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Waste Regulation (2011:927)

Original Language Title: Avfallsförordning (2011:927)

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1 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/this regulation contains provisions relating to waste and

the waste management. For certain types of waste and certain

waste management provides additional provisions in other

regulations or rules issued pursuant

by other regulations.

This regulation is notified pursuant

— Chapter 15. section 9 of the Environment Act in respect of 14 to 19, 21, 22, 24, a-26,

30-32, 35, 45, 46, 48, 49, 54-62, 65, 74-76, 79 and 82 sections,

— Chapter 15. section 10 of the environmental code in terms of section 23,

— Chapter 15. section 11 of the environmental code in terms of § 77,

— Chapter 15. section 16 of the environmental code in terms of §§ 74 and 76,

— Chapter 15. section 22 of the environmental code in terms of §§ 27 and 28,

— Chapter 15. section 25 of the environmental code in terms of 36 to 44 and 53 sections,

— Chapter 15. section 26 of the environmental code in terms of section 24,

— Chapter 15. section 27 of the environmental code in terms of §§ 46 to 49,

— Chapter 15. section 28 of the Environment Act in respect of (a) 11, 12, 13, 36-43,

70 a-71, 77, 80 and 83 sections,

— Chapter 15. section 29 of the environmental code in terms of § 72,

— Chapter 15. 33 § environmental code in terms of section 63,

– Chapter 8. section 11 of the Constitution in respect of 29, 64, 70 and

73 sections, and

– Chapter 8. section 7 of the Constitution in the case of other

provisions. Regulation (2014:1076).

1 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/this regulation contains provisions relating to waste and waste management. For certain types of waste and waste management, there are additional provisions of the other regulations or the regulations issued on the basis of other regulations.

This regulation is notified pursuant to 15. section 9 of the Environment Act in respect of 14 to 19, 21, 22, 24, a-26, 30-32, 35, 45, 46, 48, 49, 54-62, 65, 74-76, 79 and 82 sections, to 15. section 10 of the environmental code, in terms of section 23-15. section 11 of the environmental code in terms of § 77, – 15 Cape. section 16 of the environmental code in terms of §§ 74 and 76, – 15 Cape. section 22 of the environmental code in terms of §§ 27 and 28, to 15. section 25 of the environmental code in terms of 36 to 44 and 53 sections, to 15. section 26 of the environmental code in terms of section 24, to 15. section 27 of the environmental code in terms of §§ 46 to 49, – 15 Cape. section 28 of the environmental code in relation to 11 a-13 b, 36-43, 70 a-71, 77, 80 and 83 sections, to 15. section 29 of the environmental code in terms of § 72, – 15 Cape. 33 § environmental code in terms of section 63-Chapter 8. section 11 of the Constitution in respect of 29, 64, 70 and 73 sections, and Chapter 8. section 7 of the Constitution in respect of the other provisions.

Regulation (2015:727).


section 2 of the terms and expressions in this regulation have the same meaning

as in chapter 15. the environmental code.

3 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/for the purposes of this regulation,

combustible waste: waste that burns without energy supplements

After the combustion process has started,

hazardous waste: a substance or an object which is waste and

marked with an asterisk (*) in annex 4, or

subject to regulations that have been issued under section 12,


organic waste: biological waste, plastic waste and other

waste containing organic carbon. Regulation (2011:1009).

3 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/for the purposes of this regulation,

combustible waste: waste that burns without energy supplements after the combustion process has started, "hazardous waste" means waste in annex 4 are described with a waste code marked with an asterisk (*) or in accordance with regulations issued under section 12 shall be considered hazardous waste and organic waste: biological waste, plastic waste and other waste containing organic carbon. Regulation (2015:727).

paragraph 4 for the purposes of this regulation,

reuse: an action that implies that a product or

components that are not waste are used again to fill the same

function as it was originally intended for,

collection: collection or reception of waste and

sorting, storage or other handling of the downloaded or

received the waste before it is transported on to


preparing for re-use "means a waste management

by checking, cleaning or repairing allows products

or components that have become waste can be reused,

recycling: a waste management as described in annex 2

or otherwise means that the waste going to

use as a substitute for other materials or being prepared for

to get to such a benefit or a waste management

means preparing for re-use,

recycling: recycling, reprocessing

waste materials into new products, materials or substances

not to be used as fuel or fillers, and

"disposal" means a waste management as described in annex 3

or otherwise imply that the holder discards

with the waste without being recovered or that it be submitted to the

someone who collects or transport it.

Regulation (2014:1076).

section 5 Of the deposit referred to in this regulation a disposal

that means that the waste is placed on a waste disposal site for waste


That landfill is not considered to be a place or establishment where the waste

1. be transhipped to be prepared for further transport to another

place where it will be recycled, treated or disposed of;

2. is stored before it is recycled or processed, if the storage

for a period of less than three years, or

3. stored prior to disposal, if storage for a

period of less than one year.

section 6, for the purposes of this regulation,

traders: the professional buy and sell wastes, and

Broker: the professional conveys the waste for recycling

or disposal.

6 a section with packaging and packaging waste as referred to in this

Regulation is the same as in the Regulation (2014:1073) if

producer responsibility for packaging. Regulation (2014:1076).

6 (b) § With newspaper and recycled paper referred to in this regulation

the same as in the Regulation (2014:1074) on producer responsibility

for recycled paper. Regulation (2014:1076).

paragraph 7 of this regulation,

battery: a source of electrical energy that consists of one or

number of battery cells and where the energy generated by direct

conversion of chemical energy, and

PCB product: the same as in section 3 of the Ordinance (2007:19) on the PCB


section 8 With electrical and electronic products referred to in this


1. products in its design and for the correct operation

is dependent on electric currents or electromagnetic


2. equipment for the generation, transfer and measurement of

electric currents or electromagnetic fields, or

3. materials provided or have been included in such products or

equipment referred to in 1 and 2.

With electrical and electronic products do not

composite products that mainly use other energy

than electric energy. Components of such a

complex product and that there is an electrical function should

However, be deemed to be electrical or electronic products. Even

materials used for cooling, heating, or the protection of

such components or otherwise used for such

components ' function in the composite product is to be regarded as

electrical and electronic products.

With electrical and electronic products are not accessories

to or consumables used in an electric or

electronic product, if the accessory or consumable goods

don't have or have had an electrical or electronic


section 9 With waste oil as referred to in this regulation waste

1. mineral, synthetic or vegetable lubricating oil,

2. oil that had been intended for industrial purposes,

3. fuel oil, or

4. oil-containing fuels.

With oil referred to in the first paragraph is not an oil that can be used

as food.

section 10/expires U: 2016-01-01/for the purposes of this regulation,

Directive 2008/98/EC: European Parliament and Council directive

2008/98/EC of 19 november 2008 on waste and on

repealing certain directives,

Directive 19/EU: European Parliament and Council directive

2012/19/EU of 4 July 2012 on waste

electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), at the

original wording,

Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council

Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 of 29 april 2004 on

persistent organic pollutants and amending Directive


Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council

Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of 14 June 2006 on shipments

of waste,

Regulation (EC) no 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council

Regulation (EC) no 1069/2009 of 21 October 2009 on the

health rules for animal by-products and

derived products not intended for human

consumption and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002

(animal by-products regulation), and

Regulation (EC) no 1272/2008: European Parliament and Council

Regulation (EC) no 1272/2008 of 16 december 2008 on the

classification, labelling and packaging of substances and

mixtures, amending and repealing directives 67/548/EEC

and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) no

1907/2006. Regulation (2015:27).

section 10/entry into force: 01/01/2016/for the purposes of this regulation,

decision 2000/532/EC: Commission decision of 3 May 2000 replacing decision 94/3/EC establishing a list of wastes pursuant to article 1(a) of Council Directive 75/442/EEC on waste and Council decision 94/904/EC establishing a list of hazardous waste pursuant to article 1(4) of Council Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste wording, in accordance with Commission decision in 2014/955/EC,

Directive 2008/98/EC: European Parliament and Council Directive 2008/98/EC of 19 november 2008 on waste and repealing certain directives, in wording in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) no 1357/2014, 2012/19/EU: European Parliament and Council directive 19/EU of 4 July 2012 on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in the original wording,

Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 of 29 april 2004 on persistent organic pollutants and amending Directive 79/117/EEC, Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the Council of 14 June 2006 on shipments of waste,

Regulation (EC) no 440/2008: Commission Regulation (EC) no 440/2008 of 30 May 2008 laying down test methods pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 concerning the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals (Reach),

Regulation (EC) no 1102/2008: European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no 1102/2008 of 22 April 2008 on the banning of exports of metallic mercury and certain mercury compounds and mixtures and the safe storage of metallic mercury

Regulation (EC) no 1272/2008: European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no 1272/2008 of 16 december 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006,

Regulation (EC) no 1069/2009: European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no 1069/2009 of 21 October 2009 laying down health rules as regards animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 (animal by-products regulation), and

Regulation (EC) No 1257/2013: European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/2013 of 20 november 2013 on the recycling of ships and amending Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 and directive 2009/16/EC. Regulation (2015:727).

Scope of application

section 11 of this Regulation shall not apply to

1. contaminated soil and other natural materials that do not have


2. natural materials from agriculture or forestry which is used

in agriculture or forestry or for energy production and where

the use does not damage or pose any nuisance for

human health or the environment,

3. non-contaminated soil and other natural material that has

excavated in connection with construction activities, if it is

certain that the material will be used for construction

in its natural state on the site where excavation

was performed and that the use is not detrimental or means

any inconvenience to human health or the environment,

4. extractive waste covered by Regulation (2013:319)

about extractive waste,

5. spent nuclear fuel or nuclear waste within the meaning of the law (1984:3)

If nuclear activities or nuclear waste, as referred to

the radiation Act (1988:220),

6. decommissioned explosives;

7. animal by-products, and products derived therefrom


(a)) subject to Regulation (EC) no 1069/2009, and

(b)) are intended for other than incineration, landfilling or

biogas or composting plant;

8. carcasses from animals

(a)) has died otherwise than by slaughter or which have

killed to eradicate epizootic diseases, and

b) disposed of in accordance with Regulation (EC) no 1069/2009, and

9. carbon dioxide is separated and shipped to stores

geological and CO2 stored geologically.

Regulation (2014:25).

Requirements for waste shall cease to be waste

11 a of the list of requirements which must be met for

to various kinds of waste shall cease to be waste in the

accordance with Chapter 15. the third paragraph of section 1 of the Swedish environmental code, see

Annex 5. Regulation (2011:1009).

/Rubriken entry into force: 01/01/2016/assessment of whether a waste has hazardous properties

11 b/entry into force: 01/01/2016 in order to assess whether a waste has hazardous properties to 1. Annex III to Directive 2008/98/EC shall apply, or 2. waste must be tested in accordance with Regulation (EC) no 440/2008 or in accordance with other internationally recognised test methods and guidelines, and, in the case of experiments on animals or humans, taking into account article 7 of Regulation (EC) no 1272/2008.

If an assessment has been made according to both 1 and 2 are the results of the test in accordance with 2 shall apply. Regulation (2015:727).

The scope of what constitutes hazardous waste

12 §/expires U: 2016-01-01-the environmental protection agency may provide that a substance

or an object which is waste and having any of the

properties listed in annex 1 are considered to be hazardous waste.

12 §/entry into force: 01/01/2016/environmental protection agency may provide that a specific waste that has a dangerous property is hazardous waste.

Regulation (2015:727).

section 13/expires U: 2016-01-01/County Board may decide in individual cases that a

specific hazardous waste should not be regarded as hazardous waste, if the

the holder of the waste shows that

1. the waste do not have any of the hazardous characteristics listed in

Annex I, and

2. the absence of the hazardous properties is not the result of

that the waste has been mixed or diluted in order not to

need to apply the provisions on hazardous waste.

The County Board shall notify the environmental protection agency about such decisions.

section 13/entry into force: 01/01/2016/County Board may decide in individual cases that a particular hazardous waste is not hazardous waste, if the holder of the waste shows that 1. the waste has no dangerous property, and 2. the absence of hazardous properties are not a result of the waste has been mixed or diluted in order to not have to apply the rules on hazardous waste.

The County Board shall notify the environmental protection agency about such decisions. Regulation (2015:727).

/Rubriken entry into force: 01/01/2016/classification of wastes

13 a section/entry into force: 01/01/2016 in order to classify a waste set out the six-digit entry in annex 4 that best describes the waste. Waste codes are divided into chapters. In the selection of entry to the who classifies waste 1. identify the source that generated the waste, and choose an appropriate entry in chapters 01 to 12 or 17 to 20 that does not end on 99, 2. If it cannot find a suitable code according to 1, select a suitable entry in chapter 13-15 that does not end on 99, 3. If it cannot find a suitable code as 1 or 2, select an appropriate entry in Chapter 16 that does not end on 99, or

4. If you cannot find a suitable code of 1, 2 or 3, select the entry in annex 4 ending in 99 and best describes the waste. Regulation (2015:727).

13 b/entry into force: 01/01/2016 when the description of the entry in annex 4 contains a reference to this paragraph, the waste is considered hazardous waste, about 1. the content of hazardous substances in waste makes it under section 11 (b) has one or more of the hazardous properties, or 2. the waste contains polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F), DDT (1,1,1-trichloro-2.2-bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethane), chlordane, hexachlorocyclohexane (including lindane), dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene, pentachlorobenzene, aldrin, chlordecone, hexabromobiphenyl, mirex or toxaphene, PCBS that exceed the concentration limits set out in annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 850/2004.

The assessment may take account of the classification and labelling according to the notes of annex VI to Regulation (EC) no 1272/2008 as set out in the annex to decision 2000/532/EC.

Waste of metal alloys in its massive form and which is not contaminated with dangerous substances, the assessment is not considered to be hazardous waste. Regulation (2015:727).

Combustible waste

section 14 of the combustible waste must be stored and transported separately

from other waste.

Provisions on the prohibition against depositing segmentation combustible

waste and organic waste can be found in sections 9 and 10 of regulation

(2001:512) on the landfill of waste.

section 15 of the environmental protection agency may provide for sorting

combustible waste and if exemption from the requirement in section 14 of the first


The mixing of hazardous waste

section 16 of the hazardous waste must not be mixed or diluted with

1. other types of hazardous waste,

2. other waste, or

3. other substances or materials.

section 17 of the hazardous waste has been mixed or diluted in battle

with section 16 shall be separated, if it

1. from the point of view of environmental protection,

2. technical feasibility, and

3. is economically viable.

section 18 of the Regulations if the mixing of hazardous waste in 16 and

17 § § shall not apply in the case of such a mixture of waste

that has been done or made

1. by someone whose handling of waste covered by such

permit or a notification referred to in Chapter 9. 6 §

the environmental code,

2. on a health-and environmentally sound manner, and

3. with the use of the best available technology.

Regulation (2013:269).

section 19 of the provisions concerning the mixing of hazardous waste in 16 and

§ 17 shall not apply to

1. household waste that is hazardous waste, if the dangerous

the waste is mixed with other household waste, or

2. oil-contaminated ballast water from tanks or ships, if pol

the oily water is received and dealt with according to the law

(1980:424) concerning action to combat pollution from ships or

Regulation (1980:789) on measures against pollution from

ships. Regulation (2013:269).

Mercury waste

20 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/rules on disposal of certain mercury found in

Article 2 of European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no

1102/2008 of 22 February 2008 concerning an export ban for metallic

Mercury and certain mercury compounds and

Mercury mixtures and the safe storage of metallic


20 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Regulations on the disposal of certain mercury found in article 2 of Regulation (EC) no 1102/2008.

Regulation (2015:727).

paragraph 21 of the Wastes that contain at least 0.1% by weight

Mercury shall no later than one year from when it occurs

disposed of in a deep bedrock, if the waste

1. not subject to section 20, or

2. is not the final deposited in accordance with a permit

According to the environmental code, or regulations issued pursuant

of the beam. Regulation (2015:27).

section 22 of the environmental protection agency, in the particular case waive

the requirement in section 21, if it is unreasonable to require that the waste

disposed of in a deep bedrock. If the waste contains more

than 1% of mercury by weight, such a dispensation is given only

If there are serious reasons or if it is so small

amounts of waste that it is manifestly unfair to require a

disposal in a deep bedrock.

Waste from ships in port

section 23 of the municipality shall ensure that the oil waste, sewage, solid

wastes and residues of other harmful substances shall be prohibited:

to release under the Act (1980:424) on measures against

pollution from vessels or according to rules that are

issued pursuant to the Act are transported from such

reception facility for waste from vessels referred to in

Regulation (1980:789) on measures against pollution from ships.

The first subparagraph shall not apply to oil-contaminated ballast or

tanks Arctic waters referred to in Chapter 3. paragraph 1 of the law on measures against

pollution from ships or ballast water or tank washings

referred to in Chapter 3. paragraph 2 of the same law.

section 24 of the holder of a port shall communicate the

the need for waste management under section 23 to the municipality.

Packaging waste

24 a of whoever has the packaging waste which is not

household waste should sort out the packaging waste from other

waste and leave the packaging waste to

1. a collection system which has a permit under section 38

Regulation (2014:1073) on producer responsibility for

packaging, or

2. someone who according to § 57 regulation on producer responsibility for

packaging collects segmentation packaging waste.

Regulation (2014:1076).

24 b § anyone who has used a pack that has become

household waste should sort out the packaging waste from other

waste and leave the packaging waste to an

collection system authorized under section 38 the regulation

(2014:1073) on producer responsibility for packaging or to

a collection system which the municipality provides for

segmentation of packaging waste.

The who according to § 24 a 2 leave packaging waste to any

collecting segmentation packaging waste must leave everything

its packaging waste to the collector, also it

packaging waste is household waste.

Regulation (2014:1076).

Recycled paper

24 c § whoever has recycled paper that is not household waste,

sort out return the paper from other waste and leave

return the paper to the

1. a collection system which has a permit under section 12

Regulation (2014:1074) on producer responsibility for waste paper,


2. anyone who, under section 30 of the Ordinance on producer responsibility

recycled paper collects segmentation recycled paper.

Regulation (2014:1076).

24 d § anyone who has used a newspaper that has become

household waste should sort out return the paper from other waste

and leave the return the paper to a collection system which has

permit under section 12 of the Regulation (2014:1074) about

producer responsibility for waste paper or to a

collection system that the municipality provides for segmentation

recycled paper.

The 24 c § 2 leaves the recycled paper to someone who

collect segmentation recycled paper may leave all their

recycled paper to the collector, including recycled paper that is

household waste. Regulation (2014:1076).

Electrical and electronic products

section 25 of the holder of the waste containing or consisting of

electrical and electronic products should sort it out

and manage it separately from other waste in a way that

facilitates recovery or other operations that are

acceptable from an environmental point of view and

1. leave it to one producer, a municipality or to a

such collection systems referred to in the Regulation (2014:1075)

of producer responsibility for electrical equipment, if the producer, the municipality

or collection system have an obligation to receive

the waste, or

2. If the waste is electronic waste other than that konsumentelavfall

referred to in regulation on producer responsibility for electrical equipment,

make sure it gets addressed at a health and environmental

acceptable way.

If a battery is built-in or otherwise included in one

other commodity and the battery can be removed from the

other goods, shall for the purposes of the first battery

paragraph 1 is removed from the other article.

Other provisions concerning the obligation on producers to take care

on waste electrical and electronic equipment

see Ordinance (2000:208) on producer responsibility for

light bulbs and some lighting fixtures, the regulation on

producer responsibility for electrical equipment and Regulation (2008:834)

of producer responsibility for batteries. Regulation (2014:1076).

section 26 of The Professional handles waste that contains

or consisting of batteries, be sure to

1. storage and handling of waste in a

treatment plant takes place in suitable containers or on a

place covered with a dense, hard surface and are protected

for precipitation, and

2. waste not burned or landfilled without

a) liquids and acids have been removed from the batteries to

be handled separately from the battery waste in General, and

b) the measures taken are possible and appropriate for the

to achieve the goals of particular disposal and recycling

as specified in section 8 of the Regulation (2008:834) on producer responsibility

for batteries. Regulation (2013:62).

section 27 of the environmental protection agency may provide for such

professional activities aimed at by disassembly,

sorting or other förbehandlande measures to ensure that

the recovery or disposal of electronic waste referred to in

Regulation (2014:1075) on producer responsibility for electrical equipment

can be done in a way that is appropriate from health and

environmental point of view.

The environmental protection agency may, in the case of recycling and

disposal of electronic waste referred to in the regulation on the

producer responsibility for electrical equipment, notify the rules

required as a result of annex VII to Directive 19/EU.

Regulation (2015:27).

section 28 of the electronic waste referred to in the Regulation (2014:1075) if

producer responsibility for electrical equipment must be recycled,

shredded, incinerated, landfilled or disposed of on

otherwise only if

1. the waste has been prepared in such an activity referred

in section 27, and the förbehandlande business has employees

or system for quality or environmental management systems certified

of a body whose competence for the task has been supported by

accreditation under the law (2011:791) on accreditation and

technical control, or

2. waste prepared abroad in a way that

corresponds to requirements of Directive 19/EU.

The certification referred to in the first subparagraph 1 shall relate to the skills

or the system for quality and environmental management as needed

having regard to the purposes set out in section 27 and the

regulations issued under section 27.

Regulation (2015:27).

section 29 of the environmental protection agency may provide for exceptions from the

the requirement for certification in section 28.

Waste oil

section 30 of the collection of waste oil must be done separately from other


section 31 A waste oil which is an insulating oil should be kept separate from

other insulating oils and other waste oils to its concentration of PCB

products in insulating oil has been established.

