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Regulation (2013:284) If Security Aboard The Swedish Ship

Original Language Title: Förordning (2013:284) om bevakning ombord på svenskt fartyg

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Article 1 this regulation lays down rules in connection

to Act (2013:283) on board the Swedish


Licensing authority

section 2 of the Swedish Transport Agency is the licensing authority according to the law

(2013:283) on board the Swedish ships.

The examination of an application to be made after the

Police authorities have been consulted. Regulation (2014:1287).


section 3 of the application for authorization must be in writing.

The shipowner shall submit together with the application documents and

data needed to demonstrate that monitoring activities

will meet the requirements under the Act

(2013:283) if security aboard the Swedish ship and the

regulations issued in connection with the Act.

section 4 of the licensing authority may request additional

documents and data needed to examine an application

If condition.

Decision authorising the

paragraph 5 of the decision authorising the Monitoring Board in Swedish

vessels shall contain at least:

1. vessel's name, address, social security number or

registration number,

2. indication of the vessel permit relates,

3. indication of the period of validity of the authorization and the geographical


4. the conditions of the permit, and

5. an indication of the conditions under which the authorisation

may be withdrawn.

section 6 of the authorisation may only be granted for the geographical

areas such as licensing authority, on the basis of known

conditions, determines constitute areas where there is likely to be

a risk that the ship could be exposed to attacks by

an external party.

The authorisation may also refer to such neighbouring geographic

areas where armed security personnel can be taken on board and

settled in the country.


section 7 of the Act, it follows from section 7 (2013:283) regarding security on board

Swedish ships to the licensing authority supervises

to the law, the rules of which have been issued in connection

to the law and the decisions that have been issued under the law

are followed.

Police and judiciary should leave the

information that the licensing authority will need to exercise

supervision. Regulation (2014:1287).


section 8 of the licensing authority may provide additional

regulations on security covered by the Act (2013:283) if

Security aboard the Swedish ship as well as authorising and

supervision of guards. Before such provisions announced

licensing authority shall hear the police authority.

Regulation (2014:1287).

§ 9 the licensing authority may provide for

fees for the examination of an application for a permit and for
