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Regulation (2013:319) Of Extractive Waste

Original Language Title: Förordning (2013:319) om utvinningsavfall

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Article 1 this regulation lays down provisions on

precautions to prevent or, as far as possible

limit the harmful effects on human health and the environment

may arise as a result of the management of waste from the industrial

that extracts topics and materials by breaking or at

otherwise remove them from the Earth's crust or processing or

otherwise handles quarried materials

(extractive industries). The regulation is notified

1. with the support of the 15 Cape. section 9 of the Environment Act in respect of sections 14 to 22,

paragraph 30, 55, 56, 65, 67 to 69, § § § 70 2 and 74, 77

and paragraphs 78,

2. with the support of the 15 Cape. section 28 of the environmental code in terms of 14 and 20,

22-27, 29-81, 85 and 86 § §,

3. with the support of 26 kap. section 19 of the environmental code in the case of 23-27 and

29 sections, section 30 of the second and third subparagraphs, 31-54 and 57-64 § §,

70, § 1 and 73, 76, 85, and 86 § §,

4. with the support of 27 Cape. section 2 of the environmental code in respect of section 88, and

5. Moreover, pursuant to Chapter 8. section 7 of the Constitution.


paragraph 2 of this regulation,

Discovery: natural occurrence of mineral in the Earth's crust,

energy raw materials, soil or rock, or other substance that does not

is water,

mining: activities that involve breaking, drilling

or blow up in the Earth's crust, or otherwise disconnect

material from the Earth's crust in order to charge a deposit

or substances or material from a deposit of the

the Earth's crust,

extracted material: material that has been released

through extraction,

exploration: activities involving that

sampling, drilling, trenching, or otherwise

systematic searches for a discovery that has an economic

value, but not activities needed to prepare

the extraction of such deposit and not activities that have

directly related to the ongoing recovery, and

processing: activities aimed at by a mechanical

process, a chemical process, a biological process or a

thermal or other physical process, or a combination

of such processes are separate or concentrate substances or

material from the quarried materials or from previous

bortskaffat extractive waste, but not smelting or other

heating processes than lime-burning and no metallurgical


paragraph 3 of the waste referred to in this regulation is the same as for 15

Cape. section 1 of the Swedish environmental code, with chemical product is the same as for 14

Cape. section 2 of the Swedish environmental code and with recycling and disposal

the same as in the waste regulation (2011:927).

4 section With extractive waste as referred to in this regulation waste

have been incurred as a direct result of prospecting, extraction

or processing or as a direct result of the storage of

quarried materials before processing of the material has

been completed.

paragraph 5 of this regulation,

"hazardous waste" means any substance or object which is waste that is

marked with an asterisk (*) in annex IV to the

Waste Regulation (2011:927) or according to regulations

announced pursuant to section 12 of the hazardous waste regulation

waste, and

dangerous chemical product "means a chemical product that meets

the criteria for classification as dangerous according to

European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no 1272/2008 of the

16 december 2008 on classification, labelling and

packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing

by directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC and amending

Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (Reach) or regulations if

the classification and labelling of chemical products

The Swedish Chemicals Agency has announced.

6 § with inert waste as referred to in this regulation

extractive waste

1. not in any significant degree may decay or be resolved

up or otherwise change in any significant way that can

cause damage to human health or the environment,

2. does not contain more than

(a)) 0.1% sulfidsvavel, or

b) 1% sulfidsvavel, if the

neutraliseringspotentialkvot is greater than 3,

the ratio between neutraliseringspotentialen and syrapotentialen,

When a static testing according to the standard EN 15875:2011,

3. not likely to ignite spontaneously and can not burn,

4. neither in its entirety or in its fine fraction contains a

higher levels of arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper,

Mercury, molybdenum, nickel, lead, vanadium, zinc or something

other substances that can be harmful to human health or the

environment than to the risk of such damage is insignificant and

content must not exceed the level that can be considered the

national natural background concentration, and

5. in essence, free from such substances used

When extracting or processing and may be harmful to human

health or the environment.

7 § With unpolluted soil referred to in this regulation cover soil

in connection with the extraction has been removed from the upper

layers that are not contaminated.

section 8 of this regulation, '

waste tray: plant or naturally occurring

area where such fine-grained extractive waste generated

during processing or treatment or recycling of

process water is disposed of along with water, and

landfill: plant on the surface of the ground where the fixed

extractive waste is disposed of.

section 9 With extractive waste facility as referred to in this regulation

a waste tray, a waste disposal site or a different area

intended for collection or disposal of

extractive waste in solid or liquid form, with the

pond levees and other structures that are designed to keep

left, hold back, delimit or otherwise support the

such area.

