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Regulation (2012:114) On Certain Sanctions Against Libya

Original Language Title: Förordning (2012:114) om vissa sanktioner mot Libyen

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Article 1 this regulation lays down provisions on Prohibitions and

other measures for the implementation of certain sanctions in Sweden

against Libya which has been adopted by the Council of the European Union by

Council decision 2011/137/CFSP of 28 February 2011

restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya.


section 2 Of the arms referred to in this Regulation thereof

contained in the annex to the Ordinance (1992:1303) if

war materials.

By paramilitary equipment ' means equipment

listed in the annex to this regulation.

Prohibition to buy, import or transport

military equipment, etc.

3 § are not allowed from Libya buy, import or

transport military equipment, paramilitary equipment or

spare parts thereof or equipment. Ban

applies regardless of whether the material or equipment is

origin in Libyan territory or not.

Ban on the supply, sale, transfer or transport

paramilitary equipment to Libya

4 § it is not allowed to directly or indirectly provide,

sell, transfer or through Sweden carrying paramilitary

equipment to Libya or for use in, or to

the benefit of Libya, regardless of whether the equipment originated

in Sweden or not.

Exempted from the ban, the delivery, sale or

transfer that has been approved in advance by the United Nations

sanctions Committee (the Committee) established in accordance with the United

Nations Security Council resolution 1970 (2011).

After prior notification to the Committee and provided that

the Committee has not taken a negative decision within five

working days of such notification, exemption from

the ban even for the delivery or transfer of

1. paramilitary equipment intended solely for

security purposes or to assist the Libyan authorities

in disarmament, and

2. paramilitary equipment temporarily exported to

Libya exclusively for use by the United Nations

personnel, representatives of the media and humanitarian and development workers and

associated personnel.

Common rules on transport

5 § the prohibitions under sections 3 and 4 shall also apply to the transport of

stock and equipment on ships and aircraft

registered in Sweden.


section 6 of the Inspectorate for strategic products, and customs service

responsible within its area of responsibility for overseeing

the prohibitions under sections 3 and 4. The customs service is responsible within its

area of responsibility, in co-operation with the Swedish Transport Agency, for supervision

of the prohibition provided for in paragraph 5 of the.

Authorities shall consult each other in their supervision and leave

each other the information necessary for the supervision.


List of paramilitary equipment

By paramilitary equipment "means the following equipment, if the

at the same time not be included in the annex to the Ordinance (1992:1303)

about armaments.

1. Fire of cane guns with calibre < 20 mm.

2. Ammunition specially designed for fire of cane weapon according to

point 1.

3. Weapons sights.

4. Bombs and other explosive charges.

5. Explosive substances.

6. Equipment for protection against conventional weapons.

7. Training materials for military activities.

8. Investigation and measurement equipment with military performance for

observation in the dark.

9. Equipment for the manufacture of the equipment referred to in paragraphs


10. Special technology and software for equipment referred to in

paragraphs 1 to 9.