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Prison Regulation (2010:2010)

Original Language Title: Fängelseförordning (2010:2010)

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The content and scope of application

section 1 of this regulation contains supplementary provisions

the Prisons Act (2010:610). Concepts and terms used

in this regulation have the same meaning and scope

as in the law.

Information on enforcement

section 2 of Every inmate shall, in connection with that he or she is

into the Office is informed about a depending on meaning

language which he or she understands. Such information shall also

be submitted at other times whenever there is reason to


section 3 of The inmate shall, in connection with that he or she is taken into

institution to notify relatives about where he or

She is, unless special reasons speaking against it.

The same applies when the prisoner was moved from a detention center

to another.

Specific obligations during the execution

4 section to order or security of the correctional facility shall be

be maintained should the inmates follow

1. the conditions for enforcement,

2. the procedures in force in the institution,

3. the guidelines provide, and

4. restrictions on where smoking may occur.

An inmate must also show consideration for staff and medintagna

and help to keep good order.


5 § for each inmate shall be kept a journal documenting

the intagnes enforcement.

The journal shall indicate who has documented a certain

task and when it was made.

Execution planning

section 6 of the enforcement plan shall be based on a description of the

intagnes in need of support and control and on the measures

should be taken during execution in order to reduce the risk of

recidivism. The conditions for granting the prisoner

a condition for such a utslussnings measure referred to in 11

Cape. Article 1 of the Prisons Act (2010:610) should especially be considered.

When designing the implementation plan shall take into account

the length of detention and the intagnes motivation to

change. Consideration should also be given to victims and others who

affected by the execution.

The implementation plan should be monitored continuously and amended when

There is a reason for it.

section 7 Before release to the implementation plan to be especially

focusing on concrete measures which can facilitate the transition

to a life of freedom. According to the intagnes needs, in

appropriate time, interactions occur with

1. the social welfare committee,

2. health and medical care,

3. The public employment service, and

4. The social insurance agency.

If necessary, the interactions also occur with other authorities,

organisations and individuals.

section 8 of the prison system must appoint a trustee for a

inmate who is långtidsdömd and who need personal support

or other help, if the inmate consents to it.

The trustee shall be dismissed if a probation officer appointed

or if the inmate requests it.

The trustee is entitled to compensation for their duties.

Probation hearing questions about and pay out such

compensation. If the trustee is an official of the

The prison system that fulfills the Mission of the service, provided, however,

not any compensation.

The prison system may provide for the

size. Regulation (2012:35).

§ 9 the prison system shall prior to parole review whether the

prisoner should be under supervision in accordance with chapter 26. section 11 of the

the Penal Code. If the prison system decides on surveillance, should a

monitor appointed in good time so that he or she can

preparing the mission.

To monitor, an official of the prison system or

another suitable person appointed.

Placement in institution

section 10 of the assessment pursuant to Chapter 2. Article 1, first paragraph

Prison Act (2010:610), the following shall in particular be taken into account:

1. the risk of escape, open rescue, recidivism,

abuse and other misconducts, and

2. the need to avoid an unsuitable composition of inmates

and to otherwise pursue a purposeful activities in


Permission to have babies at home

section 11 a permit for an inmate to have their babies at home

may only be submitted after an opinion has been obtained from

the Social Welfare Board.


section 12 of An inmate shall, as far as possible, be assigned

employment that is likely to discourage recidivism or

otherwise facilitate the intagnes adaptation in

society. Special consideration should be given to the intagnes motivation

to change.

Compensation for employment cannot be determined, or during illness

section 13, An inmate has, in addition to the provisions of Chapter 3. paragraph 3 of the

Prison Act (2010:610), the right to compensation if

1. any employment cannot be allocated the prisoner during

normal working hours and it does not depend on him or her, or

2. the intagnes capacity for work is completely or partially reduced

because of the disease.

The remuneration referred to in the first subparagraph are not about the prisoner

receives general old-age pension, sick pay or

activity compensation in accordance with the social security code.

The remuneration referred to in the first subparagraph may be provided with lower amounts than

what the prisoner would have received if he or she has done or

participated in the designated occupation.

The remuneration referred to in the first subparagraph 2 shall not be given for the

on the first day of a sick period (waiting period). If a nursing period

starting within five days of an earlier sick period has

been completed, the latter sick period is considered to be a

continuation of the previous sick period. The number of qualifying days

may be limited to 10 days during the preceding 12 months.

Personal belongings

14 § when the belongings that the prisoner may not receive and

hold disposed according to Chapter 5. section 2 of the Prisons Act (2010:610)

the prisoner is notified.

The prison system must document what has been taken into custody.

section 15 of the Cost incurred in connection with the prison system

sends an eery belongings from prison according to Chapter 5. 3

§ the Prison Act (2010:610) may be deducted from the compensation

He or she is entitled under Chapter 3. paragraph 3 of the same law or

section 13 of this regulation.

section 16 of the prison system shall, unless otherwise provided, see

the belongings seized be kept in a

reliable manner.

Foreign currency may be exchanged for Swedish kronor. The exchange rate

in effect at time of conversion to be applied.

An action under the second subparagraph shall be documented.

section 17 of the prisoner should be released before he or she is informed of

Prison and probation service to sell or destroy the belongings

as the prisoner leaves left in prison.

An eery entitled to benefits under Chapter 5. 4 § second

subparagraph Prison Act (2010:610) examined at the request of the


Stay in seclusion

section 18 If an inmate kept separately under Chapter 6. 4 – 9, §§

Prison Act (2010:610), the action is documented. By

the documentation shall indicate

1. What are the reasons for the measure;

2. when the prisoner was separated,

3. when the detachment ceased,

4. where the prisoner is placed, and

5. If the prisoner has been examined by a doctor.


19 § If visit monitored without staff present, the

prisoner and the visitor is informed that the visit should be monitored.

