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Taxi Driving Regulation (2012:238)

Original Language Title: Taxitrafikförordning (2012:238)

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1 Cape. General provisions

Article 1 this regulation lays down rules that connect to

taxi traffic law (2012:211).

section 2 of the concepts contained in this regulation have the same

meaning as in taxi traffic law (2012:211) and Act (2001:559)

on road traffic definitions.

Rules for registration of holdings in accordance with the permit, etc.

taxi traffic law can be found in Regulation (2001:650) if

the road traffic register.

Of the Regulation (1999:1134) for clearance and

Regulation (1999:1135) if suspicion registers are

provisions on the right of the Swedish Transport Agency to get information from the

These records.

Scope of the directive

section 3 of That taxi traffic is not considered

1. carriage of passengers to or from a place of work,

school or other local where the driver or the passenger

work or training, in the case of transport in connection with

Motorists travelling to their work or their

training site,

2. transport by passenger car of school children between home and

school or part of such a transport route, if the transport

carried out by a parent or other relative of any of

students, or

3. transport with emergency vehicles.

Chapter 2. Taxi operating licenses

The assessment authority, etc.

section 1 of the Swedish Transport Agency's redress authority referred to in Chapter 2. section 2 of the

taxi traffic law (2012:211).

section 2 of the Swedish Transport Agency style written tests in proficiency

According to Chapter 2. section 8 taxi traffic law (2012:211).

paragraph 3 of the Finnish transport agency is organising written tests in proficiency

According to Chapter 2. section 8 taxi traffic law (2012:211).


section 4 of the application for the taxi operating licenses must be in writing.

The applicant shall submit such documents showing that the requirements

According to Chapter 2. 5 § taxi traffic law (2012:211) are met.

In the case of foreign nationals who do not live in Sweden

should also include a description of the good repute is lodged. In such cases

the Swedish Transport Agency will accept an extract from a competent

Government registry or a certificate issued by a

the competent authority or body in the country in which the alien is

citizens or are domiciled.

Application review, etc.

section 5 of the applicant shall, at the request of the Swedish Transport Agency submit the

information that the Board needs to consider an application for

taxi operating licenses.

section 6 of the Transport Board may, on application, may allow the

undergone some secondary education or other higher

training with a passing grade in a particular or certain substances

included in the sample as described in Chapter 2. section 8 taxi traffic law (2012:211)

be exempted from the obligation to take the test in such a topic.

The Swedish Transport Agency may also waive the obligation

to take the test for those who have at least five years of practical

experience as a Transport Manager or management level in

a transport undertaking provided that the applicant is approved

in a confirmatory test organized by the Transport Department.

section 7 of the examination referred to in Chapter 2. 9 § taxi traffic law (2012:211)

of the applicant's financial resources shall in particular take account of:

– available funds including savings, opportunities for

credits and loans,

– all assets including property that the applicant may take advantage

as collateral,

– costs including purchase costs or the first payment for

vehicles, premises, facilities and equipment, as well as

-the need for working capital.

8 § economic examination pursuant to Chapter 2. 5 and 9 sections

taxi traffic law (2012:211) may be made on the basis of

financial statements, income tax return with attachments or

other documents that may shed light on the applicant's financial situation,

as a financial plan, or budget.

As evidence that the applicant meets the requirement of economic

resources, Transport Board also accept a certificate corresponding to a

chartered or certified accountant or a confirmation or

Declaration of a bank or a credit market company.

Taxi operating licenses

section 9 a decision on taxi operating licenses will contain

1. the licensee's name, address, social security number, or

routing number, and

2. the conditions and restrictions that apply to the traffic.

If the licensee is a legal entity or a

traders who are resident outside the European economic

area (EEA), the decision should also include an indication of

who is responsible for this traffic and which is otherwise tested according to

Chapter 2. paragraph 6 and section 7 of the taxi traffic law (2012:211).

The State shall also contain information on

section 10, Chapter 4. 2 and 6 sections as well as a statement in which

conditions of the permit may be revoked.

The exchange of transport managers and others.

section 10 the licensee shall to the Swedish Transport Agency report on

the transport managers or anyone else

aptitude examination is directed to be replaced. The same applies if the

any such person applies.

section 11 of The specified on the application for authorization and review

of such an application in 4-6 sections apply, mutatis mutandis, a

notification in accordance with section 10 and the trial by reason of such


3 Cape. Taxiförar ID

Review Authority

section 1 of the Swedish Transport Agency's redress authority referred to in Chapter 3. section 2 of the

taxi traffic law (2012:211).


section 2 of the applicant shall, at the request of the Swedish Transport Agency submit the

information that the Board needs to consider an application for

taxiförar identification.

3 § If the applicant does not comply with an order to within a certain

time to submit a medical certificate, should the application be rejected.

The notice shall contain a statement to that effect.

