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Taxi Traffic Law (2012:211)

Original Language Title: Taxitrafiklag (2012:211)

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Chapter 1. Introductory provisions

section 1 of this Act contains provisions on the taxi traffic.

2 § Vehicle concepts in this Act have the same meaning as in

Act (2001:559) road traffic code definitions.

paragraph 3 of the taxi traffic refers to traffic that is carried out professionally with

passenger car or light truck, and that means that vehicles and

drivers for payment are made available to the public for

the transport of persons.

4 section With taxi identification card "means a document containing

authorized to drive vehicles in taxi traffic.

Chapter 2. Taxi operating licenses

Obtain a permit

1 § Taxi traffic may be carried out only by the person who has

taxi operating licenses.

The review authority

2 § the authority the Government hears questions about

taxi operating licenses.

Transport managers

section 3 of the legal persons which have taxi operating licenses, the

be one or more persons who have particular responsibility to

the activity is exercised in accordance with the regulations in force

for the business and good industry practice, as well as on a roadworthy

(transport managers).

A traffic officer should also be for a trader who is

resident outside the European economic area (EEA) and

engaged in taxi traffic in Sweden.

4 § transport managers are

1. in limited liability companies and cooperative societies the Executive

the Director, if there is one, or otherwise the

Member of the Board of Directors of the company or association has designated,

2. in limited partnerships and other partnership each partner,

3. in the non-profit associations and foundations, the Board Member who

the Association or Foundation has appointed,

4. in the European economic interest grouping

business leader,

5. in foreign enterprises (branches) of the Executive Director

in the branch,

6. in State and local government bodies as well as with other

legal persons governed by private law than referred to in 1 – 5 on or

those body and legal entity has designated,


7. for the purpose of trade or business carried on by a trader who is

resident outside the European economic area (EEA)

the Superintendent.

If there are special reasons, the review authority may grant

a) to anyone other than those now specified should be

Traffic Manager, or

(b)) that limited partners are excluded from traffic officer.

Rules on authorisation

5 § Taxi operating licenses may only be used in the given

to professional expertise, economic conditions and good reputation

deemed to be appropriate to carry out the activity;

Those looking for a taxi permit, in addition to what follows from

first subparagraph, be able to prove that the need for financial resources

According to section 9 are met.

section 6 in respect of legal persons and traders

resident outside the European economic area (EEA)

should the examination referred to in paragraph 5 of the first paragraph, refer to the

is transport managers.

In addition, except in the case of professional skills, the examination of

the case of a legal person governed by private law and a trader

who is resident outside the EEA refer to the legal person

each trader, as well as the following people:

1. the Executive Director and the other by a leading

position or otherwise has a controlling influence.

over the business,

2. the Board members and Deputy Board members who, as a result

of shareholders or related parties has a significant financial interest

community with the legal person based on

rights of participants or a substantially equivalent economic interest, and

3. General partners in limited partnerships or other trading companies.

As related to a Board member or a

Deputy Director deemed it that according to Chapter 4. paragraph 3 of the first

subparagraph Bankruptcy Act (1987:672) is considered to be closely related to the

the debtor.

section 7 If any of those referred to in paragraph 6 is replaced or if

of any such person, the new person's suitability

be examined.

§ 8 The Government authority determines the style and

organising written tests in proficiency. The requirement for

proficiency shall be satisfied by the approved at

such a test.

The sample will be deemed to be the knowledge that a licensee should have in

question about foremost

1. legal regulations,

2. Management and financial management of an undertaking,

3. technical standards and operating conditions, and

4. traffic safety.

§ 9 The seeking taxi operating licenses shall have adequate

financial resources to properly be

starting and running a company. When considering this should primarily

liquidity and solvency are taken into account.

Unless there are special reasons causing the other, the applicant shall be deemed to have

adequate resources, if he disposes of capital and

reserves of at least 100 000 dollars for a vehicle and 50 000

In addition, for each additional vehicle.

10 § whoever holds the taxi operating licenses should be able to demonstrate that

He or she continually meets the requirement of economic

resources under section 9.

11 § examination of the applicant with regard to the requirement for good

reputation should the applicant's willingness and ability to carry out its

obligations towards the public, obedience to the law in General and other

circumstances of importance should be taken into account.

