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Fuel Law (2011:319)

Original Language Title: Drivmedelslag (2011:319)

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section 1 of this Act is to prevent that the fuels to be used

for motor drive damage or causing inconvenience to people's

health or the environment.


section 2 of this Act, the term ' alternative fuel ' means a fuel intended for motor drive which is not gasoline or diesel fuel and not predominantly originated in crude oil, gasoline: a fuel that is intended for engine operation and 2710 11 41, 2710 11 45 of heading 2710 11 49, 2710 11 51 and 2710 11 59, of Commission Regulation (EC) no 2031/2001 of 6 August 2001 amending Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the common customs tariff,

biofuels: a liquid or gaseous fuel produced from biomass and intended for motor drive,

diesel fuel: a fuel that is intended for engine operation and of heading 2710 19 41 and 2710 19 45 (1) of Regulation (EC) no 2031/2001,

fuel: a fuel that is intended for motor drive or energy in a different form which is also intended for motor drive,

fuel supplier means any person who, by delivering a propellant is liable to pay tax under the Act (1994:1776) on tax on energy,

summer: from 16 May to 31 August in Gävleborg, Västernorrland, Jämtland, Västerbotten and norrbotten County and the period from 1 May to 15 september in the rest of Sweden, and

Winter: the period from 16 October to 31 March in Gävleborg, Västernorrland, Jämtland, Västerbotten and norrbotten County and the period from 1 november to 15 March in the rest of Sweden.

In addition, the terms and expressions in this Act the same meaning as in the Act (2016:96) on recreational craft and personal watercraft, the law (1998:1707) on measures against noise and exhaust emissions from non-road mobile machinery and the law (2001:559) on road traffic definitions. Law (2016:97).

Environmental classes for petrol

section 3 of the manufacturer of a gasoline or professional for in

a gas to Sweden to enter the age of environmental class with

account of the technical requirements of 4-6 sections as the gasoline

meet the.

If an environmental class cannot be indicated, the gasoline is considered

like other gasoline and the intended use should

are specified. Law (2012:340).

Gasoline in the environmental class 1

4 section for the classification of environmental class 1 should a gasoline meet

the following technical requirements:

1. researchoktantalet should be not less than 95,

2. motoroktantalet should be at least 85,

3. vapour pressure at 37.8 ° c should be not less than 45

kilopascals, and a maximum of 95 kilopascals, but not less than 65 kilo-pascals;

during the winter and a maximum of 70 kilopascals during the summer,

4. distillation shall mean that

(a)) in the winter of at least 50 percent, and at other times at least

47% vol has of steam at 100 degrees Celsius,

(b)) at least has been 75.0% vol steam at 150 degrees

Celsius, and

(c)) the boiling point is a maximum of 205 degrees Celsius,

5. the olefins shall be by up to 13.0% vol.;

6. the aromatics may be allowed with a maximum of 35.0% vol.;

7. benzene may be allowed with a maximum of 1.0% vol.;

8. oxygen may be allowed with a maximum of 3.7%,

9. in the case of oxygenates may

a) methanol occur with not more than 3.0% (by volume)

(stabilizer must be added),

(b)) by not more than 10.0% vol. ethanol occur

(stabilizer may be necessary),

c) isopropyl alcohol 12.0% vol., occur with a maximum

d) tertiary-butyl alcohol occur with not more than 15.0

by volume,

e) isobutylalkohol occur with not more than 15.0% vol.;

f) ethers containing five or more carbon atoms per molecule

occur with not more than 22.0% Vol, and

g) other primary alcohols and ethers with a final boiling point

peak corresponding to the one specified in the European standard SS-EN

228:2013 occur with not more than 15.0% vol.;

10. sulphur may be allowed with a maximum of 10.0 mg per


11. lead may appear with no more than 0.005 grams per litre,

12. methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) may

occur with not more than 2 milligrams manganese per litre,

13. phosphorus must not appear in any measurable quantity,

14. the gasoline to comply with appropriate performance requirements in the case of

purity of the intake and fuel injection valves, and

15. petrol may not contain ash-forming substances, if it is

designed for vehicles with catalytic converter. Law (2014:536).

