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Regulation (2011:1108) On Adult Learning

Original Language Title: Förordning (2011:1108) om vuxenutbildning

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Chapter 1. Introductory provisions

paragraph 1 of this regulation, see the following chapters:

-introductory provisions (Chapter 1),

-Education (Chapter 2),

-eligibility and selection (Chapter 3),

-score, high school graduates and review (Chapter 4),

-training for inmates in correctional (Chapter 5.)

-the grading right for adult education (Chapter 6), and

-other provisions (Chapter 7).

section 2 of the training referred to in the regulation of municipal

adult education, special education for adults and education

in Swedish for immigrants, unless otherwise stated.

paragraph 3 of the Municipal adult education and special education for adults

should be designed so that the individual's studies in any of these

school forms can be combined with studies in finance

other school forms.

Education in Swedish for immigrants should be designed so that the

individual studies may be combined with studies in other

school forms of the school system.

4 § in the case of municipal adult education, special education

for adults, or education in Swedish for immigrants organized

on construction according to Chapter 23. section 2 of the Education Act (2010:800), the

public authority which belong to Dean's data only

be submitted to a single contractor if the contractor has

received a permit under Chapter 6. section 1 of this regulation for

the corresponding training. Dean's tasks under Chapter 2. 10 §

This Regulation shall not, however, be handed over to the contractor.

Even if the public authority submitted in accordance with the first subparagraph

When it comes to municipal adult education has a municipality or

a County Council such disclosure obligations referred to in Chapter 6.

9-11 of the financial aid regulation (2000:655).

Chapter 2. Training

Business score, high school credits and secondary special education credits

section 1 with the score for the purposes of this regulation, a measure of the

studieomfattningen or validation within municipal

adult education and special education for adults.

Regulation (2012:746).

2 § Within municipal adult education and special education for

Adults are estimated 20 activity score for a week

full-time studies or for validating knowledge of

the corresponding extent.

In municipal adult education at secondary level is calculated a

activity points for each high school credits. In particular

education for adults at the secondary level is calculated a

activity points for each secondary special education credits.

An annual study place in municipal adult education or special

education for adults corresponds to 800 mission score.

Regulation (2012:746).


section 3 Within municipal adult education at the basic level there is

the main courses and introductory courses.

In municipal adult education at secondary level, there are

national courses, orientation courses, individual courses

and secondary work. With the high school work, a statement of the

100 high school credits that students carry out within the framework of the

exam objectives for the programmes in secondary schools as

the training mainly corresponds to.

In special education for adults, there are national

courses and introductory courses. In the special training for

adults at the secondary level, there are also

high school special education work. With secondary special work means a

indication of 100 high school special education credits that students perform

within the framework of the program the objectives of the programme in the

secondary education programs that mainly represents.

In education in Swedish for immigrants, there are national

courses. Regulation (2013:360).

4 § National courses in municipal adult education and

special education for adults may be divided into modules.

§ 5 a new course will give knowledge of an existing substance or in

a new topic. With the new course, a new national course.

A principal or other interested party may apply to the State

alone on a new course at the secondary level in municipal

adult education and special education for adults.

6 §/expires U: 2016-01-26/

An introductory course to respond to such needs as not

met by a national course and should have one or more

of the following purposes:

-to contribute to informed decisions about study-or

career choices,

-provide increased study technical skills,

-serve as an introduction to courses in different

knowledge areas, and

-provide an opportunity for validation.

An introductory course may not exceed 200 operating points.

Regulation (2012:746).

6 §/entry into force: 26/01/2016

An introductory course to respond to those needs that are not met by a national course and should have one or more of the following purposes:

– to contribute to informed decisions about careers or career choices,

– provide increased study technical skills,

– be an introduction to courses in different areas of knowledge,

– provide an opportunity for validation,

– provide native support or study guide to the language, and

– provide support in the form of professional Swedish.

An introductory course may not exceed 200 operating points.

Regulation (2015:1046).

section 7 An individual course shall aim to cater to the student's

individual skills needs in cases where this cannot be

be met by national courses or introductory courses.

§ 8 Validation may take place within the framework of all courses and are deleted

from the pupil's circumstances and needs. A student who has

completed validation for part of a course need not participate

in teaching when it comes to the part of the course.

§ 9 the operator decides which national courses to be

is given.

section 10 the headmaster decides on

1. what introductory courses to be given and how many

Business score each such course shall include,

2. The individual courses to be given and how many

Business score each such course shall include, and

3. the national training courses will be divided in modules and

How many activity points each module of municipal

adult education and special education for adults must cover.

Regulation (2012:746).

Curricula and subject plans

11 § for each course, there shall be a syllabus in terms

municipal adult education at the basic level and special

education for adults at basic level. It will provide space

for the teacher and the students to plan their teaching.

Of course the plan must show:

-the purpose of the course,

-the basic content,

-number of operational points that the course includes, and

-knowledge requirements for the course.

Statens skolverk may announce further provisions concerning

learning plans for municipal adult education at the basic level

and special training for adults at basic level.

Regulation (2012:746).

section 12 of the education in Swedish for immigrants, there shall be a

syllabus. It will provide space for teachers and students

the plan for teaching. Of the curriculum, knowledge requirements

for each course.

Further regulations regarding the curriculum for education in Swedish

immigrants are found in Regulation (SKOLFS 2009:2) syllabus

for education in Swedish for immigrants. Regulation (2012:107).

section 13 Of each topic, there should be a plan when it comes

municipal adult education at secondary level and special

education for adults at the secondary level. It will provide space for

the teacher and the students to plan their teaching.

Of the plan must show:

the purpose of the substance,

-each course that is part of the topic,

-the main contents of each course,

-the number of high school credits or secondary special education credits each

the course covers, and

-knowledge requirements for each course.

Except in the case of substances which are secondary common according to

Annex 3 to the Education Act (2010:800), Statens skolverk

provide for the subject plans. Such provisions may

mean that some courses or subjects may only be held on

certain courses. Regulation (2012:746).

section 14 For students with learning disabilities receive the necessary

deviations from the curriculum for education in Swedish for

immigrants. The necessary adaptations to the curriculum may also include

be made for deaf or hard-of-hearing students.

