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Regulation (2014:405) If Police Elimination Database

Original Language Title: Förordning (2014:405) om Polismyndighetens elimineringsdatabas

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Introductory provision

paragraph 1 of this regulation are complementary provisions to the

Act (2014:400) if Police elimination database.

Terms and expressions used have the same meaning and

scope of the Act. Regulation (2014:1189).

Obligation to provide sample

section 2 of the obligation to provide samples for DNA analysis under section 8

Act (2014:400) if Police elimination database

includes those who are employed by the police authority and working

1. at the Swedish national forensic Center,

2. when the Agency's forensic sections, units or

groups, and

3. as the local crime scene investigators.

Regulation (2014:1189).

3 § in addition to those listed in section 2 are even others who regularly

allowed in the premises of Swedish national forensic Center

or the Agency's forensic sections, units or

groups are required to provide samples for DNA analysis under section 8

Act (2014:400) if Police elimination database.

The first paragraph also applies to employees of the manufacturer or

suppliers of consumable materials used in

DNA analyses.

The police authorities may communicate the details relating to the

required to provide samples for DNA analysis under this

clause. Regulation (2014:1189).

section 4 of the police authority decides which subject

the obligation to provide samples for DNA analysis in accordance with article 9 of the law

(2014:400) if Police elimination database.

Regulation (2014:1189).

Access to personal data


5 § search in elimination database may only be made by

designated officials of the Swedish national forensic Center

who is competent to conduct searches in the register of

DNA profiles that are regulated in Chapter 4. Police data Act

(2010:361). Regulation (2014:1189).

The procedure for compliance

section 6 Of article 4 of the Act (2014:400) if Police

Elimination database shows when DNA profiles may be compared with

DNA-profiles in elimination database.

A statement of conformity between a DNA profile in

Elimination database and a different DNA profile may only

processed by the designated officials of the National

forensiskt Centre whose task it is to investigate

from contamination by DNA analysis. Regulation (2014:1189).

section 7 If a DNA profile that has been developed during the investigation of the

crime matches a DNA profile in

Elimination database, the Swedish national forensic Center

provide information about the that have requested

DNA analysis and to investigating the leader. Indication

The DNA profile is for may not be provided. Regulation (2014:1189).

Additional regulations

section 8 of the police authority should keep a record of the

officials who perform the tasks referred to in paragraphs 5 and 6.

Regulation (2014:1189).

§ 9 the police authorities may communicate the additional regulations

necessary for enforcement of this regulation.

Regulation (2014:1189).