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The Road Regulation (2012:707)

Original Language Title: Vägförordning (2012:707)

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Chapter 1. General provisions

The scope of the

section 1 of this Regulation applies to a public road and contains

regulations relating to traffic Act (1971:948). Public road

is the highway or County Road.

Road equipment

2 § a parking lot, rest stop or other

site requirements for road vehicles counts as device

If it is connected to and located in the vicinity of the roadway

and is mainly intended as an aid to

road users for the trip on the way.

A device for protection against road traffic noise shall be counted as

the way a device only if it is on or adjacent to

an area that has been used for any other

Road gadgets.

section 3 of the land next to the roadway or other roadside device

designed to edge strip may be the way device only to a

width of not more than two metres.

Chapter 2. Road holding

Chassis authority

section 1 of the Swedish national region State chassis authority.

Municipal boundary authorities is regulated in section 6, second paragraph

Traffic Act (1971:948).

Modification of a municipality's boundary area

section 2 of the amendment of a municipality's boundary area decided by the

The Transport Department. Before such decision is communicated, shall

The DMV hearing municipality and the provincial government.

The municipality and the County Board shall be notified of the decision in the cases

amending the boundary area. The County Board shall in the County

statutes shall enter notice of a decision

means a chassis area changed.

Chapter 3. Construction of road

Introductory provisions

Responsibility for coordination

§ 1 The who intends to build a road is responsible for

the planning of the road as far as possible, be coordinated with the

municipal planning.

Limitation of infringement as a result of road construction

section 2 of the person making a vägplan to investigate the possibilities of

through real estate legal measures or measures under

construction Act (1973:1149) remedy or reduce infringement

as a result of road construction.

Conservation regulations

paragraph 3 of the exemption from the provisions on marks settlement or

use referred to in the third subparagraph of paragraph 14 of the traffic Act (1971:948)

decided by the provincial government. The Government's permission is needed in

some cases arise out of Chapter 7. section 29 of the environmental code.

The County Board shall inform the applicant, the Transport Department, as well as

interested individuals, municipalities and authorities of the decision.


General provisions

4 § through consultation for the person who intends to construct the road interchange

information with and solicit comments from interested individuals,

agencies and organizations during the planning process.

Consultation may be both oral and written.

Rules on consultation, and what the consultation shall be available in

14 b-15 c of the traffic Act (1971:948).

5 § the number of consultation opportunities shall be adapted so that

consultation the circuit is given the opportunity to understand and influence the project's

focus. The arrangements for the consultation and the number of

consultation opportunities may be adapted to the circumstances of the

individual case. Owners of properties where land or

space may be used for the road shall, however, always

be offered at least a consultation meeting at the resort.

The invitation to the consultation

section 6 of the invitation to the consultation shall be done by letter, notice of

the local newspaper or in any other appropriate way. Basis for

the consultation shall be attached to the invitation or be available at


The consultation report

section 7 of the outcome of the consultation will be presented in a

the consultation report will be updated progressively until

that way the plan is announced.

Decisions on significant environmental impacts

section 8 Before the question of a significant environmental impact in accordance with section 15

Traffic Act (1971:948) submitted to the County Board for decision,

Anyone who intends to build the road through letters, release of

the local newspaper or in any other appropriate way give the individual who

likely to be particularly affected The opportunity to make known their views.

should also be indicated where documents relating to the project are held


section 9 of the regulations on the activities and measures to be

likely to have significant effects on the environment can be found in the regulation

(1998:905) on environmental impact assessment.

Content in the road plan

Restricted horizontally

section 10 of the a vägplan shall, in addition to the provisions of paragraph 16 (a)

Traffic Act (1971:948), specified on the horizontally as the road authority

proposes to acquire will be limited. It must be shown by

the plan was the restriction will apply and how the way law should be


Information on horizontally, etc.

section 11 of the a vägplan, there shall be a statement that, when

It had the force of law, gives the road authority the right to take the land in

claims with horizontally according to section 30 of the traffic Act (1971:948) or with

such temporary access rights referred to in section 35 that law.