Regulation (2014:855).

15 § curricula should not exist for introductory courses.

Such courses should not be included in the subject plans, and

high school credits or secondary special education credits shall not be calculated

for them. The same is true for individual courses.

Regulation (2013:360).

Individual study plans

section 16 of the principal is responsible for ensuring that an individual study plan

be made out for each student.

In Chapter 20. section 8, chapter 21. section 8 and 22. section 10 of the Education Act

(2010:800) States that the individual study plan shall

contain information on the individual's learning goals and

the planned scope of the studies. The scope of the studies

shall be indicated in the score when it comes to municipal

adult education and special education for adults. If

educational goal for students in municipal adult education

secondary level is a high school diploma, the plan sets out

What program of study in upper secondary general school

mainly corresponds to. In addition, where appropriate, the objectives

for individual courses appear in the plan.

The individual study plan shall be developed in collaboration with

the pupil. Pupils should be offered in connection with the preparation of study

and vocational guidance. The guide will include information

on opportunities for further studies, work life skills-

and recruitment needs as well as study economic conditions.

The plan shall be drawn up in close proximity to the admissions and

shall, if necessary, revised. Regulation (2012:746).

section 17 of the State's school may provide for design

of individual study plans.

Special provisions concerning the various school forms

Municipal adult education at the basic level

section 18 of the Municipal adult education at the basic level is carried out in

the form of the courses in Swedish, Swedish as a second language, English,

Mathematics, social studies, religious studies, history,

geography, physics, chemistry, biology, and home economics.

Municipal adult education at secondary level

section 19 of the municipal adult education at the secondary level may be carried out in

the form of courses in all subjects in secondary school with

except for special sports, subject to

regulations issued pursuant to paragraph 13 of the third

paragraph. In addition, there may be secondary work.

In addition, municipal adult education at secondary level

be conducted in the form of courses aimed at giving adults knowledge

and skills at a level equivalent to that training

in secondary schools should provide.

section 20 of the principal shall for each student who performs a

high school work to appoint a teacher to be in charge of

high school work.

Special education for adults at basic level

21 § specific training for adults at basic level

corresponds to the training provided in basic programs except

the training school is conducted in the form of courses in Swedish, Swedish as

a second language, English, mathematics, social studies,

religious education, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology,

Home Economics and technology.

22 § specific training for adults at basic level

corresponds to the education provided in the training school within the

because programs are conducted in the form of courses in languages and

communication, nature and the environment as well as the individual and society.

Special education for adults at the secondary level

23 § specific training for adults at the secondary level,

be conducted in the form of courses in all subjects that are in

high school programs with the exception of physical education and health. In addition,

may there be secondary special work.

In addition, special training for adults at the secondary level

be conducted in the form of courses aimed at giving adults knowledge

and skills at a level equivalent to that training

in upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities should provide.

The principal shall for each student who performs a

high school special work to appoint a teacher to be in charge of

high school special education work. Regulation (2013:360).

Education in Swedish for immigrants

section 24 of the benchmark for the scale of the time within

education in Swedish for immigrants is 525 hours. Benchmark

may be exceeded or may be waived depending on how much

teaching students need to attain the knowledge requirements

as indicated in the syllabus. In Chapter 22. section 6 of the Education Act (2010:800)

provides for the minimum number of hours of teaching time in

week. Regulation (2012:746).

Continuous education

section 25 of the education should be operated continuously throughout the year.

The context of learning

section 26 Of the context of learning, as referred to in this regulation

learning in a training that is conducted in one or more

jobs outside of school.

section 27 of the principal is responsible to provide sites for

the context of learning and that learning meets the requirements

placed on education. The Rector decides on all or

parts of the courses will take place in the workplace.

section 28 For a pupil who is participating in the context of learning,

the appointment of a supervisor in the workplace. As a supervisor,

only the hired who have the necessary knowledge and experience

for the assignment and that even otherwise deemed appropriate.

Chapter 3. Eligibility and selection

Introductory provision

section 1 in Chapter 20. 11, paragraphs 19 and 20, 21. 11 and 16 sections and

22. paragraph 13 of the Education Act (2010:800) contains provisions on the right

and authorized to participate in municipal adult education, special

education for adults and education in Swedish for

immigrants. This chapter contains additional provisions on the

permissions and rules on selection.


section 2 of the power to be received to the municipal adult education and

specific training for adults is also the one who is younger than

as set out in Chapter 20. 11 paragraph or section 20 of the first

paragraph 21, respectively. 11 paragraph or section 16

first subparagraph, the Education Act (2010:800), if, having regard to

the applicant's personal circumstances, there are special reasons.

Regulation (2013:360).

section 3 jurisdiction to be received for a course in the subject of mother tongue in

municipal adult education and special education for adults is

only those who have that language as their mother tongue.

section 4 jurisdiction to be received for a course in the subject of Swedish which

second language in municipal adult education at secondary level

and special training for adults at the secondary level is only

Anyone who has a language other than Swedish as their mother tongue.

Regulation (2013:360).

5 § a student in secondary school are not qualified to be received in

municipal adult education in a course that the student throughout the course or

any part of the course time in municipal adult education study in

the upper secondary school.

A student in secondary school programs are not eligible to receive

specific training for adults in a course that the student throughout the

or any part of the course in special education for adults

studying in high school programs.

section 6 of the State's school may provide for specific

entry requirements for courses in municipal adult education

secondary level.


section 7 If all eligible applicants for municipal adult education

at the secondary level can not be adopted to such training,

a choice has to be made. At this selection shall take precedence, in the order

as noted below, is given to an applicant who has previously

education and that

1. are pursuing studies that the applicant has commenced

According to an established individual study plan,

2. need training to complement a reduced

applications or other permission, or

3. need training for ongoing professional activities or

planned career choice.