The requirement of good repute is not considered to be fulfilled by the

convicted of

1. a serious crime, including serious economic


2. one or more serious or repeated violations of the

a) this law or regulations issued in connection

to the law,

b) regulations on road traffic and road transport, in particular

rules on drivers ' rest periods, the weights and dimensions of vehicles,

Automotive equipment and nature or provisions of

essential for traffic, road safety or

protection of the environment, or

c) provisions concerning the pay and employment conditions in

the industry.

section 12 Of the application for the taxi operating licenses rejected because of

circumstances set out in section 11, a period of at least six

months and not more than five years determined in which it tried to

unfit to operate a taxi service.

Permit conditions

paragraph 13 of the Taxi's licence may be subject to conditions if there are

special reasons. Such conditions may be decided as well in connection with

that permission is granted later during the authorisation period.

Taxi traffic permit shall

paragraph 14 of A taxi licence is valid until further notice. If there is

specific reasons, authorization is limited to a certain period of time.

section 15 If the holder dies, the condition of the estate.

If the holder of the authorization is declared bankrupt, enters the State at

the bankruptcy estate. The permit is valid, unless the review authority

due to special reasons allow longer validity period, during

a maximum of six months from the date of the death or bankruptcy order.

For the operation of the estate or the estate, there shall be a

Superintendent approved by the review authority. In question

If the latter, paragraph 5 shall apply. If it has not been notified a

Director to review authority within one month after

death or bankruptcy order, terminates the authorization. The same

true if the Superintendent is not accepted and it is not notified a

different Superintendent within the time that the review authority

determines. If neither the other safety officer is hereby approved,

terminates the authorization to apply three weeks after the decision

has become final.

Special rules for the transport of goods

section 16 of The licence, which may also have taxi transport goods with

the vehicle that the permit relates, provided that

passenger transport is the main part of the

the transport activity.

Price information

section 17 of The who have taxi operating licenses are bound to before

the journey through appropriate measures to let passengers know

If the rate he or she administers. The tariff shall be

structured so that the price of transport, on the one hand can easily

be assessed prior to the ride, and with the knowledge of the distance travelled, and

used time can easily be calculated after the ride. The scale may not

be structured so that the basics of price determination

change during the trip.

Whoever has the taxi operating licenses are required to make before the trip

to a price quote is left for the trip if the unit price

exceeds 500 kroons. Price the task should specify a maximum price

for the trip. The task should be provided when the journey is ordered. Evidence

about price indication should be provided to the passenger before the trip and

shall be kept upon the authorization of and.

Price indication need not be given when the fixed price shall apply.

With compare price means the price in SEK including VAT

for a 10 kilometer long transport that lasts 15 minutes

including any basic fee. With fixed price means an in

a predetermined amount for a pre-determined process.

Provisions on pricing information is also available in

prisinformations Act (2004:347). Law (2014:1396).

2 a Cape. /Kapitlet entry into force: 01/01/2017

Obligation to transfer the taxi meter data

§ 1 the person in possession of taxi operating licenses are from the

a vehicle reported for taxi transport obligated to transfer

taxi meter data to such an accounting Centre

specified in the law (2014:1020) if accounting centres for

taxi traffic.

The obligation to transfer the taxi meter data relates to all

taximeter equipment that is or has been installed in

the vehicles had been notified of taxi traffic in licensee's


The Government or the authority, as the Government determines

Announces taximeter determine which information

covered by the obligation of transfer. Law (2014:1022).

section 2 of the Transfer should be made to the accounting Centre

the licensee of every taximeter has notified to the

the Government authority determines. Law (2014:1022).

section 3 transfer of taxi meter data from

taximeter equipment into the accounting Centre will take place

digital and wireless. Law (2014:1022).

4 section A licence holders shall transfer the taxi meter data from

all of their vehicles have been notified for taxi service to a

accounting Centre at least once per week. Transfer shall

However, always be made within such time that taximeters data can

received and stored in unbroken succession.

If a particular fare meters not been used during the period elapsing

from the latest transfer, the licensee shall in

rather than give the accounting Centre notice of this and if

the cause. Such a statement shall be submitted at the latest at the time

When the taxi meter data for the current period would have

been transferred. Law (2014:1022).

Chapter 3. Taxi identification

Taxi identification requirements

1 §/expires U: 2016-04-15/

A passenger car or light truck may be brought in taxi traffic

only by those who have a valid taxi identification.

