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Planning And Building Law (2010:900)

Original Language Title: Plan- och bygglag (2010:900)

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Chapter 1. The purpose, content and definitions

section 1 of this Act contains provisions on land use planning of land and water and if

construction. The provisions are aimed at taking account of the individual

human freedom, promote the development of society with equal and good social

living conditions and a good and sustainable living environment for the people

in today's society and future generations.

2 section it is a municipal responsibility to design the use of land and

water under this Act.

section 3 of the Act contains provisions on the

1. the Act's purpose, content and definitions (Chapter 1),

2. public and private interests (Chapter 2),

3. master plan (Chapter 3),

4. Regulation with detailed plan and area provisions (Chapter 4),

5. to produce detail plans and area regulations (Chapter 5.)

6. implementation of the zoning plans (Chapter 6),

7. regional planning (Chapter 7),

8. requirements for construction works, building products, plots and General

sites (Chapter 8),

9. building permits, demolition permits and site improvement permits etc. (Chapter 9),

10. the implementation of construction, demolition and land measures (10


11. supervision, access, interference and penalties (11 kap.)

12. Building Committee (Chapter 12),

13. Appeals (Chapter 13.)

14. indemnification and redemption (Chapter 14.)

15. judicial review etc. (chap. 15), and

16. appropriations (Chapter 16). Law (2011:335).

4 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/for the purposes of this law

public place: a street, a road, a park, a Plaza or a

Another area which, according to a detailed plan is intended for a

common needs,

build on: to provide an area with one or more

construction works,

buildings: a collection of works that do not consist

of other holdings than buildings,

Developer: anyone who performs or for its own account allows performing

the design, construction, demolition or excavation work,

building: a durable design that consists of a roof or by

the roof and walls and permanently placed on land or

completely or partially below ground or are permanently placed on

a certain place in water and is intended to be designed so

that people can reside in it,

Building Committee: the boards comply with the municipality's

information in accordance with this Act,

building: a building or other facility,

construction product "means a product intended to permanently conclude

in a building,

development agreements: an agreement on the implementation of a

detailed plan between a municipality and a developer or a

property owners on land not owned by the municipality, however,

no agreement between a municipality and the Central Government on the deployment of

public transport infrastructure,

implementation period: the period for implementing a detailed plan

which shall be determined pursuant to Chapter 4. 21 – 25 sections,

neighborhood land: land under a zoning plan should not be

public space or body of water,

Environment Committee: the boards comply with the municipality's

information on environmental and health protection,

new construction: the construction of a new building or the movement of a

previously erected building to a new location,

conversion: modification of a building, which means that the entire

building or a significant and avgränsbar part of the building

significantly renewed,

environmental noise: noise from airports, industrial

operations, rail and road,

planning: development of a regional planning, a

master plan, a detailed plan or area regulations,

coherent settlement "means a settlement: on plots which borders

to each other or are separated only by a road, street or


extension: modification of a building involving an increase in the

the building's volume,

plot: an area which is not a public place but covering

land designated for one or more buildings and land

directly adjacent to the buildings and needed to

the buildings are to be used for its intended purpose,

maintenance: one or several measures taken in order to

maintain or restore a building design,

function, use, appearance or culture historical

value, and

modification of a building: one or more operations that modify a

building construction, function, use, appearance

or cultural-historical value. Law (2014:902).

4 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/for the purposes of this law

public place: a street, a road, a park, a Plaza or a different area which, according to a detailed plan is intended to be a common need,

build on: to provide an area of one or more construction works,

buildings: a collection of works that do not consist of other holdings than buildings,

Developer: whoever performs on his own account or let carry out the design, construction, demolition or excavation work,

building: a durable design that consists of a roof or roof and walls and permanently placed on the ground or partially or completely below ground or are permanently located at a particular place in water and is intended to be designed so that people can reside in it,

Building Committee: the Municipal Councils performing duties under this Act;

building: a building or other facility,

construction product "means a product intended to permanently be a part of a building,

development agreements: an agreement on implementing a detailed plan between a municipality and a developer or a property owner on land not owned by the municipality, but not agreement between a municipality and the State of development of public transport infrastructure,

implementation period: the period for implementing a detailed plan which shall be determined pursuant to Chapter 4. 21 – 25 sections,

neighborhood land: land under a zoning plan should not be a public place or water area,

land tour: an agreement between a municipality and a developer who gives the developer the exclusive for a limited period of time and under given conditions to negotiate with the municipality on the transfer of some of the municipality-owned land for settlement,

Environment Committee: the boards comply with the municipality's data on environmental and health protection,

new construction: the construction of a new building, or moving of a previously erected building to a new location,

conversion: modification of a building, which means that the entire building or a significant and avgränsbar part of the building significantly renewed,

environmental noise: noise from airports, industrial operations, rail and road,

planning: development of a regional planning, a master plan, a detailed plan or area regulations,

coherent settlement "means a settlement: on plots adjacent to each other or are separated only by a road, street or park land,

extension: modification of a building means an increase in the volume,

plot: an area which is not a public place but which include land designated for one or more buildings and land that is directly connected to the buildings needed for the buildings to be used for its intended purpose,

maintenance: one or several measures taken in order to maintain or restore a building design, function, use, appearance or historical value, and

modification of a building: one or more operations that modify the structure, function, use, appearance or culture-historical value. Law (2015:668).

§ 5 If a property granted to leasehold, the provisions of this law concerning

the property owner or the property is applied to the tomträttshavaren or

the leasehold. A tomträttshavare, however, is not required to pay for the construction of

streets and other public places.

section 6 the holder of the property with permanent tenure or with

fee tail law or because of a testamentary appointment without

ownership of any shall for the purposes of this Act be deemed to be

the property's owner.

Chapter 2. Public and private interests

§ 1 in the examination of matters under this Act shall take account of both General

and individual interests.

section 2 of the land use planning and examination in respect of leave or

notice under this Act shall aim to land and

water is used for the purposes for which areas

is most suited to taking into account the nature, location and

needs. Priority shall be given to applications from public

point of view implies a good housekeeping. The provisions on

management of land and water areas in Chapter 3. and Chapter 4.

1-8 of the Swedish environmental code shall apply. Law (2014:862).

section 3 of the land use planning under this Act shall, with respect to

the natural and cultural values, environment and climatic aspects as well as

inter-municipal and regional circumstances promote

1. an appropriate structure and an aesthetically pleasing

design of buildings, green areas and

communications lead,

2. from the social point of view good habitat that is available

and useful for all groups of society,

3. long-term management of land, water, energy

and raw materials and environmental conditions in General,

4. a good economic growth and effective competition,


5. residential construction and development of housing stock.

Even in other cases under this Act, account must be taken of the

interests referred to in the first subparagraph 1 – 5. Team (2013:867).

4 section In planning and in cases concerning construction permits or advance notice under this

teams may land occupied to be developed only if the ground from the General

point of view is suitable for the purpose.

§ 5 In planning and in cases where a building permit or notice under this

law, the buildings and structures located in land that is suitable for

the purpose of the reference to

1. human health and safety,

2. soil, rock and water conditions,

3. possibilities to arrange transport, water supply, sewage, waste disposal,

electronic communications and public services in General,

4. opportunities to prevent water and air pollution as well as

noise pollution, and

5. the risk of accidents, flooding and erosion.

Buildings and constructions of their function requires the input of energy to

be located in a manner that is appropriate to the energy supply and

energy economy.

section 6, By zoning, building permits, in cases and on measures

in respect of buildings that do not require permits under this Act shall

buildings and structures designed and placed on the

intended the ground in a way that is appropriate to

1. urban and landscape, natural and cultural values of

the site and the interest of a good overall effect;

2. protection against the emergence and spread of fire and against

traffic accidents and other emergencies,

3. measures to protect the population against and limit

the effects of hostilities,

4. the need to conserve energy and water and for good

climate and conditions of hygiene,

5. opportunities to manage waste,

6. service and need a good traffic environment,

7. opportunities for people with an impaired motion or

sense of direction to use the area, and

8. the need for future changes and additions.

The first subparagraph shall also apply in the case of signs and

light devices.

In planning and in other cases and on measures

with regard to buildings that are not part of a matter under this

law, urban area's special historical,

cultural, environmental and artistic values

be protected. Changes and additions in the buildings to be made

gently so that the existing characteristics to be respected and

are protected. Law (2014:477).

6 a section In planning and in respect of building permits in accordance with this

law, residential buildings

1. be located in land that is suitable for the purpose of

into account the possibilities to prevent inconvenience to the

human health in terms of ambient noise, and

2. be designed and placed on the intended ground in a way

that is appropriate to the possibilities of prevention

inconvenience to human health in terms of environmental noise.

With inconvenience to human health means a disorder

According to medical or hygienic assessment can affect the health

harmful and not call or just temporary.

The first subparagraph of paragraph 1 shall apply also in cases where advance notice.

Law (2014:902).

7 § At planning under this Act, account shall be taken of the need to

within or in close proximity to areas with cohesive settlements, see

1. the streets and roads,

2. square,

3. parks and other green areas,

4. appropriate places for play, exercise, and other outdoors, and

5. opportunities to organise a decent public services and commercial services.

section 8 At planning and in respect of building permits under this Act, construction works

placed below the surface reasonable be designed so that it does not

impede the use of the soil above.

section 9 of the land use planning of land and water areas as well as the location, placement and

design of buildings, billboards and light appliances in accordance with this Act,

not be done so it intended use or structure, sign, or

light the appliance may result in such an impact on the groundwater or surrounding area

in General that means danger for human health and safety or significant

nuisance in other ways.

section 10 At planning and other matters under this Act shall

environmental quality standards in Chapter 5. Environment Act or in regulations

issued under Chapter 5. the environmental code be followed.

section 11 of the Zoning and other assessment under this Act relating to the use of

a land or water area that also has been tried or to be examined under other

teams will be coordinated with the other appropriate work, if it can be done.

Chapter 3. Master plan

§ 1 Each municipality must have a current master plan, covering the whole municipality.

section 2 of the master plan will set the direction for the long-term development of

the physical environment. The plan shall provide guidance for decisions on how to land and

water should be used and how the built environment should be used, developed and

be preserved.

paragraph 3 of the master plan is not binding.

section 4 of the municipality shall, in the master plan report their assessment of how the obligation

that, according to Chapter 2. take into account the public interest when deciding on the use

of land and water areas will be met. The report shall

national interests in accordance with 3 and 4. the environmental code specifically.

paragraph 5 of the master plan should include

1. basic principles regarding the intended use of the land

and water,

2. the municipality's view on how the built environment should be used,

developed and maintained,

3. how the municipality intends to respond to the reported

the national interest and comply with the environmental quality standards,

4. how the municipality in spatial planning intends to take into account

and coordinate master plan with relevant national

and regional objectives, plans and programs relevant to a

sustainable development of the municipality,

5. how the municipality intends to meet the long-term needs

of homes, and

6. such areas for rural development in the near-shore locations

referred to in Chapter 7. paragraph 18 (e) environmental code.

Law (2014:224).

section 6 of the master plan should be designed so that the meaning and impact of the

clearly established.

Draft master plan

7 § Before the municipality adopts a master plan or a change in the municipality

1. draw up a draft plan or modification fulfils the requirements of paragraphs 4 to 6,

2. in the preparation of the proposal consult the authorities, municipalities and others

concerned in accordance with sections 9 to 11, and

3. set out the proposal and let it be reviewed pursuant to §§ 12-18.

section 8 if the plan proposal is likely to have a significant environmental impact, such as

referred to in Chapter 6. section 11 of the environmental code, should the municipality let it be the subject of consultations

and review in a way that also meets the requirements of Chapter 6. 11 to 18 and 22 of the

the environmental code. If an environmental impact assessment is being established, it shall be

together with plan proposal.

Consultation on the municipality's proposal

§ 9 When the municipality draws up a draft master plan or plan amendment

the municipality should consult with the provincial government and the municipalities concerned,

regional planning agencies and municipal organs in General with responsibility for regional

growth work and transport infrastructure planning. The municipality will also provide

municipal members, other government agencies, associations and individuals in

Moreover, with a substantial interest in the proposal, the opportunity to participate in

the consultation.

The purpose of the consultation is to obtain the best possible information for decision-making and

to provide the opportunity for visibility and impact.

During the consultation, the municipality of account the meaning, the reasons for the proposal,

the impact and the planning documents that are important from the

national, regional, inter-communal or different point of view.

section 10 during the consultation, the County Administrative Board in particular

1. capture and coordinate the State's interests,

2. provide the basis for municipal assessments and provide advice regarding

such public interest according to Chapter 2. that should be taken into account when deciding on

the use of land and water areas,

3. promote national interests in accordance with 3 and 4. the environmental code, to

environmental quality standards in accordance with Chapter 5. environmental regulations are followed and that the accounts of

areas for rural development in the near-shore locations is consistent with Chapter 7. 18 e

of the environmental code,

4. work to ensure that such questions about the use of land and water areas which

It concerns two or more municipalities are coordinated properly, and

5. ensure that buildings and structures does not become inappropriate in view of

the health or safety of persons or to the risk of accidents, flood

or erosion.

section 11 of the municipality shall report the results of this consultation in a consultation report

also should include the proposals voiced comments have given rise to.

The consultation report will be combined with the plan proposal.

Exhibition and review of the municipality's proposal

section 12 of the municipality shall set out the plan proposal for at least two months.

paragraph 13 of the municipality shall announce the exhibition of the plan proposal before the exhibition passage

beginning. The municipality shall post the notice on municipal notice board and introduce the

in a local newspaper. Of the notice should indicate where the exhibition is held and

in what time, in what way and to whom comments on the proposal should be submitted.

Notification shall be made pursuant to the Act (1977:654) If publication of matters of

authority, etc.

section 14 Before the exhibition takes place, the municipality of send plan proposal and

the proclamation to the County Administrative Board and to the municipalities and municipal agencies that

referred to in section 9.

15 of those wishing to submit comments on the plan proposal to do so in writing

during the exhibition period.

section 16 of the County Administrative Board is to issue an audit opinion during the exhibition period over

plan proposal.

The opinion shall state whether

1. the proposal does not meet the national interest according to the 3 or 4 Cape.

the environmental code,

2. the proposal can contribute to an environmental quality standard referred to in Chapter 5.

environmental regulations are not followed,

3. the statement of areas for rural development in the near-shore locations are not

consistent with Chapter 7. 18 e § environmental code, first subparagraph

4. any questions concerning the use of land and water areas concerning two

or several municipalities not coordinated properly, and

5. a building land or a building is inappropriate with respect to the

the health or safety of persons or to the risk of accidents, flood

or erosion.

17 § After the exhibition time to commune in a special statement to compile

the comments come and present the proposals that the comments given

reason to.

section 18 if the plan proposal is changed significantly after the exhibition, the municipality shall set

out the proposal again.


section 19 of the Municipal Council decides on matters of adoption and amendment of the

the master plan.

section 20 of the municipality shall provide the County Administrative Board's audit opinion in accordance with section 16 of the

along with the master plan. If the County Board have not accepted the plan in a

in part, it shall be noted in the plan.

section 21 a decision to adopt or amend the master plan comes only after the decision

has become final.

section 22 When a decision to adopt or amend the master plan has become final;

the municipality shall without delay send the following documents to the Swedish authorities and

the provincial government and the municipalities concerned, regional bodies and local government bodies in

Moreover, responsible for regional growth work and

transport infrastructure planning:

1. the master plan,

2. the consultation report referred to in section 11,

3. the audit opinion referred to in section 16,

4. the report referred to in section 17, and

5. a statement of the Protocol with the decision.


section 23 of the master plan can be modified for a specific part of the municipality. It may also be

amended by an addendum to cater to a particular public interest. If

subject to the provisions of §§ 24-26, 1-22 sections apply where the plan is modified.

A change of plan for a certain part of the municipality may be described with a different

level of detail than the rest of the master plan.

If the plan means a change in the applicable master plan, linkages with

and the consequences for the master plan as a whole.

section 24, where a proposed modification concerns only a part of the municipality, may

the municipality, instead of exhibiting it in accordance with section 12, post an announcement about

the proposal on municipal notice board and bring the notice in a local newspaper.

The municipality shall keep the proposal, the consultation report and, where appropriate,

environmental impact assessment available for review.

Of the notice should indicate

1. where the area covered by the amendment is,

2. where the proposal is available for review,

3. to anyone who wants to review the proposal and provide comments may do so in a

certain period of time (the audit period) should be at least six weeks, and

4. to whom comments on the proposal should be submitted.

section 25 of the municipality announces a plan under section 24, the municipality instead of

to send documents in accordance with section 14 of the

1. not later than the date on which the Declaration is made to send a message about the content of the

the proclamation to the County Administrative Board and to the municipalities and municipal agencies under the

§ 9 concerned;

2. send the proposal to the County Board, and

3. during the review period keep the proposal available for those who want to review


section 26 of the municipality announces a proposal under section 24, to what is said in paragraphs 15 to 17 of

exhibition period instead refer to audit time. If the proposal is amended

significantly after the review period, the municipality may promulgate the amended proposal in

instead of exhibiting it.

Review of the plan's timeliness

paragraph 27 of the City Council, at least once during the term of Office to examine whether

the master plan is up to date in relation to the requirements of section 5.

section 28 of the County Board shall, at least once during the term of Office referred to in paragraph 27 of the

present their views in such State and inter-municipal

interests which may have significance for the master plan's timeliness. The comments should

reported in a summary to the municipality. Of the statement to the

indicate how the observations relate to the master plan.

The County Board shall submit such statement to the municipality as well as the municipality

request it.

Chapter 4. Regulation with detailed plan and area provisions

§ 1 in the municipality will receive land and vattenområdens use, buildings and

the construction works are governed by detailed plans or area regulations under this


Requirements of the regulation with detailed plan

section 2 of the municipality, with a detailed plan to examine a ground or

vattenområdes fitness for buildings and structures as well as

regulate the urban environment for

1. a new coherent, if necessary with regard

liable to the extent of building structures in

the buildings,

2. a settlement that will change or be preserved, if

the regulation need to take place in a context,

3. a new structure that is not a wind turbine, if

the work requires planning permission, or is a different building than a

such as referred to in Chapter 9. 4 a of, and

a) construction work operation is significant impact on

the surroundings or if there is high demand for the area

for the settlement, or

(b)) the construction works will be placed in the vicinity of an activity

subject to the Act (1999:381) on measures to prevent

control of major chemical accidents, and

4. a measure requiring building permits at the start-up of a

activities covered by the Act on the introduction of measures to

the control of major-

chemical accidents.

Despite the first paragraph 3 requires no detailed plan about

the structure can be examined in the context of a review of

application for planning permission or prior notification, and the use of

the construction works are not likely to have significant

the impact on the environment. Law (2015:235).

section 3 of the municipality, with a detailed plan to examine a ground-or vattenområdes

fitness for a wind turbine, if

1. wind turbine subject to planning permission or notification under regulations

delivered with the support of 16. 7 or 8 §,

2. There is great demand in the area for settlement, and

3. the power station cannot be examined in the context of the examination of an application for a building permit,

advance notice or notification.

section 4 Despite sections 2 and 3 need not be regulated with a detailed plan, if

adequate settlement has been made with district regulations.

§ 5 in a detailed plan to the municipality

1. determine and define the limits of public places, local land and


2. determine the use and design of public places that the municipality is

the principal of, and

3. determine the use of local land and water areas.

Land reserve and public places

clause 6 of the zoning plan, the municipality determine land reserves for such traffic and

road facilities, energy facilities, devices for electronic

communications networks and pipelines needed for general purposes.

section 7 of the municipality shall be responsible for public places. The municipality

may, however, if there are special reasons for it, in detail, the plan

determine that the headship in place should be individually

one or more public places. Law (2014:900).

section 8 in a detailed plan, the municipality determine

1. how public places that are particularly valuable from

historical, cultural, environmental or artistic

point of view is to be protected, and

2. how public spaces that have individual ownership shall

be used and designed. Law (2014:900).

section 9 in a detailed plan, the municipality decide on fences and driveway or other

access to public places.

Ground surface

section 10 in a detailed plan, the municipality decide on vegetation and on soil surface

the design and location.

Bebyggandets scale and scope and use of buildings

section 11 in a detailed plan, the municipality determine

1. scope of the bebyggandets above and below the ground surface,

2. use of buildings, and

3. the percentage of apartments of different types of residential buildings and dwellings


Protection against interference

section 12 of a detailed plan, the municipality determine

1. protective measures to prevent soil contamination, accidents, flooding and


2. protective measures to counteract environmental interference, and

3. If there are special reasons for it, the maximum permitted values for disturbances

by air pollution, noise, vibration, light, or other inconveniences

subject to Chapter 9. the environmental code.


paragraph 13 of a detailed plan, the municipality determine

1. the requirements in regards to arrange space for parking, loading and unloading

needed with respect to Chapter 8. 9 paragraph 4,

2. the arrangement and design of the parking spaces, and

3. the specific land or some buildings may not be used for parking.

Building permits, demolition permits and site improvement permits

section 14 in a detailed plan, the municipality decide to leave or

Start statement for an action which involves a substantial modification of the

soil use may only be granted provided that:

1. a certain facility for traffic, energy-or

water supply or drain, as the municipality should not be

principal, has come into being,

2. a certain construction works on the site have been demolished, rebuilt,

been moved or had changed the use referred to in

the plan,

3. exit or a different outcome from the property has


4. soil suitability for settlement has been ensured by

to a soil contamination have been remedied or a protection or

safety action has been taken on the plot,

5. measures to prevent nuisances from noise

have been taken. Law (2014:902).

15 § in a detailed plan, the municipality determine the extent of the requirements on

1. building permits as provided in Chapter 9. paragraphs 7 and 8,

2. demolition permits under Chapter 9. 10 paragraph 1, second subparagraph, and

3. site improvement permits under Chapter 9. sections 11 and 12.