Unit of environmental class 1

5 § For classification into environmental class 1, a unit

meet the following technical requirements:

1. vapour pressure at 37.8 ° c should be not less than 50

kilopascal kilopascals, and not more than 65

2. distillation shall mean that

(a)) between 15 and 42% by volume has for steam at 70 degrees


(b)) at least has been 75.0% vol steam at 150 degrees


(c)) and not more than by volume at least 46.0 72.0 have for steam in the

100 degrees Celsius, subject to (d),

(d)) of the difference in temperature between the temperature of 45

by volume has been the steam and temperature of 72

by volume have been steam is below 10 degrees Celsius,

case instead of c that the temperature of 50% by volume

has been for steam (T50 value) should be between 90 and 105 degrees

Celsius, and

(e)) the boiling point is not more than 200 degrees Celsius,

3. olefins can be with not more than 1.0% vol.;

4. aromatic hydrocarbons may be allowed with a maximum of 1.0% vol.;

5. benzene may be allowed, with not more than 0.1% vol,

6. cyklohexaner may be allowed with not more than 2.0% vol.;

7. normalhexan shall be for a period not exceeding 0.5% vol,

8. sulphur may be allowed with a maximum of 10.0 milligrams per kilogram,

9. lead may be allowed with a maximum 0.002 grams per litre,

10. methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) may occur

with a maximum of 2 milligrams manganese per litre, and

11. the density at 15 ° c will be between 680 and

720 kg per cubic meter. Law (2011:320).

Gasoline in the environmental class 2

6 § For classification in the environmental class 2 to a gasoline meet

the following technical requirements:

1. researchoktantalet should be not less than 95,

2. motoroktantalet should be at least 85,

3. vapour pressure at 37.8 ° c should be not less than 45

kilopascals, and a maximum of 95 kilopascals, up to 70.0

kilopascals during the summer,

4. distillation should mean that at least 46.0% vol.

have for steam at 100 degrees Celsius and a minimum of 75.0

by volume has for steam at 150 degrees Celsius,

5. the olefins shall be of not more than 18.0% vol.;

6. the aromatics may be allowed with a maximum of 35.0% vol.;

7. benzene may be allowed with a maximum of 1.0% vol.;

8. oxygen may be allowed with a maximum of 3.7%,

9. in the case of oxygenates may

a) methanol occur with not more than 3.0% (by volume)

(stabilizer must be added),

(b)) by not more than 10.0% vol. ethanol occur

(stabilizer may be necessary),

c) isopropyl alcohol 12.0% vol., occur with a maximum

d) tertiary-butyl alcohol occur with not more than 15.0

by volume,

e) isobutylalkohol occur with not more than 15.0% vol.;

f) ethers containing five or more carbon atoms per molecule

occur with not more than 22.0% Vol, and

g) other primary alcohols and ethers with a final boiling point

peak corresponding to the one specified in the European standard SS-EN

228:2013 or equivalent with not more than 15.0 occur

by volume,

10. sulphur may be allowed with a maximum of 10.0 mg per


11. lead may appear with no more than 0.005 grams per litre, and

12. methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) may

occur with not more than 2 milligrams manganese per litre.

Law (2014:536).

Environmental classes for diesel fuel

section 7 of The producing a diesel fuel or professional

for a diesel fuel to Sweden to enter

diesel fuel environment class with respect to the technical requirements

According to §§ 8 to 10 as diesel fuel meets.

If an environmental class cannot be indicated, the diesel fuel

be considered as other diesel fuel and the intended

the use must be specified. Law (2012:340).

Diesel fuel in the environmental class 1

section 8/expires U: 2016-01-01/For classification into environmental class 1, a diesel fuel

meet the following technical requirements:

1. cetanindexet shall be minimum 50,

2. the cetane number should be not less than 51.0, if the fuel of heading

2710 19 41 combined nomenclature code (CN code) pursuant to Council

Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87,

3. density at 15 ° c shall be at least 800.0 and

a maximum of 830.0 kilogram per cubic meter,

4. distillation should mean that the initial boiling point is

at least 180 degrees Celsius and a minimum of 95% by volume has

for steam at 340.0 degrees Celsius,

5. aromatic hydrocarbons may be allowed with a maximum of 5% by volume,

6. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons must not be present in any

measurable amount in accordance with Swedish Standard SS 155,116, Edition 1 or

equivalent, prior to the involvement of fatty acid methyl esters,

7. sulphur may be allowed with a maximum of 10.0 milligrams per kilogram,


8. fatty acid methyl esters may be allowed, with not more than 7.0

by volume and shall comply with the requirements of Swedish Standard SS-EN

14214, Edition 2 or equivalent.

section 8/shall enter into force in: 2016-01-01/For classification into environmental class 1, a diesel fuel must meet the following technical requirements:

1. cetanindexet shall be minimum 50,

2. the cetane number should be not less than 51.0, if the fuel of heading 2710 19 41 combined nomenclature code (CN code) according to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87,