Driving test

4 § taxiförar identification applicant should have completed a

approved driving test for such identity card no earlier than 12 months

before the application is submitted to the Swedish Transport Agency.

paragraph 5 of the test of skills and behaviour for taxiförar authentication should be taken before the

as the Swedish Transport Agency has decreed that conduct driving tests

According to license Act (1998:488).

section 6 of the pass a skills test for identification taxiförar

facing an examiners of the Transport Department should provide a

passenger car which is suitable for the test.

section 7 of the driving test for taxiförar identification refers to the applicant's

1. the ability to apply knowledge of the structure and

mode of action of vehicles such as the sample relates,

2. the ability to apply knowledge of passenger safety in the

vehicles of the sort that sample relates,

3. ability to road and street traffic driving vehicles of the

type the sample relates,

4. the ability to apply knowledge to find to

passengers ' destinations, and

5. presence of mind and judgment.

Regulation (2014:1092).

section 8 a driving test for identification taxiförar shall be subject to approval of the

showing that the applicant, in the respects referred to in section 7, the

abilities and presence of mind that should be required of a taxi driver.

Written test of professional competence

9 § the Swedish Transport Agency style written tests in

professional competence referred to in Chapter 3. section 7 of the taxi traffic law

(2012:211). Regulation (2014:1486).

section 10 of the Finnish transport agency is organising written tests in professional competence

According to Chapter 3. section 7 of the taxi traffic law (2012:211).

Regulation (2014:1486).

11 § taxiförar identification applicant should have passed

approved written test of professional competence for such

identity card no earlier than three years before the application is submitted to the

The Swedish Transport Agency. Regulation (2014:1486).

/Rubriken enters into force in: 2016-04-15/

Recognition of foreign professional qualifications

11 a §/comes into force: 2016-04-15/

Provisions concerning the temporary occupation and recognition of professional qualifications acquired or recognised in a State other than Sweden within the European economic area or Switzerland, see law (2016:145) on the recognition of professional qualifications and in the regulations issued in conjunction with the Act. Regulation (2016:175).

The issue of taxiförar ID

12 § Taxiförar identification issued by the Swedish Transport Agency

Since the applicant submitted an application which meets the requirements of section 15

second paragraph. Regulation (2012:480).

Introduction of taxiförar ID

section 13 a valid taxiförar identification shall be carried in taxi traffic

and be visible to passengers. It will be presented to a

bilinspektör or police officer if he or she requests it.

Destroyed or lost taxiförar ID

14 § On a taxiförar ID has been destroyed or brought

away to the holder shall notify the Swedish Transport Agency.

To a notification should, if possible, the destroyed papers

attached. If an ID that has come off later is found,

It will immediately be sent to the Swedish Transport Agency.

The issue and renewal of taxiförar ID

15 § the Swedish Transport Agency will send support of the application for

1. issue of taxiförar ID to the

granted taxiförar identification in accordance with Chapter 3. paragraph 3 of the

taxi traffic law (2012:211), and

2. the renewal of taxiförar identification of the holder.

An application referred to in the first subparagraph shall be made on a special

form (basic document) and be personally signed. A

identity photograph should accompany the application.

The Swedish Transport Agency may provide that an application

on the renewal of the taxiförar ID in place shall be submitted on

electronic means.

section 16 If an application for renewal of taxiförar identification according to

3 Cape. 12 § taxi traffic law (2012:211) have not been submitted within

one of the Swedish Transport Agency specified time, the Swedish Transport Agency

order the holder to within a certain time after he

or she got part of the injunction to apply for renewal of

taxiförar papers.

The notice shall include a statement that

taxiförar the authentication becomes invalid according to Chapter 3. section 11 of the first

paragraph 1 taxi traffic act if the order is not complied with.

Withdrawal and disposal of taxiförar ID

section 17 of an order for a holder of

taxiförar ID to within a certain period of time to submit a medical certificate

should contain an indication of that authentication can

withdrawn according to Chapter 4. 6 paragraph 3 taxi traffic law

(2012:211) if the notice is not complied with.

a decision under section 18 of Chapter 4. 9 § taxi traffic law (2012:211)

to take care of a taxiförar ID must be notified promptly

and communicated to the holder.

Decision and notification, the present investigation and

statement of the grounds on which to change to

within 48 hours shall be sent to the Swedish Transport Agency. If the decision

served or taxiförar papers be submitted later, to

This will be notified as soon as possible the Swedish Transport Agency. A taken care of

ID will be sent to the Swedish Transport Agency.

section 19 a solicitation in connection with a withdrawal decision to

submit a taxiförar ID according to Chapter 4. section 11 of the

taxi traffic law (2012:211) must be notified to the holder by

stämningsmannadelgivning. In such a case, the document

be provided to the trustee.