Location, design and execution of construction works and plots

section 16 of a detailed plan, the municipality

1. determine the placement, design and execution of

buildings and land plots,

2. in the case of building works to determine the precise requirements

necessary to comply with the requirements of care according to Chapter 2. 6 §

the third paragraph and Chapter 8. 17 and 18 sections,

3. determine if the protection of such particularly valuable

buildings, land plots, urban areas and public places

as described in Chapter 2. paragraph 6, third paragraph and Chapter 8. section 13,

4. decide that the buildings covered by the prohibition of

corruption in accordance with Chapter 8. section 13 may not be demolished, and

5. in the case of other changes to the buildings than new buildings

determine the requirements applicable to construction works referred to in Chapter 16. 2

and 5 sections and determine the exemption from such requirements.

Law (2014:900).

Shore protection

section 17 of a detailed plan, the municipality rescind beach protection under

Chapter 7. the environmental code for an area, if there are special

reasons for it, and if the interest of the area of the claim

the meaning of the plan outweigh the

Beach skyddsintresset. A provision for revocation may, however,

not relate to such areas as referred to in Chapter 7. section 18 of the first

paragraph 3 the environmental code covered by the county administrative boards

decision-making powers. The provisions of Chapter 7. 18 c-18 g § §

Environment Act shall apply to the zoning provisions on

repeal of shore protection. Law (2014:1014).

Real estate subdivision, etc.

section 18/expires U: 2016-01-01-in a detailed plan, the municipality of determining a maximum or minimum size of

real estate, determine the land reserve for community facilities as well as, if

necessary for the implementation of an appropriate division of real estate, or for

to otherwise ease the detail plan, determine

1. how the area should be divided into real estate,

2. the easements, rights of way and similar specific rights to be

formed, modified or be repealed,

3. the establishments that make up the communal facilities, and

4. the real estate that will participate in communal facilities, and the facilities

should be used for plants.

A detailed provision on soil classification in real estate or easements

or similar special rights should be consistent with Chapter 3. § 1 and Chapter 5.

paragraph 4(1) real estate formation Act (1970:988).

A detailed provision on the establishment of a joint facility shall be

compatible with 5 and 6 §§ construction Act (1973:1149). A zoning provision

If the management right shall be in accordance with section 6 of the ledningsrätts Act (1973:1144).

section 18/entry into force: 01/01/2016 in a detailed plan, the municipality of determining a maximum or minimum size of real estate and determine the land reserve for community facilities.

If it is necessary for the implementation of an appropriate subdivision of the property or to otherwise ease the detail implementation of the plan, the municipality may also determine

1. how the area should be divided into real estate,

2. the easements, rights of way and similar specific rights to form, modified or be repealed,

3. the establishments that make up the communal facilities, and

4. the real estate that will participate in the communal facilities and the spaces that should be used for plants.

A detailed provision on the area's classification of real estate or if the easement or similar special rights should be consistent with Chapter 3. § 1 and Chapter 5. paragraph 4(1) real estate formation Act (1970:988). A detailed provision on the establishment of a joint facility shall be in accordance with 5 and 6 §§ construction Act (1973:1149). A detailed provision on the granting of rights of way is consistent with section 6 of the ledningsrätts Act (1973:1144). Law (2015:668).

18 a of the provisions in section 18 if the properties should be applied

also on the ground or another space belonging to several

properties in common. Law (2011:335).

19 repealed by law (2012:187).

repealed by law 20 (2012:187).

Detail the implementation time

section 21 of the local plan, the municipality set an implementation time. The time shall be determined as

that there are reasonable possibilities to implement the plan, but time may not be

less than five years and not longer than fifteen years.

The time is counted from the date of the decision to adopt the plan becomes final. If

any part of the plan may be implemented earlier due to an order pursuant to

Chapter 13. section 17, third paragraph, the time is counted from the date of implementation,

begins. However, this does not apply if the municipality in the plan have decided that time should

count from a later date, or particularly different times for different areas of

the plan.

section 22/expires U: 2016-01-01/If a plan is amended, the plan's implementation period shall also apply for the

part of that change.

Concerning the plan for the change does not contain any indication of the execution time,

the municipality pursuant to section 21 determine a specific execution time for the

part of the plan, as amended.

section 22/entry into force: 01/01/2016 If a detailed plan is amended, the plan's implementation period shall also apply for the issue which the change relates.

Concerning the plan for the change does not contain any indication of the execution time, to commune with the application of section 21 determine a specific execution time for the query that the change relates.

Any execution time shall not apply or shall be determined for such an issue that involves the lifting of some of the detail of the plan or of a zoning provision.

Law (2015:668).

section 23 Of the zoning plan has no indication of the length of the implementation period, the length

deemed to be fifteen years. If the plan has no indication of when the time to start is counted,

It shall be counted in accordance with paragraph 21.

section 24 Before the implementation period has expired, it may be extended by up to five years in

broadcasting. After the implementation period has expired, it may be renewed for a period not exceeding

five years in broadcasting.

An extension or renewal may be for a specific area of the zoning plan.

section 25 If any in relation to a particular property has initiated measures to

implement the plan but do not have time to complete the measures before

implementation and expiration of the delay is due to circumstances which the municipality

control, should the municipality extend the implementation period for the property.

The extension shall be made by the time which is reasonable.

The application for extension must be made before the expiration of the implementation.

Occasional use

section 26 of the city plan, the municipality determine the temporary use of land or

buildings that do not immediately need to be used for the purpose specified in

the plan.

section 27 of the time that the temporary use must continue to be determined by the plan.

Time will be determined to a maximum of ten years and shall be counted from the day following that of

21 section.

section 28 Of the local plan has no indication of how long the temporary use must

last, the time is five years.

section 29 Time for occasional use may be extended by a maximum of five years at a time.

The total duration may not exceed twenty years.

Detail the plan's scope and design

section 30/expires U: 2016-01-01/a detailed plan shall consist of a map of the area to which the plan includes

(flat map) and to the provisions otherwise required. Of plan map to the

indicate how the plan area is divided for different purposes and which provisions

apply to different areas.

If it is necessary for the plan to become clear, the regulation of matters referred to in

paragraph 18 is reported on a specific plan map.

section 30/entry into force: 01/01/2016/a detailed plan shall consist of a map of the area covered by the plan (plan map) and to the provisions otherwise required. Of plan map to show how the planning area is divided for different purposes and which rules apply to different areas.

If it is necessary for the plan to become clear, the regulation of matters referred to in the second subparagraph of section 18 is reported on a specific plan map. Law (2015:668).

31 § A description of how the plan is to be understood and implemented

(plan description) to appear along with the plan.

32 § a detailed plan may not cover a larger area than what

needed with regard to the plan's purpose and execution time.

The intended regulation of buildings, constructions and

the environment should be clearly stated by the plan.

Detail plan may not be more detailed than is needed with

account of the plan's purpose. Law (2011:335).

33 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/Plan description should contain a statement of the

1. prerequisites,

2. purpose of the plan,

3. how the plan is intended to be carried out,

4. the considerations which have formed the basis for the plan's

design in view of conflicting interests and the plan's

consequences, and

5. If the plan differs from the master plan, the way in which the

If so, do it and the reasons for the deviation.

Plan description should contain the illustrative material

needed to understand the plan.

Of financial statements in accordance with the first paragraph 3 shall state the

organizational, technical, financial and real estate legal

measures necessary for the plan to be carried out on

a coordinated and efficient manner as well as the consequences

These measures may, for property owners and other interested parties.

Furthermore, it should be stated if the municipality intends to enter into

development agreements, these terms and main content and

the consequences of the plan entirely or partly with

support of one or more such agreements. Law (2014:900).

33 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016 Plan description should contain a statement of the

1. prerequisites,

2. purpose of the plan,

3. how the plan is intended to be carried out,

4. the considerations which have formed the basis for the plan's design in view of conflicting interests and its consequences, and

5. If the plan differs from the master plan, how it does it and the reasons for the deviation.

Plan description should contain the illustrative material that is needed to understand the plan.

Of financial statements in accordance with the first paragraph 3 should include organizational, technological, financial and real estate legal measures necessary in order that the plan should be implemented in a coordinated and efficient manner as well as the implications these measures will have on property owners and other interested parties.

Furthermore, it should be stated if the municipality intends to enter into development agreements or land views, these contractual main contents and the consequences of the plan entirely or partly with the support of one or more such agreements. Law (2015:668).

33 a of If a detailed plan relates to one or more residential buildings

to plan description, if it can not be considered to be unnecessary with

the light of the above, contain a statement of the

calculated values for environmental noise

1. for residential building's facade, and

2. for a patio if such should be organized in connection with the

building. Law (2014:902).

section 34 on the implementation of the plan is likely to have a significant

environmental impact, shall report in accordance with paragraph 4 of 33

regarding environmental consequences have the content that follows from 6

Cape. section 12 and 13 of the environmental code.

Report shall also comply with the requirements of Chapter 6. paragraph 7 of the first and

second subparagraphs, the environmental code, on the implementation of the plan

likely to have a significant environmental impact due to

floor area may be used for

1. industrial purposes,

2. a shopping center, a parking facility, or any other

projects for cohesive settlements,

3. a ski slope, ski lift or cable car with associated


4. a harbour for pleasure boats,

5. a hotel complex or a leisure village with associated

plants, buildings, outside the coherent

6. a permanent camp site,

7. an amusement park,

8. a Zoo,

9. a tramway, or

10. a subway.

Law (2012:444).

§ 33 35 accounts in accordance with paragraph 4 does not need

include any environmental impact assessment specifically

prepared detailed case, if the plan is such that

referred to in Chapter 5. 7 a of and environmental impact assessment of the

the second case is reproduced in and is current and sufficient

zoning case. Law (2014:900).

36 § the zoning plan should be designed with due regard to the

existing construction, ownership and

real estate circumstances which may affect the plan's


In the elements which the plan will cause the land or other space

or right to land or other space may be

to be claimed pursuant to Chapter 6. 13 or section 16 of the plan shall be

designed so that the benefits can be gained by considering

the nuisance to which the plan is causing the individual. Law (2014:900).

37 § a detailed plan may involve a closer regulation of the possibility of

trade only if there are reasons of significant importance to it.

Detail the plan's validity

38 § a detailed plan until it is changed or revoked.

39 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/a detailed plan may not be amended or repealed before the implementation period

output, if any building owner concerned opposes it.

The first subparagraph shall not apply if the change or cancellation is needed

1. because of the new conditions of considerable general importance that have not been foreseen

the design, or

2. for the implementation of provisions under section 18, first paragraph.

39 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/a detailed plan may not be amended or repealed before expiration, if any building owner concerned opposes it.

The first subparagraph shall not apply if the change or cancellation is needed

1. because of the new conditions of considerable general importance that have not been foreseen in the scheme of things, or

2. for the implementation of the provisions referred to in paragraph 18.

Law (2015:668).

section 40 of the rights resulting from the zoning plan does not prevent

the zoning plan amended or repealed after implementation expiration.

Sectoral provisions

41 § area Municipality may adopt rules to regulate in certain respects

restricted areas of the municipality which is not subject to a detailed plan.

42 § with district rules may only regulate the municipality

1. the basic principles on the use of land and water areas

for buildings, recreational facilities, communication routes and

other comparable purpose, if needed to ensure

the aim of the master plan or to meet a

national interest according to the 3 or 4 Cape. the environmental code,

2. the use and design of the ground for common


3. maximum permissible building or utility area for holiday homes

and the size of the plots of such houses,

4. the scope of the requirements for building permits as provided in 9

Cape. 7 and 8 sections, demolition permits under Chapter 9. section 10 first

paragraph 2 and site improvement permits under Chapter 9. section 13, and

5. location, design and execution of construction works and

plots and determine

(a)) on the vegetation and soil surface design and location within the

the areas referred to in Chapter 9. 13 § 1,

b) If protective devices to prevent such interference

from the environment as referred to in section 12 (1), and

(c)) in matters referred to in section 16 2, 4 and 5.

In connection with the regulation referred to in the first subparagraph 2 or 5

the municipality may also regulate the protection of such special

valuable buildings, plots and buildings areas

described in Chapter 2. paragraph 6, third paragraph and Chapter 8. section 13 and

such land for common use which is particularly valuable

from historical, cultural, environmental or

artistic point of view. Law (2014:900).

43 § Municipality shall recognise area provisions and the reasons for them in a

a separate document. The Act must be designed so that it is clear how

the provisions governing the buildings, structures and the environment in General.

A decision to amend or repeal the district regulations and the reasons for it,

also be reported in a separate document.

Chapter 5. To produce detail plans and area regulations

section 1 of this chapter provides rules on how a detailed plan

and range rules are drawn up, adopted, amended and repealed

and if the answer from the municipality to initiate such

planning. Law (2011:335).

Plan information

2 § On request of someone who intends to take a measure which might

assume that a detailed plan is adopted, amended or repealed or

that area should be amended or repealed regulations, municipality of

a plane slips report their intention to initiate a

such planning. Law (2011:335).

section 3 of the request for plan information must be in writing and contain a description of

the main purpose of the intended action and a map that shows the

area concerned.

If the action relates to a building, should the request contain a description

by the nature of the construction work and approximate size.

4 section When it has received a request for plan information that meets the requirements of paragraph 3 of the

the municipality shall give their plan a vengeance within four months, of the municipality and the person who has

made the request does not agree otherwise.

section 5 of the plan statement must indicate if the municipality intends to initiate

a planning.

If the municipality intends to initiate a planning, municipality of

plan announcement set the time when planning according to

municipal assessment will have led to a final

the decision to adopt, amend or repeal a zoning plan or

amend or repeal district legislation.

If the municipality does not intend to initiate a planning, municipality of

in plan the announcement stating the reasons for the law (2011:335).

Process before a detailed plan adopted

6 § Before the municipality adopts a detailed plan, the municipality have taken

forward a plan proposals, consulted on the proposal and let it

reviewed according to §§ 8 to 37.

For some local plans in accordance with sections 7 and 7A also

Special provisions. Law (2014:900).

Article 7 special provisions regarding an expanded plan process, see

in paragraph 11 (a), 11 (b) and 11 (c) sections, section 17 of the first

subparagraph, second and third paragraphs of section 18 and section 25 of the

detail plan

1. is not consistent with the master plan or the county administrative boards

audit opinion in accordance with Chapter 3. section 16,

2. is of significant interest to the public or otherwise of

great importance, or

3. are likely to have a significant environmental impact.

Law (2014:900).

7 a of the special provisions concerning a coordinated plan process

see paragraph 11 (a), sections 16 and 18 a, paragraph 21 of the other

subparagraph and paragraph 23 of a detail plan that is

consistent with the master plan and the county administrative boards

audit opinion in accordance with Chapter 3. section 16 and that only


1. a business that has tillståndsprövats or to

tillståndsprövas according to the rules given in

support of Chapter 9. section 6 of the environmental code, or

2. a measure which has been tried or to be examined by

preparation and determination of vägplan under the traffic Act

(1971:948) or a railway plan under the Act (1995:1649) if

the construction of the railway. Law (2014:900).

A basis for detailed work

section 8 of the efforts to develop a detailed plan to it, unless it is clear

unnecessary, be one or more maps that are suitable for the purpose

(basic maps) and real estate listings.

section 9 of the list shall indicate

1. what real estate is concerned, the relevant land is collective for

several real estate and public waters is concerned,

2. who is the owner of the property, the land and the waters

provided for in 1,

3. who are the holders of any other specific property rights referred to in

1 than the tenant or tenancy, and

4. what communal facilities under construction Act (1973:1149)

concerned and who are the owners of the properties participating in the facilities.

If a community, special law or joint facility referred to in

first subparagraph, managed by a community association under the Act (1973:1150) on

management of communities, the Association listed in lieu

for owners or holders.

section 10 of the municipality deems it necessary to facilitate detailed work,

should the municipality set starting points and objectives of the plan in a special program.

Consultations and announcement

section 11 of the efforts to develop a program under section 10 or

a proposal for a detailed plan to consult with the municipality

1. the County Administrative Board, surveying authority and the municipalities


2. the known sakägarna and the famous residential right holders,

tenants and property involved;

3. the known associations of tenants who have contracts for the

negotiating procedure of an affected property or, if any

bargaining order does not apply, which are connected to a

National Organization on whose field of activity a concerned

real estate is situated, and

4. the authorities, organisations and individuals as

has a substantial interest in the proposal.

The municipality does not, however, consult with the executives,

tenants, residents, or organizations, if

It is obvious that the proposal is irrelevant to them.

For consultation referred to in the first subparagraph 2-4 it is sufficient to

the municipality provides the opportunity for consultation.

On the implementation of the plan are likely to have a significant

environmental impact, should the consultation be conducted so that it meets

the provisions of Chapter 6. section 6, second paragraph, section 13 and section 15

the environmental code. Law (2014:900).

11 a § if the plan proposal is such a proposal referred to in section 7,

the municipality shall announce the proposal and consult on it during a

some time should be at least three weeks (consultation period).

For plan proposals referred to in paragraph 7 (a) provides for

Proclamation in paragraph 18. Law (2014:900).

11 b of the notice is to be posted on the municipal notice board and

entered in a local newspaper. Of the notice should indicate

1. which area detail plan refers,

2. If the proposal deviates from the master plan,

3. where the proposal is available and how long the consultation period


4. to those who wish to submit comments on the proposal should make

during the consultation period, and

5. to whom comments on the proposal should be submitted.

Notification shall be made pursuant to the Act (1977:654) for publication in the

matters of authority accommodation Law (2014:900).

11 c § during the consultation period, the municipality of keep plan proposal

available for all who want to take part of it to the municipality.

also make sure that the supporting evidence referred to in 8 – 10 sections, see

available as the basis for planning in General as

the municipality considers relevant to the evaluation of the proposal.

Law (2014:900).

12 § consultation should seek to obtain the best possible information for decision-making

and to provide the opportunity for visibility and impact.

section 13/expires U: 2016-01-01/During a consultation on a plan proposal to the municipality

disclose proposal, the reasons for the proposal, it

planning documents that are relevant and how the municipality intends

to deal with the proposal. The municipality may fail to account for

the reasons for the plan proposal and planning paper on it is

clearly unnecessary.

If there is a program under section 10, the municipality of account


If the municipality intends to enter into exploration agreements, should the municipality

account these terms and main content and

the consequences of the plan entirely or partly with

support of one or more such agreements. Law (2014:900).

section 13/entry into force: 01/01/2016 Under a consultation on a proposal to declare the municipality plan proposals, the reasons for the proposal, the planning documents that are relevant and how the municipality intends to deal with the proposal. The municipality may refuse to disclose the reasons for the plan proposal and planning paper on it is clearly unnecessary.

If there is a program under section 10, the municipality shall account for this.

If the municipality intends to enter into development agreements or land views, the municipality of account these terms and main content and the consequences of the plan entirely or partly with the support of one or more such agreements. Law (2015:668).

section 14 of the consultation to the County Board in particular

1. capture and coordinate the State's interests,

2. promote national interests in accordance with 3 and 4.

the environmental code are met, that the environmental quality standards under 5

Cape. the environmental code, and beach protection under Chapter 7.

the environmental code are reversed in contravention of the relevant provisions;

3. ensure that such questions about the use of land and

water areas concerning two or more municipalities, coordinated at

an appropriate way, and

4. push for a settlement or a work not

becomes inappropriate having regard to the health or safety of

or to the risk of accidents, flooding or erosion.

During the consultation, the County Government also specifically give advice on

application of Chapter 2. The provincial government will also provide advice in

Moreover, if the application of the provisions of this Act, if the

from the public point of view. Law (2014:900).

section 15 of the consultation will be surveying authority designated

1. promote a draft zoning plan is consistent with the

Chapter 4. 7, 18 and 18 (a) sections 33 and paragraph 3 and

third subparagraph, and

2. provide advice on the application of Chapter 6. 40 – 42 sections. Law (2014:900).

paragraph 16 of the plan Of a proposal referred to in paragraph 7 (a) needs consultation

According to §§ 11-15 only if the examination of the second case

is completed and

1. the investigation of the case is not sufficient

or no longer is the current for zoning matter, or

2. the consultations have not been in the second case with all those

shall be subject to the consultation provided for in section 11.

In a case referred to in the first subparagraph of paragraph 2, it is sufficient

to complement the detailed case so that consultation with them

not subject to consultation in the second case.

Law (2014:900).

section 17 of the municipality shall recognise the concerns that have come up

in the consultations, as well as the comments and suggestions that the municipality has

in response to the comments. If the plan proposal is such a

referred to in section 7, shall be collected for all accounts

comments that have come up (consultation report). For

other plan proposals other than those referred to in paragraph 7, it is

enough that the accounts are made in the audit report

According to section 23.

On the implementation of the plan are likely to have a

significant environmental impacts, the consultation report to be designed so

It also meets the requirements of Chapter 6. 16 section

the environmental code. Law (2014:900).


section 18 After the consultation referred to in paragraphs 11 to 17 is clear to the municipality in a

notice to inform about its plan proposal and let it

are reviewed over a period of time (review period). If those who

the municipality has consulted under section 11 has approved

plan proposal, need intelligence.

The review period should be at least two weeks, but it must be done

shorter, if all concerned are in agreement. For such a

plan proposals referred to in section 7 shall, however, review time

at least three weeks.

If the municipality when the consultation is clearly determines that the plan proposal

is one of those referred to in section 7, the municipality also announce

the proposal in the manner set out in paragraph 11 (b), if the proposal does not

have been published previously or it has changed significantly. The

that is said about the consultation time in 11 b should instead refer to

audit time. Law (2014:900).

18 a of the plan proposal is one of those referred to in paragraph 7 (a), shall

the municipality of announcing the proposal in the manner set out in paragraph 11 (b) and

Let it be reviewed. The consultation period in paragraph 11 (b), then

Instead, refer to the review time. The review period should be

at least three weeks.