32 § beyond what follows from paragraphs 30 and 31 shall, to the extent that

It is technically feasible and economically viable, the

manage a waste oil make sure that waste oil is not mixed with

other kind of waste oils or blended with other types of waste

or topics in a way that complicates the processing of

waste oil.

Persistent organic pollutants

33 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/rules on disposal of wastes consisting of,

contains or has been contaminated with certain persistent organic

pollutants can be found in article 7 of the European Parliament and of the Council

Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 of 29 april 2004 on persistent

organic pollutants and amending Directive 79/117/EEC.

33 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/rules on disposal of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with certain persistent organic pollutants, see article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 850/2004. Regulation (2015:727).

section 34 the environmental protection agency is the competent authority in accordance with

Article 7(4) and (5) of Regulation (EC) No 850/2004.

Ship recycling

34 a of/expires U: 2016-01-01/rules on ship recycling, see

European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/2013 of

on november 20, 2013 on the recycling of ships and amending

by Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 and directive 2009/16/EC, and

of the Regulation (2015:18) on ship recycling.

Regulation (2015:21).

34 a of the/entry into force: 01/01/2016/rules on ship recycling, see Regulation (EC) No 1257/2013 and the Regulation (2015:18) on ship recycling. Regulation (2015:727).

Car scrapping

34 b of the rules on car scrapping is in

car scrapping Ordinance (2007:186). Regulation (2015:21).

Transportation of household waste which is hazardous waste

35 § Municipality shall collect and transport of household waste

are hazardous waste to a treatment facility, unless otherwise

follow the rules on producer responsibility given with

the support of the 15 Cape. section 6 of the environmental code.

Obtain a permit for the transport of waste

section 36 requires a special permit to

1. professional ship waste, or

2. ship waste arising in a professional

activities if

a) transport in a calendar year, a total of relates to more than

10 tons of waste, or more than 50 cubic metres of waste,

b) transports in a calendar year, a total of relates to more than

100 kilograms of hazardous waste, or more than 100 litres of hazardous


c) waste contains mercury and is made up of more than the entire

fluorescent lamps or other light sources, or

d) waste containing cyanide, cadmium or PCBS-product.

Regulation (2011:1239).

37 § provision on permit requirement in section 36 shall not apply to

1. waste containing hazardous agricultural chemicals

(waste type 02 01 08 * annex 4),

2. fly ash and boiler dust from waste oil burning (type 10 01

04 * in annex IV),

3. infectious waste (waste types 18 02 02 18 01 03 * and *

Annex 4),

4. asbestos-containing waste (waste 17 06 06 07 01 * and

01 * in annex IV),

5. wastes from incineration or pyrolysis of domestic waste and

similar commercial, industrial and institutional waste

(items 19 01 19 01 05 *, 06 *, 19 01 07 *, 19 01 10 *, 19 01

13 19 01 15 * and * in Appendix 4).

According to § § 38 36 Permission may be granted only if the applicant has

1. the human, technical and financial means to the

a from health and environmental protection point of view properly

transporting the waste referred to in the application, and

2. the permits required for activities under other


39 § A licence pursuant to section 36 should be reconciled with the conditions

needed from the point of view of health protection and the environment.

If the condition relating to hazardous waste, to be used for a particular

time which shall not be longer than five years. The authorisation may refer to:

a certain kind of hazardous waste or hazardous waste in


40 of the questions about the permit referred to in section 36 are heard by the County Administrative Board in

the County in which the applicant has his registered office or exercising the

main part of their business. If the applicant has his registered office

or the main part of their business outside Sweden,

examine the issue of permission from the County Administrative Board in any of the counties

where the waste will be downloaded or delivered.

41 section environmental protection agency may provide for such

conditions referred to in paragraph 39 of the waste that is not hazardous waste.

Notification requirements for the transport of waste

42 § anyone who intends to ship hazardous waste that has

raised in a professional activity shall notify the

the County Administrative Board.

The first subparagraph shall not apply to shipments that require permission

in accordance with section 36 or performed by someone who has a permit under

36 §.

For recurring shipments covered by the notification requirements

in accordance with the first paragraph, it is sufficient if the notification is made

every five years. Regulation (2011:1239).

43 § environmental protection agency may provide that

notification requirements should apply instead of the permit pursuant to

36 § in the case of waste that is not hazardous waste.

44 section environmental protection agency may provide for exceptions from the

notification obligation according to § 42.

The first paragraph does not apply to commercial shipments of waste

or shipments of wastes within the framework of its own activities

where a shipment of waste is normally and regularly


Notification requirements for other waste management

section 45 the owner of a property, where waste exists and intends to

on building compost or otherwise recover or

dispose of household waste than garden waste, shall notify

this to the municipality.

What is said about the property owner in the first paragraph also applies to

the who

1. According to Chapter 1. section 5 of the real estate assessment Act (1979:1152),

considered as property owner, or

2. have the right to use the property.

section 46 requires a notification to the County Board for professional

collection of waste.

The obligation to declare applies to the fundraising business and not the

individual collection facilities covered by

fundraising activities. Regulation (2013:62).

47 § It is traders or brokers shall notify their

activities to the provincial government.

48 § notification requirements under section 46 or 47 shall not apply

activities covered by

1. a State or a notification referred to in Chapter 9. 6 §

the environmental code,

2. an authorization under section 36 or a notification under section 42

or in accordance with regulations issued under section 43

This regulation,

3. an authorisation pursuant to § 38 Regulation (2014:1073) if

producer responsibility for packaging,

4. an authorization under section 12 of the Regulation (2014:1074) about

producer responsibility for waste paper, or

5. an authorisation pursuant to § 45 Regulation (2014:1075) if

producer responsibility for electrical equipment. Regulation (2014:1076).

section 49 a notification under section 46 or 47 shall include

1. the name and address of the applicant,

2. the applicant's personal or corporate identity number, or if such

does not exist, the applicant's national or European

tax identification number,

3. a brief description of the business, and

4. indication of where business is conducted.

50 § a notification under section 46 or 47 shall be made to

the County Administrative Board in the county where the

1. the applicant's business is headquartered, or

2. the applicant is engaged in the main part of their business.

If the applicant's business is headquartered and conducts the

the main part of its activities abroad, notification

be made to the County Administrative Board in the county where the waste is retrieved

or left.

Records of licensing and notifiable management

51 § länsstyrelsen shall keep a register of the activities

authorized under section 36 or is notified according to 42, 46

or section 47.

Notification of authorisations and notifications

52 § länsstyrelsen shall in the case of a licence pursuant to section 36 and

notifications under 42, 46 and 47 § § inform the municipal

Board which has the operational responsibility of the relevant

handling. Notifications shall be made in the manner and in the

extent that is appropriate in view of the possibilities of

exercising effective supervision.

Control when the waste is left to someone else

section 53 to leave the waste generated in a professional

operations to someone else for the transport or handling other

It is required that

1. the program should handle the waste has made the notification or has

the State required for the handling and

2. the waste has verified that the requirement of 1 is


The first subparagraph of paragraph 2 shall not apply to waste that is left to the

the municipality or municipality has engaged.

Notes on recycling and disposal

54 § the operator of a business with recycling or

disposal that are State-or notifiable

under the environmental assessment Regulation (2013:251) shall, for each

type of waste handled in the activities take notes


1. where the waste will,

2. the methods for recovery or disposal which

is used,

3. the amount of waste that is recycled or disposed of annually,


4. where waste is left when it is recycled or disposed of.

The notes will be kept in chronological order and maintained in

at least three years. Regulation (2014:236).

54 a § in addition to what is said in paragraph 54, the dealing with

such electronic waste as referred to in the Regulation (2014:1075) if

producer responsibility for electrical equipment keep notes about

1. the quantity of electronic waste that has been accepted for processing,

2. the quantity of electronic waste that has been prepared for


3. the quantity of electronic waste that is recycled,

4. the quantity of electronic waste that has been recovered by other means,

5. the quantity of electronic waste that is disposed of,

6. the quantity of electronic waste that has been provided for transport to a

other processors in Sweden,

7. the quantity of electronic waste that has been provided for transport to a

other processor in another country within the European Union,


8. the quantity of electronic waste that has been provided for transport to a

other processors in a country outside the European Union.

The quantities shall be expressed in weight and of the notes to the

indicate the amounts attributable to each of the

categories of electrical equipment set out in section 19 of the regulation on

producer responsibility for electrical equipment. Regulation (2014:1076).

Notes on the management of hazardous waste

55 § anyone who engages in a business activity where dangerous

loss incurred shall for each type of hazardous waste transfer

notes about

1. the quantity of waste generated annually, and

2. to whom the waste is left for further handling.

The notes will be kept in chronological order and maintained in

at least three years. Regulation (2014:236).

section 56 The which collect hazardous waste shall

each type of hazardous waste transfer notes

1. where the waste will,

2. how often the collection takes place, and

3. the amount to be collected annually.

The notes will be kept in chronological order and maintained in

at least three years. Regulation (2014:236).

57 § The transporting hazardous waste and is

licensed under section 36 or notifiable pursuant to

section 42 shall for each type of hazardous waste shipped

keep notes about

1. where the waste will,

2. the quantities transported annually,

3. the manner in which the waste is shipped, and

4. where waste is shipped.

The notes will be kept in chronological order and maintained in

at least one year. Regulation (2014:236).

58 § It is traders or brokers shall, for each type of

hazardous waste that is sold or conveyed in the business conduct

notes about

1. where the waste will,

2. the quantity of sold or conveyed annually, and

3. to whom the waste is sold or conveyed.

The notes will be kept in chronological order and maintained in

at least three years. Regulation (2014:236).

59 § anyone who brought notes about waste as referred to in paragraphs 54 to 58

shall provide the supervisory authority and the previous waste holders

the opportunity to take part of the contents of the notes, if

authority or the former owner requests it.

In the case of electronic waste referred to in paragraph 54, the program has brought

the notes also provide the person who is obliged to report

under section 59 or under section 62 or 63 regulation

(2014:1075) on producer responsibility for the equipment of machines able to

take note of the notes, if the reporting obligation request

the Regulation (2014:1076).

Reporting on the treatment of waste

59 a of the person receiving the electronic waste referred to in the regulation

(2014:1075) on producer responsibility for electrical equipment to

treat it shall, in the case of electronic waste that upon receipt

not previously treated by someone else, by 31

March of each year provide the data which have been recorded under 54

and 54 (a) of the environmental protection agency. Regulation (2014:1076).

Transport document for hazardous waste in Sweden

60 § When hazardous waste is left to a new holder for

transported within Sweden, the waste

(agent) and the one that receives the waste (consignee) ensure

the existence of a transport document.

The transport document shall include details of the waste type and

amount of waste as well as to who is and who is the receiver.

The transport document shall be signed by the respondent. If

the movement document is electronically, the signature take place

with the agent's electronic signature.

61 section environmental protection agency may announce further provisions concerning

how the transport document according to paragraph 60 should be designed and managed.

Notes and transport documents for household waste

62 § in the case of household waste which is hazardous waste concerns

54 to 61 sections only such management that takes place after the

hazardous waste has

1. sorted out from other household waste, and

2. received by anyone for their handling of the waste has

the condition or have made the notifications required in accordance with

the provisions adopted by virtue of Chapter 9. section 6 of the environmental code.

Regulation (2013:269).


§ 63 questions about waivers from the ban provided for in chapter 15.

33 § environmental code be reviewed by

1. Marine and water authority, derogation trial concerns

dumping in

a) Sweden's economic zone, or

(b)) any of two or more alternative areas, the areas

is not located within the same County, and

2. the County Administrative Board in the county where the waste intended to be dumped, if

exemption issue should not be dealt with by the marine and water

According to 1.

Before marine and water authority decides in a waiver question

referred to in the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 (b), the authority shall hear the

relevant provincial governments. The County Board's decision pursuant to the first

paragraph 2 shall be sent to marine and water.

A waiver must refer to a given type and a certain amount of waste

as well as the time, place and manner of the dumping.

Regulation (2013:1166).

64 § marine and water may indicate the regulations

necessary for the execution of 15 Cape. 31-33 §§

the environmental code. Before the authority makes such provisions

the authority shall hear the county administrative boards, the environmental protection agency,

The coast guard, the geological survey and

The Customs and Excise Department. Regulation (2013:136).

Import and export of waste

§ 65 such waste referred to in either of annexes IV and IV A

to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 may be imported or

otherwise be introduced to Sweden only if the Insert

the waste can show that the waste will be disposed of

anyone for their handling of the waste has the permission

or have made the notifications required by regulations

announced pursuant to Chapter 9. section 6 of the environmental code.

Regulation (2013:269).

§ 66/expires U: 2016-01-01-the environmental protection agency is

1. the competent authority referred to in article 5 of

Basel Convention on the control of transboundary

movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal

(SUN 1991:22),

2. the competent authority referred to in article 53 and

contact bodies referred to in article 54 of Regulation (EC) no

1013/2006, and

3. the competent authority referred to in articles 5 and 6 of the

European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no 1102/2008 of

22 October 2008 on the export ban of metallic

Mercury and certain mercury compounds and

Mercury mixtures and the safe storage of metallic

Mercury. Regulation (2012:372).

66 section/entry into force: 01/01/2016/Swedish environmental protection agency is 1. the competent authority referred to in article 5 of the Basel Convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal (SUN 1991:22),

2. the competent authority referred to in article 53 and the liaison departments, referred to in article 54 of Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006, and 3. the competent authority referred to in articles 5 and 6 of Regulation (EC) no 1102/2008. Regulation (2015:727).

67 § If the environmental protection agency in its capacity as competent authority

According to § 66 1 or 2 becomes aware of or dealing with a

the case of a shipment of waste covered by Regulation (EC)

No 1013/2006, the Agency shall inform the State Provincial Office concerned

and the Municipal Board which fulfils the tasks within

environmental and health protection.

The environmental protection agency must inform the Swedish Chemicals Agency if

data provided by the environmental protection agency, in its capacity as the competent

authority according to § 66 3. Regulation (2012:372).

68 § provisions on transport documents for cross-border

shipments of waste are found in articles 4 and 16 of the regulation

(EC) No 1013/2006. Regulation (2012:261).

69 section environmental protection agency, with Finland and Denmark enter into such

bilateral agreements referred to in article 30 of regulation

(EC) No 1013/2006.

70 § Swedish environmental protection agency announce the regulations needed

for the execution of an agreement referred to in section 69.

Cross-border shipments of machines that can be adopted

be waste

70 a of if the electrical equipment referred to in the Regulation (2014:1075)

of producer responsibility for electrical equipment is intended to

carried out from Sweden and can be presumed to be waste

given that it's used, its condition, how well the

works, how it is presented or packaged or other

circumstances, should the equipment be considered waste. This

does not apply if the holder of the equipment displays

1. documents confirming the ownership of the equipment

have moved or will move to the

the equipment will be transported to and where it is stated that

the equipment is fully operational and is intended for


2. documents certifying that the equipment has

been tested and that the presence of hazardous substances in the equipment

has been checked and evaluated of which test and

control results,

3. the documents referred to in 2 securely fastened

on the equipment or on the packaging in which the equipment


4. that the equipment has a useful protection against damage

during the transport, loading and unloading and is otherwise

properly loaded,

5. documents certifying that the transport is carried out for

has certified that the equipment is not waste and has taken on

the responsibility for the transport are compatible with existing

acquis, and

6. all the necessary transport documents.

Regulation (2014:1076).

70 b of the requirements on documents to show that electrical equipment not

are waste within the meaning of section 70 1-3 shall not apply if the

transporting the equipment shows that the shipment is made within

the framework of an agreement between the transport sender and a

recipients who have previously sold or otherwise

provided equipment or is someone acting on

his behalf and to

1. the transport means that equipment with the aid of a

warranty provision or provisions in Swedish law passed

back to the receiver for repair or other action

aiming to be used again,

2. the equipment is intended for professional use, and

a) the equipment is sent to the recipient for the renovation or

repair under the agreement for the purpose of the equipment shall

be used again, and

(b)) the receiver is located in a country to which the OECD Council

decision C (2001) 107/final concerning the revision of decision

C (92) 39/final on the control of transboundary

shipments of waste destined for recycling, or

3. the equipment is used, broken and intended for

commercial use and

a) the equipment is sent to the recipient for an analysis of what

that is why the equipment is broken, and

(b)) only the receiver can perform such an analysis.

Regulation (2014:1076).

70 c § Documentation of the tests and controls

in 70 (a) section 2 shall indicate

1. what type of electrical equipment which the documentation relates,

2. the category according to section 19 of the Regulation (2014:1075) if

producer responsibility for electrical equipment as the equipment is included in,

3. equipment identification number, if available,

4. the equipment's manufacture, if known,

5. what kinds of tests and controls that have been carried out,

6. date when controls were carried out,

7. the name of the who has carried out the tests and inspections;


8. the address to which carried out the tests and

controls. Regulation (2014:1076).

70 d § environmental protection agency may provide for the

tests and controls that will provide the basis for

the documentation referred to in section 70 (a). Regulation (2014:1076).

Notifications to the European Commission

71 § environmental protection agency shall perform the obligations of

information to the European Commission as set out in

1. Article 7 of Directive 2008/98/EC, and

2. Article 5 of Regulation (EC) no 1102/2008.

Before the environmental protection agency will notify as referred to in the first subparagraph 2 shall

the work told the Swedish Chemicals Agency. Regulation (2012:372).

Rules for the armed forces and others.

72 § General physician may provide for derogation from the

15. the environmental code and this Regulation as regards the management

of household waste and hazardous waste in the armed forces,

The Swedish fortifications Agency, the Swedish defence materiel administration and Defence

Radio establishment. General physician, told the environmental protection agency before

such regulations are announced.

Regulations on waste from health care

section 73 welfare may indicate the regulations on handling

of infectious wastes from health-care needed

for the enforcement of this regulation.

The municipal renhållningsordningen

74 § Municipality may provide for

1. how spaces, containers and other equipment for handling

of waste shall be constituted and managed,

2. to certain types of wastes should be stored and transported

separately from other wastes,

3. obligation to in terms of storage and transport of waste

take the other measures necessary for the reuse

or recycling or other health or environmental reasons,

4. that it engaged in a professional activity within the

the local authority giving rise to the waste other than domestic waste

the information concerning the nature, composition, the amount of

or the management of the waste is needed as a basis for

the municipality's renhållningsordning, and

5. how a notification under section 45.

Regulation (2011:1239).

75 § Municipality may announce further provisions concerning

the management of household waste.

§ 74 76 regulations under § § 1-3 and 75 shall not refer to

management of waste managed by the Agency of a producer

According to the rules on producer responsibility given with

the support of the 15 Cape. 6-7 a § § environmental code.

Regulations under 74 § 1 may not refer to how the reception and

treatment facilities for waste in ports should be constituted

and managed.

76 a of a municipal waste plan should contain a specific

section on packaging and sites for the collection of

packaging waste. The plan shall also include details of the

measures to prevent packaging waste and occur

measures to promote the re-use of packaging.

The first subparagraph shall not apply to such bottles or cans

the scope of the Regulation (2005:220) if the return system for

plastic bottles and metal cans. Regulation (2014:1076).

76 b of a municipal waste plan should contain a specific

section on recycled paper and sites for the collection of

recycled paper. The plan shall also include measures to

prevent waste paper occurs. Regulation (2014:1076).

77 section environmental protection agency may provide for

1. what the municipal waste renhållningsordningens plan shall

contain, and

2. the obligation for municipalities to provide information about

management of waste and on the content of the waste management plan.

Regulation (2011:1239).

78 § provision for environmental assessments and

environmental impact assessment of plans and programmes is available in 6

Cape. the environmental code and the Regulation (1998:905) if

environmental impact assessments. Regulation (2014:1076).

79 § Municipality shall send a copy of their waste plan to

the County Administrative Board.

80 § the information contained in the waste management plan shall be reviewed at least every four

years and is updated as needed.

When waste management plan, the municipality forthwith inform

the County Administrative Board of the change.

Regional and national waste planning

81 § länsstyrelsen shall make a statement of the

municipal waste management plans. The compilation should contain a

analysis of the capacity of waste treatment in the County with respect to

prerequisites for managing the waste through preparation

for re-use, recycling, other recovery

or disposal, with priority in that order.

If it is necessary to fix an existing or foreseeable

lack of capacity or to clarify an existing or

foreseeable excess capacity with regard to a particular

treatment method, the provincial Government consult relevant

local authorities, traders and other county boards.

The County Board shall submit the compilation to the

The environmental protection agency.

82 section environmental protection agency may provide for

1. how compiling under section 81 shall be designed and how and

When it should be handed over, and

2. the obligation for municipalities to notify the environmental protection agency on

the waste management activities and the results of

activities compared with the waste management plan.

83 section environmental protection agency must ensure that there is a national

waste plan and a program to prevent the appearance of

waste that meets the requirements set out in articles 28 to 30 of Directive

2008/98/EC. The environmental protection agency should continuously make the

updates of the plan and the program needed to keep

them current.

When the plan and program are developed or modified to

The Swedish environmental protection agency

1. provide appropriate representatives of provincial governments,

the municipalities and industry the opportunity to comment,

2. comply with the requirements of the directive in article 31 regarding public


3. comply with the requirements of article 32 in respect of cooperation with

the other concerned Member States and with the European Commission,


4. inform the Commission in accordance with article 33 of the

the directive.


84 § provisions on supervision, see chapter 26. the environmental code and the

environmental protection Regulation (2011:13). Provisions on the

operational supervisory responsibilities associated with this regulation

see chapter 26. the third subparagraph of paragraph 3 of the Swedish environmental code and in Chapter 2. 4,

29 and 30 § § environmental protection regulation.