The basis of road plan

Details of the operations foreseen impacts on human

health and the environment

section 12 of A report by a mission-foreseeable impact on

human health and the environment referred to in paragraph 16 (a) 3

Traffic Act (1971:948) shall include information on

environmental conditions in the area that may be affected

of the planned route, the changes in environmental quality

Road project may entail and what these changes are assessed

mean for human health and the environment.

Real estate listings

section 13, along with the route plan must, in addition to what follows

the third subparagraph of paragraph 16 (a) Traffic Act (1971:948), be a

real estate listings. In the list, it should be recognised

1. properties where land or space needs to be used

permanent or temporary and known owner of these

real estate,

2. land and water areas that are joint for multiple

real estate and land or space needs to be taken in

claims, permanent or temporary, and known owner of famous

co-ownership real estate,

3. rights of use, or other specific right, but rented, and

condominium, to properties where land or space needs

be used permanently or temporarily and known holders

of these rights,

4. properties with residential buildings without noise reducing

measures is estimated to be exposed to noise exceeding the

guide values for road traffic noise and the famous owner of these

real estate and residential buildings,

5. real estate whose driveway into a public road is planned to be changed with

due to road construction and known owners of these properties,

6. community establishments according to the fixed law

(1973:1149) and similar way communities and

Road associations, in so far as they are concerned by the road plan, as well as known

the owner of the property involved in the facilities.

If a community association under the Act (1973:1150) on

management of communities manages a community,

special right or the joint facility, the Association

specified instead of the owners or holders.

Costs and financing

section 14 along with road plan must indicate

the project's estimated costs and how the construction of the road

means are financed.

Announcement and review of vägplan

15 § When the consultation under 14 b-15 c of the traffic Act (1971:948) is

completed, for the person who intends to construct the road announcing its

proposal for vägplan and the basis for this and allow

the documents are reviewed over a period of time (the audit period), which

should be at least three weeks.

During the review period should plan proposal with supporting material be

available in the build path and in

affected municipalities.

Exceptions from the requirements for publication and review see 17A

and 17 (b) of the traffic Act (1971:948).

section 16 of The intending to build the road to announce the review in

Post-och inrikes tidningar and in a local newspaper or either of

These. In the proclamation shall state where the draft plan with

documentation is kept available and the time within which comments should


Special notice

section 17 of The intending to build the road shall in particular inform them

recorded in the real property referred to in paragraph 13 of

and the affected municipalities and authorities about the location of the proposed

vägplan documentation is available and if the period within

What observations can be made.

The notification shall be posted in a registered item to

those referred to in section 13, 1-3 and include information on

1. to mark or space may be used with

horizontally or with such access rights referred to in section 35

Traffic Act (1971:948), and

2. the owner or holder is required to for consideration

lease land or space to anyone who intends to build

the road, a decision to establish the plan becomes final.

section 18 in respect of land or another space belonging to several

real estate properties in common, may have different owners,

section 14 or section 47 and 49 paragraph 3 process server law

(2010:1932) rather than apply for the notice to the

Special partners of the community, despite the fact that

procedural law is not applicable in General.

How comments should be left

§ 19 comments on draft vägplan and substrate to

This must be submitted in writing within the period determined in accordance with

section 15 of the intending to build the road.

Audit opinion

section 20 of the Following auditing time for the person who intends to construct the road

in an audit report to compile and annotate the

written comments have been received under

audit time.

Change of a vägplan after review

paragraph 21 Of the draft vägplan after reviewing changes

substantially or otherwise relevant to the

the public, a new publication and

investigation procedure carried out in accordance with sections 15 to 20.

If the route plan is changed in a way that does not require a new

announcement-and the examination procedure provided for in the first subparagraph,

Instead, those affected by the change are given the opportunity to

for at least two weeks to submit written comments on

the change. Anyone who intends to construct the road to compile and

comment on comments received.

The County Administrative Board's opinion on vägplan

section 22 Transport Department shall seek the opinions of the concerned county administrative boards

on a proposal for vägplan with evidence which has been published

and reviewed. The County Board shall have access to a

audit report under section 20 before the opinion is delivered.

