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The Library Team (2013:801)

Original Language Title: Bibliotekslag (2013:801)

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Scope of application

section 1 of this Act provides for the General

the library system. The public library system consists of

all publicly funded library activities and is


1. public libraries,

2. school libraries,

3. regional library activities;

4. University Library,

5. loan centers, and

6. other publicly funded library work.


section 2 of the libraries of the public libraries act

for the democratic development of society by contributing

to knowledge and free form their opinions.

The libraries of the public library system to promote

literature's position and interest in training,

education, training and research and cultural

activities in General. Library work should be

available for all.


3 § Library principals are municipalities, county councils, the State

and, in the case of certain schools, individual.

1. the municipalities are responsible For public libraries.

2. For school libraries charge municipalities, counties, the State

or individual principals in accordance with the provisions of 2

Cape. Education Act (2010:800).

3. regional library work responsible County Councils and

the municipalities that are not part of a County.

4. For College Library in universities and colleges

covered by the higher education Act (1992:1434) charge State.

5. For loan centres responsible State.

6. For other publicly funded library work

responsible it under specific provisions is a principal

for the business.

If a municipal or state libraries operated by any

other than the principal the principal is responsible to the

driver library complies with the provisions of this law.

Priority groups

section 4 of the libraries in the public libraries shall pay

Special attention to persons with disabilities,

among other things, according to their different needs and

conditions offer literature and technical AIDS

in order to take advantage of the information.

§ 5 Libraries in the public libraries shall pay

Special attention to national minorities and

people who have a mother tongue other than Swedish, among others

by offering the literature on

1. national minority languages,

2. other languages than the national minority languages and

Swedish, and

3. easy-to-read Swedish.

Public libraries

section 6, Every municipality must have public libraries. Public libraries should

be available to all and adapted to the users '


Peoples library range of media and services shall be

versatility and quality.

section 7 of the public library shall in particular promote reading and access

to literature.

Public libraries should work to increase awareness of how

information technology can be used for knowledge acquisition,

learning and participation in cultural life.

8 § public libraries shall pay particular attention to children

and young people to promote their language development and

encourage reading, inter alia by providing

literature based on their needs and circumstances.

§ 9 On public library services to the public toll-free borrow

or otherwise have access to literature in a particular

time regardless of the publishing form.

The first subparagraph shall not prevent public libraries take out

1. reimbursement of expenses for postage, photocopying and

other similar services, and

2. fee for cases where borrowers are not within the agreed period of leave

back what they have borrowed.

School libraries

paragraph 10 referred to in Chapter 2. 36 § Education Act (2010:800) to students in

primary schools, vocational programs, special school, Sami school,

secondary school and upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities have access to

school libraries.

Regional library activities

section 11 of Each county councils and the municipalities that are not included in a

the County Council is to conduct regional library activities with purpose

to promote co-operation, business development and quality

the case of the public libraries operating in the County.

College Library

12 § there should be access to the University libraries at all

universities and colleges covered by the higher education Act

(1992:1434). These libraries will

Library work in areas related to the

education and research at the University or college.

Loan centers

section 13 Of the supplementary information and media supplies

There shall be one or more loan centres.


section 14 in order to give everyone access to the country's overall

library resources to libraries and library principals within

the general libraries interact.

section 15 of the libraries in the public libraries should

complimentary set literature from the private collections of

each other's disposal.

The obligation to ask for complimentary literature

disposal does not apply to public or school libraries.

section 16 of the provision in Chapter 2. section 1 of the local Government Act (1991:900) if

relating to the municipality's territory or its members hampers

not that public or school libraries free of charge set

literature available to a library in the General

libraries that are situated outside the municipality.

Library plans

section 17 municipalities and counties to adopt the library plans for their

activities in the library area.


section 18 of the authority that the Government should have a

national overview of and promote collaboration within the

public libraries.

The authority shall, in collaboration with the regional

library activities and municipalities follow up how the

library plans adopted are designed and how they
