

The approval or decision referred to in the first subparagraph may also

be revoked if

1. a notice under section 10 has not been complied with, and

2. the individual in the establishment referred to in paragraph 9 (a)

can't view that reasonable measures have been taken to get

a consultation as referred to in Chapter 2. 5 a §. Law (2015:802).

section 14 of the approval of an individual as a principal within

the school system may be revoked if the individual is no longer

meet the conditions for approval referred to in Chapter 2. section 6.

§ 15 withdrawal under section 13 may be approved even if the correction

have occurred at the time of application, if it can be expected that the

again there will be such abuses that make up

grounds for revocation.

§ 16 supervisory authority may decide that a decision on the

withdrawal shall be valid even though it has not won Cook


State measures for redress

section 17 of the State's school inspection, when it comes to a business

operated by a municipality or a County may decide to

the State of municipal or County Council expense shall take the

measures necessary to achieve the correction of the municipality

or County

1. have not complied with a notice under section 10, and

2. grossly or longer failed to fulfil its obligations

under this Act or under the regulations that have been issued

with the support of the law.

The State has had costs for an action taken with

under this clause, may cost be offset against the amount

that the State would otherwise have to be paid out to the municipality or

the County Council.

Temporary ban

section 18 if it is likely that a withdrawal decision

pursuant to section 13 or a decision concerning State measures

under section 17 of the correction will be made, and the decision cannot be

on hold in view of the serious risk to children's or

the health or safety of pupils or for any other special

reason, the supervisory authority may prohibit the principal to

until further notice, in whole or in part, drive the business forward.

Decision referred to in the first subparagraph shall be effective immediately, unless otherwise

be adopted and may be up to six months.

State quality review


section 19 of the State's school inspection shall examine the quality of such

training and other activities that are under its supervision

or under the supervision of a municipality pursuant to this chapter.


section 20 of the review should cover the audited educational or

the quality in relation to the goals and other


Access to premises and other areas

section 21 of the State's school inspection have for quality review

the right to review such activities to be audited.

School inspection to the extent necessary for the

quality review right of access to the buildings,

premises and other facilities used in the business.

Obligation to provide data

section 22 of The whose activities are reviewed at the request of the State

school inspection information and provide the

documents and other materials needed for the review.

The Government may provide that any other

who can provide information or are in possession of documents and other

materials relating to the audited activities and needed

the review should be obliged, upon request of

School inspection provide information, documents and other


The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for the information, documents and

other materials that must be submitted.

section 23 of the State's school inspection may present it as is

responsible according to § 22, first paragraph, or according to

regulations issued pursuant to the second paragraph of section 22 of the

fulfil his obligation.

National monitoring and evaluation


section 24 of the State's school will follow up at the national level and


1. the school system,

2. other programmes and activities under

State school inspection supervision according to this law, and

3. other educational activities referred to in chapter 25. as

organized by an individual.

Obligation to provide data

section 25 a principal for training or other activities which are

subject to national monitoring and evaluation, to

Statens skolverk provide such information on the activities and

such verksamhetsredovisning as needed for the monitoring and

the evaluation.

The Government may provide that any other

who can provide information or are in possession of documents and other

material relating to the activities and the necessary follow-up

and the evaluation shall be obliged, upon request of

The National Agency for education to provide information about the activities.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide the information and the

verksamhetsredovisning to be provided.

section 26 of the State's school may submit to the one who is

responsible according to paragraph 25 or under

regulations issued pursuant to section 25 of the second paragraph to

fulfil his obligation.


section 27 for an injunction under this chapter may be combined with

liquidated damages.

State school inspection shall reconcile the injunction referred to

in paragraph 10 with a penalty if the order refers to one or more defects

that seriously hinders prospects for students to

achieve the objectives of the programme, unless for special reasons are


If there is reason to believe that a person who is the subject

for an injunction has committed an act which may give rise to

punishment or a punitive sanction, he or she

not be submitted under penalty to participate in an investigation that has

connection with the offence. Law (2014:903).

Retention of student solutions of national tests

section 28 of the principal of an independent school that carries out

national examinations to preserve student solutions by national

the samples.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

announce further provisions concerning the obligation referred to in the first

paragraph. Law (2012:120).

27 Cape. The Board of appeal of the school system and the teachers '

Disciplinary Board

The Board of appeal of the school system

§ 1 for the examination of appeals against certain decisions of the

School District, there shall be a special Board,

The Board of appeal of the school system.


section 2 of the Board shall consist of a Chairman and five other

Members, one of whom shall be the replacement of the President.

The Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson should be or have

been ordinary judges. Other members shall have particular

expertise in terms of both children's and students ' conditions and

needs and in terms of school activities in General.

There should be no more than two deputies for the other members.

section 3 of the members of the Board and their alternates appointed by the

Government for a period of at least three years.

Teachers ' disciplinary board

4 § teachers ' Disciplinary Board hearing following notification by the State

school inspection questions about teachers and pre-school teachers ' continuing

the right to possess identification and if the alert is announced.

In addition, the Board, after examining the application

1. of a certified on his or her identification should

revoked, and

2. of a previously licensed a new identification should

will be notified.

During an examination of an application under the second subparagraph 2 shall a

new identification are notified of the requirements of Chapter 2. section 16 is

met. Law (2014:417).


