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Alcohol Regulation (2010:1636)

Original Language Title: Alkoholförordning (2010:1636)

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section 1 of this regulation contains rules that connect to

alcohol Act (2010:1622).

The terms and expressions used in the Act have the same meaning in

This regulation.

section 2 of the State Provincial Office shall, at the request of the public health agency

provide the assistance needed in dealing with cases

and supervision according to the law on alcohol (2010:1622).

The County Board shall notify public health authority

conditions that are relevant to the public health agency's

supervision. Regulation (2013:909).

3 repealed by Regulation (2011:237).


4 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/

Public health authority may provide for

1. the information to be included in a notification under Chapter 5.

section 5 and Chapter 8. 3, 4, 6, or section 7 of the law on alcohol (2010:1622),

2. proficiency test for obtaining the licence and the

for exceptions to the obligation to pass such tests according to

Chapter 8. section 12 of the law on alcohol,

3. the particulars to licence holders and others as

doing business with the support of the alcohol Act shall provide for the

the authority to conduct inspections in accordance with Chapter 9. 1 §

the law on alcohol,

4. the information to be included in a certificate of authorization

as a municipality has informed according to Chapter 9. section 7 of the law on alcohol,

5. the particulars to licence holders and others as

doing business with the support of the alcohol Act are required to

provide for the authority to keep statistics according to 9

Cape. section 14 of the law on alcohol,

6. use of control companies in trade in technological liquor

According to Chapter 6. 10 § 2 the law on alcohol,

7. denaturation of denaturation and alcoholic preparations

and in which cases denaturation may be omitted pursuant to Chapter 6.

10 paragraph 3 of the law on alcohol,

8. trade in General with technical alcohol and alcoholic

preparations needed for the protection of life and health under 6

Cape. 10 § 4 alcohol Act, and

9. how to control the purchase will be carried out in accordance with Chapter 9. 15 a of the

the alcohol Act.

The public health authority may, in cases other than those referred to in 9

Cape. 1 and 3 of the pharmaceutical regulation (2006:272), notify the

regulations about who in addition to what is stated in Chapter 6. paragraph 5 of the

the law on alcohol has the right to buy technical spirit pursuant to Chapter 6.

10 § 1 the alcohol Act. Regulation (2014:833).

4 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016

Public health authority may provide for

1. the knowledge exam for obtaining the licence and the exemption from the obligation to pass such tests in accordance with Chapter 8. section 12 of the law on alcohol (2010:1622), 2. the information to license holders and others who do business with the support of the alcohol Act shall provide for the authority to conduct inspections in accordance with Chapter 9. section 1 of the alcohol Act,

3. the information to be included in a certificate of authorization as a municipality has informed according to Chapter 9. section 7 of the law on alcohol,

4. use of control companies when trading with technical spirit pursuant to Chapter 6. 10 § 2 the law on alcohol,

5. denaturation of technical spirit and alcoholic preparations and in which cases denaturation may be omitted pursuant to Chapter 6.

10 paragraph 3 of the law on alcohol,

6. trade in General with technical spirit and alcoholic preparations needed for the protection of life and health in accordance with Chapter 6. 10 § 4 alcohol Act, and

7 How to control purchases will be carried out in accordance with Chapter 9. 15 a of the alcohol Act.

The public health authority may, in cases other than those referred to in Chapter 9. 9 section 3 and section 10 of the pharmaceutical regulation (2015:458), provide for anyone except as set forth in Chapter 6.

paragraph 5 of the law on alcohol has the right to buy technical spirit pursuant to Chapter 6. 10 § 1 the alcohol Act. Regulation (2015:466).

4 a section/entry into force: 01/01/2016

Public health authorities may announce details relating to 1. the information to be included in a notification under Chapter 5.

section 5 and Chapter 8. 3, 4, 6, or section 7 of the law on alcohol (2010:1622), and

2. the information which licence holders and others who do business with the support of the alcohol Act is required to submit to the authority shall be able to keep statistics as Chapter 9. section 14 of the law on alcohol. Regulation (2015:466).