The Declaration must be coordinated with the announcement to be made in

the second case referred to in paragraph 7. Law (2014:900).

section 19 of A notification under section 18 shall be allocated on the municipality's

Bulletin Board and made available on the municipality's website. By

the notification shall indicate

1. which area detail plan refers,

2. If the proposal deviates from the master plan,

3. where the proposal is available for review, and how

long review period is,

4. to those who wish to submit comments on the proposal should make

during the review period,

5. to whom comments on the proposal should be submitted, and

6. to not later than during the review period has left

any written point of view on the proposal could lose the right to

appeal against the decision to adopt the plan. Law (2014:900).

section 20 of the municipality shall, not later than the date on which the notification will be posted on

the municipality's message board post

1. a statement of the contents of the notification to the known

interested parties and those referred to in section 11, first paragraph, (3) and (4),


2. the proposal and the consultation report referred to in section 17 to

the County Administrative Board, surveying authority and the municipalities

concerned. Law (2014:900).

section 21 during the review period, the municipality of keeping the proposal

available for anyone who wants to review it. The municipality shall

also make sure that the supporting evidence referred to in paragraphs 8 to 10 and the

the consultation report referred to in section 17 are available as well as

the basis for planning by the municipality believes has

relevant to the evaluation of the proposal.

If the proposal is one of those referred to in paragraph 7 and the Declaration

has been coordinated under 18 a of the second subparagraph, the municipality

fulfil his obligation under the first paragraph, hold

a copy of the documents in the second case available in

so far as the information is there. Law (2014:900).

section 22 during the review period, the provincial Government give its opinion on the draft plan, if

the proposal, according to the County Board's assessment means that

1. a national interest according to the 3 or 4 Cape. Environment Act are not being met,

2. an environmental quality standard referred to in Chapter 5. environmental regulations are not followed,

3. beach protection under Chapter 7. Environment Act is repealed in violation of any applicable


4. Regulation of such matters relating to the use of land and water areas which

It concerns several municipalities have not been coordinated in a suitable manner, or

5. a settlement or a building otherwise inappropriate having regard to the

the health or safety of persons or to the risk of accidents, flood

or erosion.

22 a of during the review period, cadastral comment

above plan proposal if the authority determines that the proposal

does not comply with Chapter 4. 7, 18 and 18 (a) § § and § 33

first paragraph 3 and the third paragraph. Law (2014:900).

23 § After the review period, the municipality making a

audit opinion. It should contain a summary of the

the written comments have been received under

audit time and an accounting of the municipality's proposal with

reason of the comments.

If the proposal is one of those referred to in paragraph 7 and the Declaration

has been coordinated under 18 a of the second subparagraph, the

the audit report also address the comments in writing

that has come into the second case and is important for

detail planeprövningen. Law (2014:900).

section 24 of the municipality shall, as soon as possible send the audit opinion or a

message about where it is available to those who have not received their

comments addressed.

The audit report should be available along with other documents

in the case.

section 25 of the municipality after the review period, change its proposal

significantly, the municipality let examine the amended proposal

According to section 18 of the first and third paragraphs, and paragraphs 19 to 24. If

the municipality deems that such a proposal is referred to in section 7 of the

and it has not been published previously, should the municipality also

promulgate the amended proposal as set out in paragraph 11 (b).

What is said about the consultation time in 11 b should instead refer to

audit time. Law (2014:900).

Procedure for claims for compensation or redemption

section 26 on a proposal for a detailed plan may cause such damage as referred to in 14

Cape. 7, 10 or 12 §, may submit to the municipality that may be affected by

the injury to within a certain time register their claims for compensation or repayment.

The notice shall contain a statement that the right to compensation would otherwise

may be lost.

The notice shall contain information on the proposal's meaning.

The time limit for notification shall be determined for at least two months. A provision on

that the municipality must not adopt the plan before the deadline has expired, see section 28.

Adoption of a detailed plan

27 § a detailed plan shall be adopted by the City Council, but the Council may Commission

the municipal government or building Committee to adopt a plan that is not of great importance

or has fundamental importance.

section 28 of the municipality has issued a notice under section 26,

the municipality may not adopt the plan before the deadline for

notification of claims has expired. Law (2014:900).

section 29 When local plan has been adopted, the municipality of send a message about this


1. the County Board and the surveying authority,

2. the local and regional bodies are concerned, and

3. those listed in paragraph 11 2 and 3 and those who may appeal under

Chapter 13. 12 or section 13 and

(a)) during the review period have provided written comments which do not

been met, or

(b)) has the right to appeal the decision under Chapter 13. 11 section 1.

The notification shall contain a statement of the Protocol with the decision and information on

what it looking to appeal the decision must do.

The municipality shall send to the County Administrative Board in the examination report referred to in section 23 of the

along with the message that the plan is adopted, if the municipality is not already

has sent the statement under section 24.

section 30 of the notice referred to in section 29 shall be sent no later than the day following that on which the adjustment

the Protocol contains the decision has been announced on the municipality's

Message Board.

section 31, if the zoning plan should be an environmental impact assessment according to 4

Cape. section 34, to the municipality when the plan has been adopted, send a notice of the

to the authority referred to in Chapter 6. the second subparagraph of paragraph 8 of the environmental code.

32 § When the decision to adopt the plan final

should the municipality

1. on plan documents note the date when the plan became final

force and, if an order under Chapter 13. section 17 of the third

the paragraph has been given, the date on which the appointment

It was announced,

2. within two weeks, send the plan, plan description, and

real estate list pursuant to § 9 of the County Administrative Board and the

surveying authority, and

3. with the order in the manner set out in section 11 (b), or with

written notice notify the property owner as

may be entitled to compensation according to chapter 14. 5, 6, 7, 9, 10

or section 11 and those who according to chapter 14. section 12 can have equivalent

the right to compensation, the notification shall indicate

the content of chapter 15. § 5. Law (2014:900).

Messages to communities and housing executives

section 33 a notice under paragraph 20, 24 or 29 that will be sent to a

community, is sent to

1. a member of the Board who are for the community,

2. a person who is appointed to manage the Affairs of the samfällighetens, or

3. If there is no Board of directors or trustees, one of the samfällighetens

some owners to be made available to the other shareholders.

§ 34 a notice under paragraph 20, 24 or 29 that will be sent to a

housing executives that have no known address, may instead be sent to a Member

of the Board of Directors of the condominium association.

Messages to a large number of people

section 35 If a notice under paragraph 20, 24 or 29 shall be sent to a large number of

people who are not communities or housing management, and it would

mean higher costs and inconvenience than is justifiable with regard to

the purpose of the message to send it to each of them, the municipality

1. If the message is one of those referred to in section 20, fail to send it as

20 § 1, and

2. If the message is one of those referred to in section 24 or 29, instead of

send it, proclaiming the message by displaying them on municipal notice board


a) bring it in a local newspaper, or

b) disseminating an information sheet concerning the proclamation of the residents concerned, if

the large number of recipients of the message's property.

If the notice relates to a notice under section 29, of the notice must appear

the decision message refers to, when the decision was announced and what it

need to make that wish to appeal the decision. If the order is entered in a local newspaper,

It will take place the same day that the decision is announced.

section 36 If a notice refers to a detailed plan which means that

a land or water area or a space may be

be used in accordance with Chapter 6. 13 section 35 or paragraph 16 does not

apply for messages to the owner or the holder of a

special rights to the area or space. Law (2014:900).

section 37 in respect of the person who has received a notice under section 26, the municipality does not

apply section 35 of that report that the plan has been adopted.

To amend and repeal the zoning plans

38 § what under this chapter applies in respect of the draft and adoption

by a detailed plan shall also apply to the draft and the decision to change

or revoke a zoning plan.

38 a of/expires U: 2016-01-01/at the extension of the implementation period pursuant to Chapter 4. section 24

need section 18 and the first and third paragraphs 19 to 25 of not

applied. Consultation under section 11 is required only to known interested parties

within the planning area. Law (2014:900).

38 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016 at the extension of the implementation period pursuant to Chapter 4. section 24 requires section 18 of the first and third paragraphs, and paragraphs 19 to 25 do not apply. Consultation under section 11 is only required with cadastral and known interested parties in the area concerned. Law (2015:668).

section 38 (b) in the case of a proposal to repeal a zoning plan

need section 18 and the first and third paragraphs 19 to 25 of not

apply when implementing the plan period has expired, and

the repeal of the plan

1. is consistent with the master plan and the county administrative boards

audit opinion in accordance with Chapter 3. section 16,

2. not is of significant interest to the public or in

Moreover, of great importance, and

3. not likely to have significant environmental effects.

In the case referred to in the first subparagraph, the municipality as soon as

possible send consultation statement or a statement of

where it is available to those who have not received their

comments addressed.

If the municipality after the consultation is completed, change its proposal

significantly, the first subparagraph shall nevertheless have the municipality

the amended proposal pursuant to section 18 of the first and third paragraphs

as well as §§ 19 to 24. Law (2014:900).

section 38 c/entry into force: 01/01/2016/provisions of section 38 (b) shall also apply in the case of a proposal to repeal a zoning provision under Chapter 4. 18 paragraph 1 or 2 or equivalent measures under older rules. In the case of such proposals need not be made under section 11 of the consultation with other municipalities and interested parties outside the affected area. Law (2015:668).

To enact, amend and repeal the district rules

section 39 in respect of draft and decision to adopt, change

or set aside the provisions apply to the area municipality

the provisions relating to the draft and the adoption of a detailed plan

in section 7, section 8, of the part relating to real estate listings, 9 and

10 sections, section 11 of first to third subparagraphs, paragraph 11 (a), 11 (b)

and 11 (c) § § § §, 12 to 15, paragraph 17, 18, 19 and 20 sections,

paragraph 21, 22 and 22 a section, paragraph 23, 24;

25, 27, 29 and 30 § § § 1, 2, 32 and 33 to 35 and § § § 38. At

application to the zoning plan refer to

District rules. Law (2014:900).

The effect of the decision in accordance with this chapter

section 40 of the decision to adopt, amend or repeal a zoning plan or

area provisions apply only after the decision has become final.

Provisions to the effect that the decision may be applied before the final

power can be found in chapter 13. section 17 of the third paragraph.

section 41 Sectoral provisions cease to apply once a decision to adopt a detailed plan

for the area comes into effect or when a zoning plan for the area may be carried out

on the basis of a mandate under Chapter 13. section 17 of the third paragraph.

Chapter 6. Implementation of local plans

section 1 of This chapter contains provisions for the implementation of

detailed plan for public places when the municipality's principal.

The provisions relating to

1. the municipality's right to redeem the property, land and other


2. provision and maintenance of public spaces, and

3. property owner's obligation to pay for the street costs


The chapter also contains provisions concerning exploitation contracts.

At the individual ownership rules apply

establishment of the facility that is common to multiple real estate

in the construction Act (1973:1149). In the fixed code is also available

provisions on the maintenance of highways and other public places

who have individual ownership. Law (2014:900).

section 2 implementation of a detailed plan should be based on the

plan description that the municipality has made pursuant to Chapter 4. 31 and

33 sections. Law (2014:900).

3 repealed by law (2014:900).

4 repealed by law (2014:900).

section 5 was repealed by law (2014:900).

section 6 of the repealed law (2014:900).

7 repealed by law (2014:900).

section 8 Has been repealed by law (2014:900).

9 repealed by law (2014:900).

10 repealed by law (2014:900).

repealed by law 11 (2012:187).

section 12 is repealed by Act (2014:900).

The municipality's right to redeem the property, land and other


paragraph 13 of the municipality may redeem the land or other space which, according to

the zoning plan should be used for

1. a general place that the municipality shall be the principal for,


2. other than individual settlement, if the soil or

space usage for the intended purpose is not

ensured yet.

The municipality's right under the first paragraph 2 expires on

the municipality provides building permits under Chapter 9. 32 a of the first subparagraph.

Provisions on the obligation of the municipality to redeem the land

or other space, see Chapter 14. Law (2014:900).

section 14 On an area of land according to the zoning plan should be a single

property but at the expiration of the implementation includes several

properties with different owners and the municipality under the plan is

the head of a public place, the municipality may redeem

properties or parts of properties so that

the real estate Division is consistent with the plan.

Law (2014:900).

section 15 of the municipality is the principal of a public place that is

designed to meet a local marks or other

space requirements of the public area and the local ground

or space at the expiration of the implementation is not

built in a way that essentially follows the plan,

the municipality of redeeming the land or space.

The first subparagraph shall not apply if the land or space covered

of a building permit which may be used. Law (2014:900).

section 16 if anyone has specific rights to land or other space

covered by the municipality's right under section 13, 14 or 15, may

the municipality also redeem the special law. Law (2014:900).

section 17 of the municipality makes use of the option under 13, 14, 15 or 16 §,

the compensation shall be determined pursuant to Chapter 4. Expropriations Act (1972:719).

Provision of public places

section 18 as the buildings are being completed according to plan, the municipality

arrange the streets and other public places as the municipality's principal, so that

the sites can be used for their intended purpose.

The municipality shall grant sites for general use as soon as the area

the sites are within has been carried out under the plan or, if the implementation period has

expired, as the buildings are completed.

When the sites are licensed for general use, they shall be arranged on a

appropriate manner and in accordance with local custom. they shall in the case of plans,

location and design in General comply with the zoning plan. The municipality may make small

deviations from the plan, unless it defeats the purpose of the plan.

§ 19 in so far as the State is a road in an area covered by

the zoning plan, which, according to section 18 applies in terms of the municipality's obligation to

arrange the streets instead apply State.

If a street is given a greater width or a precious performance otherwise than

necessary with regard to traffic, in spite of the first subparagraph shall pay the municipality

the additional cost.

The Government may decide in individual cases that the State shall ensure the

additional cost referred to in the second subparagraph.

20 § Before the municipality has managed to arrange the street as a property

should have exit to or the sewer as a property

should be connected to, the who wants to build on


1. arrange utfartsväg and sewage system, and

2. free of charge using the municipality's land for utfartsvägen and

the sewage plant, if the land is intended for that purpose.

Law (2011:335).

Maintenance of public places

section 21 of the municipality shall be responsible for the maintenance of streets and other public places as

the municipality is responsible for. This applies even if the plan is cancelled.

section 22 Of the State's road to a public road in an area covered by

the zoning plan, should the State respond to the road traffic Act maintained in accordance with


If maintenance is more expensive than what is needed, according to traffic, the

the municipality despite the first paragraph, pay the additional cost. However, this does not apply if

the Government decides that the State should pay the additional cost.

23 repealed by law (2014:900).

Property owner's liability to pay for street costs etc.

section 24 of the municipality, in its capacity as the principal has a duty to construct or

improve a street or other public place or to take another measure which is

designed to meet the needs of a range of public places and facilities

normally associated with such sites, the municipality may decide that the owners of

the properties in the area should pay the costs of such measures.

Costs shall be apportioned between the properties on a fair and equitable manner.

The municipality should decide on the demarcation of the area to be covered by

distribution, which costs are to be allocated and the cause of the breakdown.

section 25 of the municipality, in its capacity as the principal has a duty to construct or

improve a street, the municipality instead of applying section 24 may decide to

the costs shall be paid by the owners of the real estate is located at

the street.

Costs may be apportioned between the properties so that

1. each property accounts for half of the portion of the cost relating to

the street in front of the property,

2. the cost of such equipment normally associated with a street divided equally,


3. the cost of establishing a geethaganeshan divided equally between properties at


If the cost to construct or improve a street is not the same across the entire

the street, the municipality may decide that the costs will be distributed between the properties on

Another method that is reasonable and fair.

The program under this section applies to a street shall also apply to other

public places than the streets.

section 26 If a property is located on a public place that is not a street, the place

for the purposes of sections 24 and 25 shall be deemed to have a width that corresponds to five

quarters of the maximum building height as the town plan for

the property where the site is located on land that was allotted for general use.

section 27 of the basis for determining the extent of the payment obligation according to 24

or section 25 of the municipality may add

1. the actual costs incurred, or

2. calculations of what the experience costs to performance

build or improve the streets and other public places.

Consultation and review prior to the decision on apportionment

section 28 Before the municipality decides whether the payment obligation according to § 24 or 25, shall

the municipality should investigate the matter and establish the proposal for allocation of costs that

the investigation leads.

The municipality shall give interested parties and the housing managers, tenants, and property

concerned by the proposal, as well as other organisations and individuals can have a

substantial interest in the proposal, the opportunity for consultation with the municipality. Consultation

to refer to an exchange of information and views. During the consultation,

the municipality of a statement of the grounds for the proposal, the planning documents that are relevant

and the most important consequences of the proposal.

The municipality shall communicate the results of the consultation and the proposals which the consultation has

raised in a consultation report.

section 29 Of the municipality's proposal relates to the allocation of costs in accordance with section 24, the municipality

announce that the proposal is available for inspection. The proclamation shall be allocated

on the municipality's bulletin board and be entered in a local newspaper under the Act (1977:654)

If the announcement in matters of authority, etc.

Of the notice should indicate which area the proposal relates to the

to review the proposal and provide comments may do so within a specified

audit time and to whom the comments to be submitted. The review period should be

at least three weeks. The municipality shall send a notice of the proclamation and its

content of the letter to the property owners concerned but which are not

writing has approved the proposal.

section 30 during the review period referred to in section 29, the municipality of keep the draft

cost-sharing and consultation statement under section 28 of the available for those who

to review the proposal.

section 31 Of the municipality's proposal concerning cost allocation according to section 25, should the municipality provide

the famous property owners concerned but which are not approved in writing

the proposal the opportunity to last some day deliver its opinion on the draft, and

the consultation report.

32 § Municipality shall not definitively decide on apportionment

1. in accordance with section 24, until the review time according to section 29 expires, or

2. under section 25 until the time of the opinion referred to in section 31.

Adjustment of the payment obligation

33 § A property owner's payment obligation according to § 24 or 25 shall be adjusted,


1. the cost of municipal action is unreasonably high, or

2. the measures that cost concerns have a scope or a

workmanship that go beyond what can be considered normal with respect to the

use that is allowed for the property.

The performance of the payment obligation

section 34 if the municipality decides that a property owner to pay the costs pursuant to 24

or section 25, ensues the obligation when the facility payment

concerns can be used for the property as intended.

35 § When the payment obligation according to § 34 has arisen, will the payment be done when

the municipality requests it.

On unpaid amount that is due and payable shall bear interest in accordance with section 6 of the

interest Act (1975:635) payable from the due date.

36 § 35 may, despite section payment obligation fulfilled by installments with

at least annually, if

1. the payment obligation is onerous for property owner with respect to the

the economic viability or other circumstances, and

2. the property owner sets the acceptable security.

On unpaid amounts past due shall bear interest in accordance with paragraph 5 of

interest Act (1975:635) is payable from the date of the first payment shall be made.

On unpaid amount that is due and payable shall bear interest in accordance with section 6 of the

interest Act are payable from the due date.

According to § 37 section 36 payment terms shall be adjusted, if they are too burdensome for

the property owner.

section 38 If a property owner has become liable under section 34 and

the property then changes hands, the new owner liable in the same

extent that the previous owner was. However, this does not amount

become due before the closing date.

Development agreements

section 39 of the municipality intends to enter into development agreement,

the municipality adopt guidelines that specify the starting points and objectives for the

such agreements. The guidelines shall specify basic principles

for the allocation of costs and revenues for the implementation of

local plans and other matters appropriate to the

the assessment of the implications of entering into development agreements.

Law (2014:900).

section 40 of The exploitation agreements may relate to commitment for a

the Builder or a building owner to undertake or finance

measures for the construction of streets, highways and other public

sites and facilities for water supply and drainage

as well as other measures. Actions will be necessary to

the zoning plan should be implemented. The measures included in the

Builder's or the property owner's obligation shall be

reasonably related to his use of the plan.

Law (2014:900).

41 section A development agreement may not contain a commitment

for a builder or a building owner to totally or

partially finance the construction works for the health care, education or care

the municipality has an obligation under the law to provide.

Law (2014:900).

42 § A development agreement may not relate to compensation for

measures taken prior to the conclusion of the agreement in other

case than when plan refers to a stage in a multi-stage

the expansion. Law (2014:900).

The application of the chapter on the Commons

43 § that applicable in the case of real estate pursuant to this

Chapter shall also apply to land or other space

among several properties in common. At such a

the application should

1. what applies in respect of property owner apply to the owners

to the properties that are part of the community, and

2. a community which is not designated for development is considered

be built in the community in significant extent has

used for its intended purpose.

If a community is considered to be built under the first

paragraph 2, the maximum building height is considered to be

the average maximum building height for the

real estate that is part of the community. Law (2014:900).

Chapter 7. Regional planning

section 1 of the Government may decide that, for a certain period of time or until further notice,

be a regional planning body with a duty to

1. investigate such questions on the use of land or water areas concerning

two or more municipalities and needs to be investigated jointly, and

2. to coordinate overall planning for two or more municipalities to the extent


The Government shall decide on such a regional planning body only if the joint

investigation or coordination does not come about in any other way and

among the municipalities concerned is not a widespread resistance to this. In

the decision to the regional planning agency's main tasks are listed.

paragraph 2 of a decision pursuant to paragraph 1, the Government decide to

1. a municipal Association should be regional planning bodies, or

2. the local authorities concerned shall form a special regional planning associations shall be

regional planning bodies.

section 3 of the issues not specifically regulated in this chapter, the provisions of

Association of local authorities of the local Government Act (1991:900) are applied to the regional planning association.

section 4 provisions on regional planning in Stockholm County are in the law (1987:147) if

regional planning for municipalities in Stockholm County.

paragraph 5 of the Region for a regional planning bodies includes those municipalities which it has

nominated for.

Regional planning agency shall, within their region monitor the regional issues and, in such

questions continuously provide a basis to municipalities and the State authorities

for their planning.

section 6, A regional planning body may, for the region or a part of it,

adopt a regional planning to be

1. guide the decision on general plans, zoning plans

and range rules, and

2. set the outlines for the use of land and water areas

and guidelines for the siting of buildings and

construction works, if relevant for the region.

Law (2011:335).

7 § Regionplanen shall be designed so that the meaning and impact of the

clearly established.

§ 8 the provisions of Chapter 3. 7 – 18 § § consultation, exhibition and review shall

apply also in the case of regional plans, and even when a regional planning should be changed

or repealed. When applying to what is said there about the master plan in

rather than apply regional planning and the regional planning agency, the municipality shall apply.