Any selection will not be made in respect of such municipal

adult education at the secondary level that an applicant has the right to

participate in under 20. section 19 of the Education Act (2010:800).

section 8 If all eligible applicants for special training for

adults at the secondary level can not be adopted to such training,

should a selection be made. At this selection shall take precedence, in the

order listed below, is given to an applicant who has short

previous training and that

1. has not previously participated in the associated training,

2. are pursuing studies that the applicant has commenced

According to an established individual study plan,

3. are pursuing studies that the applicant has commenced within

upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities, or

4. need training for ongoing professional activities or

planned career choice.

3 the first paragraph also applies if the applicant has completed

studies in upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities, but without getting

high school special certificate. Regulation (2013:750).

Chapter 4. Scores, high school diploma and certification

Decision on the grade

section 1 of the 2-5 paragraphs are complementary provisions to Chapter 3.

section 16 of the Education Act (2010:800) about who should decide on the score.

section 2 If more than one teacher conducts instruction at the

time when the score should be set and only one or some of the

These are legitimized, the grade is decided by the

qualified teachers.

3 § If a score is dependent on two or more registered

teachers ' assessment and these cannot agree, the grade

decided by the of these teachers have the authority

to teach the topic rating concerns.

If a score is dependent on the assessment of two or more

qualified teachers who are competent to teach in the subject

that the grade and these teachers are unable to agree, the grade

decided by the headmaster.

If a score is dependent on the assessment of two or more

qualified teachers who are not qualified to teach in the

topic rating concerns and these cannot agree, the grade

decided by the headmaster. Regulation (2014:855).

section 4 provisions of Chapter 3. 16 section Education Act

(2010:800) as well as 2 and 3 of this chapter do not apply to

teachers who lack identification and be employed without

time limit for pursuing teaching

1. in the native language,

2. in a vocational subject (vocational subject) in municipal

adult education at secondary level or specific training

for adults at the secondary level, or

3. on an introductory course or an individual course in municipal

adult education.

The first subparagraph shall apply only in cases where the teacher is engaged in such

Education referred to in the same paragraph 1, 2 or 3.

Regulation (2012:500).

§ 5 If more than one teacher conducts such teaching referred to

in paragraph 4, at the time when the score should be set, and these cannot be

agree, will be the grade determined by the principal.


section 6 of the Score should be put on each completed module of municipal

adult education and special education for adults who do not

corresponds to the training school.

For a student who has a score on all parts of a

the course, a summary score be put on course in its

a whole.

section 7 of the Score should not be put on the introductory courses and

individual courses.

section 8 grades on school work will be one of the designations

(E) or (F) be used. If a student has achieved the objectives of

high school work in the exam objectives, grade E should be used. In

otherwise, a grade of F may be used.

Score of high school work shall be decided by the teacher after a

another guest judge, who has the knowledge or

professional area as a secondary work relates, has delivered an opinion.

When secondary work completely or partially implemented as

the context of learning, the supervisor shall be

another guest judge.

That score at secondary special work, letter E

be used if the student has reached the goals for high school special work

in the programme objectives. Regulation (2013:360).

§ 9 the knowledge requirement should exist for grades A-E.

Knowledge requirements for the grades A, C and E shall specify the

skills required for each score. The knowledge requirement for

grade D means that the requirements for E and predominantly

for (C) are met. The requirement for a grade B means that even

the requirements for C and, predominantly for (A) are met.

Regulation (2012:746).

section 10 of the teachers, in municipal adult education at secondary

level using the national test before scoring in

1. Swedish courses 1 and 3 or Swedish as a second language

1 and 3,

2. English courses 5 and 6, and

3. math courses 1-4.

In addition to the national tests to be used in municipal

adult education at secondary level teachers should otherwise

use national tests to assessment criteria should be

as uniform as possible across the country.

Teachers should in education in Swedish for immigrants using the

National final exams.

Students will participate in all parts of the national sample

referred to in the first subparagraph. If there are special reasons,

the headmaster may decide that a student does not need to participate in such a

test or in any parts of it.

Statens skolverk may provide for national examinations

and final exams. Skolverket also decides on the design of

the samples. Regulation (2014:98).

Examination directory

paragraph 11 of the decision on the grade shall be documented in an examination directory.

The same applies to the information contained in such certificates as referred to in

20-22. Education Act (2010:800) and in this regulation. With

decision on the grade refers to the decision to

1. put the score after each completed course and module, on

high school or secondary school special work or after

review and

2. do not put the ratings under 20. section 29, chapter 21. 20 (b) § or

22. section 23 of the Education Act.

Decision under item 2 of the first paragraph is selected in the rate with

a horizontal line.

Decisions about grades and certificates shall immediately be compiled for

each individual student. The principal is responsible for grading the directory

sales Regulation (2013:360).

section 12 of The who have completed courses in municipal

adult education, special education for adults or

education in Swedish for immigrants should be able to get an excerpt

from the rate that shows which courses or modules that

the person has completed the training and what ratings

the person has received on the different courses. Anyone who wants a

statement to decide which courses or modules that

to be included in the statement.

It is stated in the first paragraph if the courses also apply to

high school work in municipal adult education at secondary

level and for high school special work in special education

for adults at the secondary level. Regulation (2013:360).

Final grades

paragraph 13 of The patients who have received a grade of E in Swedish or Swedish

as a second language, English, mathematics and social studies in

municipal adult education at the basic level or special

education for adults at basic level should obtain a final grade

from such training.

The one who has the more score municipal adult education

basic level or special training for adults in

fundamental level than referred to in the first subparagraph may itself

determine what other grades to be included in the final grade. In

the final mark must not score on a module be included, if the student

have received a summary score on the course as a whole. For

the program has several score the same course or score

comparable, alternative or overlapping courses, the

higher grade are included in the final grade.

Statens skolverk may provide for the courses that

are comparable or alternative or that overlap.

In secondary municipal adult education, score is taken into

from such education and corresponding training according to

5 or 6. In secondary special education for adults

get the score taken from such training and the corresponding

education according to the 5 or 6.

High school diploma

section 14 of the high school graduates in the form of professional degree in municipal

adult education at the secondary level should be issued for those who have

score at 2 400 training high school credits, of which

approved score in 2 250 high school credits which includes ratings on

1. Swedish or Swedish as a second language course 1

2. English course 5,

3. mathematics course 1 (a), and

4. high school work.