An area designated for the accumulation of extractive waste, however, is

an extractive waste facility only if the area is a

risk system or used for collection for a longer

period than

1. six months in the case of hazardous waste generated


2. a year in the field of extractive waste is neither hazardous

waste or inert waste, or

3. three years in the case of waste which

a) is inert extractive waste or non-polluted soil,

(b)) is the extractive waste from prospecting which is not dangerous

waste, or

c) is waste from the extraction, processing or storage of


With extractive waste facility referred to do not a cavity as

have arisen during the extraction and extractive waste where other than

hazardous wastes are added back for construction purposes or

as a avhjälpandeåtgärd.

10 § risk facility referred to in this regulation cover a

extractive waste facility

1. whose characteristics are such that the assessment under

44 § give reason to suspect that an error or a deficiency in the facility

or in the operation of it could cause a serious


2. containing hazardous waste in such quantity that the proportion of

hazardous waste in the plant at the assessment under section 51

means that the plant should be considered a risk facility,


3. whose aqueous phase or liquid has such a chemical

composition at a calculation or assessment

According to § 52, 53 or 54 shall be deemed to be a dangerous chemical


section 11 With leachate as referred to in this regulation fluid after

having been in contact with extractive waste in a

extractive waste facility leaves the plant or mass

up in the facility and that can have harmful effects on the environment

If it is not handled appropriately.

section 12 of this regulation,

waste prevention measures: measures taken before a

substance, material or product has become waste, and that

aim at reducing the amount of hazardous substances in materials

or products, reducing the amount of waste or a

reduction of the negative effects on human health and the

the environment as waste raises,

waste management plan: plan for how a business

taking waste prevention measures, recycle, dispose

or otherwise physically manage extractive waste as well as

handle the dangers and consequences of accidents so that a

sustainable development is promoted,

serious accident: event in a location where extractive waste

handled as is attributable to the handling and carrying

serious risk to human health or the environment in the short

or long term, and

extractive waste fixed structural integrity: a

utvinningsavfalls-fixed ability to retain

extractive waste within the facility.

section 13 with the supervisory authority referred to in this regulation the

authority under the environmental protection Decree (2011:13) has

the operational supervisory responsibilities to this regulation

are followed.

Scope of application

section 14 of this Regulation shall apply to professional management

of extractive waste, subject to the provisions of §§ 15-21.

section 15 of the Ordinance shall not apply in the case of

extractive waste resulting from prospecting, extraction, or

processing carried out at sea or on the sea floor, about

the activities are carried out outside the low-water line for normal

or medium tides.

section 16 of the Ordinance shall not apply in the case of Grouting

of water in a geological formation from which hydrocarbons or

other substances have been extracted or into geological formations which

for natural reasons are permanently unsuitable for other purposes, if

the injection does not compromise the opportunities to achieve good

groundwater status pursuant to the Regulation (2004:660) if

management of the quality of the aquatic environment and

1. the water contains only substances from prospecting or

extraction, or

2. the injection is done for technical reasons and the water does not

contains other substances than those from

exploration or extraction, or necessary for such


section 17 of the regulation shall not apply to the reversal of

pumped groundwater in connection with mining or in

associated with the construction or maintenance of buildings or

plants, if the reversal does not compromise possibilities

to achieve good groundwater status, according to the Regulation (2004:660)

on the management of the quality of the aquatic environment.

section 18 in respect of inert waste and unpolluted

soil in an extractive waste facility, 69, 72, 74, 75 and

86 §§ apply only if the facility is a risk facility.

section 19 in respect of extractive waste in a

extractive waste facility which is neither hazardous waste

or inert waste, 69, 74, 75 and 86 §§

applicable only if the plant is a risk facility.

section 20 provisions of 57 to 63, 77-79 and 88 § § shall not

apply to holdings covered by the Act

(1999:381) on pollution prevention and control

the consequences of serious chemical accidents.

section 21 if during the application process under the environmental code, or

older regulations given conditions on safeguards

or other precautionary measures that are more stringent than

the provisions of this regulation, to the stricter requirements apply.

