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Elförordning (2013:208)

Original Language Title: Elförordning (2013:208)

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Introductory provision

paragraph 1 of this regulation are supplementary provisions to the

Electricity Act (1997:857).


section 2 of the terms and expressions used in this regulation were

the same meaning as in the electricity Act (1997:857).

paragraph 3 of the energy market Inspectorate shall be net authority under 1

Cape. section 7 of the electricity Act (1997:857) and deal with the matters referred to

in this regulation.

Network licence

The Government's examination of applications

4 section in Chapter 2. paragraph 1 (b), paragraph 4 (a), paragraph 5, second subparagraph,

15 a of j, paragraph 15, paragraph 16, article 16

the third paragraph and the third paragraph of section 17 of the electricity Act (1997:857)

There are provisions that the Government examines issues of

Online concession in some cases. An application in such a case

shall be submitted to the authority. The power authority will investigate

the question and then with private opinion refer the matter to the

the Government's review.

According to Chapter 2. paragraph 15 (b) of the electricity act review

the Government is a net concession relating to international relations.

Of Chapter 2. § 15 c electricity law stipulates that a request for reconsideration

even in such a case shall be submitted to the authority.

Application of net concession for the line

section 5 an application for a network licence for line should be written

and submitted to the power authority. It should contain information

about the following:

1. The transfer requirement that management is intended to

cater. If management is intended to strengthen the existing

wires, this should be indicated as well as the disclosure of the

load existing wires can withstand, on the one hand, on the need for

further management expansion in response to the management

which the application relates.

2. The voltage for which the management is intended.

3. If management is designed for a voltage not exceeding

maximum voltage for the regions with net concession

concerned by the management, to the specific reasons cited for

the application specified.

4. How the General rules of consideration in Chapter 2. the environmental code


5. alternative management routes to which the applicant


6. the consultation that has taken place in accordance with Chapter 6. 4 and 6 §§

the environmental code.

According to Chapter 2. 8 a of the electricity Act (1997:857), the application shall contain

an environmental impact assessment.

section 6 Of the application form in accordance with paragraph 5 of the following shall be annexed:

1. a technical description of the proposed pipeline and a

cost calculation. The description should include, among other things. a

drawing of the management's structure and its connection to the

production plant, station or existing management.

2. Map of the leadership's proposed route and

description of the land to be used for

the management.

3. Certified lists of owners and holders of

particular the right to property that the management shall be drawn up

over or of properties otherwise concerned by


4. indication of the agreements reached on leasing

of land management or the barriers against such


Application of net concession area

section 7 of the application for a network licence for area shall be in writing

and submitted to the power authority. It should contain the following:

1. A plan of the area's future needs for transfer of


2. A map of the area.

3. An indication of the maximum voltage for the area in which the applicant

would have been established.

Handling cases of net concession

If an application for section 8 online concession did not immediately rejected,

the opinion shall be obtained from

1. The armed forces,

2. the county administrative boards concerned by the application,

3. the municipalities concerned by the application,

4. owners and holders of special rights to real estate

concerned by the application, if the matter relates to network concession for the line,

5. other known interested parties concerned by the application, and

6. marketing network concession concerned by the application.

In cases where the opinion referred to in the first subparagraph shall

the power authority will also inform the national defence radio establishment if

the application.

§ 9 the power authority may grant a derogation in the case

from the provisions of §§ 5-7 or to request the additional

information necessary for the matter to be settled.

section 10 in a case if notice of the network licence according to 2

Cape. section 1 of the electricity Act (1997:857), decision of the

the power authority within three years after a complete

the application came in to the Office. If the matter should be considered by the

Government pursuant to Chapter 2. 1 b of the electricity Act, the decision is communicated

within five years after the date of a complete application came in to

the power authority.

In a case if extension of a network licence

period of validity referred to in Chapter 2. 14 or 15 of the electricity Act, the decision

announced by the power authority within eight years after a

complete application came in to the Office. If the matter should

be reviewed by the Government pursuant to Chapter 2. 15 a of the electricity Act, the decision

within ten years after it came a complete application

to the power authority.

If it is necessary on account of the investigation of the case,

the processing time for a maximum of one time extended for

no more than the original length of the time limit. The applicant shall

be informed of the reasons for the turnaround time is extended

before the original deadline has expired.

section 11 of the Act, section 8 (2009:1079) on services in the internal

the market provides for an acknowledgement of receipt shall

be sent to the applicant when the complete application has been received and

If the content of such evidence.