Exhibition period should, however, be at least three months.

§ 9 A regional planning shall be adopted, amended or repealed by the Council of the

local authorities or regional planning associations are regional planning bodies.

Regional planning agency shall ensure that the

1. a decision to adopt, amend or revoke a regional planning are announced by

to the approval of the minutes of the decision will be posted on the site referred to in 3

Cape. section 28 of the 10 local Government Act (1991:900),

2. a notice of announcement and a protocol statement with the decision

sent to the municipalities and county councils affected by the plan and to

Government no later than the day after the announcement, and

3. the plan will be sent to provincial governments within the region and building and planning, when the decision

has become final.

section 10 A regional planning comes in eight years from

1. date of the Government's decision under Chapter 11. section 13 not to revise the plan,


2. the day of the Government's decision under Chapter 11. section 14, if it means that

regionplanen is repealed in its entirety.

section 11 If a urban planning changes, applies the modified plan from

1. date of the Government's decision under Chapter 11. section 13 not to overrule

the change, or

2. the day of the Government's decision under Chapter 11. section 14, if it means that

the amendment is repealed in its entirety.

The modified plan is valid only for the remainder of the plan's original

period of validity under section 10.

section 12 is repealed if a regional planning, the plan will apply from

1. date of the Government's decision under Chapter 11. section 13 not to overrule

suspension, or

2. the day of the Government's decision under Chapter 11. section 14, if it means that the plan

has been cancelled.

Chapter 8. Requirements for construction works, building products, sites and public places

Construction plant design

§ 1 a building should

1. be suitable for its purpose,

2. have a good shape, color and material effect, and

3. be accessible and usable for people with an impaired motion or

sense of direction.

section 2 subject to the provisions of this chapter or rules which have

issued under Chapter 16 of the. section 2, the requirements in paragraph 1 must be fulfilled in such a way that they,

1. in the case of new construction is met for the entire building,

2. for the redevelopment are met for the whole building or, if this is not reasonable,

the significant and avgränsbara part of the building significantly renewed by

reconstruction and

3. for other alteration of a building than rebuilding are met in respect of the amendment.

With regard to the requirement in paragraph 3 shall preclude the availability or

usability of premises to which the public has access notwithstanding the first subparagraph,

always be remedied, if the obstacle in view of the practical and financial

the conditions are simple to remedy.

section 3 of the scope as stated in the regulations that have been issued with the support of

16. 2 § to what

1. in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 apply to a building also apply to another establishment,


2. in accordance with paragraph 1 of the terms of a building also apply to signs and lighting devices.

Technical characteristics of construction works

4 of a work shall have the technical characteristics that are essential in terms of

1. mechanical resistance and stability;

2. safety in case of fire,

3. protection with regard to hygiene, health and the environment,

4. safety in use,

5. protection against noise,

6. energy economy and heat retention,

7. fitness for the intended purpose,

8. accessibility and usability for people with an impaired motion or

sense of direction, and

9. management of water and waste.

What is required for a construction works shall be considered to comply with the first paragraph, it is clear from

of regulations that have been issued pursuant to Chapter 16. 2 §.

4 a of a municipality may not, in cases other than arising from Chapter 4.

12 and 16 sections or in cases where the municipality is acting as developer

or property owners, set their own requirements for a construction works

technical characteristics during planning, in other cases in accordance with the

This Act or in connection with the implementation of local plans.

If a municipality imposes its demands, these demands without

effect. Law (2014:900).

paragraph 5 of the requirements of section 4 shall be fulfilled in such a way that the

1. met at the shipbuilding, conversion or other alteration of a building than

rebuilding, and

2. normal maintenance likely will continue to be met in

an economically reasonable working life.

The requirements to be met for the purposes of the first paragraph is the

requirements that apply when the construction or the change is made. Requirements must be met in

the scale of the building referred to in paragraph 2 of the first subparagraph, unless otherwise

follow the instructions given with the support of 16. 2 §.

What the first and second subparagraphs shall apply also in the case of building

applied to other plants than buildings.

Exception from design and property requirements on construction works

section 6 requirements for accessibility and usability in paragraph 3 and paragraph 4 of the

the first subparagraph of paragraph 8 shall not apply in the case of

1. a workroom, if demands are unjustified given the nature

of the activities for which the venue is intended;

2. a holiday home with no more than two residential units, and

3. availability of a one-or two-dwelling buildings, if it is

account of the terrain are not reasonable to comply with the requirements.

Law (2011:335).

section 7 by change or relocation of a building, the requirements referred to in 1

and 4 §§ adapted and deviations from the requirements to take account of

to the extent, or stem, as well as with

account of the building's conditions and to

the provisions on care and prohibition of corruption in

This chapter. Departure from the requirements of section 3 and section 4 first

paragraph 8 shall be made only if the

the scope or stem end and the building's

the default is manifestly unfair to comply. Further

get deviation from the requirements of section 3 and 4 of the first paragraph 8

always be done if the change means that the homes of up to 35

square metres each fitted on a breeze.

What is the meaning of the first subparagraph applies in respect of a building

shall apply also to other holdings than buildings.

The first and second subparagraphs shall not apply in the case of requirements

should always be met according to the instructions given

with the support of 16. 2 § 4. Law (2014:224).

§ 8 in the case of a build task that does not require a building permit, or

registration under this Act or the regulations that have been issued

with the support of the law, the requirements of paragraphs 1 and 4, adapted and deviations

from requirements to be made to the extent that is reasonable taking into account

to the nature and scope of the measure. Departure from the requirements of section 1 of 3

and (4) paragraph 8 shall be made only if it is

account of the scale and the default is

manifestly unreasonable to comply.

The first subparagraph shall not apply in respect of the requirement that should always

be met according to the rules given under 16

Cape. 2 § 4. Law (2011:335).


§ 9 An undeveloped plot of land to be developed should be arranged in a way that is appropriate to

view of the city or the countryside and to the natural and cultural values of

the site. The plot should be arranged so that

1. natural conditions as far as possible be taken to be,

2. significant inconvenience for the environment or traffic do not arise,

3. There is a suitably located driveway or other output from the site as well as

devices which allow for the necessary transport and meets the requirement of

access for emergency vehicles,

4. it's on site or close to it in a reasonable extent are appropriate

space for parking, loading and unloading of vehicles,

5. people with reduced movement or sense of direction to come up

to construction works and otherwise use the site, if in the light of

the terrain and conditions in general are not unreasonable, and

6. risk of accident is limited.

If the site should be developed with buildings containing one or more dwellings

or premises for after-school, preschool, school or other comparable activities,

do it on the site or in the vicinity of the be sufficient clearance area that is

suitable for play and the outdoors. If there are not enough spaces to

organize both the clearance area and parking under the first subparagraph 4, you should in the first place

arrange the clearance area.

section 10 of The force in terms of space for parking, loading and unloading and

If the clearance area of 9 paragraph 4 and the second paragraph, in a reasonable extent

also applies if the site is built.

section 11 of the terms of that on a built-up site take such changes

of a building that requires permission under this Act, or

regulations issued pursuant to Chapter 16. 7 § or

actions that require notification under the regulations

issued under Chapter 16 of the. section 8 section 9 shall apply in the

so far as is reasonable, taking into account the costs of

work and Santa's special properties. Law (2011:335).

General sites and other areas

section 12 of that applicable in the case of land plots according to §§ 9-11 will be in

reasonable extent be applied also in public places and on

areas for other holdings than buildings, though, that people

with reduced movement or sense of direction should be able to

use the site or area to the extent permitted by

the provisions adopted pursuant to this Act.

A barrier to accessibility or usability of a General

location should always be remedied, if the obstacle with respect to the

practical and economic conditions are easy to

remedy. Law (2011:335).

Prohibition of corruption

section 13, a building that is particularly valuable from a historical, cultural historical,

environmental or artistic point of view should not be disparaged.

The first subparagraph shall also apply to

1. facilities that are building requirements under the regulations that have been issued

with the support of 16. section 7,

2. the plots in the respects that are the subject of protection provisions in a plan

or in the district rules,

3. General sites, and

4. urban areas.

Maintenance and care

section 14 of The construction works shall be kept in good condition and nourished

maintained so that its design and technical features

referred to in paragraph 4 of the essentially preserved. Maintenance shall be adapted

to the surrounding nature and value of the construction work from

historical, cultural, environmental and artistic

point of view.

If the structure is particularly valuable from a historical,

cultural, environmental or artistic point of view, the

It maintained that the specific values are preserved.

A device for a purpose referred to in paragraph 4(1) 2-4,

6 or 8, to be held in such a condition that it always fills the

its purpose. Law (2011:335).

section 15 of the land must be kept in good condition and managed so that nourished the risk of accidents

is limited and substantial inconvenience for the environment and for traffic not


If the plot is a device which is intended to meet the requirements of section 9, shall

it in a reasonable extent be in such a condition that it fills its purpose.

Playgrounds and fixed devices in playgrounds to be maintained so as to minimize the risk of

accidents should be limited.

Building Committee may decide that it should be planted at the site and that the existing

vegetation on the site should be preserved, if necessary to meet the requirements of the first


section 16 of The force in respect of the care and maintenance of a site under section 15 shall be in

reasonable extent also be applied in public places and on areas for other

installations than buildings.

17 § Modification of a building and relocation of a building should be done gently so

taking into account the building's character traits and makes use of the building

technical, historical, cultural, environmental and artistic values.

section 18 of The force in terms of modification and relocation of a building under section 17 of the

shall also apply to alteration and relocation of a facility that requires a building permit

According to regulations issued pursuant to Chapter 16. 7 §.

The suitability of the products

section 19 of a construction product may be included in a building only if the

is suitable for the intended use.

A construction product shall be considered adequate if the

1. has such characteristics that the works in which the product

to be included in can meet the technical requirements referred to in

4 paragraph 1 to 6, 8 and 9 when the construction work is

designed and built correctly, or

2. complies with the requirements of regulations issued under

of Chapter 16 of the. section 6. Team (2013:306).

The placing on the market

section 20 of the rules on the conditions for placing and

provide construction products on the market, see

European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 by

on 9 March 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the

the marketing of construction products and repealing Council

Directive 89/106/EEC.

A construction product which does not fall within the scope of Regulation (EC) no

305/2011 may be sold in this country for the intended use only

If it is suitable according to § 19. Team (2013:306).

section 21 of the provisions on labelling in the European Parliament and

Council Regulation (EC) no 765/2008 of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements

for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the

marketing of products and repealing Regulation (EEC) no

338/93 and the law (2011:791) on accreditation and technical

control applies to construction products as shall be CE-marked

According to 1. Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, or 2. regulations issued pursuant to Chapter 16. 6 paragraph 2. Team (2013:306).

Type approval and production control

section 22 Materials, structures and components shall be type-approved

for use in construction works. Such approval may

be notified by someone who is accredited for indication

According to European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no

765/2008 of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and

market surveillance relating to the marketing of products and

repeal of Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 and paragraph 5 of the law

(2011:791) on accreditation and technical control or

meet the corresponding requirements under the provisions of another country

within the European Union or the European economic


If it follows from the rules given under 16

Cape. 6 paragraph 4 to a particular material or a

specific design or device to be type approved to receive

be used in a building (obligatory type approval).

Even if an approval is not required, a

type approval is notified on application (optional type approval).

A particular material or a particular design or

device type-approved shall be deemed to comply with the technical

essential requirements referred to in paragraph 4 of the

the approval applies. Law (2011:795).

22 a of When CE marking shall be the only marking which attests

conformity of a construction product with the declared performance in

accordance with article 8(3) of Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, may

type-approval shall be granted and already announced

type-approvals shall be repealed. Team (2013:306).

section 23 of an approval under section 22 may be subject to a condition that

the manufacture of the product continuously checked (production control).

Even in the case of materials, buildings and equipment are not

type-approved, the competent to type-approve pursuant to section 22 of the application

decide that the manufacturing process shall be subject to production control.

Materials, structures and components manufacturer-controlled,

deemed to comply with the technical requirements referred to in paragraph 4 of the

the production control is valid.

Lifts and cableway installations

section 24 Elevators in buildings and cableway installations must always

have the performance and the equipment which might reasonably be required to meet the

technical requirements referred to in paragraph 4.

Ventilation system

section 25 Of the under 16. 11 § is legally required

the function of a ventilation system shall be checked for

to ensure a satisfactory indoor climate in

buildings under paragraph 4, first subparagraph, 3-6, the building's owner

make sure the check is done by a special

funktionskontrollant is certified by someone who is

accredited for this duty, in accordance with European Parliament and Council

Regulation (EC) no 765/2008 of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for

accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of

products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 and paragraph 5 of the

Act (2011:791) on accreditation and technical control or

meet the corresponding requirements under the provisions of another country

within the European Union or the European economic

area. Law (2011:795).


section 26 of the Government or the authority that the Government get in the individual

the case provide an exemption from the provisions of this chapter.

Chapter 9. Building permits, demolition permits and site improvement permits, etc.

section 1 of This chapter contains provisions on the

1. building permits, demolition permits, site improvement permits and reporting obligation,

2. preliminary rulings and conditional statements,

3. the processing of leave transactions,

4. terms and conditions of the permit, and

5. what a decision on permits should contain, how it is dispensed and how long it


Building permits

section 2 of The required permits for

1. new construction,

2. extension, and

3. other alteration of a building than extension, if the change means that

a) building fully or partially occupied or refitted for a substantially

purpose other than that which the building was last used or according to the last

granted building permits, has been adapted to without the intended use has come

into being,

(b)) in the building should any additional accommodation or any additional local

for trade, craft or industry, or

c) building change colour, siding or roofing material or

the building's exterior appearance significantly influenced in any other way.

First paragraph 3(c) applies only if the building is located in an area covered by the

a detailed plan.

section 3 Notwithstanding paragraph 2 1, 2 and 3 (b) does not

building permits for an outbuilding for agriculture, forestry or

other similar industry, if the measure taken in an area which

not covered by a detailed plan. Law (2011:335).

4 section For one-and two-dwelling buildings and related standalone

outbuildings, garages and other small buildings (Supplement)

It is required, and despite section 2 of the regulations that have been issued with

support of 16. section 7, not a building permit to

1. with a wall or a fence holding a protected patio

in 3.6 metres from residential house, on the wall or wooden fence not

is higher than 1.8 meters and not be placed closer to the border than

4.5 meters,

2. arrange a canopy over a patio set out in 1

or across a patio, balcony or entrance, if canopy

along with other canopies that have been organised in the grounds

by virtue of the derogations from the requirement of planning permission does not cover a

larger area than 15.0 square meters and not be placed closer to the

border than 4.5 metres, or

3. in the immediate vicinity of residential building construction or building

In addition to a building

a) together with other complementary buildings constructed

on the site by virtue of exemptions from requirements for a building permit under

This clause or the equivalent older provisions must not be

a larger building area than 15.0 m2

(b)) has a taknockshöjd that does not exceed 3.0 metres, and

(c)) should not be placed closer to the border than 4.5 metres.

An action referred to in 1 – 3 may be taken closer to the border than 4.5

meters, if the neighbours concerned so permit.

The first subparagraph of paragraph 3 shall not apply to

1. If the municipality referred to in paragraph 2 (a) have decided to

the operation requires a building permit, or

2. for such residential buildings that make up a

complement residential buildings, as referred to in paragraph 4 (a). Law (2014:900).

4 Despite section 2 of the section does not require a building permit for that, in the immediate

proximity of a one-or two-dwelling buildings, construct or build

to a building

1. refers to constitute either a special residence

(complement residential) or a complementary building,

2. together with other buildings constructed on

the site pursuant to this section must not be greater

building area than 25.0 m2

3. have a taknockshöjd which does not exceed 4.0 metres,

4. not be placed closer to the border than 4.5 metres, and

5. in relation to a railway not be placed closer to the

track Centre than 30.0 m.

It is not required nor building permits to change a

In addition to building such a complement residential buildings

referred to in the first subparagraph.

An action referred to in the first or second paragraph may be taken

closer to the border than 4.5 meters, if the neighbours affected admits

It may also be taken. Such a measure closer to the track Centre than

30.0 metres of rail infrastructure managers admits

the law (2014:477).

4 b section for the one-or two-dwelling buildings not required, despite section 2 of the

building permits for

1. do not exceed an extension that does not have a larger

gross area than 15.0 m2 not exceeding

residential building taknockshöjd and not be placed closer to the

border than 4.5 metres, or

2. on a residential building which does not have Dormer Windows build no more than two

hives or at a residential building that already has a takkupa build

Another takkupa, where ceiling cups may occupy no more than half

roofing case and it does not involve any interference with the

the design.

An action referred to in the first subparagraph 1 may be taken closer to the

border than 4.5 meters, if the neighbours concerned so permit.

The first paragraph does not apply to such a dwelling house

is complementary. Law (2014:477).

paragraph 4 (c) Of section 2 of the single-family homes not required, despite planning permission for

to decorate the building additional housing. This applies to

though not for such residential buildings that make up a

complement residential houses. Law (2014:477).

4 d, a measure referred to in paragraph 4(a) to 4(c) sections must not be taken without

building permits

1. If the municipality referred to in paragraph 2 (a) have decided to

the operation requires a building permit, or

2. in buildings or in urban areas referred to in 8

Cape. section 13.

A measure relating to complementary residential buildings under section 4 (a), a

measure referred to in paragraph 4 (b) 1 or 4 c § shall not

undertaken without building permits within or adjacent to such

areas referred to in Chapter 3. the second subparagraph of paragraph 9 of the Environment Act of

in the case of airports and the practice or firing range.

Law (2014:477).

4 (e) for the purposes of section 4 a of the to complement residential

not constitute a single-family homes referred to in

paragrafens first paragraph. Law (2014:477).

§ 5 For one-and two-dwelling buildings and their associated complement buildings within a

area with detailed plan required it, despite section 2, not a building permit to recolor, switch

facing or replacing the roof coverings, if operation is not significantly

change the building or the area's character.

The first subparagraph shall not apply if the municipality referred to in paragraph 2 (a) is determined

the measure requires planning permission.

section 6, For one-and two-dwelling buildings and related

complementary buildings, walls and barriers outside an area with

detailed plan required it, despite section 2 of the regulations is

issued under Chapter 16 of the. section 7, not a building permit to

1. make a small extension, if action is not taken further

border than 4.5 metres, or

2. construct a complementary building, a wall or a fence in

the immediate vicinity of the dwelling house, if action is not taken

closer to the border than 4.5 metres.

An action referred to in paragraph 1 or 2 may be taken closer to the border than

4.5 meters, if the neighbours concerned so permit.

The first and second subparagraphs shall not apply if the municipality under section 8

the first subparagraph of paragraph 3 have decided that the measure requires planning permission

or if the action taken within a coherent and

building permits are needed with regard to the scope of construction works in

the buildings. Law (2014:900).

section 7 to the extent that the municipality pursuant to Chapter 4. 15 or section 42 has particularly

to apply as an exception from the requirement for a building permit is required, despite section 2, no building permit

in order to

1. in an area with detailed plan, carry out an action in the manner and under the

time as the municipality has decided in the plan, or

2. in an area covered by sectoral rules in the way that the municipality

have determined in the range rules

a) take an action concerning an addition building

b) make a small extension,

c) do an extension to or other modification of an industrial building, or

d) take a measure relating to a simple vacation, a kolonistuga or other

similar building.

To within a coherent buildings take an action referred to in the first

subparagraph 2 (a) or (b) required the consent of the relevant neighbours for action to

be taken without planning permission, if such consent is needed with regard to

the scope of construction works in settlements.

The first and second subparagraphs shall not apply where a building assessment is necessary for

to protect the interests of the neighbours or the general interest.

section 8, except as permitted by sections 2 to 7, building permits are required in the

so far as appears from the

1. regulations have been issued pursuant to Chapter 16. section 7,

2. the local authority for an area that is a valuable


(a)) in a detailed plan has decided to take an action that

referred to in paragraph 4(1) 3, 4(a) to 4(c) § § or § 5 first


(b)) in a detailed plan or area regulations is determined for

to maintain or alter a building or

settlement area referred to in Chapter 8. section 13,

(c)) in the district rules have decided to change the area

a building's color, facing or roofing material

or take any other action that significantly affect

the building's external appearance,

3. the provisions of the municipality area has decided to

outside a coherent buildings take measures referred to in

section 6, first paragraph, 1 and 2,

4. What is the municipality of the District of provisions is determined in relation

If farm buildings for agriculture, forestry or similar


5. What is the municipality in a detailed plan or area regulations

have decided to organize or appreciably change

facilities for such groundwater referred to in Chapter 11.

11 § 1 the environmental code.

The first subparagraph of paragraph 4 and 5 applies only if there are special

reasons for a building assessment. Law (2014:900).

section 9 If a building permit is used for a purpose that has such a seasonal nature to

the action covered by the building permit needs to be repeated for two or more years in

as a result, the action to be taken again without a new trial, if it occurs within one year from the

the last operation was terminated.

Demolition permits

section 10 of The required demolition permit to tear down a building or part of a building

1. in an area with detailed plan, if the municipality does not have determined otherwise in the

the plan, and

2. outside an area with detailed plan, if the municipality in the territorial provisions have

decided that a demolition permit is required.

It is not necessary demolition permits, if the building or part of the building may appear

without planning permission and the municipality in the zoning plan or area regulations have not

particularly the need for demolition permits.

Site improvement permits

section 11 of The required site improvement permits for excavation or filling in

an area with detailed plan substantially changes the elevation mode within a

plot or ground in a public place, unless the municipality

have determined otherwise in the zoning plan.

If a specific location for the surface is particularly in the zoning plan,

the first paragraph is required notwithstanding not site improvement permits to raise

or lower the soil level to that level. Law (2014:900).

section 12 of The required site improvement permits for tree felling and afforestation in an area with

detailed plan, if the municipality has decided that in the plan.

section 13 requires site improvement permits for excavation, filling, tree felling and

forest plantations in an area outside the detailed plan, if

1. the action to be carried out in an area intended for habitation or in

the proximity of an existing or planned facility for total defense, Government

Airport, airport for general use, nuclear reactor, other

nuclear energy plant or other facility that requires a protection or

security area, and

2. municipality of district rules have determined that it required such a site improvement permits in


Permits for actions that do not require permission

14 § although a measure of a building or land does not require a building permit,

demolition permits or site improvement permits, intending to take the measure to apply to

the action is tried, and have the right to have their applications examined as if the action required

Lov. The examination shall cover the compatibility of the measure with this law.