Such a high school diploma referred to in the first subparagraph shall also

include score

1. one or more courses in history, social studies,

religion and science with a total of

50 high school credits in each subject, and

2. which predominantly are set on courses that may be included in

a single national vocational programmes at upper secondary school with

a maximum of 1 800 high school credits.

section 15 of the high school graduates in the form of a college preparatory exam within

municipal adult education at secondary level shall be issued for the

who has the rating of 2 400 training high school credits,

of which approved score in 2 250 high school credits which includes score


1. Swedish or Swedish as a second language courses 1, 2 and 3,

2. English courses 5 and 6,

3. mathematics course 1 (b) or (c), and

4. high school work.

Such a high school diploma referred to in the first subparagraph shall also,

In addition to that which follows from the first subparagraph, 1-4, include the score

on one or several courses in history, social studies,

religion and science as well as, where appropriate,

mathematics in the scope as set out in annex 3 to the

Education Act (2010:800) when it comes to the college preparatory

programs in secondary school as the training mainly

corresponds to. Ratings on courses in science may be replaced by

score of courses in biology, physics and chemistry. Other ratings

included in such a degree should largely be put on

other courses that may be included in a single national

College Preparatory program in high school.

Regulation (2012:107).

section 16 if the student received a passing grade on a

initiation course in mathematics, the principal may decide that this

score will replace such a score as referred to in paragraph 14 of the first

paragraph 3 or section 15, first subparagraph 3.

If the student received a passing grade on an initial

course in history that includes 100 high school credits, headteacher

decide that this score to be converted to the same score on a

other introductory course in history and a course in history

based on this second introductory course, provided that the two

the latter courses cover the same number of

high school credits that the course they are replacing. In the same way, a

a passing grade on an introductory course in civics or

Science converted to score on other courses in the same

topic. Regulation (2014:855).

section 17 Courses in sign language which constitutes secondary common substance in the

secondary education may replace one or more such courses

referred to in paragraphs 14 and 15, for the deaf or hard-of-hearing students with

the exception of courses in Swedish.

Courses in Swedish for the deaf and English for deaf people,

replace courses in Swedish or Swedish as a second language

each English under section 14 or 15 for deaf students.

Decisions referred to in the first and second subparagraphs is taken by the principal.

section 18/expires U: 2017-01-01/

In a high school diploma in municipal adult education

secondary level shall score such training or

the corresponding training according to 5 or 6. be included. In addition to the

get score from upper secondary school or equivalent.

In high school graduates may not score on a module included.

Regulation (2015:627).

section 18/entry into force: 01/01/2017

In a high school diploma in municipal adult education at secondary level to score such training or equivalent training under 5 or 6. be included. In addition it may score from secondary education or equivalent, with the exception of grades on the course in physical education and health 1.

In high school graduates may not score on a module included.

Regulation (2015:1046).

§ 19 for those who have previously received a high school diploma, a

examination of professional competence referred to in this chapter with the same content

like the earlier degree cannot be issued.

For those who have previously received a high school diploma, such

College Preparatory diploma referred to in this chapter are not

is issued.


section 20 of the diploma shall be issued for the person who has met the requirements

for a degree under this chapter. Of the diploma, the

specify the:

1. If the proof refers to a professional degree or college preparatory


2. what program of study in upper secondary general school

mainly corresponds to,

3. If the person has a basic eligibility to

tertiary education which begins at the undergraduate level and the proof relating to the

a professional degree,

4. what courses as evidence, which of the courses included

in the degree and, where applicable, which read in addition to

What is needed for the exam, how many high school credits each

the course included and which ratings have been on each course,


5. an approved secondary school work has been carried out and what it

have contained.

High school special certificate

20 a of high school special certificate will be issued for those who have

completed the special training for adults at the secondary level. By

high school special certificate shall indicate

1. If the training mainly corresponds to a complete

programs in the high school programs and which program

the training in this case mainly corresponds to,

2. what courses as evidence, how many

high school special education credits as each course has covered and which

score of the person has been on each course or score do not have

been under Chapter 21. 20 b of the Education Act (2010:800)

or if the certificate has been issued, and

3. If the person has completed a secondary special work with

grade E and what it has contained and, if

the person requesting it, how he or she has completed

functions within the framework of secondary special education work.

If the person has completed the context of learning, the

the extent of learning also appear in the

high school special certificate. Furthermore, it should be made clear what or

What are the jobs that learning has been carried out on and what

tasks that the person has carried out there. If the person

request, the certificate shall also include an assessment of how he

or she has carried out its tasks within the framework of the

arbetsplatsförlagda learning. Regulation (2013:360).

Several score

section 21 of the several score the same course or score

from comparable, alternative or overlapping courses must

the higher the score will be included in the diploma or

high school special certificate.

Statens skolverk may provide for the courses that

are comparable or alternative or that overlap

each other. Regulation (2013:360).

Issuing grades

section 22 of the grading document and extracts the rate shall

issued by the headmaster.

A note should be made of the rate of the school-leaving certificate,

diploma or high school special certificate has been issued and if

certificate or the receipt content. Regulation (2013:360).

section 23 if the score has not been settled pursuant to Chapter 20. section 29,

21. 20 (b) § or 22 Cape. section 23 of the Education Act (2010:800),

This is marked with a horizontal line in your documents

under this chapter. Regulation (2013:360).


24 § rating after a validation occurs in municipal

adult learning and education in Swedish for immigrants through


The provisions on grading and the issue of ratings and

Diploma in this chapter apply mutatis mutandis

at the trial.

Statens skolverk may announce further provisions concerning


Certification and validation

section 25 of The who have undergone an orientation course or a

individual course will receive a certificate. Even those who have undergone

a validation should be able to get a certificate.

Statens skolverk may announce further provisions concerning


Design of document

section 26 of the State's school may announce further provisions concerning

the design of the documents mentioned in this chapter.

When it comes to relating to qualifications,

The National Agency for education consult with University and College Council and

Authority for the Polytechnic. Regulation (2012:746).