Cases of prior consent

section 12 of the application for the consent referred to in Chapter 2. section 5 of the electricity Act

(1997:857) that until further notice, for a maximum of 3 years using a

heavy duty pending an application for

Online concession proceed to judgment shall be made in writing and filed

to the power authority. It shall be accompanied by a map where

pipeline and related facilities are excellent.

Review of net concession for the line

section 13 an application for review of network concession pursuant to Chapter 2.

15 b of the electricity Act (1997:857) must be in writing and submitted to the

the power authority. It should contain

1. the name and address of the applicant,

2. the network licence to which it relates,

3. indication of the relevant network concessionaire, and

4. the reasons for his request.

The application document shall be accompanied by a map of the

route applied for.

Modification of terms and conditions

section 14 of the application for modification of the conditions for a network licence

According to Chapter 2. 15 j § electricity Act (1997:857) must be in writing

and submitted to the power authority. It should contain

1. the name and address of the applicant,

2. the network licence to which it relates,

3. applicable conditions,

4. the reasons for the application, and

5. other information required for the examination.

The application shall be accompanied by a map that specifies the direction

or the wires covered by network concession.

The boundaries of a network licence for area

15 § the power authority may notify the

conditions for changing the boundaries of a

Online concession area pursuant to Chapter 2. section 12 of the electricity Act


Good quality of the transmission of electricity

section 16 of the power authority may provide for the requirements

must be met in order for the transfer of electricity shall be of good

quality as defined in Chapter 3. section 9 of the electricity Act (1997:857).

Documentation and information about delivery

17 § reporting of electricity referred to in Chapter 3. 9 e § 3

Electricity Act (1997:857) should be made to the power authority.

section 18 Online Authority may provide for

1. content of risk and vulnerability analyses and

action plans as referred to in Chapter 3. 9 c § electricity Act (1997:857) and if

report and publication of these,

2. the information provided to consumers under Chapter 3. paragraph 9 (d)

Electricity Act,

3. obligation to report power outages to the power authority,


4. exemption from the requirements of Chapter 3. 9 c and 9 d of the electricity Act in

question about wires that essentially feeds electricity from

installations for the production of renewable electricity.

Compensation for input of electricity

Article 19 compensation under Chapter 3. 15 of the electricity Act

(1997:857) shall be calculated as follows.

The values referred to in Chapter 3. 15 paragraph 1 el law

shall be calculated on the basis of the reduction of energy losses in

the power grids of the concessionaire that occurs because of

the plant feeds electricity to the grid and be replaced in

relation to the amount of input electricity as well as to when this

data entry is done.

When calculating the values referred to in Chapter 3. section 15 of the first

paragraph 2, the following criteria shall be taken into account electricity Act:

1. the power supply capacity,

2. the operational safety and the

agreement that may exist between network concessionaire

and fixed holder when the production plant

is planned to be in operation, and

3. the amount of the input electrical energy and when this input

takes place.


19 a of the power authority shall annually compile and

publish the technical requirements and other conditions

for the provision of services in the form of the amended

electricity consumption. Regulation (2014:354).

The establishment of a monitoring plan

section 20 of the power authority may provide for

1. contents of the monitoring plan as referred to in Chapter 3. section 17 of the law on electricity


2. appointment of the compliance officer and his duties

According to Chapter 3. 17 a of the electricity Act,

3. the publication of the annual report referred to in Chapter 3. 17

(a) paragraph electricity Act, and

4. exemption from the requirements of Chapter 3. section 17 of the law on electricity in case of

nets concessionaires whose lines essentially input power

from installations for the production of renewable electricity, but not in

question about network companies as referred to in Chapter 3. 1 b of the first


Foreign relations

section 21/expires U: 2016-01-01/

Connection fee paid for the electricity network in Sweden gives the correct

to use even foreign relations with a voltage of 220

kilovolts or more to




– Poland, and

– Germany.

section 21/entry into force: 01/01/2016

Connection fee paid for the electricity network in Sweden gives the correct

to use even foreign relations with a voltage of 220

kilovolts or more. Regulation (2015:691).

Right to information relating to network tariffs, etc.

section 22 Online Authority may provide for

1. the obligation of the person who has the power to licence to

publish its online tariff pursuant to Chapter 4. the third paragraph of section 11

Electricity Act (1997:857), and

2. the formulation of a timetable pursuant to Chapter 4. section 12 of the electricity Act.