Measures for total defense

section 15 of the regulations on building permits, demolition permits and site improvement permits do not apply measures with

buildings or other facilities which are meant for total defense and that is

of secret nature. Such measures should be preceded by consultations with the provincial government that on

appropriate means to inform the municipality about the actions and where they should be carried out.

Notification requirements

16 § even if an operation doesn't require building permits, demolition permits or site improvement permits,

the operation cannot be started in violation of regulations on the duty to report

the action has been issued pursuant to Chapter 16. section 8.

Advance notification

section 17 Of the building which intends to take a measure subject to request it,

Building Committee give advance notice in case of operation can be allowed on the

intended location.

section 18 A notice which indicates that the action may be allowed shall be binding upon

the upcoming building trial, if the application for a building permit is made within two years from the

date on which the ruling became final.

Conditional statement

section 19 of the subject intends to take a measure building requests it,

Building Committee in a conditional statement report their assessment of the measure

likely to be subject to terms and conditions to meet the requirements of Chapter 8. 1

and 2 sections. Such conditional statements are not binding.

The handling of matters concerning permits and rulings

section 20 of applications for building permits, demolition permits, site improvement permits and rulings be reviewed by

Building Committee.

section 21 an application for permission or notice must be in writing and shall contain the

drawings, descriptions and other information necessary for the examination.

An application for a permit shall also include

1. build the Lord's suggestions about who should be liable under the control

What follows by 10. sections 9 and 10, and

2. the documents required for decisions on startup notification pursuant to Chapter 10, if the

the application relating to expansion or other modification of a one-or

two-dwelling buildings.

section 22, if the application is incomplete, the applicant shall submit to the building authority to

remedy the deficiencies within a specified time. The notice shall contain a statement

that the application may be rejected or that the matter could be settled in

as-is if the order is not complied with.

If the order is not complied with, the Building Authority may reject the application or to determine

matter as is.

section 23 if the building authority finds that an action referred to in the application also

requires authorisation from or notification to any other authority, the Board

inform the applicant accordingly.

section 24, If the application refers to a measure which must be notified to the local authority pursuant to

regulations issued pursuant to Chapter 9. section 6 of the environmental code, should

Building Committee inform the Environment Committee about his case. The building Committee and

Environment Committee shall coordinate the handling of the cases so that

1. the relevant authorities, organisations and private individuals are given the opportunity, at

a context be heard in both cases, and

2. decisions in both cases were notified in a context.

If there are special reasons, the Councils may decide that any coordination as

the first subparagraph shall not be carried out. Before taking such a decision, they shall provide

each other and the parties concerned the opportunity to comment.

section 25/expires U: 2016-01-01/If the application relates to an action that implies a deviation

from a detailed plan or area regulations or to perform

in an area not covered by a plan or

District rules and action is not a measure such as

referred to in section 31 1, shall notify the Building Authority referred to

in Chapter 5. 11 paragraph 2 and 3 of the application and give them

opportunity to be heard.

If a large number of people to be informed, the Board

application of Chapter 5. paragraph 35 2.

Notification referred to in the first paragraph need not be done if it is

clear that permission cannot be given. Law (2011:335).

section 25/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Building Committee shall inform them referred to in Chapter 5. 11 paragraph 2 and 3 and give them the opportunity to express its opinion on an application that covers an operation

1. means a departure from a plan or area regulations, or

2. shall be carried out in an area not covered by a plan, is not regulated in the range rules and neither is a measure referred to in article 31 1.

If a large number of people to be informed, the Board apply Chapter 5. paragraph 35 2.

Notification referred to in the first paragraph need not be made if it is clear that permission cannot be given. Law (2015:668).

section 26 unless it is clearly unnecessary, asked for permission or prior notification

not be decided without the claimant and the property owner has been informed of what

others have brought the case and had the opportunity to comment on it.

paragraph 27 of the building Committee shall deal with matters concerning permits and advance rapidly

and announce his decision on the permits or advance ruling within ten weeks from the

the full application came in to the Board. If it is necessary because

the investigation of the case, may be extended once for a maximum of ten weeks

In addition to the original ten weeks. The applicant shall be informed of the extension

and the reasons for it before the original deadline has expired.

Provide that an acknowledgement of receipt shall be sent to the applicant when a

complete application has been received and if the content of such evidence see

8 § law (2009:1079) on services in the internal market.

section 28 If a case for permission or notice relates to a building or

land area covered by an application for an expropriation permit or by a

started work to adopt, amend or repeal a zoning plan or

District rules, the Building Authority may decide that the case for permission or

advance notice will not be decided until the issue of expropriations permit has

been decided or plan the work has been completed. If the municipality has not completed

plan the work within two years from the time the application for permission or notice came

submitted to the building Committee, must be matter for permission or notice to be decided

without delay.

section 29 If a building permit for an action have previously been refused due to a

permission has been given to the expropriation and that State has ceased to

apply, get a new application for building permits to measure is not rejected because of a

new expropriations condition until ten years have elapsed from the date on which the

the first expropriations the authorization was given.

Prerequisites for building permits

section 30 permits are to be given for a measure within an area of

detailed plan, if

1. the property and the building works to which the action relates to

a) conforms to the zoning plan, or

b) deviates from the plan but the deviation has been accepted by the

an earlier building review under this Act or earlier

provisions or by a real estate training in accordance with Chapter 3. section 2 of the

the second sentence of the first paragraph real estate formation act


2. the measure does not violate the zoning plan,

3. the action must not wait for the implementation period for

detail plan begins, and

4. measure complies with the requirements of Chapter 2. section 6 of the first

paragraph 1 and paragraph 5, 6, 8 and 9 sections and Chapter 8.

Article 1, paragraph 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 to 11 sections, section 12 of the first subparagraph,

13, 17 and 18 sections.

If the measure is a modification of a building referred to in paragraph 2 of the

first subparagraph 3 (b) or (c), the building permits are given even if

property or building does not meet the requirements of the first

subparagraph 1. Law (2014:900).

30 a of If the property or the work to which the action

concerns due to the adoption of a detailed plan under this Act

or older provisions deviating from the plan,

Building Committee in a decision regarding building permits, explain that

the deviation shall be deemed to be such a derogation as referred to in section 30 of

first subparagraph, 1(b). Such a declaration may relate to only one

small deviation that is consistent with the plan's purpose.

Law (2014:900).

building permits section 31 should be given for an action outside of an area of

detailed plan, if the action

1. do not conflict with the district rules,

2. does not require land use planning pursuant to Chapter 4. 2 or 3 sections,


3. meets the requirements of Chapter 2. and Chapter 8. Article 1, paragraph 2 of the

first subparagraph, 3, 6, 7, 9 to 11 sections, paragraph 12, 13, 17

and 18 of those parts which have not been tried in

District rules. Law (2014:900).

31A building permits should be given for an action outside of an area of

detailed plan, if the action

1. only means that a building is changed in such a way

referred to in section 2 of the first subparagraph 3 (c) or a one-or

two-dwelling buildings are complemented by a supplement or a

small extension,

2. do not conflict with the provisions referred to in such area 4

Cape. 42 paragraph 3 or 5 c, and

3. meets the requirements of Chapter 2. section 6, first paragraph

1 and 5, paragraph 6, third paragraph, paragraphs 8 and 9, and Chapter 8. Article 1, paragraph 2 of the

first subparagraph, 3, 6, 7, 9 to 11 sections, paragraph 12, 13, 17

and 18 of those parts which have not been tried in

District rules. Law (2014:900).

31 section 30 (b) Despite paragraph 2, section 31 1 and 31A 2 may

building permits are given for a measure derogating from a detailed plan

or range clauses, if the variance is consistent with

detail of the plan or area regulations order and

1. the variance is small, or

2. the measure is limited in scope and necessary to

the area should be able to be used or developed in a

effectively. Law (2014:900).

31 c § after the implementation period for a detailed plan has

expired may building permits in addition to what follows from paragraph 31 (b) is provided for

a measure derogating from the zoning plan, if the action

1. the purpose of the plan is consistent with the detail and cater to a

urgent common needs or the public interest, or

2. such other uses of land or water

is an appropriate complement to the use that has

determined in the zoning plan. Law (2014:900).

31 (d) § If deviations have previously been accepted in accordance with section 30 of

first subparagraph, 1(b), (c) or paragraph 31 b 31, to an overall

assessment of the measure sought and the like

have previously been accepted. Law (2014:900).

31 e § building permits under paragraph 31(b) or 31 c must not be used if

the measure is likely to have

1. significant environmental impact, or

2. limitation of a right or ongoing activities in

the surroundings. Law (2014:900).

32 section For an operation on the land that the town plan is local land for

General purpose, building permits are given only where the purpose is specified in

the plan.

32 a of the planning permission may be given for an action on the ground that, according to

the local plan is local land for general purpose, even if

the applicant is not a public body.

If the General purpose is not specified in a plan,

However, building permits, referred to in the first subparagraph shall be granted only if the action

means that the property and the construction works as action

refers to the general purposes for which the property and

the structure was last used or according to the last

granted building permits, has been adapted to without the intended

use to come to pass.

Notwithstanding the second subparagraph, a building permit is given for a measure

a small deviation from the most recent or intended

the use. Building permits, however, should not be used if the action may be adopted


1. significant environmental impact, or

2. limitation of a right or ongoing activities in

the surroundings. Law (2014:900).

Temporary planning permission

33 section For an operation that meets some but not

all of the conditions referred to in paragraphs 30 to 32 a, get a time-limited

planning permission is given, if the applicant so requests and operation means that

last for a limited time. Such permission shall be given, if

the measure has the support of a detailed provision on temporary

the use of the building or land.

A temporary planning permission may be given for a maximum period of ten years. Time can

at the applicant's request, be extended for a maximum period of five years at a time. The

total period exceeding fifteen years only if the permit shall

be used for a purpose referred to in section 9. Law (2014:900).

Conditions for demolition permits

34 § Demolition permits are to be given for a measure relating to a building or building part

that does not

1. within the scope of the demolition ban in the detailed plan or area regulations, or

2. should be preserved because of the building's or historical settlements,

cultural, environmental or artistic value.

Prerequisites for site improvement permits

section 35 site improvement permits should be given for an action

1. do not conflict with a detailed plan or area regulations,

2. do not prevent or hamper the area's

the use of buildings,

3. does not cause inconvenience for the use of such

facilities referred to in section 13 (1),

4. does not cause disruption or significant inconvenience to

the environment, and

5. comply with the requirements

(a)) follows from Chapter 2. paragraph 6, third paragraph and Chapter 8. 9-12 sections, if

permit covers an operation in an area with detailed plan, or

(b)) follows from Chapter 2. and Chapter 8. 9-12 sections of the parts that do not have

been tried in the district rules, if the permit relates to an action

outside an area with detailed plan.

Site improvement permits may be granted to an operation that only a small

variance from the zoning plan or area regulations, if

the deviation is consistent with the purpose of the plan or

the provisions. Law (2011:335).

Conditional permits

section 36 Of the decision to adopt, amend or repeal a zoning plan or

the District does not have the force of res judicata, a building permits, demolition permits

or site improvement permits for an action intended to be taken in the field

the zoning plan or area regulations comprises is given with the condition that the

plan the decision becomes final. The decision permits must contain a

a statement that the measure may not begin before the plan decision has become final


section 37 in a decision on planning permission, building Committee decide that construction works

must not begin until the property owner has paid compensation for streets or

other public places or have set the security for the compensation.

section 37 of the municipality in a detailed plan on the basis of Chapter 4. section 14 of the

has decided to leave may be granted only if a particular condition

is met, a permission is granted on the condition that

the premise instead should be met in order to

start notification must be given. Law (2014:900).

38 section in a building permit or site improvement permits for an action which has already been carried out,

Building Committee to decide on the obligation to make such changes in the work that

needed. In the decision in that case, the Board set the time within which the changes

should be carried out.

The content of the decision

section 39 a preliminary decision which means that an action may be permitted to contain

1. a statement that the ruling only applies if the building permit for the operation

is applied for within two years from the date of the decision notice became final,

2. a statement that the ruling does not mean that the action may be commenced,


3. the conditions necessary for the ruling to be compatible with the

conditions for the upcoming building trial.

40 section Of a building permits, demolition permits or site improvement permits shall

specify the:

1. What is the validity period of the permit,

2. whether there should be someone who is responsible and in control so

cases who are inspectors, and

3. that the break does not mean a right to begin the

action until the building Committee has given the start notice under

10 Cape.

Holidays should also contain the conditions and information

follow by 23, 36, 37 or 38 or needed.

If a building permit relating to the construction or extension of a

residential building outside an area with detailed plan shall, if

It cannot be considered to be unnecessary in the light of

above, also be shown calculated values for

environmental noise in residential building façade and at a

patio if such should be organized in connection with the

building. Law (2014:902).

Distribution and release

41 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/a decision for permission or prior notification, together

with an indication of what those who want to appeal the decision must

do, served

1. the applicant and the other party, unless it is clear

unnecessary, and

2. those specified in section 25 and has provided comments on the case

that has not been met.

Notification to the applicant shall not be under any of the

the provisions of 34 – 38 or 47 to 51 of the procedural law

(2010:1932). Law (2011:336).

41 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/a decision for permission or prior notification, together with an indication of what those who want to appeal the decision must do, must be served

1. the applicant and the other party, and

2. those specified in section 25 and has provided comments on the matter that has not been met.

If the service is clearly unnecessary to the decision instead sent to them referred to in the first subparagraph.

Notification to the applicant shall not be under any of the provisions of 34 – 38 or 47 to 51 sections method law (2010:1932). Law (2015:668).

41 a of/expires U: 2016-01-01/a decision for permission or notice shall be published

through an announcement in post-och Inrikes Tidningar. In

message to the main content of the decision and was

the decision is available are listed. Law (2011:335).

41 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/a decision to give permission or positive rulings shall be published through a notice in the Gazette. In the message, the main content of the decision and the decision is available are listed. Law (2015:668).

41 b of the notice is published under section 41 shall, by

date on which the Declaration is made is sent to

1. the owner or the holder of a special right to a land plot

or property, adjacent to the land or property which

holidays or ruling concerning, or separated from

This only by a road or street, and

2. any other known interested parties, if their number is not so great that it

would mean higher costs and inconvenience than is

justifiable in view of the purpose of the message to

send it to each of them.

The first subparagraph shall not apply to those under section 41 shall be communicated to the

decision to which the message refers. Law (2011:335).

42 § If the building Committee's decision is the subject of a decision taken pursuant to

11 kap. section 12 of that County Government should examine the decision,

Building Committee immediately send the decision to the County Administrative Board.

Law (2011:335).

The period of validity of permits

43 § subject to section 33, 9 or a building permits, demolition permits or

site improvement permits to apply if the action that the break is not started within two years

and completed within five years from the date on which the decision became final.

10 Cape. Implementation of construction, demolition and land operations

section 1 of This chapter contains provisions on the

1. conditions for obtaining begin some operations and take a work in


2. build the Lord's obligation to verify the implementation and have a control plan,

3. inspectors and their duties,

4. the technical consultation and start announcement before actions commence,

5. demarcation of a planned building expansion or establishment,

6. Building Committee's workplace visits, and

7. final consultation and final decision in connection with measures concludes.

section 2 unless otherwise specifically provided in this Act or in

regulations issued pursuant to the law, should a

measure related to a building, a site or a General

place be carried out so that the action does not violate

1. it permits have been given for the action, or

2. If the action does not require permission, the detailed plan or the

field-specific provisions that apply to the area.

Measures referred to in Chapter 9. 4-4 c and 5 of may, despite the first

paragraph 2, contrary to a detailed plan or

District rules. Law (2014:477).

Start statement and the end statement

§ 3 an action must not be started before the Planning Committee has given an initial notification,

If the action requires

1. building permits, site improvement permits or demolition permits, or

2. a notification in accordance with the regulations issued pursuant to Chapter 16. section 8.

section 4 of The construction works shall not be taken into use in the parts which are the subject of a

Start statement for building measures until the building Committee has issued a final notice, if

the Board does not decide otherwise.

Builder's responsibility for monitoring implementation

§ 5 the developer shall ensure that any construction, demolition and land measure

the promoter carries out or causes to perform are carried out in accordance with the requirements

for the action under this Act or the regulations or decisions rendered

with the support of the law. If the action is allowed-or notifiable, developer

make sure it is checked according to the test plan as a building Committee

sets in the home.

Control plan

section 6 of the developer shall ensure that there is a plan for the control of a building-

or demolition action referred to in section 3 (control plan) detailing the

1. the checks should be done and what checks should be,

2. who should do the checks,

3. the reports shall be submitted to the building Committee;

4. the site visits that the building Committee should be doing and when visits should take place,

5. which hazardous waste removal measures may give rise to, and

6. how the hazardous wastes and other wastes should be disposed of.

section 7 of the Control plan shall be appropriate to the circumstances of

the case and have the design and detail

necessary to effectively ensure that

1. all essential requirements as referred to in Chapter 8. section 4 are met,

2. Prohibition of corruption in accordance with Chapter 8. section 13 are complied with, and

3. the requirements for care in accordance with Chapter 8. sections 17 and 18 are met.

Law (2011:335).

section 8 of the control plan shall indicate the extent to which

verification shall be carried out

1. within the framework of the Builder's documented own control, or

2. by someone who has particular expertise and experience in the field

If measures such as control (expert) and that can

demonstrate his expertise with a certificate issued by

a body accredited for that purpose in accordance with

European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no 765/2008 of the

9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance

relating to the marketing of products and repealing

Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 and paragraph 5 of the Act (2011:791) if

accreditation and technical control or by someone who meets the

the corresponding requirements under the provisions of another country in

The European Union or the European economic

area. Law (2011:795).

Control operators

section 9 for the purposes of the control referred to in section 5 there shall be one or

several inspectors who

1. has the knowledge, experience and suitability as needed

the task and can substantiate this with proof of certification,


2. has an independent position in relation to the

perform the action to check.

If there are multiple controllers, the developer shall ensure

to any of those coordinates the tasks of control officers.

The certification referred to in the first subparagraph 1 shall be made by

someone who has been accredited for that purpose in accordance with

European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no 765/2008 of the

9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance

relating to the marketing of products and repealing

Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 and paragraph 5 of the Act (2011:791) if

accreditation and technical control or by someone who meets the

the corresponding requirements under the provisions of another country in

The European Union or the European economic

area. The certification shall be limited in duration and

refer to a particular kind of work. Law (2011:795).

10 § Despite section 9 requires no control manager in respect of

1. small changes of one-or two-dwelling buildings, if the building Committee

do not decide otherwise, or

2. other small measures according to regulations that have been issued with

support of 16. section 10.

11 § control officer shall

1. assist the developer to draw up proposals for the

control plan required under section 6 and, in the case of

structural measures, assist in the inventory of hazardous waste

and other wastes,

2. make sure that the control plan and applicable regulations and

conditions for the measures are complied with and that the necessary checks

is performed,

3. in the event of deviations from rules and conditions referred to in 2

inform the developer and, where appropriate, to the building Committee;

4. be present at the technical consultation, surveys and other

controls, as well as by the construction Committee's site visits,

5. document its construction site visits and note comments

may be of value in the evaluation before the final announcement,

6. express an opinion to the developer and building Committee that

the basis for the final statement, and

7. If the control manager leaves their assignment, inform

to the building Committee.

section 12 If a control officer is not carrying out its duties under

section 11, should the developer immediately notify the Building Authority. If

a control manager has provided its mandate, should the developer

suggest a new control officer.

section 13, If a control manager has provided its mission shall appoint a Planning Committee

new control officer.

Technical consultation

section 14/expires U: 2016-01-01-in the case of the measures referred to in paragraph 3 shall

Building Committee without delay after that permission has been given, or

registration has been submitted shall convene a meeting of the technical

consultation, if

1. There is a need for a control responsible according to the resulting from the 9

and 10 sections,

2. such consultation is not clearly unnecessary, or

3. the developer has requested such consultations.

Technical consultations are not required for the measures referred to in 9

Cape. 4 a of, 4 b paragraph 1, section 4 c or for moving

of a single simple building, if the building Committee decides

other things. Building Committee may decide that the technical consultation is not

needed to move several simple buildings.

A notice referred to in the first subparagraph shall be made in writing and

be sent to the developer and those that are

inspectors. The notice should also be sent to them in

Moreover, as under this chapter shall be given the opportunity to participate in

consultation, which according to the construction Committee's assessment should be

the opportunity to participate. Law (2014:477).

section 14/entry into force: 01/01/2016/in the case of the measures referred to in paragraph 3, the building Committee without delay after permission has been granted or registration has been submitted shall convene a meeting for the technical consultation, if

1. There is a need for a control responsible according to the imposed by paragraphs 9 and 10,

2. such consultation is not clearly unnecessary, or

3. the developer has requested such consultations.

Technical consultations are not required for the measures referred to in Chapter 9. 4A-4 c sections or for the movement of a single simple building, if the building Committee decides otherwise.

Building Committee may determine that the technical consultations are not needed to move several simple buildings.

A notice referred to in the first subparagraph shall be made in writing and sent to the developer and or those who are responsible. The notice should also be sent to them as according to this chapter shall be given the opportunity to participate in the consultation, which according to the construction Committee's assessment should be given the opportunity to participate. Law (2015:668).

section 15 Of the consultation concerning the construction measures for a workroom or a staff room

for workers who perform work for an employer, shall

Building Committee provide the authority responsible for safety and health at work

(the Swedish work environment authority) and a representative of the workers the opportunity to

participate in the consultation. If required, the Board also in other cases give

the Swedish work environment authority the opportunity to take part in the consultation.