5 § teachers ' Disciplinary Board consists of a Chairman and eight

other members. They are appointed by the Government for three years. The Chairman

must be or have been regular judges. Other members of the Board shall

have specialized expertise and practical experience of school-

or early childhood education and teachers or preschool teacher's


The Chairman shall be appointed for the same time one or more

Deputy. Such a representative should be or have

been ordinary judges. For any other Member, there shall be

a sufficient number of deputies to be appointed for the same time

as the honourable Member. Law (2011:189).


6 § teachers ' disciplinary board is quorate with the President and

at least six other members. To the meeting of the Board shall

all members are called. If a member report avoids, to

a replacement is called.

In the case of a vote of the disciplinary board, the provisions of

29. the code of judicial procedure concerning the vote in court with only

Members-in-training is applied. The President will also have their say

first. Law (2011:189).

Order of the President

section 7/expires U: 2016-04-15/

The President may alone decide

1. which do not include the final judgement on the merits, however, does not

decision on the injunction to undergo a medical examination in accordance with

27 Cape. section 13,

2. If the withdrawal of its request ID, or

3. If the withdrawal of identification when it legitimized not

followed the procedure for medical examination.

Cases that have been decided in accordance with the first subparagraph shall be notified by the

the next meeting of the Board. Law (2011:189).

section 7/entry into force: 04/15/2016

The President may alone decide

1. which do not include the final judgement on the merits, but not decision on injunction to undergo a medical examination in accordance with Chapter 27. section 13,

2. where the withdrawal at his own request, ID,

3. If the withdrawal of identification when it legitimized not followed procedure for medical examination, or

4. If the information referred to in Chapter 2. section 24.

Cases that have been decided under the first subparagraph shall be reported at the next meeting of the Board. Law (2016:151).

Registration and application

section 8 A notification or application for teachers ' Disciplinary Board shall

be made in writing and contain information about

1. who the notification or application relates and information about the profession,

address and place of work,

2. What is demanded in the case, and

3. the facts on which it relies for notification or

the application.

If a party is represented by an agent, power of attorney be submitted.

Law (2011:189).

section 9 Is a notification or application so incomplete that it does not

can be used as a basis for a substance, the teachers '

Disciplinary Board shall submit to the notifier or the applicant, within a

certain period of time to submit additional information. By

the notice shall state that the matter would not be taken up

to trial. Law (2011:189).

Statement of defence

section 10 Notification and, where appropriate, supporting documents should

as soon as handed over to the teachers or preschool teacher who

the notification covers. The recipient shall be required to respond within a certain


Such notification is not required if it is clear that

the notification must be rejected or that the notice is unnecessary.

Law (2011:189).

section 11 of The before responding to do so in writing, if

not teachers ' Disciplinary Board decide that the answer may be given at the

an oral hearing.

The response should indicate if the defendant agrees or opposes

the measure is put in question. In the latter case, the

respondents give reasons for their position and the circumstances

invoked. Law (2011:189).

Written procedure

section 12 of the procedure before the teachers ' disciplinary board is written on

subject to section 16. Law (2011:189).

Medical examination

13 § teachers ' Disciplinary Board may submit to the legitimacy,

or those looking for identification, to undergo some

a medical examination if necessary to ascertain its

suitability to carry on teaching. Law (2011:189).

The commissioning of an opinion

section 14 If a matter requires special expertise, the disciplinary board

seek the opinion of the authorities and others with such special


As regards the special case of 40 Cape. 2-7 and 12 §§

the code of judicial procedure, mutatis mutandis.

Those who are obliged to leave the opinion has the right to compensation

for its statement only if it is legally required.

Other experts entitled to a refund of public funds

his mission. The Board may grant an advance on the compensation.

Law (2011:189).

Conflict of interest

section 15 in respect of conflict of interest against dealing with matters in the teachers '

Disciplinary Board, the provisions of Chapter 4. the code of judicial procedure if

conflict of interest against judges shall apply. Law (2011:189).

Common provisions


section 16 of the Board of appeal of the school system and the teachers ' disciplinary board

to keep hearing about an individual party requests it,

the hearing is not unnecessary and not special reasons

against that, the hearing is held.

To the hearing, the party called. By

the notice shall state that the Board may investigate and determine

the case even if a party does not appear at the hearing.

Law (2011:189).

section 17 of the hearing shall be public.

If it can be assumed that at a hearing will be made

any task for which confidentiality is subject to public access

and secrecy (2009:400), the President of the

the hearing may decide that the hearing should be held in camera

doors. Law (2011:189).

18 § a single party, which appeared to oral

negotiation, may be granted compensation out of public funds

cost of travel and accommodation, if the Board finds that the party

reasonably should be compensated for his appearance. The Board may grant

advances on the compensation.

The Government announces the details of compensation and

advances. Law (2011:189).

28 Cape. Appeal

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is provided for

-an appeal to the Administrative Court (articles 2-11),

-an appeal to the Board of appeal of the school system

(12-17 sections), and

-appeal prohibitions (section 18).

An appeal to the Administrative Court

Decision of the State's school inspection

paragraph 2 of the Decision of the State's school inspection may be appealed to the

General administrative courts in the case of

1. approval as referred to in Chapter 2. section 5 or 24 Cape. 3 a § or

withdrawal of such consent in accordance with chapter 26. 13 or

section 14,

2. consent in accordance with Chapter 24. 4 a of or withdrawal of

such consent pursuant to chapter 26. section 13,

3. Declaration on the right to a grant under 24 Cape. 6 § or

withdrawal of such right in accordance with chapter 26. section 13,

4. State measures for rectification in accordance with chapter 26. section 17,

5. temporary operating ban pursuant to chapter 26. section 18, or

6. application of penalty payment mechanism under Chapter 26. section 27.