Chapter 5. Training for inmates in correctional

Introductory provision

section 1 in Chapter 24. section 10 of the Education Act (2010:800) provides for

the probation service is responsible for training corresponding to

municipal adult education, special education for adults and

education in Swedish for immigrants for inmates in

correctional institution.

Management and staff

section 2 of the pedagogical work of training under this

Chapter should be led and coordinated by a Rector. The principal shall

stay familiar with the day-to-day running of the business.

The principal shall in particular ensure that the training is being developed.

The headteacher should be designated in this way. The term shall

reserved for those who have a position as headmaster. As principal

just get the appointment as by education and experience has

educational insight.

A deputy shall be appointed for a principal.

section 3 of the principal may Commission an employee or a contractor

in the business who have sufficient expertise and experience

to perform individual management tasks.

section 4 of the Swedish prison and probation service should ensure that principals go such

Special Executive Education as regulated in the regulation

(2011:183) if the senior education for directors and other

employees with the corresponding management function in school, preschool

and leisure centres as well as continuing education for directors or a

education comparable to this. The training should

commence as soon as possible after the headmaster has taken over

their employment and be completed within four years after the

the closing date.

Prison and probation service obligation under the first subparagraph shall not apply in

question about principals who

– former senior education has passed, or an older

State Vice-Chancellors ' education programme,

-by other education or professional experience acquired

knowledge of a university or college that

organizes the senior training has officially, with such

education, or

-15 March 2010 have been operating as principals.

paragraph 5 of the prison system to use for teaching teachers

have an education that is designed for the teaching that

the teacher will conduct. Exceptions may only be made if people with

such training is not available or if the

to the students, there are some other special reason.


section 6 is repealed by Regulation (2012:746).

7 § in education under this chapter, there shall be

national courses and, except in education that corresponds to

education in Swedish for immigrants, introductory courses. Within

training corresponding to municipal adult education

secondary level, it should also be individual courses and

such secondary work as described in Chapter 2. paragraph 3 of the second paragraph.

In education that corresponds to specific training for adults

at secondary level, it must also be such

high school special work as described in Chapter 2. the third subparagraph of paragraph 3.

The provisions of Chapter 2. 1, 2, 4, 6 to 10 and 16 to 23 sections of

municipal adult education, special education for adults and

education in Swedish for immigrants to apply for

respective equivalent training under this chapter. This

also applies to such regulations as the State's school has

announced pursuant to Chapter 2. section 17. Regulation (2013:700).

section 8 of the programme, the curricula or topic plans

apply that are announced by the Government or by State

School of equivalent education in the school system.

For students with learning disabilities receive the necessary deviations

be made from the curriculum for education in Swedish for

immigrants. The necessary adaptations to the curriculum may also include

be made for deaf or hard-of-hearing students.

Regulation (2014:855).

Access to education that corresponds to the local

adult education

§ 9 an applicant is competent to participate in training that corresponds to

municipal adult education at the basic level from

the year he or she turns 18, if he or she has no

such knowledge as normally achieved in primary school and have

opportunities to benefit from the course.

Otherwise, the rules on jurisdiction in Chapter 3. paragraph 3 of the

apply for education that corresponds to the local

adult education at the basic level.

section 10 of the applicant is competent to participate in training

corresponds to the municipal adult education at secondary level from and

the year he or she turns 18, if he or she

1. lack such skills training is designed to


2. has the potential to benefit from the course,


3. meets the specific admission requirements that apply to

equivalent education in the school system under the regulations

given pursuant to Chapter 3. section 6.

Jurisdiction is also the one who is younger than indicated in the first

paragraph, but has completed training at a national

programs in secondary school or equivalent education and

meets the other eligibility conditions.

Otherwise, the rules on jurisdiction in Chapter 3. 3 and 4 sections

apply for education that corresponds to the local

adult education at secondary level. Regulation (2013:700).

Access to education that corresponds to specific training

for adults

11 § applicants with intellectual disabilities are eligible to participate in

training corresponding to special education for adults on

basic level from the year he or she turns

18 years, if he or she does not have such knowledge as

training in basic programs aim to give and have

opportunities to benefit from the course.

Otherwise, the rules on jurisdiction in Chapter 3. paragraph 3 of the

apply for education that corresponds to specific training for

adults at basic level.

12 § applicants with intellectual disabilities are eligible to participate

in education that corresponds to specific training for adults in

secondary level from the year he or she turns

18 years, if he or she

1. lack such skills training is designed to


2. has the potential to benefit from the course,


3. meets the specific admission requirements that apply to

equivalent education in the school system under the regulations

given pursuant to Chapter 3. section 6.

Jurisdiction is also the one who is younger than indicated in the first

paragraph, but have completed education in upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities

or equivalent education and meet other

eligibility conditions.

Otherwise, the rules on jurisdiction in Chapter 3. 3 and 4 sections

apply for education that corresponds to specific training

for adults at the secondary level. Regulation (2013:700).

Access to education that corresponds to the education in Swedish

for immigrants

section 13 an applicant is competent to participate in training

corresponds to the education in Swedish for immigrants from the

year he or she is 16 years old, if he or she does not have such

Basic knowledge of Swedish language training

aims to provide.

The one who has such command of the Danish or Norwegian language

that basic instruction in English may not be considered necessary,

However, is not qualified to participate in the training.


section 14 of the Rating is to be decided by the teacher who conducts

teaching at the time when the score to be settled. If a

score depends on two or more teachers ' assessment and

These are unable to agree, the grade is decided by the headmaster.

section 15 of the Regulations in Chapter 3. 14, 15 and 17 to 21 sections, 20 chapter.

25 – 35 §§, 21. paragraphs 18 to 24 and 22. 19-29 of the Education Act

(2010:800) as well as in Chapter 4. 6 – 26 § § this regulation when it

applies to municipal adult education, special training for

adults and education in Swedish for immigrants to be applied

for equivalent training under this chapter. This applies to

even those rules that the State's school has announced

on the basis of Chapter 4. 10, 13, 21 and 24 to 26 of this

Regulation. Regulation (2013:700).


section 16 of the prison system may provide for the selection and the

regulations as necessary for the execution of

the provisions of this chapter.