4 Cape. General provisions on the control of taxi traffic

section 1 of the Swedish Transport Agency is the supervisory authority in accordance with Chapter 4. 16 §

taxi traffic law (2012:211).

section 2 of a passenger car or a light truck to be used in

taxi services as a taxi operating licenses will be in writing

be notified to the Swedish Transport Agency of the licensee.

The vehicle may not be used in taxi traffic until a notification,

meeting the requirements of section 3, have been received by the

The Swedish Transport Agency. Regulation (2014:1092).

section 3 of a notification pursuant to section 2 to indicate the vehicle's

the registration number and, where applicable, a statement that

a vehicle held by tenure. With

the notification dossier shall follow a supplementary investigation

If the requirement for financial resources in accordance with Chapter 2. 9 §

taxi traffic law (2012:211) is complied with, in the case of a

increase in the number of vehicles that will be used in accordance with the

taxi permit.

For a vehicle that held with access rights to a copy of the

the contract is submitted to the Transport Board requests it.

Regulation (2014:1092).

section 4 of the Swedish Transport Agency to verify in the road traffic register

to a vehicle which has been notified in accordance with section 2 of the meeting the

conditions for registration and if nature and equipment

provided for in the Regulation (2001:650) on road traffic register

and vehicle regulation (2009:211) and in regulations

has been granted on the basis of vehicle regulation

type of vehicle as a taxi permit relates. The Board of Directors shall

also verify that the licensee owns the vehicle or,

If necessary, make sure they have access rights to

the Regulation (2014:1092).

5 § If an expansion of the number of passenger cars or light

trucks that the licensee shall use to

The Swedish Transport Agency try to limit the economic environment is

met. Even should the appropriateness according to Chapter 2. 5 §

first subparagraph taxi traffic law (2012:211), except in the case of

professional expertise, are pending. If the movement expanded needs a new

the aptitude test shall not be carried out, if such a test recently

requested, or if a suitability for other reasons

seems unnecessary.

section 6 in the case of vehicles which have been notified within the meaning of section 2 should be amended to

It no longer fulfils the conditions referred to in section 4 or if

the vehicle should not be used as a taxi permit,

the licensee shall notify the Swedish Transport Agency

before the vehicle is changed or put into service for other traffic.

Chapter 5. Special provisions on taximeter equipment etc.

Taximeter equipment

1 § a vehicle may be used in taxi traffic only if it is

fitted with a taximeter equipment is of an approved type and

that operates in a satisfactory manner in accordance with the provisions

has been issued pursuant to Chapter 8. 1 §. Taximeter equipment and

attachments of this should be verified and sealed

in accordance with the procedure provided for in this regulation.

section 2 of the Swedish Transport Agency may allow a vehicle used in the

taxi services even if it is not fitted with a

taximeter equipment if there are exceptional reasons for it

such exemption may be granted for a maximum of two years and may be subject to


paragraph 3 of the taximeter equipment to be inspected not later than one year from

the installation or the latest inspection by an approved

inspection bodies. During the inspection, an inspection report

be drawn up.

Approval of inspection bodies shall be carried out by the accreditation

According to European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no

765/2008 of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and

market surveillance relating to the marketing of products and

repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/931 and law (2011:791)

for accreditation and technical control.

4 § in vehicle Act (2002:574), see the provisions on the right

to check a vehicle and taximeter equipment

test drive of the vehicle at such control.

Including building

5 § for such carriage in which contracts for taxi services, through

procurement or similarly, concluded in accordance with the second

conditions including construction other than those mentioned in

taxi traffic law (2012:211) and in regulations that have been announced

with the support of the law, does not apply to the provisions of the said law and

regulations in the field of construction including.

Taken care of license plate for taxi

section 6 In the process of a vehicle whose registration plates have

taken care of should the vehicle be proof on a

Police man or customs official's consent according to Chapter 5. section 8

second paragraph taxi traffic law (2012:211).

section 7 of the registration plates have been taken care of should be stored

of the police and the Customs and Excise Department for a week

after disposal. The signs may during this time

be returned to the owner of the vehicle, if it is shown that such a

relationship within the meaning of Chapter 5. section 8, first subparagraph

taxi traffic law (2012:211) no longer applies. If the signs

is not returned, the authority shall destroy them.

Regulation (2014:1286).

Chapter 6. Notification obligations

1 § authority should notify the Transport Management Board

the agency draws attention to a circumstance that may be of

significance of examination of a licensee or a

holders of taxiförar ID will be assigned to a warning,

or if the authorization or papers to be revoked.

If there is reason to believe that there has been a

infringement of the exercise to the Swedish Transport Agency services,

report it to the police authority or a public prosecutor.