85 § operational supervisory authorities shall consult with

The Customs and Excise Department in matters relating to the supervision of that Regulation (EC)

No 1013/2006 is followed. Regulation (2012:261).


86 § provisions on fees can be found in Chapter 27. the environmental code and the

Ordinance (1998:940) if the fees for the examination and supervision

According to the environmental code.


87 § provision for penalties, see chapter 29. the environmental code.

Provisions on miljösanktions charges, see regulation

(2012:259) on miljösanktions charges.

Provisions on responsibility and forfeiture because of transport

contrary to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the law

(2000:1225) of punishment for smuggling. Regulation (2012:261).


88 § provision for appeal, see Chapter 19. section 1 as well as in 1

Cape. 2 section and Chapter 5. Act (2010:921) on land and

environmental courts.

Transitional provisions


1. this Regulation shall enter into force on 9 August 2011, when

Waste Regulation (2001:1063), Ordinance (2007:383) if

cross-border shipments of waste and the regulation

(1993:1268) If waste oil shall be repealed.

2. The provision in section 21 shall apply for the first time to

disposal operations that occur after 31 december 2014. For the time

prior to that, the disposal not be done in such a way that a

disposal in a deep bedrock does not become possible.

3. The following applies to activities which commenced before the 9

August 2011 and not covered by the State under

Waste Regulation (2001:1063), if such a duty is introduced to

as a result of this regulation. The business may continue to

be operated until 9 August 2012 even though

the permit requirement is introduced. Thereafter, the business conducted

only if the operator operation lodged an application for

permission to the licensing authority last August 9, 2012

and the licensing authority does not decide otherwise.

4. The following applies to activities which commenced before the 9

August 2011 and not covered by the notification requirements pursuant to the

Waste Regulation (2001:1063), if such a duty is introduced to

as a result of this regulation. The business may continue to

be operated until 9 August 2012 even though

the obligation is imposed. Thereafter, the business conducted

only if the operator operation last August 9

2012 made a notification to the supervisory authority.

5. Permit, decisions, exemptions, concessions, conditions or

registrations relating to operations, handling or other

measures that have been announced by decision according to the provisions of

Waste Regulation (2001:1063), Ordinance (2007:383) if

cross-border shipments of waste, the regulation

(1993:1268) If waste oil or according to rules that are

granted under such provisions shall continue to



1. this Regulation shall enter into force on May 1, 2013.

2. Cases that have been submitted to the marine and water

but not settled before the date of entry into force shall continue to

dealt with by the marine and water according to older



1. This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 november 2014.

2. the provisions of 24 a – 24 d sections applied the first time

packaging waste and waste paper arising after

March 31, 2017.

Annex 1/expire U:2016-01-01 by Regulation (2015:727)./hazardous properties

This annex contains a list of properties that

enables the waste shall be regarded as hazardous waste.

The classifications, R-number and concentration limits

set out in the annex corresponding to the classifications, R-number

concentration limits laid down in the regulations implementing

European Parliament and Council Directive 1999/45/EC of 31

May 1999 concerning the approximation of the laws, regulations and other

relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of

dangerous preparations, in wording in accordance with Council directive


The test methods to be used for the classification, see

described in Commission Regulation (EC) no 440/2008 of

30 May 2008 laying down test methods pursuant to regulation of the European Parliament and

Council Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 concerning the registration,

evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals


H 1 "explosive: the waste contains a substance or preparation

which may explode under the effect of flame or which are more

sensitive to shocks or friction than dinitrobenzene.

H 2 Oxidising: Waste contains a substance or preparation

that gives rise to a highly exothermic reaction in contact with

other substances, particularly flammable substances.

H 3-A "highly flammable Waste contains

1. a highly flammable liquid or other fluent

substance or preparations having a flash point below 21 degrees Celsius,

2. a substance or preparations which may, on contact with air at

normal temperature and with no other power can

develop heat and ultimately catch fire,

3. a solid substance or preparation that can easily catch fire at

brief contact with a source of ignition and which continue

to burn or to be consumed after the ignition source

have been removed,

4. a gaseous substance or preparations which are flammable in

air at normal pressure, or

5. a substance or preparations which in contact with water or

damp air, evolve highly flammable gases in dangerous


H 3-B ' flammable ': the waste contains a substance or

preparations in liquid form having a flash point of 21-55 degrees


H 4 Annoying: the waste contains a substance or preparation

that are not corrosive, through immediate, prolonged or

repeated contact with the skin or mucous membrane, can cause


H 5 "harmful": Waste contains a substance or

preparations which, if they are inhaled or ingested or if they penetrate

the skin, may involve limited health risks.

H 6 Toxic or very toxic: the waste contains a

substances or preparations which, if inhaled, swallowed, or removals

through the skin, may involve serious, acute or chronic

health risks and even death.

H 7 Carcinogens: the waste contains a substance or

preparations which, if they are inhaled or ingested or if they penetrate

the skin, may induce cancer or increase its incidence.

H 8 Corrosive: the waste contains a substance or preparation which

may destroy living tissue on contact.

H 9 infectious: the waste contains a substance or preparation

containing micro-organisms or their toxins and under

Science or reliably believed to cause disease in

humans or other living organisms.

H 10 "toxic for reproduction": Waste contains a substance or

preparations which, if they are inhaled or ingested or if they penetrate

the skin, may induce non-hereditary congenital malformations

or increase the incidence of these.

H 11 Mutagenic: Waste contains a substance or preparation

which, if they are inhaled or ingested or if they penetrate the skin, may

may cause heritable genetic damage or increase their


H 12 Waste emits toxic or very toxic gases in

contact with water, air or an acid.

H 13 Allergenic: Waste contains a substance or

preparations which – according to the available test methods – at

inhalation or absorption through the skin can cause a

hypersensitivity reaction, so that the additional

exposure to the substance or preparation, characteristic occurs

adverse symptoms.

H 14 ' ecotoxic ': Waste constitutes – immediately or in the long run –

a risk of one or more sectors of the environment.

H 15 waste somehow after disposal may give

rise to another topic, for example. a lak fluid, using one of the

the properties listed above.

Wastes classified as hazardous are considered to display one or

several of the characteristics described in H 1-H 15 and, in the case

H 3-H 8 H 10 and H 11, one or more of the following


1. the flash point less than or equal to 55 degrees Celsius,

2. one or more toxic substances classified as very

toxic at a total concentration equal to or greater than


3. one or more substances classified as toxic at a

total concentration equal to or greater than 3%,

4. one or more substances classified as harmful

at a total concentration equal to or greater than 25

per cent,

5. one or more corrosive substances classified as R 35

at a total concentration equal to or greater than 1

per cent,

6. one or more corrosive substances classified as R 34

at a total concentration equal to or greater than 5

per cent,

7. one or more irritant substances classified as R

41 at a total concentration equal to or greater than 10

per cent,

8. one or more irritant substances classified as R

36, 37 or 38 R R at a total concentration greater than

or equal to 20%,

9. a substance is known to be carcinogenic

category 1 or 2 at a concentration greater than or

equal to 0.1%,

10. a substance is known to be carcinogenic

(category 3) at a concentration greater than or equal to 1

per cent,

11. a substance that is toxic for reproduction (category 1

or 2) and classified as R 60 or R 61 at a

concentration greater than or equal to 0.5%,

12. a substance that is toxic for reproduction (category 3)

and classified as R R 62 or 63 in a

concentration equal to or greater than 5%,

13. one mutagenic substance of category 1 or 2 classified

who R 46 at a concentration greater than or equal to 0.1

per cent, or

14. a Mutagen category 3 classified as R 40

at a concentration greater than or equal to 1 per cent.

Regulation (2014:236).

Annex 2

Management that is recycling

R 1 Use principally as a fuel or other energy source.

This includes combustion plants firing

household waste if the facility's energy efficiency is


1. at least 0.60, if the plant before 1 January 2009,

been in operation and are covered by a registration or authorisation

under the environmental assessment Regulation (2013:251) or

the corresponding older provisions, and

2. at least 0.65, on the complex subject of notification has

been made or an authorization has been granted after 31

December 2008 under the environmental assessment regulation or

the corresponding older provisions.

The energy efficiency referred to in the second subparagraph shall be calculated

According to the formula: energy efficiency = (Ep-(Ef + Ei))/(0.97

x (Ew + Ef) where Ep is the energy that is produced annually in

form of heat or electricity, estimated by the energy of

the form of electricity being multiplied by 2.6 and heat

produced for commercial purposes is multiplied by 1.1

(GJ/year) Ef is the annual energy input to the system

from such fuels contributing to the production of steam

(GJ/year) Ew means annual energy contained by the

treated waste in one year, calculated from the

calorific value (GJ/year) Ei is the energy imported

during one year apart from Ew and Ef (GJ/year) and 0.97 is the

factor which corresponds to the energy losses due to bottom ash

and radiation. The formula should be applied in accordance with the who

is the best possible technology for the incineration of waste.

R 2 recovery or regeneration of the solvent.

R 3 recycling/reclamation of organic substances which are not used as


This includes composting and other biological

conversion processes as well as gasification and pyrolysis with

use of components as chemicals.

R 4 recycling/reclamation of metals and metal compounds.

R 5 recycling/reclamation of other inorganic materials.

This includes soil washing which entail the restoration of land and

recycling of inorganic construction materials.

R6 Regeneration of acids or bases.

R 7 recovery of components used to reduce


R 8 recovery of components from catalysts

R 9 oil re-refining of oil or other oil.

R10 land treatment resulting in benefit to agriculture or

the ecology.

R 11 use of wastes that have been incurred through any such

management referred to in R 1 to R 10.

R 12 exchange of waste shall be subject to any such

management referred to in R 1 to R 11.

This includes – if not suitably can be attributed

to any of R 1 to R 11 – preliminary processing prior to recovery,

including preprocessing (e.g. disassembly, sorting,

crushing, compacting, pelleting, drying, shredding,

conditioning, repackaging, separating, blending

or mix for transmission to any such processing as

referred to in R 1 to R 11).

R 13 storage of waste prior to any such management referred to in

R 1 to R 12.

This does not include temporary storage, pending collection, on the

location where the waste has been raised.

Regulation (2013:269).

Annex 3

Management which represents disposal

D 1 Deposit on or below the surface.

D 2 in the filter bed.

This includes for example. biodegradation of liquid waste

and sludges in soil or similar.

D 3 deep injection.

This includes for example. injection of pumpable discards into wells,

salt domes or naturally occurring repositories, and


D 4 surface impoundment.

This includes for example. placement of liquid waste and sludge in

pits, ponds or lagoons, etc.

D 5 specially engineered landfill.

This includes for example. placement into lined discrete cells

which are capped and isolated from one another and

from the surrounding environment.

D 6 release into a water body except seas/oceans

D 7 release to seas/oceans.

This also includes the disposal under the seabed.

D 8 biological treatment not covered by any other point

in this annex which results in a final product in the form of a

compound or mixture which are discarded by means of any such

management referred to in D 1 to D 12.

D 9 physico-chemical treatment not covered by any

Another point in this annex which results in final product

form of a compound or mixture which are discarded by means of any

such handling as specified in D 1 to D 12 (e.g. evaporation,

drying or calcination).

D 10 Incineration on land.

D 11 Incineration at sea.

D 12 Permanent storage.

This includes for example. placing of containers in a mine, and


D 13 blending or mixing prior to a management

specified in D 1 to D 12.

This includes – if not suitably can be attributed

to any of D 1 to D 12 – preliminary processing before

disposal including pre-treatment (e.g., sorting,

crushing, compacting, pelleting, drying, shredding,

conditioning or separation for submission to any of the

such disposal referred to in D 1 to D 12).

D 14 Repackaging prior to any such disposal referred to in

D 1 to D 13.

D 15 storage before any such disposal referred to in D 1 – D


This does not include temporary storage, pending collection, on the

location where the waste has been raised.

Annex 4/expires U: 2016-01-01/waste types

This annex contains a list of different types of

waste. For each waste type indicated a six-digit code. With a

asterisk (*) after the code is entered to the waste type is dangerous


Waste types are divided into chapters (two-digit code) and

under chapter (four-digit codes).

To identify a waste for a particular type of waste

To identify a particular type of waste goes to the weight on

the following way.

1. first identifies the source that gave rise to the

waste (chapter with double digit code) and then via

in chapters (four-digit code) determines the avfallsstyp

(the six-digit code) in the chapter which is the most suitable

the description of the waste-not a waste type where the

6-digit code ending in 99.

2. If you do not find any suitable waste in chapters 01 to 12

or 17 – 20, examines if the waste can be identified in

Chapter 13, 14 or 15. If none of these waste types are

Fittingly, examines if the waste can be identified in chapter


3. If, after investigating in accordance with 1 and 2 not found

any suitable waste type, you should identify the waste as the

waste type in which the six-digit code ending in 99 of the

during the chapter in the investigation under 1 is best.

Different types of waste generated in a single holding

may need to be identified in different types of waste.

Hazardous substances and heavy metals

With hazardous substance means a substance in the list

classified or to be classified as hazardous

According to Regulation (EC) no 1272/2008.

With the heavy metal is used in the list to a compound of antimony,

arsenic, cadmium, chromium (VI), copper, lead, mercury, nickel,

Selenium, tellurium, thallium or pewter, and these substances in metallic

form if they are classified as dangerous substances.

If a waste is identified as hazardous by a specific

or general reference to dangerous substances, the waste

considered dangerous only if it includes these topics in

concentrations (i.e. percentage by weight) that are so high that the waste

has one or more of the properties listed in annex 1.

The definition of hazardous waste does not apply to pure alloys

not contaminated with hazardous substances. For waste which is already

included in this list apply to the current


01 waste resulting from prospecting, above-and underground mining and

physical and chemical treatment of minerals

01 01 wastes from mineral excavation:

01 01 01 wastes from mining of metalliferous materials.

01 01 02 Waste from the mining of non-metalliferous materials.

01 03 wastes from physical and chemical processing of

metalliferous minerals:

01 03 04 * Acid mine waste from the processing of

sulphide ore.

01 03 05 * other tailings containing dangerous substances.

01 03 06 Other mining wastes other than those mentioned in 01 03 04 and

01 03 05.

01 03 07 * other waste containing dangerous substances from

physical and chemical processing of metalliferous minerals.

01 03 08 dusty and powdery wastes other than those

mentioned in 01 03 07.

01 03 09 Other waste red mud from other

alumina production other than those mentioned in 01 03 07.

01 03 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 01 03 04 – 01 03 09.

01 04 wastes from physical and chemical processing of non-

metalliferous minerals:

01 04 07 * Waste containing dangerous substances from physical

and chemical processing of non-metalliferous minerals.

01 04 08 Other discarded gravel and crushed rock material than

those mentioned in 01 04 07.

01 04 09 waste sand and clays.

01 04 10 dusty and powdery wastes other than those

mentioned in 01 04 07 – 01 04 09.

01 04 11 wastes from the manufacture of potash and

rock salt processing other than those mentioned in 01 04 07 – 01 04 10.

01 04 12 other wastes from washing and cleaning of minerals other than

those mentioned in 01 04 07 – 01 04 11.

01 04 13 wastes from stone cutting and sawing other than

mentioned in 01 04 07 – 01 04 12.

01 04 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 01 04 07 – 01 04 13.

01 05 drilling muds and other drilling wastes:

01 05 04 Sludges and wastes from drilling for freshwater or in

designed to extract heat from the mountain.

01 05 05 * oil-containing drilling muds and wastes.

01 05 06 * drilling muds and other drilling wastes containing dangerous


barite-containing drilling muds and Other drilling 01 05 07 wastes other than that

01 05 05 and 01 05 06 set in.

01 05 08 Other chloride-containing drilling muds and wastes other than those

01 05 05 and 01 05 06 set in.

01 05 99 wastes other than those mentioned in 01 05 05 08 04-01.

02 wastes from agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture,

forestry, hunting and fishing, as well as from the preparation and processing

of foods

02 01 wastes from agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture,

forestry, hunting and fishing:

02 01 01 sludges from washing and cleaning in agriculture,

Horticulture, aquaculture, forestry, hunting or fishing.

02 01 02 animal-tissue waste.

02 01 03 plant parts.

02 01 04 waste plastics (except packaging).

02 01 06 Droppings and liquid manure from livestock, manure (including spoiled

straw), effluent, collected separately and

treated off-site.

02 01 07 Forestry waste.

02 01 08 * Waste containing dangerous agricultural chemicals.

02 01 09 wastes that contain agricultural chemicals than it

mentioned in 02 01 08.

02 01 10 metal waste.

02 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 02 01 01 – 02 01 10.

02 02 wastes from the preparation and processing of meat, fish and

other foods of animal origin:

02 02 01 sludges from washing and cleaning.

02 02 02 animal-tissue waste.

02 02 03 materials unsuitable for consumption or


02 02 04 sludges from on-site effluent treatment.

02 02 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 02 02 01 – 02 02 04.

02 03 wastes from the preparation and processing of fruit,

vegetables, cereals, edible oils, cocoa, coffee, and tobacco;

manufacture of canned food; production of yeast and

yeast extract, processing and fermentation of molasses:

02 03 01 sludges from washing, cleaning, peeling,

centrifugation and separation.

02 03 02 Canning food waste.

02 03 03 wastes from solvent extraction.

02 03 04 materials unsuitable for consumption or


02 03 05 sludges from on-site effluent treatment.

02 03 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 02 03 01 – 02 03 05.

02 04 waste of sugar manufacture:

02 04 01 soil from cleaning and washing beet.

02 04 02 calcium carbonate which fails to meet the requirements.

02 04 03 sludges from on-site effluent treatment.

02 04 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 02 04 01 – 02 04 03.

02 05 wastes from the manufacture of dairy products:

02 05 01 materials unsuitable for consumption or


02 05 02 Sludges from on-site effluent treatment.

02 05 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 02 05 01 and 02 05 02.

02 06 Waste from bakeries and confectionery factories:

02 06 01 materials unsuitable for consumption or


02 06 02 Canning food waste.

02 06 03 Sludges from on-site effluent treatment.

02 06 99 wastes other than those mentioned in 06 03 02 06 01 – 02.

02 07 wastes from the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic

beverages (except coffee, tea and cocoa):

02 07 01 wastes from washing, cleaning and mechanical

fragmentation of raw materials.

02 07 02 wastes from spirits distillation.

02 07 03 wastes from chemical treatment.

02 07 04 materials unsuitable for consumption or


02 07 05 sludges from on-site effluent treatment.

02 07 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 07 05 02 07 01 – 02.

03-waste from wood processing and the production of tiles and

furniture, pulp, paper and paperboard

03 01 wastes from wood processing and the production of tiles and


03 01 01 waste Bark and Cork.

03 01 04 * Shavings, waste, wood, veneer, particle board containing

dangerous substances.

03 01 05 Other shavings, waste, wood and veneer, and other particle board

than those mentioned in 03 01 04.

03 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 03 01 01 – 03 01 05.

03 02 wastes from wood preservation treatment:

03 02 01 * Non-halogenated organic wood preservatives.

03 02 02 * wood preservatives containing organic

chlorine compounds.

03 02 03 * wood preservatives containing organic

metal compounds.

03 02 04 * Inorganic wood preservatives.

03 02 05 * Other wood preservatives other than those mentioned in 03 02 01 –

03 02 04 but containing dangerous substances.

03 02 99 Other wood preservatives other than those mentioned in 03 02 01 –

03 02 05.

03 03 wastes from the manufacture and processing of paper pulp,

paper and cardboard:

03 03 01 Bark and wood waste.

03 03 02 green liquor sludge (from recovery of cooking liquor).

03 03 05 de-inking sludges from paper recycling.

03 03 07 Mechanically separated rejects from the manufacture of

paper pulp from recycled fibre.

03 03 08 wastes from sorting of paper and cardboard


03 03 09 Kalkslamsavfall.

03 03 10 Fiberrejekt, fibre-, filler-and coating sludges

from mechanical removal.

03 03 11 sludges from on-site effluent treatment

other than those mentioned in 03 03 10.

03 03 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 03 03 01 – 03 03 11.

04 wastes from the leather, fur and textile industries

04 01 wastes from the leather and fur industry:

04 01 01 fleshings and lime.

04 01 02 liming waste.

04 01 03 * degreasing wastes containing solvents without a

liquid phase.

04 01 04 chromium-containing compound tanning agents.

04 01 05 chrome free tanning agents.

04 01 06 sludges, in particular from on-site effluent treatment

production site, containing chromium.

04 01 07 sludges, in particular from on-site effluent treatment

production site, which does not contain chromium.

04 01 08 waste tanned leather (blue, cut off material,

putspulver) containing chromium.

04 01 09 wastes from the preparation and finishing services.

04 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 01 04 01 04 01 09.

04 02 wastes from the textile industry:

04 02 09 wastes from composite materials (impregnated textile,

elastomer, plastomer).

04 02 10 organic matter from natural products (e.g. grease, wax).

04 02 14 * wastes from finishing containing organic


04 02 15 other wastes from finishing other than those mentioned in

04 02 14.

04 02 16 * dyes and pigments containing dangerous substances.

04 02 17 other dyes and pigments other than those mentioned in

04 02 16.

04 02 19 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment as

contain dangerous substances.

04 02 20 sludges from on-site effluent treatment

other than those mentioned in 04 02 19.

04 02 21 wastes from unprocessed textile fibres.

04 02 22 Processed textile fibres.

04 02 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 04 02 09 – 04 02 22.

05 wastes from petroleum refining, natural gas purification and kolpyrolys

05 01 wastes from petroleum refining:

05 01 02 * Sludge from desalination.