Law (2015:802).

Decision of the State's school

paragraph 3 of the Decision of the State's school may be appealed to the General

Administrative Court if the decision concerns

1. imposition of fines in accordance with chapter 26. section 27,

2. rejection of an application for teacher or

preschool teacher certification pursuant to Chapter 2. section 16 or under

regulations issued pursuant to Chapter 2. paragraph 16 (b)

subparagraph, or

3. rejection of a request for the completion of identification

According to Chapter 2. section 16. Law (2014:417).

Decision of the teachers ' disciplinary board

paragraph 4 of the decision of the teachers ' Disciplinary Board may be appealed to the General

Administrative Court.

Teachers ' liability Committee decisions may be appealed only by

1. State school inspection to protect the public

interests, and

2. the teachers or preschool teacher whom the decision is directed against.

Decision of the teachers ' disciplinary board which does not mean that a case

determined, may be appealed only in connection with the appeal by the

final decision on the matter. A decision is not final

may, however, be appealed especially when Board

1. dismissed an objection of conflict of interest against a member of the Board or

one objection that there are obstacles to examination,

2. rejected an agent or an attorney,

3. submitted someone to undergo a medical examination, or

4. ordered compensation for someone's involvement in the case.

State school inspection should be a counterpart to the teacher or

preschool teacher who challenged the teachers ' Board of liability or a

the final decision of the Court under this Act.

Decision of the teachers ' Disciplinary Board effective immediately unless otherwise

specified in the decision. Law (2011:189).

Decision of a municipality or a County

paragraph 5 of the decision of a municipality or a County may be appealed to the

General administrative courts in the case of

1. approval as referred to in Chapter 2. section 5 or the revocation of such

approval in accordance with chapter 26. 13 or 14 §,

2. contributions in accordance with Chapter 8. section 21, Chapter 9. section 19, Chapter 10. section 37, 11

Cape. section 36, chapter 14. section 15, Chapter 16. § 52, chapter 17. 31 or 35 §

or 19 Cape. 45 §,

3. shutdown in accordance with Chapter 5. 17 or 19 §,

4. order of guardians to fulfil their

obligations under Chapter 7. section 23,

5. school bus under 10 Cape. paragraph 32, 10. 33 §

first subparagraph, 11th chap. paragraph 31, 11th chap. 32 §

first paragraph, chapter 18. the first paragraph or section 30 of chapter 18. 31 §

the first subparagraph,

6. financial assistance for accommodation according to chapter 15. 32 § or

Chapter 18. paragraph 32,

7. consent to carry out compulsory education otherwise or

withdrawal of such consent in accordance with Chapter 24. 23 or section 24,

8. the right to the allowance under Chapter 25. 10 or 15 § or

withdrawal of such right in accordance with chapter 26. section 13,

9. Chapter 25 of contributions. section 11,

10. temporary operating ban pursuant to chapter 26. section 18, or

11. imposition of fines in accordance with chapter 26. section 27. Law (2012:109).

Decision of a single principal

paragraph 6 of the decision of a single principal may be appealed to the General

the Administrative Court in the case of suspension in accordance with Chapter 5.

17 or 19. The individual principal shall be the

individual counterparty.

Decision of special needs education

paragraph 7 of the Decision of the special needs and schools may

be appealed to the Administrative Court in the case of

1. order of guardians to fulfil their

obligations under Chapter 7. section 23,

2. free journeys under Chapter 12. section 25 of the first subparagraph,


3. consent to carry out compulsory education otherwise or

withdrawal of such consent in accordance with Chapter 24. 23 or

section 24.

Decision of the Sami school board

paragraph 8 of the decision of the Sami school board may be appealed to the General

the Administrative Court in the case of

1. order of guardians to fulfil their

obligations under Chapter 7. section 23, or

2. free journeys under Chapter 13. section 23 of the first paragraph.

Team (2013:298).

Decision of a principal

Article 9 of the decision of a principal may be appealed to the General

the Administrative Court in the case of

1. suspension of a pupil pursuant to Chapter 5. section 14, section 17 of the third

the third subparagraph of paragraph or section 19, and

2. exemption from the obligation to participate in the mandatory elements

in teaching according to Chapter 7. § 19.

If the contested decision has been taken by a principal in a

independent school principal should be the individual

individual counterparty.

Leave to appeal

10 § leave to appeal is required for an appeal to

the Administrative Court of the decisions referred to in paragraphs 2 to 9.

Defendant in some cases

section 11 When a municipality is appealing a decision approving

individual as head of education pursuant to Chapter 2. section 5 is

In addition to the individual even State school inspection counterpart to

the municipality of general administrative courts.

An appeal to the Board of appeal of the school system

Decision of a municipality or a County

paragraph 12 of decision of a municipality or a County may be appealed

in the Board of appeal of the school system in terms of

1. child's admission in undergraduate programs according to Chapter 7. section 5 or

membership of a target group because the specially designed according to Chapter 7.