3. density at 15 ° c shall be at least 800.0 and a maximum of 830.0 kilogram per cubic meter,

4. distillation should mean that the initial boiling point of not less than 180 degrees Celsius and a minimum of 95% by volume has for steam at 340.0 degrees Celsius,

5. aromatic hydrocarbons may be allowed with a maximum of 5% by volume,

6. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons must not be present in any measurable quantity according to Swedish Standard SS 155,116, Edition 2 or its equivalent, prior to the involvement of fatty acid methyl esters,

7. sulphur may be allowed with a maximum of 10.0 milligrams per kilogram,

8. fatty acid methyl esters may be allowed, with not more than 7.0% vol. and shall comply with the requirements of Swedish Standard SS-EN 14214:2012 + A1:2014, Edition 1 or equivalent, and

9. methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) may be allowed with a maximum of 2 milligrams manganese per litre. Regulation (2015:593).

Diesel fuel in the environmental class 2

9 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/For classification into environmental class 2 to a diesel fuel

meet the following technical requirements:

1. cetanindexet shall be minimum 47,

2. aromatic hydrocarbons may be allowed with a maximum of 20

by volume,

3. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons may be allowed with a maximum of

0.1% by volume according to Swedish Standard SS 155,116, Edition 1,

prior to the involvement of fatty acid methyl esters, and

4. in addition to the fuel must comply with the requirements set out in section 8 2 – 4,

7 and 8.

9 §/comes into force: 2016-01-01/For classification into environmental class 2 to a diesel fuel must meet the following technical requirements:

1. cetanindexet shall be minimum 47,

2. aromatic hydrocarbons may be allowed with a maximum of 20% by volume,

3. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons may be allowed with a maximum of 0.1% by volume according to Swedish Standard SS 155,116, Edition 2 or its equivalent, prior to the involvement of fatty acid methyl esters, and

4. in addition to the fuel must comply with the requirements set out in section 8 2 to 4 and 7 to 9. Regulation (2015:593).

Diesel fuel in the environmental class 3

section 10/expires U: 2016-01-01/For classification in class 3, a diesel fuel

meet the following technical requirements:

1. the cetane number should be not less than 51.0,

2. density at 15 ° c shall not exceed 845.0

kilogram per cubic meter,

3. distillation should mean that at least 95% (by volume) has

for steam at 360.0 degrees Celsius,

4. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons may be allowed with a maximum of

8.0% of the mass of the fuel in accordance with Swedish Standard SS-EN

12916, Edition 2, and

5. in addition to the fuel must comply with the requirements set out in section 8 7

and 8.

section 10/comes into force: 2016-01-01/For classification in class 3, a diesel fuel must meet the following technical requirements:

1. the cetane number should be not less than 51.0,

2. density at 15 ° c shall not exceed 845.0 kg per cubic meter,

3. distillation should mean that at least 95% (by volume) is for steam at 360.0 degrees Celsius,

4. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons may be allowed, with not more than 8.0% of the mass of the fuel in accordance with Swedish Standard SS-EN 12916, Edition 2, and

5. in addition to the fuel must comply with the requirements set out in paragraph 8 of the 7 to 9. Regulation (2015:593).

Environmental classes for alternative fuels

section 11 of the manufacturer an alternative fuel or

Professional for an alternative fuel to Sweden may

set the fuel associated with any of the categories listed

in 12 to 15 sections, if the fuel complies with the requirements applying to

Environment class.

The Government determines the hearing if the fuel

comply with the requirements.

Ethanol fuel in the environmental class 1 for gnisttända engines

12 § For classification in the environmental class 1 to an ethanol fuel

for gnisttända engines which are intended to replace a petrol

meet the following technical requirements:

1. researchoktantalet should be not less than 95,

2. motoroktantalet should be at least 85,

3. steam pressure should be a minimum of 35 kilopascals and a maximum of 95

kilopascals, up to a maximum of 70 kilopascals in summer and lowest

50 kilopascals during winter,

4. ethanol or higher alcohols should occur with at least 75

by volume during the summer and otherwise, with at least 70

by volume,

5. petrol must comply with environmental class 1 in accordance with section 4 and be

with between 14 and 25% by volume during the summer and otherwise

with between 14 and 30% by volume,

6. the distillation should mean that the boiling point is a maximum of 205

degrees Celsius and that destillationsresten is less than or equal to 2

by volume,

7. higher alcohols with between three and eight carbon atoms per

molecule may be allowed with a maximum of 2% by volume,

8. methanol may be allowed with a maximum of 1% by volume,

9. ethers with five or more carbon atoms per molecule may

be for a period not exceeding 5.2% vol.;

