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Regulation (2011:1533) On Qualifications For Seafarers

Original Language Title: Förordning (2011:1533) om behörigheter för sjöpersonal

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Chapter 1. General provisions

section 1 of this Regulation applies permissions, certificates and

other certificates for

naval personnel.

In Chapter 4. paragraph 21 of the ship safety (2003:438), see

the provisions on the right to set other requirements than those who

specified in this regulation.

paragraph 2 of this regulation the following definitions shall apply the

meaning given below.

Indication Significance

Gross tonnage The gross tonnage which

specified in the vessel's tonnage certificate

Tire Service Professional service to

sea within the ship's

deck department

EEA European economic area


Fishing vessels vessels professional used

to catch fish or other

living resources of the waters

Approved education training that qualifies for

diplomas, certificates

or certificate pursuant to this

Regulation and approved by the

The Swedish Transport Agency or by a

Administration in another country

with the Transport Board

signed an agreement on the approval of

training courses

Merchant vessels used for

merchant shipping or other

purposes related to

merchant shipping such as towing,

icebreaking, salvage and diving

High speed craft vessels used for

merchant shipping and can achieve

a speed in metres per second

not less than 3.7

0.1667, where is the displacement (m3)

at the construction water line


workshop service Workshop service as


1. manufacture, repair

or the Assembly of

main propulsion machinery of

vessels of not less than 400 kW,

2. service as a repairman in

machinery spaces on board ships

at least 1 500 kW engine power;


3. service in the machine shop

on the armed forces ' ships with

at least 1 500 kW engine power

Machine service Professional service to

in the ship's machinery spaces

Power at shaft power can be charged

from the ship's

main propulsion machinery,

in kilowatts (kW)

Motor vessels Other than self-propelled vessels


Passenger ships carrying more than 12


Barge vessels not equipped with

own propulsion means

' Ro-ro passenger ship with

rorolastutrymmen or

cargo spaces for special

category spaces as

defined in the 1974

International Convention on the

safety of life at

Sea (SOLAS 74)

Fast craft vessels used for

merchant shipping which is not

high-speed vessels but that can

be delivered in 35 knots or more

The STCW Code detailed provisions and

guidelines that connect to

The STCW Convention

The STCW Convention 1978 International

Convention on standards of

seafarers ' training,

certification and Watchkeeping for seafarers,

as amended

Service in the electrical

workshop service in electric

workshop or workshop title

on ships or in the country of work

such that the maintenance of

electrical equipment of the rules-

and control systems concluded that a

some of the tasks

Traditional ships vessels according to the decision of

Transportation Board shall be deemed to

be traditional ships

Take the car ferry vessels referred to in paragraph 2 of the other

subparagraph Traffic Act (1971:948)

Steamers steam engine-driven vessels

Regulation (2015:193).

section 3 of The speed in which a ship is used are given in this

Regulation with the following indications (sea areas).

Indication Significance

Single speed Speed in traffic in Sweden and

off the coast, up to a

nautical miles from a port or

another place where the vessel can

find shelter, as well as speed in

The Kalmar Strait and national speed in

The sound. As internal speed is considered

also speed in the speed range (D),

as defined in

ship safety


Närfart Speed to and from the resorts at

The Baltic Sea or the waters

is connected with the Baltic Sea,

not, however, beyond the line

Hanstholm-Lindesnäs, as well as speed

through the Kiel Canal to Cuxhafen.

Europe speed speed from a 14-point N O 68

Shetland nordpynt, from there

West to v. 11, along this

longitude of the West coast of Ireland

N 30, thence East

along this latitude.

Oceanfart any other speed than the above.

section 4 of the Swedish Transport Agency examines if the qualification requirements are

met and issues, on request, evidence and


Transportation Board may delegate the task of issuing

certification of training providers.