1 section/entry into force: 04/15/2016

A passenger car or light truck may be brought in taxi traffic only by the

1. have a valid taxi identification, or

2. temporary taxi Sweden exercising the profession under the Act (2016:145) on the recognition of professional qualifications and the regulations issued in connection with the Act.

Law (2016:152).

The review authority

2 § the authority the Government hears questions about

taxi identification.

The trial relating to the taxi identification

paragraph 3 of the Taxi identification must be given to the

1. have reached the age of 21,

2. have driving license with permission B for at least two years or

have a driver's license with permission (D),

3. meets the medical requirements are necessary with regard

to the safety of passengers and other road users,

4. in the case of professional competence and obedience to the law is deemed to be

suitable to serve as drivers of taxi traffic, and

5. have completed approved driving test for the taxi identification.

For those who, in the upper secondary school or equivalent

education, acquired basic skills through approved

basic training pursuant to Chapter 4. section 1 of the Act (2007:1157) om

professional driver competence for vehicles that require driving privileges (D)

or, in lieu of first subparagraph 1 and 2 to

the person should be at least 18 years old and have a driving licence with permission B.

What is stated in the first paragraph 2 on the obligation to

driver's license with permission B for at least two years does not apply to the

as for the last three years have had taxi identification

and that when applying for a new licence, such permission has B.

A taxi identification may be subject to conditions that are

motivated by medical or other special reasons. Terms and conditions

get notified as well when the papers will be decided

later during the period of validity. Law (2014:1396).

4 § The seeking or holding the taxi identification is

required to undergo a medical examination, blood sampling or

a similar survey for the examination of the medical requirements

as provided for by this law or by regulations that have been issued

in the margins of the law.

§ 5 If a doctor on examination of a marketing

He finds the taxi identification for medical reasons is

inappropriate to hold such identification, the physician should report it

to the review authority. Before any notification made to the doctor

inform the holder. Notification does not need to be conducted if there is

reason to believe that the holder will follow your doctor's

injunction to refrain from bringing a vehicle in such traffic

referred to in paragraph 1.

If a doctor on examination or review of

Journal documents finds it likely that the holders of

taxi identification for medical reasons is inappropriate to have

such identification and the proprietor opposes the continued

examination or investigation, notify the physician relationship

to the review authority.

section 6, in a case if the taxi identification,

the review authority shall submit to the individual to give in

medical certificate.

section 7 of The Government authority determines the style

and organizes written examinations of professional competence. Requirement

of professional competence under section 3(1) 4 shall be deemed to

met by the approved by such a test.

Law (2014:1396).

section 8, If the application for the taxi identification is rejected on the basis of

the requirement for obedience to the law under section 3(1) 4 cannot be considered

fulfilled, will be a time of not less than six months and not more than five years

be determined during which it examined to be deemed inappropriate to

possession of taxi licence.

section 9 By a preliminary decision, it is necessary to examine whether there are obstacles

towards the taxi identification is provided.

Taxi legitimationens validity

section 10 A taxi identification comes from the time

then it is left out and only in conjunction with a valid

driving licence.

section 11 of The taxi identification does not apply if

1. it has not been renewed after the injunction,

2. it is recalled, or taken care of according to Chapter 4,


3. another taxi identification has been disclosed to the same


A taxi identification shall also be declared invalid:

the holder requests it and there is no basis for revocation

According to Chapter 4. 6 paragraph 1. Law (2014:1396).

Renewal of taxi identification

section 12 A taxi identification should be renewed within ten years after

It has been issued or last renewed with new

tasks. If an identification card has been renewed without new

data have been entered for the original

the period of validity. Papers should also be renewed if it has

destroyed or lost or if any of the information in it has

been changed. Law (2014:1396).

Demands on the driver's permission in certain cases

section 13 a foreign driving licence does not confer the right to anyone other than

a national of a State within the European economic

area (EEA) to run the Swedish-registered passenger car

or light truck in taxi traffic.

Chapter 4. Withdrawal of taxi operating licenses and taxi-

proof of identification

Withdrawal of taxi operating licenses

1 § if in taxi traffic or otherwise by operation of

traffic movement or in other commercial activities that

the licensee is conducting has been serious

abuse or if the conditions for authorisation

According to Chapter 2. section 5 of the other reason are no longer met;

the authorisation shall be revoked by the review authority.

