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Law (2010:1390) Appointing Judges

Original Language Title: Lag (2010:1390) om utnämning av ordinarie domare

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Scope of application

1 §/expires U: 2016-09-01/

This law pertains to appointing judges. These are

1. Justice Chairman, justice and

Presidents and other justice of the Supreme Court

and the Supreme Administrative Court,

2. the president, vice President and Chief Counsel at the

Department and other advice in court and Chamber right,

3. the Chief Judge, the Chief District Court judge, District Court judge in the District Court and

administrative law,

4. technical advice,

5. the Chairman of the national court,

6. the President as well as head and the rest of the Chairperson of the

The Labour Court,

7. patent Judicial Council Chairman, patent legal advice and

President, patent legal advice as well as vice President

and other patents legal advice in patent appeals,

8. the Chairman of the Defence Intelligence Court.

Law (2010:1887).

the entry into force of § 1/in: 2016-09-01/

This law pertains to appointing judges. These are 1. Justice Chairman, justice as well as departmental Chairman and other justice of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Administrative Court, 2. President, Chief Judge, and advice as well as vice Chairman of the Department and other advice in court and Chamber right, 3. the Chief Judge, the Chief District Court judge, District Court judge in the District Court and administrative law,

4. technical advice,

5. patent advice,

6. the President as well as head and the rest of the Chairperson of the Labour Court,

7. the Chairman of the Defence Intelligence Court.

Law (2016:227).

Board of judges

section 2 of the Cases appointing judges should be prepared in a

State Board (Board of judges).

paragraph 3 of the Board shall submit proposals to the Government in matters concerning

appointing judges. The Board shall also conduct a

active and long-term work to meet

recruitment needs of ordinary judges.

Government Announces rules on other tasks for


4 § Board consists of nine members. Five members shall be,

or have been, ordinary judges. Two members shall be

lawyers operating outside the judicial system, one of which shall be

lawyer. Two members of the Board to represent the public. For each

Member, there shall be a personal Deputy.

Members and alternates are appointed for a maximum period of four years.

Members and alternates representing the public are elected by

the Riksdag. The rest of the members and alternates appointed by the

the Government. Members and deputies shall be, or shall be

been, ordinary judges are appointed on the proposal of the General

the courts and the General administrative courts. Members

and replacements to be lawyers operating outside

the judiciary is appointed on the proposal of the

managing authorities and government organisations


The Board elects among its members a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman.

5 § at the Board, there shall be a registry. The head of the Chancellery

to be, or have been, ordinary judges or have similar

professional experience and skills.

Decisions of the Board of management

section 6 of the Board shall, in an appropriate manner, inform about a vacancy

appointment as a judge.

section 7 of The wishing to apply for a vacant employment shall submit

a written application to the Board.

In addition, a general expression of interest for employment

referred to in paragraph 1 shall be made to the Board.

section 8, a representative of the judiciary may attend and be heard

at the Board's meetings.

§ 9 the Board's proposal to the Government shall be justified.


section 10 of the Board's proposal in respect of the appointment must not

subject to appeal.

The Government's prosecution

section 11 of the Government is not bound by the Board's proposal. Before

Government appoints someone who has not been proposed by the Board,

the Board shall have an opportunity to comment on him or her.