Electronic communications and shipments

section 20 of Electronic communication can only take place with

equipment provided or approved by the probation service.

section 21 On a shipment that has been reviewed may not be disclosed in the

close connection to that review is complete, the

prisoner is informed, unless special reasons speaking against it.

section 22 Copies and translations of shipments that have

reviewed should be destroyed as soon as they are no longer needed.

The same applies to recordings and records which have

the result for the control of electronic communications.

Strip search and body inspection

section 23 at the strip search or body inspecting the

checked all the consideration as circumstances permit.

Strip search or body inspection shall, if possible,

be carried out in the presence of a person other than the person conducting

the control.

Body inspection shall, except when the salivary, sweat and hair sample

provided, shall be carried out taking into account as much privacy as

circumstances permit and, if possible, in a single space.


section 24 If an inmate subject to lockup, should measure

documented. The documentation shall indicate

1. What are the reasons for the measure;

2. cuff art,

3. when the prisoner was paved with lockup,

4. when fängslet was removed, and

5. If the prisoner has been examined by a doctor.

Health and medical care

section 25 of Each institution shall have access to a doctor and

staff with appropriate training.

section 26 Introduced a inmate transferred to hospital, the receiving

responsibility for the health care of the patient, be informed

circumstances relevant to his or her stay at

the hospital.

section 27 of A relative of the prisoner shall be informed of the prisoner

suffer from a serious illness or more severe accidents or if

the prisoner's death. If the prisoner requested that a dependent is not

to be informed, the intagnes will, however, be respected.

section 28, health professionals aware that a

inmate suffering from such contagious diseases as referred to in Chapter 1.

the second subparagraph of paragraph 3 of Act (2004:168) is generally dangerous

disease, the head of the penal institution shall be notified, if

It is not clear that there is no risk of the spread of infection.

section 29 Have health professionals considered that there is a risk

to an inmate may be seriously hurt himself,

should the information on intagnes health or other

personal relationships that are needed to prevent the

prisoner performs a self-injurious act, shall be submitted to the Manager of

correctional institution.


30 § if necessary to a shipment of a inmate should

carried out in a satisfactory manner, gets probation

request the assistance of the police. The transport must be planned in the

consultation with police. Regulation (2014:1183).

section 31, An inmate being transported or otherwise

staying outside prison under correctional supervision should

not be exposed to undue attention.

Special utslussnings measures

32 § rules of the Regulation (1989:929) concerning the remuneration of

general resources for damage caused by the

community service shall also apply to damage caused by the

who perform unpaid work within the framework of such

utslussnings measure referred to in Chapter 11. Article 1 of the Prisons Act


33 § at the expanded clearance, probation order that other

appropriate people than employees of the authority shall assist in

the verification of the prisoner to comply with the conditions

has been announced and otherwise fulfils the obligations

for utslussnings operation.

section 34 If a condition to a utslussnings measure is annulled, the

the authority which has taken the decision, notify the

The police authority. The notification shall contain a statement of the

place where the prisoner is staying, last resided or have their

home port.

The police authority will consign the prisoner for continued

enforcement to the institution that the prison system set.

The police shall immediately inform the probation service if

the prisoner seized for permit under the first

paragraph. Regulation (2014:1183).

Notice to plaintiff

section 35 If an inmate is serving a sentence for a crime that has

made against someone's life, health, freedom or peace,

He is asked if he or she wants to be notified


1. in the correctional facility the inmate is placed,

2. the prisoner transfer to another institution or

transferred to another State for execution of punishment


3. the prisoner is staying outside the institution under Chapter 9. § 1, 10

Cape. 1 – 4 sections or Chapter 11. Article 1 of the Prisons Act (2010:610),

4. the prisoner, or the prison system, applying for conversion

under the Act (2006:45) for conversion of imprisonment at


5. the prisoner freed,

6. the prisoner can hold or be discharged, or

7. the prisoner fails to materialize after furlough or any other

stay outside the prison.

A required notification of a planned stay outside

institution need not be given where a notice on

because of agreed security or other conditions seem

which obviously unnecessary. The same applies when a notification

likely to endanger the life or health of intagnes.

Regulation (2015:115).

36 § notification under section 35 shall be submitted in good time and

take account of the circumstances of each


A notification shall contain information about the rules

apply for the notification of contact ban pursuant to lagen (1988:688)

If the contact ban, unless such information has been provided

earlier. Regulation (2011:974).

Disclosure of information to and consultation of the security police in

some cases

section 37 of the request by the security police in special cases,

Prison services disclose information as needed in the activity of

personal protection for

1. the members of the Parliament,

2. the head of State and other members of the Royal House,

3. the Minister, and

4. the Secretary of State and Cabinet Secretary.

section 38 Of the Government in respect of a particular inmate has decided

for exemption under Chapter 7. section 11 of the Prison Act (2010:610),

decision in the case of the intagnes placement in institution and stay

outside the institution, in other cases than those referred to in chapter 13. paragraph 6 of the same

law, be taken after consultations with the security police. The same applies to

in the case of such a decision to stay outside the correctional facility for a

inmate who has been convicted of terrorist offences under section 2 of the

Act (2003:148) if the penalties for terrorist offences or equivalent

crime under previous legislation.

Disclosure of information to CSN

39 § probation shall provide information about the that an inmate

pursuing post-secondary studies to Central

student aid.

Authorization for the prison system

section 40 of the prison system may provide for contributions of

public funds for expenditure in respect of the release and

other purposes before the release.

41 § probation may announce further provisions concerning

enforcement of the Prison Act (2010:610) and this