If the irregularities are not so severe that the State should

withdrawn, instead warning is announced.

2 §/expires U: 2017-01-01/

A permit shall be revoked under section 1 if a

holder, a Transport Manager or someone else

tested according to Chapter 2. 6 §

1. has been convicted of a serious crime, including a serious

economic crime,

2. has been convicted of one or more serious or repeated

violations of the

a) this law or regulations issued in connection

to the law,

b) regulations on road traffic and road transport, in particular

rules on drivers ' rest periods, the weights and dimensions of vehicles,

Automotive equipment and nature or provisions of

essential for traffic, road safety or

protection of the environment, or

c) provisions concerning the pay and employment conditions in


3. materially has not fulfilled obligations towards the

General with regard to the payment of taxes and fees, or

4. on substantially breached the conditions of the permit.

An authorisation shall also be revoked, if at trial

described in Chapter 2. section 7 shows that any of them that have been tried are


2 section/entry into force: 01/01/2017

A permit shall be revoked under section 1 if a

holder, a Transport Manager or someone else

tested according to Chapter 2. 6 §

1. has been convicted of a serious crime, including a

serious economic crime,

2. has been convicted of one or more serious or repeated

violations of the

(a)) this Act or rules given in

connection to the law,

b) regulations on road traffic and road transport, in particular

rules on drivers ' rest periods, the weights and dimensions of vehicles,

Automotive equipment and nature or provisions of

essential for traffic, road safety or

protection of the environment, or

c) provisions concerning the pay and employment conditions in


3. materially have not fulfilled their obligations to

the General with regard to the payment of taxes and charges,

4. is guilty of repeated failure to transmit

taxi meter data from the taximeter in the manner prescribed

in Chapter 2 (a), or

5. to substantially breached the conditions of the permit.

An authorisation shall also be revoked, if at trial

described in Chapter 2. section 7 shows that any of them that have been tried are

inappropriate. Law (2014:1022).

paragraph 3, where an authorization is revoked for any of the

circumstances set out in section 2 or due to severe

abuses under the first paragraph, a time of not less than

of three and a maximum of five years, during which it tried to

unfit to operate a taxi service.

4 § the case referred to in paragraphs 1 to 3 shall not be decided without

the licensee has been given a reasonable time to replace a

traffic officer or other whose suitability is tested. If not

either the new person is approved, the authorisation shall be revoked.

paragraph 5 of The licence shall be revoked

1. If it is not being used and special reasons do not speak against a

revocation, or

2. at the holder's request if the transport does not

has been or will be discontinued.

Withdrawal and disposal of the taxi identification

6 § taxi identification should be withdrawn by the

the review authority of the holder

1. by a criminal offence or due to other

anomalies have proven unsuitable to serve as

drivers of taxi traffic according to Chapter 3. section 1,

2. no longer fulfils the medical requirements laid down in Chapter 3.

section 3, or

3. fail to comply with an order to produce a medical certificate.

If the abuses referred to in the first subparagraph 1 is not so

serious to taxi papers should be revoked, shall

rather than warning is announced.

section 7 If a taxi identification revoked because of

circumstances set out in paragraph 6 of the 1, a period of not less than three and

a maximum of five years, during which it considered to be considered

inappropriate to hold a taxi licence.

section 8 A taxi identification should be withdrawn until further notice in

pending the final decision, if probable cause can

It is assumed that the papers will be revoked, according to the final

section 6.

§ 9 A taxi identification should be taken care of by a police officer

or a Prosecutor

1. If there are grounds to take care of the holder's driver's licence

According to Chapter 5. section 7 of licence Act (1998:488),

2. If the driver's licence or identification card has been revoked, or

3. If it can be assumed that probable cause papers

will be withdrawn under section 6.

A taxi identification should be taken care of by a police officer if

According to Chapter 3. 11 section 1 or 3 not

apply. Law (2014:1396).

section 10 If a taxi identification seized under section 9

the first subparagraph of paragraph 3, shall determine the review authority without delay

If the authentication should be withdrawn until further notice or given


section 11 When a taxi identification card revoked, are taken care of

or becomes invalid for any other reason, the holder of the

call or submit it to the review authority

The police authority. Law (2014:749).

section 12 If a taxi identification has become invalid only on the

because the prescribed driving permission is missing, the

papers to be disclosed in connection with the licence.