Management of extractive waste

section 22 of The who in their business generates or handles

extractive waste shall take the waste prevention measures,

promote the recovery of the waste which is suitable from

the point of view of the environment and dispose of waste in a way that is

safe for human health and the environment in the short and long term


1. manage the waste according to the waste management plan

applies to the handling of waste,

2. take into account waste already in the design

of the business and, if the business involves the extraction or

processing, in the selection of methods for the extraction and


3. take into account the changes introduced by the waste may be

undergo in terms of increased surface size or because of

exposure to conditions above ground;

4. put back the waste in the cavity arising

during the extraction, if technically and economically


5. dispose of the waste in a way that, as far as possible

ensures the extractive waste facility's long-term

physical and chemical stability and prevents serious


6. after the closing of an extractive waste facility post

back topsoil, if possible, and otherwise,


7. when machining choose to, in accordance with Chapter 2. 4 §

the environmental code, use of hazardous chemical products

less dangerous if there are multiple products to choose from,


8. take the waste prevention measures and

measures that promote recycling law or

other regulation as well as ensure that disposal of waste

in a manner which is safe for human health and the

the environment in the short and long term.

Waste management plan

section 23 of the operator of an activity which gives rise to

extractive waste or operating an extractive waste facility

must have a waste management plan.

section 24 of the waste management plan shall contain

1. a description of the activities and measures

that gives rise to the extractive waste and all subsequent

management of the waste;

2. a description of how its harmfulness are prevented

or reduced by reference to waste management are

the design of the business,

3. a description of how the chosen methods of extraction and

processing prevents the formation of waste and waste

harmfulness of the business means the extraction or


4. documentation of characterization in accordance with section 30 of the

extractive waste resulting or handled in the activities

and an explanation of how the disposal of such waste can

impair human health and the environment,

5. data on the estimated total amount of

extractive waste that will occur or be managed in


6. a description of the measures that will be taken to

avoid pollution of air, surface water and groundwater as well as

ground handling of the extractive waste, and

7. a description of how the business in General will

follow 22, 51-56, 67 – 71 and 74 sections.

section 25 where a business is a

extractive waste facility, waste management plan

In addition, include

1. an assessment of whether the property is or will be

become a risk facility,

2. a description of the area that will be affected by

the plant,

3. information on how the plant continuously monitored

and inspected,

4. an explanation of how the facility will be closed with

(a)) details of how the area affected by the installation

to be used after shutdown,

(b)) the data on the plant's physical stability, highest

values for emissions of polluting substances, applicable

environmental quality standards and other environmental quality objectives that have

relevant to the assessment of what is required to

ensure that the area affected by the plant can

restored to a satisfactory condition and use

without causing harm or inconvenience to human health

or the environment and without compromising the possibilities to follow

environmental quality standards,

c) information on the measures for ensuring

the resort's stability, restoration, monitoring,

restoration of biodiversity and other

measures need to be taken during and after the closure of

to comply with the environmental quality standards and meet the environmental quality objectives

and the goal of rehabilitation referred to in (b), and

d) information on the estimated time for the resort's

impact on human health and the environment and for the

reparation measures will be needed, and

5. a description of how the business in General will

follow 55, 56, 67 – 71 and 74 sections.

If the plan relates to an extractive waste facility that does not

is deemed to be or become a risk facility, should the plan contain

an account of the circumstances which are the basis for

assessment and data on the identified hazards for

accidents as the facility is associated with.

section 26 Of the risk in a business establishment or a

facility that has been judged to be a risk facility,

the waste management plan, moreover, contain the particulars of the

strategy for prevention of major accidents, the

security management system for the implementation of the strategy and the

internal emergency plan referred to in section 57.

section 27 of the waste management plan shall be sent to

the supervisory authority.

section 28 Of a waste management plan have not been tried in the framework

for a procedure, the supervisory authority shall examine whether

the plan meets the requirements of this regulation. If the plan is

deficient, it shall submit to the operator

to remedy the deficiency.

section 29 the operator shall review the waste management plan

as soon as there is reason to do so, and at least every five

year. Changes to the plan shall, as soon as possible be notified to

the supervisory authority.

Characterization of extractive waste

section 30 of The program according to section 23 shall have a waste management plan shall

characterize the extractive waste resulting or

handled in the activities so that waste can be handled in the

meaning of section 22.

Characterization should be documented and include the

information set out in paragraphs 31 to 36 and, if necessary, include

the information is relevant for assessing whether

extractive waste is inert.

The collection and evaluation of information shall be carried out on the

as indicated in paragraphs 38 to 43.

31 § documentation shall contain a general description of the

the background to and objectives of the extraction with the overall

information about

1. the exploration, extraction and processing,

2. the methods of extraction and processing to be used

and a description of the methods, and

3. the intended final product characteristics.