05 01 03 * soft silt from the tanks.

05 01 04 * Hard alkylslam.

05 01 05 * oil spills.

05 01 06 * oily sludges from maintenance of the facility or


05 01 07 * acid tars.

05 01 08 * Other tars.

05 01 09 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment as

contain dangerous substances.

05 01 10 sludges from on-site effluent treatment

other than those mentioned in 05 01 09.

05 01 11 * wastes from cleaning of fuels with bases.

05 01 12 * oil containing acids.

05 01 13 boiler feedwater sludges.

05 01 14 Waste from cooling towers.

05 01 15 * spent filter clays.

05 01 16 sulphur-containing wastes from petroleum desulphurisation.

05 01 17 Bitumen.

05 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 05 01 02 – 05 01 17.

05 06 Waste from kolpyrolys:

05 06 01 * acid tars.

05 06 03 * Other tars.

05 06 04 Waste from cooling towers.

05 06 99 wastes other than those mentioned in 01 05 05 06 06 04 —.

05 07 wastes from natural gas purification and transportation:

05 07 01 * waste containing mercury.

05 07 02 Sulphurous waste.

05 07 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 05 07 01 and 05 07 02.

06 wastes from inorganic chemical processes

06 01 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

use of acids:

06 01 01 * sulphuric acid and sulphurous acid.

06 01 02 * hydrochloric acid.

06 01 03 * hydrofluoric acid.

06 01 04 * phosphoric and phosphorous acid.

06 01 05 * nitric acid and nitrous acid.

06 01 06 * Other acids.

06 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 06 01 01 – 06 01 06.

06 02 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

use of bases:

06 02 01 * calcium hydroxide.

06 02 03 * ammonium hydroxide.

06 02 04 * sodium and potassium hydroxide.

06 02 05 * Other bases.

06 02 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 06 06 02 02 05 01 –.

06 03 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

the use of salts, salt solutions and metallic oxides:

06 03 11 * solid salts and solutions containing


06 03 13 * solid salts and solutions containing

heavy metals.

06 03 14 solid salts and solutions other than those

06 03 11 and 06 03 13 as set out in.

06 03 15 * metallic oxides containing heavy metals.

06 03 16 Other metallic oxides other than those mentioned in 06 03 15.

06 03 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 06 03 11 and 06 03 16.

06 04 Other metal-containing wastes other than those mentioned in 06 03:

06 04 03 * Arsenic waste.

06 04 04 * waste containing mercury.

06 04 05 * wastes containing other heavy metals.

06 04 99 Other metal-containing wastes other than those mentioned in

06 04 03 – 06 04 05.

06 05 wastes from on-site effluent treatment:

06 05 02 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment as

contain dangerous substances.

06 05 03 sludges other than those mentioned in 06 05 02.

06 06 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

the use of sulphur-containing chemicals, as well as from chemical

processes in which the sulfur compounds are included and desulphurisation processes:

06 06 02 * wastes containing dangerous sulphides.

06 06 03 wastes containing sulphides other than those mentioned in

06 06 02.

06 06 99 wastes other than those mentioned in 06 06 02 and 06 06 03.

06 07 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

the use of halogens and chemical processes

halogen compounds are included:

06 07 01 * wastes containing asbestos from electrolysis.

06 07 02 * activated carbon from chlorine production.

06 07 03 * bariums containing mercury ulf Kit lam.

06 07 04 * Solutions and acids, e.g. sulphuric acid from

the contact process.

06 07 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 06 07 01 – 06 07 04.

06 08 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

the use of silicon and Silicon derivatives:

06 08 02 * wastes containing dangerous chlorosilanes.

06 08 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 06 08 99.

06 09 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

the use of phosphorous chemicals and chemical

processes where phosphorus compounds are included:

06 09 02 Phosphorus slag.

06 09 03 * calcium-based reaction wastes containing or

are contaminated with hazardous substances.

06 09 04 Other calcium-based reaction wastes other than those mentioned

in 06 09 03.

06 09 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 06 09 02 – 06 09 04.

06 10 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

the use of nitrogen-containing chemicals, as well as from chemical

processes in which the nitrogen compounds are included and from the production of


06 10 02 * wastes containing dangerous substances.

06 10 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 06 10 02.

06 11 wastes from the manufacture of inorganic pigments and


06 11 01 calcium-based reaction wastes from the manufacture of

titanium dioxide.

06 11 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 06 11 01.

06 13 wastes from inorganic chemical processes:

06 13 01 * Inorganic plant protection products, wood preservatives and other


06 13 02 * spent activated carbon (except 06 07 02).

06 13 03 carbon black.

06 13 04 * wastes from asbestos processing.

06 13 05 * Sot.

06 13 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 06 13 01 – 06 13 05.

07 wastes from organic chemical processes

07 01 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

use of basic organic chemicals:

07 01 01 * aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 01 03 * organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids

and mother liquors.

07 01 04 * other organic solvents, washing liquids and

mother liquors.

07 01 07 * halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 01 08 * other still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 01 09 * halogenated filter cakes and spent


07 01 10 * other filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 01 11 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment as

contain dangerous substances.

07 01 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment

other than those mentioned in 07 01 11.

07 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 07 01 07 – 07 01 12.

07 02 Waste from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

the use of plastics, synthetic rubber and man-made fibres:

07 02 01 * aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 02 03 * organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids

and mother liquors.

07 02 04 * other organic solvents, washing liquids and

mother liquors.

07 02 07 * halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 02 08 * other still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 02 09 * Halogenated filter cakes and spent


07 02 10 * other filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 02 11 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment as

contain dangerous substances.

07 02 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment

other than those mentioned in 07 02 11.

07 02 13 waste plastic.

07 02 14 * wastes from additives containing dangerous substances.

07 02 15 wastes from additives other than those mentioned in

07 02 14.

07 02 16 * Waste containing dangerous Silicones.

07 02 17 waste containing Silicones other than those mentioned

in 07 02 16.

07 02 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 07 02 01 – 07 02 17.

07 03 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

the use of organic dyes and pigments (except 06 11):

07 03 01 * aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 03 03 * organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids

and mother liquors.

07 03 04 * other organic solvents, washing liquids and

mother liquors.

07 03 07 * halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 03 08 * other still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 03 09 * Halogenated filter cakes and spent


07 03 10 * other filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 03 11 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment as

contain dangerous substances.

07 03 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment

other than those mentioned in 07 03 11.

07 03 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 07 03 01 – 07 03 12.

07 04 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

the use of organic plant protection products (except 02 01 08 and

02 01 09), wood preserving products (except 03 02) and other biocides:

07 04 01 * aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 04 03 * organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids

and mother liquors.

07 04 04 * other organic solvents, washing liquids and

mother liquors.

07 04 07 * halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 04 08 * other still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 04 09 * Halogenated filter cakes and spent


07 04 10 * other filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 04 11 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment as

contain dangerous substances.

07 04 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment

other than those mentioned in 07 04 11.

07 04 13 * solid wastes containing dangerous substances.

07 04 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 07 04 01 – 07 04 13.

07 05 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

the use of pharmaceutical products:

07 05 01 * aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 05 03 * organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids

and mother liquors.

07 05 04 * other organic solvents, washing liquids and

mother liquors.

07 05 07 * halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 05 08 * other still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 05 09 * Halogenated filter cakes and spent


07 05 10 * other filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 05 11 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment as

contain dangerous substances.

07 05 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment

other than those mentioned in 07 05 11.

07 05 13 * solid wastes containing dangerous substances.

07 05 14 solid wastes other than those mentioned in 07 05 13.

07 05 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 07 05 01 – 07 05 14.

07 06 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

the use of fats, grease, soaps, detergents,

disinfectants and cosmetics:

07 06 01 * aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 06 03 * organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids

and mother liquors.

07 06 04 * other organic solvents, washing liquids and

mother liquors.

07 06 07 * halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 06 08 * other still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 06 09 * Halogenated filter cakes and spent


07 06 10 * other filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 06 11 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment as

contain dangerous substances.

07 06 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment

other than those mentioned in 07 06 11.

07 06 99 wastes other than those mentioned in 07 06 01 – 07 06 12.

07 07 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

the use of fine chemicals and chemical products, which are not

provided elsewhere:

07 07 01 * aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 07 03 * organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids

and mother liquors.

07 07 04 * other organic solvents, washing liquids and

mother liquors.

07 07 07 * halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 07 08 * other still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 07 09 * Halogenated filter cakes and spent


07 07 10 * other filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 07 11 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment as

contain dangerous substances.

07 07 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment

other than those mentioned in 07 07 11.

07 07 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 07 07 01 – 07 07 12.

08 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

use of coatings (paints, varnishes and vitreous enamels),

adhesives, sealants and printing inks

08 01 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply,

the use and removal of paint and varnish:

08 01 11 * waste paint and varnish containing organic

solvents or other dangerous substances.

08 01 12 Different waste paint and varnish other than those mentioned in

08 01 11.

08 01 13 * sludges from paint or varnish containing organic

solvents or other dangerous substances.

08 01 14 sludges from paint or varnish other than those mentioned in

08 01 13.

08 01 15 * aqueous sludges containing paint or varnish

containing organic solvents or other dangerous substances.

08 01 16 aqueous sludges containing paint or varnish

other than those mentioned in 08 01 15.

08 01 17 * wastes from paint or varnish removal containing

organic solvents or other dangerous substances.

08 01 18 wastes from paint or varnish removal other than those

mentioned in 08 01 17.

08 01 19 * aqueous suspensions containing paint or varnish

containing organic solvents or other dangerous substances.

08 01 20 Other aqueous suspensions containing paint or varnish

than those mentioned in 08 01 19.

08 01 21 * wastes from paint or varnish removers.

08 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 08 01 11 08 01 21.

08 02 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

use of other coating agents (even ceramic


08 02 01 powder paint waste.

08 02 02 aqueous sludges containing ceramic materials.

08 02 03 aqueous suspensions containing ceramic materials.

08 02 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 08 02 01 – 08 02 03.

08 03 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

the use of ink:

08 03 07 aqueous sludges containing ink.

08 03 08 aqueous liquid waste containing

Press color.

08 03 12 * waste ink containing dangerous substances.

08 03 13 Other waste ink other than those mentioned in 08 03 12.

08 03 14 * ink sludges containing dangerous substances.

08 03 15 ink sludges other than those mentioned in 08 03 14.

08 03 16 * Etsbad.

08 03 17 * Toner waste containing dangerous substances.

08 03 18 Different tones wastes other than those mentioned in 08 03 17.

08 03 19 * Disperse oil.

08 03 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 08 03 07 – 08 03 19.

08 04 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and

the use of adhesives and sealants (including waterproofing products):

08 04 09 * adhesives and sealants containing organic

solvents or other dangerous substances.

08 04 10 Other adhesives and sealants other than those specified in 08 04 09.

08 04 11 * adhesive and sealant sludges containing organic

solvents or other dangerous substances.

08 04 12 Different adhesive and sealant sludges other than those mentioned in

08 04 11.

08 04 13 * aqueous sludges containing adhesives or sealants

containing organic solvents or other dangerous


08 04 14 aqueous sludges containing adhesives or

sealants other than those mentioned in 08 04 13.

08 04 15 * aqueous liquid waste containing adhesives or

sealants containing organic solvents or other

dangerous substances.

08 04 16 aqueous liquid waste containing adhesives

or sealants other than those mentioned in 08 04 15.

08 04 17 * Hartsolja.

08 04 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 08 04 09 – 08 04 17.

08 05 wastes not specified elsewhere in Chapter 8.

08 05 01 * waste isocyanates.

09 wastes from the photographic industry

09 01 wastes from the photographic industry:

09 01 01 * water-based developer and Activator.

09 01 02 * Aqueous developer for offset plates.

09 01 03 * solvent based developer.

09 01 04 * Fixer.

09 01 05 * Bleach and bleach Fixer.

09 01 06 * waste containing silver from on-site treatment of photographic

waste at the production site.

09 01 07 photographic film and paper containing silver

or silver compounds.

09 01 08 photographic film and paper free

Silver or silver compounds.

09 01 10 single-use cameras without batteries.

09 01 11 * single-use cameras containing batteries included in

16 06 01, 16 06 02 or 16 06 03.

09 01 12 single-use cameras containing batteries other than those specified in

09 01 11.

09 01 13 * aqueous liquid waste from recycling

of silver other than those mentioned in 09 01 06.

09 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 09 01 01 – 09 01 13.

10 wastes from thermal processes

10 01 wastes from power stations and other combustion installations

(except 19):

10 01 01 bottom ash, slag and boiler dust (excluding boiler dust that

mentioned in 10 01 04).

10 01 02 fly ash from coal combustion.

10 01 03 fly ash from peat and untreated wood.

10 01 04 * fly ash and boiler dust from oil combustion.

10 01 05 calcium based reaction wastes in solid form from

flue gas desulfurization.

10 01 07 calcium based reaction wastes in sludge from

flue gas desulfurization.

10 01 09 * sulphuric acid.

10 01 13 * fly ash from emulsified hydrocarbons used as


10 01 14 * bottom ash, slag and boiler dust from co-incineration

containing dangerous substances.

10 01 15 bottom ash, slag and boiler dust from

co-incineration other than those mentioned in 10 01 14.

10 01 16 * fly ash from co-incineration containing dangerous


10 01 17 fly ash from co-incineration Other than those mentioned in

10 01 16.

10 01 18 * Waste from gas cleaning containing dangerous


10 01 19 wastes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in

10 01 05, 10 01 07 and 10 01 18.

10 01 20 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment as

contain dangerous substances.

10 01 21 sludges from on-site effluent treatment

other than those mentioned in 10 01 20.

10 01 22 * aqueous sludges from boiler cleansing as

contain dangerous substances.

10 01 23 aqueous sludges from boiler cleansing other than

those mentioned in 10 01 22.

10 01 24 Sands from Fluidised beds.

10 01 25 Waste from storage and processing of fuel for

coal-fired power plants.

10 01 26 wastes from cooling-water treatment.

10 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 01 01 and 10 01 26.

10 02 wastes from the iron and steel industry:

10 02 01 wastes from the processing of slag.

10 02 02 Raw slag.

10 02 07 * solid wastes from gas treatment containing

dangerous substances.

10 02 08 solid wastes from gas treatment other than those

mentioned in 10 02 07.

10 02 10 mill scale.

10 02 11 * wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil.

10 02 12 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned

in 10 02 11.

10 02 13 * sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment

contain dangerous substances.

10 02 14 sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment

than those mentioned in 10 02 13.

10 02 15 sludges and filter cakes.

10 02 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 02 01 – 10 02 15.

10 03 wastes from aluminium thermal metallurgy:

10 03 02 Butts.

10 03 04 * Dross from primary smelting.

10 03 05 alumina waste.

10 03 08 * Salt slag from secondary production.

10 03 09 * black drosses from secondary production.

10 03 15 * skimmings that are flammable or emit, upon

contact with water, flammable gases in dangerous


10 03 16 skimmings other than those mentioned in 10 03 15.

10 03 17 * tar-containing wastes from anode manufacture.

10 03 18 carbon-containing wastes from anode manufacture other than

mentioned in 10 03 17.

10 03 19 * flue-gas dust containing dangerous substances.

10 03 20 flue-gas dust other than those mentioned in

10 03 19.

10 03 21 * other particulates and dust (including ball

ball-mill dust) containing dangerous substances.

10 03 22 other particulates and dust (including ball

ball-mill dust) other than those mentioned in 10 03 21.

10 03 23 * solid wastes from gas treatment containing

dangerous substances.

10 03 24 solid wastes from gas treatment other than those

mentioned in 10 03 23.

10 03 25 * sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment

contain dangerous substances.

10 03 26 sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment

than those mentioned in 10 03 25.

10 03 27 * wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil.

10 03 28 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned

in 10 03 27.

10 03 29 * Waste from treatment of salt slag and black drosses

containing dangerous substances.

10 03 30 other wastes from treatment of salt slag and black

slag other than those mentioned in 10 03 29.

10 03 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 03 02 and 10 03 30.

10 04 Wastes from lead thermal metallurgy:

10 04 01 * Slag from primary and secondary production.

10 04 02 * dross and skimmings from primary and secondary


10 04 03 * Kalciumarsenat.

10 04 04 * flue-gas dust.

10 04 05 * other particulates and dust.

10 04 06 * solid wastes from gas treatment.

10 04 07 * sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment.

10 04 09 * wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil.

10 04 10 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned

in 10 04 09.

10 04 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 04 01 – 10 04 10.

10 05 wastes from zinc thermal metallurgy:

10 05 01 Slag from primary and secondary production.

10 05 03 * flue-gas dust.

10 05 04 other particulates and dust.

10 05 05 * solid wastes from gas treatment.

10 05 06 * sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment.

10 05 08 * wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil.

10 05 09 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned

in 10 05 08.

10 05 10 * dross and skimmings that are flammable or

upon contact with water, flammable gases in

dangerous amounts.

10 05 11 dross and skimmings other than those

mentioned in 10 05 10.

10 05 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 05 01 – 10 05 11.

10 06 wastes from copper thermal metallurgy:

10 06 01 Slag from primary and secondary production.

10 06 02 dross and skimmings from primary and secondary


10 06 03 * flue-gas dust.

10 06 04 other particulates and dust.

10 06 06 * solid wastes from gas treatment.

10 06 07 * sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment.

10 06 09 * wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil.

10 06 10 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned

in 10 06 09.

10 06 99 wastes other than those mentioned in 10 06 01 – 10 06 10.

10 07 wastes from silver, gold and Platinum thermal metallurgy:

10 07 01 Slag from primary and secondary production.

10 07 02 dross and skimmings from primary and secondary


10 07 03 solid wastes from gas treatment.

10 07 04 other particulates and dust.

10 07 05 sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment.

10 07 07 * wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil.

10 07 08 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned

in 10 07 07.

10 07 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 07 01 – 10 07 08.

10 08 wastes from other non-ferrous smelter:

10 08 04 particulates and dust.

10 08 08 * Salt slag from primary and secondary production.

10 08 09 dross.

10 08 10 * dross and skimmings that are flammable or

upon contact with water, flammable gases in

dangerous amounts.

10 08 11 dross and skimmings other than those

mentioned in 10 08 10.

10 08 12 * tar-containing wastes from anode manufacture.

10 08 13 carbon-containing wastes from anode manufacture other than

mentioned in 10 08 12.

10 08 14 Butts.

10 08 15 * flue-gas dust containing dangerous substances.

10 08 16 flue-gas dust other than those mentioned in

10 08 15.

10 08 17 * sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment

contain dangerous substances.

10 08 18 sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment

than specified in 10 08 17.

10 08 19 * wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil.

10 08 20 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned

in 10 08 19.

10 08 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 08 04 – 10 08 20.

10 09 Waste from iron foundries:

10 09 03 furnace slag.

10 09 05 * casting cores and moulds containing

dangerous substances.

casting cores and moulds 10 09 06 Other than those

mentioned in 10 09 05.

10 09 07 * casting cores and moulds containing

dangerous substances.

casting cores and moulds which have 10 09 08 Other than those

mentioned in 10 09 07.

10 09 09 * flue-gas dust containing dangerous substances.

10 09 10 flue-gas dust other than those mentioned in 10 09


10 09 11 * other particulates containing dangerous


10 09 12 other particulates other than those mentioned in

10 09 11.

10 09 13 * waste binders containing dangerous substances.

10 09 14 waste binders other than those mentioned in 10 09 13.

10 09 15 * crack-indicating agent other wastes containing

dangerous substances.

10 09 16 other waste crack-indicating agent other than that of

mentioned in 10 09 15.

10 09 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 09 09 16 03-10.

10 10 wastes from other metal foundries than iron foundries:

10 10 03 furnace slag.

10 10 05 * casting cores and moulds containing

dangerous substances.

casting cores and moulds which have 10 10 06 Other than those

mentioned in 10 10 05.

10 10 07 * casting cores and moulds containing

dangerous substances.

10 10 08 Other casting cores and moulds than those

mentioned in 10 10 07.

10 10 09 * flue-gas dust containing dangerous substances.

10 10 10 flue-gas dust other than those mentioned in

10 10 09.

10 10 11 * other particulates containing dangerous


10 10 12 other particulates other than those mentioned in

10 10 11.

10 10 13 * waste binders containing dangerous substances.

10 10 14 waste binders other than those mentioned in 10 10 13.

10 10 15 * waste crack-indicating agent containing

dangerous substances.

10 10 16 Different waste crack-indicating agent other than those

mentioned in 10 10 15.

10 10 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 10 03 – 10 10 16.

10 11 wastes from manufacture of glass and glass products:

10 11 03 Glass fibre waste.

10 11 05 particulates and dust.

10 11 09 * waste is not treated

thermal and containing dangerous substances.

10 11 10 Other waste not

preparation mixture before thermal processing other than those mentioned in 10 11 09.

10 11 11 * waste glass in small particles and glass powder which

contains heavy metals (e.g. from cathode ray tubes).

10 11 12 other glass wastes other than those mentioned in 10 11 11.

10 11 13 * Sludge from polishing and grinding of glass

contain dangerous substances.

10 11 14 sludges from polishing and grinding of glass than it

mentioned in 10 11 13.

10 11 15 * solid wastes from gas treatment containing

dangerous substances.

10 11 16 solid wastes from gas treatment other than those

mentioned in 10 11 15.

10 11 17 * sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment

contain dangerous substances.

10 11 18 sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment

than specified in 10 11 17.