If the consultations concerning construction measures relating to temporary staff housing for

a total of at least ten property, building Committee give a representative of the

the workers the opportunity to take part in the consultation.

For the purposes of this section, there shall be applicable in respect of employees

also apply to others under the work environment Act (1977:1160) should be treated as


section 16 If the consultation concerns a measure requiring a

completion protection under the law (2014:227) if

completion protection, the building Committee give the respondent

for protection the opportunity to take part in the consultation. Law (2014:228).

section 17 Of the consultation concerns an existing building which includes a bomb shelter,

Building Committee give the authority referred to in Chapter 3. section 1 of the Act (2006:545) if

shelters the opportunity to comment.

section 18 of the developer shall at the latest at the technical consultation to the building Committee leave

1. a proposal for such a control plan required under section 6, as well as

2. technical documents, in addition to the application documents according to Chapter 9. section 21,

required for the building Committee to examine the issue of starting information.

The first subparagraph of paragraph 1 shall not apply to structural measures, if the building Committee in the individual

the case has decided that there is no need for the control plane.

19 § at the technical consultation to review the

1. planning and organisation of work,

2. build the Lord's proposal to control plan and the documents

Moreover, as the developer has given in,

3. how the presence of potentially hazardous waste

counted, if the consultations concerning a demolition operation,

4. the need for the building Committee makes site visits or

by other supervisory measures,

5. the need for a completion protection,

6. the need for demarcation,

7. building the Board's need for additional documents for

decision on the control plan or start, and

8. the need for further meetings.

Law (2014:228).

section 20 Of the building Committee considers that the measures taken by the technical consultation relating to

requires authorisation from or notification to any other authority, the Board

inform the developer about this during the consultation.

paragraph 21 of the building Committee shall keep a record of the technical consultation.

Procedure when there is no need for any technical consultation

section 22 if under section 14 is not required any technical consultation, the Planning Committee in

the decision to leave or as soon as possible thereafter or after the notification has

come in

1. give the starting statement, or

2. submit to the developer to submit the additional documents necessary for

the Board's examination of the issue of starting information.

If the building authority finds that the actions that break or in question requires

the permission of any other authority, the Board of appeal inform the developer about this.

Building Board start announcement

section 23/expires U: 2016-01-01/

The building Committee should approve a statement to start with a

measure referred to in paragraph 3 may commence, if

1. the measure likely to satisfy the requirements concerning the

in accordance with this Act or the regulations that have been issued with

under the law,

2. a proof of the existence of a completion protection as

referred to in section 16 has been presented for the Board, if required a

such protection,

3. proof of notice of shelters has been submitted

the Board, if it requires such a notice as referred to in Chapter 3. 4 §

the Act (2006:545) for shelters,

4. a statement of alternative energy supply systems is

presented to the Board, if such a report is required under

section 23 of the Act (2006:985) on the energy certification of buildings, and

5. the conditions laid down pursuant to Chapter 4. section 14 or 9

Cape. 37 a of is met.

Notifications relating to measures under Chapter 9. 4 a §, § 4 b

the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 or paragraph 4 c, building Board of

referred to in the first subparagraph shall cover only those mentioned in the first

subparagraph 1. Law (2014:900).

23 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Building Committee, with a starting statement approving a measure referred to in paragraph 3 may commence, if

1. the measure likely to comply with the requirements under this Act or the regulations that have been issued under the Act,

2. a proof of the existence of a completion protection referred to in section 16 has been presented to the Board, if it requires such protection,

3. proof of notice of shelters has been presented for the Board, if it requires such a notice as referred to in Chapter 3. section 4 of the Act (2006:545) for shelters,

4. a statement of alternative energy supply systems have been shown up for Board, if such a report is required under section 23 of the Act (2006:985) on the energy certification of buildings, and

5. the conditions laid down pursuant to Chapter 4. 14 section or Chapter 9. 37 a of is met.

Notifications relating to measures under Chapter 9. 4A-4 c sections, building Board of referred to in the first subparagraph shall include only the specified in the first subparagraph 1. Law (2015:668).

section 24 of the Startup News, building Committee

1. determine the control plan shall apply to the measures referred to in the building of the Lord

proposal and what arrived in the technical consultation or otherwise in

the handling of the case, who is the Special

or inspectors,

2. determine the conditions to get begin measures, if such conditions are needed,

3. determine criteria and approximate time for border demarcation, on border demarcation


4. decide which documents to be submitted to the Board before the decision on the

the final statement, and

5. provide information on requirements under other legislation, in so far as such

information is needed.

section 25 of the initial statement for goodness measures liable to expire on the date of

the decision on the permits expire.

A start notification of notifiable measures expire two years after

that the start statement was given. If the works have begun but not finished and a

new technical consultations are needed, the building Committee to convene a new meeting

for technical consultation. If there are conditions for final consultation under section 30 may

Building Committee call for final consultation.

The final consultation in the second subparagraph also applies when the boot information according to

the first subparagraph ceases to be valid.

Border demarcation

26 § When building Committee has given an initial announcement in accordance with section 23, the Board

promptly and within the period specified in the decision to let mark out the building,

the extension or holding and mark its location, if necessary, with

account of conditions at the site and circumstances in General.

If your building or plant to its location is directly dependent on the border with

a neighbor's property, the neighbor called for demarcation.

Workplace visits

section 27 After an initial notice under section 23 to the building Committee at least once in

work visit the place where measures are implemented, if

1. start the announcement was preceded by a technical consultation, and

2. a workplace visit cannot be considered to be unnecessary.

A workplace visit is always made, notice if startup refers to a large or

complex construction projects or building Committee and project supervisor at the technical

the consultation agreed on a workplace visit.

section 28 of the Planning Committee shall make a record of workplace visit. The Protocol,

be sent to the developer and the control manager.

Supplemental terms and conditions

section 29 of the Planning Committee may impose additional conditions for the construction or

demolition operations or for control, if

1. such conditions necessary to meet the requirements under this Act, or

regulations issued under the Act, and

2. the need for the conditions could not be foreseen when the boot statement was given.

The final consultation

section 30 in connection with the building measures which have been the subject of a technical consultation

Quit to building Committee shall convene a meeting for final consultations, if the

not is clearly unnecessary.

section 31 a summons under section 30 shall be made in writing and sent to

1. the developer,

2. the inspectors, and

3. other which, according to the building Committee should be given the opportunity to participate.

32 § Final consultations should normally be held at the site where the building measures have

implemented. At the end of the consultation, the following should be reviewed:

1. how to control the pitch, other terms of start announcement and supplemental terms and conditions

have been complied with,

2. deviations from the requirements that apply to these measures,

3. the control manager's statement according to § 11 6,

4. the control operator and building Board's records of visits to

construction site and other documentation of the work,

5. the need for other measures, and

6. conditions for a final statement.

33 § building Committee shall keep a record of the final consultation.

The building Committee's final statement

34 § Building Committee, with a final announcement approve that one or several measures

referred to in paragraph 3 shall be considered completed and, in the case of the construction measures, to

the construction work may be taken into use, if

1. the developer has shown that all the requirements which apply to operations under the permit,

control plan, start announcement or decision on supplementary conditions are

fulfilled, and

2. the Board has not found reason to intervene under Chapter 11.

§ 34 35 Despite section 1, a final notice is given if there are deficiencies in the performance which

is negligible.

The building Committee will be in the news make the remarks as necessary in view

of the shortcomings.

section 36 if a statement cannot be used due to a lack

that is not negligible need of remedy, or due to

a check needs to be done at a later stage,

Building Committee give a final statement that is subject to

the deficiency is remedied or that the check is made (interim

final notice). An interim final notice may relate to stages in

a project.

If necessary, the Board in an interim final statement

specify what applies in the case of the opportunities to take a

construction works in use.

When the deficiency is remedied or the control is made to Board

final rule on the final statement according to § 34.

Law (2014:900).

37 § building Committee to examine the question of the final notice as soon as the Board has received

or acquired the basis needed for trial. The examination shall take place


If the Board finds that there are grounds for intervention under Chapter 11, the

the Board also deal with the issue urgently.

11 kap. Supervision, access, intervention and sanctions

section 1 of This chapter contains provisions on the

1. supervision General, ability to obtain a clearance

as well as the obligation to provide access and provide information for


2. supervision of municipal and regional planning decisions,

3. injunctions necessary to rules, judgements and decisions

should be followed,

4. implementation at the defaulter's expense and prohibition of

further work or the use of the construction works,

5. interference with inspectors and inspectors,

6. to injunctions and prohibitions may be subject to a penalty or

should be carried out immediately,

7. assistance,

8. the notes of orders and prohibitions in

the land registry and the effect of injunctions and prohibitions

change of ownership,

9. works fine,

10. transfer of property after an infringement,

11. the obligation of professional secrecy, and

12. fee for supervision.

Team (2013:306).

General supervision

section 2 of the regulation of this law and regulations on issues within the law

scope of the directive and regulations, judgments and other decisions that have been issued

with the support of the law, or such an EU regulation are complied with shall be exercised in accordance with this chapter

and regulations that have been issued pursuant to Chapter 16.

paragraph 3 of the Supervision shall be exercised by the Government, the provincial government and the State

authorities as the Government determines and by building Committee

(the regulators).

The supervisory authorities shall cooperate with each other as well as with State and

municipal agencies that comply with relevant information for supervisory activities.

4 § a municipality may conclude agreement with another municipality to supervisory tasks

the building Committee has under this chapter shall be carried out in whole or in part by

the building Committee in the other municipality. The power to issue a decision in

supervisory matters, however, may not be transferred.

§ 5 a supervisory authority shall determine the conditions for and the need to

intervene or impose a penalty under this chapter, as soon as there is

reason to believe that someone has failed to comply with a provision of this Act, in

regulations, decisions or other decisions that have been issued by virtue of law or

in EU regulations relating to matters within the scope of the Act.

section 6 of the construction works of this chapter shall apply also in the case

If the signs and lighting devices.


section 7 If someone requests it, the building Committee in a written clearance

account if, in respect of a particular construction works has taken any action that

According to the Board's assessment justify an intervention under this chapter.

Access and information

section 8/expires U: 2016-04-20/

In order to carry out its duties under this law,

1. Building Committee and the provincial government and the who on the Board's

or the County Administrative Board of Directors perform work are entitled to receive

access to real estate and construction works as well as to where

take the necessary measures to carry out the work,

2. the supervisory authority may, on request, the

information and documents from the developer needed

supervision of construction, demolition and land operations, and

3. a supervisory authority the right to the manufacturing or

represents the manufacturer and the importer

or marketing of construction products within the scope of supervision

a) access products for control,

b) on request, the information and documents needed,


(c)) access to areas, offices and other areas,

However, not homes.

An authority producing maps for the needs of society has

for the purpose of fulfilling the mapping task also such a right

to access provided for in the first subparagraph 1, however not to

housing. If it is necessary for the supervisory authority to

take note of the contents of a foreign certificate, certificate or

other Act, the Act on the Authority's request

translated into Swedish. The translation need not be

authorized. Team (2013:306).

section 8/entry into force: 04/20/2016

In order to carry out its duties under this Act 1. the building Committee and the County Administrative Board and the Board of Directors on the Board's County or perform work the right to have access to real estate and construction works, and to take the necessary measures to carry out the work,

2. the supervisory authority may, on request, obtain the information and documents from the developer needed for the supervision of construction, demolition and land operations, and

3. a supervisory authority the right to the manufacturing or represents the manufacturer and the importer or marketing of construction products within the scope of supervision

a) access products for control,

b) on request, the information and documents needed, and

(c)) access to areas, rooms and other spaces, but not homes.

The right of the supervisory authority pursuant to the first paragraph 3 also applies in the installer of elevators.

An authority producing maps for the needs of society has to perform its mapping mission also such a right of access provided for in the first subparagraph 1, however not to the housing.

If it is necessary for the supervisor to record the contents of a foreign certificate, attestation or any other document, at its request, the document appears in the translation into Swedish. The translation need not be certified. Law (2016:140).

8 a of a supervisory authority shall monitor and evaluate the

technical assessment bodies referred to in article 29(3) of regulation

(EU) No 305/2011 has the right to assessment bodies

1. on request, the information and documents needed,


2. get access to premises.

Team (2013:306).

8 b of The manufacturing or represent the

manufactures and importer or marketing of construction products

to the discretion of the supervisor should replace authority

costs of sampling and examination of samples, if a

product supervision pursuant to article 2 of the shows themselves do not meet

applicable requirements. Team (2013:306).

8 c § The manufacturing or the like

manufactures and importer or marketing of construction products

to receive compensation from the supervisory authority for products

shall be checked in accordance with paragraph 3, if there are

specific reasons for it; legislation (2013:306).

§ 9 the police authority shall provide the assistance needed

access in accordance with section 8. Law (2014:769).

Supervision of municipal decisions

10 § When the County Administrative Board in accordance with Chapter 5. 29, 38 or 39 § a message

If a municipality has decided to adopt, amend or repeal a zoning plan or

District rules, to the County Board within three weeks to decide whether to

review of the municipality's decision or not.

The County Board shall review the municipality's decision, if the decision is likely to mean that

1. a national interest according to the 3 or 4 Cape. Environment Act are not being met,

2. the regulation of such matters relating to the use of land and water areas which

It concerns several municipalities not coordinated properly,

3. an environmental quality standard referred to in Chapter 5. environmental regulations are not followed,

4. beach protection under Chapter 7. Environment Act is repealed in violation of any applicable

provisions, or

5. a settlement is inappropriate with respect to the health or safety of

or to the risk of accidents, flooding or erosion.

section 11 of the County Administrative Board to set aside municipal decisions to adopt, amend or revoke a

detailed plan or area regulations as a whole, if that decision has such a

meaning set forth in section 10, second paragraph. If the municipality allows it, the decision

set aside in a certain area.

section 12 For a particular geographical area, the Government or the provincial government, if it

There are special reasons, order that the which according to §§ 10 and 11 apply to

the County Administrative Board's review of the municipality's decision also should apply in the case of

the building Committee's decision on the permits or advance ruling in accordance with Chapter 9.

If the County Board decides to review a permit or advance notice, may

the County Board may decide to break or the ruling should not apply until

the trial has been completed.

Supervision of regional planning decisions

13 § when the Government under Chapter 7. section 9 has received a notification of a decision to

adopt, amend or revoke a regional planning, should the Government decide, within three months

whether to overrule the regional planning decision or not.

The Government may overrule the regional planning decision only if the decision can be adopted

mean that a national interest according to the 3 or 4 Cape. the environmental code not


section 14 of the Government may revoke a decision to adopt, amend or revoke a

urban planning in its entirety or in a particular section, the decision means that a

national interest according to the 3 or 4 Cape. Environment Act are not being met.

Plan submissions

section 15 of the Government may submit to a municipality to adopt within a certain period of time, change or

repeal a zoning plan or area regulations (schedule order), if the

needed to satisfy an interest referred to in section 10, second paragraph 1 or 2.

section 16 if the municipality does not follow a plan injunction, the Government

1. decide that the County Board at the municipality's expense, take out the proposal and

otherwise do the work according to Chapter 5. needed to detail the plan or

field-specific provisions to be adopted, amended or repealed, and

2. adopt, amend or repeal the zoning plan or area regulations.

Permits injunctions

section 17 if a measure requiring building permits, demolition permits or site improvement permits taken

without permission, the building Committee in order to give property or

the building owner the opportunity to within a certain period of time to apply for leave, if it is

likely that permission can be given for the action (injunction).

Injunctive relief if the maintenance enquiry

section 18 If the deficiencies in the maintenance of a building, the building Committee

instruct an expert to investigate the need for maintenance. Before the Board

decides on such a mission, the Board of appeal in order to give

the owner of the construction work within a certain period of time to give comments on the mission

and on the question of who will pay the costs of the mission.

The expert shall be certified in accordance with Chapter 10. 8 § 2.

Task orders

Article 19 If a builder, owner, usufructuary, road operators, Control Manager,

expert or head of a public place to take an action and

Thus in breach of a duty under this Act or the regulations, or

decision given pursuant to the Act, the building Committee submit to him

to take action within a certain time (task order).

Rectification orders

section 20 if it is on a property, or in the case of a building

taken any action in contravention of this Act or

regulations or decisions that have been issued under the Act,

may submit to the building authority that owns the property, or

the construction work to take corrective action within a specified time

(correcting order).

Building Committee cannot decide whether an injunction if it

After more than ten years from the infringement.

The 10-year time limit provided for in the second subparagraph shall not apply where:

the violation is that someone has taken the space or

furnished a dwelling for a substantially purpose other than

residential purposes. Law (2011:335).

Demolition orders

section 21 If a building is dilapidated or damaged in substantial basis and

is not put in a position within a reasonable period of time, the building Committee, submit to the owner to

within certain time tearing down buildings (demolition order).

Injunctions for increased road safety

section 22 Of a building in an area with detailed plan means big

inconvenience to road safety because the situation has changed,

Building Committee, submit to the owner to remove the structure or to take

any other measure with that remedy or reduce the inconvenience.

If the structure is a building, get an order to delete or move

the building will be notified only if the building can be moved without difficulty or have a

small value.

section 23 of the Building Authority may submit to the owner of a building or a building within the

an area with detailed plan to organise fencing or change the driveway or other

exit toward streets or paths, if necessary in the interest of road safety.

Injunctions on the fences surrounding the industrial plants that are not used

section 24 If a construction works for industrial purposes is no longer being used,

Building Committee, submit to the owner to arrange fences surrounding it, if necessary

for protection against accidents.

Product orders

section 25 of the regulatory authority may, in the particular case, decide on the

the injunction or prohibition from the protection point of view needed

for the provision of construction products in Chapter 8. section 20 of the other

subparagraph shall be followed. Team (2013:306).

section 26 If a construction product subject to Regulation (EU) no

305/2011 does not meet the requirements laid down in regulation

or if the supervisory authority has sufficient reason to believe

the product does not meet the requirements of the regulation,

authority shall take the measures provided for in articles


If a construction product does not meet the requirements of the

the provisions adopted by virtue of Chapter 16 of the. 6 § 2,

the regulatory authority shall take the measures imposed by

articles 19 to 21 of Regulation (EC) no 765/2008.

The regulatory authority may, in the particular case, decide on the

injunction necessary requirements for construction products

referred to in the first and second subparagraphs shall be met.

Team (2013:306).

Implementation at the expense of the person who received an order

section 27 If a notice under section 17 is not complied with, the Building Authority may decide to

at the owner's expense, have the drawings and descriptions, and take the

measures as are necessary to determine the issue of consent.

When the time for comments that are specified in a notice under section 18 has

expired, the building Committee instruct an expert to at the owner's expense

investigate the need for maintenance.

If a notice under 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24 § are not followed,

Building Committee decide the action to be carried out at the defaulter's expense

and how it should be done.

section 28 of the Planning Committee may decide on implementation in accordance with section 27, and only if,

the injunction has contained an indication of this.

The Board shall ensure that the implementation does not give rise to excessive costs.

section 29 of the Swedish enforcement authority shall provide the assistance required to implement a

action referred to in section 27, third paragraph.

Prohibition of further work or action

section 30 when it is obvious that a construction, demolition or land a job or a

other action endangering a building strength or pose a danger to human

life or health, the Building Authority may prohibit the work or action


section 31 If it is obvious that a construction, demolition or land a job or a

other measure contrary to this Act or a regulation or a decision

issued pursuant to the Act, the building Committee prohibit that work, or

the action continues.

section 32 Of the developer in the case of a construction, demolition or land a job or a

other action does not follow any substantial part of a test plan,

Building Committee prohibit that work continues until deficiencies have

been remedied.

32 a of the building Committee, in connection with an order

under section 20 may prohibit the wrongful action is performed on the

again, if it requires a building permit. Law (2014:900).

Prohibition of use of construction works

33 § building Committee may prohibit the owner or has

the right to use a building using the whole or

parts of the structure, if

1. the work has flaws that may compromise the security of

those who reside in or near the structure,


2. There are no conditions to give final rulings

under 10 Cape. section 34 or 35.

If a building or part of a building has

placed in service with the support of an interim final statement, may

Building Committee take a decision on the prohibition referred to in the first subparagraph

2 only if there are serious reasons for the law (2014:900).

Replacement of and response to a funktionskontrollant or control manager

section 34 Of the building Committee considers that a funktionskontrollant that

referred to in Chapter 8. section 25 has failed to fulfil its obligations, the

the Board may decide that a different funktionskontrollant to be appointed.

The Board shall notify its decision to the person who has certified

the controller.

section 35 if the building authority finds that a control charge referred to in Chapter 10. § 9

has failed to fulfil its obligations under the 10 Cape. section 11, the Board

1. remove the control officer from Office and notify the person who has

certified the control officer about the decision, and

2. on a proposal from the developer, decide on a new control.

section 36 If a control has proven to be inadequate for the task, the

which certified the control officer to revoke the certification.


37 A notice under section 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, or

section 26 or a decision on the ban according to 25, 30, 31, 32, 32 a

or section 33 may be subject to a penalty.

The penalty must not be turned into a prison.

Questions about imposing penalty payments examined by the land and Environment Court.

Law (2014:900).

Immediate implementation

38 in a notice under section 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24 §

or a decision pursuant to section 27 of the third subparagraph,

Building Committee determine that the action that the injunction

or decision should be implemented immediately, although

the order or decision has become final.

Prohibition decisions pursuant to 25, 30, 31, 32, 32 a or section 33

effective immediately, if the other is not determined.

Law (2014:900).

Executive assistance

39 § enforcement authority may, on application by

the regulatory authority shall decide on assistance to implement

an action

1. as provided in section 8, or

2. provided with a notice under 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,

24 or section 25 and not more than ten years have elapsed from the

the breach that injunction.

The 10-year time limit referred to in the first subparagraph of paragraph 2 shall not apply if

the violation is that someone has taken the space or

furnished a dwelling for a substantially purpose other than

residential purposes.

Provisions concerning the assistance available in the Act (1990:746) on

payment order and Executive assistance. Law (2011:335).

Notes in the land registry register part etc.

section 40 of the authority which decides whether an injunction under 19, 20, 21, 22, or

section 23 or the prohibition under section 33 shall immediately send its decision to the

Land Registry Department.