32 § documentation shall contain such information on

geological conditions at the site of the discovery to be

be extracted that are of significance for identifying the

extractive waste extraction and processing produce

with information about

1. the surrounding mountain's chemical, mineralogical and other

characteristics and possible hydrothermal quartz transformation of both

mineralized as other parts of the surrounding rock,

2. type of deposit and full size and geometry,

3. type of mineralization and Northern chemical and

mineralogical characteristics and density, porosity,

particle size distribution, moisture content and other physical


4. chemical and mineralogical properties and density,

porosity, particle size distribution, moisture content and other

physical properties of occurring gaits and

hydrotermalt newly created mineral, and

5. weathering and near-surface conversion in chemical and mineralogical


33 § documentation shall include a description of the

extractive waste arising from the exploration,

the extraction and processing of information for each

types of

1. where on the extraction site waste comes from and the

or the activities which will give rise to

the waste,

2. the total quantity of waste which may arise,

3. the transport system for the waste;

4. the chemical products used in the processing and

product stability,

5. any hazardous characteristics listed in annex 1 to

Waste Regulation (2011:927) and if the waste is hazardous

waste, and

6. type of intended extractive waste facility, final

exposure form of waste and method of disposal of

the waste.

34 § documentation shall contain, for each of the types of waste

information is relevant for assessing the

physical properties. The assessment shall take into account

type of extractive waste facility and its

granulometry, plasticity, density, moisture content,

compaction ratio, shear strength, friction angle,

permeability, portal, compressibility and consolidation.

35 § documentation shall contain, for each waste type

information on the chemical and mineralogical characteristics

in the short and long term, and any additives and residues in

the waste.

36 § documentation shall for each waste type, and with

taking into account the intended handling, contain

information about the chemical composition of the scheme over time in the

leachate as waste. This documentation

should include information on

1. leaching of metals, oxyanjoner and its salts, as determined

by pH-dependent, time-dependent percolation leaching,

release or other appropriate test methods, and

2. the onset of acidic leachate and leaching of metals in

the sulphide bearing wastes, defined by static or kinetic


In the case of inert waste needs documentation

referred to in the first subparagraph include only information from

applicable geochemical testing.

The collection and evaluation of information for


37 § the information necessary for characterization of

extractive waste pursuant to sections 31 to 36 should be collected and evaluated

According to sections 38 to 43.

section 38 as a basis for characterization of extractive waste

such information shall be used that meet the requirements of 31-36

sections and see

1. geological surveys,

2. studies on similar sites,

3. lists of inert waste,

4. appropriate certification system or European or

national standards for similar material,

5. previously granted permission, or

6. other surveys or studies.

39 § an evaluation should be made of the quality of information

and whether or not it is representative. Any missing

information should be identified.

40 section if it is missing information necessary for

characterization of the waste, a sampling plan

be established in accordance with the standard EN 14899:2005 and samples

According to the plan of sampling and testing shall be carried out.

41 according to § 40 of the sampling plan shall be based on the

information for the plan's effectiveness has

identified in the case of

1. purpose of data collection,

2. inspection programs, and sampling requirements,

3. samples from drill cores, break fronts, conveyor belts,

landfill, the waste tray or other relevant

sampling sites, and

4. procedures and recommendations for the number of samples and

the size, weight, description, and management.

42 § Sampling validity and quality

to be evaluated.

43 § the results of characterization to evaluate. If the

further information is required for characterization, the

be collected in the manner provided in sections 38 to 42, and then


Assessment of an extractive waste facility shall be deemed to be

a risk plant

section 44 in determining whether an extractive waste facility,

considered to be a risk facility under section 10 first paragraph 1 shall

taking into account the whole life cycle of the plant, including the time

After the closure, as well as the size, location and

environmental impact at every point in its lifecycle. Plant

shall be deemed to be a risk facility if the deficiency

1. is attributable to the plant's structural integrity

or operation, and

2. could cause

a) a non-negligible probability of death,

(b)) a serious danger to human health, or

c) a serious danger to the environment.

45 § assessment of consequences and seriousness under section 44 shall


1. the immediate impact of materials as a result of a

a deficiency in the structural integrity of the plant can be

be discharged from the plant and the subsequent short-and

long-term effects of such emissions, and

2. emissions of pollutants caused by poorly functioning

protection measures, faulty or inadequate design or

other incorrect operation of the facility, taking into account

(a)) the effects of both short-term as lasting emissions of


b) facility operating time and the time after closing, and

(c)) the danger that reactive wastes in the plant, regardless of

If it is a hazardous waste or not.

section 46 The likelihood of death and danger to human

44 health referred to in § 2 shall be considered as negligible or not

serious about no other persons than those who manage the operation of the

the plant can be expected to be present permanently or

for long periods in the area that may be affected by

the shortage. Damage that can lead to disability or

longer periods of poor health must be regarded as a serious

danger to human health.

47 § The danger for the environment as referred to in paragraph 2 of section 44 shall not be deemed to

serious, about 1. the potential contamination greatly diminishes in strength

within a short period of time,

2. scarcity does not lead to any lasting or long-term

environmental damage, and

3. the impact on the environment can be restored with small

clean-up efforts.