Notice of protection measures

section 23 of the power authority shall without delay notify such

safeguard measures referred to in article 42 of the European Parliament's

and Council directive 2009/72/EC of 13 July 2009 on the

common rules for the internal market in electricity

repeal of Directive 2003/54/EC to the other Member States in

The European Union and to the European Commission.

Balance responsibility, etc.

24 §/expires U: 2016-01-01/

The power authority may provide for

1. publication of the terms and conditions of balance agreements in accordance with Chapter 8. 4

b of the electricity Act (1997:857),

2. elleverantörers information obligation under Chapter 8. paragraph 5 of the

third subparagraph, electricity Act,

3. the information that a notification under Chapter 8. § 8 other

subparagraph electricity Act should contain, and

4. elleverantörers duty to disclose information under 8

Cape. 11 b of the el Act.

24 §/entry into force: 01/01/2016

The power authority may provide for

1. publication of the terms and conditions in accordance with Chapter 8. 4 b of the electricity Act


2. elleverantörers information obligation under Chapter 8. paragraph 5 of the

third subparagraph, electricity Act,

3. the information that a notification under Chapter 8. § 8 other

subparagraph electricity Act should contain, and

4. elleverantörers duty to disclose information under 8

Cape. 11 b of the el Act. Regulation (2015:601).

An indication of the countries of origin

section 25 of the power authority may provide for

1. how the information referred to in Chapter 8. 12 § first-fourth

subparagraphs electricity Act (1997:857) should be calculated and reported for


2. the obligation for electricity producers to publish information

in accordance with Chapter 8. 13 of the electricity Act, and

3. the obligation for suppliers to provide information according to

Chapter 8. second subparagraph of paragraph 13 of the electricity Act.

/Rubriken entry into force: 04/01/2016

Bidding zone configuration

25 a section/entry into force: 04/01/2016

The power authority will take a position on the proposal to maintain or modify a bidding zone configuration in accordance with article 32 (4) (c) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing guidelines for capacity allocation and congestion management.

Regulation (2016:26).

/Rubriken entry into force: 04/01/2016

Force majeure

25 b/entry into force: 04/01/2016

The power authority assesses whether an event should be denoted as force majeure in accordance with article 72(5) of Regulation (EC) No 2015/1222. Regulation (2016:26).

Notice to consumer and communication to

Social Welfare Committee

section 26 notice to the consumer and a

message to the social welfare Board under Chapter 11. paragraph 4(1)

Electricity Act (1997:857) shall be drawn up in accordance with Annex 1

and annex 2 to this regulation.

Preservation of information

section 27 of the power authority may provide for the obligation

for electricity suppliers to document and preserve the data on

supply contracts and derivative instruments, as well as of transactions

for such agreements or instruments.

section 28 of an electricity supplier shall, on request, provide information about

supply contracts and derivative instruments, as well as of transactions

for such agreements or instruments to the European

the Commission and the power authority. However, this applies only

such indications in trade in electricity is

accounting information according to the accounting Act (1999:1078)

or who shall be documented and retained according to regulations

given under section 27.


the power authority's decision under section 29 of Chapter 3. 20 and 21 § §

Electricity Act (1997:857) may be appealed to the Government.

section 30 of the Decision pursuant to this Regulation may not be appealed.

Transitional provisions


1. This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 June 2013, when

electricity regulation (1994:1250) is repealed.

2. Older rules still apply in the case of

appeal against a decision given before the

the entry into force.

3. the provisions of section 10 shall not apply in the case of

applications that have been submitted to the power authority before 27

December 2009.

Annex 1

Notification to the consumer in the event of non-payment for electricity

or network fee

Because you have not paid the electricity grid fee or fee

for delivered electricity timely transmission of your electricity may be

shut down in accordance with the provisions of the Act. electricity, you can prevent

the suspension by paying the debt within three weeks from the

you have been part of this message.

The Social Welfare Board in your community will get a message if

the non-payment.

Annex 2

Message to the social welfare Committee on consumer who are at risk of

the transfer of power interruption

1. network concessionaire/electric company's name, postal address

and phone number ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....

2. The consumer's name and address.........................

3. Amount, with an indication of the maturity date, the consumer shall

pay to prevent the transmission of electricity is interrupted. ....

4. network concessionaire/electric company's money order or

Bank giro account or other indication of the arrangements for payment.