41 § When a decision referred to in section 40 has come in to

registration authority, the authority shall forthwith make a

Note about it in the real estate Register register part. If

the injunction or prohibition have come together with a fine

According to section 4 of the Act (1985:206) penalties, it shall make a

Note also on this.

Land Registry Department shall forthwith by registered letter

notify the who have searched the title deed or registration

the acquisition of the leasehold on the note, if the injunction or

the ban is not directed against him. Law (2011:335).

42 § if the building Committee revokes an injunction or prohibition referred to in

section 40 of the Board shall immediately notify the revocation to the land registry Department.

43 § as soon as building Committee has become aware that an injunction or

prohibitions referred to in 40 repealed by a decision which has become final or the

other reason has expired, the Board shall notify the

Land Registry Department.

44 section as soon as the building Committee has become aware that an injunction which

referred to in section 40 has been complied with, the Board shall notify the registration authority.

section 45 When a notification under section 42, 43 or 44, which refers to a note that has

made under section 41 has been received by the registration authority, the authority shall

delete the note.

The effect of an injunction or prohibition on ownership transfer

§ 46 If an injunction under 19, 20, 21, 22 or 23 or the prohibition under 33

§ made against property owners and the property then changes ownership,

terms of the injunction or prohibition instead for the new owner.

47 § for an injunction or prohibition in a case referred to in section 46 has been joined

with penalty payment pursuant to section 4 of the Act (1985:206) on the white and ownership has been

through purchase, Exchange or gift, the penalty against the new owner as from

the first period starts to run after the transfer of ownership under

condition that the decision imposing the periodic penalty payment has been recorded under section 41.

48 § Other penalties than those running periodic penalty payments referred to in section 47 does not apply to the

new owner in case of a change of ownership referred to in section 46. Building Committee may instead

decide on a particular imposition of fines against the new owner.

section 49 The who according to §§ 46 and 48 apply in case of change of ownership of a

property shall also apply to a change of ownership of a building on the land

belongs to someone else.

50 § in cases of injunctions or prohibitions referred to in section 46 shall

the rules of the provisions on the effects of the dispute are transferred and if

third-party participation in legal proceedings shall apply.

Building fines

section 51 if someone violates a provision of 8 – 10. or in the regulations, or

decisions given by virtue of any of the provisions of Chapter 16 of the. 2 – 10 sections

or with a provision of a regulation requiring the construction or

construction products, the supervisory authority shall charge separately

(works fine) according to instructions delivered with the support of 16.

section 12.

52 § Construction penalty fee must be indicated by the

regulations that the Government has communicated with the support of 16.

section 12. The fee shall amount to a maximum of 50 price base amounts under

Chapter 2. 6 and 7 of the social code. When the Government

Announces rules on the amount, account shall be taken

to the gravity and importance of the provision

to which the infringement relates. Team (2013:307).

§ 53 A construction penalty to be levied even if the infringement has not been made

intentionally or negligently.

The fee may not be charged if there is unreasonable with respect to the

1. that the fee obligation due to disease have not been able to self or

by someone else fulfill his obligation,

2. the breach due to a circumstance that the culprit is not charging

have been able to influence or anticipate or removed, or

3. What is the fee the culprit have done to avoid that a violation would


53 a of A construction penalty must be deposited in an individual case

down where the payment is not commensurate with the

infringement has been committed. The fee may be reduced to

half or a quarter.

For the purposes referred to in the first subparagraph, it shall in particular be taken into account

If the infringement has not been made intentionally or by

negligence or the breach of other reasons may be considered

be of a less serious nature. Team (2013:307).

section 54 A construction penalty shall not be imposed if the correction is made before the issue of the

sanction or action pursuant to this chapter have been deliberation

at a meeting with the supervisory authority.

section 55 A construction penalty shall not be imposed if the offence has resulted in a

a penalty has been imposed.

section 56 A construction penalty shall not be imposed if the offence relates to the demolition of a

building and demolition has

1. made with the support of other regulatory action,

2. been necessary in order to eliminate the risk to human life or health or

to prevent or limit an extensive damage to other property, or

3. been made due to the building of essential part was damaged as a result of

a fire or any other similar event.

57 § A construction penalty should be taken out of

1. when the infringement was committed was the owner of the property or the

construction works to which the infringement relates,

2. any person who committed the infringement, or

3. a person who has received a benefit from the infringement.

58 § Before the supervisory authority decides to take out a construction penalty, the

that claim is directed to be given an opportunity to be heard.

A penalty shall not be decided, whether the claim is directed against not

have been given an opportunity to comment within five years after the infringement.

§ 59 a decision to take out a construction penalty shall be served on the

charging the culprit.

60 § If two or more is the fee required for the same infringement, they are

jointly and severally liable for payment.

61 § A construction penalty fee must be paid within two months after the decision

to remove the fee has been served under section 59 the contribution obligation. Regards

However, if the supervisory authorities of the decision have determined a later

payment day.

A decision on construction penalty, after the due date enforced

as a judgment which has become final.

If a decision on construction penalty has not been enforced within ten years from the

that decision became final, need the fee is not paid.

62 section Build the fine shall accrue to the municipality where the building Committee that

has decided to levy the fee and otherwise accrue to the State.

§ 63 If an obligation to pay a penalty was repealed by a

a decision which has become final, the supervisory authority shall refund the fee

together with interest in accordance with paragraph 5 of the interest Act (1975:635) for the period from the day the fee

was paid to the day on which repayment is made.

Transfer of property after a breach

64 § provisions concerning the right of deduction on the purchase price or rescission of the purchase of 4

Cape. section 12 of the land code will apply when property is transferred for a consideration after a

infringement referred to in § 51 but before correction has taken place, unless the assignor

at the transfer of the breach or otherwise enlightened successor known to

or know of infringement.

Professional secrecy

65 section it as in a case relating to supervision according to this law or EU

regulations on matters within the scope of the directive and regulations, judgments

and other decisions that have been issued under the Act or an EU

Regulation has a detail about anyone's business or operating conditions or

the data needed for the country's defense, must not improperly disclose or

make use of the information.

In the public activities should apply rather than publicity and secrecy


Charge for supervision

66 section the authority shall monitor and evaluate the technical

assessment bodies in accordance with article 29(3) of Regulation (EU)

No 305/2011 shall have the right to levy a fee to cover

the costs of monitoring and evaluation. Team (2013:306).

12 Cape. Building Committee

§ 1 in each municipality, there shall be a building Committee.

2 § in addition to the information that the building Committee has under other provisions of

This law Board

1. promote a culture of good building and a tasty and aesthetically pleasing urban

and landscape environment,

2. carefully follow the general development in the municipality and its immediate

surroundings and take the initiatives needed in matters of planning, construction and

real estate training,

3. cooperate with the authorities, organisations and individuals whose work and

interests relating to the Board, and

4. provide advice and information on issues related to the Board.

3 § If someone requests it, the building Committee give written disclosures of

planning, construction and real estate development.

section 4 if needed a map to the examination of an issue of a building permit within an area

with coherent settlements (construction map), and the applicant requests that, should

Building Committee provide such a map.

paragraph 5 of the provisions of the local Government Act (1991:900) for Councils to apply to

Building Committee.

section 6, A mission under Chapter 6. 33 § Municipal Act (1991:900),

In addition to that resulting from Chapter 6. § 34 local Government Act, does not include the power to

1. determine matters of great importance or has fundamental importance,

2. in cases other than those referred to in Chapter 11. paragraphs 30 to 32 and 33 § 1 decide injunctions

or ban that is combined with a penalty,

3. decide orders United with a statement that the measure that

injunction may be carried out by the Agency of the building Board on

expense of that injunction is directed against, or

4. determine questions about construction penalty under Chapter 11.

section 7 of the building Committee shall have at least one person with architectural training to help

and otherwise have access to the staff to the extent and with the Special

skills needed for the Board to carry out its tasks

satisfactory way.

section 8 of the Building Authority may charge fees for

1. decision on the plan, prior notification, conditional statements,

the start, end and clearance,

2. decision on the permits,

3. the technical consultation and final consultation,

4. site visits and other monitoring visits at

the construction site,

5. creation of new maps,

6. manufacture of Archivable documents;

7. dispensing and release under Chapter 9. 41-41 (b) sections, and

8. other time-or cost-intensive measures.

Law (2011:335).

section 9 of the Building Authority may charge a flat fee to cover program costs and

costs for other measures necessary to establish or change

local plans or range clauses, if

1. board give permits for new construction or alteration of a building, and

2. the property which the building permit relating to benefits from the plan or

District rules.

What is the meaning of the first subparagraph applies in respect of a building shall also apply

at a facility that requires a building permit according to regulations that have been issued with

support of 16. 7 §.

section 10 of the fee referred to in section 8 or 9 shall not exceed the municipality's average

cost for the type of notice, decision or the processing for which the fee relates.

The basics of how the fees will be calculated will be set out in a tariff determined by the

the City Council.

section 11 a charge under section 8 or 9 shall be paid by the applicant or has

made the notification in the case statement, the decision or the processing concerns.

The fee may be charged in advance.

Chapter 13. Appeal

Appeal of municipal decisions

paragraph 1 of the following decisions under this Act may be appealed against in the

arrangements relating to the legality under 10 Cape.

Local Government Act (1991:900):

1. the City Council's decision on the master plan,

2. the City Council's decision on the projects for building Committee

to adopt, amend or repeal the local plans or

District rules,

3. the City Council's decision on the mission at a building Committee

to decide on the obligation of property owners to pay

costs for streets and other public places or to

decide on the conditions for such payment,

4. the City Council or building Committee's decision not to

adopt, amend or repeal a zoning plan or

District rules,

5. the City Council or building Committee's decision on the

the grounds for the obligation to pay costs for streets and

other public places and if the general terms and conditions for such


6. the City Council's decision on the tariff in cases of

Building Committee,

7. a municipal, federal or regional-Federal

Council decision on regional planning, and

8. the municipality's decision on guidelines for the development contract.

Law (2014:900).

section 2 of the Municipal decision under this law may not be appealed in so far as they relate to the

1. the termination of a plan of work,

2. plan notice under Chapter 5. section 2,

3. other questions on the street costs other than those referred to in paragraph 5,

4. conditional rulings according to Chapter 9. § 19,

5. extended turnaround time according to Chapter 9. section 27,

6. the need for control, particularly special, technical consultation, or

the final consultation,

7. clearance under Chapter 11. section 7, or

8. an issue which has already been settled by a detailed plan, the district rules or

a preliminary decision.

To disputes concerning the street costs examined by the land and Environment Court evidenced by 15

Cape. section 10.

2 a section/entry into force: 06/01/2016

Municipal decision to adopt, amend or repeal a zoning plan or area regulations may be appealed to the land and Environment Court. Law (2016:252).

3 §/expires U: 2016-05-01/

Other municipal decisions under this Act other than those referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 may

be appealed to the provincial government.

3 section/entry into force: 06/01/2016

Other municipal decisions under this Act other than those referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 (a), may be appealed against to the County Administrative Board. Law (2016:252).

Appeal by the county administrative boards and other State administrative authorities


section 4 of the County Administrative Board's decision under Chapter 11. section 10 of the question of review

the municipality's decision may not be appealed. The same applies to County Administrative Board decisions

According to Chapter 11. section 12 of that review provisions also apply to the permission or

preliminary decision within a certain geographical area or a permit or

advance notification should not take effect until a review has been completed.

paragraph 5 of the County Administrative Board's decision under Chapter 11. section 11 in whole or in any part

set aside municipal decisions on the zoning plan, area regulations, permits or

rulings may be appealed to the Government.

section 6 of the other decisions of the County Administrative Board under this Act other than those referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5

and other decisions by a State administrative authority under this Act may

be appealed to the land and Environment Court.

section 7 About a case that has been appealed in the land and Environment Court concerns a question

that has particular importance for the armed forces, the Swedish fortifications Agency, national defence

materiel or the national defence radio establishment, the Court shall transfer the case to

Government for consideration.

Right to appeal

section 8/expires U: 2016-06-01/

Rules on who may appeal against the decision referred to in 3, 5 and 6 sections, see

in section 22 of the Administrative Procedure Act (1986:223).

section 8/entry into force: 06/01/2016

Rules on who may appeal against the decision referred to in 2, 3, 5 and 6 §§ found in section 22 of the Administrative Procedure Act (1986:223).

Law (2016:252).

§ 9/expires U: 2016-06-01/

The mere fact that someone has been advised or

should have been notified under this law doesn't give him the right to

appeal against the decision referred to in 3, 5 and 6 sections. Law (2011:335).

§ 9/entry into force: 06/01/2016

The mere fact that someone has been advised or should have been notified under this law doesn't give him the right to appeal against the decision referred to in 2, 3, 5 and 6 sections.

Law (2016:252).

section 10 a decision as regards the State as property owners or holders

of a specific right to a property may be appealed by the State authority

who manages the property.

section 11 of the decision to adopt, amend or repeal a zoning plan or

area regulations may be appealed only by the person before the expiry of the

the review time in writing has made comments that have not been

catered for.

The restriction on the right of appeal conferred by the first subparagraph shall not apply to


1. the decision has gone against the party, the proposal changed after

the review period, or

2. the appeal is based on the fact that the decision does not established for due process.

section 12 of such a non-profit organization or other legal entity referred to in Chapter 16.

section 13 of the environmental code, an appeal against a decision to adopt, amend or revoke a

detailed plan which are likely to have a significant environmental impact due to

floor area must be used for activities or measures referred to in Chapter 4.

§ 34 of this Act.

13 § such a non-profit organization or other legal entity referred to in Chapter 16.

section 13 of the environmental code, or such a non-profit organization referred to in Chapter 16. section 14 of the

the environmental code may appeal a decision to adopt, amend or repeal a zoning plan

that means that an area should no longer be covered by Beach protection under Chapter 7.

the environmental code.

section 14 of the decision for permission or prior notification of such protection or

security areas referred to in Chapter 9. section 13 may be appealed by the

1. The Transport Agency, if the decision concerns a civil airport,

2. The Swedish radiation protection authority, if the decision concerns a nuclear reactor or other

nuclear installation, and

3. The armed forces or the Swedish civil contingencies Agency, in other

cases other than those referred to in 1 and 2.

section 15/expires U: 2016-01-01-a decision on the start of acceptance may be appealed only by the applicant in

building permit case.

the entry into force of section 15/in: 2016-01-01-a decision on the start of acceptance may be appealed only by the applicant or the notifier in the dossier. Law (2015:668).

Appeal time etc.

16 §/expires U: 2016-06-01/

Provisions on appeal against a decision as referred to in (3),

sections 5 and 6, see paragraphs 23-25 Administration Act (1986:223).

The time for appeal against a decision to adopt, modify, or

repeal a zoning plan or area regulations are counted, however,

from the date of the decision or the approval of the minutes of the

the decision has been announced on the municipality's bulletin board. When

the decision has been taken by the City Council, which, under the

23-25 of the Administrative Procedure Act applies in respect of the authority

has announced the decision rather than apply to the municipal government.

The time for appeal against a decision on the permit or

advance counts, for all who do not need to be notified to the decision

According to Chapter 9. section 41, of the day which falls one week after

that decision was published in the Gazette.

Law (2011:335).

16 section/entry into force: 06/01/2016

Provisions on appeal against a decision as referred to in 2, 3, 5 and 6 sections are available in 23-25 of the Administrative Procedure Act (1986:223).

The time for appeal against a decision to adopt, amend or repeal a zoning plan or area regulations, however, counted from the date of the decision or the approval of the minutes of the decision has been announced on the municipality's bulletin board.

When the decision has been taken by the City Council, which, under 23-25 of the Administrative Procedure Act applies in respect of the authority which has issued the decision rather than apply to the municipal government.

The time for appeal against a decision on the permit or advance notice, for all who do not need to be notified to the decision pursuant to Chapter 9. section 41, of the day which falls one week after the decision is published in the Gazette.

Law (2016:252).

The examination of an appeal

section 17 of the authority hearing an appeal against a decision to adopt, change

or revoke a zoning plan or area regulations should only examine whether the

contested decision infringes any rule on the manner in which the appellant

specified or as indicated by the circumstances.

If the authority in making a determination referred to in the first subparagraph, finds that decision goes

toward a rule of law, should the decision be repealed in its entirety. Otherwise, the decision

be laid down in its entirety. The decision should not be annulled if it is clear that

the error is not relevant to the decision. If the local authority has admitted it, may be

the decision set aside a certain part or changed in any other way. Changes that have

minor importance may be made without the consent of the municipality.

If the municipality requests it, the Agency may order that the order under appeal in

such parts that are obviously not affected by the appeal can proceed despite

that appeal is pending final. Such appointment shall not

subject to appeal.

section 18/expires U: 2016-06-01/

If the County Board under Chapter 11. 10 or 12 § has decided to review a

municipality's decision on a detailed plan or area regulations, or a permit or

preliminary decision, the provincial government may decide that an appeal of the same

municipal decision not to be examined until the matter of Justice under Chapter 11.

has been finally settled.

section 18/entry into force: 06/01/2016

If the County Board under Chapter 11. section 12 has decided to overrule a municipal decision concerning a permit or advance notice, the County Board may decide that an appeal of the same municipal decisions should not be attempted until the matter of Justice under Chapter 11. has been finally settled.

Law (2016:252).

Chapter 14. Indemnification and redemption

section 1 of This chapter contains provisions on the

1. obligation of the municipality to pay compensation for damage incurred to the

as a result of the decision in accordance with this Act,

2. obligation of the municipality and the other to redeem or otherwise acquire

the right to property,

3. how an injury must be assessed and compensation is calculated,

4. the municipality's right to compensation in certain cases, and

5. that the right to compensation or redemption may be lost.

Compensation in connection with a Government access, etc.

2 § If damage has occurred as a consequence of an action referred to in Chapter 11. section 8

first paragraph 1 or subparagraph 2 has the victim's right to compensation

by the municipality or, if the action has been taken on behalf of a government agency,

by the State.

Compensation for certain subpoenas

section 3 Of the building Committee with the support of 11 kap. 22 or 23 § has

announced an injunction which means a buildings

should be deleted or be the subject of another action or to

a driveway or other output is amended, the owner of the

the construction works are entitled to compensation for damage

the order entails. Law (2014:900).

Compensation due to the refusal of planning permission

section 4 if compensation has been paid for street costs pursuant to Chapter 6. 24 or section 25

or according to the corresponding older provisions, should the municipality pay back

the remuneration to the extent that the damage incurred by the landlord due to

that planning permission be refused is not able to use the property in the manner that was presupposed when

the compensation was taken out.

The municipality must also pay interest in accordance with paragraph 5 of the interest Act (1975:635) from the day

compensation was paid to the municipality.

§ 5 If planning permission is refused for a measure aimed at a building that is messed up

by accident or grated is replaced by an essentially identical

building, property owners are entitled to compensation by the municipality for damage

as it refused building permission.

If the building is to be replaced is not destroyed by accident, the

the right to compensation only if the harm that it refused building permission is

significant in relation to the value of the affected part of the property.

The right to compensation applies only if the application for a building permit has been made within five

years from the time the building was demolished or destroyed.

Compensation due to refusal of site improvement permits

section 6 If site improvement permits are refused on the basis of Chapter 9. 35 paragraph 2 or 3,

property owners are entitled to compensation by the municipality for damage it

refused to mark the holidays.

The right to compensation, however, only if it refused to mark the holidays means that

current land use considerably hindered in the affected part of the

the property.

Compensation due to demolition or refused demolition permits

section 7 If a detailed plan or area regulations contains a demolition ban

or if a demolition permit be refused under Chapter 9. section 34, property owners have the right

to compensation by the municipality for the damage that the demolition ban or refused

demolition permit.

The right to compensation, however, only if the damage that the demolition ban

or it refused demolition permit is significant in relation to the value of

the relevant part of the property.

Compensation when a detailed plan be amended or repealed

section 8 if an area which according to a detailed plan has been designed for General

transport will be fully or partially be used for another purpose or get

its location changed when a new or modified zoning plan is implemented, the

own a property adjacent to the area of the right to compensation by the road authority

for the damage that the implementation of the new or revised plan entails for

the owner.

§ 9 About a detailed plan be amended or revoked before expiration,

the owner of a property is entitled to compensation by the municipality for damage

the amendment or repeal of the owner.

Such a right to remuneration also applies if the change or cancellation occurs

After expiration of the implementation and the damage covers an operation when

the implementation period expired building permit was subject of a case that was not

definitively settled.

Compensation due to rules on protection, placement, design and

execution of construction works and plots

section 10 of the municipality in a detailed plan before a provision which

referred to in Chapter 4. 8 § 1 or 16 § 3 or in area rules

faced with a provision referred to in Chapter 4. paragraph 42,

have the owner of a property right concerned by the provision

to compensation by the municipality for damage provision


The right to compensation, however, only if the provision

means that the current land use significantly impeded in

the relevant part of the property.

The first and second subparagraphs shall not apply to provisions on

demolition ban. For such provisions apply instead

7 §. Law (2014:900).

Compensation due to territorial provisions on vegetation and soil surface

section 11 of the municipality in district rules for an area

referred to in Chapter 9. section 13 introduces a provision on vegetation or

If the ground surface design or location, have the owner of a

property affected by the provision, the right to compensation of the

municipality for the damage which it causes.

The right to compensation, however, only if the provision

means that the current land use significantly impeded in

the relevant part of the property. Law (2011:335).

Compensation to holders of special rights

section 12 of this as referred to in sections 5 to 11 applies in respect of property owners must apply also

the program has a special right to the property.


section 13, If a decision referred to in paragraph 5, 6 or 7, paragraph 9

subparagraph, or 10 or section 11 gives rise to the use of

the property extremely difficult, is the municipality required to

property owner's request to redeem the property.

section 14 of the municipality is required to the property owner's request

redeem land or other space according to the zoning plan should

be used for

1. a general place that the municipality shall be the principal for,


2. other than a single building.