48 § in the assessment of the likelihood of death and danger

to human health or the environment as referred to in section 44, the

potential effects should be assessed taking into account both

pollution source and pollutant dispersal route that the

humans and the environment to be protected. Flaws in a

fixed operational or structural stability to bring

the plant is considered to be a risk only if it

There is a propagation path between the source of contamination and the

humans and the environment to be protected.

49 § assessment of the likelihood of death or danger to

human health as a result of such a deficiency in a

waste tray structural integrity referred to in section 45 1

should include 1. the size, shape and other characteristics,

2. the volume of extractive waste in the facility and its

physical, chemical and other qualitative characteristics,

3. damping and other topographic features in and around

the area of the holding,

4. estimated time before a potential tidal wave reaches the areas where

people find themselves and such a flood routing

propagation speed,

5. estimated level and pitch rate for water or

the mixture of water and fine-grained extractive waste in

areas where the people are, and

6. other circumstances that are typical of the place where the

the plant is located, and that affects the likelihood of

death or danger to human health.

Deficiencies in the structural integrity of the waste tray must

always be considered a non-negligible probability for

death, if the level of the water or the mixture of water

and fine-grained extractive waste is at least 0.7 metres above the

ground level or if the speed of the water or mixture

of water and fine-grained extractive waste exceeds 0.5

meters per second.

section 50 of the assessment of the likelihood of death or danger

for human health referred to in paragraph 2 of section 44 on the grounds of racial or

landslides in a landfill shall cover

1. upplagets the size, shape and other characteristics,

2. the volume of extractive waste into the pile and its

physical, chemical and other qualitative characteristics,

3. upplagets släntlutning,

4. the possibility of a local ground water area can occur in


5. stability during the plea,

6. the topography,

7. proximity to surface water, plants and buildings,

8. access to current or previous extraction, and

9. other circumstances that are typical of the place where the

warehouse exists and contributes significantly to the danger.

Landslides at a landfill shall always be considered to confer a

non-negligible probability of death, if people can

come to reside within the reach of the waste loads

that may be in motion.

51 § extractive waste facility as at the end of the

the planned operation is expected to contain hazardous waste into a

certain share, determined on the basis of an estimate of the weight ratio

between the dry matter of the hazardous waste and

dry weight of all waste that is expected to be in

the plant at the end of the planned operation, shall be deemed to

be a risk facility, if

1. the proportion of hazardous waste exceeding 50 per cent, or

2. the proportion of hazardous waste amounts to 5% or more but

not more than 50% and the other judgement cannot be justified by

a) content of hazardous waste,

b) circumstances which is typical of the place where the

the plant is located, and

(c)) that there is no need to fear that an error or a

deficiency in the plant or in the operation of it would get

serious consequences.

An extractive waste facility shall not be deemed to be a

risk facility due to the proportion of hazardous waste, if the amount of

hazardous waste is below 5 percent.

52 section On assessing whether a planned waste tray is a

risk facility to calculate the danger posed by aqueous phase

1. take an inventory of the chemical products that will be used when

processing and then be discharged into the waste tray

tillsamamans with the fine-grained extractive waste,

2. for each year that the plant is planned to be in operation

make an estimate of the amount of chemical products

to be used in the processing,

3. for each chemical product to use when

processing determine whether the product is a dangerous chemical


4. for each year that the plant is planned to be in operation

calculate the annual increase in the number of cubic metres of stored water

in the waste tray for stationary conditions by

a) determine the number that indicates the number of tons of fine grained

extractive waste (dry weight) which are placed in

waste tray,

b) determine the number indicating it disposed of fine-grained

extractive waste's average dry bulk density in tonnes

per cubic meter,

c) divide the number referred to in point (a) of the number referred to in point (b);


d) multiply the result of (c) with the number indicating the

the sedimented fine-grained extractive waste's average

porosity, defined as the ratio of håligheternas

volume i number of cubic meters and it remained fine

the total volume of the extractive waste, in number of cubic meters, and

5. for each hazardous chemical product as determined in accordance

with 3 estimate the maximum annual concentration in the aqueous phase


a) determine the number that indicates the number of tons of the chemical

the product placed in the waste tray, and

b) divide the number referred to in point (a) of the number

the result of the calculation according to the 4.

If exact information is missing for the values in the first paragraph 4,

the default value of 1.4 tons per cubic meter can be used to

determine the dry bulk density as referred to in the first subparagraph 4 (b)

and the default value 0.5 cubic meters per cubic metre be used

to determine the porosity within the meaning of the first subparagraph 4 (d).

