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Capital Supply Regulation (2011:210)

Original Language Title: Kapitalförsörjningsförordning (2011:210)

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Chapter 1. Introductory provisions

section 1 of this regulation provides in connection with 7

Cape. and Chapter 8. 3 and 8 – 12 § § the budget law (2011:203).

section 2 of the regulation, applies to administrations under the Government. For

business works, however, only chapter 2. paragraph 7 of the first paragraph, (5)

Cape. 1, 2 and 6 sections and Chapter 7. 2 §.

section 3 of the Ordinance shall apply subject to the

another regulation or of the Government's decision in a single


Chapter 2. Financing of investments and lending

section 1 of the fixed assets used in a regulatory

activities will be financed with the loan limit at the national debt Office, if

subject to paragraphs 3 to 5.

The Government decides specifically where the maximum amount of a

Government loans.

section 2 of The Government accumulated loans according to § 1 shall not substantially

differ from the corresponding asset carrying values at 30

June and 31 december.

The Swedish national debt Office will determine the loan terms that are based on

Treasury's borrowing costs on the capital market.

paragraph 3 of the fixed assets used in a regulatory

activities may entirely or partially financed by contributions

received from non-governmental donors.

4 section a fixed asset may be financed with such

sales revenue referred to in Chapter 5. paragraph 2 of the first paragraph.

§ 5, a fixed asset may be acquired by a

Authority enters into a contract hire or hire purchase (leasing). A

such an agreement may be concluded only if the terms of

the whole economic life of the asset, leads to a lower

cost for the State than the acquisition through purchase.

A contract for the sale and lease-back or repurchase or

other similar contractual forms must only meet after a

especially the authority of the Government.

6 § infrastructure fixed asset to be financed

with the appropriation or with such sales revenue referred to in

Chapter 5. paragraph 2 of the first paragraph.

section 7 of The Authority shall not, without the Government's consent acquire

shares in a company, make capital contributions

or otherwise increase the State's voting or ownership interest in a


An action under the first paragraph shall be financed through appropriations.

section 8 an authority shall not, without the consent of the Government decide

If lending.

Lending according to the Regulation (2011:211) for lending and

guarantees shall be financed through a loan limit at the national debt Office. Other

lending will be financed with grants.

Chapter 3. Working capital and deposited funds

paragraph 1 of the working capital may be financed with credit on the account

or with any other credit limit at the national debt Office.

The Swedish national debt Office will determine the credit terms are based on

Treasury's borrowing costs on the capital market.

section 2 of the Government decides for each financial year if the maximum

the amount of government loans.

section 3, an authority that has been assigned an account in

The Swedish national debt Office will use this for the cash and cash equivalents

authority is disposes of its activities.

After a special decision by the Government, while another account in

The Swedish national debt Office can be used.

4 § funds deposited with an authority shall, unless

specific reasons speak against it, deposited on the Agency's

interest account at the national debt Office. Interest shall be credited


Chapter 4. Grant funds and interest account

section 1 of the grant funds to be allocated to a Government account

a given month shall be deposited into the account the 25 of the

the month.

Transfers to or from a government interest account shall

enforced by the Swedish national debt Office.

section 2 Has an authority during the current budget year is assigned

additional funds on an appropriation that will be taken to the

the Agency's account, the Swedish national debt Office transfer

the amount evenly distributed on the payment dates that

remains during the financial year, unless the Government has decided

other things.

If the Government decided on a withdrawal of appropriations,

that has been brought to the Agency's account, the amount

remaining to transfer to the Authority's fixed-income account under

the financial year is reduced as specified in the first subparagraph.

If the suspension exceeds the transfers that remains under

financial year, the refund made under paragraph 3.

section 3, an authority that has been assigned the grant amount which may not

appropriated the following financial year shall, if the funds allocated to

the Agency's account, reverse the amount plus interest from

the end of the year to the date of repayment. The amount to be

over to the State's main account as soon as possible after the decision on the

the cancellation of the grant amount is registered in

the information system Hermes.

section 4 of an authority that receives income that it may not be

Dispose, shall transfer funds to the State's central account. If

revenue is on a smaller scale, the funds instead

credited to the Agency's account at the national debt Office for

no later than the close of the financial year shall be carried over to the State

Central account.

§ 5 an authority can dispose of amounts not to be transferred

to an account may take advantage of the State's central account

payments attributable to the facility.

Chapter 5. Appropriation of payments

paragraph 1, the Government has decided on the sale of property as a

Authority manages, it shall report the income to the

income title, unless the Government decided otherwise.

In 2-5 paragraphs set out how an authority is to receive income in the

cases it has decided on the sale.

section 2 If the property has been used in a business that the Government

has announced an investment plan for, the authority may

outlining the income to finance investments that are included

in the plan.

Provisions for disposition of the proceeds from the sale of

property not used for such activities as referred to in

the first paragraph is in 3-5 paragraphs.

§ 3 If the property has been financed with loans, debt

are regulated. A surplus may be disposed of by the authority of the

activities where the sold property is used.

If the sale relates to immovable property or shares, shall be a

any surplus income is recognised in the title.

section 4 If such property was financed with grants, the part of

income equal to the book value of the asset transferred

to the State's central account and recognized against income title. A

any surplus must be disposed of by the authority of the

activities where the sold property is used.

If the sale was effected by the invärderad property used in the

operations, the Agency may dispose of the whole income of the

activities where the sold property is used.

If the sale relates to immovable property or shares, shall be

income is recognised in the income title.

§ 5 If the property has been financed otherwise than by appropriations

or loans, the Agency may dispose of the income in the

activities where the sold property is used.

section 6 of the provisions of paragraphs 1 to 5 shall not apply to income from

sale of goods voluntarily requested State

provides as part of a fee-based business.

Rules on such income is available in the fees regulation


Chapter 6. Disposition of other non-State resources

(1) an authority may receive and dispose of non-governmental

funds, if the income is of a temporary nature or less

scope and it doesn't discredit of authority

impartiality in its public authority or otherwise harm its


An agency may not enter into agreements whereby the authority

receives the funds referred to in the first subparagraph, if the agreement

an increased need for funds from the State budget or to higher

fees must be charged in contributory activities.

The first and second subparagraphs shall not apply in cases where the law of a

authority to receive and dispose of non-government resources

be regulated in other ways.

Chapter 7. The yield required capital

(1) an authority which disposes a return required

capital, since the annual report was completed, paying

an amount equal to the State's required rate of return to the State

Central account and report the income amount against the title.

If the yield requirement cannot be met, the corresponding

amounts recognised in the balance sheet line authority. A

any accumulated amount should also be reported.

In the amounts referred to in the first and second subparagraphs shall bear interest

included, calculated in accordance with the State's yield rate, from

the new fiscal year start date until payment is made to the

the State's main account.

section 2 of the Government decides on the regulation of capital losses

may require a capital writedown of the yield requirement.

Such losses must be reported to the Government as soon as

as possible, but no later than 1 March of the year following the budget year

that write-down concerns.

Chapter 8. Enforcement regulations

section 1 of the national financial management authority shall communicate the provisions

necessary for enforcement of this regulation. Regulations

for the enforcement of Chapter 2. paragraphs 1 and 2, Chapter 3. 1, 3 and

4 sections and Chapter 4. may, however, be notified only after consultation with the

The Swedish national debt Office.