Regulation (2014:1286).

section 2 of the tax office and other authorities who receive or driver

taxes or charges shall, at the request of the Swedish Transport Agency

provide the information that the Board requires for its examination or


3 § When a court has sentenced someone to a crime listed in

Chapter 5. section 2 of the Ordinance (2001:650) on road traffic register or

When a higher court has decided a case where such a question has

been tried, to a copy of the judgment or decision immediately sent

to the Swedish Transport Agency of the ruling or decision

1. someone who has taxiförar ID,

2. someone who has a taxi permit, or

3. any other examined as described in Chapter 2. 6 or 7 §

taxi traffic law (2012:211).

Chapter 7. Penalties and appeals

Penalty provisions

1 § anyone who willfully or negligently violates Chapter 2.

section 10, Chapter 3. section 13, Chapter 4. 2 or 6 section or Chapter 5. section 6 of the condemned

to monetary fines.

section 2 of The licence holders or drivers who intentionally or

negligence, use a vehicle in violation of what has

provided for in this regulation on the taximeter equipment or

use and control of such equipment or contrary to

regulations in these respects with support of 8

Cape. § 1 or 2 paragraph 1 shall be liable to a monetary fine.

section 3 of The licence holders or drivers who intentionally or

negligence in breach of regulations that have been notified under

of Chapter 8. 2 paragraph 2 shall be liable to a monetary fine.


4 of 22 AOF the Administrative Procedure Act (1986:223) provides for

an appeal to a general administrative court. More

provisions on appeal, see Chapter 6. paragraph 3 of the taxi traffic law


Chapter 8. Other provisions


1 § the Swedish Board for accreditation and technical control,

provide for requirements on and control of

taximeter equipment and on attachment, installation and

sealing of such equipment.

Before the Swedish Board for accreditation and monitoring reports

such regulations shall hear the Swedish Transport Agency.

section 2 of the Swedish Transport Agency may provide for

1. use of taximeter equipment

2. including construction and price information in taxi traffic,

3. medical requirements for the possession of taxiförar ID,

4. requirements on local knowledge for taxi drivers and test in such

knowledge, and

5. written test of professional skills and professional competence, and

skills and behaviour to be tested concerning taxiförar identification.

Rules laying down requirements on local knowledge shall be limited to

apply within a province or a part of a County.

Before the Swedish Transport Agency Announces rules referred to in

the first paragraph, the Board told

1. Consumer Agency, if regulations relating to construction including

and pricing information, and

2. The National Board of health and welfare, on regulations relating to medical requirements.

Regulation (2014:1486).

paragraph 3 of the Transport Board may provide for

enforcement of taxi traffic law (2012:211) and this

Regulation, except in the cases referred to in sections 4 to 6.

section 4 of the police authorities may provide for

enforcement of Chapter 5. section 7 of the taxi traffic law (2012:211) in

the Agency's field of activity.

Before the Police Department announces such rules should

the authority told the customs service. Regulation (2014:1286).

section 5 of the Customs and Excise Department may provide for the enforcement of

Chapter 5. section 7 of the taxi traffic law (2012:211) in Swedish

field of activity.

Before the customs service notifies such rules will really hear

Police authority. Regulation (2014:1286).

section 6 of the police authorities may provide for

Transport Board's collection of such personal investigation

necessary for the application of taxi traffic law (2012:211) and

This regulation.

The police may also provide for

taxiförar identification and disposal

license plate for taxi.

Before the Police Department announces rules with the support of

the first or second subparagraph, the authority shall hear

The Swedish Transport Agency. Regulation (2014:1286).

section 7 of the Swedish Transport Agency may provide for or in

individual cases may decide to derogate from the provisions of

1. price information and including construction in Chapter 2. section 17 of the

taxi traffic law (2012:211),

2. requirements for the possession of taxiförar authentication in Chapter 3. 3 § 1 – 3

taxi traffic law, and

3. demands that the taximeter are of an approved type in Chapter 5. 1 §.

Rules and exceptions provided for in the first subparagraph may be adopted

only if there are special reasons for it.

A decision on the exemption may be subject to conditions.


section 8 Transport Board may allow the holder of a

Foreign driver's license who is a national of a country outside the

European economic area (EEA) runs a

registered motor vehicle in taxi traffic a shorter

distance or time, if this can be done without risk to

road safety.


9 § the Swedish Transport Agency may provide for fees

for supervision and case handling in taxi traffic law

(2012:211) and regulations given in connection

to the law.

Fees for the examination of exclusion from medical requirements for

taxiförar ID may be determined up to full

cost recovery. Regulation (2013:995).

Transitional provisions


1. This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 June 2012.

2. Regulations on taxi services have been notified pursuant to

commercial regulation (1998:779) and at the time when this

Regulation comes into force shall be announced in accordance with this


3. where a law refers to a

Regulation of commercial regulation (1998:779) that has been replaced

by a provision of this regulation, shall apply instead of the

new regulation.