If the aqueous phase in the light of the estimate in 5 groups

dangerous chemical product, the waste tray is considered to be a

risk facility.

§ 53 when assessing whether a waste tray into operation shall

considered to be a danger hazard of aqueous phase installation shall

calculated in the same manner as under section 52 or based on a

direct chemical analysis of the water and fine-grained

extractive waste found in the plant. If the aqueous phase and

its content is a dangerous chemical product, complex

considered to be a risk facility.

54 section When a facility where metals are separated out or

concentrates from ore stockpile by percolation of

lakningslösningar (leaching) is closed to a

inventory is made by using the lakningskemikalier and

the amount of residue in drainage systems after

finished rinsing. If the liquid in the drainage systems is a

dangerous chemical product, the plant is considered a

risk facility.

The location and design of a

extractive waste facility

55 § location of an extractive waste facility shall be

appropriate in light of

1. the geological, hydrological, seismic, geotechnical and

hydrogeological conditions on and around the site, and

to the danger of flooding, subsidence, landslides,

avalanches and erosion,

2. the presence of groundwater, surface waters and coastal waters, and

3. the protection of the cultural and natural values and the existence of

protected areas.

56 section On who operates or intends to operate a

extractive waste facility shall ensure that the facility

be designed so that

1. it is appropriate to take account of the possibilities for

operation of the plant, and after it has been shut down to comply with the

waste management requirements imposed by the Swedish environmental code and

regulations issued on the basis of the beam,

2. the adverse effects on human health and the environment are avoided

as far as possible,

3. it is and will continue to be stable, geotekniskt


4. after closing requires a minimum degree of

monitoring, maintenance and control.

Strategy for preventing major accidents and

security management system and internal emergency plan

57 § if there is a risk in a business establishment, the

the responsible party shall ensure that for the

strategy to prevent serious accidents, a

security management system for the implementation of the strategy and a

internal emergency plan specifying the measures to be

taken at the facility in the event of a serious accident.

Strategy, the security management system and the internal

the contingency plan should be tailored to the risk of

serious accidents as the facility is associated with under

the operation and after closure.

58 § Strategy should be documented and include

overall aims and principles of action for the management of

dangers of serious accidents and a description of how

security management system is structured.

59 § the operator shall ensure that the supervisory authority

get a copy of the strategy and the internal emergency plan.

60 § security management system shall relate to the governance of

operations in terms of organization and responsibilities,

methods, procedures and other procedures and resources to

design and implementation of the strategy.

The safety management system should include the procedures and

instructions that need to be determined and applied


1. tasks and responsibilities to the staff at all

levels of the organization involved in the effort to manage

dangers of serious accidents, identification of

training needs and implementation of training

needed, as well as other employees and any contractors '


2. to systematically identify dangers of serious

accidents arising from normal and abnormal

operational conditions and to evaluate such farors probability

and seriously,

3. the maintenance of the complex, the processes, the

equipment, the measures in case of temporary interruption or the like

otherwise needed for a safe operation,

4. to plan and implement new construction or other

changes in the plant,

5. that with systematic analysis to identify foreseeable

emergency situations and to prepare, test and review

contingency plans designed for such situations,

6. to report the discovery of the security measures that are not

works, incidents, and serious accidents,

7. to examine, monitor and learn from the experience acquired,

continuously assess how security management system consistent

with the objectives and principles referred to in paragraph 58 and to explore

and correct non-compliance,

8. to regularly and systematically make a revision and

review of the strategy and security management system

efficiency and convenience, and

9. to inform the operator's senior management about

the results of the audit and review and, if necessary,

decide on updates as well as to document the highest

management's review of the strategy and

the security management system.

61 section in the operator's organization, a person in

supervisors are appointed to have the operational responsibility to

the strategy is implemented and continuously supervised.

62 § the operator shall consult with the municipality and the

employees and other personnel who could affect the dangers of

serious accidents when the internal emergency plan

be established.

63 § internal emergency plan should always include

1. the names or positions of persons authorized

to start an internal emergency response as well as on the people

its task is to ensure coordination of immediate

rescue operations,

2. indication of who or what is responsible for the contact with

the municipality in the case of such an emergency plan which

the municipality establishes under Chapter 3. section 6 of the Regulation (2003:789)

on protection against accidents,

3. a description of the measures to be taken to

prevent and mitigate severe damage to human health and the

the environment for any situation or the kind of event that can

foreseen and which operations can play a crucial role

for the emergence of a serious accident and other incidents,

with an account of available equipment and

the resources available to deal with such situations and


4. a description of the warning system and the measures to be

taken at the alert as well as the measures in General aimed at

to limit damage to human health,

5. a description of procedures for alerting of the municipality

Organization of emergency assistance in the event of a serious accident and

the information to be provided in case of alarm,

6. a description of procedures for cooperation with the municipality's

Organization of emergency assistance in the event of a serious accident, with

procedures for how support should be provided for interventions outside


7. a description of how the staff are trained and exercised,

8. a description of how the samövning with the municipality's organization

for civil protection is implemented, if such a samövning is needed,


9. a description of the plans for how the environment can be

cleaned up and restored after a serious accident in order to

minimize the impact.

