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Regulation (2011:728) If Permission For Train Drivers

Original Language Title: Förordning (2011:728) om behörighet för lokförare

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Article 1 this regulation lays down rules that connect to

Act (2011:725) if permission for train drivers.

Supervisory authority

section 2 of the Swedish Transport Agency supervises compliance with

Act (2011:725 on eligibility for train drivers and regulations

a court in connection with the Act.

Driver's licence and complementary certificate

paragraph 3 of the Swedish civil aviation authority shall issue the licence not later than one month

after it has received all documents


section 4 Of the Swedish Transport Agency believes that a driver whose driver's licence

or supplementary certificate has been issued in another country within the

European economic area (EEA) or Switzerland

no longer complies with the requirements of the law (2011:725) if

permission for train drivers or according to rules that are

notified pursuant to the law, the Swedish Transport Agency contact

to the person who has issued the licence or certificate and leave

a reasoned request for an additional control, or

temporary withdrawal of the licence or certificate.

Transportation Board shall inform the European Commission and

the other concerned authorities on their request.

If the Swedish Transport Agency is of the opinion that the decision taken by the

which issued the licence in respect of such a

the request does not comply with the applicable requirements of

Directive 2007/59/EC of the

23 October 2007 on the certification of train drivers operating

in front of locomotives and trains on the railway system in the community, should

The Swedish Transport Agency refer the matter to the Commission.

§ 5 If a competent authority or a body in a

other country within the EEA or in Switzerland requests that

Transportation Board shall make such examination as referred to in

Article 29, paragraph 4 (b) of Directive 2007/59/EC, the Swedish Transport Agency

examine the request within four weeks. The Swedish Transport Agency to

inform the requesting authority or the requesting

body, the European Commission and other concerned

authorities of its decision.


section 6 of the records referred to in the Act (2011:725) if

permission for train drivers may decide to personal data

addressed in the register shall be kept for historical, statistical

or scientific purposes despite the fact that the data would have

culled according to Chapter 4. section 5 of the Act on jurisdiction for train drivers

or in accordance with the provisions adopted in connection with the

the law.

section 7 direct access to licence registry and certification records

and disclosure of personal information from such records

medium of automated processing shall only be granted if

direct access or disclosure in each case be preceded by

a reasoned request.


section 8 Transport Board may provide for

1. exemption from the requirement of additional certificates,

2. the surveys referred to in Chapter 2. 11 section law

(2011:725) if permission for train drivers,

3. health checks of drivers;

4. measures to prevent the forgery of driver's licence, and

additional certificates,

5. training for satisfy the requirements laid down in Chapter 2. section 2 of the

first paragraph 5 and Chapter 2. 4 paragraph 2 and 3 Act

If permission for train drivers,

6. charges for tests for driver's licence,

7. fees for driver's licence register and

licence register,

8. that the thinning of the personal data to

be done at the latest at a particular time, and

9. fees for supervision and case handling according to law

If permission for train drivers and according to regulations that have

a court in connection with the Act.

Before the Swedish Transport Agency Announces rules with the support of

the first paragraph 2 and 3, it shall obtain an opinion from the

The National Board of health and welfare.

Before the Swedish Transport Agency Announces rules with the support of

5 the first paragraph shall obtain an opinion from the

Authority for the Polytechnic.

Fees for special assessment of medical requirements for

driving privileges may be determined up to full

cost recovery. Regulation (2013:994).

9 § the Swedish Transport Agency may provide the additional regulations

necessary for the enforcement of the law (2011:725) if

permission for train drivers.

The Swedish Transport Agency to obtain an opinion from the Authority

for Polytechnic before issuing regulations on

implementation of the following provisions of the Act on

permission for train drivers:

– Chapter 2. 2 paragraph 2, on essential requirements for

the issue of licences in respect of the completion of the training,

– Chapter 3. section 1, for permission to conduct training, and

– Chapter 5. section 8, if the custom control for training providers.

The Swedish Transport Agency to obtain an opinion from the State

skolverk before issuing regulations on enforcement

of Chapter 2. 2 paragraph 2 the law on jurisdiction for

train drivers.

The Swedish Transport Agency to obtain an opinion from the

The National Board of health and welfare before it announces regulations on

implementation of the following provisions of the Act on

permission for train drivers:

– Chapter 2. 2 paragraph 3, on essential requirements for

the issue of licence of physical fitness to

express railway vehicles,

– Chapter 2. 2 paragraph 4, on essential requirements for

issuance of licence in the case of mental fitness to

express rail vehicles, and

– Chapter 2. section 12, if the licensing requirements for doctors and psychologists.

Transitional provisions


1. This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 July 2011.

2. the Transport Board may provide for the driver

referred to in point 4 of the entry into force and

transitional provisions to the Act (2011:725) if permission for

drivers may obtain a driver's licence and complementary certificate also

If all the requirements of Chapter 2. 2 and 4 of the same law are not