Chapter 6. Grading right for adult education

Introductory provisions

section 1 authorisation to put score, arrange review and issue

transcripts and certificates according to the rules applicable to

the school system, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter are given


1. an individual training providers for training corresponding

municipal adult education, special education for adults and

education in Swedish for immigrants on behalf of

legal entities organized for clients ' behalf and

for those clients, and

2. a folk high school of education equivalent to training in

Swedish for immigrants.

Conditions referred to in the first subparagraph may not relate to the final grade.

2 section With individual training providers under this chapter a

single natural or legal person who provides training.

It is said about an individual training providers also applies to a

folk high school operated by a municipality or a County.

General provisions

Management and staff

section 3 of the pedagogical work of training under this

Chapter should be led and coordinated by a Rector. The principal shall

stay familiar with the day-to-day running of the business.

The principal shall in particular ensure that the training is being developed.

The headteacher should be designated in this way. The term shall

reserved for those who have a position as headmaster. As principal

just get the appointment as by education and experience has

educational insight.

A deputy shall be appointed for a principal.

4 § the headteacher may Commission an employee or a contractor

in the business who have sufficient expertise and experience

to perform individual management tasks.

section 5 education provider shall ensure that the Presidents go a

such specific management training that is governed by the

Regulation (2011:183) if the senior education for directors

and other personnel with corresponding management function in school,

for school and leisure centres as well as continuing education for directors or

an education that is comparable to this. The training should

commence as soon as possible after the headmaster has taken over

their employment and be completed within four years after the

the closing date.

The obligation for providers of education referred to in the first subparagraph

does not apply in the case of head teachers who

– former senior education has passed, or an older

State Vice-Chancellors ' education programme,

-by other education or professional experience acquired

knowledge of a university or college that

organizes the senior training has officially, with such

education, or

-15 March 2010 have been operating as principals.

section 6 of the education provider will be for teaching use

teachers who have an education that is designed for the

teaching the teacher will conduct. Exceptions may be made

only if people with such training are not available

or there are other special reasons given

the pupils.


7 repealed by Regulation (2012:746).

section 8 in education under this chapter shall be

national courses. The provisions of Chapter 2. 1, 2, 8, 16 and 19 and

21-23 sections of municipal adult education, special training for

adults and education in Swedish for immigrants to be applied

for each corresponding training according to this chapter,

with the exception of the provisions on secondary work and

high school special education work. This also applies to such regulations

that State's school has notified pursuant to Chapter 2. section 17.

The courses may be divided in modules, where

municipal adult education or special training for adults

organized for construction according to Chapter 23. section 2 of the Education Act

(2010:800). Regulation (2013:700).

section 9 of the programme, the curricula or topic plans

apply that are announced by the Government or by State

School of equivalent education in the school system.

For students with learning disabilities receive the necessary deviations

be made from the curriculum for education in Swedish for

immigrants. The necessary adaptations to the curriculum may also include

be made for deaf or hard-of-hearing students.

Regulation (2014:855).

Access to education that corresponds to the local

adult education

section 10 of the applicant is competent to participate in training

corresponds to the municipal adult education at the basic level from

and with the second calendar half of the year he or she turns

20 years, if he or she does not have such knowledge that normally

achieved in primary and has the potential to benefit from

the course.

Otherwise, the rules on jurisdiction in Chapter 3. 2 and 3 of

and paragraph 5 of the first paragraph apply for education that corresponds to

municipal adult education at the basic level.

section 11 an applicant is competent to participate in training

corresponds to the municipal adult education at secondary level from and

in other calendar half of the year he or she turns 20 years old,

If he or she

1. lack such skills training is designed to


2. has the potential to benefit from the course,


3. meets the specific admission requirements that apply to

equivalent education in the school system under the regulations

given pursuant to Chapter 3. section 6.

Jurisdiction is also the one who is younger than indicated in the first

paragraph, but has completed training at a national

programs in secondary school or equivalent education and

meets the other eligibility conditions.

Otherwise, the rules on jurisdiction in Chapter 3. 2-4 paragraphs and

paragraph 5 of the first paragraph apply for education that corresponds to

municipal adult education at secondary level.

Regulation (2013:700).

Access to education that corresponds to specific training

for adults

12 § applicants with intellectual disabilities are eligible to participate

in education that corresponds to specific training for adults in

basic level from the second calendar half of the year

He or she reaches 20 years of age, if he or she does not have such

skills training in basic programs designed to

give and have the potential to benefit from the

the training.

Otherwise, the rules on jurisdiction in Chapter 3. 2 and 3 of

and paragraph 5 of the second paragraph are applied for training corresponding to

special education for adults at basic level.

Regulation (2013:360).

section 13 an applicant with intellectual disabilities are eligible to participate

in education that corresponds to specific training for adults in

secondary level from the second calendar half of the year he

or she reaches 20 years of age, if he or she

1. lack such skills training is designed to


2. has the potential to benefit from the course,


3. meets the specific admission requirements that apply to

equivalent education in the school system under the regulations

given pursuant to Chapter 3. section 6.

Jurisdiction is also the one who is younger than indicated in the first

paragraph, but have completed education in upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities

or equivalent education and meet other

eligibility conditions.

Otherwise, the rules on jurisdiction in Chapter 3. 2-4 paragraphs and

paragraph 5 of the second paragraph are applied for training corresponding to

special education for adults at the secondary level.

Regulation (2013:700).

Access to education that corresponds to the education in Swedish

for immigrants

section 14 an applicant is competent to participate in training

corresponds to the education in Swedish for immigrants from

second calendar half of the year he or she is 16 years old, if

He or she lacks such basic knowledge in Swedish

language education aims to provide.

The one who has such command of the Danish or Norwegian language

that basic instruction in English may not be considered necessary,

However, is not qualified to participate in the training.


section 15 of the Score shall be decided by the teacher who conducts

teaching at the time when the score to be settled. If a

score depends on two or more teachers ' assessment and

These are unable to agree, the grade is decided by the headmaster.

section 16 of the Regulations in Chapter 3. 14, 15 and 17 to 21 sections, 20 chapter.