To the qualification requirements to be met, at least

provisions of the STCW Convention. With regard to the

radio personnel should also at least the provisions of the 1974

International Convention for the safety of life at

Sea (SOLAS 74) as well as the provisions of the International

the ITU radio regulations (ITU RR) be met.

§ 5 the permissions for a particular job on ships of

because of the diplomas, certificates or other formal evidence

over the founding of competence education issued in one country

in the EEA or in Switzerland shall, on application of the

The Swedish Transport Agency receive evidence of the corresponding Swedish

jurisdiction where the applicant satisfies the conditions laid down in accordance with the regulations

as the Board has notified under this regulation.

The same applies to special permissions according to Chapter 3.

Anyone who has permissions for a particular job on ships of

because of the diplomas, certificates or other formal evidence

the Foundation of higher education granted permission in

any country other than the countries within the EEA or Switzerland, after

application with the Swedish Transport Agency receive evidence of formal

the corresponding Swedish jurisdiction if the applicant satisfies the conditions laid down

According to the regulations that the Board has notified under

This regulation.

Formal qualifications equivalent to 2. 11, 12, 23, 24 and 27 §§

and certificates corresponding to Chapter 4. issued in a country

within the EEA or Switzerland shall, when operating in Swedish

ships, have the same validity as if they had been issued by the

The Swedish Transport Agency.

If the evidence of formal qualifications equivalent to 2. 11, 12 and 23 sections,

special permissions corresponding to Chapter 3. and certificates

the corresponding chapter 4. have been issued in any country other than

countries within the EEA or Switzerland, Transport Agency decide

to such evidence, special permissions and certificates shall, at

service on Swedish ships, have the same validity as if they

had been issued by the Swedish Transport Agency.

section 6 of the Transport Board may decide in individual cases that the

who, without having the theoretical education or training which

required for certain privileges, has received an equivalent education

or training to get evidence of this permission.

The decision may be subject to conditions.

The decision may be revoked if there are reasons for it.

section 7 of the cases referred to in paragraph 5 of the first and second subparagraph, and paragraph 6 of

should the Transport Agency announce decision within four months

After all the documents concerning the applicant has submitted

submitted to the Board.

Qualification may be designed as a recognition of the

foreign qualification.

section 8 If it requires an applicant to complete an adaptation period

or undergo an aptitude test in order to get a certain

evidence of formal qualifications in accordance with paragraph 5 of the first paragraph, the

Swedish Transport Agency, first check whether the knowledge acquired by the

applicants have received through his professional experience is such that the

wholly or partly correspond to the requirements that are prescribed for the

Swedish jurisdiction.

§ 9 Transport Board may provide for the right to

transfer credits from certain duties or training such as internship

to meet the eligibility criteria.

section 10 Transportation Board may announce the regulations needed

for the enforcement of this regulation.

Before the Transportation Board regulations relating to

training of Marine personnel, the Board shall hear relevant

education authorities.

Before the Transportation Board regulations relating to

permissions and certificates for radio personnel to Board of Directors

hear the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency.

section 11 of the Transport Board may provide for specific

permissions for staff only on fishing vessels;

traditional ships or ships used exclusively in the single speed.

section 12 of the Transport Board may, on application by the individual decide

a ship shall be considered to be a traditional ships at

the application of this regulation and regulations

issued pursuant to the regulation.

A ship shall be considered to be the traditional ships of

1. traditional seamanship and traditional technology is

the basis of the ship's performance;

2. the ship is of cultural and historical value or is a copy of

a culturally and historically valuable vessels or whether it is a

ships built in such a way that the traditional

skills and traditional seamanship are encouraged and

promoted, and

3. ship operations do not have a commercial purpose.

section 13, All activities relating to education,

assessment of competence, certification, endorsement and

renewal of validity should be monitored by a system of

quality standards. However, this does not apply to such education as

referred to in the second paragraph, if the company has an approved

Security Organization in which educational practices, see


Owner, educate seafarers seafarer in

1. familiarity,

2. crowd control,

3. safety on passenger and ro-ro passenger ships,

4. passenger safety, cargo safety and Hull integrity,

5. safety on high-speed craft, and

6. food hygiene, personal hygiene, and care and

storage of food on board ship.