5 b,

2. deferred compulsory full-time schooling under Chapter 7. section 10, second paragraph,

3. skolpliktens extension according to Chapter 7. section 13 or

skolpliktens termination according to Chapter 7. section 14,

4. acceptance of a student from another municipality under Chapter 9.

section 13, 10. 25 section or Chapter 11. section 25,

5. the measures referred to in Chapter 10. section 29, third subparagraph, of a student

not living at home,

6. placement in a different skolenhet than the guardian

are according to Chapter 9. paragraph 15, 10. section 30 of the other

paragraph or Chapter 11. section 29, second paragraph,

7. receiving primarily according to Chapter 16. section 36, receiving

According to chapter 17. section 14 regarding training in

secondary education designed for a group of students, the receiving

under 17 a Cape. section 18 or receiving primarily under

19. section 29, first paragraph,

8. the membership of the audience of high school programs in accordance with the

Chapter 18. 5 or 7 §,

9. receipt of municipal adult education according to Chapter 20.

section 13, paragraph, section 22 or 33 or to special

education for adults under 21. the third subparagraph of paragraph 7,

10. termination of the training for a student in municipal

adult education according to Chapter 20. 9 section or in

special education for adults under 21. section 9 other


11. to prepare the municipal adult education under 20

Cape. § 9 the third or fourth paragraph, or special

education for adults under 21. § 9, third subparagraph,

12. commitment on municipal compensation under Chapter 20. section 21

third subparagraph, or

13. the right to education or other activities for anyone who

referred to in chapter 29. 2 paragraph 3.

Decision referred to in the first subparagraph 1, 4 and 7 – 12 may

be appealed only by the child, student or applicant.

Law (2015:482).

Decision of a single principal

paragraph 13 of the decision of a single principal may be appealed to the

The Board of appeal of the school system in terms of

1. acceptance according to Chapter 16. section 36, receiving according to chapter 17.

section 14 regarding an education in secondary school

designed for a group of students, receiving under 17 a Cape. section 18

or recipient under 19 Cape. section 29, first paragraph,


2. the right to education or other activities for

someone referred to in chapter 29. 2 paragraph 3.

Decision referred to in the first paragraph may be appealed only by

the applicant. Law (2014:530).

Decision of special needs education

paragraph 14 of the Decision of the special needs and schools may

be appealed to the Board of appeal of the school system in terms of

1. children's host in special schools in accordance with Chapter 7. section 6,

2. skolpliktens extension according to Chapter 7. section 13 or

skolpliktens termination according to Chapter 7. section 14,

3. the measures referred to in Chapter 12. 25 section for a student who

not live at home, or

4. the right to education for any referred to in chapter 29. section 2 of the

second paragraph 3.

Decision referred to in the first paragraph may be appealed only by

the child.

Decision of the Sami school board

section 15 decision of the Sami school board may be appealed to the

The Board of appeal of the school system in terms of

1. children's reception in the same school as per Chapter 7. section 7,

2. measures under Chapter 13. 23 section of a student who

not live at home, or

3. the right to education for any referred to in chapter 29. section 2 of the

second paragraph 3.

Decision referred to in the first paragraph may be appealed only by

the child. Team (2013:298).

Decision of a principal

paragraph 16 of the decision of a principal may be appealed to the school

the Appeals Board in terms of

1. action programmes referred to in Chapter 3. section 9,

2. specific assistance in a special teaching group or

individual under Chapter 3. section 11, or

3. custom study time according to Chapter 3. section 12.

During the examination of an appeal as referred to in the first subparagraph 1 shall

the Board either confirm or quash the contested

the decision. If the decision under appeal is set aside, the matter shall, if

It is necessary, are shown back to the headmaster for the new trial.

Decision of the Board referred to in chapter 15. 38 §

section 17 of the decision of the Board referred to in chapter 15. 38 section in question

referred to in the same paragraph may be appealed to the school

the Appeals Board. The decision may be appealed only by the

have requested training. A placement order at a specific

skolenhet, however, may not be appealed.

Appeal a ban

section 18 of the Other decision under this Act other than as specified in this

Chapter may be appealed only if an appeal may be made under 10

Cape. Local Government Act (1991:900). A decision in the case of

admission to the training, however, may not be appealed.

Decision of the Board of appeal of the school system because of

an appeal which may not be appealed.

29. Other provisions

Chapter content

section 1 of this chapter is provided for

– residence (2-5 sections),

— municipality and home counties (section 6),

– Swedish students abroad (section 7),

– persons with disabilities begåvningsmässig (section 8),

– local authorities ' activity responsible for young people (section 9),

-processing (sections 10 and 11),

-access to justice (section 12),

– cooperation and notification to the social welfare Committee (section 13),

– professional secrecy (section 14),

-International Baccalaureate (section 17),

– transmission of examination documents (section 18),

– information obligation (§ 19),

– the obligation (section 19), and

– other appropriations (§§ 20 to 29).

Law (2015:73).


2 section With resident status in the country referred to in this law, it should be

registered here under the civil status Act (1991:481).

As a resident in the country, for the purposes of this Act be deemed to

even those who are not registered here but

1. subject to paragraph 1 of the first or third paragraph, Act

(1994:137) on the reception of asylum seekers, and others,

2. staying here with the support of the temporary residence permit

According to Chapter 5. section 15 of the Aliens Act (2005:716),

3. has the right to education or other activities according to

This act as a result of EU law, the agreement on the European

economic area (EEA) or the agreement between the

The European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and

Switzerland, on the other, on the free movement of persons,

4. is a family member of a person who belongs to an alien

agency mission or regional consulates nor its service

or referred to in section 4 of the Act (1976:661) on the privileges and

privileges in some cases which are not covered by 3, or

5. staying here without the support of the administrative or


Have an expulsion order issued against

any referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 1, he shall still be deemed to

be a resident in Sweden on the ground until he or

She leaves the country. If it is rejected or expelled keeps

away so that the order cannot be executed, the person

However, it is considered as resident in Sweden on the basis set out in

second subparagraph, 5.