10. water may be allowed with a maximum 0.3% vol.,

11. inorganic chlorine may be allowed with a maximum of 1 mg per


12. sulphur may be allowed with a maximum of 10 milligrams per kilogram,

13. lead may be allowed with a maximum of 5 milligrams per liter, but

No leaded substance may have been added to the fuel,

14. phosphorus may be allowed with a maximum of 0.2 milligrams per litre,

but no phosphate substance may be added to the fuel,

15. No-ferrous or manganhaltigt substance may have

added to the fuel,

16. oxidation stability must be at least 360 minutes according to

a standardised method for the determination of the oxidation stability

in gasoline,

17. hartstalet shall be no greater than 5 milligrams per 100 millilitres,

18. corrosivity, expressed as pHe-value, should be between

6.5 9.0 and according to a standardised method for the determination of

pH in ethanol,

19. the corrosive impact on copper for three hours at 50

degrees Celsius will be class 1 on a scale according to a

standardised method to assess the corrosive impact on

copper, and

20. acid number may be

(a)) not more than 0.005% by mass of the fuel, or

(b)) a maximum of 40 milligrams per litre, calculated as acetic acid.

FAME in the environmental class 1

section 13 For classification in the environmental class 1, a fuel of

fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) meet the following technical requirements:

1. the cetane number should be not less than 51.0,

2. esterhalten should be not less than 96.5% or more,

3. density at 15 ° c shall be at least 860 and

up to 900 kg per cubic meter,

4. viscosity at 40 ° c should be between 3.50 and

5.00 square millimetres per second,

5. the flash point shall be not less than 101 degrees Fahrenheit,

6. sulfated ash may be allowed with not more than 0.02% by weight,

7. water content no more than 500 milligrams per kilogram,

8. sulphur content not more than 10.0 milligrams per kilogram,

9. kolåterstoden at 10% destillationsåterstod may

be not more than 0.30%,

10. the pollutant content no more than 24 milligrams per


11. the corrosive impact on copper for three hours at

50 degrees Celsius will be class 1 on a scale according to a

standardised method to assess the corrosive impact on


12. oxidation stability at 110 degrees Celsius should be

not less than 6.0 hours according to a standardised method for

oxidation stability of fuel,

13. acid number no more than 0.50 milligrams potassium hydroxide per


14. jodtalet no more than 120 grams of iodine per 100 grams,

15. linolensyrametylester may be allowed with a maximum 12.0

% by weight

16. poly-methyl esters (more than three double bonds)

may occur with not more than 1%,

17. methanol content shall not exceed 0.20% by mass,

18. monoglyceridhalten no more than 0.80% by weight,

19. diglyceridhalten shall not exceed 0.20% by mass,

20. triglyceridhalten shall not exceed 0.20% by mass,

21. free glycerol may be allowed, with not more than 0.02% by weight,

22. total glycerol may be allowed, with not more than 0.25% by weight,

23. sodium and potassium may occur in all with not more than 5.0

milligrams per kilogram,

24. calcium and magnesium may occur by not more than a total of

5.0 milligrams per kilogram, and

25. phosphorus may be allowed with a maximum of 4.0 milligrams per kilogram.

Ethanol fuel in the environmental class 1 for kompressionstända engines

section 14 of the environmental classification class 1, ethanol fuel

kompressionstända engines meet the following technical requirements:

1. masshalten alcohol shall be not less than 92.4% of which

masshalten other alcohols than ethanol shall be limited to a maximum of 2

per cent,

2. density at 15 ° c shall be at least 795 and

not exceeding 815 kilograms per cubic meter,

3. masshalten ashes may not exceed 0.001%,

4. the flash point shall be not less than 10 degrees Celsius,

5. acidity, expressed as acetic acid, masshalt, may be

not exceed 0.0025%,

6. neutraliseringstalet of strong acid, expressed as milligrams

potassium hydroxide per litre shall be no greater than 1,

7. color, in accordance with the standardised method for color determination

According to the scale not be more than 10,

8. the solids content at 100 degrees Celsius, expressed in milligrams per

kilogram shall be no greater than 15,

9. water may be allowed with a maximum of 6.5%,

10. the amount of phosphorus shall not exceed 0.2 grams per litre,

11. aldehyde, expressed as acetic acid, masshalt, not more than


12. the sulphur content shall not exceed 10 milligrams per kilogram, and

13. ester, expressed as ethyl acetate, masshalt cannot be longer than


Ignition improver may be added to a fuel

meets the requirements of the first subparagraph, if the appointed agent

is less than or equal to 10% of the fuel's weight before

the appointment. In addition, premium and dyes

be added.