Owner, exclusively in front of vessels in the inner speed with an

gross tonnage of less than 500 and a number of passengers on

a maximum of 500 may even educate seafarers seafarer in

basic security.

Transportation Board may announce further provisions concerning

1. the system of quality standards, and

2. training of seafarers seafarer referred to in the second and

third subparagraphs. Regulation (2013:776).

section 14 Transport Board shall carry out the duties of the

Sweden under articles 5a, 10(3), 19(2) and 25a of the

European Parliament and Council Directive 2008/106/EC of 19

November 2008 on the minimum level of training of seafarers, in

the wording under Council directive 2012/35/EU.

Regulation (2014:452).

Chapter 2. Permissions

§ 1 to get the permissions specified in this chapter is required

medical certificate not older than two years, showing that

the applicant meets the requirements for Visual and hearing ability as

provided for in the Regulation (1979:38) where the medical certificates for seafarers.

To get the permissions set out in sections 3 to 7 and 15 to 19 §§

required college education at a university or college

covered by the higher education Act (1992:1434), or of an individual

training providers who are authorised to award degrees

under the Act (1993:792) for permission to issue certain


In the case of an application for the recognition of foreign diplomas,

the applicant, to prove that the Swedish requirements on sight and

hearing ability is met, invoke the document required in

the applicant's Member State of origin or the country of the applicant comes from

or a certificate issued by a competent authority in this

State and corresponding to a Swedish medical certificate. Such

foreign document or certificate may not be older than two years.

Transportation Board hearing as part of the permission on the

document or certificate contains the information required.

Permissions for ship's officer and other deck staff

section 2 of the permissions for the ship's officer and the rest of the deck crew are

the following.

Sea Captain (K)

Ship's Officer (grade II)

Ship's Officer (class III)

Ship's Officer (class IV)

Ship's Officer (class V)

Ship's Officer (class VI)

Ship's Officer (Class VII)

Ship's Officer (class VIII)

Sailor (Mtr)

Easy Food Rose (Lmt)

paragraph 3 to obtain permission as master, should the applicant

1. hold a Master Mariner degree, and

2. after receiving the privilege of at least class V have

served at sea for at least 36 months as officer on

merchant vessels with a gross tonnage of at least 500.

By this time should have been completed at least 18 months in other

närfart than between the ports of the sound, or in the more extensive

momentum, of which at least 12 months as chief mate on the lowest one

ships with a gross tonnage of at least 3,000.

paragraph 4 in order to get permission to ship's officer class II

the applicant

1. hold a Master Mariner degree, and

2. after receiving the privilege of at least class V have

served at sea for at least 12 months as a ship's officer on

merchant vessels with a gross tonnage of at least 500 in närfart

or more extensive speed.

§ 5 in order to get permission to ship's officer class III

the applicant

1. have completed approved education and training and

2. after receiving the privilege of at least class V have

served at sea for at least 36 months as officer on

merchant vessels with a gross tonnage of at least 500 in närfart

or more extensive speed.

section 6, to get permission to ship's officer class IV

the applicant

1. have completed approved education and training and

2. after receiving the privilege of at least class V have

served at sea for at least 12 months as a ship's officer on

merchant vessels with a gross tonnage of at least 500 in närfart

or more extensive speed.

section 7 to get permission to ship's officer class V

the applicant

1. have completed approved education and training and

2. have not less than 36 months ' deck service.

Of on-duty time is at least 18 months have completed at

merchant vessels with a gross tonnage of at least 500 in närfart

or more sweeping momentum with at least nine months on the ship

with a gross tonnage of at least 3 000 in Europe speed or more

vast speed.

For those who for at least six months has served as

Assistant in Europe speed or more sweeping speed, the

total length reduced to 30 months.