Information on applying for a licence

64 § it as in the case of activities covered by this

Regulation applies for a licence referred to in 9

or Chapter 11. the environmental code, in connection with the application, inform

the licensing authority if

1. who operates or intends to operate,

2. the location where business is conducted or to be conducted on

by describing the location and possible alternative sites,

3. content of the waste management plan as required by

This regulation,

4. the security in case of an extractive waste facility

According to an independent qualified appraisal required by 15

Cape. 34 § environmental code and the attention that has been given to a

any unplanned or early closure of

the plant and the additional costs that such a closure,


5. how the otherwise ensure that the provisions of this

Regulation are complied with.

Control before disposal started

65 § the operator of an extractive waste facility shall see

to disposal of extractive waste does not start

before the supervisory authority has verified that the facility

meets the requirements placed on it

State, announced regulations and decided

injunctive relief.

section 66 if the supervisor determines that the requirements referred to in

section 65 are fulfilled, it shall notify the

the operator that the disposal operations may commence.

Operation of an extractive waste facility

67 § the operator of an extractive waste facility shall see

the facility is consistent with the municipality's waste plan

According to chapter 15. section 11 of the environmental code.

68 § the operator of an extractive waste facility shall operate

and maintain the facility in a way that in the short and long

term ensures its physical stability and to prevent

accidents, pollution of soil, air, surface water and groundwater

and as far as possible, minimize the damage on


69 § the operator of a waste tray, shall ensure that

the concentration of cyanide or cyanide compounds as

are dissociated with a weak acid at a specified asset value

(pH) is as low as possible in the tray.

The concentration may not exceed 0.001% by weight (10

weight-ppm) the point where extractive waste discharged to

the waste tray.

70 § the operator of an extractive waste facility,

1. understanding of the characteristics of the waste

to be disposed of has in regards to produce leachate,

If the pollutants which the leachate may contain and

If the plant's water balance, and

2. ensure that the leachate and other polluted water from

the plant is taken care of and if necessary cleaned so that the water

can be discharged from the facility without the spill battles

on environmental quality standards for water or other provisions

for the protection of human health or the environment or against

terms and conditions that apply to your business.

The closing of an extractive waste facility

71 § the operator or close a

extractive waste facility, in conjunction with the

the plant is closed, make sure that the area has been affected

of the facility will be restored to a satisfactory condition

by performing or pay the reparation measures that

necessary and paying particular attention to the protection of land and

water quality, wild life, natural habitats,

the landscape, future land use and other health-

and environmental aspects.

72 § extractive waste facility may be considered to be closed first

When the reparation measures and other measures necessary for

to close the facility has been inspected and approved by

the supervisory authority.

73 section Before an extractive waste facility is closed,

operator to determine whether the facility is a

risk facility. The operator shall inform

the supervisory authority if the conditions on which it is based

for the assessment. The system may be considered closed only when

the regulator has approved the assessment.

§ 74 after an extractive waste facility has been closed

the operator shall, to the extent necessary with

account of the danger of accidents and the protection of human

health and the environment during the time the supervisory authority

Decides to ensure that

1. utskov, overflow and utskovskanaler are kept clean and


2. measuring and control equipment works,

3. the facility in General maintained, monitored and


4. shortcomings are remedied, and

5. follow 70 § if the closed plant still

would be in operation.

75 section Supervisor may take over the responsibilities of

the operator has under section 74.

Back filling of cavities

76 § whoever lays back extractive waste in a cavity

incurred during the extraction shall, whether the cavity

have arisen through extraction above or below ground, perform

controls and have a responsibility that corresponds to the responsibilities of a

operators are under 22, 56, 70, 71 and 74 sections.