Synthetic diesel fuels in the environmental class 1

section 15 a synthetic diesel fuel in the environmental class 1 is a

fuel consisting mainly of paraffinkolväten

manufactured from biomass or fossil raw materials and meets

the following technical requirements:

1. the cetane number may be at least 51,

2. density at 15 ° c shall not exceed 845

kilogram per cubic meter,

3. distillation should mean that at least 95% (by volume) has

for steam at 360 degrees Celsius,

4. aromatic hydrocarbons must not be present more than 5

by volume,

5. volymhalten polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, in accordance with the

Swedish Standard SS 155,116, Edition 1, not be measurable, and

6. the sulphur content shall not exceed 10 milligrams per kilogram.


section 16 of The gasoline that does not meet the requirements for environmental class 2

According to section 6 and a diesel fuel which does not comply with the requirements for

environmental class 3 according to section 10 shall not be marketed.

The first subparagraph shall not apply in the case of the requirement of section 6 1 and 2, if

the gasoline is unleaded petrol with a research octane number not less than 91

and a motor octane number not less than 81.

Access to gasoline with low concentrations of oxygen and ethanol

section 17 of the manufacturer of a gasoline or professional for a

gas to Sweden shall ensure that in the market there are

access to gasoline with a maximum oxygen content of 2.7%

and a maximum ethanol content of 5% by volume.

Information about faulty fuel

section 18 If a fuel does not comply with the requirements under this Act

or regulations in connection with the law

and is likely to have an impact on anti-pollution devices so that

the risk of injury or inconvenience to people's

health or the environment, the fuel supplier to ensure that the

who owns or manufactures motor vehicles or engines and the like

Professional for in motor vehicles or engines to Sweden may

information about this.

Reporting on the quality of petrol and diesel fuels

section 19 A fuel supplier must annually to the

the Government authority determines the report sold

qualities and quantities.

Reporting of greenhouse gas emissions

section 20 of A fuel supplier shall, in a report to the

the Government authority determines annually leave

data on

1. the total volume of fuel delivered,

2. driving provenance, and

3. emissions of greenhouse gases as fuels for transport,

distribution, processing, burning or otherwise give rise

to or incurred throughout the process whereby

fuels are produced, such as in the case of extraction, cultivation and

changes in land use.

Measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

section 21 A fuel supplier shall take measures that they

greenhouse gas emissions referred to in section 20 and by the year 2020

is less than or equal to 94 per cent of emissions from fossil

fuels in the year 2010.


section 22 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide for

1. obligation for the provider of a service or a

diesel fuel to inform consumers of the proportion

biofuels such as gasoline or diesel fuel has, if

metallic additives in fuel and about the appropriate use of

different fuel mixtures,

2. the obligation under section 17 to ensure that there is

access to such gas referred to in that paragraph,

3. obligation for it to inform if an incorrect

fuel under section 18 to pay the costs of a

authority informs the provider's place,

4. labelling, presentation, testing and control devices

for fueling,

5. exemption from the requirements of section 6 for petrol intended only

for the operation of the engines of the aircraft;

6. reporting pursuant to §§ 19 and 20 and exceptions

reporting obligations,

7. measures shall be taken under section 21,

8. any derogation from should continue in 16 § relating to

sales of the automotive industry's research and

testing activities or for the filling of the automotive industry

newly manufactured vehicles before delivery, and

9. fees for supervision and for case handling according to the

This Act and the regulations in connection

to the law. Law (2014:536).


section 23 of The Government authority determines is responsible for

supervision of this law and the regulations issued

in conjunction with law enforcement.

section 24 of the supervisory authority has the right to obtain the information and

documents needed for supervision.

The regulatory authority may inform the directions needed

to this Act and the regulations in

connection to the law should be followed. The subpoenas may be subject

with a penalty.


25 § anyone who wilfully or negligently contravenes

the prohibition provided for in section 16 shall be liable to a fine or imprisonment not exceeding two years.

section 26 of The who have not followed a penalty notice under section 24 of

shall not be liable under this Act to an act

covered by the injunction.


section 27 of the administrative decision by the authorities under this Act, or

According to the rules given in conjunction with the law

may be appealed to a general administrative court. This applies to

not, however, decisions in the cases referred to in paragraph 5

Administrative Procedure Act (1986:223).

Leave to appeal is required in the case of appeal to the administrative court.