Practice as described above may be replaced by guided fartygsförlagd

training on this completed as part of a

training programs leading to a Master Mariner degree.

section 8 in order to get the privileges that ship's officer class WE should

the applicant, after having received the permission of the lowest class VII have

served at sea for at least 12 months as a ship's officer on

merchant vessels with a gross tonnage of at least 20.

section 9 in order to get permission to ship's Officer Class VII

the applicant

1. have completed approved education and training and

2. have not less than 36 months ' deck service including

at least 12 months of trading ships that for at least six months gone

in närfart or more extensive speed.

For those who have completed a minimum of six months ' regimented practice may

the total length is reduced to 30 months.

section 10 to get permission to ship's Officer Class VIII

the applicant

1. have completed approved education and training and

2. have completed

(a) at least 36 months of service) deck of which at least 12 months

on merchant ships,

b) at least 24 months of tire service of which at least 12 months

on ships

in commercial traffic in single speed, or

c) at least 24 months of deck placement on the vessel type

jurisdiction relating to customer services and before passing

approved test in the ship's safe operation.

Tire service referred to in the first subparagraph 2 (a) and (b) shall be

completion of a ship with a gross tonnage of at least 20.

The Transport Board may, if the tire duties or

deck internships completed in accordance with the first subparagraph 2 (b) or 2 (c),

restrict permission to a particular

ships, sea area, vessel size or number of passengers.

section 11 to get privileges that sailor, the applicant shall, after

have received permission as easy food rose, have not less than 18

months ' deck service.

12 § to obtain permission as easy food rose, the applicant shall have

completed a minimum of six months ' deck service which shall have

consisted of tasks associated with navigational watchkeeping functions

the bridge. Service shall be effected under the supervision of a

Supervisor with the necessary knowledge and experience for the job.

section 13 Transport Agency may provide that

jurisdiction under section 12 may be achieved through the three-year upper secondary

training focused on shipping.

Permissions for an engineering and miscellaneous mechanical personnel

section 14 of the permissions of an engineer officer and other staff of the machine

According to this regulation are the following.

Marine Engineer (In)

Engineer officer (grade II)

Engineer officer (class III)

Engineer officer (class IV)

Engineer officer (class V)

Engineer officer (class VI)

Engineer officer (Class VII)

Engineer officer (class VIII)

Befaren mechanical staff (Bmp)

Watchkeeping mechanical staff (Vmp)

Stoker (Fire)

Ship Electrical Technologies (Elt)

Ship Electricians (Ele)

section 15 to obtain permission as a naval engineer, the applicant shall

1. have completed a maritime engineering degree, and

2. after receiving the privilege of at least class V have

served at sea for at least 36 months as engineer officer on

a ship with at least 750 kW power.

By this time should have been completed at least 18 months in other

närfart than between the ports of the sound, or in the more extensive

momentum, of which at least 12 months as Chief Engineer on ships

ships with at least 3 000 kW power.

section 16 to obtain permission as engineer officer class II

the applicant

1. have completed a maritime engineering degree, and

2. after receiving the privilege of at least class V have

served at sea as engineer officer of at least 12 months on

ships with at least 3 000 kW power in närfart or more

vast speed.

section 17 to obtain permission as engineer officer class III shall

the applicant

1. have completed approved education and training and

2. after receiving the privilege of at least class V have

served at sea as engineer officer of at least 24 months,

of which at least 12 months as first ship engineer on ships

with at least 750 kW power in närfart or more extensive


section 18 to get the permission as an engineer officer class IV shall

the applicant

1. have completed approved education and training and

2. after receiving the privilege of at least class V have

served at sea for at least 12 months as engineer officer on

ships with at least 750 kW power in närfart or more

vast speed.