Common provisions

section 13 as the basis for final withdrawal or warning with

reason of the criminal offence, on the issue of crime

There is added

1. a final judgment,

2. a qualifying penalty order,

3. an approved procedure of summary penal fee, or

4. a decision on prosecution failure according to Chapter 20. 7 §

the code of judicial procedure, or the corresponding provision in the other


section 14 With a Swedish verdict assimilates a criminal conviction or a

other equivalent judgment given by a foreign

Court or other foreign authority.

section 15 a decision on revocation or warning should be communicated to the

which the decision applies.


16 §/expires U: 2016-04-15/

The authority, which the Government supervises

that licence holders operates in accordance with this

law and regulations that have been issued in connection with the Act.

Authority exercises also supervision of a holder of

taxi identification complies with the requirements applying to

the authentication.

16 section/entry into force: 04/15/2016

The authority that the Government supervise determines that the licensee operates in accordance with this Act and the regulations that have been issued in connection with the Act.

Authority exercises also supervision of the holder of the taxi identification and temporary professions referred to in Chapter 3. 1 § 2 meets the requirements to get the profession. Law (2016:152).

section 17 of the Regulations on the supervision of the disabled by

public transport can be found in the law (1979:558) about handicapped accessible

public transport.

Chapter 5. Penalty provisions, prevention of continued the process,

disposal of license plate for taxi vehicles and

Counsel in pre-trial investigation

Illegal taxi traffic

§ 1 The who willfully engaged in taxi service under this Act

without a permit is convicted of illegal taxi services to the fine or

imprisonment of up to one year.

A licensee who willfully or negligently violates

against the conditions in the permit shall be liable to a fine.

section 2 of The who willfully without taxi permits to perform a

passenger transport by passenger car or light truck for remuneration

After driving to the public offer is sentenced, if the Act

is not punishable under section, for unauthorized taxi services to


Client responsibility

3 § has taxi traffic under this Act conducted without the permission,

person who professionally for own or third parties have

concluded agreements on transport by the railway undertaking to fines or

imprisonment not exceeding one year, if he or she knew or had

reasonable grounds to believe that the condition was lacking.

Breach of the taxi identification

4 §/expires U: 2016-04-15/

Whoever in violation of Chapter 3. 1 § intentionally for a vehicle

without being in possession of taxi identification is sentenced to a fine or

imprisonment of up to six months.

The same punishment is sentenced a holder who willfully

or of negligence in violation of Chapter 3. section 1 hiring drivers

lacks the taxi identification.

A driver who intentionally or negligently violates

conditions given for taxi papers is sentenced to


4 section/entry into force: 04/15/2016

Whoever in violation of Chapter 3. 1 § intentionally for a vehicle shall be liable to a fine or imprisonment of up to six months.

The same punishment is sentenced a holder who, either intentionally or negligently, in violation of Chapter 3. section 1 hire taxi drivers who do not have an ID or a right to temporarily exercise the taxi profession.

A driver who intentionally or negligently violates terms handed down for taxi papers shall be liable to a fine. Law (2016:152).

Violation of the rules on driving privileges in certain


§ 5 The who willfully violate the provision in Chapter 3. section 13

shall be liable to a fine.

section 6 of the cases referred to in Chapter 3. section 13, intentionally or

negligence submit to or otherwise allow any

other to drive vehicles but that he is entitled to the

shall be liable to a fine.

Prevention of continued flight

section 7 If a vehicle made in contravention of this Act or a

Regulation or a condition which has been issued with the support of

the law, a police officer or customs officer prevent continued

the process. The police officer or customs official must then admit to it

vehicles with which the products are transported to the nearest suitable

the set-up or unloading site or workshop. In question

If a vehicle registered in foreign countries and imported into the

Sweden, the police officer or customs officer shall allow the

immediately taken out of the country.