Restrictions on the right to education for those referred to in

to the provisions of the second subparagraph of paragraph 3. Team (2013:298).

section 3 of the persons referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 2 of 1 and 2 have

the right to education in upper secondary school and secondary special

only if they have started their education before the age of 18 years.

They do not have the right to education in municipal adult education,

special education for adults or education in Swedish for


The persons referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 2 of 4 is only entitled

to education in elementary school, because special, special school and

Sami school.

The persons referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 2 of 5 is only entitled

to education in preschool, elementary school, vocational, special

special school, Sami school and, if they start training

before the age of 18 years, secondary school and high school special.

Team (2013:298).

4 § the provision in Chapter 9. 4 § second paragraph does not apply in

question about the guardians of children referred to in paragraph 2 of the other

subparagraph 5. Team (2013:298).

section 5 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide for the participation in the activities referred to in

This Act to persons not considered resident in Sweden

or who do not have the right to education in accordance with paragraph 3.

Home municipality and home counties

section 6 With a person's home municipality referred to in this law it municipality

the person is registered in.

For those residing in the country without being registered here

' home municipality, the municipality to which he or she

usually resides in or, if he or she has no

habitual residence, the municipality to which he or she for

staying in the moment. The same applies to anyone who is

kvarskriven in a municipality referred to in section 16 of the civil law


With the home counties means the County Council that the municipality belongs


Swedish students abroad

7 § With external Swedish student referred to in this law, a student whose

guardians usually resides in a foreign country and of what

at least one is a Swedish citizen.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for that the other shall be considered as

expatriate American student.

People with disabilities begåvningsmässig

section 8 of this Act, It is said that if people with

mental retardation also applies to those who have been awarded a significant

and permanent begåvningsmässig disability due to

of brain injury, prompted by external force or physical


People with autism or autism-like condition, at

the application of this Act, be treated as people with

learning disability only if they also have a

mental retardation or disability that

referred to in the first subparagraph.

In the Act (1993:387) concerning support and service for certain

disabled access is provided for certain other special

action than education.

Local task responsibility for young people

§ 9 A municipality shall throughout the year keep informed

on how the young people of the municipality is employed who have

completed their schooling but have not reached the age of 20 years and not

implement or have completed training on national programs

in special secondary school or high school or equivalent

training (task responsibility).

The municipality has the responsibility within the framework of the task of providing

the young people concerned the appropriate individual measures.

These measures shall primarily serve to motivate the

individual to begin or resume an education. The municipality

must document its efforts appropriately.

The municipality shall keep a register of young persons covered

of liability under the first subparagraph.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for the documentation and the treatment

of personal information that is necessary for the municipality to

be able to comply with its obligations under the second and third

paragraphs. Law (2014:1002).


section 10 in cases involving the exercise of public authority against any individual

According to this law of a municipality, a county or a

single master to the following provisions of the

administrative law (1986:223) are applied:

-paragraph 14 of a party's right to communicate


-section 15 if the annotation of data;

-16 and 17 sections of a party's right to receive information,

-section 20 on motivation of decisions,

-section 21 on notification of the decision, and

-section 26 for correction of clerical errors or similar.

In such cases of a single principal shall also 11 and

12 § § Management Act applies.

The provisions of §§ 16 and 17 administrative law does

not information relating to any other claimant in a case if the

position in training or other activities in accordance with this Act.

The provisions of this clause do not apply when grading.

section 11 of the cases in which the decision may be appealed in accordance with Chapter 28. should

In addition to what follows from section 10 also 23-25 and 30 § §

administrative law (1986:223) is applied.

Locus standi

section 12 of The who have reached 16 years of age have the right to bring his

the action in matters under this Act.

This right also applies to applications for secondary schools,

high school programs, municipal adult education, special

education for adults or education in Swedish for

immigrants and the appeal of the decision in the case of such

education even if the applicant or complainant has not

attained the age of 16.

Interactions and application to the social welfare Committee

section 13 of the principal for the activities referred to in this law and the

employed in such activities, to the social welfare board

the initiative on issues related to children in distress or danger

to go to connect with public bodies badly, organizations and

others affected. In the case of disclosure of information concerning

the restrictions imposed by section 14 and the public access to information and

secrecy (2009:400).

Provisions on the obligation to notify the social welfare board to

a child may need protection board, see Chapter 14. 1 §

the Social Service Act (2001:453).

Professional secrecy

section 14 of the one who is or has been active in the individual pursuit

for school, daycare or private individual, having undertaken

preschool or in such individual performed activities

referred to in chapter 25, must not improperly disclose what he or

in doing so, she has been told about an individual's personal


Anyone who is or has been involved in other individual

the activities undertaken under this law than that referred to in the first

subparagraph shall not improperly disclose what he or she is in such

student health activities relating to psychological, psycho-social or

special effort or in special elevstödjande

activities in general have gotten to know about someone's personal

conditions. He or she must not improperly disclose

information in a case concerning the tillrättaförande of a student or

If separation of a student from further study.

Of the public business, the provisions of

public access to information and secrecy (2009:400).

15 repealed by law (2015:73).

16 repealed by law (2015:73).

International Baccalaureate

17 § a student's home municipality is liable to pay compensation for

the cost of the student's education for providers of education

leading to the International Baccalaureate (IB).

The obligation applies, however, only education for those students

that the municipality was required to offer secondary education

at the time of opening the training began and only if

Education organiser's contributions to International

Baccalaureate Office is paid by the State.

