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Law (2014:421) If Secondary Apprenticeship Employment

Original Language Title: Lag (2014:421) om gymnasial lärlingsanställning

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Introductory provisions

section 1 of this Act provides for agreements on time-limited

employment (secondary apprenticeship employment) within

framework of the arbetsplatsförlagda learning may be concluded between the

1. a pupil who is undergoing such a secondary apprenticeship

referred to in Chapter 16. section 11 of the Education Act (2010:800), and

2. the legal or natural person providing the

arbetsplatsförlagda part of such education according to a

training contracts as set out in Chapter 16 of the. 11 a of the Education Act.

Employees covered by this Act are under other

subparagraph Act (1982:80) employment protection are exempted from

the Act's application.

In the Holidays Act (1977:480) includes special provisions on

vacation for workers in secondary apprenticeship employment.

section 2 of an agreement about secondary apprentice employment is invalid in

the extent that it cancels or reduces a

workers ' rights under this Act. Deviations from the

the law may, however, be made by collective agreements

or approved by a central workers ' organization.

An employer bound by a collective agreement in accordance with

the first subparagraph shall apply also to workers who

are not members of the Contracting

workers ' organization but who are employed in such work

referred to in the agreement.

Contract of employment

section 3 of The agreement on secondary apprenticeship employment may refer to the entire

or some of the time for the arbetsplatsförlagda learning in

This secondary apprentice training.

4 section within one month after the employee has started

his employment, the employer shall provide written information

to the worker if all conditions of the material

significance of the contract or

the employment relationship. If the period of employment is shorter than

three weeks, the employer is not obliged to provide such


That information shall include at least the following information:

1. employer's and the employee's name and address,

employment starting date as well as the workplace,

2. that the employment is for a secondary apprenticeship employment

and a brief specification or description of the employee's


3. the final day or conditions

to the employment shall cease,

4. the starting salary, other fringe benefits and how often the salary shall


5. the length of the employee's paid vacation, to

annual leave shall be agreed in particular and what applies in

question about vacation pay vacation pay earned

but not charged,

6. the length of the employee's normal working day or

work week, and

7. the applicable collective agreements, where appropriate.

The information on conditions of employment

termination referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 3, as well as information

referred to in the second subparagraph, 4 – 6 may, if appropriate, be given in the

the form of references to other statutes, collective agreements

or a training contract regulating these matters.

§ 5 If the prerequisites for employment be amended by a

decision of the employer or by an agreement between the

the employer and the employee and the change applies to any of

the information that the employer has or should have informed the

If, according to paragraph 4, the employer shall provide written information

If the change within a month.

section 6 of the employment relationship is terminated when the arbetsplatsförlagda learning

According to the training contract ends. Termination of employment

before that, however, if

1. the expiry of the agreement on secondary

apprenticeship employment,

2. a party may withdraw from the contract in accordance with education

the terms and conditions of, or

3. a party may withdraw from the employment, but not

training contract, in a situation where

training contract may be annulled, in accordance with the terms

in it.


section 7 an employer shall pay compensation to the worker

for the loss incurred and for the tort that

occurs when the employer

1. cancel this secondary apprenticeship employment early,


2. breach of the obligation to provide written information

to the employee in accordance with paragraphs 4 or 5.

What is said in the first paragraph 1 does not apply in such a case

referred to in paragraph 6 of the 2 or 3.

If it is appropriate, reparation can be reduced or completely

fall away.

Statute of limitations

section 8 a worker who wants to claim damages under section 7 shall

bring an action within six months from the date on which the

harmful event took place. If no action is brought within

This time, the worker has lost its appeal.


§ 9 Goals on the application of this law are dealt with according to the law

(1974:371) on trial in labour disputes.