10 11 19 * solid wastes from on-site effluent treatment

containing dangerous substances.

10 11 20 solid wastes from on-site effluent treatment

other than those mentioned in 10 11 19.

10 11 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 11 03 – 10 11 20.

10 12 wastes from manufacture of ceramic goods, bricks, tiles

and construction materials:

10 12 01 waste is not treated


10 12 03 particulates and dust.

10 12 05 sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment.

10 12 06 Discarded molds.

10 12 08 Ceramic waste, bricks, tiles and construction products (after

thermal treatment).

10 12 09 * solid wastes from gas treatment containing

dangerous substances.

10 12 10 solid wastes from gas treatment other than those

mentioned in 10 12 09.

10 12 11 * wastes from glazing containing heavy metals.

10 12 12 wastes from glazing other than those mentioned in

10 12 11.

10 12 13 sludges from on-site effluent treatment.

10 12 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 12 01 – 10 12 13.

10 13 wastes from manufacture of cement, lime and plaster as well as

products based on these:

10 13 01 waste is not treated


10 13 04 wastes from calcination and hydration of lime.

10 13 06 particulates and dust (except 10 13 12 and

10 13 13).

10 13 07 sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment.

10 13 09 * wastes from asbestos-cement manufacture as

contains asbestos.

10 13 10 wastes from asbestos-cement manufacture other than

mentioned in 10 13 09.

10 13 11 Other cement-based composite materials than those specified

in 10 13 09 and 10 13 10.

10 13 12 * solid wastes from gas treatment containing

dangerous substances.

10 13 13 solid wastes from gas treatment other than those

mentioned in 10 13 12.

waste Concrete and concrete sludge 10 13 14.

10 13 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 10 13 13 14 1.

10 14 Waste from crematoria:

10 14 01 * waste from gas cleaning containing mercury.

11 wastes from chemical surface treatment and surface treatment of metals

and other materials; hydrometallurgical processes, excluding

ferrous metals

11 01 wastes from chemical surface treatment and coating of

metals and other materials (such as electroplating, zinc plating,

pickling, etching, phosphating, alkaline degreasing and


11 01 05 * Pickling acids.

11 01 06 * Acids not otherwise specified.

11 01 07 * Pickling bases.

11 01 08 * Sludge from phosphating.

11 01 09 * sludges and filter cakes containing dangerous substances.

11 01 10 sludges and filter cakes other than those mentioned in

11 01 09.

11 01 11 * Aqueous rinsing liquids containing dangerous


11 01 12 rinsing liquids Other than those mentioned in 11 01 11.

11 01 13 * Degreasing wastes containing dangerous substances.

11 01 14 degreasing wastes other than those mentioned in 11 01 13.

11 01 15 * eluate and sludges from membrane systems or

ion exchange systems containing dangerous substances.

11 01 16 * saturated or spent ion exchange resins.

11 01 98 * other waste containing dangerous substances.

11 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 11 01 05 – 11 01 98.

11 02 wastes from hydrometallurgical processes where iron is not


11 02 02 * sludges from zinc hydrometallurgy

(including jarosite, goethite).

11 02 03 wastes from the production of anodes for aqueous

Hydro electrolytic processes.

11 02 05 * wastes from copper hydrometallurgical

processes containing dangerous substances.

11 02 06 wastes from copper hydrometallurgical

processes other than those mentioned in 11 02 05.

11 02 07 * other waste containing dangerous substances.

11 02 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 11 02 02 – 11 02 07.

11 03 sludges and solid wastes from hardening:

11 03 01 * Cyanidic waste.

11 03 02 * wastes other than those mentioned in 11 03 01.

11 05 wastes from hot-dip galvanizing:

11 05 01 Hard zinc.

11 05 02 zinc ash.

11 05 03 * solid wastes from gas treatment.

11 05 04 * Spent flux.

11 05 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 11 05 01 – 11 05 04.

12 wastes from shaping and physical and mechanical

surface treatment of metals and plastics

12 01 wastes from shaping and physical and mechanical

surface treatment of metals and plastics:

12 01 01 ferrous metal filings and turnings.

12 01 02 ferrous metal dust and particles.

12 01 03 filings and turnings other non-ferrous metals.

12 01 04 Dust and particles of non-ferrous metals.

12 01 05 plastic filings and turnings.

12 01 06 * mineral-based machining oils containing halogens

(except emulsions and solutions).

12 01 07 * mineral-based machining oils free of halogens (not

emulsions and solutions).

12 01 08 * Halogenated bearbetningsemulsioner and solutions.

12 01 09 * halogen-free bearbetningsemulsioner and solutions.

12 01 10 * synthetic machining oils.

12 01 12 * Use waxes and fats.

12 01 13 Welding waste.

12 01 14 * sludge processes containing

dangerous substances.

12 01 15 sludges from processes other than those mentioned

in 12 01 14.

12 01 16 * waste blasting material containing dangerous substances.

12 01 17 Other blasting material other than those mentioned in 12 01 16.

12 01 18 * Oily metal sludge (sludge from grinding and


12 01 19 * readily biodegradable machining oil.

12 01 20 * spent grinding bodies and grinding materials which

contain dangerous substances.

12 01 21 spent grinding bodies and grinding materials Other than those

mentioned in 12 01 20.

12 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 12 01 01 – 12 01 21.

12 03 wastes from water and steam degreasing (except 11):

12 03 01 * Aqueous washing liquids.

12 03 02 * steam degreasing wastes.

13 Oil wastes and wastes of liquid fuels (except edible

oils and oils in chapters 05, 12 and 19)

13 01 Hydrauloljeavfall:

13 01 01 * hydraulic oils containing a PCB product.

13 01 04 * Chlorinated emulsions.

13 01 05 * non-chlorinated emulsions.

13 01 09 * mineral-based chlorinated hydraulic oils.

13 01 10 * mineral-based non-chlorinated hydraulic oils.

13 01 11 * Synthetic hydraulic oils.

13 01 12 * readily biodegradable hydraulic oils.

13 01 13 * Other hydraulic oils.

13 02 waste engine, gear and lubricating oils:

13 02 04 * mineral-based chlorinated engine, gear and

lubricating oils.

13 02 05 * mineral-based non-chlorinated engine, gear

and lubricating oils.

13 02 06 * Synthetic engine, gear and lubricating oils.

13 02 07 * readily biodegradable engine, gear and

lubricating oils.

13 02 08 * Other engine, gear and lubricating oils.

13 03 waste insulating and heat transmission oils:

13 03 01 * insulating or heat transmission oils containing

a PCB product.

13 03 06 * Other mineral-based chlorinated insulating and

heat transmission oils other than those mentioned in 13 03 01.

13 03 07 * mineral based non-chlorinated insulating and

heat transfer oils.

13 03 08 * Synthetic insulating and heat transmission oils.

13 03 09 * readily biodegradable insulating and

heat transfer oils.

13 03 10 * Other insulating and heat transmission oils.

13 04 bilge oils:

13 04 01 * bilge oils from inland navigation.

13 04 02 * bilge oils from reception facilities for

bilge oils.

13 04 03 * bilge oils from other navigation.

13 05 Materials from oil separators:

13 05 01 * solid wastes from grit Chambers and oil/water separators.

13 05 02 * sludges from oil/water separation.

13 05 03 * Sludge from septic tanks.

13 05 06 * Oil from oil/water separation.

13 05 07 * oily water from oil/water separation.

13 05 08 * mixture of wastes from grit Chambers and oil/water separators.

13 07 wastes of liquid fuels and fuels:

13 07 01 * fuel oil and diesel.

13 07 02 * Gasoline.

13 07 03 * Other fuels (including mixtures).

13 08 Other waste oils:

13 08 01 * Desalter sludges or emulsions.

13 08 02 * Other emulsions.

13 08 99 * wastes other than those mentioned in 13 08 02 01-13.

14 Waste consisting of organic solvents, refrigerants and

propellants (except 07 and 08)

14 06 Waste consisting of organic solvents, refrigerants

and propellants for foam or aerosols:

14 06 01 * chlorofluorocarbons, HCFC, HFC.

14 06 02 * other halogenated solvents and

solvent mixtures.

14 06 03 * Other solvents and solvent mixtures.

14 06 04 * sludges or solid wastes containing halogenated


14 06 05 * sludges or solid wastes containing other


15 waste packaging; absorbents, wiping cloths, filter materials

and protective clothing not otherwise specified

15 01 Packaging (packaging waste listed in 20 01

but collected separately):

15 01 01 paper and cardboard packaging.

15 01 02 plastic packaging.

15 01 03 Wooden packaging.

15 01 04 metal packages.

15 01 05 Packagings of composite materials.

15 01 06 Mixed packs.

15 01 07 glass packaging.

15 01 09 Textile packaging.

15 01 10 * packaging containing residues of or

contaminated by dangerous substances.

15 01 11 * metallic packaging containing a dangerous solid

porous matrix (e.g. asbestos), including empty pressure containers.

15 02 absorbents, filter materials, wiping cloths and

protective clothing:

15 02 02 * absorbents, filter materials (including oil filters

not otherwise specified), wiping cloths and protective clothing

contaminated by dangerous substances.

15 02 03 Other absorbents, filter materials, wiping cloths and

protective clothing other than those mentioned in 15 02 02.

16 wastes not otherwise specified in the list

16 01 end-of-life vehicles from different means of transport (including machines

not intended for use on the road) and waste from

dismantling of end-of-life vehicles and vehicle maintenance from

(except 13, 14, 16 06 and 16 08):

16 01 03 end-of-life tyres.

16 01 04 * end-of-life vehicles.

16 01 06 end-of-life vehicles, containing neither liquids or

other hazardous components.

16 01 07 * oil filter.

16 01 08 * Components containing mercury.

16 01 09 * Components that contain a PCB product.

16 01 10 * Explosive components (e.g. air bags).

16 01 11 * brake linings containing asbestos.

16 01 12 Other brake pads other than those mentioned in 16 01 11.

16 01 13 * brake fluids.

16 01 14 * antifreeze fluids containing dangerous


16 01 15 Other antifreeze fluids other than those mentioned in

16 01 14.

16 01 16 Gasoltankar.

16 01 17 iron metal.

16 01 18 non-ferrous metals.

16 01 19 Plastic.

16 01 20 Glass.

16 01 21 * Other hazardous components other than those mentioned in 16 01 07 –

16 01 13 and 16 01 14 16 01 11,.

16 01 22 Other components.

16 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 16 01 03 01 22-16.

16 02 Waste from electric and electronic equipment:

16 02 09 * transformers and capacitors containing a

PCB product.

16 02 10 * other discarded equipment other than those mentioned in 16 02 09

containing or contaminated by PCBS-product.

16 02 11 * discarded equipment containing chlorofluorocarbons,


16 02 12 * discarded equipment containing free asbestos.

16 02 13 * discarded equipment containing hazardous

components other than those mentioned in 16 02 09 to 16 02 12. Dangerous

components from electrical and electronic equipment can

include accumulators and batteries mentioned in 16 06

and marked as hazardous; mercury switches, glass from

cathode-ray tubes and other activated glass etc.

16 02 14 other discarded equipment other than those mentioned in 16 02 09 –

16 02 13.

16 02 15 * Hazardous components removed from discarded


16 02 16 components other than those mentioned in 16 02 15 as

removed from discarded equipment.

16 03 production series that fails to meet the requirements and

unused products:

16 03 03 * Inorganic wastes containing dangerous substances.

16 03 04 Other inorganic wastes other than those mentioned in 16 03 03.

16 03 05 * organic waste containing dangerous substances.

16 03 06 other organic wastes other than those mentioned in 16 03 05.

16 04 waste explosives:

16 04 01 * Waste ammunition.

16 04 02 * Discarded Fireworks.

16 04 03 * Other waste explosives.

16 05 gases in pressure containers and discarded chemicals:

16 05 04 * Gases in pressure containers (including halons) containing

dangerous substances.

16 05 05 Other gases in pressure containers other than those referred to in

16 05 04.

16 05 06 * laboratory chemicals consisting of or

containing dangerous substances, including mixtures of

laboratory chemicals.

16 05 07 * Discarded inorganic chemicals consisting of or

containing dangerous substances.

16 05 08 * Discarded organic chemicals consisting of or

containing dangerous substances.

16 05 09 Other discarded chemicals other than those mentioned in 16 05 06,

16 05 07 or 16 05 08.

16 06 batteries and accumulators:

16 06 01 * lead batteries.

16 06 02 * Nickel-cadmium batteries.

16 06 03 * mercury-containing batteries.

16 06 04 alkaline batteries (except 16 06 03).

16 06 05 Other batteries and accumulators.

16 06 06 * Separately collected electrolyte from batteries and


16 07 wastes from cleaning of transport tanks, storage tanks, and

cans (except 05 and 13):

16 07 08 * oily residues.

16 07 09 * waste containing other dangerous substances.

16 07 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 16 07 08 and 16 07 09.

16 08 spent catalysts:

16 08 01 spent catalysts containing gold, silver,

rhenium, rhodium, palladium, iridium or Platinum (except

16 08 07).

16 08 02 * spent catalysts containing dangerous

transition metals or dangerous compounds of

transition metals.

spent catalysts containing 16 08 03

transition metals or compounds of transition metals

not otherwise specified.

16 08 04 spent catalysts from the Fluidised catalytic

cracking catalysts (except 16 08 07).

16 08 05 * spent catalysts containing phosphoric acid.

16 08 06 * spent liquids used as catalysts.

16 08 07 * spent catalysts contaminated with dangerous substances.

With transition metals referred to scandium, vanadium, manganese, cobalt,

copper, yttrium, niobium, hafnium, tungsten, titanium, chromium, iron,

nickel, zinc, zirconium, molybdenum and tantalum. These metals

and their compounds are dangerous if they are classified as

dangerous substances. The classification of dangerous substances shall determine

which of these transition metals and their compounds

transition metals that are dangerous.

16 09 oxidant:

16 09 01 * Permanganates, e.g. potassium permanganate.

16 09 02 * Chromates, e.g. potassium chromate, potassium or

sodium dichromate.

16 09 03 * peroxides, e.g. hydrogen peroxide.

16 09 04 * Other oxidizers.

16 10 aqueous waste intended to be treated outside

production site:

16 10 01 * aqueous waste containing dangerous substances.

16 10 02 aqueous wastes other than those mentioned in

16 10 01.

16 10 03 * aqueous concentrates containing dangerous


16 10 04 aqueous concentrates Other than those mentioned in

16 10 03.

16 11 waste linings and refractories:

16 11 01 * carbon-based linings and carbon-based refractory

materials from metallurgical processes containing dangerous


16 11 02 Other carbon-based linings and other carbon-based

Refractories from metallurgical processes other than those referred

in 16 11 01.

16 11 03 * other linings and refractories from

metallurgical processes containing dangerous substances.

16 11 04 other linings and refractories from

metallurgical processes other than those mentioned in 16 11 03.

16 11 05 * linings and refractories from non-

metallurgical processes containing dangerous substances.

16 11 06 other linings and refractories from non-

metallurgical processes other than those mentioned in 16 11 05.

17 construction and demolition wastes (including excavated soil from

contaminated sites)

17 01 Concrete, bricks, tiles and ceramics:

17 01 01 concrete.

17 01 02 Brick.

17 01 03 tiles and ceramics.

17 01 06 * Mixtures or separate fractions of concrete,

bricks, tiles and ceramics containing dangerous substances.

17 01 07 other mixtures of concrete, bricks, tiles and

ceramics other than those mentioned in 17 01 06.

17 02 wood, glass and plastics:

17 02 01 Wood.

17 02 02.

17 02 03 Plastics.

17 02 04 * glass, plastic and wood containing or

contaminated with hazardous substances.

17 03 bituminous mixtures, coal tar and tarred products:

17 03 01 * bituminous mixtures containing coal tar.

17 03 02 Other bituminous mixtures other than those mentioned in 17 03 01.

17 03 03 * coal tar and tarred products.

17 04 Metals (including their alloys).

17 04 01 copper, bronze, brass.

17 04 02 Aluminium.

17 04 03 lead.

17 04 04 Zinc.

17 04 05 Iron and steel.

17 04 06 Tin.

17 04 07 Mixed metals.

17 04 09 * metal waste contaminated with dangerous substances.

17 04 10 * Cables containing oil, coal tar or other

dangerous substances.

17 04 11 cables other than those mentioned in 17 04 10.

17 05 Soil (including excavated soil from contaminated sites),

stone and dredging:

17 05 03 * soil and stones containing dangerous substances.

17 05 04 soil and stones Other than those mentioned in 17 05 03.

17 05 05 * dredging spoil containing dangerous substances.

17 05 06 dredging spoil Other than those mentioned in 17 05 05.

17 05 07 * track ballast containing dangerous substances.

17 05 08 track ballast Other than those mentioned in 17 05 07.

17 06 Insulating Materials and construction materials containing asbestos:

17 06 01 * insulation materials containing asbestos.

17 06 03 * Other insulation materials consisting of or

contain dangerous substances.

17 06 04 Other insulation materials other than those mentioned in 17 06 01 and

17 06 03.

17 06 05 * construction materials containing asbestos.

17 08 gypsum-based construction materials:

17 08 01 * gypsum-based construction materials contaminated with

dangerous substances.

17 08 02 gypsum-based construction materials other than those specified in

17 08 01.

17 09 Other construction and demolition wastes:

17 09 01 * construction and demolition wastes containing mercury.

17 09 02 * construction and demolition waste that contains a PCB

product (e.g. resin-based floorings, sealants, insulating glass units and

a PCB containing capacitors-product).

17 09 03 * other construction and demolition wastes (including mixed wastes)

containing dangerous substances.

17 09 04 other mixed construction and demolition wastes other than those

mentioned in 17 09 01 – 17 09 03.

18 wastes from medical and veterinary activities or

related research (except kitchen and restaurant wastes without

directly related to patient treatment)

18 01 wastes from natal care, diagnosis, treatment

or prevention of disease in humans:

18 01 01 sharps (except 18 01 03).

18 01 02 body parts and organs including blood bags and blood preserves (except

18 01 03).

18 01 03 * Waste where there are special requirements for the collection and

disposal to prevent infection.

18 01 04 waste which is not subject to special requirements in

collection and disposal of the prevention of infection (e.g.,

dressings, plaster casts, linen, disposable clothing, diapers).

18 01 06 chemicals consisting of or containing dangerous


18 01 07 chemicals other than those mentioned in 18 01 06.

18 01 08 * cytotoxic and cytostatic drugs.

18 01 09 medicines Other than those mentioned in 18 01 08.

18 01 10 * amalgam waste from dental care.

18 02 wastes from research, diagnosis, treatment, or

Prevention of animal diseases:

18 02 01 sharps (except 18 02 02).

18 02 02 * wastes where there are special requirements for the collection and

disposal to prevent infection.

18 02 03 wastes whose collection is not subject to special requirements in

and disposal to prevent infection.

18 02 05 * chemicals consisting of or containing dangerous


18 02 06 chemicals other than those mentioned in 18 02 05.

18 02 07 * cytotoxic and cytostatic drugs.

18 02 08 drugs other than those mentioned in 18 02 07.

19 Wastes from waste management facilities, off-site

wastewater treatment plants and the production of drinking water or

water for industrial use

19 01 wastes from incineration or pyrolysis of waste:

19 01 02 Ferrous materials removed from bottom ash.

19 01 05 * Filter cake from gas treatment.

19 01 06 * aqueous liquid waste from gas treatment and

aqueous liquid wastes.

19 01 07 * solid wastes from gas treatment.

19 01 10 * spent activated carbon from flue-gas cleaning.

19 01 11 * bottom ash and slag containing dangerous substances.

19 01 12 bottom ash and slag other than those mentioned in

19 01 11.

19 01 13 * fly ash containing dangerous substances.

19 01 14 fly ash Other than those mentioned in 19 01 13.

19 01 15 * boiler dust containing dangerous substances.

19 01 16 boiler dust Other than those mentioned in 19 01 15.

19 01 17 * pyrolysis waste containing dangerous substances.

19 01 18 wastes from pyrolysis than those mentioned in 19 01 17.

19 01 19 Sands from Fluidised beds.

19 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 19 01 02 – 19 01 19.

19 02 wastes from physico/chemical treatments of waste

(also removal of chromium or cyanide and neutralization):

19 02 03 premixed wastes composed only of non-hazardous


19 02 04 * premixed wastes composed of at least one type of

hazardous waste.

19 02 05 * sludges from physico/chemical treatment

contain dangerous substances.

19 02 06 sludges from physico/chemical treatment other than

those mentioned in 19 02 05.

19 02 07 * Oil and concentrates from separation.

19 02 08 * Liquid combustible wastes containing dangerous


19 02 09 * solid combustible wastes containing dangerous substances.

19 02 10 Other combustible wastes other than those mentioned in 19 02 08 and

19 02 09.

19 02 11 * other waste containing dangerous substances.

19 02 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 19 02 03-19 02 11.

19 03 Stabilized or solidified waste:

19 03 04 * wastes marked as hazardous, partly


19 03 05 Other stabilised wastes other than those mentioned in 19 03 04.

19 03 06 * wastes marked as hazardous, solidified.

19 03 07 Other solidified wastes other than those mentioned in 19 03 06.

With stabilization means that waste constituent hazard

amended, in which case the hazardous waste is transformed into non-hazardous

waste. When solidification is the only waste

physical state changes (e.g. from liquid to solid

form) through additives without its chemical properties

are affected.

Waste is considered as partly stabilised if after the

the stabilisation process still contain hazardous

elements that are not completely converted to non-hazardous

elements and which can be released to the environment in the short, medium

or long term.