Disposal of license plate for taxi vehicles

section 8 a special license plate for a vehicle notified

for use in taxi traffic under this law and which are not

exempted from the obligation to have a taximeter may be

hand of policeman

1. If the vehicle without permission is used in taxi traffic or if

the other reason is no longer the conditions for

the vehicle shall possess such a sign,

2. If the vehicle is subject to such restrictions as referred to in (3)

Cape. 6 § vehicle Act (2002:574)

3. If the vehicle is valid using ban under a

Regulation issued in connection with the Act (2001:558)

on road traffic register or prohibition under

road tax Act (2006:227) or the Act (2006:228)

Special provisions on vehicle tax,

4. If the vehicle does not have the prescribed liability insurance, or

5. If the taximeter equipment does not meet the requirements

in accordance with the provisions adopted by virtue of Chapter 7.

section 3.

At the disposal of the registration plates apply to section 7 of the

the second sentence in the same way. Law (2014:1396).

Counsel in pre-trial investigation

§ 9 in the preliminary investigation concerning offences under section 1,

prosecutors request the assistance of the customs service and provide a customs officer

commissioned to carry out a certain action during

the preliminary investigation, if it is appropriate to

the case may be. The police authority has the corresponding right then

the results of the investigation.

If there is reason to believe that the crimes referred to in the first

the paragraph has been perpetrated, a customs official has the same power

as a police officer to hold hearings and take any other action

According to Chapter 23. the third subparagraph of paragraph 3 of the code of judicial procedure.

Law (2014:749).

Chapter 6. Appeals and enforcement


section 1 of the review authority's decision in matters of taxi traffic and

taxi identification may be appealed to the General

Administrative Court.

Following paragraph 2 of the decision may not be appealed:

1. decisions on written tests in accordance with Chapter 2. section 8 or

Chapter 3. section 7,

2. decisions on driving test for the taxi identification

referred to in Chapter 3. 3 paragraph 5, and

3. decisions regarding the care of taxi identification

According to Chapter 4. § 9.

An order to produce a medical certificate may be appealed only in

connection with an appeal of the decision by which the matter

is determined.

section 3 of the terms of a decision under this Act, or regulations that

in connection with the Act, which may be appealed to the

General administrative courts, the following applies.

A decision concerning a natural person may be appealed to the

administrative law in whose area of jurisdiction the person is registered

or, if he is not registered in Sweden, to the

administrative law in whose area of jurisdiction the person is staying.

A decision concerning a legal person, which means even

legal persons governed by public law, such as the State, a municipality,

an Association of local authorities or Governments, may be appealed to the

administrative law in whose area of jurisdiction the company's or

business management is available.

Decisions in cases other than those mentioned in the second and third subparagraphs

be appealed to the administrative law in whose area of jurisdiction

the decision.

4 § leave to appeal is required for an appeal to the administrative law.

§ 5 the review authority may bring an action even in favor of

the individual party.


paragraph 6 of decision under this Act or under the regulations

in connection with the law to take effect immediately, if

unless otherwise decreed.

Chapter 7. Appropriations

section 1 of the Government or the authority that the Government may

provide for or in individual cases, allow exceptions

from this law. An exemption decision may be subject to conditions.

section 2 of the Government or the authority that the Government may

notify additional regulations on

1. taxi operating licenses,

2. transport managers,

3. taxi identification, and

4. control of taxi traffic and marketing

taxi identification.

section 3 of the Government or the authority, as the Government determines

may provide for

1. price information, the identification of the vehicle and the

local knowledge that taxi drivers should have,

2. the taximeter equipment as well as the use and control of such


3. written tests of skills and professional competence, and

taxi driving test for identification, and

4. fees for supervision and case management under this

law and according to the rules given in connection

to the law. Law (2014:1396).

Transitional provisions


1. this law shall enter into force on 1 June 2012.

2. Permit for taxi traffic that has been granted in accordance with

old rules still apply.

3. If an authorisation has been granted in accordance with the older provisions

has been limited to apply only during a certain time,

the restriction still applies. Also other conditions the United

and limitations of such a condition will still


4. Regulations on taxi services delivered with the support of

commercial law (1998:490) and when this law takes effect

in force shall be considered to be announced under this Act.

5. where a law refers to a

Regulation of commercial law (1998:490) which has been replaced by

a provision of this Act, shall apply instead of the new

the regulation.


1. this law shall enter into force on the 1 January 2016.

2. the obligation referred to in 2 (a). section 1 for a vehicle at

entry into force is already equipped with taximeter equipment

ensues when the nearest annual taximeter inspection last will

take place or, if the taximeter inspection is carried out in the past by other

reason, at the time of the survey.