19 § to obtain permission as engineer officer class V

the applicant

1. have completed approved education and training and

2. to have completed at least 30 months of practice of which

a) at least six months ' regimented training in fartygsförlagd

machinery spaces on ships of at least 3 000 kW engine power;

b) at least 12 months of machine service;

c) at least six months qualified workshop service, and

(d)) at least six months of service in electric workshop.

Practice referred to in the first subparagraph 2 shall be replaced by a managed

training on vessels or workshop about

training completed as part of a training programme

leading to maritime engineering degree. The supervised training

shall cover at least six months ' regimented training fartygsförlagd

on ships with at least 3 000 kW power.

The training shall be documented in an approved training record book.

20 § to obtain permission as engineer officer class WE should

the applicant, after having received a certificate of competency as engineer officer class

(VII) have not less than 12 months of service at sea as

engineer officer on ships with an engine power of at least 400 kW.

section 21 to obtain permission as engineer officer Class VII shall

the applicant

1. have completed approved education and training and

2. have completed

a) at least 24 months of machine service, or

b) at least 48 months of service at sea on ships of

at least 400 kW engine power without a separate machine room staffing

and then participated in the machine and associated help systems

management with regard to preventive and corrective maintenance, and

the operation of the engine room installations of närfart or more

vast speed.

section 22 For permission as engineer officer class VIII should

the applicant

1. have completed approved education and training and

2. have completed

a) at least 12 months of machine service, or

b) at least 24 months seagoing service on board ships

at least 400 kW engine power without a separate machine room staffing

and then participated in the machine's maintenance and operation of the närfart

or more extensive speed. Regulation (2015:193).

section 23 to get permission befaren machine staff should

the applicant, after having received permission as watchkeeping

machine personnel, have not less than 12 months

machine service.

section 24 to obtain permission as watchkeeping machine staff should

the applicant shall have not less than six months seagoing service in the capacity of machinery.

Duty shall exclusively have consisted of tasks in

the ship's mechanical Department, and have been under the supervision of a

Supervisor with the necessary knowledge and experience for the job.

section 25 to get privileges that Stoker should the applicant have

completed a minimum 18-month machine service on board steamers

or other vessels with larger steam orientation. By this time,

a maximum of nine months is replaced by a qualified

workshop service or machine service on motor vessels.

section 26 to get permission to ship electricity technician applicant

have fulfilled

1. approved training, and

2. at least 36 months of service, of which a maximum of machine sex

months may be replaced by service in the electrical workshop.

section 27 to obtain permission as ship electricians, the applicant shall

1. have completed a minimum of 12 months of machine service;

2. have completed approved education and training and have served at least six

months in the ship's engine Department, or

3. hold qualifications which Transport Agency by decision

in the individual case judged as equivalent to those obtained by approved

education and have completed a minimum of three months

machine service.

Duty referred to in the first subparagraph shall have

consisted of tasks equivalent to those in an electric

Workshop and have been under the supervision of a supervisor with

the necessary knowledge and experience for the job.

section 28 of the Transport Board may provide for the

jurisdiction under sections 24 and 27 may also be achieved through the three-year

secondary education geared toward shipping.

Provisions concerning certain privilege conditions

section 29 of the Education which constitute the permission terms may be replaced by

equivalent training in the military or Coast Guard,

If the Transport Agency by decision in the individual case, approved it.

section 30 of the Tire duties to be performed in vessels with a

gross tonnage of at least 70 subject

regulations for specific permission given by

The Swedish Transport Agency.

Transportation Board may provide for

crediting of tire service on board fishing vessels.

31 § Machine service is to be performed in vessels with at least 400

kW engine power and with special machine staffing unless otherwise

provides for certain rights.

32 § Machine service forming competence for

permissions marine engineer and engineer officer class II to VII shall

half carried on steamers and half on

motor ships. The who served less than the prescribed

the time on the steamers or motor vessels but otherwise meets the

the qualification requirements for any of the mentioned permissions,

only be given permission for duty at steamers or

motor ships.