19 04 vitrified wastes and waste from vitrification:

19 04 01 vitrified waste.

19 04 02 * fly ash and other waste from flue gas cleaning.

19 04 03 * Non-vitrified solid phase.

19 04 04 aqueous liquid waste from the hardening of the

Vitrified waste.

19 05 wastes from aerobic treatment of solid wastes:

19 05 01 non-composted fraction of municipal and

similar waste.

19 05 02 non-composted fraction of animal and

vegetable waste.

19 05 03 off-specification Compost.

19 05 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 19 05 01 – 19 05 03.

19 06 wastes from anaerobic treatment of waste:

19 06 03 liquor from anaerobic treatment of municipal waste.

19 06 04 digestate from anaerobic treatment of municipal waste.

19 06 05 liquor from anaerobic treatment of animal and

vegetable waste.

19 06 06 digestate from anaerobic treatment of animal and

vegetable waste.

19 06 99 wastes other than those mentioned in 19 06 03 – 19 06 06.

19 07 landfill leachate:

19 07 02 * landfill leachate containing dangerous


19 07 03 landfill leachate Other than those mentioned in

19 07 02.

19 08 wastes from waste water treatment plants not otherwise specified

place in the list:

19 08 01 Rens.

19 08 02 Waste from desanding.

19 08 05 sludges from treatment of urban waste water.

19 08 06 * saturated or spent ion exchange resins.

19 08 07 * Solutions and sludges from regeneration of ion exchangers.

19 08 08 * heavy metal sludges from membrane systems.

19 08 09 grease and oil mixture from oil/water separators as

only contains edible oils and fats.

19 08 10 * Other grease and oil mixture from oil/water separators

than those mentioned in 19 08 09.

19 08 11 * sludges containing dangerous substances from biological

treatment of industrial waste water.

19 08 12 sludges from biological treatment of

industrial waste water other than those mentioned in 19 08 11.

19 08 13 * sludges containing dangerous substances from other

treatment of industrial waste water.

19 08 14 sludges from other treatment of

industrial waste water other than those mentioned in 19 08 13.

19 08 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 19 08 01 – 19 08 14.

19 09 wastes from the production of drinking water or water

for industrial purposes:

19 09 01 solid wastes from primary filtration or cleansing.

19 09 02 sludges from water clarification.

19 09 03 sludges from decarbonation.

19 09 04 spent activated carbon.

19 09 05 saturated or spent ion exchange resins.

19 09 06 Solutions and sludges from regeneration of ion exchangers.

19 09 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 19 09 01 – 19 09 06.

19 10 wastes from shredding of metal-containing wastes:

19 10 01 iron and steel waste.

19 10 02 Waste of non-ferrous metals.

19 10 03 * Fluff-light fraction and dust containing

dangerous substances.

19 10 04 of the other fluff-light fraction and dust other than those

mentioned in 19 10 03.

19 10 05 * Other fractions containing dangerous substances.

19 10 06 Other fractions other than those mentioned in 19 10 05.

19 11 wastes from oil regeneration:

19 11 01 * spent filter clays.

19 11 02 * acid tars.

19 11 03 * aqueous liquid waste.

19 11 04 * wastes from cleaning of fuels with bases.

19 11 05 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment as

contain dangerous substances.

19 11 06 sludges from on-site effluent treatment

other than those mentioned in 19 11 05.

19 11 07 * wastes from flue-gas cleaning.

19 11 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 19 11 01 11 07-19.

19 12 wastes from the mechanical treatment of waste (e.g.

sorting, crushing, compacting, pelletising):

19 12 01 paper and cardboard.

19 12 02 iron metal.

19 12 03 non-ferrous metals.

19 12 04 Plastics and rubber.

19 12 05 Glass.

19 12 06 * Wood containing dangerous substances.

19 12 07 wood other than that mentioned in 19 12 06.

19 12 08 Textiles.

19 12 09 Minerals (e.g. sand, stones).

19 12 10 combustible waste (waste fraction treated

combustion – RDF).

19 12 11 * other wastes (including mixtures of materials) from

mechanical treatment of waste containing dangerous substances.

19 12 12 other wastes (including mixtures of materials) from

mechanical treatment of wastes other than those mentioned in 19 12 11.

19 13 Waste from remediation of soil and groundwater:

19 13 01 * solid wastes from soil remediation as

contain dangerous substances.

19 13 02 solid wastes from soil remediation other than

mentioned in 19 13 01.

19 13 03 * sludges from soil remediation containing

dangerous substances.

19 13 04 sludges from soil remediation other than those

mentioned in 19 13 03.

19 13 05 * sludges from groundwater remediation as

contain dangerous substances.

19 13 06 sludges from groundwater remediation other than

mentioned in 19 13 05.

19 13 07 * aqueous liquid wastes and aqueous

concentrates from groundwater remediation containing

dangerous substances.

19 13 08 aqueous liquid waste and other

aqueous concentrates from groundwater remediation other than

those mentioned in 19 13 07.

20 household waste and similar commercial, industrial and

institutional wastes (including separately collected fractions)

20 01 separately collected fractions (except 15 01):

20 01 01 paper and cardboard.

20 01 02 Glass.

20 01 08 biodegradable kitchen and restaurant waste.

20 01 10 Clothes.

20 01 11 Textiles.

20 01 13 * solvent.

20 01 14 * Acids.

20 01 15 * alkalines.

20 01 17 * Photo chemicals.

20 01 19 * pesticides.

20 01 21 * fluorescent tubes and other mercury-containing waste.

20 01 23 * discarded equipment containing chlorofluorocarbons.

20 01 25 edible oil and edible fats.

20 01 26 * oil and fat other than those mentioned in 20 01 25.

20 01 27 * paint, inks, adhesives and resins containing

dangerous substances.

20 01 28 Different paint, inks, adhesives and resins other than those mentioned

in 20 01 27.

20 01 29 * detergents containing dangerous substances.

20 01 30 Other detergents other than those mentioned in 20 01 29.

20 01 31 * cytotoxic and cytostatic drugs.

20 01 32 drugs other than those mentioned in 20 01 31.

20 01 33 * Batteries and accumulators included in

16 06 01, 16 06 02 or 16 06 03 and unsorted batteries and

accumulators include batteries.

20 01 34 Other batteries and accumulators other than those mentioned in

20 01 33.

20 01 35 * discarded electrical and electronic equipment

than that set out in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous

components. Hazardous components from electrical and electronic

equipment may include accumulators and batteries

mentioned in 16 06 and marked as hazardous;

mercury switches, glass from cathode-ray tubes and other

activated glass etc.

20 01 36 other discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than

the 20 01 21, 20 01 23 listed in and 20 01 35.

20 01 37 * Wood containing dangerous substances.

20 01 38 wood other than that mentioned in 20 01 37.

20 01 39 plastics.

20 01 40 Metals.

20 01 41 wastes from chimney sweeping of chimneys.

20 01 99 Other fractions other than those mentioned in 20 01 01 – 20 01 41.

20 02 garden and park wastes (including waste from

burial sites):

20 02 01 biodegradable waste.

20 02 02 Earth and stone.

20 02 03 Other non biodegradable waste.

20 03 other household waste and similar commercial, industrial and

institutional wastes other than those mentioned in 20 01 and 20 02:

20 03 01 mixed waste.

20 03 02 waste from markets.

20 03 03 street cleaning wastes.

20 03 04 Sludge from septic tanks.

20 03 06 wastes from cleaning of drains.

20 03 07 Bulky waste.

20 03 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 20 03 01 – 20 03 07.

Regulation (2015:27).

Annex 4/entry into force: 01/01/2016/waste types

This annex contains a list of different types of waste. For each waste type indicated a six-digit code of the waste.

Waste codes marked with an asterisk (*) indicates that the waste is hazardous waste.

Waste types are divided into chapters (two-digit code) and in chapters (four-digit codes).

Different kind of waste resulting from the same plant may need to be identified in different types of waste.

Expression of the annex

For the purposes of this annex

hazardous substance means a substance that is classified as hazardous as a result of its conformity with the criteria laid down in parts 2 to 5 of Annex i to Regulation (EC) no 1272/2008.

heavy metal: compounds of antimony, arsenic, cadmium, chromium (VI), copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, tellurium, thallium and Tin, as well as these substances in metallic form if they are classified as dangerous substances,

transition metals: compounds of scandium, vanadium, manganese, cobalt, copper, yttrium, niobium, hafnium, tungsten, titanium, chromium, iron, nickel, zinc, zirconium, molybdenum and tantalum, and these substances in metallic form if they are classified as dangerous substances, stabilization: process that changes the waste constituent hazard, with hazardous waste are transformed into non-hazardous waste solidification: process where only the physical state of the waste is modified by additives without its chemical properties are affected , and

partly stabilised waste: waste that remains after the stabilisation process dangerous constituents which do not contain fully transformed into non-hazardous components and that may be released into the environment in the short, medium or long term.

01 waste resulting from prospecting, above-and underground mining, as well as physical and chemical treatment of mineral wastes from mineral excavation 01 01:

01 01 01 wastes from mining of metalliferous materials.

01 01 02 Waste from the mining of non-metalliferous materials.

01 03 wastes from physical and chemical processing of metalliferous minerals: 01 03 04 * Acid tailings from processing of sulphide ore that according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

01 03 05 * other tailings containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

01 03 06 Other mining wastes other than those mentioned in 01 03 04 and 01 03 05.

01 03 07 * other waste containing dangerous substances from physical and chemical processing of metalliferous minerals and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

01 03 08 dusty and powdery wastes other than those mentioned in 01 03 07.

01 03 09 red mud from alumina production Other than those mentioned in 01 03 10.

01 03 10 * red mud from alumina production containing dangerous substances which are not covered by the 01 03 07 (*) and which, according to paragraph 13 (b) shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

01 03 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 01 03 04 – 01 03 10.

01 04 wastes from physical and chemical processing of non-metalliferous minerals:

01 04 07 * Waste containing dangerous substances from physical and chemical processing of non-metalliferous minerals and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

01 04 08 Other discarded gravel and crushed rock material other than those mentioned in 01 04 07.

01 04 09 waste sand and clays.

01 04 10 dusty and powdery wastes other than those mentioned in 01 04 07 – 01 04 09.

01 04 11 wastes from potash and rock-salt processing other than those mentioned in 01 04 07 – 01 04 10.

01 04 12 other wastes from washing and cleaning of minerals other than those mentioned in 01 04 07 and 01 04 11.

01 04 13 wastes from stone cutting and sawing other than those mentioned in 01 04 07 – 01 04 12.

01 04 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 01 04 07 – 01 04 13.

01 05 drilling muds and other drilling wastes:

01 05 04 Sludges and wastes from drilling for freshwater or in order to extract heat from the mountain.

01 05 05 * oil-containing drilling muds and other drilling wastes according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

01 05 06 * drilling muds and other drilling wastes containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

barite-containing drilling muds and Other drilling 01 05 07 wastes other than those mentioned in 01 05 05 and 01 05 06.

01 05 08 Other chloride-containing drilling muds and wastes other than those mentioned in 01 05 05 and 01 05 06.

01 05 99 wastes other than those mentioned in 01 05 05 08 04-01.

02 wastes from agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, as well as the processing and preparation of food 02 01 wastes from agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, forestry, hunting and fishing:

02 01 01 sludges from washing and cleaning.

02 01 02 animal-tissue waste.

02 01 03 plant parts.

02 01 04 waste plastics (except packaging).

02 01 06 Droppings and urinary from animals, manure (including spoiled straw), effluent, collected separately and treated off-site.

02 01 07 Forestry waste.

02 01 08 * waste containing hazardous agricultural chemicals which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

02 01 09 wastes that contain agricultural chemicals other than those mentioned in 02 01 08.

02 01 10 metal waste.

02 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 02 01 01 – 02 01 10.

02 02 wastes from the preparation and processing of meat, fish and other foods of animal origin:

02 02 01 sludges from washing and cleaning.

02 02 02 animal-tissue waste.

02 02 03 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing.

02 02 04 sludges from on-site effluent treatment.

02 02 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 02 02 01 – 02 02 04.

02 03 wastes from the preparation and processing of fruit, vegetables, cereals, edible oils, cocoa, coffee, and tobacco;

manufacture of canned food; production of yeast and yeast extract, processing and fermentation of molasses:

02 03 01 sludges from washing, cleaning, peeling, centrifuging and separation.

02 03 02 Canning food waste.

02 03 03 wastes from solvent extraction.

02 03 04 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing.

02 03 05 sludges from on-site effluent treatment.

02 03 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 02 03 01 – 02 03 05.

02 04 waste of sugar manufacture:

02 04 01 soil from cleaning and washing beet.

02 04 02 calcium carbonate which fails to meet the requirements.

02 04 03 sludges from on-site effluent treatment.

02 04 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 02 04 01 – 02 04 03.

02 05 wastes from the manufacture of dairy products:

02 05 01 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing.

02 05 02 Sludges from on-site effluent treatment.

02 05 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 02 05 01 and 02 05 02.

02 06 Waste from bakeries and confectionery factories:

02 06 01 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing.

02 06 02 Canning food waste.

02 06 03 Sludges from on-site effluent treatment.

02 06 99 wastes other than those mentioned in 06 03 02 06 01 – 02.

02 07 wastes from the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (except coffee, tea and cocoa):

02 07 01 wastes from washing, cleaning and mechanical fragmentation of raw materials.

02 07 02 wastes from spirits distillation.

02 07 03 wastes from chemical treatment.

02 07 04 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing.

02 07 05 sludges from on-site effluent treatment.

02 07 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 07 05 02 07 01 – 02.

03-waste from wood processing and the production of panels and furniture, pulp, paper and paperboard

03 01 wastes from wood processing and the production of tiles and furniture:

03 01 01 waste Bark and Cork.

03 01 04 * Shavings, waste, wood, veneer sheets and sheets for plywood and particle board containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

03 01 05 Other shavings, waste, wood and plywood and particle board, other than those mentioned in 03 01 04.

03 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 03 01 01 – 03 01 05.

03 02 wastes from wood preservation treatment:

03 02 01 * Non-halogenated organic wood preservatives.

03 02 02 * wood preservatives containing organic chlorine compounds.

03 02 03 * wood preservatives containing organic metal compounds.

03 02 04 * Inorganic wood preservatives.

03 02 05 * Other wood preservatives other than those mentioned in 03 02 04 03 02 01 – but which contain hazardous substances.

03 02 99 Other wood preservatives other than those mentioned in 03 02 01 – 03 02 05.

03 03 wastes from the manufacture and processing of paper pulp, paper and cardboard:

03 03 01 Bark and wood waste.

03 03 02 green liquor sludge (from recovery of cooking liquor).

03 03 05 de-inking sludges from paper recycling.

03 03 07 Mechanically separated rejects from the manufacture of paper pulp from recycled fibre.

03 03 08 wastes from sorting of paper and cardboard for recycling.

03 03 09 Kalkslamsavfall.

03 03 10 Fiberrejekt, fibre-, filler-and coating sludges from mechanical separation.

03 03 11 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 03 03 10.

03 03 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 03 03 01 – 03 03 11.

04 wastes from the leather, fur and textile industries

04 01 wastes from the leather and fur industry:

04 01 01 fleshings and lime.

04 01 02 liming waste.

04 01 03 * degreasing wastes containing solvents without a liquid phase.

04 01 04 chromium-containing compound tanning agents.

04 01 05 chrome free tanning agents.

04 01 06 sludges, in particular from on-site effluent treatment containing chromium.

04 01 07 sludges, in particular from on-site effluent treatment, which does not contain chromium.

04 01 08 waste tanned leather (blue, cut off material, putspulver) containing chromium.

04 01 09 wastes from the preparation and finishing services.

04 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 01 04 01 04 01 09.

04 02 wastes from the textile industry:

04 02 09 wastes from composite materials (impregnated textile, elastomer, plastomer).

04 02 10 organic matter from natural products (e.g. grease, wax).

04 02 14 * wastes from finishing containing organic solvents and as according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

04 02 15 other wastes from finishing other than those mentioned in 04 02 14.

04 02 16 * dyes and pigments containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

04 02 17 other dyes and pigments other than those mentioned in 04 02 16.

04 02 19 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

04 02 20 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 04 02 19.

04 02 21 wastes from unprocessed textile fibres.

04 02 22 Processed textile fibres.

04 02 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 04 02 09 – 04 02 22.

05 wastes from petroleum refining, natural gas purification and kolpyrolys

05 01 wastes from petroleum refining:

05 01 02 * Sludge from desalination.

05 01 03 * soft silt from the tanks.

05 01 04 * Hard alkylslam.

05 01 05 * oil spills.

05 01 06 * oily sludges from maintenance of facility or equipment.

05 01 07 * acid tars.

05 01 08 * Other tars.

05 01 09 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment as provided for in section 13 (b), shall be regarded as hazardous waste,

05 01 10 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 05 01 09.

05 01 11 * wastes from cleaning of fuels with bases.

05 01 12 * oil containing acids.

05 01 13 boiler feedwater sludges.

05 01 14 Waste from cooling towers.

05 01 15 * spent filter clays.

05 01 16 sulphur-containing wastes from petroleum desulphurisation.

05 01 17 Bitumen.

05 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 05 01 02 – 05 01 17.

05 06 Waste from kolpyrolys:

05 06 01 * acid tars.

05 06 03 * Other tars.

05 06 04 Waste from cooling towers.

05 06 99 wastes other than those mentioned in 01 05 05 06 06 04 —.

05 07 wastes from natural gas purification and transportation:

05 07 01 * waste containing mercury.

05 07 02 Sulphurous waste.

05 07 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 05 07 01 and 05 07 02.

06 wastes from inorganic chemical processes

06 01 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use (mfsu) of acids:

06 01 01 * sulphuric acid and sulphurous acid.

06 01 02 * hydrochloric acid.

06 01 03 * hydrofluoric acid.

06 01 04 * phosphoric and phosphorous acid.

06 01 05 * nitric acid and nitrous acid.

06 01 06 * Other acids.

06 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 06 01 01 – 06 01 06.

06 02 Wastes from the mfsu of bases:

06 02 01 * calcium hydroxide.

06 02 03 * ammonium hydroxide.

06 02 04 * sodium and potassium hydroxide.

06 02 05 * Other bases.

06 02 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 06 06 02 02 05 01 –.

06 03 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of salts, salt solutions and metallic oxides:

06 03 11 * solid salts and solutions containing cyanides and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

06 03 13 * solid salts and solutions containing heavy metals and as according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

06 03 14 solid salts and solutions other than those mentioned in 06 03 11 and 06 03 13.

06 03 15 * metallic oxides containing heavy metals and as according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

06 03 16 Other metallic oxides other than those mentioned in 06 03 15.

06 03 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 06 03 11 and 06 03 16.

06 04 Other metal-containing wastes other than those mentioned in 06 03:

06 04 03 * Arsenic waste.

06 04 04 * waste containing mercury.

06 04 05 * wastes containing other heavy metals.

06 04 99 Other metal-containing wastes other than those mentioned in 06 04 03 – 06 04 05.

06 05 sludges from on-site effluent treatment:

06 05 02 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

06 05 03 sludges other than those mentioned in 06 05 02.

06 06 Wastes from the mfsu of sulphur chemicals, sulphur chemical processes and compounds are included and desulphurisation processes:

06 06 02 * wastes containing dangerous sulphides and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

06 06 03 wastes containing sulphides other than those mentioned in 06 06 02.

06 06 99 wastes other than those mentioned in 06 06 02 and 06 06 03.

06 07 wastes from the mfsu of halogens and halogen compounds chemical processes include:

06 07 01 * wastes containing asbestos from electrolysis.

06 07 02 * activated carbon from chlorine production.

06 07 03 * bariums containing mercury ulf Kit lam.

06 07 04 * Solutions and acids, e.g. sulphuric acid from the contact process.

06 07 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 06 07 01 – 06 07 04.

06 08 wastes from the mfsu of silicon and Silicon derivatives:

06 08 02 * wastes containing dangerous Chlorosilanes which, in section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

06 08 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 06 08 02.

06 09 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of phosphorous chemicals and phosphorous chemical processes compounds includes:

06 09 02 Phosphorus slag.

06 09 03 * calcium-based reaction wastes containing or contaminated with dangerous substances and that pursuant to section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

06 09 04 Other calcium-based reaction wastes other than those mentioned in 06 09 03.

06 09 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 06 09 02 – 06 09 04.

06 10 wastes from the mfsu of nitrogen chemicals, nitrogen chemical processes and compounds are included and from the manufacture of fertilizer:

06 10 02 * wastes containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

06 10 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 06 10 02.

06 11 wastes from the manufacture of inorganic pigments and opacificiers:

06 11 01 calcium-based reaction wastes from the manufacture of titanium dioxide.

06 11 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 06 11 01.

06 13 wastes from inorganic chemical processes:

06 13 01 * Inorganic plant protection products, wood preservatives and other biocides.

06 13 02 * spent activated carbon (except 06 07 02).

06 13 03 carbon black.

06 13 04 * wastes from asbestos processing.

06 13 05 * Sot.

06 13 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 06 13 01 – 06 13 05.

07 wastes from organic chemical processes

07 01 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use (mfsu) of basic organic chemicals:

07 01 01 * aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 01 03 * organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 01 04 * other organic solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 01 07 * halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 01 08 * other still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 01 09 * halogenated filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 01 10 * other filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 01 11 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

07 01 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 07 01 11.

07 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 07 01 07 – 07 01 12.