If the parties do not agree otherwise, the remuneration

be paid in an amount decided by the State's school.

The first subparagraph shall not apply if the State funding is provided for a student's

training due to eleven is overseas.

The first and second subparagraphs shall not apply to training organized

the international schools at the upper secondary level whose principals have

been declared eligible for grants under 24 Cape. section 6. For

such schools, there are special provisions for

IB-education in 24 Cape. 6 a of. Law (2015:802).

Transmission of examination documents

section 18 of the principal of an independent school where score is set to

hand over students ' final grade or the grade documents

the student, after completion of secondary education to the municipality

where the school is located.

Information obligation

section 19 of the municipality shall inform parents and students about

education in kindergartens, pre-school classes, schools,

because särskolor, recreation centers, high schools and

high school särskolor and if such educational activities as

referred to in chapter 25. and offered in or by the municipality. The municipality

shall also inform about such education courses

referred to in Chapter 16. 45 § and 19 Cape. 37 and if the corresponding

education at independent schools. The information shall

be drawn up in accordance with Chapter 6. 8 (a) of the local Government Act


The municipality shall also inform about the ability of individuals to

conduct for school, daycare or educational

activities referred to in chapter 25. with contributions from the municipality of residence

in accordance with Chapter 8. section 21, chapter 14. section 15 and 25. 11 and 15 sections.

Law (2014:903).

Obligation to provide data

19 a of a principal for preschool, elementary school,

because special, special secondary school or high school, to

Statens skolverk provide such information on the

Organization and economic conditions needed for

public scrutiny.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for the information to be provided.

Law (2014:903).

Other appropriations

section 20 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide that members or other

representatives of bodies for cooperation or any other similar

activities of the school system are appointed and dismissed by the


section 21 of the Government may provide for the possibility to

Let the individual and others responding to individual elements of the activity

with public trust of the school system.

When it comes to education in the form of an introductory program

in secondary schools, and an individual program within

high school programs, the Government provide for the

individual and others may organize more training than that

follows from the first paragraph.

For the involvement of anyone other than a principal of the school system

get the regulations issued pursuant to the first and second

the pieces differ from the provisions of Chapter 2. 15-22 and 30 § §

and paragraph 34.

section 22 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide for opportunities to school

conduct training, which is based on the interaction between different

school forms of the school system or between such school type

and any other educational form. In these regulations,

derogations from the provisions of this law, organizational.

22 a of the Government or the authority that the Government

determines may provide for distance education.

Law (2015:194).

section 23 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide for experimentation within

school system. In such provisions, derogations may be made from

organizational provisions of this law.

Derogations may be made from other provisions of this law

to allow for experimentation with such training

in secondary school that does not consist of training at the national

programs or introduction programme.

section 24 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may, except as otherwise provided for by this law, notify the

regulations on

1. that the individual gets ratings, organize examination and issue

scores, high school diploma and certificate pursuant to the provisions

apply to the school system,

2. that an authority in individual cases to decide on such matters

referred to in paragraph 1, and

3. additional terms for that individual in such cases referred to

in 1 and 2 to get ratings, organize examination and issue

scores, high school diploma and certificates. Law (2012:109).

section 25 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide for the obligation of an individual

the main one is to provide information on upcoming activities and

economic accounting of the business.

section 26 of the Government may announce further provisions concerning

the determination of the contribution of the municipalities in accordance with Chapter 8. section 21, 9

Cape. section 19, Chapter 10. section 37, Chapter 11. section 36, chapter 14. section 15, Chapter 16.

§ 52, chapter 17. section 31, chapter 19. section 45 and 25 Cape. section 11 is guilty

to submit to independent schools, independent schools and

individually undertaken educational care.

The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for the obligation of a municipality or a

County Councils to provide information about the activities that are needed for

decisions on contributions to independent schools, and stand-alone

schools and how contributions to a standalone kindergarten or

independent school or other single activity has been calculated.

Law (2012:109).

paragraph 27 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide for the amount that the municipality shall pay the

instead of what is stated in Chapter 8. sections 21 to 23, Chapter 9. 19-21 sections,

10 Cape. sections 37 to 39, Chapter 11. paragraphs 36 to 38, 16. 52 – 55 sections, chapter 17.

sections 31 to 34 and 19. paragraphs 45 to 47, when the grant relates to a student who

receive education due to 2 and 3 sections or with the support of

regulations that have been issued under section 5.

Law (2012:109).

section 28 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide for the obligation to participate in the national


28 a section/entry into force: 07/01/2016

The Government or the authority that the Government

determines may provide for an obligation for principals

using assessment support in grade 1 in elementary school,

undergraduate programs, special schools and Sami schools. Law (2015:798).

section 29 on the extraordinary events in peacetime that have significant

impact on the possibilities for some time offer

training or other activities in accordance with this Act,

Government announce the regulations needed to

ensure children and students the education and other

activities to which they are entitled under this Act. In such

regulations, exemptions may be made from the provisions of

educational design, scope and organisation.

Regulations shall be limited in time.

Transitional provisions


Regulations concerning the entry into force of this law will be given in the law

(2010:801) on the introduction of the Education Act (2010:800).


This law shall enter into force on 1 december 2010 and will be

applied to out-training from July 1, 2012.


This law shall enter into force on 1 February 2011. The provisions of the

15. section 22 of the first subparagraph shall apply on training

begin after July 1, 2011.


This law shall enter into force on 1 July 2011 and apply the first

availability of training from autumn 2012.