Rules on the handling of matters of State, etc.

§ 5 the municipality shall take a decision in a case if the

licence within four months from the time a

complete application has been received by the municipality. If it is

necessary because of the investigation of the matter shall

the processing time may be extended by a maximum of four months. The applicant

shall be informed of the reasons for the turnaround time is extended

before the original deadline has expired.

A decision to extend the processing time may not be appealed.

Paragraph 8 of law (2009:1079) on services in the internal market is

provisions relating to acknowledgement of receipt shall be sent to the applicant

When a complete application has come and if the contents of a

such evidence.

section 6 of the municipality in the case of licence requests

the applicant shall provide the certificates, attestations or other similar

documents showing that a particular licensing requirements are met,

should the municipality accept equivalent documents from a State of

The European economic area. The municipality may, however,

request that the document be submitted in original or a certified

copy or as a certified translation to


Duty to notify

section 7 of the public health agency should appropriately inform

the relevant County Councils, municipalities and police service if

decisions taken by the public health agency has taken in the cases referred to in

alcohol Act (2010:1622). Regulation (2014:1299).

section 8 If a court has found someone guilty of a crime

against Chapter 11. 1, 4 or 5 of the alcohol Act (2010:1622) shall, when

the judgment has become final, a copy of the judgment shall be sent as soon as possible

to the Revenue Commissioners.

General Administrative Court judgment or final decision in the case

with respect to the alcohol Act shall, if the judgment or decision has become

the force, sent to the public health agency.

Regulation (2013:909).

§ 9 the tax agency shall notify public health authority

decision on the approval or withdrawal of approval

referred to in

1. Chapter 2. paragraph 1(1) or section 3(1)

alcohol Act (2010:1622),

2. Chapter 4. Article 1, first paragraph the alcohol Act, and

3. Chapter 6. section 2 of the alcohol Act.

A notification referred to in the first subparagraph shall contain

information on the activities of the applicant for

the authorisation intends to conduct. Regulation (2013:909).

section 10 of the Consumer Agency should notify public health authority

decisions of major importance concerning the special provisions

for the marketing of alcoholic beverages in Chapter 7. alcohol law

(2010:1622). Regulation (2013:909).

Agreement in accordance with Chapter 5. section 1 of the alcohol Act

section 11 of the agreement referred to in Chapter 5. section 1, fourth paragraph

alcohol Act (2010:1622) shall be announced by the announced

in Svensk författningssamling (SFS).

Application of Chapter 7. Article 9 of the law on alcohol

12 § the provision in Chapter 7. Article 9 of the law on alcohol (2010:1622),

applied to a foreign State which is connected to

The Madrid Agreement of april 14, 1891, concerning

Suppression of false or misleading

designations of origin on goods or that is a member of

The World Trade Organization (WTO).


section 13, the following information will be used in ads in the

cases referred to in Chapter 7. section 7 of the law on alcohol (2010:1622).

1. Alcohol can damage your health.

2. Alcohol is addictive.

3. Alcohol can cause nerve and brain damage.

4. Alcohol can cause damage to the liver and pancreas.

5. Alcohol can cause brain bleeding and cancer.

6. Every two drivers killed in accidents in traffic is

under the influence of alcohol.

7. Half of all drowning have alcohol in their blood.

8. Alcohol at work increases the risk of accidents.

9. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can harm the baby.

10. Children who are binge drinking alcohol at home more often than

other children.

11. To start drinking at a young age increases the risk of

alcohol problems.

section 14 of the information referred to in section 13 shall

1. printed with fonts Helvetica in bold,

2. be printed in a font size that causes text covers

the largest possible proportion of the area reserved for it,

3. reproduced in black paint on a white ground,

4. centered on the surface where it is printed,

5. is surrounded by a black border that does not impinge on the area

reserved for the banner,

6. cover at least 20% of the ad space, and

7. be placed horizontally and in a way that makes it easy