25 – 35 §§, 21. paragraphs 18 to 24 and 22. 19-29 of the Education Act

(2010:800) as well as in Chapter 4. 9 – 12 and 22 to 26 of this regulation

When it comes to municipal adult education, special education

for adults and education in Swedish for immigrants to

apply for the corresponding training according to this chapter,

with the exception of the provisions on secondary work,

high school special work, some courses, diplomas,

high school special certificate, introductory courses and individual

courses. This also applies to such regulations as the State

school has notified pursuant to Chapter 4. 10 and 24 to 26 § §

This regulation. Regulation (2013:700).

Specific provisions

section 17 of the education provider shall submit the examination documents and

certificate with regard to the training of the students ' respective

Home municipalities.

18 § A folkhögskola which according to Chapter 24. Education Act (2010:800)

organises training which corresponds to the education in Swedish for

migrants shall promptly provide information to pupils ' home municipality if

When the student begins training, and when the student's education

expires, the student voluntarily terminates or otherwise

completes the training.

The pupil shall be deemed to have canceled the training voluntarily about eleven

After having started training absented from the under

more than three weeks in a row, but that this has been due to

disease or granted leave. The headmaster may decide

the exception, if there are serious reasons.


section 19 of the licence referred to in paragraph 1 be provided on application.

The application for authorisation is submitted to the State school inspection.

The application may be transferred electronically to the School Inspectorate.

School inspection may provide for electronic

transfer of a request and the electronic signature and the

additional regulations are needed for the application process.

Decision authorising the

section 20 of the State's School Inspectorate decides on the authorization required under paragraph 1.

Permission must be provided of the education provider has

conditions that comply with the regulations that apply to

the training under this chapter and if the training even in

the rest are deemed to be of good quality.

Compensation for education in Swedish for immigrants in

folk high school

section 21 unless the municipality and the school will agree

otherwise, the compensation under Chapter 24. section 15 of the Education Act

(2010:800) left for the time that the student participates in

folk high school education in Swedish for immigrants and for a

half calendar year in broadcasting with a sixth in a month.

The compensation shall be such that

1. teaching,

2. learning tools,

3. administration,

4. premises, and

5. guidance and counselling.

section 22 compensation under Chapter 24. section 15 of the Education Act (2010:800),

no longer be provided on

1. the student's training has ceased, or student has voluntarily

interrupted education,

2. the student has completed the training, or

3. a permit pursuant to this chapter for the student's education

been revoked.

The municipality may also during replacement time in the

cases referred to in the first subparagraph 1-3 immediately stop

pay out compensation.

section 23 If a municipality to pay compensation in accordance with Chapter 24. section 15

Education Act (2010:800) do not organise any training in

Swedish for immigrants, the compensation shall be determined according to the

the central statistical office official statistics on

municipal costs for education in Swedish for immigrants.

Follow-up and evaluation

section 24 of the State's school will follow up at the national level and

evaluate the training conditions have been provided for under

This chapter. The provisions of chapter 26. 25 and 26 of the Education Act

(2010:800) will apply to such follow-up and evaluation.


section 25 of the State's school inspection have oversight over education

permission has been provided for under this chapter. Regulations

in chapter 26. 6-13, 15, 16 and

18-23 of the Education Act (2010:800) shall apply to such

training. The provisions of chapter 26. 10-13, 15, 16 and 18 of the

the Education Act also applies in respect of an entrepreneur with

permit under this chapter. What is in the rules

How about individual principal shall also apply to the contractor and the

as is said on the approval and decisions concerning the right of contribution shall

apply a permit under this chapter.

Although the school supervisory authority has revoked a permit for a

such training as referred to in this chapter may score be put

as well as ratings and certificates are issued in the case of a course for the

students who have started the course before the withdrawal decision.


section 26 of the State's school may provide for the

documents shall be deemed to be such grade documents

referred to in section 17 and when the documents and certificates must be submitted to the

municipalities and the additional rules relating to documents

and certificates as needed.

State school inspection may notify the regulations in

Moreover, necessary for the enforcement of the provisions of this


Chapter 7. Other provisions


(1) If a student has started a course or module and

then absented from it during more than three weeks in a row,

but this has been due to illness or granted leave,

should the student is considered to have interrupted the course or sub-course. The headmaster

may provide for an exception, if there are serious reasons.

Notification in case of absence

section 2 If a student because of illness or for any other reason not

can participate in the programme, it should promptly be reported to the

the headmaster.


section 3 of the principal may grant a student leave from training for

individual concerns.

The inquest at shutdown

section 4 of the principal shall ensure that, in a case concerning the

shutdown is an investigation as comprehensive clarifies the

circumstances that are relevant for the assessment.

The investigation should be initiated immediately and implemented as rapidly

as possible. Every one that is assumed to be able to provide information of

importance shall be heard during the investigation.

Nordic applicants

§ 5 persons residing in Denmark or Finland with

autonomous areas or in Iceland or Norway, and that

by their earlier schooling in their home country have such

conditions deemed to be essentially equivalent to Swedish

primary education or equivalent adult education

(Nordic applicants), shall, in the case of municipal adult education

secondary level comparable to applicants from the municipality in which the

sought education organized.

With autonomous areas Faroe Islands and Greenland as well as provided

The åland Islands.

section 6, a municipality which municipal adult education has taken

receive more Nordic applicants than the number of Swedish students residing

in the municipality while going through adult education in something

other Nordic country, has the right to compensation for the

the excess number of students.

section 7 of The county councils in its municipal adult education has

received the Nordic applicants are entitled to compensation.

section 8 compensation in the cases referred to in paragraphs 6 and 7

be decided by the Government.

Application for such compensation is made in the State's school as

decides on the remuneration of the individual case and pays out

amounts as soon as possible.

The National Agency for education may provide for electronic funds transfer

of an application and electronic signature as well as the additional

regulations that are needed for the application process.


§ 9 of 22 a of the Administrative Procedure Act (1986:223) contains provisions

If an appeal to the administrative court. Other decisions

According to this regulation than decision regarding authorisation under

Chapter 6. section 20 as well as the withdrawal of such authorisation and

temporary operating ban pursuant to Chapter 6. section 25 of the first

subparagraph may not, however, be appealed.