07 02 Waste from the mfsu of plastics, synthetic rubber and man-made fibres:

07 02 01 * aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 02 03 * organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 02 04 * other organic solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 02 07 * halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 02 08 * other still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 02 09 * halogenated filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 02 10 * other filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 02 11 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

07 02 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 07 02 11.

07 02 13 waste plastic.

07 02 14 * wastes from additives containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

07 02 15 wastes from additives other than those mentioned in 07 02 14.

07 02 16 * Waste containing dangerous silicones and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

07 02 17 waste containing Silicones other than those mentioned in 07 02 16.

07 02 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 07 02 01 – 07 02 17.

07 03 wastes from the mfsu of organic dyes and pigments (except 06 11):

07 03 01 * aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 03 03 * organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 03 04 * other organic solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 03 07 * halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 03 08 * other still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 03 09 * halogenated filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 03 10 * other filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 03 11 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

07 03 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 07 03 11.

07 03 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 07 03 01 – 07 03 12.

07 04 wastes from the mfsu of organic plant protection products (except 02 01 08 and 02 01 09), wood preserving products (except 03 02) and other biocides:

07 04 01 * aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 04 03 * organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 04 04 * other organic solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 04 07 * halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 04 08 * other still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 04 09 * halogenated filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 04 10 * other filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 04 11 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

07 04 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 07 04 11.

07 04 13 * solid wastes containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

07 04 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 07 04 01 – 07 04 13.

07 05 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of pharmaceutical products:

07 05 01 * aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 05 03 * organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 05 04 * other organic solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 05 07 * halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 05 08 * other still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 05 09 * halogenated filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 05 10 * other filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 05 11 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

07 05 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 07 05 11.

07 05 13 * solid wastes containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

07 05 14 solid wastes other than those mentioned in 07 05 13.

07 05 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 07 05 01 – 07 05 14.

07 06 Waste from the mfsu of fats, grease, soaps, detergents, disinfectants and cosmetics:

07 06 01 * aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 06 03 * organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 06 04 * other organic solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 06 07 * halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 06 08 * other still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 06 09 * halogenated filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 06 10 * other filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 06 11 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

07 06 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 07 06 11.

07 06 99 wastes other than those mentioned in 07 06 01 – 07 06 12.

07 07 wastes from the mfsu of fine chemicals and chemical products not otherwise specified:

07 07 01 * aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 07 03 * organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 07 04 * other organic solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors.

07 07 07 * halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 07 08 * other still bottoms and reaction residues.

07 07 09 * halogenated filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 07 10 * other filter cakes and spent absorbents.

07 07 11 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

07 07 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 07 07 11.

07 07 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 07 07 01 – 07 07 12.

08 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use (mfsu) of coatings (paints, varnishes and vitreous enamels), adhesives, sealants and printing inks

08 01 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply, use and removal of paint and varnish:

08 01 11 * waste paint and varnish containing organic solvents or other dangerous substances, and which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

08 01 12 Different waste paint and varnish other than those mentioned in 08 01 11.

08 01 13 * sludges from paint or varnish containing organic solvents or other dangerous substances, and which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

08 01 14 sludges from paint or varnish other than those mentioned in 08 01 13.

08 01 15 * aqueous sludges containing paint or varnish containing organic solvents or other dangerous substances, and which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

08 01 16 aqueous sludges containing paint or varnish other than those mentioned in 08 01 15.

08 01 17 * wastes from paint or varnish removal containing organic solvents or other dangerous substances, and which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

08 01 18 wastes from paint or varnish removal other than those mentioned in 08 01 17.

08 01 19 * aqueous suspensions containing paint or varnish

containing organic solvents or other dangerous substances, and which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

08 01 20 Other aqueous suspensions containing paint or varnish other than those mentioned in 08 01 19.

08 01 21 * wastes from paint or varnish removers.

08 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 08 01 11 08 01 21.

08 02 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of other coating agents (including ceramic materials):

08 02 01 powder paint waste.

08 02 02 aqueous sludges containing ceramic materials.

08 02 03 aqueous suspensions containing ceramic materials.

08 02 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 08 02 01 – 08 02 03.

08 03 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of ink:

08 03 07 aqueous sludges containing ink.

08 03 08 aqueous liquid waste containing ink.

08 03 12 * waste ink containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

08 03 13 Other waste ink other than those mentioned in 08 03 12.

08 03 14 * ink sludges containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

08 03 15 ink sludges other than those mentioned in 08 03 14.

08 03 16 * Etsbad.

08 03 17 * Toner waste containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

08 03 18 Different tones wastes other than those mentioned in 08 03 17.

08 03 19 * Disperse oil.

08 03 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 08 03 07 – 08 03 19.

08 04 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of adhesives and sealants (including waterproofing products):

08 04 09 * adhesives and sealants containing organic solvents or other dangerous substances, and which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

08 04 10 Other adhesives and sealants other than those mentioned in 08 04 09.

08 04 11 * adhesive and sealant sludges containing organic solvents or other dangerous substances, and which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

08 04 12 Different adhesive and sealant sludges other than those mentioned in 08 04 11.

08 04 13 * aqueous sludges containing adhesives or sealants containing organic solvents or other dangerous substances, and which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

08 04 14 aqueous sludges containing adhesives or sealants other than those mentioned in 08 04 13.

08 04 15 * aqueous liquid waste containing adhesives or sealants containing organic solvents or other dangerous substances, and which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

08 04 16 aqueous liquid waste containing adhesives or sealants other than those mentioned in 08 04 15.

08 04 17 * Hartsolja.

08 04 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 08 04 09 – 08 04 17.

08 05 wastes not specified elsewhere in Chapter 8.

08 05 01 * waste isocyanates.

09 wastes from the photographic industry

09 01 wastes from the photographic industry:

09 01 01 * water-based developer and Activator.

09 01 02 * Aqueous developer for offset plates.

09 01 03 * solvent based developer.

09 01 04 * Fixer.

09 01 05 * bleach solutions and bleach fixer solutions.

09 01 06 * waste containing silver from on-site treatment of photographic wastes at the production site.

09 01 07 photographic film and paper containing silver or silver compounds.

09 01 08 photographic film and paper free of silver or silver compounds.

09 01 10 single-use cameras without batteries.

09 01 11 * single-use cameras containing batteries included in 16 06 01, 16 06 02 or 16 06 03 and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

09 01 12 single-use cameras containing batteries other than those mentioned in 09 01 11.

09 01 13 * aqueous liquid waste from the recycling of silver other than those mentioned in 09 01 06.

09 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 09 01 01 – 09 01 13.

10 wastes from thermal processes

10 01 wastes from power stations and other combustion plants (except 19):

10 01 01 bottom ash, slag and boiler dust (excluding boiler dust mentioned in 10 01 04).

10 01 02 fly ash from coal combustion.

10 01 03 fly ash from peat and untreated wood.

10 01 04 * fly ash and boiler dust from oil combustion.

10 01 05 calcium-based reaction wastes from flue-gas desulphurisation in solid form.

10 01 07 calcium-based reaction wastes from flue-gas desulphurisation in sludge form.

10 01 09 * sulphuric acid.

10 01 13 * fly ash from emulsified hydrocarbons used as fuel.

10 01 14 * bottom ash, slag and boiler dust from co-incineration containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 01 15 bottom ash, slag and boiler dust from co-incineration other than those mentioned in 10 01 14.

10 01 16 * fly ash from co-incineration containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 01 17 fly ash from co-incineration Other than those mentioned in 10 01 16.

10 01 18 * Waste from gas cleaning containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 01 19 wastes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 01 05, 10 01 07 and 10 01 18.

10 01 20 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 01 21 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 10 01 20.

10 01 22 * aqueous sludges from boiler cleansing containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 01 23 aqueous sludges from boiler cleansing other than those mentioned in 10 01 22.

10 01 24 Sands from Fluidised beds.

10 01 25 wastes from fuel storage and preparation of coal-fired power plants.

10 01 26 wastes from cooling-water treatment.

10 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 01 01 and 10 01 26.

10 02 wastes from the iron and steel industry:

10 02 01 wastes from the processing of slag.

10 02 02 Raw slag.

10 02 07 * solid wastes from gas treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 02 08 solid wastes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 02 07.

10 02 10 mill scale.

10 02 11 * wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 02 12 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned in 10 02 11.

10 02 13 * sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 02 14 sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 02 13.

10 02 15 sludges and filter cakes.

10 02 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 02 01 – 10 02 15.

10 03 wastes from aluminium thermal metallurgy:

10 03 02 Butts.

10 03 04 * Dross from primary smelting.

10 03 05 alumina waste.

10 03 08 * Salt slag from secondary production.

10 03 09 * black drosses from secondary production.

10 03 15 * skimmings that are flammable or emit, upon contact with water, flammable gases in dangerous quantities and according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

10 03 16 skimmings other than those mentioned in 10 03 15.

10 03 17 * tar-containing wastes from anode manufacture which, under section 13 (b) shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 03 18 carbon-containing wastes from anode manufacture other than those mentioned in 10 03 17.

10 03 19 * flue-gas dust containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 03 20 flue-gas dust other than those mentioned in 10 03 19.

10 03 21 * other particulates and dust (including ball-mill dust) containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 03 22 other particulates and dust (including ball-mill dust) other than those mentioned in 10 03 21.

10 03 23 * solid wastes from gas treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 03 24 solid wastes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 03 23.

10 03 25 * sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 03 26 sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 03 25.

10 03 27 * wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 03 28 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned in 10 03 27.

10 03 29 * Waste from treatment of salt slag and black drosses containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 03 30 other wastes from treatment of salt slag and black drosses other than those mentioned in 10 03 29.

10 03 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 03 02 and 10 03 30.

10 04 Wastes from lead thermal metallurgy:

10 04 01 * Slag from primary and secondary production.

10 04 02 * dross and skimmings from primary and secondary production.

10 04 03 * Kalciumarsenat.

10 04 04 * flue-gas dust.

10 04 05 * other particulates and dust.

10 04 06 * solid wastes from gas treatment.

10 04 07 * sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment.

10 04 09 * wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 04 10 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned in 10 04 09.

10 04 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 04 01 – 10 04 10.

10 05 wastes from zinc thermal metallurgy:

10 05 01 Slag from primary and secondary production.

10 05 03 * flue-gas dust.

10 05 04 other particulates and dust.

10 05 05 * solid wastes from gas treatment.

10 05 06 * sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment.

10 05 08 * wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 05 09 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned in 10 05 08.

10 05 10 * dross and skimmings that are flammable or emit, upon contact with water, flammable gases in dangerous quantities and according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

10 05 11 dross and skimmings other than those mentioned in 10 05 10.

10 05 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 05 01 – 10 05 11.

10 06 wastes from copper thermal metallurgy:

10 06 01 Slag from primary and secondary production.

10 06 02 dross and skimmings from primary and secondary production.

10 06 03 * flue-gas dust.

10 06 04 other particulates and dust.

10 06 06 * solid wastes from gas treatment.

10 06 07 * sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment.

10 06 09 * wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 06 10 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned in 10 06 09.

10 06 99 wastes other than those mentioned in 10 06 01 – 10 06 10.

10 07 wastes from silver, gold and Platinum thermal metallurgy:

10 07 01 Slag from primary and secondary production.

10 07 02 dross and skimmings from primary and secondary production.

10 07 03 solid wastes from gas treatment.

10 07 04 other particulates and dust.

10 07 05 sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment.

10 07 07 * wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 07 08 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned in 10 07 07.

10 07 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 07 01 – 10 07 08.

10 08 wastes from other non-ferrous smelter:

10 08 04 particulates and dust.

10 08 08 * Salt slag from primary and secondary production.

10 08 09 dross.

10 08 10 * dross and skimmings that are flammable or emit, upon contact with water, flammable gases in dangerous quantities and according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

10 08 11 dross and skimmings other than those mentioned in 10 08 10.

10 08 12 * tar-containing wastes from anode manufacture which, under section 13 (b) shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 08 13 carbon-containing wastes from anode manufacture other than those mentioned in 10 08 12.

10 08 14 Butts.

10 08 15 * flue-gas dust containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 08 16 flue-gas dust other than those mentioned in 10 08 15.

10 08 17 * sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 08 18 sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 08 17.

10 08 19 * wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 08 20 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned in 10 08 19.

10 08 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 08 04 – 10 08 20.

10 09 Waste from iron foundries:

10 09 03 furnace slag.

10 09 05 * casting cores and moulds containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

casting cores and moulds which have 10 09 06 Other than those mentioned in 10 09 05.

10 09 07 * casting cores and moulds containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

casting cores and moulds which have 10 09 08 Other than those mentioned in 10 09 07.

10 09 09 * flue-gas dust containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 09 10 flue-gas dust other than those mentioned in 10 09 09.

10 09 11 * other particulates containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 09 12 other particulates other than those mentioned in 10 09 11.

10 09 13 * waste binders containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 09 14 waste binders other than those mentioned in 10 09 13.

10 09 15 * crack-indicating agent other wastes containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

waste crack-indicating agent other 10 09 16 than those mentioned in 10 09 15.

10 09 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 09 09 16 03-10.

10 10 wastes from other metal foundries than iron foundries:

10 10 03 furnace slag.

10 10 05 * casting cores and moulds containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

casting cores and moulds which have 10 10 06 Other than those mentioned in 10 10 05.

10 10 07 * casting cores and moulds containing dangerous substances according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

10 10 08 Other casting cores and moulds than those mentioned in 10 10 07.

10 10 09 * flue-gas dust containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 10 10 flue-gas dust other than those mentioned in 10 10 09.

10 10 11 * other particulates containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 10 12 other particulates other than those mentioned in 10 10 11.

10 10 13 * waste binders containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 10 14 waste binders other than those mentioned in 10 10 13.

10 10 15 * waste crack-indicating agent containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 10 16 other waste crack-indicating agent other than those mentioned in 10 10 15.

10 10 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 10 03 – 10 10 16.

10 11 wastes from manufacture of glass and glass products:

10 11 03 Glass fibre waste.

10 11 05 particulates and dust.

10 11 09 * Waste preparation mixture before thermal processing containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 11 10 other waste preparation mixture before thermal processing other than those mentioned in 10 11 09.

10 11 11 * waste glass in small particles and glass powder containing heavy metals (e.g. from cathode ray tubes) and 13 (b) § shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 11 12 other glass wastes other than those mentioned in 10 11 11.

10 11 13 * Sludge from polishing and grinding of glass containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 11 14 sludges from polishing and grinding of glass other than those mentioned in 10 11 13.

10 11 15 * solid wastes from gas treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 11 16 solid wastes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 11 15.

10 11 17 * sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 11 18 sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment other than those specified in 10 11 17.

10 11 19 * solid wastes from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 11 20 solid wastes from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 10 11 19.

10 11 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 11 03 – 10 11 20.

10 12 wastes from manufacture of ceramic goods, bricks, tiles and construction materials:

10 12 01 Waste preparation mixture before thermal processing.

10 12 03 particulates and dust.

10 12 05 sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment.

10 12 06 Discarded molds.

10 12 08 Ceramic waste, bricks, tiles and construction products (after thermal processing).

10 12 09 * solid wastes from gas treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 12 10 solid wastes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 12 09.

10 12 11 * wastes from glazing containing heavy metals and as according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

10 12 12 wastes from glazing other than those mentioned in 10 12 11.

10 12 13 sludges from on-site effluent treatment.

10 12 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 12 01 – 10 12 13.

10 13 wastes from manufacture of cement, lime and plaster and products based on these:

10 13 01 Waste preparation mixture before thermal processing.

10 13 04 wastes from calcination and hydration of lime.

10 13 06 particulates and dust (except 10 13 12 and 10 13 13).

10 13 07 sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment.

10 13 09 * wastes from asbestos-cement manufacture containing asbestos and which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

10 13 10 wastes from asbestos-cement manufacture other than those mentioned in 10 13 09.

10 13 11 Other cement-based composite materials other than those mentioned in 10 13 09 and 10 13 10.

10 13 12 * solid wastes from gas treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

10 13 13 solid wastes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 13 12.

waste Concrete and concrete sludge 10 13 14.

10 13 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 10 10 13 13 14 1.

10 14 Waste from crematoria:

10 14 01 * waste from gas cleaning containing mercury.

11 wastes from chemical surface treatment and coating of metals and other materials; hydrometallurgical processes, excluding iron metals

11 01 wastes from chemical surface treatment and coating of metals and other materials (such as electroplating, galvanising, pickling, etching, phosphating, alkaline degreasing, anodising and):

11 01 05 * Pickling acids.

11 01 06 * Acids not otherwise specified.

11 01 07 * Pickling bases.

11 01 08 * Sludge from phosphating.

11 01 09 * sludges and filter cakes containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

11 01 10 sludges and filter cakes other than those mentioned in 11 01 09.

11 01 11 * Aqueous rinsing liquids containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

11 01 12 rinsing liquids Other than those mentioned in 11 01 11.

11 01 13 * Degreasing wastes containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

11 01 14 degreasing wastes other than those mentioned in 11 01 13.

11 01 15 * eluate and sludges from membrane systems or ion exchange systems containing dangerous substances.

11 01 16 * saturated or spent ion exchange resins.

11 01 98 * other wastes containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

11 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 11 01 05 – 11 01 98.

11 02 wastes from hydrometallurgical processes where iron is not included:

11 02 02 * sludges from zinc hydrometallurgy (including jarosite, goethite).

11 02 03 wastes from the production of anodes for aqueous electrolytical processes.

11 02 05 * wastes from copper hydrometallurgical processes containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

11 02 06 wastes from copper hydrometallurgical processes other than those mentioned in 11 02 05.

11 02 07 * other waste containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

11 02 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 11 02 02 – 11 02 07.

11 03 sludges and solid wastes from hardening:

11 03 01 * Cyanidic waste.

11 03 02 * wastes other than those mentioned in 11 03 01.

11 05 wastes from hot-dip galvanizing:

11 05 01 Hard zinc.

11 05 02 zinc ash.

11 05 03 * solid wastes from gas treatment.

11 05 04 * Spent flux.

11 05 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 11 05 01 – 11 05 04.

12 wastes from shaping and physical and mechanical surface treatment of metals and plastics

12 01 wastes from shaping and physical and mechanical surface treatment of metals and plastics:

12 01 01 ferrous metal filings and turnings.

12 01 02 ferrous metal dust and particles.

12 01 03 filings and turnings other non-ferrous metals.

12 01 04 Dust and particles of non-ferrous metals.

12 01 05 plastic filings and turnings.

12 01 06 * mineral-based machining oils containing halogens (except emulsions and solutions).

12 01 07 * mineral-based machining oils free of halogens (not emulsions and solutions).

12 01 08 * Halogenated bearbetningsemulsioner and solutions.

12 01 09 * halogen-free bearbetningsemulsioner and solutions.

12 01 10 * synthetic machining oils.

12 01 12 * Use waxes and fats.

12 01 13 Welding waste.

12 01 14 * sludge processes containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

12 01 15 sludges from processes other than those mentioned in 12 01 14.

12 01 16 * waste blasting material containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

12 01 17 Other blasting material other than those mentioned in 12 01 16.

12 01 18 * Oily metal sludge (grinding, honing and lapping sludge).

12 01 19 * readily biodegradable machining oil.

12 01 20 * spent grinding bodies and grinding materials containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

12 01 21 spent grinding bodies and grinding materials Other than those mentioned in 12 01 20.

12 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 12 01 01 – 12 01 21.

12 03 wastes from water and steam degreasing (except 11):

12 03 01 * Aqueous washing liquids.

12 03 02 * steam degreasing wastes.

13 Oil wastes and wastes of liquid fuels (except edible oils, and oils in chapters 05, 12 and 19)

13 01 Hydrauloljeavfall:

13 01 01 * hydraulic oils containing a PCB product.

13 01 04 * Chlorinated emulsions.

13 01 05 * non-chlorinated emulsions.

13 01 09 * mineral-based chlorinated hydraulic oils.

13 01 10 * mineral-based non-chlorinated hydraulic oils.

13 01 11 * Synthetic hydraulic oils.

13 01 12 * readily biodegradable hydraulic oils.

13 01 13 * Other hydraulic oils.

13 02 waste engine, gear and lubricating oils:

13 02 04 * mineral-based chlorinated engine, gear and lubricating oils.

13 02 05 * mineral based non-chlorinated engine, gear and lubricating oils.

13 02 06 * Synthetic engine, gear and lubricating oils.

13 02 07 * readily biodegradable engine, gear and lubricating oils.

13 02 08 * Other engine, gear and lubricating oils.

13 03 waste insulating and heat transmission oils:

13 03 01 * insulating or heat transmission oils containing a PCB product.

13 03 06 * Other mineral-based chlorinated insulating and heat transmission oils other than those mentioned in 13 03 01.

13 03 07 * mineral-based non-chlorinated insulating and heat transmission oils.

13 03 08 * Synthetic insulating and heat transmission oils.

13 03 09 * readily biodegradable insulating and heat transmission oils.

13 03 10 * Other insulating and heat transmission oils.

13 04 bilge oils:

13 04 01 * bilge oils from inland navigation.

13 04 02 * bilge oils from Jetty sewers oil.

13 04 03 * bilge oils from other navigation.

13 05 Materials from oil separators:

13 05 01 * solid wastes from grit Chambers and oil/water separators.

13 05 02 * sludges from oil/water separation.

13 05 03 * Sludge from septic tanks.

13 05 06 * Oil from oil/water separation.

13 05 07 * oily water from oil/water separation.