Information to the public

77 § if in a municipality there are people who may be affected by a

serious accident at a risk facility, should the municipality ensure

to the people on a website or other appropriate

get information about the danger of serious accidents and

actions taken at the facility. The information shall


1. name of operator and indication of where the plant


2. an indication of the municipality that is responsible for the content of

the information,

3. a statement that the plant is covered by

the provisions of §§ 57 to 63,

4. a statement that the municipality has received all relevant

information about the dangers of serious accidents

the plant is associated with, and of the measures

taken or to be taken to prevent, Suppress and

reduce damage to human health and the environment,

5. a clear and simple statement of

a) activities at the facility,

b) product description, alternative chemical name or General

risk classification for each chemical product which occurs in

the facility, and

(c)) the waste at the plant that can cause serious

accidents with information on its most important dangerous


6. a general description of the serious accidents

that could occur and their radiological effects on

human health and the environment,

7. an indication of how the public will be warned and

be informed if this happens a serious accident,

8. a report on the measures which the public should take about

It happens to a serious accident,

9. a statement that the operator is

required to take the necessary measures within the plant site

and interact with the municipal emergency services to

manage and limit the consequences of a serious accident,

10. an indication of the emergency plan that is

According to Chapter 3. section 6 of the Regulation (2003:789) on protection against

accidents, and

11. a statement as to where more information may be obtained.

section 78 the municipality shall, every three years, review the

the content of the communication referred to in section 77, and, if necessary,

update the information.

79 section if there is a risk in a business establishment, the

the operator giving the municipality the information needed

to the municipality to meet their

information obligation.

List of closed extractive waste facilities

80 section environmental protection agency should maintain a list of closed

or abandoned extractive waste facilities carrying

or can pose serious hazards to human health or the

environment. The list shall be made available in an appropriate manner

to the public and regularly updated.

81 section supervisor shall identify such

extractive waste facilities as defined in section 80 and falling

under the regulator's remit and submit information

If the plants to the environmental protection agency.


82 section environmental protection agency may provide

1. regulations on what is an extractive waste

fine fraction, concentrations of pollutants and natural

background levels for determining whether the waste is inert

extractive waste, and

2. the provisions necessary for the implementation of section 81.

Before the environmental protection agency Announces rules referred to in the first

paragraph 1, the authority shall hear the geological


Supervision and control

83 § provisions on supervision and control are found in chapter 26.

the environmental code, the environmental protection Decree (2011:13) and in

Ordinance (1998:901) if the operator's own control.

Provisions on the operational supervisory responsibilities associated

with this regulation can be found in chapter 26. section 3, third subparagraph

the environmental code and Chapter 2. 4, 29 and 30 § §

environmental protection regulation.

84 § for each extractive waste facility,

supervisor do regular on-site inspections.

85 § the operator shall ensure that the documentation

referred to in section 6 of the Ordinance (1998:901) if

operators ' self-checking is preserved along with the

regarding the authorisation documents.

86 § where for an extractive waste facility

occurs which may affect the stability of the plant

or that may involve a considerable inconvenience to people's

health or the environment, the operator shall

1. as soon as possible, and not later than 48 hours after

the event, inform the supervisory authority of the event,

2. If necessary, take action under the internal

the contingency plan, and

3. follow the instructions of the supervisory authority

corrective measures.

Fees and penalties

87 § provisions on fees can be found in Chapter 27. the environmental code and

in the Ordinance (1998:940) if the fees for the examination and

supervision under the Environment Act.

88 § if there is a risk in a business establishment, the

the responsible party shall reimburse the costs been reasonable

of the municipality's public information according to § 77,

including keep the information up to date in accordance with section 78.

section 89 rules on penalties are provided in chapter 29. the environmental code.


90 § environmental protection agency shall carry out the

reporting obligations imposed by article 18(1) of

European Parliament and Council Directive 2006/21/EC of 15

March 2006 on the management of waste from extractive industries and

amending Directive 2004/35/EC, as amended by:

European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no 596/2009.

91 § the Swedish civil contingencies Agency shall carry out

the reporting obligations arising from article 18(2) of

Directive 2006/21/EC.

92 section in carrying out the obligations laid down in paragraphs 90 and 91

to the environmental protection agency and the Swedish civil

preparedness following the Commission decision 2009/358/EC of 29

April 2009 on the harmonisation and regular transmission of

information and the questionnaire referred to in articles 22 (1) (a)

and 18 of European Parliament and Council Directive 2006/21/EC

on the management of waste from the extractive industries.

Transitional provisions


1. This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 July 2013, when

Regulation (2008:722) of extractive waste shall cease to


2. This Regulation shall not apply to

extractive waste facilities closed by 31

August 2008.

3. Despite paragraph 69 shall, for the period prior to 1 may

by 2018, the concentration of cyanide or cyanide compounds as

are dissociated with a weak acid amount to 0.0025% w/w (25

weight-ppm), if the waste tray on 1 september 2008, in

operation or were subject to a condition referred to in 9 or

11 kap. the environmental code.