Transitional provisions


1. this Regulation shall enter into force on 15 december 2011. By

the regulation repeals

a) Ordinance (2002:1012) on municipal adult education,

b) Ordinance (1992:736) on adult education

mentally retarded,

c) Ordinance (1994:895) on Swedish for


d) Ordinance (2007:152) about training at the correctional system in

institution, and

e) Regulation (2010:253) about grading right for adult education.

2. this Regulation shall apply to courses, some courses or

secondary works that begins after the end of June 2012.

The provisions of Chapter 4. 1-5 paragraphs should be applied first

time in terms of score to be decided after the end of

November 2013. The repealed regulations still apply

for courses, some courses or projects that have commenced

before July 1, 2012. This paragraph shall not apply if other

follow these entry into force and transitional arrangements.

Regulation (2012:500).

3. A teacher as referred to in paragraph 33 (2010:801)

on the introduction of the Education Act (2010:800) shall for the purposes of

Chapter 4. 2 and 3 of this regulation, be treated as a

certified teachers qualified to teach the subject

rating concerns.

4. Students who have started courses, some courses or

project work under one of the regulations referred to in 1

(a) to (d) before 1 July 2012 or secondary regulation

(1992:394) before 1 July 2011, and who wish to continue or

resume studies in adult education after the end of

June 2012 and whose began training is not offered under

This regulation, shall complete the training according to the

regulations governing education that begins after

the end of June 2012. For these students get high school diploma

be issued if they fulfil the conditions laid down in this

Regulation. In such a degree may grade set before 1 July

2012 included on the State's school has announced regulations on

that by virtue of paragraph 6. The ratings should in such cases be converted

According to the following.

– Very well approved should correspond to A,

– Once approved should correspond to C,

– Approved should correspond to E, and

– Unauthorised shall be equal to F.

In such cases, the origin of the score indicated with

grading the steps A to F and courses listed by subject plans.

If a student has one or more ratings set before 1 July

2012, of which one or more cannot be converted or whose

the conversion would be a detriment to the pupil, the principal

decide that the final grades from upper secondary adult education,

be issued if the pupil satisfies the conditions for such a final grade

laid down in the Ordinance (2002:1012) on municipal

adult education. In the final grade will then score put on courses

According to the subject plans include. Secondary secondary

adult education may be issued by 1 January 2017.

Regulation (2015:247).

5. Has been repealed by Regulation (2012:107).

6. Statens skolverk may provide for the cases in which

courses according to the curricula in force before 1 July 2012

corresponds to courses by subject plans and may be included in a

high school diploma. The National Agency for education must also communicate the additional

regulations that are needed for this and for the application of

point 4. Regulation (2012:107).

7. For those who have a diploma from a full or

expanded national programme in upper secondary school or equivalent

such a qualification referred to in Chapter 4. not be issued.

8. He who has begun a course or module or a

project work before 1 July 2012, subject to review under

Ordinance (2002:1012) on municipal adult education according to the

curricula in force until the end of June 2012. The who

has begun a course before 1 July 2012 must undergo examination

According to the Regulation (1994:895) on Swedish for

immigrants according to the syllabus applied until the end

by June 2012. Such trials referred to in this paragraph may

be made by 30 June 2016.

9. an authorisation under this Regulation (2010:253) about grading right

for adult education that applies at the end of June 2012,

treated as a State under Chapter 6. The authorisation may

before 1 July 2013, be revoked due to

the conditions for authorisation in accordance with regulation on examination law

for adult education are not met.


This Regulation shall enter into force on 10 april 2012. The new

the provisions apply to courses, some courses or

secondary works that begins after the end of June 2012.


This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 december 2013 in respect of

Chapter 4. paragraph 4 and June 30, 2012.


1. This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 2013.

2. the provisions of Chapter 2. in its new wording, section 24 applies to

courses or modules which have commenced after the expiry of

June 2012. Older provisions still apply for courses

or some courses that have been initiated before the end of June 2012.

3. the provisions of Chapter 2. 1, 2, 6, 10, 11, 13 and 16 sections and

Chapter 4. section 9 apply for the first time on courses, modules or

secondary works that begins after the end of June 2013. For

courses, some courses or secondary jobs that start before

the end of June 2013 applies the said clauses in their older

version. For courses, some courses or projects that have

commenced before the end of June 2012, under paragraph 2 of

entry into force and transitional provisions of the regulation

on adult learning older provisions.


1. This Regulation shall enter into force on July 1, 2013.

2. the provisions apply for the first time on courses,

some courses or secondary special works that begin after

on June 30, 2013. Older provisions still apply for

courses or modules that have been initiated before 1 July



1. This Regulation shall enter into force on October 1, 2013.

The provisions of Chapter 4. section 10 in its new wording applied

first time on courses or modules that begin after

the entry into force.

2. For courses or modules which have commenced before

entry into force applies to Chapter 4. section 10 of its older version.


1. this Regulation shall enter into force on 5 november 2013.

2. for the purposes of Chapter 3. section 8 in its new wording shall

secondary school programs equivalent with

high school special certificate.


1. This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 april 2014.

2. The new provisions apply for the first time to test

carried out after 30 June 2014.


1. this Regulation shall enter into force on August 1, 2014.

2. the provisions of Chapter 4. section 16 of the new wording is applied

first time on courses or modules that begin after

on June 30, 2012.

3. the provisions of Chapter 2. section 14, Chapter 5. section 8 and 6 chap.. § 9 in

the new wording is applied for the first time at training

begin after the entry into force.

4. For training beginning before the entry into force for 2

Cape. section 14, Chapter 5. section 8 and 6 chap.. § 9 in the older wording.


1. this Regulation shall enter into force on 26 January 2016 in relation to Chapter 2. 6 § and otherwise 1 January 2017.

2. the provisions of Chapter 2. section 6, in the new wording is applied for the first time on courses that begin after 25 January 2016.

3. the provisions of Chapter 2. clause 6 of the older wording applies to courses taken before 26 January 2016.