The obligation under the first paragraph 2 does not apply for planning permission

under Chapter 9. 32 a of the first subparagraph. Law (2014:900).

section 15 Of the land or other space according to a detailed plan shall

be used for a public place that has individual ownership,

is the one who should be the head of the site required to

property owner's request to acquire ownership, access rights

or other specific rights to the land or space.

The first subparagraph shall not apply if the State under section 16 or

the municipality under section 17 is required to redeem the land, or

the space. Law (2014:900).

section 16 if the land or other space according to a detailed plan shall

be used for a road that the State should be the road operators for according to

Traffic Act (1971:948) and who have individual ownership, is

the State is obliged, upon request of the owner of real estate acquisition

ownership, usufruct or other special rights to

ground or space. Law (2014:900).

section 17 Of the land or other space according to a detailed plan shall

be used for a road that the municipality should be road operators for

under the traffic Act (1971:948) but which have case-

ownership, is the municipality required to the property owner's

request acquire ownership, usufruct or other

special rights to the land or space. Law (2014:900).

section 18 If land or other space according to a detailed plan to use for the individual

the construction but also for a general management, public service facility or a

traffic facility which is common to several properties, is the one that should be

the head of the facility required to acquire the property owner's request

usufruct or other specific rights to the extent necessary for the

the purpose.

section 19 of that which is required to acquire the right to land or space under 15,

section 16, 17 or 18 may decide which right that the acquisition should refer to.

section 20 of the obligations set out in paragraphs 14 to 17 shall not apply to the time when occasional use of

ground or space town plan may be continued as follows by 4

Cape. 26 – 29 sections.

section 21 was repealed by law (2012:187).

The assessment of an injured significance

section 22 in assessing the significance of a damaged by any of

provisions of 5 to 7 and 10 to 13 sections should also take account of the

1. other decisions referred to in the 5 to 7 and 10 to 13 sections,

2. the decisions referred to in Chapter 3. section 2 of the Act (1988:950) on cultural heritage


3. decision under Chapter 7. 3, 5, 6, 9, 22 or section 24 of the Swedish environmental code,

4. decision to permit under Chapter 7. section 11 of the other

subparagraph (a) or (b) 28-29 of the Swedish environmental code is not given,

5. injunctions or prohibitions under Chapter 12. paragraph 6, fourth paragraph

the environmental code,

6. decisions to the effect that an exemption is not granted in respect of the

provisions referred to in 1 – 5,

7. decisions under section 18 of the Forestry Act (1979:429), and

8. the impact of regulations that have been issued pursuant to section 30 of the

the forestry law.

The first subparagraph shall apply only in respect of decisions and regulations

delivered within 10 years before the recent decision.

To a standing or a right to compensation or redemption of

following a decision as referred to in the first paragraph have been

lost as a result of the provisions of chapter 15. 4 § or

the corresponding provisions of the Environment Act or the Act on

cultural heritage etc. does not take account of the decision.

Determination of remuneration

section 23 in determining compensation under this chapter, Chapter 4.

Expropriations Act (1972:719) applied.

section 24 of the cases referred to in any of the provisions in 3 and 5-8 sections, section 9 first

subparagraph, and paragraphs 10 to 12 shall, notwithstanding the provisions of section 23, compensation for reduction

of a real estate market value shall be determined

1. as the difference between the market value of the property before and after the decision

or the action referred to in section 8, and

2. without taking into account the expectations of change of land use.

In determining compensation, Chapter 4. 1 paragraph expropriations Act

(1972:719) applied.

In the cases referred to in 5, 7 and 12 of the compensation shall be reduced by an amount

equivalent to that on the basis of § 5, second subparagraph, and paragraph 7 of the second paragraph shall be sustained

without compensation.

Compensation for the municipality's costs under this chapter

section 25 Of the municipality's introduction of an dismantling prohibition referred to in paragraph 7, or a

provision referred to in section 10 has been made after a plan notice under 11

Cape. section 15 and to meet a national interest according to the 3 or 4 Cape.

the environmental code, the State is obliged to compensate the municipality its costs for

compensation or repayment.

section 26 of the municipality has paid compensation on account of any of the provisions of 6;

sections 11 and 12, is the owner of the site for which the protection or

the safety zone has been required to pay the municipality the costs for

compensation or repayment.

Loss of a right to compensation or redemption

section 27 of The who do not report their claims within the time referred to in Chapter 5. section 26

loses its right to reimbursement or repayment.

Despite what is stated in the first paragraph concerns the right to compensation or redemption of

the damage could not reasonably be anticipated within the specified time.

15. Judicial review, etc.

§ 1 unless otherwise indicated in this Act, shall, in addition to it arising out of Chapter 6. section 17

and chapter 14. 23 and 24 of this law, expropriations Act (1972:719) applied in

objectives if

1. redemption pursuant to Chapter 6. 13, 14, 15 or 16, and

2. compensation or redemption or acquisition of rights of use or other special

right, in the cases referred to in any of the provisions of Chapter 14. 2-18 sections.

2 § an action for redemption in accordance with Chapter 6. section 13 may be brought even if the decision to adopt

the zoning plan does not have the force of res judicata.

section 3 If an action for redemption of land pursuant to Chapter 6. section 14 is brought, shall

land and Environment Court immediately inform the cadastral authority.

If, upon examination of the case of redemption going on a case if real estate training

in accordance with the detailed plan that applies to the land area, the goal of

redemption in abeyance until the real estate education matter is final


If a property is formed which is consistent with the zoning plan, due municipality

Action for redemption.

§ 4 an action for redemption of land or space according to Chapter 6. section 15 shall be brought within the

three years after the end of the plan's implementation period.

If, upon examination of the case of redemption there is a case for an extension

or renewal of the implementation period, the goal of redemption in abeyance

until the implementation period has been finally settled.

If the implementation period is extended or renewed, expires the municipality's action for


section 5 of the cases referred to in chapter 14. 3 to 7 and 9 to 13 sections shall be brought within two years from

the date of the decision on be became final.

In the cases referred to in chapter 14. 2 and 8 sections shall be brought within two years from the date

then the action on be carried out.

An action may be brought later than provided for in the first and second paragraphs, if

the damage could not reasonably have foreseen within the two-year period.

section 6 of the Compensation pursuant to chapter 14. 2, 3 and 5 to 13 sections shall be determined in the money

be paid at once or, if there are special reasons, with a certain annual

amount. If the compensation is payable annually and conditions change, it

annual amount to be reviewed at the request of the municipality, the property owner or his

have a special right to the property.

If the municipality requests it and it is not manifestly unreasonable, the Court shall order the

to compensation under Chapter 14. 7, 10 or 12 § shall be paid only when certain

measures of building has been carried out.

section 7 of the municipality and the property owner or the owner of a specific right to

the property has entered into an agreement or apparently provided something to apply

in terms of compensation, it applies also to a new owner of the property or a new

holders of the special law.

section 8 if the Court, in a case referred to in paragraph 1 of the resent an action due to a

property owner or someone who has a special right to a property has

initiated the lawsuit without sufficient reasons, the Court may order that the

brought to bear their own costs. If the trial began even though it

must have been obvious to anyone who brought a claim that their actions without due

as a result, the Court may also order the person who brought an action to replace

the respondent for his or her own costs.

section 9 On the request of the entitled to compensation that has been established in an objective

If redemption under this law, it shall bring the issue of surrender of the land or

another space decay in the part related to his right, if

1. compensation is reduced in the manner stated in the expropriations Act

(1972:719), and

2. ground or space has not been ratified or entered under Chapter 6. 10 §

Expropriations Act.

section 10 of a dispute between the municipality and a property owner if

compensation for costs or other costs of the street

public places or on the conditions for the payment of such

compensation must be examined by the land and Environment Court in whose

area of the property.

In such a case, the law (2010:921) on land and

environmental courts apply. In case of modification of the remuneration

According to Chapter 6. § 33 shall however expropriations Act (1972:719)

apply in respect of legal costs.

If the property owner loses a case concerning adjustment due

that the property owner has initiated the lawsuit without sufficient

reasons, the Court may order that the property owner will bear

their own costs. If the property owner started the trial

Although it must have been obvious to the property owner

the action was brought, without reasonable grounds, the Court may, in addition,

order the landlord to pay the municipal

legal costs. Law (2012:820).

16. Appropriations

Regulations on the plans and area regulations

section 1 of the Government may provide for

1. the municipality shall send the decision pursuant to Chapter 3. section 27 of

the master plan's timeliness to authorities, municipalities and

other interested parties,

2. when implementing a detailed plan by reason of such

use referred to in Chapter 4. 34 section can be adopted

to have significant effects on the environment, and

3. exemption from the municipality's obligation under Chapter 5. 32 or

39 § to send documents on local plans or

District rules to the County Administrative Board. Law (2011:335).

Regulations regarding the construction works, land and public places, etc.

section 2 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide for

1. that which applies in the case of a building in Chapter 8. 1 and

2 paragraphs shall also apply to an establishment other than a building,

2. that which applies in the case of a building in Chapter 8. 1 § 2 shall

also apply to signs and lighting devices,

3. What is required for a building, signs and

lighting appliances shall be deemed to meet the requirements of Chapter 8. paragraphs 1 and 4,

4. certain requirements despite Chapter 8. 2 and 5 sections or at the

application of Chapter 8. 7 and 8 sections should always be met when

shipbuilding, conversion or other alteration of a building, and

5. to certain requirements despite Chapter 8. 2 and 5 sections or at the

application of Chapter 8. 7 and 8 sections need not be met when

shipbuilding, conversion or other alteration of a building.

Law (2011:335).

section 3 of the Government or the authority that the Government may announce

that some kind of barrier to accessibility or usability at

application of Chapter 8. 2 or section 12 shall be easy to remedy.

section 4 of the Government or the authority that the Government may announce

regulations on such exemptions from the technical requirements referred to in 8

Cape. 4 section that there are special reasons for and relate to the construction or modification of

a building for experimental purposes. Exceptions should not result in an unacceptable risk

to human health or safety.

section 5 of the Government or the authority that the Government must notify the

regulations on requirements for construction works, land, public places and other things

subject to Chapter 8. and that in addition to the provisions of Chapter 8. needed

1. for the protection of the life, personal safety or health, and

2. for the proper design of buildings, land plots, areas for other

installations than buildings and public places.

Regulations on construction products

6 §/expires U: 2016-04-20/

The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide for

1. What is required for a construction product in accordance with Chapter 8. § 19

to be considered suitable for inclusion in a work,

2. marking of construction products in accordance with Chapter 8. 21 § 2 as

condition for them to be placed on the market and

be used,

3. type approvals and production control in accordance with Chapter 8.

sections 22 and 23,

4. that a construction product must be type approved in accordance with Chapter 8. section 22

to be used in a building,

5. the language or languages in which performance declarations,

instructions and safety information in accordance with articles

7.4, 11(6), 13(4) and 14(2) of Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 is

be provided,

6. the language or languages in which producers, importers and

distributors shall provide the supervisory authority with information

and documentation pursuant to articles 11(8), 13.9 and 14.5 in

Regulation (EU) No 305/2011,

7. such compensation as set out in Chapter 11. 8 (b) and 8 (c) sections, and

8. fee for supervision under Chapter 11. § 66.

Regulations referred to in the first subparagraph 4 shall relate only to

the approval needed for the protection of the life, personal

security or public health. Team (2013:306).

6 §/entry into force: 04/20/2016

The Government or the authority that the Government may provide for

1. What is required for a construction product in accordance with Chapter 8. Article 19 should be considered suitable for inclusion in a work,

2. marking of construction products in accordance with Chapter 8. 21 § 2 as a precondition for them to be placed on the market and used;

3. type approvals and production control in accordance with Chapter 8. sections 22 and 23,

4. that a construction product must be type approved in accordance with Chapter 8.

section 22 to be used in a building,

5. the language or languages in which documents and information within the scope of this law shall be provided, when the requirement of the provision is a result of Sweden's membership in the European Union,

6. such compensation as set out in Chapter 11. 8 (b) and 8 (c) sections, and

7. fee for supervision under Chapter 11. § 66.

Regulations referred to in the first subparagraph 4 shall only refer to the component type-approval is needed for the protection of the life, personal safety or health. Law (2016:140).

Regulations on building permits

section 7 of the Government may provide that, in addition to what follows by 9

Cape. 2 – 7 sections, required permits for

1. signs and lighting devices, and

2. other than buildings, if the plants by their size or

function can have a significant impact on the environment.

Regulations on reporting obligations

section 8/expires U: 2016-01-01-the Government may provide that notification is required for certain actions

According to Chapter 9. section 16.

section 8/entry into force: 01/01/2016 Government may provide for the notification of certain measures under Chapter 9. section 16 and if the deadline for a decision on the start of acceptance after such notification. Law (2015:668).

Law (2015:668).

Regulations regarding funktionskontrollanter, inspectors and experts

§ 9 the Government or the authority that the Government may announce

1. regulations on funktionskontrollanter in accordance with Chapter 8. section 25,

2. regulations about what in terms of knowledge, experience and certification required

of such inspectors and experts referred to in Chapter 10, and

3. the rules otherwise if inspectors and experts needed

In addition to the provisions in Chapter 10. sections 9 to 13.

section 10 of the Government may provide for the small measures under 10

Cape. 10 § 2 involves a derogation from the requirement of control responsible according to 10.

§ 9.

Regulations on control

section 11 of the Government or the authority that the Government may announce

additional regulations on the control of the regulations that have been issued with

support of 2, 5 or 6 § followed.

Regulations on supervision and construction penalties and fines

section 12 of the Government may announce further provisions on the inspection and

works fine under Chapter 11.

Rules in extraordinary situations

section 13 if there has occurred an event of nature with extremely extensive negative

effects to the environment or property and if necessary to the necessary measures

quickly taken, the Government may provide for limited time

exceptions to the

1. requirement that consideration should be given to the general interest in localization of

buildings according to Chapter 2,

2. requirements for buildings, other structures, plots, public places and areas

for other installations than buildings, in accordance with Chapter 8.

3. the requirement that a measure shall be in accordance with a detailed plan or

District rules,

4. the requirements for building permits, demolition permits and site improvement permits under Chapter 9, as well as

5. the provisions of Chapter 10. on the procedure for construction and demolition permits, etc.

section 14 of the Kingdom is at war or danger of war or if there is such extraordinary

conditions caused by war or armed dangers which the Kingdom has been in,

Government announce such from this Act of deviating regulations

importance of total defence or as needed for required

construction activity in the other.

Transitional provisions


1. This law shall enter into force on 2 May 2011 when planning and building Act (1987:10) and

the Act (1994:847) on the technical characteristics required for the construction works, etc. shall cease to


2. Older rules should still apply to cases that have

commenced before May 2, 2011 and matters relating to the appeal of the

decision in such a case or matter to its proceedings or the matter is final


3. For the infringements that took place prior to 2 May 2011 to older rules

apply to the merits. The new law should be applied, if the leads

to the more lenient sentence.

4. General plans on 1 May 2011 comes as the district rules under 17

Cape. paragraph 3(1) of the repealed the planning and building Act, even in

continuation rules apply as area.

5. Urban plans, building plans, avstycknings plans and other plans and

provisions on 1 May 2011 according to chapter 17. section 4 of the repealed schedule and

Building Act shall be deemed to have been adopted on the basis of the repealed Act shall also in

continue to be deemed to have been adopted on the basis of the repealed Act. The provisions

in chapter 17. the last paragraph of section 4 of the repealed the planning and building Act applies

still for such plans.

6. the provisions of Chapter 6. section 15 does not apply in respect of the plans referred to in

point 5.

7. the provisions of Chapter 4. section 7 does not apply in areas such as

covered by a building plan avstycknings or plan referred to in

point 5. Law (2011:335).

8. the provisions of Chapter 9. section 32 does not apply in areas covered by a

urban plan or building plan referred to in point 5.

9. Real estate plans under the repealed the planning and building Act and land divisions

as before 2 May 2011 comes as property plans under Chapter 17. section 11 of the

repealed Act shall continue to apply as detailed provisions under 4

Cape. section 18 of the new law.

10. Such prohibition on new construction referred to in chapter 17. section 14 of the repealed schedule-

and building Act shall continue to apply as detailed provisions under 4

Cape. 14 § 1 of the new law.

11. In the areas referred to in chapter 17. the first paragraph of section 16 of the repealed schedule and

construction law, that of local plans in Chapter 11. 10 and 11 of the new

the Act also apply in respect of building permits, site improvement permits and rulings.

12. The requirement for site improvement permits for excavation, filling, tree felling or other

measures under Chapter 17. section 16 or section 17 of the revoked plan and

Building Act shall apply also in the future. For land permit trial applies to Chapter 9.

11-13 of the new law.

13. In a decision on planning permission, building Committee explain to

such a deviation from a town plan, building plan,

avstycknings plan or plot subdivision referred to in chapter 17.

18 (a) of the planning and building Act repealed shall be deemed to be a

such a derogation as referred to in Chapter 9. 30 paragraph 1 (b) of

the new law. Law (2011:335).

14. Repealed by law (2014:900).

15. The repealed the planning and building Act still apply for compensation with

reason of

(a)) a decision as referred to in chapter 14. 3, 5, 7 and 8 of the Act, if

the decision has given before May 2, 2011, and

(b)) a measure referred to in chapter 14. 4 and 6 of the Act, if the action has

performed before 2 May 2011.

16. For those cases which have begun before the May 2

2011 but at this point in time has not been started with a General

Administrative Court respectively, the Government shall, notwithstanding

referred to in point 2, the provisions of the order in the instance

the new law is applied. Law (2011:413).

17. Despite the requirements that a control officer shall meet according to the

10 Cape. § 9, prior to May 2, 2011 has been appointed

quality responsible according to Chapter 9. section 14 of the repealed schedule and

Building Act appointed to control responsible before 1 July 2013, if

There are serious reasons for the law (2012:820).

18. the Dispositions referred to in chapter 17. section 19 of the repealed

the planning and building Act on the obligation to abstain or grant

land shall cease to be valid after the expiration of the year 2018.

Law (2014:900).

19. Dispositions under Chapter 6. section 19 of the repealed schedule and

Building Act on the obligation to surrender or lease land or

another space shall be repealed on the date of

the implementation period for the plan expires, but not earlier than

After the end of the year 2018. Law (2014:900).

20. If an Ordinance under real estate law education

(1970:988) or fixed Act (1973:1149) or a goal

If redemption pursuant to Chapter 6. section 17 or Chapter 14. paragraph 1 of the

repealed the planning and building Act or the equivalent older

rules in progress when the dispositions referred to in point 18

or 19 shall cease to apply, the terms of Office to refrain

or lease land or other space continue to apply

until the goal, or the case has been finally decided.

The same shall apply for matters relating to the appeal

by the decision of such a court case or the redemption target

until the goal, or the case has been finally decided.

Law (2014:900).


This law shall enter into force on July 1, 2012. Older regulations

still applies for cases where development cooperation under

Act (1987:11) on development cooperation.


1. this law shall enter into force on 1 January 2013.

2. Older rules still apply for roads and railways

planned or is being examined under the traffic Act (1971:948) or Act (1995:1649)

on the construction of the railway in the amended laws had before 1 January



This law shall enter into force on 1 January 2013. The provisions of the

15. section 10 in its new wording, however, applied for the period from and

2 May 2011.


This law shall enter into force on 1 July 2013. The provisions of the

11 kap. However, section 53 shall apply for the period from 2 may



1. This law shall enter into force on January 1, 2014.

2. Older regulations still apply to cases that have

commenced before January 1, 2014.


1. this law shall enter into force on 1 July 2014.

2. Older rules still apply for master plans

which has commenced before July 1, 2014.


1. This law shall enter into force on 2 July 2014.

2. For measures that have been initiated before the entry into force applies

Chapter 2. in paragraph 6 of its older version.

3. Have a municipality, before the entry into force, pursuant to Chapter 9. section 8

first subparagraph 2 (a) determined that a building permit is required to take

an action referred to in Chapter 9. 4 paragraph 3, building permits

be required also for the measures referred to in 4(a) to 4(c) sections, to

its that the municipality decides otherwise.


1. This law shall enter into force on January 1, 2015.

2. Older rules should still apply to cases of

local plans and area regulations have commenced before

on 1 January 2015, and for matters relating to

appeal of decisions on such plans and

District rules for its proceedings or the matter is final


3. Older rules should still apply to applications

made before 1 January 2015 in respect

the County Administrative Board of review under the repealed, Chapter 6. § 5 If

obligation to surrender or lease land or other


4. decisions under the repealed, Chapter 6. 3 and 4 of § about

obligation to surrender or lease land or other space

shall expire on the date on which the implementation period for

detail plan expires, but not earlier than after the end of the year


5. If an Ordinance under real estate law education

(1970:988) or fixed Act (1973:1149) or a goal

If redemption pursuant to Chapter 6. section 13, chapter 14. 14 or 15 § in progress

When the decision referred to in paragraph 4 shall be repealed,

decisions to waive or grant of land or other space

continue to apply until the proceedings or the matter is

definitively settled. The same shall apply to cases and applications

concerning the appeal of the decision in such a case the Court

or redemption target to its target or the matter is final


6. Older rules should still apply to

development agreements relating to such cases on local plans

having begun before 1 January 2015.


1. This law shall enter into force on January 2, 2015.

2. Older provisions shall still apply to the target and

cases that have been started before 2 January 2015 and objectives and

matters relating to the appeal of the decision in a case such

or case to its proceedings or the matter is final



1. this law shall enter into force on 1 June 2015.

2. Older regulations still apply to cases

initiated prior to the entry into force and for the objectives and

matters relating to the appeal of the decision on such goals and

business until the case or matter is final



1. this law shall enter into force on the 1 January 2016.

2. For cases where detailed plans that have been initiated before the entry into force applies to Chapter 4. § 33 and Chapter 5. paragraph 13 of the older wording. The same applies to matters relating to the appeal of the decision on such plans until the goal or the case is finally settled.


1. this law shall enter into force on 1 June 2015.

2. Older provisions still apply for an appeal of the decision that the municipality has notified before 1 June 2015.