33 section for service as Assistant required

1. theoretical education of the permission service

the aim of,

2. that duty does not take place in a position that is included in the

the ship's security crew,

3. to deck duty performed on merchant ships with a

gross tonnage of at least 3 000, and

4. the machine duty performed on commercial vessels

at least 1 500 kW power.

Transportation Board may decide in individual cases that

service as Assistant may be fulfilled on vessels

does not comply with the requirements on tonnage or engine power if the

the ship is otherwise deemed appropriate for such service.

34 § service on board foreign ships and Swedish non

mönstringspliktiga vessels may be counted as work experience in the

extent that the Transport Board of the individual

case. Transportation Board shall in particular examine whether the information

provided if the duty must be rejected.

Chapter 3. Special permissions


1 § to obtain special permission, which generally has jurisdiction

radio operator in the GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety

System), the applicant must hold a general operator's certificate

for maritime mobile services in the GMDSS (GOC).

2 § to obtain special permissions as limited jurisdiction

radio operator in the GMDSS, the applicant must hold a restricted

the operator certificate for maritime mobile traffic in the GMDSS (ROC-


paragraph 3 to obtain special permissions as a radio operator in the GMDSS

required medical certificate not older than two years and showing

that the applicant meets the requirements for Visual and hearing capability under

Regulation (1979:38) where the medical certificates for seafarers.

Tank ships

4 section to get such special permissions for

oil cargo referred to in Chapter 4. section 29, first paragraph

ship safety (2003:438), the applicant shall

1. have completed approved training in handling of oil cargoes,

2. have completed approved training in fire protection, and

3. after obtaining the certificate for service on oil

and chemical tanker

(a)) have served at least three months on oil tankers, or

b) have served at least a month in a redundant position on

oil tankers, in which at least three loadings and three releases

documented in a CAA approved

practice journal.

§ 5 to get such special permissions for

chemical cargo, referred to in Chapter 4. section 29, first paragraph

ship safety (2003:438), the applicant shall

1. have completed approved training in the handling of

chemical cargoes,

2. have completed approved training in fire protection, and

3. after obtaining the certificate for service on oil

and chemical tanker

(a)) have served at least three months on chemical tankers,


b) have served at least a month in a redundant position on

chemical tankers, where at least three loadings and three

Releases documented in a CAA approved

practice journal.

section 6, to get such special permissions for

gas load management, as referred to in Chapter 4. section 29, first paragraph

ship safety (2003:438), the applicant shall

1. have completed approved training in management of gas loads,

2. have completed approved training in fire protection, and

3. after obtaining the certificate for service on

liquefied gas tanker

(a)) have served at least three months on liquefied gas tankers, or

b) have served at least a month in a redundant position,

where at least three loadings and three releases documented in a

CAA approved practice journal.

Dry cargo vessels for dangerous cargo

section 7 to get such special permissions for dry cargo handling

referred to in Chapter 4. section 29, third subparagraph

ship safety (2003:438), the applicant shall have

have completed approved training in the handling of dangerous goods in

dry cargo vessels and fire protection.

High-speed craft

section 8 in order to get special permissions for service on

high-speed vessels, the applicant shall have completed an approved


Passenger and ro-ro passenger ships

section 9 to get special permissions for crisis management should

have completed approved education and training.

Fishing vessels

section 10 For getting special permissions for service as

Masters of fishing vessels with a length of at least 12 metres in length shall

have completed approved education and training.

Chapter 4. Certificate


1 section to get a general operator's certificate for maritime

mobile traffic in the GMDSS (GOC) or a limited

the operator certificate for maritime mobile traffic in the GMDSS (ROC-

certificate), the applicant shall have completed approved training.

Tank ships

2 § to obtain certificates for such service on oil and

chemical tanker referred to in Chapter 4. section 29, second paragraph

ship safety (2003:438), the applicant shall

1. have completed approved training in fire protection and

handling of cargo in oil and chemical tankers, or

2. hold qualifications which Transport Agency by decision

in individual cases has been assessed as equivalent to those obtained by

approved courses and have completed a minimum of three months

duty on oil or chemical tankers.