1. this law shall enter into force on July 1, 2011. Law (2012:493).

2. the provisions of Chapter 2. 17, 18 and 22 of their new

endorsements applicable from 1 July 2012. For time

prior to that, these provisions of their older version.

Law (2012:493).

3. the provisions of Chapter 2. 13, 15 and 20 sections and Chapter 3. section 16 of the

its new wording applicable from 1 January 2013.

For the time prior to apply these provisions in their older

version. Law (2012:493).

4. the provisions of Chapter 2. 15 § in the older version as

3 applicable until 30 June 2013 are, however, applicable

only if the application for authorization certificate has been received by the

Higher education prior to July 1, 2011. Law (2012:493).

5. Notwithstanding the 3 for 2. paragraph 15 of his older

version even for the period after 30 november 2013 for

handling of matters referred to in 4. After december 31,

2012 is handled those cases of University

Council for higher education. Law (2012:919).

6. The provision in Chapter 2. section 16 of the terms of its older version

still, until the matters referred to in 4 races.

Law (2012:493).

7. The provision in Chapter 28. 4 section in their older version case

still for the appeal of the decision in the cases referred to in

4. Law (2012:493).

8. for the purposes of Chapter 2. section 20 of the their older version

assimilated ID with evidence. Law (2012:493).

9. Despite what is stated in Chapter 2. section 20 of the their older version may

Anyone who does not comply with the requirements of the first subparagraph, the same clause

be employed as teachers in the school system without time limit, if the

He or she should teach individual courses or

introductory courses in municipal adult education. This applies to

However, only if the

a) there is a lack of applicants who have education that is designed for

teaching on the current course,

b) the applicant has sufficient expertise to teach at

the current course, and

c) there is reason to believe that the applicant is suitable to

carry on teaching. Law (2012:493).


1. this law shall enter into force on July 1, 2011.

2. The provision in Chapter 11. section 23 shall apply to

grades in grade 8 from autumn semester 2011 and

Moreover, from autumn 2012.

3. the provisions of Chapter 10. section 21, Chapter 12. section 21 and chapter 13.

section 21A shall apply as from autumn 2012.


1. This law shall enter into force on april 1, 2012 and apply to

education that begins after June 30, 2013.

2. The new provisions of chapter 29. However, section 24, applied for time

from 1 July 2011. The new provisions in Chapter 20.

6, 27, 28 and 30 sections and 22 Cape. 21, 22 and 24 sections, however,

applied to education that begins after June 30, 2012.

3. Older regulations, however, still apply for training

which has commenced before July 1, 2011 in the case of chapter 29. section 24

and before 1 January 2012 in the case of 20 Cape. 6, 27, 28 and 30 § §

as well as 22 Cape. 21, 22 and 24 § § and otherwise for training

has commenced before 1 July 2013, subject 4

or of regulations that have been issued with the support of 5.

4. For education, which has commenced before July 1, 2013 to

However, the new provisions in chapter 18. 32 § apply from

1 July 2013.

5. The Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for students who have started their

training before 1 July 2013 and who complete this later

than five years from the time it began, shall complete

training in accordance with the provisions applicable to the education

initiated after June 30, 2013.


This law shall enter into force on 1 december 2013 in respect of Chapter 3.

section 16 and 30 June 2012.


1. this law shall enter into force on 1 July 2013 and applied

first time autumn 2013 for students who begin

grade 1 in elementary school, vocational programs, special school and

the Sami school.

2. For students in elementary school that autumn 2013 begins

Grade 2 and grade 3:

– the total teaching time should be at least 6 745 hours

each 6 705 hours,

– teaching time in mathematics should be at least 980 hours

940 hours respectively, and

– teaching time in mathematics as well as the number of hours in

Tim plan for Swedish or Swedish as a second language and

English may not be reduced during the school's choice.

3. For students in undergraduate programs as autumn 2013 begins

grades 2 and 3, the total teaching time be

at least 6 705 6 745 hours and hours. This does not apply

students in the training school.

4. For pupils in special schools as autumn 2013 begins

grades 2, 3 and 4, the total teaching time

be at least 7 935 hours, hours and 7 905 7 875


5. For pupils in the same school as autumn 2013 begins

grades 2 and 3, the total teaching time be

at least 4 280 hours respectively 4 240 hours.

6. Older regulations still apply to students who

autumn 2013 start 4th grade or a higher grade in

primary schools, vocational programs or same school or grade 5

or a higher grade in the special school.


1. this law shall enter into force on 1 July 2013.

2. the provisions of Chapter 28. 8 and 15 of its new endorsements

apply for the period from 1 July 2011.


1. this law shall enter into force on 1 July 2013.

2. The repealed provisions in Chapter 2. section 24 of the first, second and

(4) are still valid for applications that have

submitted to the school prior to the entry into force of the State.

3. The provision in Chapter 28. section 3 of its older version case

still, for applications that have been submitted to the State

school prior to the entry into force.


This law shall enter into force on 1 december 2013 in the case of 2

Cape. 13, 15, 16, 17 and 20 16 b, § § and 28 Cape. paragraph 3, as well as in

Moreover, december 2, 2013.


This law shall enter into force on the 1 July 2014 in the case of Chapter 2. 1,

8 a, 10, 17 and 20 sections, Chapter 3. section 3, Chapter 10. 16 and 34 sections, 11

Cape. paragraphs 19 and 33, 12. section 16 and chapter 13. 17 § and in the

Moreover, on 1 July 2015.