Determination of an vägplan

The topical requirements

section 23 If a vägplan in accordance with the opinion of the Administrative Board and, if

vägbyggnadsprojektet has sufficient timeliness,

The Finnish Transport Agency try to determine the route plan referred to in

section 18 of the traffic Act (1971:948).

Announcement and notification of the approval decisions

section 24, a decision to establish a vägplan shall be published on the

as provided in section 16. In the proclamation shall state where

the decision is available, as well as the time within which it shall

be appealed and was written appeal must be submitted.

section 25 of the Finnish transport agency shall in particular inform them referred to in paragraph 13 of

1 – 3, road holding authority, municipalities and concerned

County Councils, cadastral and other

made written comments on the matter under

audit time or particularly concerned. The notification shall

indicate the period within which the decision may be appealed and was

the written appeal must be submitted.

In the case of land or space belonging to several real estate

in common terms, if the properties have separate owners, section 18.

Decision on the extension of the duration of a

approval decisions

section 26 if the Government established a vägplan pursuant to section 18 of the

second subparagraph, Traffic Act (1971:948), taken a decision

extension of the period of validity referred to in paragraph 18 (a)

Traffic Act by the Government. Otherwise, the decision of

The Transport Department.

paragraph 27 of the decision on the extension of the period of validity shall be promulgated

as provided in section 16. In the proclamation shall state where

the decision is available, the time within which it shall

be appealed and was written appeal must be submitted.

The Transport Department will inform them in particular referred to in section 13, 1-3,

chassis authority, affected municipalities and county councils,

cadastral and other who have spoken or

particularly affected. In the case of land or other space which belongs

to several properties in common terms, if the properties have

different owners, section 18.

Decision to rescind a declaratory decision

section 28 if the Government established a vägplan pursuant to section 18 of the

second subparagraph, Traffic Act (1971:948), taken a decision to

suspend the fixed place decision under the traffic Act, section 18 (b) of

the Government. Otherwise, the decision by the Transport Department.

section 29 a decision to revoke an adoption decision shall

be published in the manner prescribed in section 16. In the notice, the

Specifies where the decision is available.

The Transport Department will inform them in particular referred to in section 13, 1-3,

chassis authority, affected municipalities and county councils,

cadastral and other who have spoken or

particularly affected. In the case of land or other space which belongs

to several properties in common terms, if the properties have

different owners, section 18.

Addition to road plans

paragraph 30 of the addendum to the road traffic Act plans under section 20 (1971:948)

made by the person who intends to construct the road. The latter shall inform the

the County Government if the extension. Notification shall be given also to

famous owners of the land or any other space that is affected by

the extension and known holders of usufruct or other

special rights to such land or such space. In the case of

mark or another space belonging to several real estate

in common terms, if the properties have separate owners, section 18.

Chapter 4. Single-way change to public, etc.

Examining a case of single-way change to


1 § Roadholding authority is investigating a case of single way

change to the public. The inquiry is directed to the road's importance

for public transport and the condition it is in. "At

the investigation will seek opinions from the authority, chassis

affected municipalities and other authorities whose sphere of activity

concerned by the matter and from others who can provide information in

the thing. Thereafter, the County Administrative Board's opinion on the matter

be obtained.

Following completion of the inquest surrenders roadholding authority

with own opinion matter to the Transport Department for resolution.

The case is tested according to section 22 of the traffic Act (1971:948).

On the question of single-way change to universal instead

brought to the County Administrative Board and the famous

conditions are clear that the change should not be made,

the County Administrative Board to decide the matter without such an investigation referred to in

the first paragraph.