13 05 08 * mixture of wastes from grit Chambers and oil/water separators.

13 07 wastes of liquid fuels and fuels:

13 07 01 * fuel oil and diesel.

13 07 02 * Gasoline.

13 07 03 * Other fuels (including mixtures).

13 08 Other waste oils:

13 08 01 * Desalter sludges or emulsions.

13 08 02 * Other emulsions.

13 08 99 * wastes other than those mentioned in 13 08 02 01-13.

14 Waste consisting of organic solvents, refrigerants and propellants (except 07 and 08)

14 06 Waste consisting of organic solvents, refrigerants and propellants for foam or aerosols:

14 06 01 * chlorofluorocarbons, HCFC, HFC.

14 06 02 * other halogenated solvents and solvent mixtures.

14 06 03 * Other solvents and solvent mixtures.

14 06 04 * sludges or solid wastes containing halogenated solvents.

14 06 05 * sludges or solid wastes containing other solvents.

15 waste packaging; absorbents, wiping cloths, filter materials and protective clothing not otherwise specified

15 01 Packagings (including packaging waste listed in 20 01 but collected separately):

15 01 01 paper and cardboard packaging.

15 01 02 plastic packaging.

15 01 03 Wooden packaging.

15 01 04 metal packages.

15 01 05 Packagings of composite materials.

15 01 06 Mixed packs.

15 01 07 glass packaging.

15 01 09 Textile packaging.

15 01 10 * packaging containing residues of or contaminated by dangerous substances and that pursuant to section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

15 01 11 * metallic packaging containing a dangerous solid porous matrix (e.g. asbestos), including empty pressure containers according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

15 02 Absorbents, filter materials, wiping cloths and protective clothing:

15 02 02 * Absorbents, filter materials (including oil filters not otherwise specified), wiping cloths, protective clothing contaminated by dangerous substances and that pursuant to section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

15 02 03 Other absorbents, filter materials, wiping cloths and protective clothing other than those mentioned in 15 02 02.

16 wastes not otherwise specified in the list

16 01 end-of-life vehicles from different means of transport (including machines which are not intended for use on the road) and wastes from dismantling of end-of-life vehicles and from vehicle maintenance (except 13, 14, 16 06 and 16 08):

16 01 03 end-of-life tyres.

16 01 04 * end-of-life vehicles.

16 01 06 end-of-life vehicles, containing neither liquids nor other hazardous components.

16 01 07 * oil filter.

16 01 08 * Components containing mercury.

16 01 09 * Components that contain a PCB product.

16 01 10 * Explosive components (e.g. air bags).

16 01 11 * brake pads containing asbestos and which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

16 01 12 Other brake pads other than those mentioned in 16 01 11.

16 01 13 * brake fluids.

16 01 14 * antifreeze fluids containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

16 01 15 Other antifreeze fluids other than those mentioned in 16 01 14.

16 01 16 Gasoltankar.

16 01 17 iron metal.

16 01 18 non-ferrous metals.

16 01 19 Plastic.

16 01 20 Glass.

16 01 21 * Other hazardous components other than those mentioned in 16 01 07 to 16 01 11 and 16 01 13, 16 01 14.

16 01 22 Other components.

16 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 16 01 03 01 22-16.

16 02 Waste from electric and electronic equipment:

16 02 09 * transformers and capacitors containing a PCB product and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

16 02 10 * other discarded equipment other than those mentioned in 16 02 09 containing or contaminated by PCBS-product and which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

16 02 11 * discarded equipment containing chlorofluorocarbons, HCFC or HFC, which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

16 02 12 * discarded equipment containing free asbestos and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

16 02 13 * discarded equipment containing hazardous components other than those mentioned in 16 02 09 to 16 02 12 and 13 (b) § shall be considered to be hazardous waste. Hazardous components from electrical and electronic equipment may include accumulators and batteries mentioned in 16 06 and marked as hazardous; mercury switches, glass from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glass etc.

16 02 14 other discarded equipment other than those mentioned in 16 02 09 to 16 02 13.

16 02 15 * Hazardous components removed from discarded equipment and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

16 02 16 components other than those mentioned in 16 02 15 removed from discarded equipment.

16 03 production series that fails to meet the requirements and unused products:

16 03 03 * Inorganic wastes containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

16 03 04 Other inorganic wastes other than those mentioned in 16 03 03.

16 03 05 * organic waste containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

16 03 06 other organic wastes other than those mentioned in 16 03 05.

16 03 07 * metallic mercury.

16 04 waste explosives:

16 04 01 * Waste ammunition.

16 04 02 * Discarded Fireworks.

16 04 03 * Other waste explosives.

16 05 gases in pressure containers and discarded chemicals:

16 05 04 * Gases in pressure containers (including halons) in accordance with section 13 (b) shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

16 05 05 Other gases in pressure containers other than those mentioned in 16 05 04.

16 05 06 * laboratory chemicals consisting of or containing dangerous substances including mixtures of laboratory chemicals and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

16 05 07 * Discarded inorganic chemicals consisting of or containing dangerous substances, which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

16 05 08 * Discarded organic chemicals consisting of or containing dangerous substances, which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

16 05 09 Other discarded chemicals other than those mentioned in 16 05 06, 16 05 07 or 16 05 08.

16 06 batteries and accumulators:

16 06 01 * lead batteries.

16 06 02 * Nickel-cadmium batteries.

16 06 03 * mercury-containing batteries.

16 06 04 alkaline batteries (except 16 06 03).

16 06 05 Other batteries and accumulators.

16 06 06 * Separately collected electrolyte from batteries and accumulators.

16 07 wastes from cleaning of transport tanks, storage tanks and barrels (except 05 and 13):

16 07 08 * oily residues.

16 07 09 * waste containing other dangerous substances.

16 07 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 16 07 08 and 16 07 09.

16 08 spent catalysts:

16 08 01 spent catalysts containing gold, silver, rhenium, rhodium, palladium, iridium or Platinum (except 16 08 07).

16 08 02 * spent catalysts containing dangerous transition metals or dangerous transition metal compounds and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

16 08 03 spent catalysts containing transition metals or transition metal compounds not otherwise specified.

16 08 04 spent catalysts from the Fluidised catalytic cracking catalysts (except 16 08 07).

16 08 05 * spent catalysts containing phosphoric acid.

16 08 06 * spent liquids used as catalysts.

16 08 07 * spent catalysts contaminated with dangerous substances according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

16 09 oxidant:

16 09 01 * Permanganates, e.g. potassium permanganate.

16 09 02 * Chromates, e.g. potassium chromate, potassium or sodium dichromate.

16 09 03 * peroxides, e.g. hydrogen peroxide.

16 09 04 * Other oxidizers.

16 10 aqueous waste intended to be treated off-site:

16 10 01 * aqueous waste containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

16 10 02 aqueous wastes other than those mentioned in 16 10 01.

16 10 03 * aqueous concentrates containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

16 10 04 aqueous concentrates Other than those mentioned in 16 10 03.

16 11 waste linings and refractories:

16 11 01 * carbon-based linings and refractories from metallurgical processes containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

16 11 02 Other carbon-based linings and refractories from metallurgical processes other than those mentioned in 16 11 01.

16 11 03 * other linings and refractories from metallurgical processes containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

16 11 04 other linings and refractories from metallurgical processes other than those mentioned in 16 11 03.

16 11 05 * linings and refractories from non-metallurgical processes containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

16 11 06 other linings and refractories from non-metallurgical processes other than those mentioned in 16 11 05.

17 construction and demolition wastes (including excavated soil from contaminated sites)

17 01 Concrete, bricks, tiles and ceramics:

17 01 01 concrete.

17 01 02 Brick.

17 01 03 tiles and ceramics.

17 01 06 * Mixtures or separate fractions of concrete, bricks, tiles and ceramics containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

17 01 07 other mixtures of concrete, bricks, tiles and ceramics other than those mentioned in 17 01 06.

17 02 wood, glass and plastics:

17 02 01 Wood.

17 02 02.

17 02 03 Plastics.

17 02 04 * glass, plastic and wood containing or contaminated with dangerous substances and that pursuant to section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

17 03 bituminous mixtures, coal tar and tarred products:

17 03 01 * bituminous mixtures containing coal tar and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

17 03 02 Other bituminous mixtures other than those mentioned in 17 03 01.

17 03 03 * coal tar and tarred products.

17 04 Metals (including their alloys).

17 04 01 copper, bronze, brass.

17 04 02 Aluminium.

17 04 03 lead.

17 04 04 Zinc.

17 04 05 Iron and steel.

17 04 06 Tin.

17 04 07 Mixed metals.

17 04 09 * metal waste contaminated with dangerous substances and that pursuant to section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

17 04 10 * Cables containing oil, coal tar or other dangerous substances, and which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

17 04 11 cables other than those mentioned in 17 04 10.

17 05 Soil (including excavated soil from contaminated sites), stones and dredging spoil:

17 05 03 * soil and stones containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

17 05 04 soil and stones Other than those mentioned in 17 05 03.

17 05 05 * dredging spoil containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

17 05 06 dredging spoil Other than those mentioned in 17 05 05.

17 05 07 * track ballast containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

17 05 08 track ballast Other than those mentioned in 17 05 07.

17 06 Insulating Materials and construction materials containing asbestos:

17 06 01 * insulation materials containing asbestos and which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

17 06 03 * Other insulation materials consisting of or containing dangerous substances, which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

17 06 04 Other insulation materials other than those mentioned in 17 06 01 and 17 06 03.

17 06 05 * construction materials containing asbestos.

17 08 gypsum-based construction materials:

17 08 01 * gypsum-based construction materials contaminated with dangerous substances and that pursuant to section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

17 08 02 gypsum-based construction materials other than those mentioned in 17 08 01.

17 09 Other construction and demolition wastes:

17 09 01 * construction and demolition wastes containing mercury, and that according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

17 09 02 * construction and demolition waste that contains a PCB product (e.g. resin-based floorings, sealants, insulating glass units and a PCB containing capacitors-product) and 13 (b) § shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

17 09 03 * other construction and demolition wastes (including mixed

wastes) containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

17 09 04 other mixed construction and demolition wastes other than those mentioned in 17 09 01 – 17 09 03.

18 wastes from medical and veterinary activities or related research (except kitchen and restaurant wastes without direct ties to patient treatment)

18 01 wastes from natal care, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease in humans:

18 01 01 sharps (except 18 01 03).

18 01 02 body parts and organs including blood bags and blood preserves (except 18 01 03).

18 01 03 * Waste where there are special requirements for the collection and disposal of the prevention of infection and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

18 01 04 waste which is not subject to special requirements for collection and disposal of the prevention of infection (e.g.,

dressings, plaster casts, linen, disposable clothing, diapers).

18 01 06 * chemicals consisting of or containing dangerous substances, which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

18 01 07 chemicals other than those mentioned in 18 01 06.

18 01 08 * cytotoxic and cytostatic drugs that according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

18 01 09 medicines Other than those mentioned in 18 01 08.

18 01 10 * amalgam waste from dental care.

18 02 wastes from research, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of animal diseases:

18 02 01 sharps (except 18 02 02).

18 02 02 * wastes where there are special requirements for collection and disposal to prevent infection and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

18 02 03 Waste which is not subject to special requirements for collection and disposal to prevent infection.

18 02 05 * chemicals consisting of or containing dangerous substances, which according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

18 02 06 chemicals other than those mentioned in 18 02 05.

18 02 07 * cytotoxic and cytostatic drugs that according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

18 02 08 drugs other than those mentioned in 18 02 07.

19 Wastes from waste management facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the production of drinking water or water for industrial use

19 01 wastes from incineration or pyrolysis of waste:

19 01 02 Ferrous materials removed from bottom ash.

19 01 05 * Filter cake from gas treatment.

19 01 06 * aqueous liquid waste from gas treatment and other aqueous liquid wastes.

19 01 07 * solid wastes from gas treatment.

19 01 10 * spent activated carbon from flue-gas cleaning.

19 01 11 * bottom ash and slag containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 01 12 bottom ash and slag other than those mentioned in 19 01 11.

19 01 13 * fly ash containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 01 14 fly ash Other than those mentioned in 19 01 13.

19 01 15 * boiler dust containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 01 16 boiler dust Other than those mentioned in 19 01 15.

19 01 17 * pyrolysis waste containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 01 18 wastes from pyrolysis than those mentioned in 19 01 17.

19 01 19 Sands from Fluidised beds.

19 01 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 19 01 02 – 19 01 19.

19 02 Wastes from physico/chemical treatments of waste (including removal of chromium or cyanide and neutralization):

19 02 03 premixed wastes composed only of non-hazardous waste.

19 02 04 * premixed wastes composed of at least one type of hazardous waste.

19 02 05 * sludges from physico/chemical treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 02 06 sludges from physico/chemical treatment other than those mentioned in 19 02 05.

19 02 07 * Oil and concentrates from separation.

19 02 08 * Liquid combustible wastes containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 02 09 * solid combustible wastes containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 02 10 Other combustible wastes other than those mentioned in 19 02 08 and 19 02 09.

19 02 11 * other waste containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 02 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 19 02 03-19 02 11.

19 03 Stabilized or solidified waste:

19 03 04 * wastes marked as hazardous, partly stabilised, but 19 03 08.

19 03 05 Other stabilised wastes other than those mentioned in 19 03 04.

19 03 06 * wastes marked as hazardous, solidified and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 03 07 Other solidified wastes other than those mentioned in 19 03 06.

19 03 08 * Partially stabilized mercury.

19 04 vitrified wastes and waste from vitrification:

19 04 01 vitrified waste.

19 04 02 * fly ash and other waste from flue gas cleaning.

19 04 03 * Non-vitrified solid phase.

19 04 04 aqueous liquid waste from vitrified waste tempering.

19 05 wastes from aerobic treatment of solid wastes:

19 05 01 Non-composted fraction of municipal and similar wastes.

19 05 02 Non-composted fraction of animal and vegetable waste.

19 05 03 off-specification Compost.

19 05 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 19 05 01 – 19 05 03.

19 06 wastes from anaerobic treatment of waste:

19 06 03 liquor from anaerobic treatment of municipal waste.

19 06 04 digestate from anaerobic treatment of municipal waste.

19 06 05 liquor from anaerobic treatment of animal and vegetable waste.

19 06 06 digestate from anaerobic treatment of animal and vegetable waste.

19 06 99 wastes other than those mentioned in 19 06 03 – 19 06 06.

19 07 landfill leachate:

19 07 02 * landfill leachate containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 07 03 landfill leachate Other than those mentioned in 19 07 02.

19 08 wastes from waste water treatment plants not otherwise specified in the list:

19 08 01 Rens.

19 08 02 Waste from desanding.

19 08 05 sludges from treatment of urban waste water.

19 08 06 * saturated or spent ion exchange resins.

19 08 07 * Solutions and sludges from regeneration of ion exchangers.

19 08 08 * heavy metal sludges from membrane systems as referred to in paragraph 13 (b) shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 08 09 grease and oil mixture from oil/water separation containing only edible oil and fats.

19 08 10 * Other grease and oil mixture from oil/water separation other than those mentioned in 19 08 09 and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 08 11 * sludges containing dangerous substances from biological treatment of industrial waste water and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 08 12 sludges from biological treatment of industrial waste water other than those mentioned in 19 08 11.

19 08 13 * sludges containing dangerous substances from other treatment of industrial waste water and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 08 14 sludges from other treatment of industrial waste water other than those mentioned in 19 08 13.

19 08 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 19 08 01 – 19 08 14.

19 09 wastes from the production of drinking water or water for industrial use:

19 09 01 solid wastes from primary filtration or cleansing.

19 09 02 sludges from water clarification.

19 09 03 sludges from decarbonation.

19 09 04 spent activated carbon.

19 09 05 saturated or spent ion exchange resins.

19 09 06 Solutions and sludges from regeneration of ion exchangers.

19 09 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 19 09 01 – 19 09 06.

19 10 wastes from shredding of metal-containing wastes:

19 10 01 iron and steel waste.

19 10 02 Waste of non-ferrous metals.

19 10 03 * Fluff-light fraction and dust containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 10 04 of the other fluff-light fraction and dust other than those mentioned in 19 10 03.

19 10 05 * Other fractions containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 10 06 Other fractions other than those mentioned in 19 10 05.

19 11 wastes from oil regeneration:

19 11 01 * spent filter clays.

19 11 02 * acid tars.

19 11 03 * aqueous liquid waste.

19 11 04 * wastes from cleaning of fuels with bases.

19 11 05 * sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 11 06 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 19 11 05.

19 11 07 * wastes from flue-gas cleaning.

19 11 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 19 11 01 11 07-19.

19 12 wastes from the mechanical treatment of waste (e.g. sorting, crushing, compacting, pelletising):

19 12 01 paper and cardboard.

19 12 02 iron metal.

19 12 03 non-ferrous metals.

19 12 04 Plastics and rubber.

19 12 05 Glass.

19 12 06 * Wood containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 12 07 wood other than that mentioned in 19 12 06.

19 12 08 Textiles.

19 12 09 Minerals (e.g. sand, stones).

19 12 10 combustible waste (waste fraction treated for burning – RDF).

19 12 11 * other wastes (including mixtures of materials) from mechanical treatment of waste containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 12 12 other wastes (including mixtures of materials) from mechanical treatment of wastes other than those mentioned in 19 12 11.

19 13 Waste from remediation of soil and groundwater:

19 13 01 * solid wastes from soil remediation containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 13 02 solid wastes from soil remediation other than those mentioned in 19 13 01.

19 13 03 * sludges from soil remediation containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 13 04 sludges from soil remediation other than those mentioned in 19 13 03.

19 13 05 * sludges from groundwater remediation containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 13 06 sludges from groundwater remediation other than those mentioned in 19 13 05.

19 13 07 * aqueous liquid wastes and aqueous concentrates from groundwater remediation containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

19 13 08 aqueous liquid wastes and aqueous concentrates other from groundwater remediation other than those mentioned in 19 13 07.

20 household waste and similar commercial, industrial and institutional waste. (also separately collected fractions)

20 01 separately collected fractions (except 15 01):

20 01 01 paper and cardboard.

20 01 02 Glass.

20 01 08 biodegradable kitchen and restaurant waste.

20 01 10 Clothes.

20 01 11 Textiles.

20 01 13 * solvent.

20 01 14 * Acids.

20 01 15 * alkalines.

20 01 17 * Photo chemicals.

20 01 19 * pesticides.

20 01 21 * fluorescent tubes and other mercury-containing waste.

20 01 23 * discarded equipment containing chlorofluorocarbons.

20 01 25 edible oil and edible fats.

20 01 26 * oil and fat other than those mentioned in 20 01 25 and according to § 13 b must be regarded as hazardous waste.

20 01 27 * paint, inks, adhesives and resins containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

20 01 28 Different paint, inks, adhesives and resins other than those mentioned in 20 01 27.

20 01 29 * detergents containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

20 01 30 Other detergents other than those mentioned in 20 01 29.

20 01 31 * cytotoxic and cytostatic medicines and that in accordance with section 13 (b) shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

20 01 32 drugs other than those mentioned in 20 01 31.

20 01 33 * Batteries and accumulators included in 16 06 01, 16 06 02 or 16 06 03 and unsorted batteries and accumulators include batteries and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

20 01 34 Other batteries and accumulators other than those mentioned in 20 01 33.

20 01 35 * other discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components and that pursuant to section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste. Hazardous components from electrical and electronic equipment may include accumulators and batteries mentioned in 16 06 and marked as hazardous; mercury switches, glass from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glass etc.

20 01 36 other discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21, 20 01 23 and 20 01 35.

20 01 37 * Wood containing dangerous substances and that under section 13 (b), shall be considered to be hazardous waste.

20 01 38 wood other than that mentioned in 20 01 37.

20 01 39 plastics.

20 01 40 Metals.

20 01 41 wastes from chimney sweeping of chimneys.

20 01 99 Other fractions other than those mentioned in 20 01 01 – 20 01 41.

20 02 garden and park wastes (including cemetery waste):

20 02 01 biodegradable waste.

20 02 02 Earth and stone.

20 02 03 Other non biodegradable waste.

20 03 other household waste and similar commercial, industrial and institutional wastes other than those mentioned in 20 01 and 20 02:

20 03 01 mixed waste.

20 03 02 waste from markets.

20 03 03 street cleaning wastes.

20 03 04 Sludge from septic tanks.

20 03 06 wastes from cleaning of drains.

20 03 07 Bulky waste.

20 03 99 other wastes other than those mentioned in 20 03 01 – 20 03 07.

Regulation (2015:727).

Annex 5

This annex contains a list of the requirements that must be

met for each type of waste shall cease to be

waste in accordance with Chapter 15. the third subparagraph of paragraph 1 of the environmental code.

Scrap of iron, steel or aluminium

In the case of waste in the form of iron, steel or

aluminium specified requirements of Council Regulation (EC) No 333/2011

of 31 March 2011 on the criteria for determining when

certain types of scrap metal ceases to be waste in accordance with

European Parliament and Council Directive 2008/98/EC.


In the case of waste in the form of cullet stated requirements in

Commission Regulation (EU) no 1179/2012 by 10 december

2012 concerning the criteria for determining when certain types of

cullet ceases to be waste in accordance with the European Parliament's

and Council Directive 2008/98/EC.

Copper scrap

In the case of waste in the form of copper scrap sets out the requirements in

Commission Regulation (EU) no 715/2013 of 25 July 2013

If the criteria for when copper scrap ceases to be waste

According to European Parliament and Council Directive 2008/98/EC.

Regulation (2013:1166).