1. This law shall enter into force on August 1, 2014.

2. The law applicable to training begun after July 1



1. this law shall enter into force on 1 July 2015 in the case of 29

Cape. § 19 and 1 January 2015.

2. the provisions of Chapter 2. 5 a § and 26 kap. section 13,

apply to principals who have applied for approval after the

1 October 2014.

3. the provisions of chapter 29. Article 19 shall apply to

courses that commence after the end of June 2015.


1. This law shall enter into force on January 1, 2015.

2. Local authorities ' responsibilities under Chapter 29. section 9 does not apply to young people

implementing or have completed training in a

specially designed program in secondary special, which has begun

prior to July 1, 2013.


This law shall enter into force on the 1 January 2015 in respect of 29

Cape. 1, 15 and 16 §§ and otherwise 1 July 2015.


1. this law shall enter into force on the 1 January 2016.

2. The law shall apply from 1 July 2016.

3. Older provisions shall continue to apply to the output

by June 2016.

4. The received to education in Swedish for immigrants

According to the older provisions shall be deemed received on the municipal

adult education in Swedish for immigrants under the new

the provisions.


1. this law shall enter into force on the 1 January 2016.

2. Approval of an international school on

secondary education in accordance with Chapter 24. paragraph 2(2) of the older

the wording should, if it comes at the end of June 2015,

be deemed to be an acceptance that the head of one such school

According to Chapter 24. section 3 (a), if the principal has been declared

eligible for such grants as referred to in Chapter 24. paragraph 4 of the

the older wording. Otherwise, cease to

with effect from 1 January 2016.

3. A pupil who has compulsory education and who before the entry into force has

begun training in an approved international school on

the comprehensive school level or a decision that he or she

will be received in such a school may meet the compulsory education requirement

in an international school of secondary education whose principal has

received an approval in accordance with Chapter 24. 3 a § or

consent in accordance with Chapter 24. 4 a of.

4. A decision by the Government in accordance with Chapter 24. the third subparagraph of paragraph 2 of

in the older wording will apply as a decision under Chapter 24.

paragraph 3 of the second paragraph of the new wording.

5. A declaration on the right to the allowance under Chapter 24. paragraph 5 of the

the older wording should, if it comes at the end of december

2015, continue to have effect as a Declaration on the right to

grants under 24 Cape. section 6, in the new wording.

Annex 1

Curriculum for elementary school

Teaching time in hours for the substances and groups of substances in total


Bild   230

Home Economics 118

Sports and health 500

Musik   230

Slöjd 330

Swedish or Swedish as a second language 1 490

English 480

Mathematics 1 020

Geography 885


Religious education

Social studies

Biologi 800




Language selection 320

Student choice 382

Total guaranteed number of hours 6 785

Hence the school's choice 600

At the school's choice, the number of hours in the hourly perspective for a topic

or a group of substances is reduced by up to 20 percent. The number of

hours for Swedish or Swedish as a second language, English and

Mathematics, however, must not be reduced. Team (2013:248).

Annex 2

National programmes

Vocational programmes

Children and recreation

Construction program

Electricity and energy application

Automotive and transportation program

The business and administration programme

Craft program

Hotels and tourism programme

Industrial engineering program

Natural resources management program

Restaurant and food program

PLUMBING and real estate program

Health and omsorgsprogrammet

College preparatory programs

Economics program

Arts program

The Humanities program

Natural science program

The social science programme

Technology program

Annex 3

Points plan for national programmes in secondary school

Topic High School Credits

The topics, at least below the specified scope, to include in the

national programmes (high school common substances).

Vocational programmes

Swedish or Swedish

as a second language 100

English 100

Math 100

Sports and health 100

Historia 50

Social studies 50

Religious education 50

Natural science 50

College preparatory programs

Swedish or Swedish as a second language 300

English 200

Math 100/200/300 *

Sports and health 100

History 50/100/200 *

Social studies 100/200 ***

Religious education 50

Science 100 ****

Substances through which the program gets its character

Vocational programs 1 600

College Preparatory program 950/1050/1 100 *****

Individual choice 200

High school work 100

Total high school credits 2 500

* The Aesthetic and humanistic programs 100, economy and

social science and natural science programmes and 200

teknikprogrammen 300.

** Technology 50, economy, social science and

natural science programmes 100 as well as aesthetic and humanistic

200 programmes.

Economics program 100 200 and other programs.

On science program replaced science with

the main topics biology, physics and chemistry and on

technology program with the main subjects of physics and chemistry.

Economy and technology program, 1 100 950

aesthetic, humanistic, social science and

science programs 1 050.

Annex 4

National programmes in upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities

The national programmes in upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities is

– The application for administration, Commerce and trade management,

-The application of aesthetic activities

– The application for property, plant, and the construction,

– Application for vehicle care and handling of goods,

– The application for trade and production,

– Programme for the hotel, restaurant and bakery,

– The programme for health, health care,

– Programme for society, scenery and languages, and

– The programme of forest, land and animals.

Law (2012:109).

Annex 5

Points plan for national programmes in upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities

Topic Secondary Special Education Credits

Distribution on the various subjects of secondary school special education credits as at least

the specified scope must be included in the national programmes.

Swedish or Swedish as a second language 200

English 100

Math 100

Sports and health 200

Aesthetic operations 100

Historia 50

Social studies 50

Religious education 50

Natural science 50

Substances which give the program its character

1 300

Individual choice 200

High school special work 100

Total secondary special education credits 2 500

Law (2012:109).