If the provision of public services requires extensive

refurbishment works

section 2 Of the provincial government after an investigation of the Agency road holding

finds that the road is of such importance that it should be changed

to the public road but that it cannot be granted for General

traffic without significant modifications, in lieu of

paragraph 1 of the following. The question of conversion work will be carried out in

the order specified in the Ordinance (1997:263) if the County plans

regional transport infrastructure if the work requires resources

as in the State budget allocated for the construction of roads. The question of the

to change the path to the public shall be settled in connection with the


Restricted horizontally should be specified in the decision

paragraph 3 Should be restricted after the change of road law, this

specified in the decision of changing the single road to

General. The decision shall specify where the restriction will apply

and how the way the right should be limited.

Notification of decisions

4 § the applicant or otherwise raised the question and

chassis authority, affected municipalities and county councils

shall be notified of a decision in case of change of

private road to the public. In addition, other authorities

delivered an opinion in the matter shall be informed of the decision. The County Administrative Board

shall enter notice of decision in the County

statute book.

The application of the provisions of the other matters, etc.

§ 5 the provisions of paragraphs 1 to 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis in the case

If cases of explanation to a street also will be a public road,

matters concerning the establishment of special winter road, and cases of

withdrawal of public roads.

In the investigation of a case of suspension of a public road,

chassis authority always give property owners and others,

that may have a substantial interest in the matter, the ability to

be heard.

Before a public road shall be suspended, for the person who intends to take over

road handling after the cancellation have reasonable time to

arrange the road holding.

Chapter 5. Operation of the road


section 1 the operation of road include measures

1. ensures that traffic can come up, such as

Snow plowing, deicing, repair of minor damage and

planing and dust suppression on unpaved roads (maintenance work),

2. uphold the standard, such as renewal of surfacing

and road markings and ditching (maintenance work),

3. improves the standard through minor measures, such as

coating of dirt road, reinforcement of the bearing capacity and

point measures to enhance road safety


4. keep the road clean, such as sweeping, removal of debris and

dirt and weed control (sanitation), or

5. otherwise, hold the road in a transport

satisfactory condition.

Ferries and movable bridges

section 2 of the Ferries, which are the way devices, must be kept in service in the

extent necessary. Timetables of traffic is determined by the

road holding authority or, if several

chassis, chassis, authorities of the concerned authorities in the


In the case of movable bridges, road equipment, announces

chassis authority regulations on when each bridge shall

opened for traffic. If a bridge at more

chassis, chassis, authorities will notify authorities

such provisions of the consultation.

Can chassis authorities in the cases referred to in the first

or the second subparagraph shall not agree, deciding the Transport Department in

case. The provisions of the second paragraph is only applicable if not

subject to regulatory or specific decisions.

Before a road holding authority notifies the decision referred to in the first

or second subparagraph, the Transport Department be heard in case of

road holding authority is municipal. Before

chassis authority makes a decision under the second subparagraph,

the maritime administration shall also be consulted.

Notification of decisions

section 3 of the Swedish transport administration shall inform the Agency of the chassis

decision pursuant to paragraph 26 Traffic Act (1971:948).

Chassis authority shall notify the DMV if decisions

under the authority of the municipal boundary is.

The County Board shall in the County's code of statutes shall enter

notice of a decision under the third paragraph of section 26 of the traffic Act.

Pursuant to article 2 of the decision shall be published in the manner that is prescribed

in the case of statutes in General.

Road plans for the operation of the road

4 § in the case of road plans referred to in section 28 of the traffic Act (1971:948)

to Chapter 3. This Regulation shall apply.

Chapter 6. Miscellaneous

The County Board's decision on the limits of the road authority at the

termination of horizontally

1 § Roadholding authority and, if this is municipal,

The Transport Department will be informed of the decision under the traffic Act, section 32


Safety and regulations

At the time of single way adjacent to a public road

section 2 in respect of a licence pursuant to § 39 traffic Act (1971:948)

or if the order or regulations under section 40 or 41

the same law shall examine how chassis concerned authority

buildings in need of driveway into a public road can be met.

When an order or of a rule notified under

40 or 41 § legislation regarding roads in terms of existing connections to

public road, the owners or holders of the relevant real estate

get a reasonable time in which to arrange the driveway to the public road at different


Road and traffic management works in the Road area

paragraph 3 of the road and traffic management works in the road sector should be carried out as

rapidly as possible and so that danger does not occur for

traffic on the road.