Regulation (2013:776).

paragraph 3 to obtain certificates for such service on board

liquefied gas tanker referred to in Chapter 4. section 29, second paragraph

ship safety (2003:438), the applicant shall

1. have completed approved training in fire protection and

handling of cargo of liquefied gas tankers, or

2. hold qualifications which Transport Agency by decision

in individual cases has been assessed as equivalent to those obtained by

approved courses and have completed a minimum of three months

duties on liquefied gas tankers. Regulation (2012:100).

Survival craft and rescue boats

section 4 to obtain certification to operate rescue craft

and rescue boats, the applicant shall

1. be at least 18 years of age, and

2. serving

a) at least 12 months at sea and actively participated in

the operation of the vessel's life-saving equipment, or

b) at least six months at sea and completed approved


§ 5 in order to get the certificate to handle high-speed

rescue boats, the applicant shall have the certification under paragraph 4 and have

have completed approved education.

Fire safety training courses

section 6 is repealed by Regulation (2013:776).

7 § to obtain certificates in advanced fire-fighting

(advanced fire fighting), the applicant must have the certificate in accordance with paragraph 6 of

and have completed approved training.


section 8 in order to get the certificate to the medical board, the applicant shall

have completed approved education and training.

section 9 in order to get the certificate of basic education in

health care, the applicant shall have completed approved training.

Quick ship

section 10 to get the certificate to manage rapid vessels shall

the applicant must have full-

made the approved training.

Security and safety training

section 11 to receive a certificate in basic security (basic

Safety), the applicant shall have completed approved training.

12 § to obtain certificates as security officer (Ship Security

Officer) on board, the applicant shall have not less than 12 months

at sea as a ship's officer or engineer officer, and have completed

approved training.

section 13 to get certificates for basic

maritime security training, the applicant must have completed approved


section 14 to get certificates of maritime personnel with special

security duties, the applicant shall have completed an approved

education and have sufficient language skills to be able to

understand and communicate security information.

section 15 to get the certificate of safety training for

service on board fishing vessels, the applicant shall have completed an approved


Ship's Cook

15 a of to get the certificate, the applicant must be Cook

at least 18 years of age and have completed approved training.

Regulation (2012:626).


section 16 of a certificate is a separate document that is valid until

on. The certificate shall be carried on the original Board of the

vessel in which the holder is serving and produced on request to


Transportation Board may provide for the certificate

to apply for a limited time.

Chapter 5. Certificate

paragraph 1 in order to receive a certificate of the executed familiarisation training

the applicant shall have completed approved training.

1 a of to get certification for basic safety training

the applicant shall have completed approved training.

Regulation (2013:776).

section 2 in order to receive a certificate of training in the control of

crowd (crowd management training), the applicant shall have

have completed approved education.

section 3 in order to get a certificate of safety training on passenger

and ro-ro passenger ships shall have completed approved


paragraph 4 in order to receive a certificate of training in passenger safety,

cargo safety and Hull integrity, the applicant must have completed

approved training.

section 5 to receive a certificate of training in safety at

high-speed vessels, the applicant shall have completed an approved


section 6 in order to get the certificate to the medical board, the applicant shall have

have completed approved education.

6 a section in order to receive a certificate of training in food hygiene

and personal hygiene as well as handling and storage of

food on board ships shall have completed approved

training. Regulation (2012:626).

section 7 a certificate is a separate document that is valid until further notice.

The certificate shall be carried on the original on board the vessel which

the holder is serving and produced on request to


Transportation Board may provide for the certificate to be

apply for a limited time.

Chapter 6. Formal qualifications

Article 1 holding of privileges or special permissions should be evidenced

with formal qualifications.