In the case referred to in paragraph 44 Traffic Act (1971:948)

No permission is required to the cordoning off of the road or other

significant traffic restrictions. In cases where there is a need for a

decision by authority to get the block of one path or make

other significant traffic restriction, the boundary Agency

require that the authority takes such a decision.

section 4 Then the management work carried out within a road area,

area by the management agency of the holder, to be restored in the State

as it was in prior to the start of work. If

chassis authority requests it, will, however, road surfaces that

injured at work be restored by

chassis authority. Subsidence occurs to

as a result of the work, the work objectives

rise, if the authority so requests, carried out a road holding

by chassis authority. Measures taken

by chassis Authority carried out on

Steering holder's expense.

Construction of buildings etc. beside the Road area

5 § Before the provincial government announces decision pursuant to § 45-47, 48 §

the second paragraph or section 52 Traffic Act (1971:948),

chassis Authority consulted. If the chassis is

Municipal transport administration must also be heard.

6 § if in a tillståndsärende with the County Administrative Board is found to

to the County Administrative Board's licence is required under the legislation regarding roads as well

(1971:948) as the environmental code and the law (1998:814) with special

rules on street cleaning and road signs,

the County Administrative Board examine the case under all these


If there is reason to believe that any action that requires

permits under the traffic Act also requires the consent of any

other authority, the County Administrative Board and chassis authority

inform the applicant accordingly.

section 7 of the County Board shall notify the Agency of the chassis

decision under 36, 37 and paragraphs 45 to 47, paragraph 48, 52

or § 53 Traffic Act (1971:948). If the chassis is

the municipal transport administration, should also be informed of such decision.

Municipal road holding authority must notify the DMV if

decision pursuant to section 39 to 41 or 43 or 48 paragraph

Traffic Act.

The County Board shall notify the municipality and

surveying authority decision according to paragraph 47

second sentence legislation regarding roads. The County Board shall enter such

decisions in the County's code of statutes.

If the decision under section 44 Traffic Act shall be notified to the Administrative Board.

Municipal road holding authority shall notify also

The Transport Department of any such decision.

In the Ordinance (2007:231) on the electronic publication of certain

traffic regulations are provisions on publication of

traffic regulations.

Fees for some cases

paragraph 8 of the fee for the examination of the application under the traffic Act

(1971:948) in cases as stated in the second paragraph.

For the application fee, etc., the provisions of

9-14 § § fee Regulation (1992:191), with the following

defined classes are applied:

Handling Of Team Fee Class

The authorisation required under paragraph 39, except

those relating to the amendment of the individual körvägs

connection to public road 5

Derogation as referred to in the second sentence of paragraph 41 2

The authorisation required under paragraph 43 except

those relating to the construction of weather protection

for public transport 4

The authorisation required under paragraph 45 4

The authorisation required under paragraph 46 2

The authorisation required under paragraph 47 or other

stycket 4

The authorisation required under paragraph 48 3


§ 9 Transport Department may provide for which roads

should be national roads.

The Transport Department will also notify the enforcement regulations

necessary for the application of the traffic Act (1971:948) and this


Appeal, etc.

section 10 Chassis authority's decision under this regulation

may be appealed to the provincial government.

Swedish national and County Administrative Board decisions in individual cases under

This regulation may be appealed to the Government.

section 11 of the Transport Department may appeal a decision of the County Administrative Board in accordance with

This regulation.

Provincial governments may appeal the decision by the Transport Department under the

This regulation, if the decision affects their area of activity.

section 12 of the Swedish transport administration and the County Administrative Board decisions under this

Regulation should take effect immediately unless otherwise decreed in

the decision.

Transitional provisions


1. This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 2013.

2. The regulation repeals the road the proclamation (1971:954).

3. Older rules still apply for planning applications that

upon entry into force contains an environmental impact assessment

for a plan of work submitted to the County Board of

approval in accordance with paragraph 15 traffic Act (1971:948)

amended before 1 January 2013.