Certificate or other document showing permission

shall be carried on the original on board the vessel in which the holder

serving and produced on request to the authorities.

section 2 of The evidence is a separate document and applies

for a maximum period of five years. If a certificate is renewed

during the last six months of the expiry, the new

the period of validity shall begin to run from the day following the

old period of validity has expired.

Evidence of formal qualifications referred to in Chapter 2. 11, 12, 23-25 and 27 §§ terms

However, until further notice.

Transportation Board may announce further provisions about what

required for the validity of a certificate


paragraph 3 of the Transport Board may provide for fees

for the examination of an application for evidence of formal qualifications and other documents

that shows the permission under this regulation.

section 4 of the certificate shall be issued in Swedish and English.

Regulation (2014:452).

Chapter 7. Behörigheternas meaning

section 1 of the Transport Board may provide for the correct

to position on ships that come with the possession of certain


Transport in a particular case, the Board of Directors may provide for an exception

from such provisions if the decision relates to

safety crew. The Board of Directors may also, in the regulations on

Manning of vessels that should not have security crew

(recruitment rules) Info other than what follows from

regulations referred to in the first subparagraph.

Transitional provisions


1. This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 2012.

2. The regulation repeals Ordinance (2007:237) if

qualifications for seafarers.

3. Seafarers who before 1 January 2012, served as a sailor in the

at least 12 months in the last five years, may, on application,

with the Swedish Transport Agency be empowered as sailor.

4. Seamen who before 1 January 2012 served as motorman

for at least 12 months in the last five years, after

application with the Swedish Transport Agency be empowered as befaren

machine staff.

5. Seamen who before 1 January 2012, served in a

position of the Transport Agency is expected to be equivalent to a

position of ship electrical engineer for at least 12 months the

last five years and that meet the relevant

educational requirements under the STCW Code section A-III/6, may, after

application with the Swedish Transport Agency is given permission

ship electrical technician.

6. Seamen who before 1 January 2012, served as

ship electrician for at least 12 months most recent

the five-year period and that meet the relevant training requirements

According to STCW Code section A-III/7, may, on application of the

The Swedish Transport Agency will be given new powers as a ship electrician

According to this regulation.

7. Transport Board until 31 december 2013

issue certificates for basic security training

to the one who

– commenced seagoing service before 1 January 2012, and

– establishes that he or she has served on board during

at least six months during the last three years.

This also applies if the requirements pursuant to Chapter 4. section 13 is not


Transport Board until 31 december 2013

submit to the legal entities that issue such

certificate referred to in the first subparagraph.

Regulation (2013:776).

8. Transport Board until 31 december 2013

issue certificates of seafarers with special

security duties to the

– commenced seagoing service before 1 January 2012, and

– establishes that he or she has served on board with

specific security duties for at least six months

in the past three years.

This also applies if the requirements pursuant to Chapter 4. section 14 is not


Transport Board until 31 december 2013

submit to the legal entities that issue such

certificate referred to in the first subparagraph.

Regulation (2013:776).

9. the Transport Board may, until 31 december 2016

to issue diplomas and certificates in accordance with

the provisions of the Ordinance (2007:237) about permissions for

naval personnel for the who before 1 July 2013, completed its

founding of competence education or completed

founding of competency exam. Such evidence of formal qualifications and

the certificate is valid until 31 december


10. Transport Board until 31 december 2016

renew such diplomas and certificates

issued by virtue of the Ordinance (2007:237) about permissions

for naval personnel. Such evidence of formal qualifications and certificate is valid

until 31 december 2016.

11. Evidence of formal qualifications and certificates issued in accordance with

Ordinance (2007:237) on qualifications for seafarers,

renewed under this regulation.

Transportation Board may provide and in individual

decide if the demand for additional training at such



1. This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 2012.

2. the Transport Board may, until 31 december 2016

issue certificates as to the ship's cook who, before 1

January 2014 has served as a cook for at least six

months in the last three years, although the requirement for approved

education pursuant to Chapter 4. section 15 (a) is not satisfied.